All Work Products must meet the Work Product Quality requirements as set forth in the TC Process Policy. A checklist is available to help editors ensure that Work Products meet the requirements prior to submitting for upload. Any Work Products submitted that do not meet these requirements will be rejected by TC Administration.
Each Work Product must contain an Acknowledgements section listing those individuals who participated in the development of the Work Product.
If a Work Product contains references, those references must be in proper location as specified in the Work Product template and clearly identified as either Normative or Non-Normative References.
References to OASIS Work Products must be in the proper citation format and conform to the citation requirement noted in the referenced Work Product, if any.
All Working Drafts must be maintained in the TC's document repository in their editable format.
Approved Work Products at any stage must be maintained in the OASIS Library in the editable source, HTML and PDF formats. The TC must explicitly designate one of the formats as authoritative.
TC Administration will add links to the Work Products in the OASIS Library ( to the TC's document repository.
A Multi-Part Work Product may consist of:
The Work Product, even if multi-part, must have a single name and version number, and must be approved at each stage by a single Work Product Ballot. That is, the constituent parts cannot advance independently of each other or stand on their own.
In the case of multiple prose documents, there should be a single primary prose document that then refers to the distinct parts. Each distinct part should clearly state that it is part of the Work Product and refer to both the top-level document and any other related prose documents.
FOR EXAMPLE The Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 Work Product consists of four prose documents, with the first being the primary:
Any change made to a Work Product requires a new version or revision number. Each time a Working Draft is approved as a Committee Specification Draft or Committee Note Draft, TC Administration will prepend the proper introductory pages, Notices, and other boilerplate text. At each successive level of approval, TC Administration will make the following allowed changes to the approved Work Product:
In addition, if any references are made to an OASIS Committee Specification that is approved as an OASIS Standard prior its publication, such references will updated to refer to the OASIS Standard.
Where any definition in the separate files disagrees with the definition found in the specification, the definition in the separate file prevails.
The last numbered section in a Work Product (immediately preceding any appendices) must contain a set of numbered conformance clauses. The OASIS Technical Advisory Board has prepared a guide to writing conformance clauses for those unfamiliar with the practice. In order for an implementation to claim conformance to the specification, it must adhere to the conformance clauses as specified.
Conformance clauses are not required for Committee Specification Drafts, although the placeholder provided in the template should remain in place.
None required.
The cover page, and in formats that support headers and footers on every page, must clearly indicate whether the document is a Standards Track Work Product or Non-Standards Track Work Product.
In addition, a Non-Standards Track Work Product must clearly state that the patent provisions of the IPR Policy do not apply.
Non-Standards Track Work Products must not contain language that would otherwise fall within the definition of Normative Portion (were they subject to its provisions).
NOTE: Different templates are used to distinguish Standards Track Work Products from Non-Standards Track Work Products. If a TC originally requests a template for one track and then decides to switch tracks, it must notify TC Administration to obtain a new template and for assistance in transferring the content.
Please report any errors or corrections to the OASIS TC Administrator. Thank you!