Data Model for Lexicography (DMLex) Version 1.0

Committee Specification 01

8 November 2024

Specification URIs
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Previous version: (Authoritative)
Latest version: (Authoritative)
Technical Committee:
OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC
Michal Měchura (, Masaryk University
David Filip (, Masaryk University
Miloš Jakubíček (, Lexical Computing
Vojtěch Kovář (, Masaryk University
Simon Krek (, Jozef Stefan Institute
John McCrae (, University of Galway
Michal Měchura (, Masaryk University
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This specification declares one or more namespaces. Namespace isn't considered an XML specific feature in this serialization independent specification.

Key words:

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] and [RFC8174] if, and only if, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


This document defines the 1st version of a data model in support of the high-priority technical goals described in the LEXIDMA TC's charter, including:

  • A serialization-independent Data Model for Lexicography (DMLex)

  • An XML serialization of DMLex

  • A JSON serialization of DMLex

  • A relational database serialization of DMLex

  • An RDF serialization of DMLex

  • An informative NVH serialization of DMLex


This document was last revised or approved by the LEXIDMA TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the "Latest version" location noted above for possible later revisions of this document. Any other numbered Versions and other technical work produced by the Technical Committee (TC) are listed at

TC members should send comments on this document to the TC's email list. Others should send comments to the TC's public comment list, after subscribing to it by following the instructions at the "Send A Comment" button on the TC's web page at

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Note that any machine-readable content (Computer Language Definitions) declared Normative for this Work Product is provided in separate plain text files. In the event of a discrepancy between any such plain text file and display content in the Work Product's prose narrative document(s), the content in the separate plain text file prevails.

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When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:


Data Model for Lexicography Version 1.0. Edited by David Filip, Miloš Jakubíček, Simon Krek, John McCrae, and Michal Měchura. 8 November 2024. OASIS Committee Specification 01. Latest version:


Copyright © OASIS Open 2024.

All Rights Reserved.Distributed under the terms of the OASIS IPR Policy.

The name "OASIS" is a trademark of OASIS, the owner and developer of this specification, and should be used only to refer to the organization and its official outputs.

For complete copyright information please see the full Notices section in an Appendix below.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction (Normative)
1.1 Modular structure of DMLex
1.2 Implementing DMLex
1.3 The metamodel behind DMLex
1.3.1 Object types
1.3.2 Properties
1.3.3 Tree structures
1.3.4 Relational structures
1.3.5 Unique identifiers
1.4 Definitions
2 Conformance
3 DMLex Core
3.1 Optional roots
3.2 Fragment identification
3.2.1 DMLex fragment identification strings
3.3 lexicographicResource
3.4 entry
3.5 partOfSpeech
3.6 inflectedForm
3.7 sense
3.8 definition
3.9 label
3.10 pronunciation
3.11 transcription
3.12 example
4 DMLex OPTIONAL Modules (Normative)
4.1 DMLex Crosslingual Module
4.1.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource
4.1.2 translationLanguage
4.1.3 Extensions to sense
4.1.4 headwordTranslation
4.1.5 headwordExplanation
4.1.6 Extensions to example
4.1.7 exampleTranslation
4.1.8 Extensions to partOfSpeech
4.1.9 Extensions to label
4.1.10 Extensions to pronunciation
4.1.11 Extensions to inflectedForm
4.2 DMLex Controlled Values Module
4.2.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource
4.2.2 definitionTypeTag
4.2.3 inflectedFormTag
4.2.4 labelTag
4.2.5 labelTypeTag
4.2.6 partOfSpeechTag
4.2.7 sourceIdentityTag
4.2.8 transcriptionSchemeTag
4.2.9 sameAs
4.3 DMLex Linking Module
4.3.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource
4.3.2 relation
4.3.3 member
4.3.4 relationType
4.3.5 memberType
4.3.6 Extensions to sameAs
4.4 DMLex Annotation Module
4.4.1 Extensions to entry
4.4.2 Extensions to headwordTranslation
4.4.3 placeholderMarker
4.4.4 Extensions to definition
4.4.5 Extensions to example
4.4.6 Extensions to exampleTranslation
4.4.7 headwordMarker
4.4.8 collocateMarker
4.4.9 Extensions to label
4.5 DMLex Etymology Module
4.5.1 Extensions to entry
4.5.2 etymology
4.5.3 etymon
4.5.4 etymonUnit
4.5.5 Extensions to lexicographicResource
4.5.6 etymonType
4.5.7 etymonLanguage
4.5.8 Extensions to partOfSpeech
4.5.9 Extensions to sameAs
5 DMLex REQUIRED Serializations (Normative)
5.1 DMLex XML serialization (Normative)
5.1.1 Design Principles (Informative)
5.1.2 Whitespace handling (Normative)
5.1.3 Element order (Normative)
5.1.4 DMLex XML serialization elements (Normative)
5.2 DMLex JSON serialization (Normative)
5.2.1 Design principles
5.2.2 DMLex JSON serialization objects (Normative)
5.3 DMLex RDF serialization (Normative)
5.3.1 Design principles
5.3.2 DMLex RDF serialization elements
5.4 DMLex relational database serialization (Normative)
5.4.1 Design principles (Informative)
5.4.2 Database diagrams (Informative)
5.4.3 DMLex relational database serialization tables (Normative)


A Informative material on serializations (Informative)
A.1 Examples (Informative)
A.1.1 A basic entry
A.1.2 How to use inflectedForm
A.1.3 Pronunciation given as transcription
A.1.4 Pronunciation given as a sound file
A.1.5 Pronunciation given both ways
A.1.6 How to use partOfSpeechTag and inflectedFormTag
A.1.7 Mapping controlled values to external inventories
A.1.8 Defining a bilingual lexicographic resource
A.1.9 Defining a multilingual lexicographic resource
A.1.10 How to use headwordTranslation in a bilingual lexicographic resource
A.1.11 How to use headwordTranslation in a multilingual lexicographic resource
A.1.12 How to use headwordExplanation
A.1.13 Modelling parts and wholes
A.1.14 Modelling antonyms
A.1.15 Modelling synonyms
A.1.16 Modelling variants
A.1.17 Modelling subsenses
A.1.18 Modelling subentries (at subsense level)
A.1.19 Modelling subentries (at sense level)
A.1.20 Using placeholderMarker
A.1.21 Using placeholderMarker in a bilingual lexicographic resource
A.1.22 Using headwordMarker
A.1.23 Using collocateMarker
A.1.24 Modelling etymology
A.1.25 Modelling etymology types and language
A.2 DMLex NVH serialization (Informative)
A.2.1 Design Principles (Informative)
A.2.2 DMLex NVH serialization nodes (Informative)
A.2.2.1 NVH node: lexicographicResource
A.2.2.2 NVH node: entry
A.2.2.3 NVH node: pos
A.2.2.4 NVH node: form
A.2.2.5 NVH node: sense
A.2.2.6 NVH node: definition
A.2.2.7 NVH node: label
A.2.2.8 NVH node: pronunciation
A.2.2.9 NVH node: transcription
A.2.2.10 NVH node: example
A.2.2.11 NVH node: translationLanguage
A.2.2.12 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]translation
A.2.2.13 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]explanation
A.2.2.14 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]exampleTranslation
A.2.2.15 NVH node: definitionTypeTag
A.2.2.16 NVH node: formTag
A.2.2.17 NVH node: labelTag
A.2.2.18 NVH node: labelTypeTag
A.2.2.19 NVH node: posTag
A.2.2.20 NVH node: sourceIdentityTag
A.2.2.21 NVH node: transcriptionSchemeTag
A.2.2.22 NVH node: sameAs
A.2.2.23 NVH node: relation
A.2.2.24 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]member
A.2.2.25 NVH node: relationType
A.2.2.26 NVH node: memberType
A.2.2.27 NVH node: placeholder
A.2.2.28 NVH node: headword
A.2.2.29 NVH node: collocate
A.2.2.30 NVH node: etymology
A.2.2.31 NVH node: etymon
A.2.2.32 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]etymonUnit
A.2.2.33 NVH node: etymonType
A.2.2.34 NVH node: etymonLanguage
B References (Normative)
B.1 Normative references (Normative)
B.2 Informative references (Informative)
C Machine Readable Validation Artifacts (Normative)
D DMLex UML diagram (Normative)
E DMLex plain text description (Informative)
F Specification Change Tracking (Informative)
F.1 Tracking of changes made in response to Public Reviews
F.1.1 Tracking of changes in response to the 4th Public Review
F.1.2 Tracking of changes in response to the 3rd Public Review
F.1.3 Tracking of changes in response to the 2nd Public Review
F.1.4 Tracking of changes in response to the 1st Public Review
G Acknowledgements (Informative)
H Notices (Informative)

1 Introduction (Normative)

DMLex is a data model for modelling dictionaries (here called lexicographic resources) in computer applications such as dictionary writing systems.

DMLex is a data model, not an encoding format. DMLex is abstract, independent of any markup language or formalism. At the same time, DMLex has been designed to be easily and straightforwardly implementable in XML, JSON, NVH, as a relational database, and as a Semantic Web triplestore.

1.1 Modular structure of DMLex

The DMLex specification is divided into a REQUIRED core with several OPTIONAL modules.

  • DMLex Core allows you to model the basic entries-and-sense structure of a monolingual lexicographic resource.

  • DMLex Crosslingual Module extends DMLex Core to model bilingual and multilingual lexicographic resources.

  • DMLex Controlled Values Module extends DMLex Core to represent inventories of look-up values to be used as part-of-speech tags, usage label tags and others.

  • DMLex Linking Module extends DMLex Core and allows you to model various kinds of relations between entries, senses and other objects, including semantic relations such as synonymy and antonymy and presentational relations such as subentries and subsenses, both within a single lexicographic resource and across multiple lexicographic resources.

  • DMLex Annotation Module extends DMLex Core to allow the modelling of inline markup on various objects such as example sentences, including the modelling of collocations and corpus patterns.

  • DMLex Etymology Module extends DMLex Core to allow the modelling of etymological information in dictionaries.

1.2 Implementing DMLex

DMLex is an abstract data model which can be implemented in many different programming environments and serialization languages. In this document, we specify REQUIRED serializations for:

RDF, and
relational databases.

An informative serialization specification is provided for:


1.3 The metamodel behind DMLex

The DMLex data model is defined in this document through the following concepts.

1.3.1 Object types

DMLex defines the existence of certain object types such as entry and definition. In every DMLex-conformant data set, each “object” (for example each XML element or each database table) must be an instance of one of these object types.

The names of object types are unique within the scope of the entire data model, including all the modules. An object type defined in one module is guaranteed not to name-conflict with another object type in another module.

1.3.2 Properties

For every object type, DMLex defines which properties it can have, whether the properties are required or optional, what their arities are (for example “zero or more”), and what kinds of values it can contains.

There are two kinds of properties: those that contain literal values and those that contain objects.

Some properties are defined to contain literal values such as strings and numbers. The following types of literal values are used in DMLex:

  • normalised string: a string that contains no new lines, does not start or end with a whitespace, contains no block of ASCII whitespace more than a single space and is non-empty.

  • number: including negative numbers and floating-point numbers

  • non-negative integer number

  • boolean: a true/false value

  • URI

  • IETF language code

  • IRI: an Internationalized Resource Identifier

  • closed list of possible values

Some properties are defined to contain objects (of types defined in DMLex), for example an object of type entry can contain objects of type sense. In such cases, the name of the property is the same as the name of the object type. For example, the entry object type has a property called sense which (with an arity of “zero or more”) contains sense objects.

The names of properties are unique within the scope of the object type they belong to but not necessarily outside it.

1.3.3 Tree structures

The mechanics of objects which (through their properties) contain other objects mimics the tree-like structure commonly used in lexicography to represent dictionary entries, typically using XML.

Because of this, this document sometimes refers to objects being the “children”, “parents”, “descendants” or “ancestors” of other objects, or objects “belonging to” other objects. This is to be understood as follows.

  • “Object A is the parent of object B” and “object B is a child of object A” both mean that object A has a property whose value is object B.

  • “Object A is an ancestor of object B” and “object B is a descendant of object A” means that there is a chain of parent-child links between object A and object B.

  • “Object B belongs to object A” is the same as “object B is a descendant of object A” and “object A is an ancestor of object B”.

The tree structures created by DMLex are guaranteed to have similar properties as in XML and many other tree-structured formalisms, including importantly the constraint that every object has no more than one parent.

Additionally, tree structures created by DMLex are guaranteed to be non-recursive: an object can never be an ancestor of another object of the same type.

1.3.4 Relational structures

In addition to tree structures, which are used in DMLex to model the basic entries-and-senses skeleton of a lexicographic resource, DMLex also allows (through the relation object type defined in the Linking Module) the modelling of non-tree relations between objects, that is, relations connecting objects which belong to different parents.

Non-tree relations are used in DMLex to model cross-references between entries and senses, both within a single lexicographic resource and across multiple lexicographic resources. Non-tree relations are also used in DMLex to model certain things which have traditionally been modelled with tree structures in lexicography, such as the hierarchical arrangement of entries and subentries, or senses and subsenses. In DMLex, these phenomena are modelled as non-tree relations in order to avoid recursion in the tree structures and to minimize the number of object types in the data model.

1.3.5 Unique identifiers

Some object types defined in DMLex have a property or a combination of properties mandated to be unique. Designating a property as unique means that its value must be unique within the scope of its parent object type. Designating a combination of properties as unique means that the ordered composition of its values must be unique within the scope of their parent object type. In the case that all unique properties are missing, listingOrder MUST be used to verify uniqueness. Such unique properties in DMLex serve two purposes:

  • To enable objects to participate in relational structures. Relational structures (as opposed to tree structures) are modelled in DMLex as tuples (triples, ...) of unique identifiers.

  • To enable addressing and accessing individual objects, for example individual senses or individual example sentences, outside the context of the entries they are in. See Fragment identification for details.

Serializations of DMLex may choose to assign arbitrary unique identifiers (e.g. a random integer or a hash of the property value) to each property or combination of properties.

1.4 Definitions


any application or tool that , reads, edits, writes, processes, stores, renders or otherwise handles DMLex Instances.

Agent is the most general application conformance target that subsumes all other specialized user agents disregarding whether they are defined in this specification or not.

Enrich, Enriching

the process of adding metadata and resources to DMLex Instances

Processing Requirements

  • Enriching MAY happen at the time of Creation.

Enricher, Enricher Agent

any Agent that performs the Enriching process

Create, Creation

the process of encoding lexicographic data as DMLex Instances

Creator, Creator Agent

any Agent that performs the Creation process

Modify, Modification

the process of changing core and module based structural and inline objects that were previously created by other Writers

Processing Requirements

  • DMLex Instances MAY be Modified and Enriched at the same time.


Creator or Enricher knowledge of the DMLex Instance is not assumed while Modifying. However, modifications can only happen in the same serialization.

Modifier, Modifier Agent

an Agent that performs the Modification process

Writer, Writer Agent

an Agent that Creates, generates, or otherwise writes DMLex Instances for whatever purpose, including but not limited to Creator, Modifier, and Enricher Agents.


Since DMLex serializations are intended as editing and exchange formats rather than processing formats, many applications will need to generate DMLex Instances from their internal processing formats, even in cases when they are processing DMLex Instances provided by other Writers.


The term UNIQUE shall be interpreted as given in the section on Unique identifiers.

2 Conformance

  1. DMLex Instances Conformance

    1. Conformant DMLex Instances MUST be well formed and valid instances according to one of the normative DMLex Serialization Specifications.

    2. DMLex Instances MAY contain custom extensions, provided that those extensions do not provide features or parts of features that are provided by the DMLex Core or any of the DMLex Modules. Extensions MUST be serialized in a way conformant and compatible with the pertaining DMLex Serialization Specifications.

  2. Application Conformance

    1. DMLex Writers MUST create conformant DMLex Instances to be considered DMLex compliant.

    2. Agents processing conformant DMLex Instances that contain custom extensions are not REQUIRED to understand and process non-DMLex objects or attributes. However, conformant applications SHOULD preserve existing custom extensions when processing conformant DMLex Instances, provided that the objects that contain custom extensions are not removed according to DMLex Processing Requirements or the extension's own processing requirements.

    3. All Agents MUST comply with Processing Requirements for otherwise unspecified Agents or without a specifically set target Agent.

    4. Specialized Agents defined in this specification - this is Creator, Writer, Modifier, and Enricher Agents - MUST comply with the Processing Requirements targeting their specifically defined type of Agent on top of Processing Requirements targeting all Agents as per point c. above.

    5. DMLex is an object model explicitly designed for exchanging data in the same serialization among various Agents. Thus, a conformant DMLex application MUST be able to accept DMLex Instances Created, Modified, or Enriched by a different application, provided that:

      1. The processed files are conformant DMLex Instances according to the same DMLex Serialization Specification,

      2. in a state compliant with all relevant Processing Requirements.

  3. Backwards Compatibility

    1. N/A (no previous versions)


DMLex Instances cannot be conformant to this specification w/o being conformant to a specific serialization.


Exchange of DMLex Instances data between and among DMLex serializations is out of scope of the DMLex Version 1.0 specification. Although, the serializations are semantically compatible, they don't have to possess compatible addressing and fragment identification mechanims, mainly due to the fact that each serialization is expected to use its own native id data types, uniqueness scopes, and addressing methods.

3 DMLex Core

The DMLex Core provides data types for modelling monolingual dictionaries (called lexicographic resources in DMLex) where headwords, definitions and examples are all in one and the same language. DMLex Core gives you the tools you need to model simple dictionary entries which consist of the following data types:

3.1 Optional roots

When exchanging data encoded in a DMLex serialization which has the concept of a "root" or top-level object, such as XML, JSON or NVH, the object types lexicographicResource and entry can serve as such roots.

3.2 Fragment identification

Incomplete parts of DMLex objects represent valid fragments as long as it is possible to identify their complete source DMLex object. For a particular serialization, this can be achieved by:

  • Making sure the fragment contains all unique properties of the DMLex parent-child hierarchy that are necessary to determine its source object.

  • Using a serialization-specific addressing mechanism (e.g. XPath for XML, JMESPath for JSON or an NVH query) to provide the location of the fragment in the source DMLex object.

3.2.1 DMLex fragment identification strings

DMLex provides a recommended method for addressing DMLex objects present on-line, useful for linking (cf. Section 4.3, “DMLex Linking Module”) and general interoperability. Implementing this method is not REQUIRED for conformance.

Every fragment SHOULD be assigned a unique fragment identification string, composed of lexicographicResource.uri, with protocol identification prefix (such as http:// or https://) removed, and a sequence of identifiers that uniquely determines the path in the DMLex tree structure. The DMLex fragment identification string of the root object lexicographicResource is the value of its attribute lexicographicResource.uri, with protocol identification prefix (such as http:// or https://) removed. The fragment identification strings of its direct children are constructed as follows:


(We define below how object IDs are created.)

