Help TOC > Introduction to DEXlib
Introduction to DEXlib Date: 2010/02/10 16:26:59
Revision: 1.42

DEXlib -- the repository of information about PLCS, the OASIS PLCS Data EXchange Specifications (DEXs) and other related technology developed by the OASIS PLCS Technical Committee.

The DEXData Exchange Specification - a subset of the ISO 10303-239 PLCS information model, designed to support data exchange for specific activities, providing guidance and rules for how to use and combine the selected entities and external Reference Data in that exchange. Each DEX includes a complete EXPRESS schema. This is a subset of the ISO 10303-239 schema with a derived XML Schema. Both can be used to define and validate a data exchange file. A DEX defined and managed by the OASIS PLCS TC may be referred to as a "PLCS DEX", as opposed to a "Business DEX".s specify the information to be exchanged and shared in order to support the life cycles of complex assets. The DEXs identify coherent subsets of ISO 10303-239ISO 10303-239 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange Part 239: Application protocol: Product life cycle support, See: and Product Life Cycle Support (PLCSProduct Life Cycle Support The project developing ISO 10303-239. The name of ISO 10303-239 (published by ISO in 2005).) that support data flows needed for specific business processes.

The OASIS PLCS Technical CommitteeThe technical committee within OASIS responsible for developing the PLCS DEXs is responsible for defining, developing, testing, and publishing of OASIS PLCSProduct Life Cycle Support The project developing ISO 10303-239. The name of ISO 10303-239 (published by ISO in 2005). DEXs, and for liaison with ISO TC 184/SC4The ISO sub committee responsible for developing ISO 10303-239.

OASIS PLCS TC Publications are derived from the content that is developed (by the TC) on DEXlib. However, it is the publication that is the subject of standardisation, not DEXlib, which is a development environment for the OASIS PLCS TC.

The DEXlibDEXlib is the XML environment created for the development of PLCS OASIS DEXs and components. It is also used for the development of Business DEXs and components. The ongoing work in the DEXlib development environment is published on a daily basis in HTML at repository of DEXs and their supporting components is organized as follows:

NOTE    For a summary of these components and inter relationships, see "DEX technology overview".

In addition to the components listed above, DEXlib also includes the PLCS Help and Information pages that are provided to explain:

The PLCS DEX Help and Information Pages are divided up into the following sections: