The <lines> element may be used to represent dialogs, lists, text fragments, and so forth. The <lines> element is similar to <pre> in that hard line breaks are preserved, but the font style is not set to monospace, and extra spaces inside the lines are not preserved.
( text data or ph or codeph or synph or filepath or msgph or userinput or systemoutput or b or u or i or tt or sup or sub or uicontrol or menucascade or term or xref or cite or q or boolean or state or keyword or option or parmname or apiname or cmdname or msgnum or varname or wintitle or tm or draft-comment or required-cleanup or fn or indextermref or indexterm) (any number)
Name | Description | Data Type | Default Value | Required? |
%display-atts; (scale, frame, expanse) | A set of related attributes, described at %display-atts; | parameter entity | PE not applicable | Not applicable |
%univ-atts; (%select-atts;, %id-atts;, translate, xml:lang) | A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts; | parameter entity | PE not applicable | Not applicable |
spectitle | The specialized title attribute allows architects of specialized types to define a fixed or default title for a specialized element. Not intended for direct use by authors. | CDATA | #IMPLIED | No |
xml:space | This attribute is provided on <pre>, <lines>, and on elements specialized from them. It ensures that parsers in editors and transforms respect the line-end characters that are part of the data in those elements. It is intended to be part of the default properties of these elements, and not for authors to change or delete. | (preserve) | #FIXED 'preserve' | Yes |
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) | A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; | parameter entity | PE not applicable | Not applicable |
class, outputclass | Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes |
On a trip to the beach, don't forget: <lines> suntan lotion sunglasses a beach towel </lines>
OASIS DITA Language Specification v1.0 -- 09 May 2005
Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2005. All Rights Reserved.