The DMLex fragment identification strings of descendant objects are constructed by appending the children's type names and IDs to the fragment identification strings of their direct parents, using “/” as the delimiter. In other words, the full template for a fragment identification string looks as follows:


For example, a particular sense (which is a property of entry) is assigned the following fragment identification string:


A fragment identification string of an example (which is a property of sense, which is a property of entry) has the following structure:

lexicographicResource.uri/entry/entryID/sense/senseID/example/exampleID Object IDs

For the purpose of creating DMLex fragment identification strings, each object is assigned a unique ID relative to its parent, based on values of its properties declared as UNIQUE. Multiple situations can occur:

  1. The object type has a single UNIQUE property with an arity of “exactly one”, and the value of the property is a string or a number. In this case, the object ID is the string or the number, with the following modifications performed in that particular order:

    • every “\” (ASCII character 5C) is replaced by “\\”

    • every “~” (ASCII character 7E) is replaced by “\~”

    • every “_” (ASCII character 5F) is replaced by “\_”

    • every “0” (zero, ASCII character 30) is replaced by “\0”

    • all IRI-unsafe characters (outside the iunreserved class according to [RFC 3987]) are percent-encoded according to [RFC 3986]

  2. The object type has a single UNIQUE property with an arity of “exactly one”, and the value of the property is a child DMLex object. In this case, the object ID is the same as the object ID of the child object. (Note: this case actually does not occur in the specification as such; we list it here to streamline the description of the following cases.)

  3. The object type has a single UNIQUE property with an arbitrary arity. In this case, all the partial single values or child object IDs are constructed according to the steps 1. and 2., and the resulting object ID is their concatenation using “_” (ASCII character 5F) as a separator. The order of the partial values is driven by the listingOrder of the respective objects. If this procedure returns an empty string (which can happen in case of UNIQUE attributes that allow the arity of zero), the string “0” (zero, ASCII character 30) is used instead of the empty string.

  4. The object type has multiple UNIQUE properties. In this case, all the partial values or child object IDs are constructed according to the steps 1., 2. and 3., and the resulting object ID is their concatenation using “~” (ASCII character 5F) as a separator. The order of the partial values is driven by the order of the properties as given in this specification. (Note: all atributes marked as UNIQUE need to be represented in the ID, as empty values are replaced by “0” according to step 3. No empty IDs are allowed.)

  5. In specific situations it may happen there are multiple different objects with all the UNIQUE properties empty, i.e. multiple objects with duplicate IDs (the same sequence of zeros) emerge as the result of the step 4. One example of such a situation is multiple senses without indicators or definitions, but with different translations. In that case, and only in that case, the value of listingOrder is concatenated to the sequence of zeros, to distinguish between the duplicate IDs. If there is only one such object, listingOrder is not concatenated to the sequence of zeros.

DMLex does not define the structure of DMLex fragment identification strings for object types without UNIQUE properties. DMLex fragment identification string examples

Particular examples of DMLex fragment identification strings can then look as follows:


  • (Here we assume that the sense's indicator is empty and it has one definition which says “small furry animal”).


  • (Here we assume that both the sense's definition and its indicator are empty, and there is only one such sense.)

  • (Here we assume that both the sense's definition and its indicator are empty, there are multiple such senses, and this is the sense number 2, of all this entry's senses.)

3.3 lexicographicResource

Represents a dictionary. A lexicographic resource is a dataset which can be used, viewed and read by humans as a dictionary and – simultaneously – ingested, processed and understood by software agents as a machine-readable dataset.


The correct name of this data type in DMLex is lexicographic, not lexical, resource.


  • title OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable title of the lexicographic resource.

  • uri OPTIONAL (zero or one). The URI of the lexicographic resource, identifying it on the Web.

  • langCode REQUIRED (exactly one). The IETF language code of the language that this lexicographic resource describes.

  • entry OPTIONAL (zero or more)


  • langCode identifies the language of headwords, definitions and examples in this dictionary. DMLex is based on the assumption that all headwords in a lexicographic resource are in the same language, and that definitions and examples, if any are included in the lexicographic resource, are in that language too. The langCode property of lexicographicResource informs potential users of the lexicographic resource which language that is.

  • Ideally, a lexicographic resource should include at least one entry. However, DMLex specifies that entry is optional in lexicographicResource to allow for the existence of lexicographic resources which are not yet complete.

  • The lexicographicResource data type does not prescribe properties for detailed metadata about the lexicographic resource, implementers are advised to refer to the properties in the Dublin Core elements namespace as for basic metadata.

  • DMLex allows lexicographic resources to contain zero entries. This is to enable the existence of lexicographic resources which are work in progress, and lexicographic resources whose only purpose is to contain relations (defined in the DMLex Linking Module) that link entries from other lexicographic resources.

Example 1. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="..." langCode="...">

Example 2. JSON

    "title": "...",
    "langCode": "...",
    "entries": [...]

Example 3. RDF

@prefix dmlex: 
 <> .

<#id> a dmlex:LexicographicResource ;
  dmlex:title "..." ;
  dmlex:uri "..." ;
  dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:entry <entry1> , ... .

Example 4. Relational database

Example 5. NVH

  title: An example dictionary
  langCode: en
  entry: ...
  entry: ...

3.4 entry

Represents a dictionary entry. An entry contains information about one headword.


  • headword REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. The entry's headword.

  • partOfSpeech OPTIONAL (zero or more) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present).

  • homographNumber OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Number. The entry's homograph number, as a guide to distinguish entries with the same headword.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • pronunciation OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • inflectedForm OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • sense OPTIONAL (zero or more).


DMLex Core does not have a concept of "subentry". To model subentries (i.e. entries inside entries) in a lexicographic resource, object types from the Linking Module should be used.


The headword can be a single word, a multi-word expression, or any expression in the source language which is being described by the entry.


DMLex allows only one headword per entry. Things such as variant headwords do not exist in DMLex. However, the DMLex Linking Module does make it possible to represent the existence of variants by treating them as separate headwords of separate entries, and linking the entries using a type of link which will cause the entries to be placed together when shown to human users. See Section A.1.16, “Modelling variants” for an example using the English words "colour" and "color".


DMLex allows entries to contain zero senses. An entry with zero senses is an entry which declares the existence of its headword and, optionally, gives some information about the headword's morphosyntactical properties (part of speech, inflected forms etc.) but does not say anything about its semantics, about its meaning. Such entries can exist as entries which are work in progress, or as entries whose only purpose is to serve as members in entry-to-entry relations (defined in the DMLex Linking Module) such as spelling variants (example: Section A.1.16, “Modelling variants”).


Entries in DMLex do not have an explicit listing order. An application can imply a listing order from a combination of the headword and the homograph number, such that the headword is the primary sorting key and the homograph number (for entries that have one) is the secondary sorting key.


Ideally, each entry should have exactly one part-of-speech label. However, DMLex allows more than one partOfSpeech in entry in order to allow for exceptional cases when the lexicographer has decided to treat multiple part-of-speech readings of a headword in a single entry. Example: English words which denote nationalities ("Czech", "German") and which can function both as nouns and as adjectives.

Example 6. XML

<entry homographNumber="...">

Example 7. JSON

    "headword": "...",
    "homographNumber": "...",
    "partsOfSpeech": [...],
    "labels": [...],
    "pronunciations": [...],
    "inflectedForms": [...],
    "senses": [...]

Example 8. RDF

<id> a dmlex:Entry ;
  dmlex:headword "..." ;
  dmlex:homographNumber ... ;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech ... ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:pronunciation ... ;
  dmlex:inflectedForm ... ;
  dmlex:sense ... .

Example 9. Relational database

Example 10. NVH

entry: headword
  homograph: ...
  pos: ...
  label: ...
  pronunciation: ...
  form: ...
  sense: ...

3.5 partOfSpeech

Represents a part-of-speech label.

Property of


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text which identifies the part-of-speech label, for example n for noun, v for verb, adj for adjective. The partOfSpeechTag object type can be used to explain the meaning of the part-of-speech tags, to constrain which part-of-speech tags are allowed to occur in the lexicographic resource, and to map them onto external inventories and ontologies.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this part-of-speech label among other part-of-speech labels of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.


  • The way to model other grammatical properties of the headword besides part of speech, such as gender (of nouns) or aspect (of verbs) in DMLex is to combine them with the part of speech into a single part-of-speech tag, for example noun-masc and noun-fem, or v-perf and v-imperf.

Example 11. XML

<partOfSpeech tag="..."/>

Example 12. JSON

Implemented as a string


Example 13. RDF

<entry> dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
  a dmlex:PartOfSpeech ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] .

Example 14. Relational database

Example 15. NVH

pos: tag

3.6 inflectedForm

Represents one (of possibly many) inflected forms of the headword. Example: Section A.1.2, “How to use inflectedForm.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. The text of the inflected form.

  • tag OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text which identifies the inflected form, for example pl for plural, gs for genitive singular, com for comparative. The inflectedFormTag object type can be used to explain the meaning of the inflection tags, to constrain which inflection tags are allowed to occur in the lexicographic resource, and to map them onto external inventories and ontologies.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • pronunciation OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this inflected form among other inflected forms of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 16. XML

<inflectedForm tag="...">

Example 17. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "text": "...",
    "labels": [...],
    "pronunciations": [...]

Example 18. RDF

<entry> dmlex:inflectedForm [
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:pronunciation ... ] .

Example 19. Relational database

Example 20. NVH

form: text
  tag: ...
  label: ...
  pronunciation: ...


  • The inflectedForm object type is intended to model the inflectional morphology of a headword. To model derivational morphology, for example feminine forms of masculine nouns, the recommended way to do that in DMLex is to create separate entries for the two words, and link them using the Linking Module.

3.7 sense

Represents one of possibly many meanings (or meaning potentials) of the headword.

Property of


  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this sense among other senses of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.

  • indicator OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. A short statement, in the same language as the headword, that gives an indication of the meaning of a sense and permits its differentiation from other senses in the entry. Indicators are sometimes used in dictionaries instead of or in addition to definitions.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • definition OPTIONAL (zero or more) and UNIQUE.

  • example OPTIONAL (zero or more).


  • The properties of entry are, apart from sense, formal properties of the headword such as orthography, morphology, syntax and pronunciation. A sense is a container for statements about the headword's semantics. DMLex deliberately makes it impossible to include morphological information at sense level. It is impossible in DMLex to model an entry where each sense has slightly different morphological properties (e.g. a noun has a weak plural in one sense and a strong plural in another). Such phenomena need to be treated as two entries (homographs) and can be linked using the Linking Module to make sure they are always shown together to human users.

Example 21. XML


Example 22. JSON

    "indicator": "...",
    "labels": [...],
    "definitions": [...],
    "examples": [...]

Example 23. RDF

<id> a dmlex:Sense ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ;
  dmlex:indicator "..." ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:definition ... ;
  dmlex:example ... .

Example 24. Relational database

Example 25. NVH

sense: indicator
  definition: ...
  label: ...
  example: ...

3.8 definition

Represents one of possibly several definitions of a sense.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. A statement, in the same language as the headword, that describes and/or explains the meaning of a sense. In DMLex, the term definition encompasses not only formal definitions, but also less formal explanations.

  • definitionType OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. If a sense contains multiple definitions, indicates the difference between them, for example that they are intended for different audiences. The definitionTypeTag object type can be used to constrain and/or explain the definition types that occur in the lexicographic resource.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this definition among other definitions of the same sense. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 26. XML

<definition definitionType="...">

Example 27. JSON

    "text": "....",
    "definitionType": "..."

Example 28. RDF

<sense> dmlex:definition [
  a dmlex:Definition ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:definitionType "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] .

Example 29. Relational database

Example 30. NVH

definition: text
  definitionType: ...

3.9 label

Represents a restriction on its parent such as temporal (old-fashioned, neologism), regional (dialect), register (formal, colloquial), domain (medicine, politics) or grammar (singular-only).


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text which identifies the label, for example neo for neologism, colloq for colloquial, polit for politics. The labelTag object type can be used to explain the meaning of the labels, to constrain which labels are allowed to occur in the lexicographic resource, and to map them onto external inventories and ontologies.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this label among other labels of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.


  • A label applies to the object that it is a child of. When the label is a child of entry, then it applies to the headword in all its senses. When the label is a child of sense, then it applies to the headword in that sense only (not including any subsenses linked to it using the Linking Module). When the label is a child of inflectedForm, then it applies only to that inflected form of the headword (in all senses). When the label is a child of pronunciation, then it applies only to that pronunciation of the headword (in all senses).

Example 31. XML

<label tag="..."/>

Example 32. JSON

Implemented as a string


Example 33. RDF

<entry> dmlex:label [
  a dmlex:Label ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] .

Example 34. Relational database

Example 35. NVH

label: tag

3.10 pronunciation

Represents the pronunciation of its parent. Examples: Section A.1.3, “Pronunciation given as transcription”, Section A.1.4, “Pronunciation given as a sound file”, Section A.1.5, “Pronunciation given both ways”.


  • At least one of:

    • soundFile OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE. An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) pointing to a file which contains a sound recording of the pronunciation

    • transcription OPTIONAL (zero or more) and UNIQUE.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this pronunciation object among other pronunciation objects of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).


The value of the soundFile property is an IRI. This means, among other things, that it can be an internet URL or a relative file path, and can contain non-ASCII characters.

Example 36. XML

<pronunciation soundFile="...">

Example 37. JSON

    "soundFile": "...",
    "transcriptions": [...],
    "labels": [...]

Example 38. RDF

<entry> dmlex:pronunciation [
  a dmlex:Pronunciation ;
  dmlex:soundFile <...> ;
  dmlex:transcription ... ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ;
  dmlex:label ...  ] .

Example 39. Relational database

Example 40. NVH

pronunciation: soundFile
  transcription: ...
  label: ...

3.11 transcription

Represents the transcription of a pronunciation in some notation such as IPA.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. The actual transcription.

  • scheme OPTIONAL (zero or one). IETF language tag. Identifies the transcription scheme used here. Example: en-fonipa for English IPA. This can be implicit if the lexicographic resource uses only one transcription scheme throughout. The transcriptionSchemeTag object type can be used to define which transcription schemes are allowed in the lexicographic resource.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this transcription object among transcriptions of the same pronunciation. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 41. XML

<transcription scheme="...">

Example 42. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "scheme": "..."

Example 43. RDF

<pronunciation> dmlex:transcription [
  a dmlex:Transcription ;
  dmlex:scheme "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] .

Example 44. Relational database

Example 45. NVH

transcription: text
  scheme: ...

3.12 example

Represents a sentence or other text fragment which illustrates the headword being used.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. The example itself.

  • sourceIdentity OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text which identifies the source. The sourceIdentityTag object type can be used to explain the meaning of the source identifiers, to constrain which source identifiers are allowed to occur in the lexicographic resource, and to map them onto external inventories and ontologies.

  • sourceElaboration OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A free-form statement about the source of the example. If sourceIdentity is present, then sourceElaboration can be used for information about where in the source the example can be found: page number, chapter and so on. If sourceIdentity is absent then sourceElaboration can be used to fully name the source.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • soundFile OPTIONAL (zero or one). An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) pointing to a file which contains a sound recording of the example.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this example object among examples of the same sense. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 46. XML

<example sourceIdentity="..." sourceElaboration="..." soundFile="...">

Example 47. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "sourceIdentity": "...",
    "sourceElaboration": "...",
    "labels": [...],
    "soundFile": "..."

Example 48. RDF

<sense> dmlex:example [
  a dmlex:Example ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:sourceIdentity "..." ;
  dmlex:sourceElaboration "..." ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:soundFile <...> ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] .

Example 49. Relational database

Example 50. NVH

example: text
  sourceIdentity: ...
  sourceElaboration: ...
  soundFile: ...
  label: ...

4 DMLex OPTIONAL Modules (Normative)

4.1 DMLex Crosslingual Module

DMLex's Multilingual Module extends the Core and turns a monolingual lexicographic resource into a bilingual or multilingual one. A bilingual or multilingual lexicographic resource is a lexicographic resource with multiple (two or more) languages: the headwords and the examples are in one language (called "the language of the lexicographic resource" in DMLex) and their translations are in one or more other languages (called the translation languages in DMLex).

4.1.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource

Extends the lexicographicResource object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 51. XML

<lexicographicResource ...>

Example 52. JSON

    "translationLanguages": [...]

Example 53. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:translationLanguage ...

Example 54. NVH

lexicographicResource: ...
  translationLanguage: ...

4.1.2 translationLanguage

Represents one of the languages in which translations are given in this lexicographic resource. Examples: Section A.1.8, “Defining a bilingual lexicographic resource”, Section A.1.9, “Defining a multilingual lexicographic resource”.


  • langCode REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. The IETF language code of the language.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. Sets the order in which translations (of headwords and examples) should be shown. It outranks the listing order given in headwordTranslation, headwordExplanation and exampleTranslation objects.

Example 55. XML

<translationLanguage langCode=""/>

Example 56. JSON

Implemented as a string


Example 57. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:translationLanguage [
  dmlex:langCode ... ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 0 ] .

Example 58. Relational database

Example 59. NVH

translationLanguage: langCode

4.1.3 Extensions to sense

Extends the sense object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 60. XML

<sense ...>

Example 61. JSON

    "headwordExplanations": [...],
    "headwordTranslations": [...],

Example 62. RDF

  dmlex:headwordExplanation ... ;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation ... .

Example 63. XML

sense: ...
  explanation: ...
  translation: ...

4.1.4 headwordTranslation

Represents one of possibly multiple translations of a headword. Examples: Section A.1.10, “How to use headwordTranslation in a bilingual lexicographic resource”, Section A.1.11, “How to use headwordTranslation in a multilingual lexicographic resource”.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with langCode if present). Normalised string.

  • langCode OPTIONAL (zero or one) if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with text) otherwise. IETF language tag. Indicates the language of this translation. The translationLanguage datatype can be used to explain the meaning of the language codes that appear here and/or to constrain which language codes are allowed.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this translation among other translations of the same sense in the same language. This can be implicit from the serialization.

  • partOfSpeech OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • pronunciation OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • inflectedForm OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 64. XML

<headwordTranslation langCode="...">

Example 65. JSON

    "langCode": "...",
    "text": "...",
    "partsOfSpeech": [...],
    "labels": [...],
    "pronunciations": [...],
    "inflectedForms": [...]

Example 66. RDF

<#sense> dmlex:headwordTranslation [
  dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech ... ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:pronunciation ... ;
  dmlex:inflectedForm ... ] .

Example 67. Relational database

Example 68. NVH

langCode_translation: text
  pos: ...
  label: ...
  pronunciation: ...
  form: ...

4.1.5 headwordExplanation

Represents a statement in the translation language which explains (but does not translate) the meaning of the headword. Example: Section A.1.12, “How to use headwordExplanation.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with langCode if present). Normalised string.

  • langCode OPTIONAL (zero or one) if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE otherwise (in combination with text). IETF language tag. Indicates the language in which this explanation is written. The translationLanguage datatype can be used to explain the meaning of the language codes that appear here and/or to constrain which language codes are allowed.


