OASIS ebXML Messaging Services 3.0 Conformance Profiles
Committee Draft 02
25 July 2007
Specification URIs:
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Technical Committee:
OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
Ian Jones, British Telecommunications plc <ian.c.jones@bt.com>
Jacques Durand, Fujitsu Computer Systems <jdurand@us.fujitsu.com>
Related Work:
This specification is related to:
OASIS ebXML Messaging Services Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Specification
Declared XML Namespace:
This document is a non-normative supplement to the ebMS-3 specification [ebMS3]. It defines some conformance profiles that support specific messaging styles or context of use. Future releases of this document are likely to be augmented with additional conformance profiles that reflect the choices or needs of user communities. As a pre-condition to interoperability it is necessary for two implementations to agree on which common conformance profile, or which compatible conformance profiles, they will comply with. This document and its future releases is intended as a medium to publish conformance profiles that users and products will claim compliance with.
This document was last revised or approved by the ebXML Messaging Services Committee on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the "Latest Version" or "Latest Approved Version" location noted above for possible later revisions of this document.
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Table of Contents
1.3 Non-normative References 6
2 The Gateway Conformance Profile 7
2.2 Conformance Profile: Gateway RM V3 7
2.3 Conformance Profile: Gateway RX V3 9
2.3.2 WS-I Conformance Requirements 9
2.3.3 Processing Mode Parameters 10
2.4 Conformance Profile: Gateway RM V2/3 10
2.4.2 WS-I Conformance Requirements 13
2.4.3 Processing Mode Parameters 13
2.5 Conformance Profile: Gateway RX V2/3 13
2.5.2 WS-I Conformance Requirements 14
2.5.3 Processing Mode Parameters 14
3 Examples of Alternate Conformance Profiles 15
3.2 Conformance Profile: Light Handler (LH-RM CP) 15
3.2.2 WS-I Conformance Requirements 16
3.3 Conformance Profile: Activity Monitor (AM-CP) 16
3.3.2 WS-I Conformance Requirements 17
The intent of the core ebMS-3 specification [ebMS3] is to provide a stable, normative framework for developers to work with, but is not sufficient for guaranteeing “out-of-the-box” interoperability between conforming implementations. The specification contains options and makes use of third-party specifications for which more than one alternative may exist (e.g. SOAP 1.1 vs SOAP 1.2). Implementations of ebMS-3 must generally settle on some of these options in order to interoperate. The main specification intentionally does not prescribe which ones should be used by an implementation: it is the role of conformance profiles to do so. The notion of conformance profile used here has been defined in [QAFrameW].
Different user communities may elect to use different conformance profiles, reflecting different sets of options. Or, they may decide to use different versions of referred third-party specifications that are still in transition at the time the core specificaiton is written (e.g. SOAP, and WSS). These elections – which may evolve over time and are more dependent on usage patterns than the core specification - are captured by conformance profiles. Because conformance profiles are dependent on the needs and choices of user communities, and because they may evolve faster than the underlying core specification (here ebMS-3) - i.e. some profiles will get deprecated, or new ones will appear - it is preferable that they are not defined in the core specification which is expected to remain a stable reference. Instead, conformance profiles are specified in a separate document that is not part of the standard and is easier to update.
Future releases of the present document are likely to be augmented with additional conformance profiles that reflect the choices or needs of user communities. This document intends to serve as a medium for publishing such conformance profiles. The document is non-normative in the sense that conformance profiles only refer to selected options and features that are already described in a normative way in the ebMS-3 specification.
Section 2 introduces a conformance profile – the “Gateway profile” that lists the features expected of a Message Service Handler (MSH) acting as e-Business or e-Government gateway to back-end systems.
Although wide-scale interoperability is best served by having all users adopt a single profile, at the time this document is written there are two transitional aspects that call for temporary definitions of some variants of the Gateway profile:
There is today a significant user base for ebMS V2. Given the disruptive leap from V2 to V3 (largely due to convergence with Web services protocols), there is a need for a multi-version profile supporting both (V2+V3). Conforming implementations will be able to interact both with partners using V2 and partners using V3.
