Complex Type modType
<comment>the complex type modType specifies the content that is allowed within mod, mmod and rmod elements, i.e. it adds quotedText and quotedStructure to the normal list of inline elements. Attribute for is used to point to the eId of the corresponding ref element.</comment>
mixed: true
Used by
Elements mmod, mod, rmod
Model ref | mref | rref | mod | mmod | rmod | remark | recordedTime | vote | outcome | ins | del | omissis | embeddedText | embeddedStructure | placeholder | fillIn | decoration | b | i | a | u | sub | sup | abbr | span | docType | docTitle | docNumber | docProponent | docDate | legislature | session | shortTitle | docAuthority | docPurpose | docCommittee | docIntroducer | docStage | docStatus | docJurisdiction | docketNumber | date | time | person | organization | concept | object | event | location | process | role | term | quantity | def | entity | courtType | neutralCitation | party | judge | lawyer | signature | opinion | argument | affectedDocument | relatedDocument | change | inline | noteRef | eol | eop | img | br | marker | (authorialNote) | subFlow | quotedText | quotedStructure
Children a, abbr, affectedDocument, argument, authorialNote, b, br, change, concept, courtType, date, decoration, def, del, docAuthority, docCommittee, docDate, docIntroducer, docJurisdiction, docNumber, docProponent, docPurpose, docStage, docStatus, docTitle, docType, docketNumber, embeddedStructure, embeddedText, entity, eol, eop, event, fillIn, i, img, inline, ins, judge, lawyer, legislature, location, marker, mmod, mod, mref, neutralCitation, noteRef, object, omissis, opinion, organization, outcome, party, person, placeholder, process, quantity, quotedStructure, quotedText, recordedTime, ref, relatedDocument, remark, rmod, role, rref, session, shortTitle, signature, span, sub, subFlow, sup, term, time, u, vote
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
alternativeTo eIdRef optional
class xsd:string optional
eId noWhiteSpace optional
for eIdRef optional
id optional
lang optional
period temporalGroupRef optional
refersTo list of referenceRef optional
space optional
status statusType optional
style xsd:string optional
title xsd:string optional
wId noWhiteSpace optional
<xsd:complexType name="modType" mixed="true">
      <comment>the complex type modType specifies the content that is allowed within mod, mmod and rmod elements, i.e. it adds quotedText and quotedStructure to the normal list of inline elements. Attribute for is used to point to the eId of the corresponding ref element.</comment>
  <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:group ref="inlineCM"/>
    <xsd:element ref="quotedText"/>
    <xsd:element ref="quotedStructure"/>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="corereq"/>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="for"/>