  • It is assumed that there will always be a maximum of one headwordExplanation per translation language in each sense. For this reason, headwordExplanation does not have a listingOrder.

Example 69. XML

<headwordExplanation langCode="...">

Example 70. JSON

    "langCode": "...",
    "text": "...",

Example 71. RDF

<#sense> dmlex:headwordExplanation [
  dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:text "..." ] .

Example 72. Relational database

Example 73. NVH

langCode_explanation: text

4.1.6 Extensions to example

Extends the example object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 74. XML

<example ...>

Example 75. JSON

    "exampleTranslations": [...]

Example 76. RDF

<#example> dmlex:exampleTranslation ... .

Example 77. NVH

example: ...
  exampleTranslation: ...

4.1.7 exampleTranslation

Represents the translation of an example.

Property of


  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with langCode if present). Normalised string.

  • langCode OPTIONAL (zero or one) if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with text) otherwise. IETF language tag. Indicates the language of this translation. The translationLanguage datatype can be used to explain the meaning of the language codes that appear here and/or to constrain which language codes are allowed.

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • soundFile OPTIONAL (zero or one). An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) pointing to a file which contains a sound recording of the translation.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this translation among other translations of the same example in the same language. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 78. XML

<exampleTranslation langCode="..." soundFile="...">

Example 79. JSON

    "langCode": "...",
    "text": "...",
    "labels": [...],
    "soundFile": "..."

Example 80. RDF

<#example> dmlex:exampleTranslation [
  dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:label ... ;
  dmlex:soundFile "..." ] .

Example 81. Relational database

Example 82. NVH

langCode_exampleTranslation: text
  soundFile: ...
  label: ...

4.1.8 Extensions to partOfSpeech

Extends the partOfSpeech object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 83. Relational database

4.1.9 Extensions to label

Extends the label object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 84. Relational database

4.1.10 Extensions to pronunciation

Extends the pronunciation object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 85. Relational database

4.1.11 Extensions to inflectedForm

Extends the inflectedForm object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 86. Relational database

4.2 DMLex Controlled Values Module

DMLex's Controlled Values Module extends the Core and makes it possible to represent inventories from which the values of various properties come from, such as parts of speech, labels, inflected form tags and others.


  • Treating controlled values as constraints in an implementation of DMLex, for example as business rules in a dictionary-writing system, is OPTIONAL.

4.2.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource

Extends the lexicographicResource object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 87. XML

<lexicographicResource ...>

Example 88. JSON

    "definitionTypeTags": [...],
    "inflectedFormTags": [...],
    "labelTags": [...],
    "labelTypeTags": [...],
    "partOfSpeechTags": [...],
    "sourceIdentityTags": [...]
    "transcriptionSchemeTags": [...]

Example 89. RDF

  dmlex:definitionTypeTag ... ;
  dmlex:inflectedFormTag ... ;
  dmlex:labelTag ... ;
  dmlex:labelTypeTag ... ;
  dmlex:partOfSpeechTag ... ;
  dmlex:sourceIdentityTag ... ;
  dmlex:transcriptionSchemeTag ... .

Example 90. NVH

lexicographicResource: ...
  definitionTypeTag: ...
  inflectedFormTag: ...
  labelTag: ...
  labelTypeTag: ...
  partOfSpeechTag: ...
  sourceIdentityTag: ...
  transcriptionSchemeTag: ...

4.2.2 definitionTypeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for definitionType of definition.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 91. XML

<definitionTypeTag tag="..."

Example 92. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 93. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:definitionTypeTag [
  a dmlex:DefinitionTypeTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 94. Relational database

Example 95. NVH

definitionTypeTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.2.3 inflectedFormTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of inflectedForm. Example: Section A.1.6, “How to use partOfSpeechTag and inflectedFormTag.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A statement about constraints and recommendation on using this tag. This can be a human-readable description such as "for use with German nouns only" or a machine-readable instruction in any format understandable to the DMLex implementation, such as partOfSpeech=noun AND language=de.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 96. XML

<inflectedFormTag tag="..." for="...">

Example 97. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "for": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 98. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:inflectedFormTag [
  a dmlex:InflectedFormTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:for "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 99. Relational database

Example 100. NVH

formTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...
  for: ...

4.2.4 labelTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of label.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • typeTag OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text which identifies the type of the label, for example temporal for temporal labels (archaic, neologism etc) or dialect for labels of dialects. The labelTypeTag object type can be used to explain the meaning of the type tags, to constrain which type tags are allowed to occur in the lexicographic resource, and to map them onto external inventories and ontologies.

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A statement about constraints and recommendation on using this tag. This can be a human-readable description such as "for use with German nouns only" or a machine-readable instruction in any format understandable to the DMLex implementation, such as partOfSpeech=noun AND language=de.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 101. XML

<labelTag tag="..." typeTag="..." for="...">

Example 102. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "typeTag": "...",
    "for": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 103. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:labelTag [
  a dmlex:LabelTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:typeTag "..." ;
  dmlex:for "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 104. Relational database

Example 105. NVH

labelTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...
  for: ...
  typeTag: ...

4.2.5 labelTypeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for typeTag of labelTag.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the type tag means.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 106. XML

<labelTypeTag tag="...">

Example 107. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "..."
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 108. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:labelTypeTag [
  a dmlex:LabelTypeTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ].

Example 109. Relational database

Example 110. NVH

labelTypeTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.2.6 partOfSpeechTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of partOfSpeech. Example: Section A.1.6, “How to use partOfSpeechTag and inflectedFormTag.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A statement about constraints and recommendation on using this tag. This can be a human-readable description such as "for use in German and Czech only" or a machine-readable instruction in any format understandable to the DMLex implementation, such as language=de OR language=cs.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 111. XML

<partOfSpeechTag tag="..." for="...">

Example 112. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "for": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 113. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:partOfSpeechTag [
  a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:for "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 114. Relational database

Example 115. NVH

posTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...
  for: ...

4.2.7 sourceIdentityTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for sourceIndentity of example.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. An abbreviation, a code or some other string of text.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 116. XML

<sourceIdentityTag tag="..."

Example 117. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 118. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:sourceIdentityTag [
  a dmlex:SourceIdentityTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 119. Relational database

Example 120. NVH

sourceIdentityTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.2.8 transcriptionSchemeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for scheme of transcription.


  • tag REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. An IETF language tag.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable description of what the tag means.

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A statement about constraints and recommendation on using this tag. This can be a human-readable description such as "for use in German and Czech only" or a machine-readable instruction in any format understandable to the DMLex implementation, such as language=de OR language=cs.


  • The transcriptionSchemeTag does not have a sameAs property because the tag itself - which is an IETF language tag - defines fully what the tag means.

Example 121. XML

<transcriptionSchemeTag tag="..." for="...">

Example 122. JSON

    "tag": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "for": "..."

Example 123. RDF

<lexicographicResource> dmlex:transcriptionSchemeTag [
  a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag ;
  dmlex:tag "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:for "..." ] .

Example 124. Relational database

Example 125. NVH

transcriptionSchemeTag: tag
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...
  for: ...

4.2.9 sameAs

Represents the fact that the parent object is equivalent to an item available from an external authority. Example: Section A.1.7, “Mapping controlled values to external inventories”.


  • uri REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. The URI of an item in an external inventory.

Example 126. XML

<sameAs uri="..."/>

Example 127. JSON

Implemented as a string


Example 128. Relational database

Example 129. NVH

sameAs: uri

4.3 DMLex Linking Module

DMLex's Linking Module can be used to construct relations between objects which "break out" of the tree-like parent-and-child hierarchy constructed from datatypes from the Core and from other modules. The Linking Module can be used to create relations between senses which are synonyms or antonyms, between entries whose headwords are homonyms or spelling variants, between senses which represent superordinate and subordinate concepts (eg. hypernyms and hyponyms, holonyms and meronyms), between entries and subentries, between senses and subsenses, and many others.

Each relation is represented in DMLex by an instance of the relation datatype. A relation brings two or more members together. The fact that an object (such as a sense or an entry) is a member of a relation is represented in DMLex by an instance of the member datatype.

The Linking Module can be used to set up relations between objects inside the same lexicographic resource, or between objects residing in different lexicographic resources.

For linking, some type of reference IDs of linked objects are needed (cf. the ref property in Section 4.3.3, “member). DMLex does not prescribe the exact form of these IDs, however, a recommended method for creating unique IRIs for DMLex objects is available in Section 3.2.1, “DMLex fragment identification strings”, which may be useful especially when linking objects from different lexicographic resources on the Web.

Examples: Section A.1.13, “Modelling parts and wholes”, Section A.1.14, “Modelling antonyms”, Section A.1.15, “Modelling synonyms”, Section A.1.16, “Modelling variants”, Section A.1.17, “Modelling subsenses”, Section A.1.18, “Modelling subentries (at subsense level)”, Section A.1.19, “Modelling subentries (at sense level)”.

4.3.1 Extensions to lexicographicResource

Extends the lexicographicResource object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 130. XML

<lexicographicResource ...>

Example 131. JSON

    "relations": [...],
    "relationTypes": [...]

Example 132. RDF

  dmlex:relation ... ;
  dmlex:relationType ... .

Example 133. NVH

lexicographicResource: ...
  relation: ...
  relationType: ...

4.3.2 relation

Represents the fact that a relation exists between two or more objects.


  • type REQUIRED (exactly one). Normalised string. Specifies what type of relation it is, for example a relation between synonyms or a relation between a sense and a subsense. Optionally, relationType objects can be used to explain those types and to constrain which types of relations are allowed to exist in the lexicographic resource.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable explanation of this relation.

  • member REQUIRED (two or more).

Example 134. XML

<relation type="...">

Example 135. JSON

    "type": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "members": [...]

Example 136. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:relation [
  a dmlex:Relation ;
  dmlex:type "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:member ... ] .

Example 137. Relational database

Example 138. NVH

relation: type
  description: ...
  member: ...

4.3.3 member

Represents the fact that an object, such as an entry or a sense, is a member of a relation.

Property of


  • ref REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Reference to an object, such as an entry or a sense. The IRI addressing mechanism described in Section 3.2.1, “DMLex fragment identification strings” can be used (but is not REQUIRED).

  • role OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. An indication of the role the member has in this relation: whether it is the hypernym or the hyponym (in a hyperonymy/hyponymy relation), or whether it is one of the synonyms (in a synonymy relation), and so on. You can use memberType objects to explain those roles and to constrain which relations are allowed to contain which roles, what their object types are allowed to be (eg. entries or senses) and how many members with this role each relation is allowed to have.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this member among other members of the same relation. When showing members of the relation to human users (for example: when listing the synonyms in a synonymy relation), the members should be listed in this order. This can be implicit from the serialization.

  • obverseListingOrder OPTIONAL (at most one). Number. The position of this relation among other relations this member is involved in. When an object - such as an entry or a sense - is a member of several relations (for example: when a sense is a member of a synonymy relation and also of an antonymy relation) then, when showing the object (the entry or the sense) to human users, the relations should be listed in this order (for example: the synonyms first, the antonyms second).

Example 139. XML

<member ref="..." role="..." obverseListingOrder="..."/>

Example 140. JSON

    "ref": "...",
    "role": "...",
    "obverseListingOrder": "..."

Example 141. RDF

<#relation> dmlex:member [
  a dmlex:Member ;
  dmlex:ref "..." ;
  dmlex:role "..." ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 0 ;
  dmlex:obverseListingOrder 0 ] .

Example 142. Relational database

Example 143. NVH

role_member: ref
  obverseListingOrder: ...

4.3.4 relationType

Represents one of possible values for the type of relation.


  • type REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable explanation of this relation type.

  • scopeRestriction OPTIONAL (zero or one). Specifies restrictions on member of relations of this type. The possible values are:

    • sameEntry: members must be within of the same entry

    • sameResource: members must be within the same lexicographicResource

    • any: no restriction

  • memberType OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 144. XML

<relationType type="..." scopeRestriction="...">

Example 145. JSON

    "type": "...",
    "scopeRestriction": "...",
    "memberTypes": [...],
    "sameAs": ["..."]

Example 146. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:relationType [
  a dmlex:RelationType ;
  dmlex:type "..." ;
  dmlex:scopeRestriction "..." ;
  dmlex:memberType ... ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 147. Relational database

Example 148. NVH

relationType: type
  scopeRestriction: ...
  description: ...
  memberType: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.3.5 memberType

Represents one of possible values for the role of member, as well as various restrictions on members having this role.

Property of


  • role OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable explanation of this member role.

  • type REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. A restriction on the types of objects that can have this role. The possible values are:

    • sense: the object that has this role must be a sense.

    • entry: the object that has this role must be an entry.

    • collocate: the object that has this role must be an collocateMarker (from the Linking module).

  • min OPTIONAL (zero or one). Non-negative integer. Says that relations of this type must have at least this many members with this role. If omitted then there is no lower limit (effectively, zero).

  • max OPTIONAL (zero or one). Non-negative integer. Says that relations of this type may have at most this many members with this role. If omitted then there is no upper limit.

  • hint OPTIONAL (zero or one). Suggests what machine agents should do when showing this member to a human user (in the context of another member of the same relation). The possible values are:

    • embed: Members that have this role should be shown in their entirety, i.e. the entire entry or the entire sense. This is suitable for relations between entries and subentries, or senses and subsenses.

    • navigate: Members that have this role should not be shown in their entirety. A navigable (e.g. clickable) link should be provided instead. This is suitable for relations between synonyms, antonyms, holonyms/heteronyms and similar.

    • none: Members that have this role should not be shown.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 149. XML

<memberType role="..." type="..." min="..." max="..." hint="...">

Example 150. JSON

    "role": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "type": "...",
    "min": "...",
    "max": "...",
    "hint": "...",
    "sameAs": [...]

Example 151. RDF

<#relationType> dmlex:type [
  a dmlex:MemberType ;
  dmlex:role "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:memberType "..." ;
  dmlex:min 0 ;
  dmlex:max 0 ;
  dmlex:hint "..." ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... ] .

Example 152. Relational database

Example 153. NVH

memberType: type
  role: ...
  min: ...
  max: ...
  hint: ...
  description: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.3.6 Extensions to sameAs

Extends the sameAs object type from the Controlled Values Module.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 154. Relational database

4.4 DMLex Annotation Module

This module makes it possible to mark up substrings inside the string values of certain objects and to attach properties to them.

It is up to the implementer to decide how to implement annotations, whether as inline markup (as XML) or as stand-off annotations (for example through start and end indexes).

4.4.1 Extensions to entry

Extends the entry object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 155. XML


Example 156. JSON

    "headword": "...",
    "placeholderMarkers": [...],

Example 157. RDF

<id> a dmlex:Entry ;
  dmlex:headword "..." ;
  dmlex:placeholderMarker ... .

Example 158. NVH

entry: headword
  placeholder: ...

4.4.2 Extensions to headwordTranslation

Extends the headwordTranslation object type from the Crosslingual module.

Additional properties

Example 159. XML


Example 160. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "placeholderMarkers": [...],

Example 161. RDF

<id> a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:placeholderMarker ... .

Example 162. NVH

translation: text
  placeholder: ...

4.4.3 placeholderMarker

Marks up a substring inside a headword or inside a headword translation which is not part of the expression itself but stands for things that can take its place. An application can use the inline markup to format the placeholders differently from the rest of the text, to ignore the placeholder in full-text search, and so on. Examples: Section A.1.20, “Using placeholderMarker, Section A.1.21, “Using placeholderMarker in a bilingual lexicographic resource”.


  • startIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the first character of the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. The first character of the string has index 0. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup.

  • endIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the last character after the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup

Example 163. XML


Example 164. JSON

    "startIndex": ...,
    "endIndex": ...

Example 165. RDF

<#headword> dmlex:placeholderMarker [
  dmlex:startIndex 0 ;
  dmlex:endIndex 1 ] .

Example 166. Relational databases

Example 167. NVH

placeholder: substring

4.4.4 Extensions to definition

Extends the definition object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 168. XML


Example 169. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "headwordMarkers": [...],
    "collocateMarkers": [...],

Example 170. RDF

<#sense> dmlex:definition [
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:headwordMarker ... ;
  dmlex:collocateMarker ... ] .

Example 171. NVH

definition: text
  headword: ...
  collocate: ...

4.4.5 Extensions to example

Extends the example object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 172. XML


Example 173. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "headwordMarkers": [...],
    "collocateMarkers": [...],

Example 174. RDF

<#sense> dmlex:example [
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:headwordMarker ... ;
  dmlex:collocateMarker ... ] .

Example 175. NVH

example: text
  headword: ...
  collocate: ...

4.4.6 Extensions to exampleTranslation

Extends the exampleTranslation object type from the Crosslingual module.

Additional properties

Example 176. XML


Example 177. JSON

    "text": "...",
    "headwordMarkers": [...],
    "collocateMarkers": [...],

Example 178. RDF

<#example> dmlex:exampleTranslation [
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:headwordMarker ... ;
  dmlex:collocateMarker ... ] .

Example 179. NVH

exampleTranslation: text
  headword: ...
  collocate: ...

4.4.7 headwordMarker

Marks up a substring inside an example, inside an example translation or inside a definition which corresponds to the headword (or to a translation of the headword). An application can use the inline markup to highlight the occurrence of the headword for human readers through formatting. Example: Section A.1.22, “Using headwordMarker.


  • startIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the first character of the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. The first character of the string has index 0. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup.

  • endIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the last character after the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup

Example 180. XML


Example 181. JSON

    "startIndex": ...,
    "endIndex": ...

Example 182. RDF

<#definition> dmlex:headwordMarker [
  dmlex:startIndex 0 ;
  dmlex:endIndex 0 ] .

Example 183. Relational databases

Example 184. NVH

headword: ...

4.4.8 collocateMarker

Marks up a substring other than the headword inside an example, inside an example translation or inside a definition. An application can use the inline markup to highlight collocates or constituents. Example: Section A.1.23, “Using collocateMarker.


  • startIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the first character of the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. The first character of the string has index 0. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup.

  • endIndex REQUIRED and UNIQUE. Non-negative integer. The index of the last character after the substring according to the number of Unicode code points. This property may be implicit if using in-line markup

  • lemma OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. The lemmatized form of the collocate. An application can use it to provide a clickable link for the user to search for the lemma in the rest of the lexicographic resource or on the web. (If you want to link the collocate explicitly to a specific entry or to a specific sense in your lexicographic resource, or even in an external lexicographic resource, you can use the Linking Module for that.)

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more). This can be used to communicate facts about the role or type of the item in the sentence, for example its syntactic role (subject, direct object etc.), its semantic role (agent, affected etc) or its semantic type (human, institution etc.) The labelTag object type can be used to explain and/or constrain the collocate labels that are allowed to appear in the lexicographic resource.

Example 185. XML

<collocateMarker id="..." lemma="...">...<label tag="..."/></collocateMarker>

Example 186. JSON

    "id": "...",
    "startIndex": ...,
    "endIndex": ...,
    "lemma": "...",
    "labels": ["..."]