There exists two largely equivalent specifications for reliable messaging: (a) WS-Reliability 1.1 and (b) WS-ReliableMessaging. (a) has been an OASIS standard for several years, has been tested and implemented by communities of users, notably in Asia. (b) is a more recent standard, still awaiting for WS-I interoperability guidance, but enjoying a broad support among US-based companies.
These transitional aspects are likely to vanish in the long run, but they call for supportive conformance profiles for the time being. As a result, the following variants of the gateway profile are defined here:
Gateway RM V2/3: supporting both ebMS V2 and V3, using WS-Reliability1.1 (produced by the WSRM OASIS TC) as reliable messaging specification.
Gateway RM V3: supporting ebMS V3 exactly in the same way as the previous RM V2/3 profile, but not requiring support for V2. Conformance to Gateway RM V2/3 implies conformance to Gateway RM V3.
Gateway RX V2/3: supporting both ebMS V2 and V3 with same features as Gateway RM V23, excepts that it uses WS-ReliableMessaging (produced by the WS-RX OASIS TC) as reliable messaging specification.
Gateway RX V3: supporting ebMS V3 exactly in the same way as the previous RX V2/3 profile, but not requiring support for V2. Conformance to Gateway RX V2/3 implies conformance to Gateway RX V3.
NOTE: It is certainly possible for an implementation or product to support all these conformance profiles simultaneously. As already mentioned, a product conforming to Gateway RM V2/3 or RX V2/3 will automatically conform respectively to Gateway RM V3 or RX V3. In addition, an MSH implementation can conform to both Gateway RM V2/3 and Gateway RX V2/3, by simply alternating at run-time between the two reliability modules used for RM and RX. This run-time assignment may be implemented in various ways, e.g. by using a different URL, or by associating a particular reliability processing with specific user data (e.g. originating party ID). The P-Mode would be the place where to specify which reliability mode is to be associated with a particular message content.
Prior experience in diverse communication sectors (e.g. TVs, cell phones and messaging middleware) has shown that adoption is best promoted by facilitating local or “regional” interoperability first – i.e. by recognizing that different communities of users may have different requirements and therefore adoption paths. These would be served by different conformance profiles. Then in a second phase, global interoperability needs will push for some consolidation, meaning convergence toward a core conformance profile elected by all.
In addition to defining an e-Business / e-Government Gateway profile and its transitional variants, the role of this document is to provide some framework and notation for defining additional profiles, a couple of which are provided as examples.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119.
[ebMS2] OASIS ebXML Message Service Specification Version 2.0, April 1, 2002. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/documents/ebMS_v2_0.pdf
[ebMS3] OASIS ebXML Messaging Services, Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features, 2007. http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-msg/ebms/v3.0/core/ebms_core-3.0-spec.pdf
[RFC 2119] S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. IETF RFC 2119, March 1997. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
[UCC-MS2] UCC/EAN Basic Reliable ebXML Messaging v2.0 Interoperability Testing, 2002.
[WSIAP10] WS-I Attachment Profile V1.0, Web-Services Interoperability Consortium, 2007. http://www.ws-i.org/deliverables/workinggroup.aspx?wg=basicprofile
[WSIBP12] WS-I Basic Profile V1.2 (draft), Web-Services Interoperability Consortium, 2007. http://www.ws-i.org/deliverables/workinggroup.aspx?wg=basicprofile
[WSIBSP11] Abbie Barbir, et al, eds, Basic Security Profile Version 1.1, Web-Services Interoperability Consortium, 2006. http://www.wsi.org/Profiles/BasicSecurityProfile-1.1.html
[QAFrameW] Karl
Dubost, et al, eds, QA
Framework: Specification Guidelines
2005. http://www.w3.org/TR/qaframe-spec/
The Gateway conformance profile (or G-CP) is to be considered the baseline for conducting electronic business. G-CP addresses the messaging requirements of most enterprise e-Business or e-Government gateways.
