OASIS Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) Version 1.0
Part 0: Overview

Committee Specification 01

18 July 2012

Specification URIs

This version:

http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp/core/v1.0/cs01/amqp-core-overview-v1.0-cs01.xml (Authoritative)



Previous version:

http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp/core/v1.0/csprd01/amqp-core-overview-v1.0-csprd01.xml (Authoritative)



Latest version:

http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp/core/v1.0/amqp-core-overview-v1.0.xml (Authoritative)



Technical Committee:

OASIS Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) TC


Ram Jeyaraman (Ram.Jeyaraman@microsoft.com), Microsoft

Angus Telfer (angus.telfer@inetco.com), INETCO Systems


Robert Godfrey (robert.godfrey@jpmorgan.com), JPMorgan Chase & Co.

David Ingham (David.Ingham@microsoft.com), Microsoft

Rafael Schloming (rafaels@redhat.com), Red Hat

Additional artifacts:

This specification consists of the following documents:

·        Part 0: Overview (this document) - Overview of the AMQP specification

·        Part 1: Types - AMQP type system and encoding

·        Part 2: Transport - AMQP transport layer

·        Part 3: Messaging - AMQP Messaging Layer

·        Part 4: Transactions - AMQP Transactions Layer

·        Part 5: Security - AMQP Security Layers

·        XML Document Type Definition (DTD)

Related work:

This specification replaces or supersedes:

·        AMQP v1.0 Final, 07 October 2011. http://www.amqp.org/specification/1.0/amqp-org-download


The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open internet protocol for business messaging. It defines a binary wire-level protocol that allows for the reliable exchange of business messages between two parties. AMQP has a layered architecture and the specification is organized as a set of parts that reflects that architecture. Part 1 defines the AMQP type system and encoding. Part 2 defines the AMQP transport layer, an efficient, binary, peer-to-peer protocol for transporting messages between two processes over a network. Part 3 defines the AMQP message format, with a concrete encoding. Part 4 defines how interactions can be grouped within atomic transactions. Part 5 defines the AMQP security layers.


This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the "Latest version" location noted above for possible later revisions of this document.

Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the Technical Committee's email list. Others should send comments to the Technical Committee by using the "Send A Comment" button on the Technical Committee's web page at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=amqp.

For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/amqp/ipr.php).

Citation format:

When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:


OASIS Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) Version 1.0 Part 0: Overview. 18 July 2012. OASIS Committee Specification 01. http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp/core/v1.0/cs01/amqp-core-overview-v1.0-cs01.html.


Copyright © OASIS Open 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents

0.1 Introduction
      0.1.1 Terminology
      0.1.2 Normative References
      0.1.3 Non-normative References
0.2 Conformance
0.3 Acknowledgements
0.4 Revision History

0.1 Introduction

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol is an open internet protocol for business messaging.

AMQP is comprised of several layers. The lowest level defines an efficient, binary, peer-to-peer protocol for transporting messages between two processes over a network. Above this, the messaging layer defines an abstract message format, with concrete standard encoding. Every compliant AMQP process MUST be able to send and receive messages in this standard encoding.

0.1.1 Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

The authoritative form of the AMQP specification consists of a set of XML source documents. These documents are transformed into PDF and HTML representations for readability. The machine readable version of the AMQP DTD describes the XML used for the authoritative source documents. This DTD includes the definition of the syntax used in the excerpts of XML presented in the PDF and HTML representations.

0.1.2 Normative References

American National Standards Institute, Inc., American National Standard for Information Systems, Coded Character Sets - 7-Bit American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (7-Bit ASCII), ANSI X3.4-1986, March 26, 1986.

A. Phillips, Ed., M. Davis, Ed., Tags for Identifying Languages. IETF BCP: 47, September 2009.

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Parameters.

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), Private Enterprise Numbers.

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), Language Subtag Registry.

Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. IEEE 754-2008, August 2008.

The Single UNIX Specification, Version 4. IEEE Std 1003.1-2008, December 2008.

R. Elz, R. Bush, Serial Number Arithmetic. IETF RFC 1982, August 1996.

N. Freed, N. Borenstein, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types. IETF RFC 2046, November 1996.

S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. IETF RFC 2119, March 1997.

D. Crocker, Ed., P. Overell, Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF. IETF RFC 2234, November 1997.

R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. IETF RFC 2616, June 1999.

P. Leach, M. Mealling, R. Salz, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace. IETF RFC 4122, July 2005.

S. Blake-Wilson, M. Nystrom, D. Hopwood, J. Mikkelsen, T. Wright, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions. IETF RFC 4366, April 2006.