Example 187. RDF

<#definition> dmlex:itemMarker [
  dmlex:id "..." ;
  dmlex:startIndex 0 ;
  dmlex:endIndex 0 ;
  dmlex:lemma "..." ;
  dmlex:label ... ] .

Example 188. Relational database

Example 189. NVH

collocate: ...

4.4.9 Extensions to label

Extends the label object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 190. Relational database

4.5 DMLex Etymology Module

Extends DMLex Core to support the modelling of etymological information in lexicographic resources.

Example: Section A.1.24, “Modelling etymology”.

4.5.1 Extensions to entry

Extends the entry object type from the Core.

Additional properties

  • etymology OPTIONAL (zero or more) Represents a chain of historical derivations of the entry's headword.


If an entry can contains more than one etymology object, then the different etymology objects represent different hypotheses about the origin of the headword.

Example 191. XML


Example 192. JSON

  "etymologies": [...]

Example 193. RDF

<#entry> dmlex:etymology ... ;
  dmlex:etymonType ... .

Example 194. NVH

entry: ...
  etymology: ...

4.5.2 etymology

Represents a chain of historical derivations of a word.

Property of


  • At least one of:

    • description OPTIONAL (zero or one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string. A plain-text form of the etymology, which may contain notes about the etymology. This may be used instead of or alongside a structured list of origin and etymon objects.

    • etymon OPTIONAL (zero or more) and UNIQUE.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this etymology among other etymologies of the same entry. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 195. XML


Example 196. JSON

  "description": ... ,
  "etymons": [...]

Example 197. RDF

<#entry> dmlex:etymology [
  a dmlex:Etymology ;
  dmlex:description "..." ;
  dmlex:etymon ... ;
  dmlex:listingOrder: ...] .

Example 198. Relational database

Example 199. NVH

etymology: description

4.5.3 etymon

Represents one stage (of possibly several) in the etymological history of the headword.

Property of


  • when OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. Indicates the time period during which this etymological origin is valid. The value is an open-text indication of the time period, in the language of the dictionary.

  • type OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. The type of the etymological process that occurred at this stage of the headword's etymological history such as derivation, cognate, borrowing. The values can be explained and constrained using the etymonType object type.

  • note OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. Any additional information about this stage of the headword's etymological history.

  • etymonUnit REQUIRED (one or more) and UNIQUE.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this origin among other origins listed in the etymology. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 200. XML

<etymon when="..." type="...">

Example 201. JSON

  "when": "...",
  "type": "...",
  "note": "...",
  "etymonUnits": [...],

Example 202. RDF

  dmlex:when "..." ;
  dmlex:type "..." ;
  dmlex:note "..." ;
  dmlex:etymonUnit ... ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 0 .

Example 203. Relational database

Example 204. NVH

etymon: type
  when: ...
  note: ...
  etymonUnit: ...
  etymonUnit: ...

4.5.4 etymonUnit

Represents a form (typically a word) which is the etymological origin of the headword, or another etymologically related form.

Property of


  • langCode REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). An IETF tag. The tags can be explained and constrained using the etymonLanguage object type.

  • text REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE (in combination with other unique properties if present). Normalised string. The written form of the etymon.

  • reconstructed OPTIONAL (zero or one). Boolean. If present and set to true, indicates that the form is reconstructed and not attested in any corpus.

  • partOfSpeech OPTIONAL (zero or more).

  • translation OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A translation or gloss of the etymon in the language of the lexicographic resource.

  • listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly one). Number. The position of this etymon among other etymons of the origin. This can be implicit from the serialization.

Example 205. XML

<etymonUnit langCode="..." reconstructed="true">
  <partOfSpeech tag="..."/>

Example 206. JSON

  "langCode": "...",
  "text": "...",
  "reconstructed": true,
  "partsOfSpeech": [...],
  "translation": "..."

Example 207. RDF

  dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:text "..." ;
  dmlex:reconstructed true ;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech "..." ;
  dmlex:translation ... ;
  dmlex:listingOrder 0 .

Example 208. Relational database

Example 209. NVH

langCode_etymonUnit: text
  reconstructed: ...
  pos: ...
  translation: ...

4.5.5 Extensions to lexicographicResource

Extends the lexicographicResource object type from the Core.

Additional properties

Example 210. XML


Example 211. JSON

  "etymonLanguages": [...],
  "etymonTypes": [...],

Example 212. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:etymonLanguage ... .

Example 213. NVH

lexicographicResource: ...
  etymonLanguage: ...
  etymonType: ...

4.5.6 etymonType

Represents one of possible values for the type of etymon.


  • type REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. Normalised string.

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. A human-readable explanation of this type.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).

Example 214. XML

<etymonType type="...">

Example 215. JSON

    "type": "...",
    "description": "..."

Example 216. RDF

<#lexicographicResource> dmlex:etymonType [
  dmlex:type "..." ;
  dmlex:description "..." ] .

Example 217. Relational database

Example 218. NVH

etymonType: type
  description: ...

4.5.7 etymonLanguage

Represents one of several allowed values for the language property of etymonUnit objects.


  • langCode REQUIRED (exactly one) and UNIQUE. The IETF language code of the language.

  • displayName OPTIONAL (zero or one). Normalised string. The name of the etymon language, in the language of the lexicographic resource.

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more).


Etymologies frequently refer to languages that are not covered by ISO standards. It may be necessary to avail of private-use subtags when composing IETF language tags for etymology, and to explain their meaning in the displayName.

Example 219. XML

<etymonLanguage langCode="...">

Example 220. JSON

  "langCode": "..." ,
  "displayName": "...",
  "sameAs": [ ... ]

Example 221. RDF

<#etymonLanguage> dmlex:langCode "..." ;
  dmlex:displayName "... "  ;
  dmlex:sameAs ... .

Example 222. Relational database

Example 223. NVH

etymonLanguage: langCode
  displayName: ...
  sameAs: ...

4.5.8 Extensions to partOfSpeech

Extends the partOfSpeech object type from the Core.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 224. Relational database

4.5.9 Extensions to sameAs

Extends the sameAs object type from the Controlled Values Module.

Can additionally be a property of

Example 225. Relational database

5 DMLex REQUIRED Serializations (Normative)

5.1 DMLex XML serialization (Normative)

This section specifies a serialization of the DMLex data model in XML (Extensible Markup Language) [XML].

For data exchange purposes, a valid DMLex XML document is one where either a lexicographicResource or an entry is the document element or one with an arbitrary document element other than lexicographicResource or entry containing a concatenation of one (and only one) of these two element types.

5.1.1 Design Principles (Informative)

The XML serialization of DMLex shown in this document follows these principles:

  • The top-level lexicographicResource and entry object types are implemented as XML elements.

  • All other object types and their properties are implemented as XML attributes of their parents, unless:

    • the object has an arity other than (0..1) and (1..1) in at least one of its parent objects

    • or the object can have child objects

    • or the object's value is human-readable text, such as a headword or a definition (this applies, among other things, to all properties named text and description).

    In such cases the object or property is implemented as a child XML element of its parent.

5.1.2 Whitespace handling (Normative)

Some XML elements in this serialization are defined as allowed to have text content while other elements are not allowed to have text content.

  • Elements which are not allowed to have text content: whitespace inside these elements should be treated as insignificant: any child nodes consisting of whitespace can be ignored when reading the XML.

  • Elements which are allowed to have text content (which includes elements implementing object types from the Annotation Module): whitespace inside these elements should be handled as follows when reading the XML:

    1. Completely remove all leading whitespace that immediately follows an opening tag.

    2. Completely remove all trailing whitespace that immediately precedes a closing tag.

    3. Replace all remaining sequences of whitespace with a single space.

    This ensures that whitespace is handled in accordance with DMLex's concept of normalised strings defined in Section 1.3.2, “Properties”.

5.1.3 Element order (Normative)

The child elements of each parent element must be in the order in which they are listed in this specification.

The only exception is inline markup elements which implement object types from the Anotation Module: <placeholderMarker>, <headwordMarker> and <collocateMarker>. These can appear in any order.

5.1.4 DMLex XML serialization elements (Normative) XML element: <lexicographicResource>

Implements the lexicographicResource object type.


  • @title OPTIONAL

  • @uri OPTIONAL

  • @langCode REQUIRED

Child elements

Child elements if implementing the Crosslingual Module

Child elements if implementing the Controlled Values Module

Child elements if implementing the Linking Module

Child elements if implementing the Etymology Module XML element: <entry>

Implements the entry object type.


  • @homographNumber OPTIONAL

Attributes if implementing the Linking Module

Child elements

Child elements if implementing the Etymology Module XML element: <partOfSpeech>

Implements the partOfSpeech object type.


  • @tag REQUIRED XML element: <inflectedForm>

Implements the inflectedForm object type.


  • @tag OPTIONAL

Child elements XML element: <sense>

Implements the sense object type.

Child elements

Attributes if implementing the Linking Module

Child elements if implementing the Crosslingual Module XML element: <definition>

Implements the definition object type.


  • @definitionType OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one). If implementing the Annotation Module <text> can contain a mixture of plain text, <headwordMarker> elements and <collocateMarker> elements. XML element: <label>

Implements the label object type.


  • @tag REQUIRED XML element: <pronunciation>

Implements the pronunciation object type.


  • @soundFile OPTIONAL if transcription is present, REQUIRED otherwise

Child elements

  • <transcription> OPTIONAL (zero or more) if @soundFile is present, REQUIRED (one or more) otherwise

  • <label> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <transcription>

Implements the transcription object type.


  • @scheme OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one). XML element: <example>

Implements the example object type.


  • @sourceIdentity OPTIONAL

  • @sourceElaboration OPTIONAL

  • @soundFile OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one). If implementing the Annotation Module <text> can contain a mixture of plain text, <headwordMarker> elements and <collocateMarker> elements.

  • <label> OPTIONAL (zero or more)

Child elements if implementing the Crosslingual Module XML element: <translationLanguage>

Implements the translationLanguage object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • @langCode REQUIRED XML element: <headwordTranslation>

Implements the headwordTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • @langCode OPTIONAL if the ancestor <lexicographicResource> contains exactly one <translationLanguage>, REQUIRED otherwise

Child elements XML element: <headwordExplanation>

Implements the headwordExplanation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • @langCode OPTIONAL if the ancestor <lexicographicResource> contains exactly one <translationLanguage>, REQUIRED otherwise

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one). XML element: <exampleTranslation>

Implements the exampleTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • @langCode OPTIONAL if the ancestor <lexicographicResource> contains exactly one <translationLanguage>, REQUIRED otherwise

  • @soundFile OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one). If implementing the Annotation Module <text> can contain a mixture of plain text, <headwordMarker> elements and <collocateMarker> elements.

  • <label> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <partOfSpeechTag>

Implements the partOfSpeechTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

  • @for OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one) XML element: <inflectedFormTag>

Implements the inflectedFormTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

  • @for OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <definitionTypeTag>

Implements the definitionTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <labelTag>

Implements the labelTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

  • @typeTag OPTIONAL

  • @for OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <labelTypeTag>

Implements the labelTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <sourceIdentityTag>

Implements the sourceIdentityTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <transcriptionSchemeTag>

Implements the transcriptionSchemeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @tag REQUIRED

  • @for OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one) XML element: <sameAs>

Implements the sameAs object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • @uri REQUIRED XML element: <relation>

Implements the relation object type from the Linking Module.


  • @type REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <member> REQUIRED (two or more) XML element: <member>

Implements the member object type from the Linking Module.


  • @ref REQUIRED: the id of an entry, a sense or a collocateMarker

  • @role OPTIONAL

  • @obverseListingOrder OPTIONAL XML element: <relationType>

Implements the relationType object type from the Linking Module.


  • @type REQUIRED

  • @scopeRestriction REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <memberType> OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <memberType>

Implements the memberType object type from the Linking Module.


  • @role OPTIONAL

  • @type REQUIRED

  • @min OPTIONAL

  • @max OPTIONAL

  • @hint OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <placeholderMarker>

Implements the placeholderMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up. XML element: <headwordMarker>

Implements the headwordMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up. XML element: <collocateMarker>

Implements the collocateMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up, optionally followed by one or more <label> elements.


  • @lemma OPTIONAL

Attributes if implementing the Linking Module

Child elements XML element: <etymology>

Implements the etymology object type from the Etymology Module.

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <etymon> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <etymon>

Implements the etymon object type from the Etymology Module.


  • @when OPTIONAL

  • @type OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <note> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <etymonUnit> REQUIRED (one or more) XML element: <etymonUnit>

Implements the etymonUnit object type from the Etymology Module.


  • @langCode REQUIRED

  • @reconstructed OPTIONAL

Child elements

  • <text> REQUIRED (exactly one)

  • <partOfSpeech> OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • <translation> OPTIONAL (zero or one) XML element: <etymonType>

Implements the etymonType object type from the Etymology Module.


  • @type REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <description> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more) XML element: <etymonLanguage>

Implements the etymonLanguage object type from the Etymology Module.


  • @langCode REQUIRED

Child elements

  • <displayName> OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • <sameAs> OPTIONAL (zero or more)

5.2 DMLex JSON serialization (Normative)

This section specifies a serialization of the DMLex data model in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) [JSON].

For data exchange purposes, a valid DMLex JSON file contains either a lexicographicResource object or an entry object or a concatenation of one (and only one) of these two object types in the JSON Lines format (i.e. separated by a system-specific newline delimiter).

5.2.1 Design principles

The JSON serialization of DMLex shown in this document follows these principles:

  • The top-level lexicographicResource object is implemented as a JSON object: {...}.

  • All other objects are implemented as JSON name-value pairs inside their parent JSON object: {"name": ...}.

  • The values of objects are implemented:

    • If the object has an arity of (0..1) or (1..1):

      • If the object cannot have any child objects: as a string or number.

      • If the object can have child objects: as a JSON object.

    • If the object has any other arity:

      • If the object cannot have any child objects: as an array of strings or numbers.

      • If the object can have child objects: as an array of JSON objects.

    The names of objects are:

    • plural if the value is an array, for example labels, partsOfSpeech

    • singular if the value is anything else, for example headword, indicator

5.2.2 DMLex JSON serialization objects (Normative) JSON object: lexicographicResource

Implements the lexicographicResource object type.


  • "title" OPTIONAL, string

  • "uri" OPTIONAL, string

  • "langCode" REQUIRED, string

  • "entries" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more entry instances

Members if implementing the Crosslingual Module

  • "translationLanguages" REQUIRED, array of one or more strings implementing the translationLanguage object type

Members if implementing the Controlled Values Module

  • "definitionTypeTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more definitionTypeTag instances

  • "inflectedFormTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more inflectedFormTag instances

  • "labelTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more labelTag instances

  • "labelTypeTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more labelTypeTag instances

  • "partOfSpeechTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more partOfSpeechTag instances

  • "sourceIdentityTags" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more sourceIdentityTag instances

Members if implementing the Linking Module

  • "relations" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more relation instances

  • "relationTypes" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more relationType instances

Members if implementing the Etymology Module

  • "etymonLanguages" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more etymonLanguage instances

  • "etymonTypes" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more etymonType instances JSON object: entry

Implements the entry object type.


  • "headword" REQUIRED, string

  • "homographNumber" OPTIONAL, string

  • "partsOfSpeech" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the partOfSpeech object type

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

  • "pronunciations" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more pronunciation instances

  • "inflectedForms" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more inflectedForm instances

  • "senses" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more sense instances

Members if implementing the Linking Module

Members if implementing the Annotation Module

Members if implementing the Etymology Module

  • "etymologies" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more etymology instances JSON object: inflectedForm

Implements the inflectedForm object type.


  • "tag" OPTIONAL, string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

  • "pronunciations" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more pronunciation instances JSON object: sense

Implements the sense object type.


  • "indicator" OPTIONAL, string

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

  • "definitions" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more definition instances

  • "examples" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more example instances

Members if implementing the Linking Module

Members if implementing the Crosslingual Module JSON object: definition

Implements the definition object type.


  • "definitionType" OPTIONAL, string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

Members if implementing the Annotation Module

  • "headwordMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more headwordMarker instances

  • "collocateMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more collocateMarker instances JSON object: pronunciation

Implements the pronunciation object type.


  • "soundFile" OPTIONAL if "transcriptions" is present and non-empty, REQUIRED otherwise; string

  • "transcriptions" OPTIONAL if "soundFile" is present, REQUIRED otherwise; array of zero or more transcription instances

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type JSON object: transcription

Implements the transcription object type.


  • "scheme" OPTIONAL, string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string JSON object: example

Implements the example object type.


  • "sourceIdentity" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sourceElaboration" OPTIONAL, string

  • "soundFile" OPTIONAL, string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

Members if implementing the Annotation Module

  • "headwordMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more headwordMarker instances

  • "collocateMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more collocateMarker instances

Members if implementing the Crosslingual Module JSON object: headwordTranslation

Implements the headwordTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • "langCode" OPTIONAL if the lexicographicResource contains exactly one translationLanguage, REQUIRED otherwise; string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

  • "partsOfSpeech" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the partOfSpeech object type

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

  • "pronunciations" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more pronunciation instances

  • "inflectedForms" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more inflectedForm instances

Members if implementing the Annotation Module JSON object: headwordExplanation

Implements the headwordExplanation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • "langCode" OPTIONAL if the lexicographicResource contains exactly one translationLanguage, REQUIRED otherwise; string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string JSON object: exampleTranslation

Implements the exampleTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • "langCode" OPTIONAL if the lexicographicResource contains exactly one translationLanguage, REQUIRED otherwise; string

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

Members if implementing the Annotation Module

  • "headwordMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more headwordMarker instances

  • "collocateMarkers" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more collocateMarker instances JSON object: partOfSpeechTag

Implements the partOfSpeechTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "for" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: inflectedFormTag

Implements the inflectedFormTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "for" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: definitionTypeTag

Implements the definitionTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: labelTag

Implements the labelTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "typeTag" OPTIONAL, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "for" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: labelTypeTag

Implements the labelTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: sourceIdentityTag

Implements the sourceIdentityTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: transcriptionSchemeTag

Implements the transcriptionSchemeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • "tag" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "for" OPTIONAL, string JSON object: relation

Implements the relation object type from the Linking Module.


  • "type" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "members" OPTIONAL, array of two or more member instances JSON object: member

Implements the member object type from the Linking Module.


  • "ref" REQUIRED, string: the id of an entry, a sense or a collocateMarker.

  • "role" OPTIONAL, string

  • "obverseListingOrder" OPTIONAL, number JSON object: relationType

Implements the relationType object type from the Linking Module.


  • "type" REQUIRED, string

  • "scopeRestriction" OPTIONAL, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "memberTypes" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more memberType instances

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: memberType

Implements the memberType object type from the Linking Module.


