Template:— representing_dated_effectivity (rep_date_eff) Date: 2008/02/26 17:20:57
Revision: 1.16

Issue raised against: representing_dated_effectivity

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (2007-01-02) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

A number of the input parameters should be defined types, not integers. The input parameters that are enumerations should have the enumeration specified.
Comment: (Rob Bodington 2007-01-02)

Closed issue Issue: RBN-2 by Rob Bodington (2007-11-06) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

When implementing translators, there will be cases where the end effectivity is know, but the start effectivity is not known. The start dates are mandatory. To get around this, one option is to put in dummy dates say 1900 to indicate a dummy or unknown date. An alternative approach would be to use an event for the start_bound of Dated_effectivity. ENTITY Dated_effectivity SUBTYPE OF (Effectivity); start_bound : date_or_event; end_bound : OPTIONAL date_or_event; END_ENTITY; The Event could be simply Event.id="start_effectivity"
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Added as an issue against capability to add new template to use when start date is unknown.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2008-09-17)
This issue reopened. The UK_Defence project needs to use this template. The start date of a dated effectvity needs to be optional and the porposal to use a dummy date is unsatisfactory. A SEDs has been raised against the AP239 EXPRESS schema proposing that Dated_effectvity.start_bound be made optional.
Comment: (Ann Meads 2010-01-22)
This issue is deferred until ed2 of PLCS. This change to the current ed1 AP239 EXPRESS schema is unacceptable since there are a number of implementations built against the current schema.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-1 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) major_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 6 No >figure..< includes a "master"-attribute
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
No master files available. More cost-efficient to remodel when needed, ref. Leif Gyllstrom..

Closed issue Issue: DNV-2 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) major_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 8 No editable files for firues
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
No master files available. More cost-efficient to remodel when needed, ref. Leif Gyllstrom.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-3 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 14 Entities Local_time and Calendar_date mentioned in the parameter section are not referred.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-4 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 16 All figures are hyperlinked but one link has wrong name. In section "Instance Diagrams" there is a link to "figure 5" but it points to figure 3.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Points to the consolidated Figure 5 as it should.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-5 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 21 Open major issue against template
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Major issue against capability not affecting this template.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-6 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 22 Open major issue against capability
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Major issue against capability not affecting this template.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-7 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 28 Additional characterization assigning_identification is part of the model diagram.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-8 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 39 The entity within representing_date_time is not identified by a reference parameter.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-9 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 42 Only full representation present.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-10 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 52 ENUMERATION is used for "sense".
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Enumeration is an accepted type.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-11 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 61 The optional assigning_identification is not shown in the instantiation path
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Removed from diagram.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-12 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 80 Dated_effectivity does not state the referencing entity in representing_date_time.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-13 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: 88 No uniqueness constraint.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)
Not applicable. Semantics not the same to have 2 different Dated_effectivity with same input parameters as 1 unique Dated_effectivity.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-14 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2008-1-18) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: template_issues_20080129.xls Template: Representing_dated_effectivity Check list clause: One additional example with inconsistencies between the diagram and the example text.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)

Closed issue Issue: GYL-1 by Leif Gyllstrom (2008-02-06) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

ExpressG diagram is not consistent with AP239. Dated_effectivity is a subclass of Effectivity. This shall be shown in the express diagram.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-26)