It is expected that user communities will generate variants of the G-CP profile that differ by their interoperability parameters, e.g. a variant that uses a transport other than HTTP. Also, the Gateway messaging function may evolve over time to reflect an evolution of the enterprise gateway requirements among the user community. A line of evolution is along the versions of the underlying specifications used by ebMS V3.0, in particular SOAP and WSS. After careful consideration at the time the ebMS V3.0 specification is finalized, the following versions have been selected for G-CP:
SOAP 1.2 has been selected because of an already pervasive support by most SOAP stacks (most of these stacks also support SOAP 1.1).
Both WSS 1.0 and WSS 1.1. Although 1.1 is too recent to be broadly supported by implementers, this version supports security of attachments. While G-CP mandates support for both, the version to be used for a particular exchange or with a particular partner can still be specified in the processing mode (P-Mode). This makes it possible for a partially conforming implementation to interoperate with others.
As mentioned in the introduction, G-CP comes in four variants, called here transitional variants. The first one to be described here is Gateway RM V3, based on the WS-Reliability1.1 standard for reliable messaging.
The Gateway RM V3 is identified by the URI:
Gateway RM V3 is defined as follows, using the table template and terminology provided in Appendix F (“Conformance”) of the core ebXML Messaging Services V3.0 specification [ebMS3].
Conformance Profile: Gateway RM V3 |
Profile summary:
<“Sending+Receiving” / “ gateway-rmv3”
/ |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
ebMS MEP |
Support for all ebMS simple MEPs, ineither Sender or Receiver role:
Reliability |
Security |
Error generation and reporting |
Message Partition Channels |
Support for additional message channels beside the default, so that selective pulling by a partner MSH is possible. |
Message packaging |
Interoperability Parameters |
Transport: HTTP 1.1 SOAP version: 1.2 Reliability Specification: WS-Reliability 1.1. Only “Response” or “Callback” ReplyPattern values are required to be supported. Security Specification: WSS1.0 and WSS 1.1. When using the One-way / Pull MEP or the Two-way / Sync MEP, the response message must use by default the same WSS version as the request message. Otherwise, the version to be applied to a message is specified in the P-Mode.security |
The Gateway RX V3 is identified by the URI:
Gateway RX V3 is equivalent to the RM V3 conformance profile feature-wise.
The only difference is about the way messaging reliability is ensured. This profile relies on WS-ReliableMessaging1.1 instead of WS-Reliability1.1.
The feature set is therefor the same as in RM V3 except for the last table row:
Conformance Profile: Gateway RX V3 |
Profile summary:
<“Sending+Receiving” / “ gateway-rxv3”
/ |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
ebMS MEP |
[same as in Gateway RM V3] |
Reliability |
[same as in Gateway RM V3, except for the following feature:]
Security |
[same as in Gateway RM V3] |
Error generation and reporting |
[same as in Gateway RM V3] |
Message Partition Channels |
[same as in Gateway RM V3] |
Message packaging |
[same as in Gateway RM V3] |
Interoperability Parameters |
Transport: HTTP 1.1 SOAP version: 1.2 Reliability Specification: WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1. Only “Response” or “Callback” ReplyPattern values are required to be supported. Security Specification: WSS1.0 and WSS 1.1.
The Web-Services Interoperability consortium has defined guidelines for interoperability of SOAP messaging implementations. In order to ensure interoperability across different SOAP stacks, MIME and HTTP implementations, this conformance profile requires compliance with the following WS-I profiles.
Basic Security Profile (BSP) 1.1 [WSIBSP11]
Attachment Profile (AP) 1.0, [WSIAP10] with regard to the use of MIME and SwA.
Note: the above WS-I profiles must be complied with within the scope of features exhibited by the Gateway RX V3 ebMS conformance profile. For example, since only SOAP 1.2 is required by Gateway RX V3, the requirements from BSP 1.1 that depend on SOAP 1.1 would not apply. Also, same observations apply to compliance to AP1.0, regarding inherited BP1.1 requirements (R2714, R1143), as in Gateway RM V3.
The Gateway RX V3 may be refined in a future version to require conformance to the following WS-I profiles, once approved and published by WS-I:
Basic Profile 2.0
Reliable and Secure Profile (RSP) 1.1
The P-Mode parameters to be supported are same as in Gateway RM V3, except for the following:
PMode[1].Reliability.AtLeastOnce.Contract.AckOnDelivery: “false” only needs be supported.