  • "role" OPTIONAL, string

  • "type" REQUIRED, string

  • "min" OPTIONAL, number

  • "max" OPTIONAL, number

  • "hint" OPTIONAL, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: placeholderMarker

Implements the placeholderMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • "startIndex" REQUIRED, number

  • "endIndex" REQUIRED, number JSON object: headwordMarker

Implements the headwordMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • "startIndex" REQUIRED, number

  • "endIndex" REQUIRED, number JSON object: collocateMarker

Implements the collocateMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • "startIndex" REQUIRED, number

  • "endIndex" REQUIRED, number

  • "lemma" OPTIONAL, string

  • "labels" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the label object type

Members if implementing the Linking Module JSON object: etymology

Implements the etymology object type from the Etymology Module.


  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "etymons" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more etymon instances JSON object: etymon

Implements the etymon object type from the Etymology Module.


  • "when" OPTIONAL, string

  • "type" OPTIONAL, string

  • "note" OPTIONAL, string

  • "etymonUnits" REQUIRED, array of one or more etymonUnit instances JSON object: etymonUnit

Implements the etymonUnit object type from the Etymology Module.


  • "langCode" REQUIRED, string

  • "reconstructed" OPTIONAL, boolean

  • "text" REQUIRED, string

  • "partsOfSpeech" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the partOfSpeech object type

  • "translation" OPTIONAL, string JSON object: etymonType

Implements the etymonType object type from the Etymology Module.


  • "type" REQUIRED, string

  • "description" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type JSON object: etymonLanguage

Implements the etymonLanguage object type from the Etymology Module.


  • "langCode" REQUIRED, string

  • "displayName" OPTIONAL, string

  • "sameAs" OPTIONAL, array of zero or more strings implementing the sameAs object type

5.3 DMLex RDF serialization (Normative)

5.3.1 Design principles

The RDF serialization used in this document follows the following principles

  • The RDF serialization uses an vocabulary defined at the namespace, al elements of the vocabulary are in this namespace

  • The vocabulary file provides RDF Schema and OWL axioms which implement the restrictions described by the data model. It also provides a linking to the OntoLex-Lemon model. The ontology provides rules to infer an OntoLex-lemon model from DMLex data. This is achieved by means of subclass and subproperty axioms and so conversion can be performed by an OWL reasoner.

  • All elements of the modules are modelled as individuals with an appropriate class definitions

  • Each other object type is associated with a property (with a lowercase initial letter) and a class (with an uppercase initial letter. In all case the range of this property is the class

  • Arity of properties is implemented by means of OWL class restrictions.

  • Listing order can be specified with the property dmlex:listingOrder with values starting from 1 and ascending

  • There is not a specific id property, instead the URI of the entity acts as the ID

  • There is no property for sameAs in the controlled values module. Instead you can use OWL's sameAs property

  • The implementation is not aware of which modules are in use, to enable publishing on the web. As such cardinality constraints that are only required in a module are not implemented.

  • The domain of some properties is given as a HasProperty class when it can be used with multiple classes. As such, classes may be subclasses of several different HasProperty classes

5.3.2 DMLex RDF serialization elements RDF element: dmlex:LexicographicResource

Represents a dictionary




  • dmlex:title OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:uri OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:entry OPTIONAL reference to Entry (subproperty of

  • dmlex:translationLanguage OPTIONAL reference to TranslationLanguage

  • dmlex:definitionTypeTag OPTIONAL reference to DefinitionTypeTag

  • dmlex:inflectedFormTag OPTIONAL reference to InflectedFormTag

  • dmlex:labelTypeTag OPTIONAL reference to LabelTypeTag

  • dmlex:partOfSpeechTag OPTIONAL reference to PartOfSpeechTag

  • dmlex:sourceIdentityTag OPTIONAL reference to SourceIdentityTag

  • dmlex:transcriptionSchemeTag OPTIONAL reference to TranscriptionSchemeTag

  • dmlex:relation OPTIONAL reference to Relation

  • dmlex:relationType OPTIONAL reference to RelationType

  • dmlex:etymonType OPTIONAL reference to EtymonType

  • dmlex:etymonLanguage OPTIONAL reference to EtymonLanguage

  • dmlex:langCode REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type (subproperty of RDF element: dmlex:Entry

Represents a dictionary entry




  • dmlex:headword REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:homographNumber OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sense OPTIONAL reference to Sense (subproperty of

  • dmlex:etymology OPTIONAL reference to Etymology

  • dmlex:partOfSpeech OPTIONAL reference to PartOfSpeech

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:pronunciation OPTIONAL reference to Pronunciation

  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:placeholderMarker OPTIONAL reference to PlaceholderMarker RDF element: dmlex:PartOfSpeech

Represents a part of speech label


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1) RDF element: dmlex:InflectedForm

Represents one (of possibly many) inflected forms of the headword




  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:pronunciation OPTIONAL reference to Pronunciation

  • dmlex:tag OPTIONAL (at most 1)

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:Sense

Represents one of possibly many meanings (or meaning potentials) of the headword.




  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:indicator OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:definition OPTIONAL reference to Definition

  • dmlex:example OPTIONAL reference to Example

  • dmlex:headwordExplanation OPTIONAL reference to HeadwordExplanation

  • dmlex:headwordTranslation OPTIONAL reference to HeadwordTranslation RDF element: dmlex:Definition

Represents one of possibly several definitions of a sense.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:definitionType OPTIONAL (at most 1) reference to DefinitionTypeTag

  • dmlex:headwordMarker OPTIONAL reference to HeadwordMarker

  • dmlex:collocateMarker OPTIONAL reference to CollocateMarker RDF element: dmlex:Label

Represents a restriction on its parent such as temporal (old-fashioned, neologism), regional (dialect), register (formal, colloquial), domain (medicine, politics) or grammar (singular-only).


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1) RDF element: dmlex:Pronunciation

Represents the pronunciation of its parent. Pronunciations must have either a sound file or a transcription.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:soundFile OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:transcription OPTIONAL reference to Transcription RDF element: dmlex:Transcription

Represents the transcription of a pronunciation in some notation such as IPA.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:scheme OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:Example

Represents a sentence or other text fragment which illustrates the headword being used.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:soundFile OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sourceIdentity OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sourceElaboration OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:exampleTranslation OPTIONAL reference to ExampleTranslation

  • dmlex:headwordMarker OPTIONAL reference to HeadwordMarker

  • dmlex:collocateMarker OPTIONAL reference to CollocateMarker RDF element: dmlex:TranslationLanguage

Represents one of the languages in which translations are given in this lexicographic resource


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:langCode REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type (subproperty of RDF element: dmlex:HeadwordTranslation

Represents one of possibly multiple translations of a headword


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:langCode OPTIONAL of type (subproperty of

  • dmlex:partOfSpeech OPTIONAL reference to PartOfSpeech

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:pronunciation OPTIONAL reference to Pronunciation

  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:placeholderMarker OPTIONAL reference to PlaceholderMarker RDF element: dmlex:HeadwordExplanation

Represents a statement in the translation language which explains (but does not translate) the meaning of the headword.


  • dmlex:langCode OPTIONAL of type (subproperty of

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:ExampleTranslation

Represents the translation of an example.


  • dmlex:listingOrder OPTIONAL of type

  • dmlex:langCode OPTIONAL of type (subproperty of

  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:soundFile OPTIONAL of type

  • dmlex:headwordMarker OPTIONAL reference to HeadwordMarker

  • dmlex:collocateMarker OPTIONAL reference to CollocateMarker RDF element: dmlex:DefinitionTypeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for definitionType of definition.


  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:InflectedFormTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of inflectedForm


  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:forPartOfSpeech OPTIONAL of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:LabelTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of label.


  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:forPartOfSpeech OPTIONAL of type

  • dmlex:forCollocates OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:LabelTypeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for typeTag of labelTag.


  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for tag of partOfSpeech.


  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:forEtymology OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:SourceIdentityTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for sourceIdentity of example.


  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:TranscriptionSchemeTag

Represents one (of many) possible values for scheme of transcription.


  • dmlex:inflectedForm OPTIONAL reference to InflectedForm (subproperty of

  • dmlex:tag REQUIRED (exactly 1)

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:Relation

Represents the fact that a relation exists between two or more objects.


  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:type REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:member REQUIRED (at least 2) reference to Member RDF element: dmlex:Member

Represents the fact that an object, such as an entry or a sense, is a member of a relation.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:ref REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:obverseListingOrder OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:role OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:RelationType

Represents one of possible values for the type of relation.


  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL

  • dmlex:type REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:scope OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:memberType OPTIONAL reference to MemberType RDF element: dmlex:MemberType

Represents one of possible values for the role of member, as well as various restrictions on members having this role.


  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL

  • dmlex:type REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:role OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:min OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:max OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:action OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:PlaceholderMarker

Marks up a substring inside a headword or inside a headword translation which is not part of the expression itself but stands for things that can take its place.


  • dmlex:startIndex REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:endIndex REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:HeadwordMarker

Marks up a substring inside an example, inside an example translation or inside a definition which corresponds to the headword (or to a translation of the headword)


  • dmlex:startIndex REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:endIndex REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:CollocateMarker

Marks up a substring other than the headword inside an example, inside an example translation or inside a definition.


  • dmlex:label OPTIONAL reference to Label

  • dmlex:lemma OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:Etymology

Represents a chain of historical derivations of a word.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:etymon OPTIONAL reference to Etymon RDF element: dmlex:Etymon

Represents one stage (of possibly several) in the etymological history of the headword.


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:type OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:when OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:note OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:etymonUnit REQUIRED (at least 1) reference to EtymonUnit RDF element: dmlex:EtymonUnit

Represents a form (typically a word) which is the etymological origin of the headword, or another etymologically related form


  • dmlex:listingOrder REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:langCode OPTIONAL of type (subproperty of

  • dmlex:partOfSpeech OPTIONAL reference to PartOfSpeech

  • dmlex:text REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:translation OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:reconstructed OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type RDF element: dmlex:EtymonType

Represents one of possible values for the type of etymon.


  • dmlex:description OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:type REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL RDF element: dmlex:EtymonLanguage

Represents one of several allowed values for the language property of etymonUnit objects.


  • dmlex:langCode REQUIRED (exactly 1) of type (subproperty of

  • dmlex:displayName OPTIONAL (at most 1) of type

  • dmlex:sameAs OPTIONAL

5.4 DMLex relational database serialization (Normative)

This section specifies a serialization of the DMLex data model as a relational database, using conventional database modelling concepts (tables with columns and rows, primary keys, relationships, foreign keys) and data types from the ISO SQL (Structured Query Language) Standard [SQL].

5.4.1 Design principles (Informative)

The relational database serialization of DMLex shown in this document follows these principles:

  • The lexicographicResource object is implemented as table. (Alternatively, it can left unimplemented if the database is going to contain only one lexicographic resource.)

  • Other objects with an arity other than (0..1) and (1..1) are implemented as tables.

  • The values of objects, and objects with an arity of (0..1) or (1..1) are implemented as columns in those tables.

  • The parent-child relation is implemented as a one-to-many relation between tables.

5.4.2 Database diagrams (Informative)

The following diagrams provide a high-level overview of the relational database serialization of DMLex. Each diagram presents a "view" of the database from the perspective of one of the modules or from the perspective of the DMLex Core. The diagrams shown here follow the usual conventions used in relational database diagrams:

  • Each box represents a database table and contains a list of its column headings. The abbreviation PK next to a column name indicates that the column is a primary key. The abbreviation FK next to a column name indicates that the column is a foreign key.

  • Lines between the boxes represent relationships between tables, with the conventional "crow's feet" symbols at the ends of the lines to indicate the relation's arity (one-to-many etc.).

In addition to that, the following non-standard conventions are used in the diagrams:

  • A curly bracket surrounding a group of foreign keys in a table indicates the constraint that exactly one of the foreign keys in this group must be non-empty while all the other ones must be null.

  • Tables and columns shown in grey are tables are defined in another module (or in the core) and are shown only for information.

  • The dashed outline on the table lexicographicResources indicates that the table is optional. If a database contains only one lexicographic resource, then this table, as well as any foreign-key columns in other tables that reference it, can be left unimplemented.

  • Any relationships indicated by a dashed line and/or labelled with the lower-case abbreviation "fk" (as opposed to upper case "FK") are optional: they can be implemented as constraints (if the implementor wishes to have a high degree of referential integrity) or left unimplemented (for example if referential integrity cannot be assumed when importing data from an untrusted tree-structured serialization of DMLex). Database diagram: DMLex Core Database diagram: DMLex Crosslingual Module Database diagram: DMLex Controlled Values Module Database diagram: DMLex Linking Module Database diagram: DMLex Annotation Module Database diagram: DMLex Etymology Module

5.4.3 DMLex relational database serialization tables (Normative) Database table: lexicographicResources

Implements the lexicographicResource object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • title: nvarchar

  • uri: nvarchar

  • langCode: varchar


  • If the database is designed to contain only one lexicographic resource then this table, including all foreign keys in other tables that reference it, is not REQUIRED to be implemented. Database table: entries

Implements the entry object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • headword: nvarchar

  • homographNumber: int Database table: partsOfSpeech

Implements the partOfSpeech object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • tag: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table partOfSpeechTags

  • listingOrder: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module

Columns if implementing the Etymology Module

  • etymonUnitID: int, foreign key, references column id of table etymonUnits


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys entryID, headwordTranslationID and etymonID is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: inflectedForms

Implements the inflectedForm object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • tag: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table inflectedFormTags

  • text: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys entryID and headwordTranslationID is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: senses

Implements the sense object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • indicator: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: definitions

Implements the definition object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • senseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • text: nvarchar

  • definitionType: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table definitionTypeTags

  • listingOrder: int Database table: labels

Implements the label object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • inflectedFormID: int, foreign key, references column id of table inflectedForms

  • pronunciationID: int, foreign key, references column id of table pronunciations

  • senseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • exampleID: int, foreign key, references column id of table examples

  • tag: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table labelTags

  • listingOrder: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module

Columns if implementing the Annotation Module

  • collocateMarkerID: int, foreign key, references column id of table collocateMarkers


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys entryID, inflectedFormID, pronunciationID, senseID, exampleID, headwordTranslationID, exampleTranslationID and collocateMarkerID is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: pronunciations

Implements the pronunciation object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • inflectedFormID: int, foreign key, references column id of table inflectedForms

  • soundFile: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys entryID, inflectedFormID and headwordTranslationID is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: transcriptions

Implements the transcription object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • pronunciationID: int, foreign key, references column id of table pronunciations

  • text: nvarchar

  • scheme: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table transcriptionSchemeTags

  • listingOrder: int Database table: examples

Implements the example object type.


  • id: int, primary key

  • senseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • text: nvarchar

  • sourceIdentity: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table sourceIdentityTags

  • sourceElaboration: nvarchar

  • soundFile: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: translationLanguages

Implements the translationLanguage object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • langCode: varchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • listingOrder: int Database table: headwordTranslations

Implements the headwordTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • senseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • langCode: varchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column langCode of table translationLanguages

  • text: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: headwordExplanations

Implements the headwordExplanation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • senseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • langCode: varchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column langCode of table translationLanguages

  • text: nvarchar Database table: exampleTranslations

Implements the exampleTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • exampleID: int, foreign key, references column id of table examples

  • langCode: varchar, foreign key, references column langCode of table translationLanguages

  • text: nvarchar

  • soundFile: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: definitionTypeTags

Implements the definitionTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar Database table: inflectedFormTags

Implements the inflectedFormTags object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar

  • for: nvarchar Database table: labelTags

Implements the labelTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar

  • typeTag: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column tag of table labelTypeTags

  • for: nvarchar Database table: labelTypeTags

Implements the labelTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar Database table: partOfSpeechTags

Implements the partOfSpeechTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar

  • for: nvarchar Database table: sourceIdentityTags

Implements the sourceIdentityTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar Database table: transcriptionSchemeTags

Implements the transcriptionSchemeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar

  • for: nvarchar Database table: sameAs

Implements the sameAs object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • sourceIdentityTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table sourceIdentityTags

  • definitionTypeTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table definitionTypeTags

  • transcriptionSchemeTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table transcriptionSchemeTags

  • labelTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table labelTags

  • labelTypeTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table labelTypeTags

  • inflectedFormTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table inflectedFormTags

  • partOfSpeechTag: nvarchar, foreign key, references column tag of table partOfSpeechTags

  • uri: nvarchar

Columns if implementing the Linking Module

  • relationType: nvarchar, foreign key, references column type of table relationTypes

  • memberTypeID: int, foreign key, references column id of table memberTypes

Columns if implementing the Etymology Module

  • etymonLanguageCode: nvarchar, foreign key, references column langCode of table etymonLanguages

  • etymonType: nvarchar, foreign key, references column type of table etymonTypes


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys sourceIdentityTag, definitionTypeTag, transcriptionSchemeTag, labelTag, labelTypeTag, inflectedFormTag, partOfSpeechTag, relationType, memberTypeID etymonLanguageCode and etymonType is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: relations

Implements the relation object type from the Linking Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • type: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column type of table relationTypes

  • description: nvarchar Database table: members

Implements the member object type from the Linking Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • relationID: int, foreign key, references column id of table relations

  • memberEntryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • memberSenseID: int, foreign key, references column id of table senses

  • role: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int

  • obverseListingOrder: int

Columns if implementing the Annotation Module

  • memberCollocateMarkerID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys memberEntryID, memberSenseID and memberCollocateMakerID is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: relationTypes

Implements the relationType object type from the Linking Module.


  • type: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • relationScope: nvarchar Database table: memberTypes

Implements the memberType object type from the Linking Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • relationType: nvarchar, foreign key, references column type of table relationType

  • role: nvarchar

  • description: nvarchar

  • type: nvarchar

  • min: int

  • max: int

  • hint: varchar Database table: placeholderMarkers

Implements the placeholderMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • startIndex: int

  • endIndex: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys entryID and headwordTranslationID, is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: headwordMarkers

Implements the headwordMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • definitionID: int, foreign key, references column id of table definitions

  • exampleID: int, foreign key, references column id of table examples

  • startIndex: int

  • endIndex: int

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys definitionID, exampleID and exampleTranslationID, is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: collocateMarkers

Implements the collocateMarker object type from the Annotation Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • definitionID: int, foreign key, references column id of table definitions

  • exampleID: int, foreign key, references column id of table examples

  • startIndex: int

  • endIndex: int

  • lemma: nvarchar

Columns if implementing the Crosslingual Module


  • Exactly one of the foreign keys definitionID, exampleID and exampleTranslationID, is REQUIRED to be non-empty. Database table: etymologies

Implements the etymology object type from the Etymology Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • entryID: int, foreign key, references column id of table entries

  • description: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: etymons

Implements the etymon object type from the Etymology Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • etymologyID: int, foreign key, references column id of table etymologies

  • when: nvarchar

  • type: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column type of table etymonTypes

  • note: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: etymonUnits

Implements the etymonUnit object type from the Etymology Module.


