
Provides SCA common annotation definitions for Java.


Annotation Types Summary
AllowsPassByReference The @AllowsPassByReference annotation is used on implementations of remotable interfaces to indicate that interactions with the service from a client within the same address space are allowed to use pass by reference data exchange semantics.
AsyncFault The @AsyncFault annotation is used to indicate the faults/exceptions which are returned by the asynchronous service method which it annotates.
AsyncInvocation The @AsyncInvocation annotation is used to indicate that the operations of a Java interface uses the long-running request-response pattern as described in the SCA Assembly specification.
Authentication The @Authentication annotation is used to indicate that the invocation requires authentication.
Authorization The @Authorization annotation is used to indicate that an authorization policy is required.
Callback The @Callback annotation is used to annotate a service interface with a callback interface, which takes the Java Class object of the callback interface as a parameter.
ComponentName The @ComponentName annotation is used to denote a Java class field or setter method that is used to inject the component name.
Confidentiality The @Confidentiality annotation is used to indicate that the invocation requires confidentiality.
Constructor The @Constructor annotation is used to mark a particular constructor to use when instantiating a Java component implementation.
Context The @Context annotation is used to denote a Java class field or a setter method that is used to inject a composite context for the component.
Destroy The @Destroy annotation is used to denote a single Java class method that will be called when the scope defined for the implementation class ends.
EagerInit The @EagerInit annotation is used to annotate the Java class of a COMPOSITE scoped implementation for eager initialization.
Init The @Init annotation is used to denote a single Java class method that is called when the scope defined for the implementation class starts.
Integrity The @Integrity annotation is used to indicate that the invocation requires integrity (ie no tampering of the messages between client and service).
Intent The @Intent annotation is used for the creation of new annotations for specific intents.
ManagedSharedTransaction The @ManagedSharedTransaction annotation is used to indicate that a distributed ACID transaction is required.
ManagedTransaction The @ManagedTransaction annotation is used to indicate the need for an ACID transaction environment.
MutualAuthentication The @MutualAuthentication annotation is used to indicate that a mutual authentication policy is needed.
NoManagedTransaction The @NoManagedTransaction annotation is used to indicate that a non-transactional environment is needed.
OneWay The @OneWay annotation is used on a Java interface or class method to indicate that invocations will be dispatched in a non-blocking fashion as described in the section on Asynchronous Programming.
PolicySets The @PolicySets annotation is used to attach one or more SCA Policy Sets to a Java implementation class or to one of its subelements.
Property The @Property annotation is used to denote a Java class field, a setter method, or a constructor parameter that is used to inject an SCA property value.
Qualifier The @Qualifier annotation is applied to an attribute of a specific intent annotation definition, defined using the @Intent annotation, to indicate that the attribute provides qualifiers for the intent.
Reference The @Reference annotation type is used to annotate a Java class field, a setter method, or a constructor parameter that is used to inject a service that resolves the reference.
Remotable The @Remotable annotation is used to specify a Java service interface as remotable.
Requires The @Requires annotation supports general purpose intents specified as strings.
Scope The @Scope annotation MUST only be used on a service's implementation class.
Service The @Service annotation is used on a component implementation class to specify the SCA services offered by the implementation.

Package Description

Provides SCA common annotation definitions for Java.