Element Group inlineCM
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0/WD17
<comment>The group inlineCM is the content model of blocks and inlines, and is composed of all the inlines and all the markers</comment>
Used by
Model ref | mref | rref | mod | mmod | rmod | remark | recordedTime | vote | outcome | ins | del | omissis | embeddedText | embeddedStructure | placeholder | fillIn | decoration | b | i | a | u | sub | sup | abbr | span | docType | docTitle | docNumber | docProponent | docDate | legislature | session | shortTitle | docAuthority | docPurpose | docCommittee | docIntroducer | docStage | docStatus | docJurisdiction | docketNumber | date | time | person | organization | concept | object | event | location | process | role | term | quantity | def | entity | courtType | neutralCitation | party | judge | lawyer | signature | opinion | argument | affectedDocument | relatedDocument | change | inline | noteRef | eol | eop | img | br | marker | (authorialNote) | subFlow
Children a, abbr, affectedDocument, argument, authorialNote, b, br, change, concept, courtType, date, decoration, def, del, docAuthority, docCommittee, docDate, docIntroducer, docJurisdiction, docNumber, docProponent, docPurpose, docStage, docStatus, docTitle, docType, docketNumber, embeddedStructure, embeddedText, entity, eol, eop, event, fillIn, i, img, inline, ins, judge, lawyer, legislature, location, marker, mmod, mod, mref, neutralCitation, noteRef, object, omissis, opinion, organization, outcome, party, person, placeholder, process, quantity, recordedTime, ref, relatedDocument, remark, rmod, role, rref, session, shortTitle, signature, span, sub, subFlow, sup, term, time, u, vote
<xsd:group name="inlineCM">
      <comment>The group inlineCM is the content model of blocks and inlines, and is composed of all the inlines and all the markers</comment>
    <xsd:group ref="inlineElements"/>
    <xsd:group ref="markerElements"/>
    <xsd:group ref="subFlowElements"/>