  • id: int, primary key

  • etymonID: int, foreign key, references column id of table etymons

  • langCode: nvarchar, optionally a foreign key referencing column langCode of table etymonLanguages

  • text: nvarchar

  • reconstructed: bit

  • translation: nvarchar

  • listingOrder: int Database table: etymonTypes

Implements the etymonType object type from the Etymology Module.


  • type: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • description: nvarchar Database table: etymonLanguages

Implements the etymonLanguage object type from the Etymology Module.


  • langCode: nvarchar, primary key

  • lexicographicResourceID: int, foreign key, references column id of table lexicographicResources

  • displayName: nvarchar

Appendix A Informative material on serializations (Informative)

A.1 Examples (Informative)

This section gives examples which show how to use DMLex to model lexicographic resources. Each example is shown in pseudocode first to demonstrate the object model at an abstract level. After that, each example is shown in XML and JSON. The XML and JSON encoding shown here follows DMLex’s own implementation guidance for XML and JSON.

In the pseudocode, relation objects use alphanumeric IDs to indicate which entries or senses they point to, for example microscope-1 and der-ozean-1. These IDs are used here instead of fragment identification strings for easier readibility.

A.1.1 A basic entry

This is a basic, beginner-level example of how to use DMLex to represent a simple monolingual lexicographic resource consisting of one entry with two senses. It demonstrates some of the basic features of DMLex Core: how to subdivide a entry into senses, how attach various data such as definition, part-of-speech labels to entries and senses, and how to add labels to various objects such as senses and examples.

Example A.1. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (headword: abandon)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: verb)
        - sense
            - definition (text: to suddenly leave a place or a person)
            - example (text: I'm sorry I abandoned you like that.)
            - example (text: Abandon ship!)
                - label (tag: idiom)
        - sense
            - label (tag: mostly-passive)
            - definition (text: to stop supporting an idea)
            - example (text: That theory has been abandoned.)

Example A.2. XML

<lexicographicResource title="Example Dictionary" 
    uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="abandon-verb">
            <partOfSpeech tag="verb"/>
        <sense id="abandon-verb-1">
                <text>to suddenly leave a place or a person</text>
                <text>I'm sorry I abandoned you like that.</text>
                <text>Abandon ship!</text>
                <label tag="idiom"/>
        <sense id="abandon-verb-2">
            <label tag="mostly-passive"/>
                <text>to stop supporting an idea</text>
                <text>That theory has been abandoned.</text>

Example A.3. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "title": "Example Dictionary",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "abandon-verb",
        "headword": "abandon",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["verb"],
        "senses": [{
            "id": "abandon-verb-1",
            "definitions": [{
                "text": "to suddenly leave a place or a person"
            "examples": [{
                "text": "I'm sorry I abandoned you like that."
            }, {
            "text": "Abandon ship!",
            "labels": ["idiom"]
        }, {
            "id": "abandon-verb-2",
            "labels": ["mostly-passive"],
            "definitions": [{"text":"to stop supporting an idea"}],
            "examples": [{
                "text": "That theory has been abandoned."

Example A.4. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:title "Example Dictionary";
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:entry ex:abandon-verb.
ex:abandon-verb a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:abandon-verb-1,
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:tag "verb";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:headword "abandon".
ex:abandon-verb-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "to suddenly leave a place or a person";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:example [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:text "I'm sorry I abandoned you like that.";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
    [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:text "Abandon ship!";
      dmlex:label [ 
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:tag "idiom" ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:abandon-verb-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:label [ 
      dmlex:tag "mostly-passive";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:example [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "That theory has been abandoned." ];
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "to stop supporting an idea" ].

Example A.5. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: abandon
    pos: verb
      definition: to suddenly leave a place or a person
      example: I'm sorry I abandoned you like that.
      example: Abandon ship!
        label: idiom
      label: mostly-passive
      definition: to stop supporting an idea
      example: That theory has been abandoned.

A.1.2 How to use inflectedForm

This is an entry from a hypothetical Irish dictionary for the headword "folúsghlantóir" ("vacuum cleaner") which gives its two inflected forms, the singular genitive and the plural.

Example A.6. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: folúsghlantóir)
    - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
    - inflectedForm (tag: sg-gen, text: folúsghlantóra)
    - inflectedForm (tag: pl, text: folúsghlantóirí)
    - sense...

Example A.7. XML

<entry id="folúsghlantóir-n"
    <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
    <inflectedForm tag="sg-gen">
    <inflectedForm tag="pl">

Example A.8. JSON

    "id": "folúsghlantóir-n",
    "headword": "folúsghlantóir",
    "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
    "inflectedForms": [{
        "tag": "sg-gen",
        "text": "folúsghlantóra"
        }, {
        "tag": "pl",
        "text": "folúsghlantóirí"
    "senses": []

Example A.9. RDF

ex:folúsghlantóir-n a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "folúsghlantóir";
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:tag "n-masc" ].

Example A.10. NVH

entry: folúsghlantóir
  pos: n-masc
  form: folúsghlantóra
    tag: sg-gen
  form: folúsghlantóirí
    tag: pl
  sense: ...

A.1.3 Pronunciation given as transcription

Example A.11. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: aardvark)
    - pronunciation
        - transcription (text: a:rdva:rk)
    - sense...

Example A.12. XML

<entry id="aardvark-noun"

Example A.13. JSON

    "id": "aardvark-noun",
    "headword": "aardvark",
    "pronunciations": [{
        "transcriptions": [{"text": "a:rdva:rk"}]
    "senses": []

Example A.14. RDF

ex:aardvark-noun a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "aardvark";
  dmlex:pronunciation [ a dmlex:Pronunciation;
      dmlex:transcription [ a dmlex:Transcription;
          dmlex:text "a:rdva:rk";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.15. NVH

entry: aardvark
    transcription: a:rdva:rk
  sense: ...

A.1.4 Pronunciation given as a sound file

Example A.16. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: aardvark)
    - pronunciation (soundFile: aardvark.mp3)
    - sense: ...

Example A.17. XML

<entry id="aardvark-noun"
    <pronunciation soundFile="aardvark.mp3"/>

Example A.18. JSON

    "id": "aardvark-noun",
    "headword": "aardvark",
    "pronunciations": [{
        "soundFile": "aardvark.mp3"
    "senses": []

Example A.19. RDF

ex:aardvark-noun a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:pronunciation [ a dmlex:Pronunciation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:soundFile "aardvark.mp3" ];
  dmlex:headword "aardvark".

Example A.20. NVH

entry: aardvark
  pronunciation: aardvark.mp3
  sense: ...

A.1.5 Pronunciation given both ways

Example A.21. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: aardvark)
    - pronunciation (soundFile: aardvark.mp3)
        - transcription (text: a:rdva:rk)
    - sense: ...

Example A.22. XML

<entry id="aardvark-noun"
    <pronunciation soundFile="aardvark.mp3">

Example A.23. JSON

    "id": "aardvark-noun",
    "headword": "aardvark",
    "pronunciations": [{
        "soundFile": "aardvark.mp3",
        "transcriptions": [{"text": "a:rdva:rk"}]
    "senses": []

Example A.24. RDF

ex:aardvark-noun a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:pronunciation [ a dmlex:Pronunciation;
      dmlex:soundFile "aardvark.mp3";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:transcription [ a dmlex:Transcription;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:text "a:rdva:rk" ] ];
  dmlex:headword "aardvark".

Example A.25. NVH

entry: aardvark
  pronunciation: aardvark.mp3
    transcription: a:rdva:rk
  sense: ...

A.1.6 How to use partOfSpeechTag and inflectedFormTag

This is an entry from a hypothetical Irish dictionary for the headword "folúsghlantóir" ("vacuum cleaner"). The meaning of the various tags used in this entry is explained in the partOfSpeechTag and inflectedFormTag objects.

Example A.26. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: ga)
    - entry (headword: folúsghlantóir)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
        - inflectedForm (tag: sg-gen, text: folúsghlantóra)
        - inflectedForm (tag: pl, text: folúsghlantóirí)
        - sense: ...
    - partOfSpeechTag (tag: n-masc, description: masculine noun)
    - partOfSpeechTag (tag: n-fem, description: feminine noun)
    - inflectedFormTag (tag: sg-gen, description: singular genitive)
    - inflectedFormTag (tag: pl, description: plural)

Example A.27. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="ga"
    <entry id="folúsghlantóir-n">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
        <inflectedForm tag="sg-gen">
        <inflectedForm tag="pl">
    <inflectedFormTag tag="sg-gen" for="n-masc n-fem">
        <description>singular genitive</description>
    <inflectedFormTag tag="pl" for="n-masc n-fem">
    <partOfSpeechTag tag="n-masc">
        <description>masculine noun</description>
    <partOfSpeechTag tag="n-fem">
        <description>feminine noun</description>

Example A.28. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "ga",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "folúsghlantóir-n",
        "headword": "folúsghlantóir",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
        "inflectedForms": [{
            "tag": "sg-gen",
            "text": "folúsghlantóra"
        }, {
            "tag": "pl",
            "text": "folúsghlantóirí"
        "senses": []
    "partOfSpeechTags": [{
        "tag": "n-masc",
        "description": "masculine noun"
    }, {
    "tag": "n-fem",
    "description": "feminine noun"
    "inflectedFormTags": [{
        "tag": "sg-gen",
        "description": "singular genitive",
        "for": "n-masc n-fem"
    }, {
        "tag": "pl",
        "description": "plural",
        "for": "n-masc n-fem"

Example A.29. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:inflectedFormTag [ a dmlex:InflectedFormTag;
      dmlex:description "singular genitive";
      dmlex:for "n-masc n-fem" ;
      dmlex:tag "sg-gen" ],
    [ a dmlex:InflectedFormTag;
      dmlex:tag "pl";
      dmlex:for "n-masc n-fem" ;
      dmlex:description "plural" ];
  dmlex:partOfSpeechTag [ a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag;
      dmlex:tag "n-fem";
      dmlex:description "feminine noun" ],
    [ a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag;
      dmlex:description "masculine noun";
      dmlex:tag "n-masc" ];
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:langCode "ga";
  dmlex:entry ex:folúsghlantóir-n.
ex:folúsghlantóir-n a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:tag "n-masc" ];
  dmlex:headword "folúsghlantóir".

Example A.30. NVH

  langCode: ga
  entry: folúsghlantóir
    pos: n-masc
    form: folúsghlantóra
      tag: sg-gen
    form: folúsghlantóirí
      tag: pl
    sense: ...
  posTag: n-masc
    description: masculine noun
  posTag: n-fem
    description: feminine noun
  formTag: sg-gen
    description: singular genitive
  formTag: pl
    description: plural

A.1.7 Mapping controlled values to external inventories

This shows how to map the value of a tag such as n-masc and n-fem to items in an external inventory such as LexInfo.

Example A.31. Pseudocode

- partOfSpeechTag (tag: n-masc, description: masculine noun)
    - sameAs (uri:
    - sameAs (uri:
- partOfSpeechTag (tag: n-fem, description: feminine noun)
    - sameAs (uri:
    - sameAs (uri:

Example A.32. XML

<lexicographicResource langCode="en"
    <partOfSpeechTag tag="n-masc">
        <description>masculine noun</description>
    <partOfSpeechTag tag="n-fem">
        <description>feminine noun</description>

Example A.33. JSON

    "langCode": "en",
    "partOfSpeechTags": [{
        "tag": "n-masc",
        "description": "masculine noun",
        "sameAs": [
        }, {
        "tag": "n-fem",
        "description": "feminine noun",
        "sameAs": [

Example A.34. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:partOfSpeechTag [ a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag;
      dmlex:tag "n-masc";
      dmlex:description "masculine noun";
        <> ],
    [ a dmlex:PartOfSpeechTag;
      dmlex:tag "n-fem";
      dmlex:description "feminine noun" ].

Example A.35. NVH

posTag: n-masc
  description: masculine noun
  sameAs: uri:
posTag: n-fem
  description: feminine noun

A.1.8 Defining a bilingual lexicographic resource

This defines a lexicographic resource where the source language is German and the translation language is English and the English translations are going to come with pronunciation transcriptions in English IPA.

Example A.36. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (title: My German-English Dictionary, 
            uri:, langCode: de)
    - translationLanguage (langCode: en)

Example A.37. XML

<lexicographicResource title="My German-English Dictionary" 
    uri="" langCode="de"
    <translationLanguage langCode="en"/>

Example A.38. JSON

    "title": "My German-English Dictionary",
    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "de",
    "translationLanguages": ["en"]

Example A.39. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:translationLanguage [
    dmlex:langCode "en" ;
    dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] ;
  dmlex:title "My German-English Dictionary";
  dmlex:langCode "de".

Example A.40. NVH

  title: My German-English Dictionary
  langCode: de
  translationLanguage: en

A.1.9 Defining a multilingual lexicographic resource

This defines a lexicographic resource where the source language is Irish and the translation languages are English, German and Czech.

Example A.41. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (title: My Irish-Multilingual Dictionary, 
            uri:, langCode: ga)
    - translationLanguage (langCode: en)
    - translationLanguage (langCode: de)
    - translationLanguage (langCode: cs)

Example A.42. XML

<lexicographicResource title="My Irish-Multilingual Dictionary" 
    uri="" langCode="ga"
    <translationLanguage langCode="en"/>
    <translationLanguage langCode="de"/>
    <translationLanguage langCode="cs"/>

Example A.43. JSON

    "title": "My Irish-Multilingual Dictionary",
    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "ga",
    "translationLanguages": ["en", "de", "cs"]

Example A.44. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:title "My Irish-Multilingual Dictionary";
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:translationLanguage [
    dmlex:langCode "cs" ;
    dmlex:listingOrder 1
  ] , [
    dmlex:langCode "en" ;
    dmlex:listingOrder 2
  ] , [
    dmlex:langCode "de" ;
    dmlex:listingOrder 3 ] ;
  dmlex:langCode "ga".

Example A.45. NVH

  title: My Irish-Multilingual Dictionary
  langCode: ga
  translationLanguage: en
  translationLanguage: de
  translationLanguage: cs

A.1.10 How to use headwordTranslation in a bilingual lexicographic resource

This is an entry from a hypothetical English-German dictionary for English-speaking learners of German.

Example A.46. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: doctor)
    - sense (indicator: medical doctor)
        - headwordTranslation (text: Arzt)
            - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
        - headwordTranslation (text: Ärztin)
            - partOfSpeech (tag: n-fem)
    - sense (indicator: academic title)
        - headwordTranslation (text: Doktor)
            - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
        - headwordTranslation (text: Doktorin)
            - partOfSpeech (tag: n-fem)

Example A.47. XML

<entry id="doctor-n"
    <sense id="doctor-n-1">
        <indicator>medical doctor</indicator>
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
            <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
            <partOfSpeech tag="n-fem"/>
    <sense id="doctor-n-2">
        <indicator>academic title</indicator>
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
            <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
            <partOfSpeech tag="n-fem"/>

Example A.48. JSON

    "id": "doctor-n",
    "headword": "doctor",
    "senses": [{
        "id": "doctor-n-1",
        "indicator": "medical doctor",
        "headwordTranslations": [{
            "text": "Arzt",
            "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
            "langCode": "de"
        }, {
            "text": "Ärztin",
            "partsOfSpeech": ["n-fem"],
            "langCode": "de"
    }, {
        "id": "doctor-n-2",
        "indicator": "academic title",
        "headwordTranslations": [{
            "text": "Doktor",
            "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
            "langCode": "de"
        }, {
            "text": "Doktorin",
            "partsOfSpeech": ["n-fem"],
            "langCode": "de"

Example A.49. RDF

ex:doctor-n a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:doctor-n-1,
  dmlex:headword "doctor".
ex:doctor-n-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:text "Ärztin";
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "de" ;
      dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
          dmlex:tag "n-fem";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ] ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "de";
      dmlex:text "Arzt";
      dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:tag "n-masc" ] ];
  dmlex:indicator "medical doctor";
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:doctor-n-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:tag "n-masc" ];
      dmlex:langCode "de";
      dmlex:text "Doktor";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:tag "n-fem" ];
      dmlex:langCode "de";
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "Doktorin" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:indicator "academic title".

Example A.50. NVH

entry: doctor
  sense: medical doctor
    translation: Arzt
      pos: n-masc
    translation: Ärztin
      pos: n-fem
  sense: academic title
    translation: Doktor
      pos: n-masc
    translation: Doktorin
      pos: n-fem

A.1.11 How to use headwordTranslation in a multilingual lexicographic resource

This is an entry from a hypothetical Irish-multilingual dictionary.

Example A.51. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: fómhar)
    - sense
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: en, text: autumn)
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: en, text: fall)
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: de, text: Herbst)
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: cs, text: podzim)
    - sense
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: en, text: harvest)
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: de, text: Ernte)
        - headwordTranslation (langCode: cs, text: sklizeň)

Example A.52. XML

<entry id="fómhar-n"
    <sense id="fómhar-n-1">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="en">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="en">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="cs">
    <sense id="fómhar-n-2">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="en">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
        <headwordTranslation langCode="cs">

Example A.53. JSON

    "id": "fómhar-n",
    "headword": "fómhar",
    "senses": [{
        "id": "fómhar-n-1",
        "headwordTranslations": [{
            "langCode": "en",
            "text": "autumn"
        }, {
            "langCode": "en",
            "text": "fall"
        }, {
            "langCode": "de",
            "text": "Herbst"
        }, {
            "langCode": "cs",
            "text": "podzim"
    }, {
        "id": "fómhar-n-2",
        "headwordTranslations": [{
            "langCode": "en",
            "text": "harvest"
        }, {
            "langCode": "de",
            "text": "Ernte"
        }, {
            "langCode": "cs",
            "text": "sklizeň"

Example A.54. RDF

ex:fómhar-n-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "Herbst";
      dmlex:langCode "de" ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:langCode "en";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "autumn" ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "en";
      dmlex:text "fall" ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:text "podzim";
      dmlex:listingOrder "4"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "cs" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:fómhar-n-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:langCode "en";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "harvest" ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:text "sklizeň";
      dmlex:langCode "cs";
      dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
    [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:text "Ernte";
      dmlex:langCode "de";
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:fómhar-n a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "fómhar";
  dmlex:sense ex:fómhar-n-1,

Example A.55. NVH

entry: fómhar
    en_translation: autumn
    en_translation: fall
    de_translation: Herbst
    cs_translation: podzim
    en_translation: harvest
    de_translation: Ernte
    cs_translation: sklizeň

A.1.12 How to use headwordExplanation

Example A.56. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: Treppenwitz)
    - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
    - sense
        - headwordExplanation (text: belated realisation of 
            what one could have said)
        - headwordTranslation (text: staircase wit)

Example A.57. XML

<entry id="treppenwitz"
    <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
    <sense id="treppenwitz-1">
        <headwordExplanation langCode="en">
                belated realisation of what one
                could have said
        <headwordTranslation langCode="en">
            <text>staircase wit</text>

Example A.58. JSON

    "id": "treppenwitz",
    "headword": "Treppenwitz",
    "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
    "senses": [{
        "id": "treppenwitz-1",
        "headwordExplanations": [{
            "text": "belated realisation of what one could have said",
            "langCode": "en"
        "headwordTranslations": [{
            "text": "staircase wit",
            "langCode": "en"

Example A.59. RDF

ex:treppenwitz a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:tag "n-masc";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:sense ex:treppenwitz-1;
  dmlex:headword "Treppenwitz".
ex:treppenwitz-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordExplanation [ a dmlex:HeadwordExplanation;
      dmlex:text "belated realisation of what one could have said";
      dmlex:langCode "en" ];
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:text "staircase wit";
      dmlex:langCode "en";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.

Example A.60. NVH

entry: Treppenwitz
  pos: n-masc
    explanation: belated realisation of what one could have said
    translation: staircase wit

A.1.13 Modelling parts and wholes

We have three entries with one sense each: "glasses", "microscope" and "lens". We want to represent the fact that "lens" is a meronym of both "glasses" and "microscope", and simultaneously that "glasses" and "microscope" are both holonyms of "lens".

Example A.61. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: glasses, headword: glasses)
        - sense (id: glasses-1)
            - definition (text: an optical seeing aid)
    - entry (id: microscope, headword: microscope)
        - sense (id: microscope-1)
            - definition (text: equipment for looking at very small things)
    - entry (id: lens, headword: lens)
        - sense (id: lens-1)
            - definition (text: curved glass that makes things seem bigger)
    - relation (type: meronymy)
        - member (ref: glasses-1, role: whole)
        - member (ref: lens-1, role: part)
    - relation (type: meronymy)
        - member (ref: microscrope-1, role: whole)
        - member (ref: lens-1, role: part)
    - relationType (type: meronomy, description: part-whole relationship)
        - memberType (role: whole, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, 
			hint: navigate)
        - memberType (role: part, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, 
			hint: navigate)

Example A.62. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="glasses">
        <sense id="glasses-1">
                <text>an optical seeing aid</text>
    <entry id="microscope">
        <sense id="microscope-1">
                <text>equipment for looking at very small things</text>
    <entry id="lens">
        <sense id="lens-1">
                <text>curved glass that makes things seem bigger</text>
    <relation type="meronymy">
        <member ref="glasses-1" role="whole"/>
        <member ref="lens-1" role="part"/>
    <relation type="meronymy">
        <member ref="microscope-1" role="whole"/>
        <member ref="lens-1" role="part"/>
    <relationType type="meronymy">
        <description>part-whole relationship</description>
        <memberType role="whole" type="sense" min="1" max="1" 
        <memberType role="part" type="sense" min="1" max="1" 

Example A.63. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "glasses",
        "headword": "glasses",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "glasses-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": "an optical seeing aid"}]
        }]}, {
        "id": "microscope",
        "headword": "microscope",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "microscope-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": 
                "equipment for looking at very small things"}]
        }]}, {
        "id": "lens",
        "headword": "lens",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "lens-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": 
                "curved glass that makes things seem bigger"}]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "meronymy",
        "members": [{
            "ref": "glasses-1",
            "role": "whole"
        }, {
            "ref": "lens-1",
            "role": "part"
    }, {
        "type": "meronymy",
        "members": [{
            "ref": "microscope-1",
            "role": "whole"
        }, {
            "ref": "lens-1",
            "role": "part"
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "meronymy",
        "description": "part-whole relationship",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "role": "whole",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "navigate"
        }, {
            "role": "part",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "navigate"

Example A.64. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:entry ex:microscope,
  dmlex:relationType [ a dmlex:RelationType;
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:min "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate;
          dmlex:max "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "part" ],
        [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:max "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:role "whole";
          dmlex:min "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate ];
      dmlex:description "part-whole relationship";
      dmlex:type "meronymy" ];
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "microscope-1";
          dmlex:role "whole" ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:role "part";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "lens-1" ];
      dmlex:type "meronymy";
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
    [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:type "meronymy";
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "glasses-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "whole" ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:role "part";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "lens-1" ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:uri "".
ex:glasses a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "glasses";
  dmlex:sense ex:glasses-1.
ex:glasses-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "an optical seeing aid" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:lens a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:lens-1;
  dmlex:headword "lens".
ex:lens-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "curved glass that makes things seem bigger";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:microscope a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:microscope-1;
  dmlex:headword "microscope".
ex:microscope-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "equipment for looking at very small things";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.

Example A.65. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: glasses
      definition: an optical seeing aid
  entry: microscope
      definition: equipment for looking at very small things
  entry: lens
      definition: curved glass that makes things seem bigger
  relation: meronymy
    whole_member: /glasses/sense/0~an%20optical%20seeing%20aid
    part_member: /lens/sense/0~curved%20glass%20that%20makes%20things%20se
  relation: meronymy
    whole_member: /entry/microscope/sense/0~equipment%20for%20looking%20at
    part_member: /entry/lens/sense/0~curved%20glass%20that%20makes%20thing
  relationType: meronomy
    description: part-whole relationship
    memberType: sense
      role: whole
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: navigate
    memberType: sense
      role: part
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: navigate

Example A.66. Suggested rendering for human users

  - an optical seeing aid
    contains: lens

  - equipment for looking at very small things
    contains: lens

  - curved glass that makes things seem bigger
    things that contain lens: glasses, microscope

A.1.14 Modelling antonyms

We have two entries for the verbs "buy" and "sell" with one sense each. We want to express the fact that the senses are antonyms.

Example A.67. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: buy, headword: buy)
        - sense (id: buy-1)
            - definition (text: get something by paying money for it)
    - entry (id: sell, headword: sell)
        - sense (id: sell-1)
            - definition (text: exchange something for money)
    - relation (type: antonyms)
        - member (ref: buy-1)
        - member (ref: sell-1)
    - relationType: (type: antonyms)
        - memberType (type: sense, min: 2, max: 2, hint: navigate)

Example A.68. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="buy">
        <sense id="buy-1">
                <text>get something by paying money for it</text>
    <entry id="sell">
        <sense id="sell-1">
                <text>exchange something for money</text>
    <relation type="antonyms">
        <member ref="buy-1"/>
        <member ref="sell-1"/>
    <relationType type="antonyms">
        <memberType type="sense" min="2" max="2" hint="navigate"

Example A.69. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "buy",
        "headword": "buy",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "buy-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": 
                "get something by paying money for it"}]
        }]}, {
        "id": "sell",
        "headword": "sell",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "sell-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": "exchange something for money"}]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "antonyms",
        "members": [
            {"ref": "buy-1"},
            {"ref": "sell-1"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "antonyms",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "role": "obverse",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 2,
            "max": 2,
            "hint": "navigate"

Example A.70. RDF

[] a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:relationType [ a dmlex:RelationType;
      dmlex:type "antonyms";
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:max "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:min "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "obverse";
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate ] ];
  dmlex:entry ex:buy,
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:type "antonyms";
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "sell-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "buy-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].
ex:sell a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "sell";
  dmlex:sense ex:sell-1.
ex:sell-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "exchange something for money";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:buy a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:buy-1;
  dmlex:headword "buy".
ex:buy-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "get something by paying money for it";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.71. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: buy
      definition: get something by paying money for it
  entry: sell
      definition: exchange something for money
  relation: antonyms
    member: /buy/sense/0~get%20something%20by%20paying%20money%20for%20it
    member: /sell/sense/0~exchange%20something%20for%20money
  relationType: antonyms
    memberType: sense
    min: 2
    max: 2
    hint: navigate

Example A.72. Suggested rendering for human users

  - get something by paying money for it
    opposite meaning: sell
  - exchange something for money
    opposite meaning: buy

A.1.15 Modelling synonyms

We have three German entries with one sense each, two which mean "sea" and one which means "ocean". We want to set up a relation which brings these three sense together as near-synonyms.

Example A.73. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: de)
    - translationLanguage (langCode: en)
    - entry (id: die-see, headword: See)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n-fem)
        - sense (id: die-see-1)
            - headwordTranslation (text: sea)
    - entry (id: das-meer, headword: Meer)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n-neut)
        - sense (id: das-meer-1)
            - headwordTranslation (text: sea)
    - entry (id: der-ozean, headword: Ozean)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n-masc)
        - sense (id: der-ozean-1)
            - headwordTranslation (text: ocean)
    - relation (type: synonyms, description: words that mean sea and ocean)
        - member (ref: die-see-1)
        - member (ref: das-meer-1)
        - member (ref: der-ozean-1)
    - relationType (type: synonyms, description: synonyms and near synonyms)
        memberType (type: sense, min: 2, hint: navigate)

Example A.74. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="de"
    <entry id="die-see">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n-fem"/>
        <sense id="die-see-1">
    <entry id="das-meer">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n-neut"/>
        <sense id="das-meer-1">
    <entry id="der-ozean">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n-masc"/>
        <sense id="der-ozean-1">
    <translationLanguage langCode="en"/>
    <relation type="synonyms">
        <description>words that mean sea and ocean</description>
        <member ref="die-see-1"/>
        <member ref="das-meer-1"/>
        <member ref="der-ozean-1"/>
    <relationType type="synonyms">
        <description>synonyms and near synonyms</description>
        <memberType type="sense" min="2" hint="navigate"/>

Example A.75. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "de",
    "translationLanguages": ["en"],
    "entries": [{
        "id": "die-see",
        "headword": "See",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n-fem"],
        "senses": [{
            "id": "die-see-1",
            "headwordTranslations": [{"text": "sea"}]
    }, {
        "id": "das-meer",
        "headword": "Meer",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n-neut"],
        "senses": [{
            "id": "das-meer-1",
            "headwordTranslations": [{"text": "sea"}]
    }, {
        "id": "der-ozean",
        "headword": "Ozean",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n-masc"],
        "senses": [{
            "id": "der-ozean-1",
            "headwordTranslations": [{"text": "ocean"}]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "synonyms",
        "description": "words that mean sea and ocean",
        "members": [
          {"ref": "die-see-1"},
          {"ref": "das-meer-1"},
          {"ref": "der-ozean-1"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "synonyms",
        "description": "synonyms and near synonyms",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 2,
            "hint": "navigate"

Example A.76. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:langCode "de";
  dmlex:entry ex:die-see,
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:type "synonyms";
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "die-see-1" ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "das-meer-1" ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "der-ozean-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:description "words that mean sea and ocean" ];
  dmlex:translationLanguage [
    dmlex:langCode "en" ;
    dmlex:listingOrder 1 ] ;
  dmlex:relationType [ a dmlex:RelationType;
      dmlex:description "synonyms and near synonyms";
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:min "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:type "synonyms" ].
ex:der-ozean a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:der-ozean-1;
  dmlex:headword "Ozean";
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:tag "n-masc" ].
ex:der-ozean-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "ocean" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:das-meer a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "Meer";
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:tag "n-neut";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:sense ex:das-meer-1.
ex:das-meer-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "sea" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:die-see a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:tag "n-fem";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:sense ex:die-see-1;
  dmlex:headword "See".
ex:die-see-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "sea" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.

Example A.77. NVH

  langCode: de
  translationLanguage: en
  entry: See
    pos: n-fem
      headwordTranslation: sea
  entry: Meer
    pos: n-neut
      headwordTranslation: sea
  entry: Ozean
    pos: n-masc
      headwordTranslation: ocean
  relation: synonyms
    description: words that mean sea and ocean
    member: /See~n-fem/sense
    member: /Meer~n-neut/sense
    member: /Ozean~n-masc/sense
  relationType: synonyms
    description: synonyms and near synonyms
    memberType: sense
    min: 2
    hint: navigate

Example A.78. Suggested rendering for human users

See, feminine noun
  - see
    same or similar meaning: Meer, Ozean
Meer, neuter noun
  - see
    same or similar meaning: See, Ozean

Ozean, masculine noun
  - ocean
    same or similar meaning: See, Meer

A.1.16 Modelling variants

We have two entries in our lexicographic resource, one for the headword "colour" and one for the headword "color". We want to create a relation to represent the fact that these are spelling variants. One of the entries is fully fleshed-out (has a sense with a definition, an example etc) while the other one os only skeletal: its only purpose is to serve as the origin of a navigable link to the other entry.

Example A.79. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: colour, headword: colour)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n)
        - label (tag: europeanSpelling)
        - sense (id: colour-1)
            - definition (text: red, blue, yellow etc.)
            - example (text: What is your favourite colour?)
    - entry (id: color, headword: color)
        - partOfSpeech (tag: n)
        - label (tag: americanSpelling)
    - relation (type: variants)
        - member (ref: colour)
        - member (ref: color)
    - relationType (type: variants, description: words which differ 
			only in spelling)
        - memberType (type: entry, min: 2, hint: navigate)

Example A.80. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="colour">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n"/>
        <label tag="europeanSpelling"/>
        <sense id="colour-1">
                <text>red, blue, yellow etc.</text>
                <text>What is your favourite colour?</text>
    <entry id="color">
        <partOfSpeech tag="n"/>
        <label tag="americanSpelling"/>
    <relation type="variants">
        <member ref="colour"/>
        <member ref="color"/>
    <relationType type="variants">
        <description>words which differ only in spelling</description>
        <memberType type="entry" min="2" hint="navigate"/>

Example A.81. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "colour",
        "headword": "colour",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n"],
        "labels": ["europeanSpelling"],
        "senses": [{
            "id": "colour-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": "red, blue, yellow etc."}],
            "examples": [{"text": "What is your favourite colour?"}]
    }, {
        "id": "color",
        "headword": "color",
        "partsOfSpeech": ["n"],
        "labels": ["americanSpelling"]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "variants",
        "members": [
          {"ref": "colour"},
          {"ref": "color"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "variants",
        "description": "words which differ only in spelling",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "type": "entry",
            "min": 2,
            "hint": "navigate"

Example A.82. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:entry ex:color,
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:type "variants";
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "color";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:ref "colour";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:relationType [ a dmlex:RelationType;
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate;
          dmlex:type dmlex:entry;
          dmlex:min "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:description "words which differ only in spelling";
      dmlex:type "variants" ];
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:uri "".
ex:color a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:tag "n" ];
  dmlex:headword "color";
  dmlex:label [ 
      dmlex:tag "americanSpelling";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].
ex:colour a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "colour";
  dmlex:partOfSpeech [ 
      dmlex:tag "n";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:label [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:tag "europeanSpelling" ];
  dmlex:sense ex:colour-1.
ex:colour-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:example [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "What is your favourite colour?" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "red, blue, yellow etc." ].

Example A.83. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: colour
    pos: n
    label: europeanSpelling
      definition: red, blue, yellow etc.
      example: What is your favourite colour?
  entry: color
    pos: n
    label: americanSpelling
  relation: variants
    member: /colour~n
    member: /color~n
  relationType: variants
    description: words which differ only in spelling
    memberType: entry
    min: 2, hint: navigate

Example A.84. Suggested rendering for human users

colour (noun, European spelling), variant: color
  - red, blue, yellow etc.
    "What is your favourite colour?"

color (noun, American spelling), see: colour

A.1.17 Modelling subsenses

We have an entry for the noun "colour" with four senses. We want to express the fact that senses number two and three are subsenses of sense number one, and should be displayed as such to human users.

Example A.85. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: colour, headword: colour)
        - sense (id: colour-1)
            - definition (text: red, blue, yellow etc.)
            - example (text: What is your favourite colour?)
        - sense (id: colour-2)
            - definition (text: not being black and white)
            - example (text: Owning a colour TV meant you were rich.)
        - sense (id: colour-3)
            - definition (text: a sign of a person's race)
            - example (text: People of all creeds and colours.)
        - sense (id: colour-4)
            - definition (text: interest or excitement)
            - example (text: Examples add colour to your writing.)
    - relation (type: subsensing)
        - member (ref: colour-1, role: super)
        - member (ref: colour-2, role: sub)
    - relation (type: subsensing)
        - member (ref: colour-1, role: super)
        - member (ref: colour-3, role: sub)
    - relationType (type: subsensing, scopeRestriction: sameEntry)
        - memberType (role: super, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, hint: none)
        - memberType (role: sub, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, hint: embed)

Example A.86. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="colour">
        <sense id="colour-1">
                <text>red, blue, yellow etc.</text>
                <text>What is your favourite colour?</text>
        <sense id="colour-2">
                <text>not being black and white</text>
                <text>Owning a colour TV meant you were rich.</text>
        <sense id="colour-3">
                <text>a sign of a person's race</text>
                <text>People of all creeds and colours.</text>
        <sense id="colour-4">
                <text>interest or excitement</text>
                <text>Examples add colour to your writing.</text>
    <relation type="subsensing">
        <member ref="colour-1" role="super"/>
        <member ref="colour-2" role="sub"/>
    <relation type="subsensing">
        <member ref="colour-1" role="super"/>
        <member ref="colour-3" role="sub"/>
    <relationType type="subsensing" scopeRestriction="sameEntry">
        <memberType role="super" type="sense" min="1" 
            max="1" hint="none"/>
        <memberType role="sub" type="sense" min="1" 
            max="1" hint="embed"/>

Example A.87. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "colour",
        "headword": "colour",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "colour-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": "red, blue, yellow etc."}],
            "examples": [{"text": 
                "What is your favourite colour?"}]
        }, {
            "id": "colour-2",
            "definitions": [{"text": "not being black and white"}],
            "examples": [{"text": 
                "Owning a colour TV meant you were rich."}]
        }, {
            "id": "colour-3",
            "definitions": [{"text": "a sign of a person's race"}],
            "examples": [{"text": 
                "People of all creeds and colours."}]
        }, {
            "id": "colour-4",
            "definitions": [{"text": "interest or excitement"}],
            "examples": [{"text": 
                "Examples add colour to your writing."}]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "subsensing",
        "members": [
          {"role": "super", "ref": "colour-1"},
          {"role": "sub", "ref": "colour-2"} 
    }, {
        "type": "subsensing",
        "members": [
          {"role": "super", "ref": "colour-1"}, 
          {"role": "sub", "ref": "colour-3"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "subsensing",
        "scopeRestriction": "sameEntry",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "role": "super",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "none"
        }, {
            "role": "sub",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "embed"

Example A.88. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:entry ex:colour;
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:member [ dmlex:ref "colour-3";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "sub" ], [
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "super";
          dmlex:ref "colour-1" ];
      dmlex:type "subsensing";
      dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ], [ 
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:type "subsensing";
      dmlex:member [ dmlex:ref "colour-2";
          dmlex:role "sub";
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ], [ 
          dmlex:role "super";
          dmlex:ref "colour-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ] ];
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:relationType [ dmlex:scopeRestriction dmlex:sameEntry;
      dmlex:type "subsensing";
      dmlex:memberType [ dmlex:min 1; dmlex:max 1;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:role "sub";
          dmlex:hint dmlex:embed ], [ 
          dmlex:min 1; dmlex:max: 1;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:none;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:role "super" ] ].
ex:colour a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:colour-4, ex:colour-3, ex:colour-2, ex:colour-1;
  dmlex:headword "colour".
ex:colour-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "red, blue, yellow etc." ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "What is your favourite colour?" ].
ex:colour-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "Owning a colour TV meant you were rich." ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ dmlex:text "not being black and white";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].
ex:colour-3 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ dmlex:text "a sign of a person's race";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "People of all creeds and colours." ].
ex:colour-4 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "4"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ dmlex:text "interest or excitement";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "Examples add colour to your writing." ].

