Element eop
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0/WD17
<comment>the element eop (end of page) is a marker for where in the original text the page breaks. Do NOT use a eol element, too. If the page breaks within a word, place the element BEFORE the word and place the number of characters before the break in the attribute breakAt. One can also specify, if relevant, the hyphen or other character used to signal the break of a word at the end of the page with the attribute breakWith.</comment>
Diagram AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Attribute_Group_coreopt.tmp#coreopt AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Complex_Type_markeropt.tmp#markeropt AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Attribute_Group_number.tmp#number AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Complex_Type_eolType.tmp#eolType_breakAt AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Complex_Type_eolType.tmp#eolType_breakWith AkomaNtoso30-WD17_xsd_Complex_Type_eolType.tmp#eolType
Type eolType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Used by
Element Group ANmarker
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
alternativeTo eIdRef optional
breakAt xsd:integer optional
breakWith xsd:string optional
class xsd:string optional
eId noWhiteSpace optional
id optional
lang optional
number xsd:string optional
period temporalGroupRef optional
refersTo list of referenceRef optional
space optional
status statusType optional
style xsd:string optional
title xsd:string optional
wId noWhiteSpace optional
<xsd:element name="eop" type="eolType">
      <comment>the element eop (end of page) is a marker for where in the original text the page breaks. Do NOT use a eol element, too. If the page breaks within a word, place the element BEFORE the word and place the number of characters before the break in the attribute breakAt. One can also specify, if relevant, the hyphen or other character used to signal the break of a word at the end of the page with the attribute breakWith.</comment>