The Gateway RM V2/3 is identified by the URI:
Gateway RM V2/3 is defined as an extension of RM V3. As far as V3 is concerned, the features to be supported by this conformance profile are exactly the same as in RM V3.
Regarding ebMS V2, the features to be supported for RM V2/3 are those required in the test profile: “UCC/EAN Basic Reliable ebXML Messaging v2.0” defined in “UCC Global Interoperability Program for ebXML MS” [UCC-MS2]. RM V2/3 requires the following restrictions – or tolerates the following relaxations – on the UCC test profile:
Only the HTTP1.1 + HTTP/S protocols must be used – SMTP is not part of RM V2/3.
The value “signalsAndResponse” as well “responseOnly” do not need be supported for SyncReplyMode. This means that “synchronous” request-responses do not need be supported.
The Message Services (Ping, Status) tests H as defined in the above UCC test profile, do not need be supported.
The following capabilities, already optional in the UCC test profile, do not need be supported: Encrypted File Transfer (Test G), Other Languages (Test I).
NOTE: An additional row has been added to the table: “portability parameters”, which associates a particular processing mode (P-Mode in V3) representation with the profile so that implementations supporting this profile can process the same processing mode representation.
Conformance Profile: Gateway RM V2/3 |
Profile summary:
<“Sending+Receiving” / “gateway-rmv2v3”
/ |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set for ebMS V2 (to add to those for V3 in RM V3) |
Support for (in either Sender or Receiver role):
V2 Reliability |
Support for reliable messaging, as required by UCC test profile under Test E and Test J: Test E Acknowledgments E1. Unsigned Data/Unsigned Ack E2. Unsigned Data/Signed Ack E3. Signed Data/Unsigned Ack E4. Signed Data/Signed Ack E5. Signed Data/Signed Ack Secure Channel
Test J Single-Hop Reliable Messaging J1. Once and Only Once Profile – Successful Retries, RetryInterval J2. Duplicate Detection - Original Acknowledgement to Duplicate Request J3. Delivery Failure Notification J4. Long Running Conversation |
V2 Security |
Support for secure messaging, as required by UCC test profile under Test A , Test B and Test D: Test A Certificate Exchange A1. Personal Certificate
Test B Simple Data Transfer B2. HTTP/S Data Transfer
Test D Data Security D1. Signed Data D2. Signed Data Secure Channel (HTTP/S) D3. Client Authentication - Signed Data Secure Channel (HTTP/S) |
V2 Error generation and reporting |
Support for error handling, as required by UCC test profile under Test K: Test K Error Handling K1. SOAP:Fault K2. ValueNotRecognized K3. NotSupported K4. Inconsistent Sync K5. Inconsistent Signature K6. Inconsistent Acknowledgment Signature K7. SecurityFailure K8. TimeToLiveExpired K10. MessageHeader format K11. Missing Payload |
V2 Message Partition Channels |
Not applicable. |
V2 Message packaging |
Support for the following packaging patterns, as required by UCC test profile under Test B, Test C and Test F: Test B Simple Data Transfer B1. HTTP Data Transfer
Test C Large File Transfer C1. HTTP Large File Send
Test F Multiple Payload Handling F1. Multiple Payload Transfer – two payloads F2. Multiple Payload Transfer – five payloads F3. Multiple Payload Signed – two payloads F4. Multiple Payload Signed with Signed Acknowledgment – five payloads – secure channel |
V2 Interoperability Parameters |
Transport: HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/S |
V2 processing mode |
Processing mode representation: CPPA 2.0 or CPPA 1.0 |
This conformance profile combines ebMS V2 and V3 in the following way:
Each one of the two messaging versions is operating separately as within two separate message handlers, without any requirement for each handler to be aware of the other handler.
The P-Mode is a notion that has been defined only for V3. This conformance profile does not define the equivalent for V2 and there is no requirement in this profile to extend it to V2.
This conformance profile does not extend the notion of MEP as defined in V3. No MEP is defined or supported that makes use of both V2 and V3 messages.
Message Ids must however be unique across V2 and V3.
