The @AllowsPassByReference annotation is used on implementations
of remotable interfaces to indicate that interactions with the
service from a client within the same address space are allowed
to use pass by reference data exchange semantics.
The @Callback annotation is used to annotate a service interface
with a callback interface, which takes the Java Class object of
the callback interface as a parameter.
The @OneWay annotation is used on a Java interface or class method
to indicate that invocations will be dispatched in a non-blocking
fashion as described in the section on Asynchronous Programming.
The @Property annotation is used to denote a Java class field,
a setter method, or a constructor parameter that is used to
inject an SCA property value.
The @Qualifier annotation is applied to an attribute of a
specific intent annotation definition, defined using the @Intent
annotation, to indicate that the attribute provides qualifiers
for the intent.
The @Reference annotation type is used to annotate a Java class field,
a setter method, or a constructor parameter that is used to inject a
service that resolves the reference.
ServiceReferences can be injected using the @Reference annotation
on a field, a setter method, or constructor parameter taking the
type ServiceReference.