
The figure (<fig>) element is a display context (sometimes called an "exhibit") with an optional title for a wide variety of content. Most commonly, the figure element contains an image element (a graphic or artwork), but it can contain several kinds of text objects as well. A title is placed inside the figure element to provide a caption to describe the content.


( (title) (optional) then (desc) (optional) then (figgroup or p or lq or note or dl or parml or ul or ol or sl or pre or codeblock or msgblock or screen or lines or image or object or simpletable) (any number) )

Contained by

body, section, example, p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, conbody, prereq, context, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, pd




Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
%display-atts; (scale, frame, expanse) A set of related attributes, described at %display-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%univ-atts; (%select-atts;, %id-atts;, translate, xml:lang) A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
spectitle The specialized title attribute allows architects of specialized types to define a fixed or default title for a specialized element. Not intended for direct use by authors. CDATA #IMPLIED No
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes


<fig expanse="column"><title>The Handshake</title>
<image href="handshake.jpg" alt="The Handshake"/>

OASIS DITA Language Specification v1.0 -- 09 May 2005
Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2005. All Rights Reserved.