Template:— representing_task_simple (rep_task_simple) Date: 2009/06/09 08:10:58
Revision: 1.12

This section specifies the template representing_task_simple.

NOTE  An explanation of a template and the associated instantiation path is provided in the Template overview section.


This template describes how to represent simple task specification. A task specification is a procedural description of how to do something. A simple task specification has a simple, unstructured definition, and may also identify the context in which it is used. More complex tasks are described in the various task capabilities.

A task specification does not plan, schedule, or record what is done. This template is used to define the essential information for the specification, that is:

For example, task number 123 version 2 "Change Chain" may be specified for a 'Gears-r-us' type 3 Strumly-Bowman gear fitted to a 'Muddy-Badger' model 42 bicycle, and describes the steps needed to change the sprocket chain.

The template mandates only the minimum of information, and most of the information needed for a simple task is described under the characterization section.

This template is valid only for "in-use" stage of the Task specification life cycle, and does not consider the initial development phase, the obsolescence phase, development lifecycle data nor any controls on the development process or the authorizations that record that process.

For discussion of the meaning of identification and version and the parameters involved, see the template referencing_task.

The template characterization describes a task specified as applying to a specific type of product (the affected product), that is one which can be identified by a part number, as opposed to against a general product configuration, or a task written against a specific individual, for example, as a repair for specific damage. Where the affected product is fitted to a higher level end product (e.g. the task describes how to maintain a particular type of pump when fitted in a given class of ship), the characterization also describes how to identify the higher level product.

The template characterization allows for the task instructions to be held either as unstructured text or in a separate document.

Model diagrams
The EXPRESS-G diagram in Figure 1 shows the templates and EXPRESS entities that are required to represent the template "representing_task_simple". The text highlighted in blue shows the template parameters.

Task_method and Task_method_version provide the control entities for the task, and are the homes of the summary information covering the task as a whole. Task_element describes how to perform the task. In a simple task, this may be either a simple description of what to do, or a reference to a more detailed document. In the latter case, Task_method can be used as a proxy to track the the lifecycle and usage of a task specification held in an external documentation system.

The model shows the three entities that must be instantiated.

Figure 1 —  An EXPRESS-G representation of the Information model for representing_task_simple

Figure 1 —  An EXPRESS-G representation of the Information model for representing_task_simple

The graphic for the template to be used in other EXPRESS-G diagrams is shown in Figure  2 below.
The diagram below shows the both the full and abbreviated templates for referencing task, and is followed by a detailed description of the input parameter

Figure 2 —  The graphical representation of the representing_task_simple template

Figure 2 —  The graphical representation of the representing_task_simple template

Input parameters
The following input parameters are defined for this template:
task_id (Type='STRING')
The task identifier, e.g. the task number.
task_id_class_name (Default=Task_method_identification_code,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the identifier being assigned to the task (i.e. the @task_id)
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Task_method_identification_code" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Task_method_identification_code), "Task_method_name" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Task_method_name)
task_id_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_id_class_name.
task_org_id (Type='STRING')
The name or identifier of the Organization that owns the @task_id.
task_org_id_class_name (Default=Organization_name,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the identification of the Organization responsible for creating the @task_id.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Organization_identification_code" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_identification_code), "Organization_name" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_name)
task_org_id_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_org_id_class_name.
task_ver_id (Type='STRING')
The task version identifier, for example, the sequence number of the version.
task_ver_id_class_name (Default=Version_identification_code,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the task version identifier (@tesk_ver_id) assigned to Task_method_version.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Progression_identification_code" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Progression_identification_code)
task_ver_id_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_ver_id_class_name.
task_ver_org_id (Type='STRING')
The name or identifier of the organization that owns the task version identifier.
task_ver_org_id_class_name (Default=Organization_name,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the identification of the Organization responsible for creating the @task_ver_id.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Organization_identification_code" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_identification_code), "Organization_name" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_name)
task_ver_org_id_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_ver_org_id_class_name.
task_name (Type='STRING')
The textual identifier of the task.
task_name_class_name (Default=Task_method_name,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the task name assigned to Task_method_version.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Task_method_name" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Task_method_name)
task_name_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_name_class_name.
task_name_org_id (Type='STRING')
The name or identifier of the organization that owns the task name.
task_name_org_id_class_name (Default=Organization_name,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the identification of the Organization responsible for creating the @task_name.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Organization_identification_code" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_identification_code), "Organization_name" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Organization_name)
task_name_org_id_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @task_name_org_id_class_name.
task_details (Type='STRING')
The detailed description of how to perform the task.
Reference parameters
The following reference parameters are defined for this template:
task_method(Type='ENTITY (Task_method)')
Allow the Task_method entity instantiated in this path to be referenced when this template is used.
Note: The Task_method entity can be referenced in a template path by:
%^target = $representing_task_simple.task_method%
where target is the parameter to which the Task_method is bound.
The Task_method carries the identity of the task. Definitional elements can only be added in the initial development phase of the task. Most information is associated to the Task_method_version.
task_method_version(Type='ENTITY (Task_method_version)')
Allow the Task_method_version entity instantiated in this path to be referenced when this template is used.
Note: The Task_method_version entity can be referenced in a template path by:
%^target = $representing_task_simple.task_method_version%
where target is the parameter to which the Task_method_version is bound.
The Task_method_version provides the version control locus for task definition data. In the context of this template, this means changes to the details of how to perform a task, or of the parts the task is associated to.
task_step(Type='ENTITY (Task_step)')
Allow the Task_step entity instantiated in this path to be referenced when this template is used.
Note: The Task_step entity can be referenced in a template path by:
%^target = $representing_task_simple.task_step%
where target is the parameter to which the Task_step is bound.
The Task_element contains the details of how the task is to be performed.
Uniqueness constraints

The following parameter combinations specify a uniqueness constraint:
Unique constraint: Unique task
Each instance of the entity (Task_method) within the data set shall be uniquely identified by a combination of the following parameters on this template (representing_task_simple) namely: task_id, task_id_class_name, task_id_ecl_id, task_org_id, task_org_id_class_name, task_org_id_ecl_id.
The instance is referenced by the following template parameter: task_method.
Unique constraint: Unique task version
Each instance of the entity (Task_method_version) within the data set shall be uniquely identified by a combination of the following parameters on this template (representing_task_simple) namely: task_id, task_id_class_name, task_id_ecl_id, task_org_id, task_org_id_class_name, task_org_id_ecl_id, task_ver_id, task_ver_id_class_name, task_ver_id_ecl_id, task_ver_org_id, task_ver_org_id_class_name, task_ver_org_id_ecl_id.
The instance is referenced by the following template parameter: task_method_version.
Instantiation path
The instantiation path shown below specifies the entities that are to be instantiated by the template.
A description of templates and the syntax for the instantiation path is provided in the Templates Help/Information section.
%^task_method = Task_method%
Task_method.name = '/IGNORE'
Task_method.description = '/IGNORE'
Task_method.consequence = '/IGNORE'
Task_method.purpose = '/IGNORE'

-- Identify the Task_method
    org_id_ecl_id=@task_org_id_ecl_id )/

-- Assign the task name to Task_method
    org_id_ecl_id=@task_name_org_id_ecl_id )/

-- Task method version
%^task_method_version = Task_method_version%
Task_method_version.name = '/IGNORE'
Task_method_version.description = '/IGNORE'
Task_method_version.consequence = '/IGNORE'
Task_method_version.purpose = '/IGNORE'
Task_method_version.of_task_method -> ^task_method

-- Identify the Task_method_version as version
    org_id_ecl_id=@task_ver_org_id_ecl_id )/

-- Task step
%^task_step = Task_step%
Task_step.name = '/IGNORE'
Task_step.description = '/IGNORE'
Task_step.consequence = '/IGNORE'
Task_step.purpose = '/IGNORE'

-- Assign Task description

-- Assign the ^task_step as the content of the ^task_method_version
Task_method_version.content -> ^task_step
The following entities are instantiated with attributes as specified:
Entity in path Value Inherited from
Task_method.name '/IGNORE' Activity_method.name
Task_method.description '/IGNORE' Activity_method.description
Task_method.consequence '/IGNORE' Activity_method.consequence
Task_method.purpose '/IGNORE' Activity_method.purpose
Task_method_version.name '/IGNORE' Activity_method.name
Task_method_version.description '/IGNORE' Activity_method.description
Task_method_version.consequence '/IGNORE' Activity_method.consequence
Task_method_version.purpose '/IGNORE' Activity_method.purpose
Task_step.name '/IGNORE' Activity_method.name
Task_step.description '/IGNORE' Activity_method.description
Task_step.consequence '/IGNORE' Activity_method.consequence
Task_step.purpose '/IGNORE' Activity_method.purpose
Instance diagrams
The instance diagram in Figure  3 shows an example of the EXPRESS entities and templates that are instantiated by the template:
/representing_task_simple(task_id='BK123', task_id_class_name='Task_method_identification_code', task_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_ver_id='3', task_ver_id_class_name='Version_identification_code', task_ver_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_ver_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_ver_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_ver_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_name='Replace chain', task_name_id_class_name='Task_method_name', task_name_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_name_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_name_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_name_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_details='Break chain at removable link...')/
(an illustration of the consolidated representing_task_simple template is shown in Figure 4 below.)
The example shows an instance of a task - task BK123 version 3 - to change the sprocket chain on a bicycle.

Figure 3 —  Entities instantiated by representing_task_simple template

Figure 3 —  Entities instantiated by representing_task_simple template

The instance diagram in Figure 4 shows the graphic symbol for the template that is to be used in other instance diagrams. The example template is:
/representing_task_simple(task_id='BK123', task_id_class_name='Task_method_identification_code', task_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_ver_id='3', task_ver_id_class_name='Version_identification_code', task_ver_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_ver_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_ver_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_ver_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_name='Replace chain', task_name_id_class_name='Task_method_name', task_name_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_name_org_id='Fix-a-bike Inc', task_name_org_id_class_name='Organization_name', task_name_org_id_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', task_details='Break chain at removable link...')/

Figure 4 —  Instantiation of representing_task_simple template

Figure 4 —  Instantiation of representing_task_simple template

No common characterizations of the template representing_task_simple have been identified. However, the ISO 10303-239 EXPRESS model may enable other assignments to the entities instantiated by the template.

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