DEX (D003):— task_set Date: 2008/03/11 17:07:00
Revision: 1.67

Task specification Business Overview

Business introduction

This DEX enables the transmission of a task specification. The data exchanged may be used as part of a support solution, e.g. a Prime Contractor developing a set of tasks for an aircraft. This assumes the target product and its next higher assembly have been identified and exchanged prior to the content of this DEX. Also the End Customer has specified and communicated the supportability requirements as well as the deployment environment.

The result is a requirement to create, transfer, review and approve a task specification for a contracted item from the Prime Contractor. Information will be created including;

Business process

The task specification DEX deals with information required to maintain the product in order to sustain or regain an acceptable product state. A task specification does not plan, schedule, or record what is done.

It is usual for the task specification to be derived from a formal analysis process such as Logistic Support Analysis (LSA).

A task specification is initially prepared during the latter stages of the detail design and development phases and is continuously assessed and adjusted throughout the lifetime of a system or product.

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