OASIS TC Handbook

Work Product Quality Checklist

All Work Products must meet the Work Product Quality requirements as set forth in the TC Process Policy. This checklist is designed to help editors ensure that Work Products meet the requirements prior to submitting for upload. Any Work Products submitted that do not meet these requirements will be rejected by TC Administration.


IMPORTANT: Before a Working Draft is approved as a CND or CSD by a TC, the editor should carefully review the document to ensure it meets the Work Product Quality Requirements. The Work Product Quality Checklist is designed for this purpose. If problems are encountered during the quality review the editor will need to make the necessary changes, upload a new Working Draft to the TC repository, and then request the TC to approve the new Working Draft.


Work Product titles

The title of a Work Product must not contain any trademarks or service marks not owned by OASIS. It must be unique (that is, a TC cannot assign a title that is already in use by another TC unless undertaking a Maintenance Activity). The Title must include a Version identifier (i.e. Version 1.0, Version 1.0.1)

CHECK: That your Work Product Title conforms to the rules above (i.e. Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2)



All Work Products must be authored using an OASIS-supplied template. Templates are available for OpenOffice Writer, Microsoft Word, and HTML. Additionally, for those wishing to author their Work Products in XML, authoring environments are available for DocBook. It is anticipated that a DITA authoring environment will be available shortly; please check with the TC Administrator if interested.

The templates for Standards Track Work Products and Non-Standards Track Work Products differ; Work Products must be prepared using the appropriate template.

When a Work Product is registered with TC Administration, a template is prepared that contains custom properties specific to the actual Work Product which are used to facilitate generation of the cover page metadata and boilerplate content. Templates must not be reused. Should a TC wish to modify any of the information, such as changes to the Work Product Title, Chairs or Editors, or should the TC wish to switch tracks, they must notify TC Administration who will provide assistance.

CHECK: to ensure you are using the template that was explicitly sent to the TC for the Work Product in question. If you have a Work Product currently in progress, please contact TC Administration who will assist you with migrating your existing document.

File Names

Work Product filenames and directories must contain only the following allowed characters: uppercase letters A-Z, lowercase letters a-z, numerals 0-9, hyphen (-), and period(.)

The underscore character ("_") may be used in cases where an application (unavoidably) generates this character; for example, when saving a document from Microsoft Word as HTML, a directory is created that contains an underscore character for images and other resources.

The main Work Product filename (i.e., the stage-specific filename) must be of this format:



WPabbrev is the abbreviation for the Work Product identified in the registration request, and VersionID is the version number (thus: SAML-v1.0, DITA-v1.2, OpenDocument-v1.2, emix-v1.0),

StageAbbrev is the abbreviation for the current stage and Revision## is a two digit number identifying the revision, (thus: wd01, wd02, csd02, cs01), and

ext is the filename extension corresponding to the Media/MIME type associated with the file (i.e., .doc, .odt, .html)

Example filenames: energyinterop-v1.0-csd01.doc, xrd-v1.0-cs01.xml

CHECK: that your file is using the proper filename

Hypertext Links

Any references to information resources using HTTP scheme URIs (http:// or https://) must be active hypertext links: a reader with Internet connectivity should be able to click on the link and retrieve the content stored at that location. Hypertext links must dereference to the target location specified in the prose text - that is, a reader with internet connectivity should be able to to click on the link and retrieve the content expected. The document's Table of Contents (TOC) must support active hypertext links to the named sections and subsections.

FOR EXAMPLE: The string "http://docs.oasis-open.org/TChandbook/" must be an active hypertext link, the target of which must be http://docs.oasis-open.org/TChandbook/.

CHECK: that each hypertext link contained in prose documents are active, that they are correct, and that they resolve to the desired location.


If a Work Product contains references, those references must be in proper location as specified in the Work Product template and clearly identified as either Normative or Non-Normative References.

References to OASIS Work Products must be in the proper citation format and conform to the citation requirement noted in the referenced Work Product, if any.


Work Product title (italicized). Approval date (DD Month YYYY). Stage Identifier and Revision Number (e.g., Committee Specification Draft 01). Principal URI (version-specific URI, e.g., including the filename component with stage and revision: /somespec-v1.0-csd01.html).

Two examples:

Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2. 01 July 2010. OASIS Standard. http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/CAP-v1.2-os.html.


Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2. 19 January 2011. OASIS Committee Specification Draft 07. http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/csd07/OpenDocument-v1.2-csd07.html.

CHECK: that each supplied reference is properly cited and that the hypertext links are correct.

Conformance (Required only for Standards Track Work Products)

The last numbered section immediately preceding any Appendices in a Standards Track Work Product must be the Conformance Section which should contain a set of numbered conformance clauses which implementations must adhere to. This section is required in a Committee Specification Public Review Draft, Committee Specification, and any specification at OASIS Standard level. See the Conformance Guidelines prepared by the OASIS Technical Advisory Board for more information on conformance.

CHECK: to ensure that your Work Product contains a Conformance Section and that it is the last major section immediately preceding any Appendices. The actual conformance clauses do not need to be present in a Committee Specification Draft, but must be included in any CSD that is further approved for public review.


Each Work Product must contain an Acknowledgements section (Appendix A) listing those individuals who participated in the development of the Work Product.

CHECK: that the acknowledgements section is complete.

Computer Language Definition Files

The TC Process stipulates that files designed principally for machine processing (e.g., machine-readable files like XML schemas, XML instances, Java code) must be prepared as separate plain text files. Such normative computer language definitions must be well formed and valid according to their type; each such machine-readable file must be referenced by URI in the prose document(s) for the Work Product of which it is a part.

character set rules

appropriately named

well-formed and valid

plain text

CHECK: to ensure that you have created a zip file containing all related assets that is properly structured with contents appropriately named.

Authoritative Document Format

The TC must explicitly designate one of the three required delivery formats (editable source; HTML/XHTML; PDF) as the authoritative document.

CHECK: to ensure that the TC has determined which format (editable source, HTML or PDF) is to be the authoritative document.



Please report any errors or corrections to the OASIS TC Administrator. Thank you!