The fragment reference (<fragref>) element provides a logical reference to a syntax definition fragment so that you can reference a syntax fragment multiple times. This element is part of the DITA programming domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document programming tasks, concepts and reference information.
( text data or ph or codeph or synph or filepath or msgph or userinput or systemoutput or b or u or i or tt or sup or sub or uicontrol or menucascade or term or q or boolean or state or keyword or option or parmname or apiname or cmdname or msgnum or varname or wintitle or tm) (any number)
Name | Description | Data Type | Default Value | Required? |
href | A reference to a syntax diagram fragment element. The href attribute
uses conventional URL syntax to point to the ID of the matching syntax diagram
fragment:href="#topicid/fragmentid" |
importance | The attribute indicates whether the element it modifies is optional or required. | optional | required | #IMPLIED | No |
%univ-atts-no-importance | A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts;, but without the importance attribute | parameter entity | PE not applicable | Not applicable |
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) | A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; | parameter entity | PE not applicable | Not applicable |
class, outputclass | Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes |
<syntaxdiagram frame="none"> <title>CopyFile</title> <groupseq><kwd>COPYF</kwd></groupseq> <groupcomp><var>input-filename</var><kwd>*INFILE</kwd></groupcomp> <groupseq><var>output-filename</var><kwd>*OUTFILE</kwd></groupseq> <fragref href="#syntax/overlay"></fragref> <groupchoice><var>input-filename</var><kwd>*INFILE</kwd></groupchoice> <groupchoice><var>output-filename</var><kwd>*OUTFILE</kwd></groupchoice> <fragment id="overlay"> <title>Overlay</title> <groupchoice><kwd>*OVERLAP</kwd><kwd>*Prompt</kwd></groupchoice> </fragment> </syntaxdiagram>produces the following output:
CopyFile >>-COPYF--input-filename*INFILE--output-filename--*OUTFILE------> >--| Overlay |--+-input-filename-+--+-output-filename-+-------->< '-*INFILE--------' '-*OUTFILE--------' Overlay |--+-*OVERLAP-+-------------------------------------------------| '-*Prompt--'
OASIS DITA Language Specification v1.0 -- 09 May 2005
Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2005. All Rights Reserved.