
The teletype (<tt>) element is used to apply monospaced highlighting to the content of the element. Use this element only when there is not some other more proper tag. This element is part of the DITA highlighting domain.


( text data or ph or codeph or synph or filepath or msgph or userinput or systemoutput or b or u or i or tt or sup or sub or uicontrol or menucascade or term or xref or cite or q or boolean or state or keyword or option or parmname or apiname or cmdname or msgnum or varname or wintitle or tm) (any number)

Contained by

title, shortdesc, section, example, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, figgroup, pre, lines, ph, stentry, draft-comment, fn, cite, xref, linkinfo, entry, prereq, context, cmd, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, proptype, propvalue, propdesc, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, pt, pd, fragref, synnote


topic/ph, hi-d/tt


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
%univ-atts; (%select-atts;, %id-atts;, translate, xml:lang) A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
class A common attribute described in Other common DITA attributes


<p>Make sure that the screen displays <tt>File successfully created</tt> before
proceeding to the next stage of the task.</p>
(Tag purists may delight to point out that this example could be more correctly marked with the msgph element.)

OASIS DITA Language Specification v1.0 -- 09 May 2005
Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2005. All Rights Reserved.