Template:— representing_value_range (rep_range) Date: 2009/04/23 13:25:36
Revision: 1.27

Issue raised against: representing_value_range

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: PBM-1 by Peter Bergström (2007-02-16) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The necessity of chosing a datatype for the input parameter 'value' is not made clear in the parameter definition. It appears that value can be "5" or similar, when in fact the datatype must be given as well, e.g. "ANY_NUMBER_VALUE(5)".
Comment: (Peter Bergström 2007-02-16)
Fixed by editing the parameter description. I also harmonized the description of parameter si_unit with other templates.

Closed issue Issue: TRO-1 by Trisha Rollo (2007-06-25) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

short name does not conform to template checklist of valid values
Comment: (Trisha Rollo 2007-06-25)

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (07-08-09) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

There should be a uniqueness constraint on the Numerical_representation_context
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Uniqueness rule added. Impact of this was the requirement to create a reference parameter - for the rule to work properly.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-1 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 13: Figures under the section Instance diagrams are hard to read. Enlarge. Also, some attribute names are hidden behind entity instances.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-2 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 14: Characterization section does not fully compy with this. E.g. references to Person, Organization etc.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-3 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 24: The description doesn’t say anytning about value range. The example is not describing a value range, but just a value.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Example gives one unit and both an upper value and a lower value. This is what provides the range.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-4 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 26: The ‘Numerical_ representation_context’ entity has two attributes which are not shown in the EXPRESS-G diagram (accuaracies and units). Those should be added, with a comment that they are not being instantiated by this template.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-5 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review items 26, 41: Entity supertypes are not shown in the EXPRESS-G diagram. The Express model is not consistent with AP239 ARM.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-6 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 30: No expicit relation between input parameters and template attributes (e.g. arrows).
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-7 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review items 48, 58: Reference parameter ‘item’ is missing.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-8 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 51: Input parameter si_unit. Do we need to bring in explanations on Part 21 and Part 28 representations in every template that just passes on the values to another template.
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-02-27)
There is now a note explaining the Part 21 and Part 28 representation issue. This is included as agreed "Notes from issue resolution teleocn 2007-17-12"

Closed issue Issue: GYL-9 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 53: Input parameter context. Should we be able to reuse representation contexts that are being defined as subclasses of the class "Representation_context" ?
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-02-27)
Changed to Representation_context as per "Notes from issue resolution teleocn 2007-17-12"

Closed issue Issue: GYL-10 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 57: Shall there be two different ^item reference parameters. Which ^item (i.e. repersenting_ numerical_item template) is referenced when reference parameter ^item is used.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-04)
The ^item reference parameter is not necessary and will be removed as this is not a ref param defined within this template
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Separated upper from lower items. This is however, only a localalized labelling of the reference param of the template being used (rep_num_item).

Closed issue Issue: GYL-11 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 62: An Entity is assigned to the input parameter ‘items’ of the template assigning_reference_data. Entity is not in the list of allowed assignments.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
I could not see what is tech. wrong with this.../assigning_reference_data( items=Numerical_representation_context, class_name=@context, ecl_id=@context_ecl_id)/ Issue needs to be more explicit. The NRC is legally allowed to be assoc'd w/ a classification_assignment.items attribute so the issue is not technically correct.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-12 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 70: Shaded are is missing for the graphical template instantiation.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-13 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 82: Value for input parameter ‘context_ecl_ id’ shall be changed to ‘urn:plcs:rdl:sample’ in order to be consisent with textual example.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Made consistent

Closed issue Issue: GYL-14 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 88: See open issue RBN-1.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
See response to RBN-1

Closed issue Issue: GYL-15 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 90: The EXPRESS-G diagram does not comply with AP239 ARM. It does not show superclasses and inheritance, but is an EXPRESS-G version of an instance diagram.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Made consistent with representing value limit

Closed issue Issue: GYL-16 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 91: Characterizations should comply with Peter Bergstom’s notes in “Properties in DEXlib meeting notes 2007-08-13.doc”
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Made consistent with representing value limit

Closed issue Issue: GYL-17 by Leif Gyllstrom (2007-12-11) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Review issue. Review item 91: Provide examples for each defined characterization.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-05)
Done for time.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-18 by Leif Gyllstrom (08-01-24) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Declaration of input parameter value should be changed from:
< param_in name="lower_limit / upper_limit" type="SELECT" select_type="measure_value">
The value of the property.
The datatype must also be indicated in this parameter, e.g.
to something like:
<param_in name="lower_limit / upper_limit" type="TYPE" defined_type="any_number_value">
The value of the property. The datatype is always 'any_number_value'
and should not be registered together with the value, i.e. enter the
value as a number, without datatype.
Comment: (Tim Turner 2008-03-04)

Closed issue Issue: PHX-1 by Patrick Houbaux (08-04-16) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

REPRESENTING_VALUE_RANGE: path refererring to 2 reference parameters which are not declared (^upper_item, ^lower_item)
Comment: (Tim Turner 2009-04-23)
Ref params declared and diagram updated to reflect.