Although common header elements may be used to correlate V2 messages and V3 messages – e.g. ConversationID, RefToMessageId – this conformance profile does not require a handler to support any correlation semantics across V2 and V3. A V3 message referencing a V2 message cannot be considered as part of a V3 MEP as defined in the V3 specification.
The same compliance rules as for RM V3 apply. Only ebMS V3 messages are concerned with these rules.
The P-Mode parameters to be supported for the V3 capability are same as in Gateway RM V3.
The Gateway RX V2/3 is identified by the URI:
Gateway RX V2/3 is equivalent to the RX V3 conformance profile feature-wise.
The only difference is about the way messaging reliability is ensured. This profile relies on WS-ReliableMessaging1.1 instead of WS-Reliability1.1. The same difference in V3 feature set table between RM V3 and RX V3, applies here. The feature set for the V2 part is the same as in RM V2/3.
Conformance Profile: Gateway RX V2/3 |
summary: <“Sending+Receiving” / “
gateway-rxv2v3” / |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
V2 Functional Aspects (same as in RM V2/3) |
(same as in RM V2/3) |
V3 Functional Aspects (same as in RX V3) |
(same as in RX V3) |
The same compliance rules as for RX V3 apply. Only ebMS V3 messages are concerned with these rules.
The P-Mode parameters to be supported for the V3 capability are same as in Gateway RM V2/3, except for the following:
PMode[1].Reliability.AtLeastOnce.Contract.AckOnDelivery: “false” only needs be supported.
Some MSH implementations may have to operate under conditions where the full capabilities of the above Gateway conformance profile (G-CP) are not only unnecessary, but also not appropriate due to limited resources. In such cases, specific conformance profiles may need be defined as an alternate baseline for interoperability. Examples of such profiles (LH-CP and AM-CP) are given below.
The conformance profile below is intended to apply to messaging devices that do not have the ability to receive incoming requests (e.g. HTTP requests), due to a lack of static IP address or firewall restrictions. These message handlers also are supposed to be limited in storage capability. It is named LH-CP, meaning Light Handler.
The Light Handler CP is identified by the URI:
NOTE: For consistency with the notations used in the previous Gateway conformance profiles, an alternative light handler profile using WS-ReliableMessaging instead of WS-Reliability would be named:
Conformance Profile: LHRM-CP |
summary: <“Sending+Receiving” / “
lighthandler-rm” / |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
ebMS MEP |
Support for One-way / Push (as initiator), and One-way / Pull (as initiator). |
Reliability |
Support for guaranteed delivery only: must be able to receive reliability acks on the SOAP response to the Push, and to resend a pushed message. Must be able to resend a non-acknowledged Pull signal. No requirement to acknowledge a pulled message. |
Security |
Support for username / password token |
Error reporting |
Support for error notification to the local message producer (e.g. reported failure to deliver pushed messages). Ability to report message processing errors for pulled messages to the remote party via Error messages (such an error may be bundled with another pushed message or a Pull signal.). |
Message Partition Channels |
Sending on default message partition flow channel (no support for additional message partitions required.) |
Message packaging |
No support for attachments required – i.e. the payload will use the SOAP body-, no support for MessageProperties required. |
Interop Parameters |
Transport: HTTP 1.1 SOAP version: 1.1 WSS: none Reliability Specification: WS-Reliability 1.1 |
This conformance profile will require compliance with the following WS-I profile, once formally approved by WS-I (currently in Board approval draft status):
Basic Profile 1.2 [WSIBP12]
Note: the above WS-I profile must be complied with within the scope of features exhibited by the Light Handler ebMS conformance profile.
The Activity Monitor CP is identified by the URI:
The following conformance profile is even more restricted in capability. It is intended to match the capability of a monitoring component that is supposed to only send messages (Sending role only), e.g. for some type of business activity monitoring where reliability is not required as the loss of one of some messages can be offset by subsequent messages.