A. Melnikov, Ed., K. Zeilenga, Ed., Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). IETF RFC 4422, June 2006.

K. Zeilenga, Ed., The PLAIN Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism. IETF RFC 4616, August 2006.

T. Dierks, E. Rescorla., The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2. IETF RFC 5246, August 2008.

A. Phillips, Ed., M. Davis, Ed., Tags for Identifying Languages. IETF RFC 5646, September 2009.

C. Newman, A. Menon-Sen, A. Melnikov, N. Williams, Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) SASL and GSS-API Mechanisms. IETF RFC 5802, July 2010.

The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 6.0.0, (Mountain View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, 2011. ISBN 978-1-936213-01-6)

0.1.3 Non Normative References

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Connection Capabilities

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Connection Properties

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Delivery Annotations

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Distribution Modes

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Filters

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Footer

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Link Capabilities

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Link Properties

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Link State Properties

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Message Annotations

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Node Properties

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Session Capabilities

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Session Properties

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Source Capabilities

AMQP Capabilities Registry: Target Capabilities

0.2 Conformance

AMQP defines a wire level protocol for business messaging. The definition allows for all common business messaging behaviors. AMQP does not define a wire-level distinction between "clients" and "brokers", the protocol is symmetric. It is expected and encouraged that implementations of AMQP will have different capabilities. Expectations of the capabilities of a "client library" are different from expectations of a "broker" which are themselves different from the capabilities of a "router". As relevant profiles emerge (where appropriate and applicable) these will be formalised.

A conformant implementation MUST perform protocol negotiation (see section 2.2), and then parse, process, and produce frames in accordance with the format and semantics defined in parts 1 through 5 of this specification.

Conformant implementations MUST NOT require the use of any extensions defined outside this document in order to interoperate with any other conformant implementation.

Part 1 of this document defines the type system and type encodings that every conformant implementation MUST implement.

Part 2 defines the peer-to-peer transport protocol which operates over TCP. Every conformant implementation of AMQP over TCP MUST implement Part 2. Future standards mapping AMQP to protocols other than TCP MAY modify or replace Part 2 when AMQP is being used over that protocol. A conformant implementation MUST implement Part 2 or a mapping of AMQP to some non-TCP protocol.

Part 2 admits behaviors that might not be appropriate for every implementation. For example a "client library" might not allow for its communication partner to spontaneously attempt to initiate a connection and request messages. Where an implementation does not allow for a behavior the implementation MUST respond according to the rules defined within Part 2 of the specification.

Part 3 of this document defines the AMQP Messaging Layer. Every conformant implementation which processes messages MUST implement this part of the specification.

Some implementations might not process messages (for example, an implementation acting as a "router" which looks only at the routing information carried by the AMQP Transport layer). Such implementations do not actively implement Part 3, but MUST NOT act in ways which violate the rules of this part of the specification.

The Messaging layer admits behaviors that might not be appropriate for all implementations (and within an implementation all behaviors might not be available for all configurations). Where a behavior is not admitted, the implementation MUST respond according to the rules defined within this specification.

Part 4 defines the requirements for transactional messaging. Transactional messaging defines two roles, that of the transactional resource and that of the transaction controller. A conformant implementation SHOULD be capable of operating in one of these roles but MAY be unable to operate in either (for instance a simplistic client library might have no ability to act as a transaction controller and would not be expected to act as a transactional resource).

It is RECOMMENDED that implementations designed to act as messaging intermediaries support the ability to act as a transactional resource. It is RECOMMENDED that implementations or re-usable libraries provide Application Programming Interfaces to enable them to act as transactional controllers.

Where a behavior is not admitted, the rules defined in part 4 regarding responses to non-admitted behaviors MUST be followed.

Part 5 defines Security Layers to provide an authenticated and/or encrypted transport. Implementations SHOULD allow the configuration of appropriate levels of security for the domain in which they are to be deployed.

Conformant implementations acting in the TCP server role are strongly RECOMMENDED to implement section 5.2 (or subsection 5.2.1). Implementations acting in the TCP server role are strongly RECOMMENDED to implement section 5.3 and to support commonly used SASL mechanisms. In particular such implementations SHOULD support the PLAIN [RFC4616] and SCRAM-SHA1 [RFC5802] mechanisms.

Conformant implementations acting in the TCP client role SHOULD be capable of being configured to connect to an implementation in the TCP server role that is following the recommendations above.

0.3 Acknowledgements

The following individuals have contributed significantly towards the creation of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged:

The following individuals were members of the OASIS AMQP Technical Committee during the creation of this specification and their contributions are gratefully acknowledged:

0.4 Revision History

2012-07-18 : Committee Specification 1
AMQP-75 :Minor corrections to the front matter
2012-05-29 : Committee Specification Public Review Draft 2
2012-05-29 : Committee Specification Draft 2
2012-05-28 : Working Draft 9
AMQP-71 :Update acknowledgements to reflect current TC member list
AMQP-72 :In the PDF, add explicit links to all Parts of the document (including DTD) and state authoritative version
AMQP-73 :add clarity to document composition and XML excerpts
2012-05-15 : Working Draft 8
AMQP-62 :Better explain the role of the XML notation used in the specification and its relation to the wire format
AMQP-63 :Improve the conformance section
AMQP-64 :Fix typo in 2.1, second sentence needs initial capital letter
AMQP-65 :Better explain the relationship between links, connections, channels and sessions
AMQP-66 :Remove non-normative use of RFC2119 keywords
AMQP-67 :Improve presentation of the Revision History of the document
AMQP-69 :Fix rendering of sub- and superscript in HTML
2012-02-21 : Committee Specification Public Review Draft 1
2012-02-21 : Committee Specification Draft 1
2012-02-20 : Working Draft 7
AMQP-56 :Fix links to non-normative AMQP Capabilities and Related Work
AMQP-61 :Fixes to front-matter presentation
2012-02-15 : Working Draft 6
AMQP-58 :Fix capitalization of headings on front page material
AMQP-59 :Add missing acknowledgments
AMQP-60 :Correct PDF ToC entry for DTD
2012-02-13 : Working Draft 5
AMQP-50 :Section 3.2.16 is rendered differently in the html and pdf versions of the draft.
AMQP-51 :Add missing acknowledgments
AMQP-52 :Appendix A DTD is missing in the PDF document.
AMQP-53 :Add Revision History
AMQP-54 :Fix capitalization differences between HTML and PDF on front page
AMQP-55 :Change labeling of DTD on front page
AMQP-57 :Unresolved cross references due to removal of redundant subsection
2012-02-02 : Working Draft 4
AMQP-43 :Review comments from Ram Jeyaraman
2012-02-01 : Working Draft 3
AMQP-29 :Add introductory description of the spec's XML schema
AMQP-36 :Clarify that delivery-count is not a count (in 2.6.7 and 2.7.4)
AMQP-37 :Improve description of snd-settle-mode and rcv-settle-mode
AMQP-38 :Provide more information as to how an incomplete settled map is resolved
AMQP-39 :Clarify settlement on multi-transfer deliveries
AMQP-41 :Rephrase language around keys in annotations
AMQP-42 :Clarify use of error field in rejected outcome
AMQP-44 :Specification should refer to AMQP.org document as related (superseded) work
AMQP-47 :Messaging: Incorporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
2012-01-24 : Working Draft 2
AMQP-7 :Typo in SaslInit.hostname description
AMQP-8 :Slight contradiction in description of hostname in SaslInit and TLS SNI
AMQP-9 :Could we add a repository for node-properties?
AMQP-10 :Could we have a repository for additional supported-dist-modes?
AMQP-11 :Message Properties.content-type MIME types need adjustment to fit new section types
AMQP-12 :Labelling of headers and section numbers as per the AMQP WG document...
AMQP-13 :Typo: Transactions in 4.4.1 transactional Posting "Settles" - > "Settle"
AMQP-14 :PDF Document should use Sans-Serif font to be consistent with OASIS Standards
AMQP-15 :Move copyright statement to second line of footer to be in line with OASIS style
AMQP-16 :References to INETCO should be "INETCO Systems Limited"
AMQP-17 :Typo in AMQP Open.hostname description
AMQP-18 :Add figure titles to the HTML presentation
AMQP-19 :Fix generated (sub-)section titles in the PDF where they contain a dash ("-")
AMQP-20 :PDF Presentation: use correct "open" and "close" double quotes
AMQP-21 :Change presentation of cross-references to show only section number, not title
AMQP-22 :Transport: Incoporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
AMQP-23 :Abstract/Introduction: Incoporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
AMQP-24 :Update XML transformation to render "n byte" as "n-byte"
AMQP-25 :Types: Incoporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
AMQP-26 :Transport: Incoporate feedback from Steve Huston's review (2)
AMQP-27 :add missing diagram titles
AMQP-28 :Confused use of the terms two's-complement" and "signed"
AMQP-30 :Clarify version negotiation
AMQP-31 :Figure numbering incorrect in the HTML presentation
AMQP-32 :Clarify open behavior
AMQP-33 :Tighten conformance language for 2.4.5
AMQP-34 :Add description of HDR_EXCH state in 2.4.6
AMQP-35 :Clarifications to 2.6.12
AMQP-40 :Incorrect title for IEEE1003 reference
AMQP-45 :Transactions: Incorporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
AMQP-46 :Security: Incorporate feedback from Steve Huston's review
AMQP-48 :Remove capitalization of certain terms within the specification
AMQP-49 :Description of "dynamic" field refers to non-existent concepts of "session name" and "client-id"
2011-11-08 : Working Draft 1
AMQP-1 :Make the definition of flow.echo more explicit
AMQP-2 :Make it explicit that flow.properties is only for a link
AMQP-3 :specification/overview.xml has a contributor's name in all caps
AMQP-4 :specification/overview.xml is slightly inconsistent in use of company legal entity names and abbreviations thereof

Part 1: Types >>