Conformance Profile: AM-CP |
Profile summary: <“Sending” / “activity-monitor” / Level 1 / HTTP1.1 + SOAP 1.1 > |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
ebMS MEP |
Support for One-way / Push (initiator) |
Reliability |
None. |
Security |
none |
Error reporting |
Support for generating errors associated with sending user messages, and notifying remote party via messages. Support for error reporting by notifying its own party (e.g. inability to open a connection). |
Message Partition Channels |
default message partition channel. |
Message packaging |
No support for attachments required, no support for MessageProperties required. |
Interop Parameters |
Transport: HTTP 1.1 SOAP version: 1.1 WSS: none Reliability Specification: none |
This conformance profile requires compliance with the following WS-I profiles.
Basic Profile 1.2 [WSIBP12]
Note: the above WS-I profile must be complied with within the scope of features exhibited by the Activity Monitor conformance profile.
In order to facilitate the definition and comparison of conformance profiles, it is recommended to use the following template for describing a conformance profile:
Conformance Profile: <name> |
Profile summary: [list of:] < ebMS Role(s) / DeploymentType / Level / InteroperabilityParameters> |
Functional Aspects |
Profile Feature Set |
ebMS MEP |
Reliability |
Security |
Error reporting |
Message Partition Channels |
Message packaging |
Interop. Parameters |
Transport and version |
SOAP version |
Reliability specification and version |
Security specification and version |
A conformance profile is primarily associated with a common type of deployment or usage of an MSH implementation. It identifies a set of features that must be implemented in order for an MSH to support this type of deployment.
A conformance profile for ebMS is expressed using the following terms:
Role: This property refers to any possible role a message handler could take (see Section 2 in [ebMS3], which defines Sending and Receiving.)
Deployment Type: A deployment type characterizes a context in which the implementation operates and the expected functional use for this implementation. For example, the following deployment types are expected to be among the most common, nonexclusive from others:
"resource-constrained handler". This characterizes an implementation that generally is not always connected, may not be directly addressable, may have no static IP address, has limited persistent capability, and is not subject to high-volume traffic.
"B2B or G2G gateway". This characterizes an implementation that generally is acting as the gateway for an enterprise or government agency. It has a fixed address; it may have connectivity restrictions due to security; and it must support various types of connectivity with diverse partners.
Level: This property represents a level of capability for this conformance profile, expressed as a positive integer (starting from 1). All other properties being equal, an implementation that is conforming to a profile at level N (with N>1) is also conforming to the same profile at level N-1.
Interoperability parameters: This property is a composed property. It is a vector of parameters that must (in general) be similar pairwise between two implementations in order for them to interoperate. Three parameters are identified here, not exclusive from others. Some are only relevant to ebMS V3:
The transport protocol supported, for which a non-exhaustive list of values is: HTTP, SMTP, HTTPS.
SOAP version: either SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2.
The reliability specification supported, either WS-Reliability or WS-ReliableMessaging.
Conformance Profile: A conformance profile is then fully identified by one or more quadruples of the form: < Role / DeploymentType / Level / InteropParameters>, or <R / D / L / P>, which is called the profile summary.
Functional Aspect: A conformance profile will impose specific requirements on different aspects of the specification, that are called here functional aspects. A set of (non-exhaustive) functional aspects is:
Message Exchage Patterns, Error Reporting, Reliability, Security, Message Partition Flows, Message Packaging, Transport.
Profile Feature Set: The set of specification requirements associated with a conformance profile. This set is partitioned using the functional aspects listed for the specification: it can be expressed as a list of functional aspects, annotated with the required features of each aspect.
The following individuals have participated in the creation of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged.
Hamid Ben Malek, Fujitsu Software <hbenmalek@us.fujitsu.com>
Jacques Durand, Fujitsu Software <jdurand@us.fujitsu.com>
Ric Emery, Axway Inc. <remery@us.axway.com>
Kazunori Iwasa, Fujitsu Limited <kiwasa@jp.fujitsu.com>
Ian Jones, British Telecommunications plc <ian.c.jones@bt.com>
Rajashekar Kailar, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention <kailar@bnetal.com>
Dale Moberg, Axway Inc. <dmoberg@us.axway.com>
Sacha Schlegel, Individual <sacha@schlegel.li>
Pete Wenzel, Sun Microsystems <pete.wenzel@sun.com>
Rev |
Date |
By Whom |
What |
CD 02 |
25 Jul 2007 |