Example A.89. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: colour
      definition: red, blue, yellow etc.
      example: What is your favourite colour?
      definition: not being black and white
      example: Owning a colour TV meant you were rich.
      definition: a sign of a person's race
      example: People of all creeds and colours.
      definition: interest or excitement
      example: Examples add colour to your writing.
  relation: subsensing
    super_member: /colour/sense/0~red%2C%20blue%2C%20yellow%20etc.
    sub_member: /colour/sense/0~not%20being%20black%20and%20white
  relation: subsensing
    super_member: /colour/sense/0~red%2C%20blue%2C%20yellow%20etc.
    sub_member: /colour/sense/0~a%20sign%20of%20a%20person%27s%20race
  relationType: subsensing
    scopeRestriction: sameEntry
    memberType: sense
      role: super
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: none
    memberType: sense
      role: sub
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: embed

Example A.90. Suggested rendering for human users

  1. red, blue, yellow etc. "What is your favourite colour?"
     (a) not being black and white "Owning a colour TV meant you were rich."
     (b) a sign of a person's race "People of all creeds and colours.."
  2. interest or excitement "Examples add colour to your writing."

A.1.18 Modelling subentries (at subsense level)

We have an entry for the adjective "safe" with two senses, and an entry for the multi-word expression "better safe than sorry" with one sense. We want to express the fact that the multi-word entry should appear under the first sense of "safe" as a subentry.

Example A.91. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: safe, headword: safe)
        - sense (id: safe-1, indicator: protected from harm)
            - example (text: It isn't safe to park here.)
        - sense (id: safe-2, indicator: not likely to cause harm)
            - example (text: Is the ride safe for a small child?)
    - entry (id: better-safe, headword: better safe than sorry)
        - sense (id: better-safe-1)
            - definition (text: you should be careful even if it seems 
    - relation (type: subentrying)
        member (ref: safe-1, role: container)
        member (ref: better-safe, role: subentry)
    - relationType (type: subentrying, scopeRestriction: sameResource)
        - memberType (role: container, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, 
			hint: navigate)
        - memberType (role: subentry, type: entry, min: 1, max: 1, 
			hint: embed)

Example A.92. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="safe">
        <sense id="safe-1">
            <indicator>protected from harm</indicator>
                <text>It isn't safe to park here.</text>
        <sense id="safe-2">
            <indicator>not likely to cause harm</indicator>
                <text>Is the ride safe for a small child?</text>
    <entry id="better-safe">
        <headword>better safe than sorry</headword>
        <sense id="better-safe-1">
                <text>you should be careful even if it seems unnecessary</
    <relation type="subentrying">
        <member ref="safe-1" role="container"/>
        <member ref="better-safe" role="subentry"/>
    <relationType type="subentrying" scopeRestriction="sameResource">
        <memberType role="container" type="sense" min="1" max="1" 
        <memberType role="subentry" type="entry" min="1" max="1" 

Example A.93. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "safe",
        "headword": "safe",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "safe-1",
            "indicator": "protected from harm",
            "examples": [{"text": "It isn't safe to park here."}]
        }, {
            "id": "safe-2",
            "indicator": "not likely to cause harm",
            "examples": [{"text": "Is the ride safe for a small child?"}]
    }, {
        "id": "better-safe",
        "headword": "better safe than sorry",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "better-safe-1",
            "definitions": [{
                "text": "you should be careful even if it seems unnecessar
    "relations": [{
        "type": "subentrying",
        "members": [
          {"role": "container", "ref": "safe-1"}, 
          {"role": "subentry", "ref": "better-safe"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "subentrying",
        "scopeRestriction": "sameResource",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "role": "container",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "navigate"
        }, {
            "role": "subentry",
            "type": "entry",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "embed"

Example A.94. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:entry ex:safe,
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:member [ dmlex:ref "safe-1";
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "container" ], [ 
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "better-safe";
          dmlex:role "subentry" ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:type "subentrying" ];
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:relationType [ dmlex:type "subentrying";
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:type dmlex:entry;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:embed;
          dmlex:min 1 ; dmlex:max 1 ;
          dmlex:role "subentry" ], [
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate;
          dmlex:role "container";
          dmlex:min 1 ; dmlex:max 1;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense ];
      dmlex:scopeRestriction dmlex:sameResource ];
  dmlex:langCode "en".
ex:safe a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "safe";
  dmlex:sense ex:safe-1, ex:safe-2.
ex:safe-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:indicator "protected from harm";
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "It isn't safe to park here." ].
ex:safe-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:example [ dmlex:text "Is the ride safe for a small child?";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:indicator "not likely to cause harm".
ex:better-safe a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:better-safe-1;
  dmlex:headword "better safe than sorry".
ex:better-safe-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "you should be careful even if it seems unnecessary" ].

Example A.95. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: safe
    sense: protected from harm
      example: It isn't safe to park here.
    sense: not likely to cause harm
      example: Is the ride safe for a small child?
  entry: better safe than sorry
      definition: you should be careful even if it seems unnecessary
  relation: subentrying
    container_member: /safe/sense/protected%20from%20harm
    subentry_member: /better%20safe%20than%20sorry
  relationType: subentrying
    scopeRestriction: sameResource
    memberType: sense
      role: container
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: navigate
    memberType: entry
      role: subentry
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: embed

Example A.96. Suggested rendering for human users

  - protected from harm "It isn't safe to park here."
    better safe than sorry
      - you should be careful even if it seems unnecessary
  - not likely to cause harm "Is the ride safe for a small child?"

better safe than sorry
  - you should be careful even if it seems unnecessary
    see also: safe

A.1.19 Modelling subentries (at sense level)

We have an entry for the word "bible" and another entry for the expression "the Bible". We want to make sure that, when a human user is viewing the entry for "bible", the entry for "the Bible" is shown as a subentry of it, as if it were its first sense.

Example A.97. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (uri:, langCode: en)
    - entry (id: the-bible, headword: the Bible)
        - sense (id: the-bible-1)
            - definition (text: the book considered holy by Christians)
    - entry (id: bible, headword: bible)
        - sense (id: bible-1)
        - sense (id: bible-2)
            - definition (text: a book considered important for a subject)
    - relation (type: subentrying)
        - member (ref: bible-1, role: container)
        - member (ref: the-bible, role: subentry)
    - relationType (type: subentrying, scopeRestcriction: sameResource)
        - memberType (role: container, type: sense, min: 1, max: 1, 
			hint: navigate)
        - memberType (role: subentry, type: entry, min: 1, max: 1,
			hint: embed)

Example A.98. XML

<lexicographicResource uri="" langCode="en"
    <entry id="the-bible">
        <headword>the Bible</headword>
        <sense id="the-bible-1">
                <text>the book considered holy by Christians</text>
    <entry id="bible">
        <sense id="bible-1"/>
        <sense id="bible-2">
                <text>a book considered important for a subject</text>
    <relation type="subentrying">
        <member ref="bible-1" role="container"/>
        <member ref="the-bible" role="subentry"/> 
    <relationType type="subentrying" scopeRestriction="sameResource">
        <memberType role="container" type="sense" min="1" max="1" 
        <memberType role="subentry" type="entry" min="1" max="1" 

Example A.99. JSON

    "uri": "",
    "langCode": "en",
    "entries": [{
        "id": "the-bible",
        "headword": "the Bible",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "the-bible-1",
            "definitions": [{"text": 
                "the book considered holy by Christians"}]
    }, {
        "id": "bible",
        "headword": "bible",
        "senses": [{
            "id": "bible-1"
        }, {
            "id": "bible-2",
            "definitions": [{"text": 
                "a book considered important for a subject"}]
    "relations": [{
        "type": "subentrying",
        "members": [
          {"role": "container", "ref": "bible-1"},
          {"role": "subentry", "ref": "the-bible"}
    "relationTypes": [{
        "type": "subentrying",
        "scopeRestriction": "sameResource",
        "memberTypes": [{
            "role": "container",
            "type": "sense",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "navigate"
        }, {
            "role": "subentry",
            "type": "entry",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 1,
            "hint": "embed"

Example A.100. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:entry ex:the-bible,
  dmlex:relationType [ a dmlex:RelationType;
      dmlex:type "subentrying";
      dmlex:memberType [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:embed;
          dmlex:role "subentry";
          dmlex:max "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:type dmlex:entry;
          dmlex:min "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
        [ a dmlex:MemberType;
          dmlex:hint dmlex:navigate;
          dmlex:max "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:type dmlex:sense;
          dmlex:min "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:role "container" ];
      dmlex:scopeRestriction dmlex:sameResource ];
  dmlex:uri "";
  dmlex:relation [ a dmlex:Relation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:type "subentrying";
      dmlex:member [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "the-bible";
          dmlex:role "subentry" ],
        [ a dmlex:Member;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:ref "bible-1";
          dmlex:role "container" ] ].
ex:bible a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:bible-1,
  dmlex:headword "bible".
ex:bible-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:bible-2 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "a book considered important for a subject";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:the-bible a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:the-bible-1;
  dmlex:headword "the Bible".
ex:the-bible-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:definition [ a dmlex:Definition;
      dmlex:text "the book considered holy by Christians";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.101. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: the Bible
      definition: the book considered holy by Christians
  entry: bible
      definition: a book considered important for a subject
  relation: subentrying
    container_member: /bible/sense
    subentry_member: /the%20Bible
  relationType: subentrying
    scopeRestcriction: sameResource
    memberType: sense
      role: container
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: navigate
    memberType: entry
      role: subentry
      min: 1
      max: 1
      hint: embed

Example A.102. Suggested rendering for human users

  - the Bible
      - the book considered holy by Christians
  - a book considered important for a subject
the Bible
  - the book considered holy by Christians
    see also: bible

A.1.20 Using placeholderMarker

Example A.103. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: continue your studies, 
		placeholderMarker: "your")
    - sense ...

Example A.104. XML

<entry id="continue-studies"
    <headword>continue <placeholderMarker>your</placeholderMarker> studies

Example A.105. JSON

  "id": "continue-studies",
  "headword": "continue your studies",
  "placeholderMarkers": [
     {"startIndex": 9, "endIndex": 13}
  "senses": []

Example A.106. RDF

ex:continue-studies a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "continue your studies";
  dmlex:placeholderMarker [ 
      dmlex:startIndex "9"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:endIndex "13"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.107. NVH

entry: continue your studies
  placeholderMarker: your

A.1.21 Using placeholderMarker in a bilingual lexicographic resource

Example A.108. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: beat sb. up, placeholderMarker: "sb.")
    - sense
        headwordTranslation (text: jemanden verprügeln, 
		placeholderMarker: "jemanden")

Example A.109. XML

<entry id="beat-up"
    <headword>beat <placeholderMarker>sb.</placeholderMarker> up</headword
    <sense id="beat-up-1">
      <headwordTranslation langCode="de">
        <text><placeholderMarker>jemanden</placeholderMarker> verprügeln</

Example A.110. JSON

  "id": "beat-up",
  "headword": "beat sb. up",
  "placeholderMarkers": [
      {"startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 8}
  "senses": [{
    "id": "beat-up-1",
    "headwordTranslations": [{
      "text": "jemanden verprügeln",
      "langCode": "de",
      "placeholderMarkers": [
          {"startIndex": 0, "endIndex": 8}

Example A.111. RDF

ex:beat-up-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:placeholderMarker [ 
          dmlex:startIndex "0"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:endIndex "8"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "de";
      dmlex:text "jemanden verprügeln" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt.
ex:beat-up a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:beat-up-1;
  dmlex:headword "beat sb. up";
  dmlex:placeholderMarker [ 
      dmlex:startIndex "5"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:endIndex "8"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.112. NVH

entry: beat sb. up
  placeholderMarker: sb.
    headwordTranslation: jemanden verprügeln
      placeholderMarker: jemanden

A.1.22 Using headwordMarker

Example A.113. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: autopsy)
    - sense
        - headwordTranslation (text: pitva)
        - example (text: The coroner performed an autopsy., 
			headwordMarker: "autopsy")
            - exampleTranslation (text: Koroner provedl pitvu., 
			headwordMarker: "pitvu")

Example A.114. XML

<entry id="autopsy"
    <sense id="autopsy-1">
            <text>The coroner performed an <headwordMarker>autopsy</headwo
            <exampleTranslation langCode="cs">
                <text>Koroner provedl <headwordMarker>pitvu</headwordMarke
        <headwordTranslation langCode="cs"><text>pitva</text></headwordTra

Example A.115. JSON

  "id": "autopsy",
  "headword": "autopsy",
  "senses": [{
    "id": "autopsy-1",
    "headwordTranslations": [{
        "text": "pitva",
        "langCode": "cs"
    "examples": [{
      "text": "The coroner performed an autopsy.",
      "headwordMarkers": [
        {"startIndex": 25, "endIndex": 32}
      "exampleTranslations": [{
        "text": "Koroner provedl pitvu.",
        "langCode": "cs",
        "headwordMarkers": [
          {"startIndex": 16, "endIndex": 21}

Example A.116. RDF

ex:autopsy-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:example [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:exampleTranslation [ a dmlex:ExampleTranslation;
          dmlex:text "Koroner provedl pitvu.";
          dmlex:langCode "cs";
          dmlex:headwordMarker [ 
              dmlex:endIndex "21"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:startIndex "16"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "The coroner performed an autopsy.";
      dmlex:headwordMarker [ 
          dmlex:endIndex "32"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:startIndex "25"^^xsd:unsignedInt ] ];
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:langCode "cs";
      dmlex:text "pitva" ].
ex:autopsy a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:autopsy-1;
  dmlex:headword "autopsy".

Example A.117. NVH

entry: autopsy
    headwordTranslation: pitva
    example: The coroner performed an autopsy.
      headwordMarker: autopsy
        exampleTranslation: Koroner provedl pitvu.
          headwordMarker: pitvu

A.1.23 Using collocateMarker

Example A.118. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: autopsy)
    - sense
        - example (text: The coroner performed an autopsy.)
            - headwordMarker: "autopsy"
            - collocateMarker: "performed" (lemma: perform)
            - exampleTranslation (text: Koroner provedl pitvu.)
                - headwordMarker: "pitvu"
                - collocateMarker: "provedl" (lemma: provést)
        - headwordTranslation (text: pitva)

Example A.119. XML

<entry id="autopsy"
    <sense id="autopsy-1">
            <text>The coroner <collocateMarker lemma="perform">performed</
collocateMarker> an <headwordMarker>autopsy</headwordMarker>.</text>
            <exampleTranslation langCode="cs">
                <text>Koroner <collocateMarker lemma="provést">provedl</co
llocateMarker> <headwordMarker>pitvu</headwordMarker>.</text>
        <headwordTranslation langCode="cs"><text>pitva</text></headwordTra

Example A.120. JSON

  "id": "autopsy",
  "headword": "autopsy",
  "senses": [{
    "id": "autopsy-1",
    "headwordTranslations": [{"langCode": "cs", "text": "pitva"}],
    "examples": [{
      "text": "The coroner performed an autopsy.",
      "headwordMarkers": [
        {"startIndex": 25, "endIndex": 32}
      "collocateMarkers": [
        {"startIndex": 12, "endIndex": 21, "lemma": "perform"}
      "exampleTranslations": [{
        "langCode": "cs",
        "text": "Koroner provedl pitvu.",
        "headwordMarkers": [
          {"startIndex": 16, "endIndex": 21}
        "collocateMarkers": [
          {"startIndex": 8, "endIndex": 15, "lemma": "provést"}

Example A.121. RDF

ex:autopsy a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:sense ex:autopsy-1;
  dmlex:headword "autopsy".
ex:autopsy-1 a dmlex:Sense;
  dmlex:headwordTranslation [ a dmlex:HeadwordTranslation;
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:text "pitva" ];
  dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
  dmlex:example [ a dmlex:Example;
      dmlex:headwordMarker [ 
          dmlex:startIndex "25"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:endIndex "32"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:text "The coroner performed an autopsy.";
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
      dmlex:exampleTranslation [ a dmlex:ExampleTranslation;
          dmlex:langCode "cs" ;
          dmlex:collocateMarker [ 
              dmlex:endIndex "15"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:startIndex "8"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:lemma "provést" ];
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:headwordMarker [ 
              dmlex:endIndex "21"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:startIndex "16"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
          dmlex:text "Koroner provedl pitvu." ];
      dmlex:collocateMarker [ 
          dmlex:endIndex "21"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:lemma "perform";
          dmlex:startIndex "12"^^xsd:unsignedInt ] ].

Example A.122. NVH

entry: autopsy
    example: The coroner performed an autopsy.
      headwordMarker: autopsy
      collocateMarker: performed
        lemma: perform
      exampleTranslation: Koroner provedl pitvu.
        headwordMarker: pitvu
        collocateMarker: provedl
          lemma: provést
    headwordTranslation: pitva

A.1.24 Modelling etymology

Example A.123. Pseudocode

- entry (headword: cat)
    - sense ...
    - etymology
        - etymon
            - etymonUnit (langCode: enm, text: catte)
        - etymon
            - etymonUnit (langCode: ang, text: catt, 
		translation: male cat)
            - etymonUnit (langCode: ang, text: catte, 
		translation: female cat)
        - etymon
            - etymonUnit (langCode: gem-x-proto, text: kattuz, 
		reconstructed: true)

Example A.124. XML

<entry id="cat-n"
            <etymonUnit langCode="enm">
            <etymonUnit langCode="ang">
                <translation>male cat</translation>
            <etymonUnit langCode="ang">
                <translation>female cat</translation>
            <etymonUnit langCode="gem-x-proto" reconstructed="true">

Example A.125. JSON

  "id": "cat-n",
  "headword": "cat",
  "senses": [],
  "etymologies": [{
    "etymons": [{
      "etymonUnits": [
        {"langCode": "enm", "text": "catte"}
    }, {
      "etymonUnits": [
        {"langCode": "ang", "text": "catt", "translation": "male cat"},
        {"langCode": "ang", "text": "catte", "translation": "female cat"}
    }, {
      "etymonUnits": [
        {"langCode": "gem-x-proto", "text": "kattuz", 
            "reconstructed": true}

Example A.126. RDF

ex:cat-n a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:etymology [ a dmlex:Etymology;
      dmlex:etymon [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:text "catte";
              dmlex:langCode "enm" ] ],
        [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:text "kattuz";
              dmlex:reconstructed true;
              dmlex:langCode "gem-x-proto" ] ],
        [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:text "catte";
              dmlex:translation "female cat";
              dmlex:langCode "ang" ],
            [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:text "catt";
              dmlex:langCode "ang";
              dmlex:translation "male cat";
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ] ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
  dmlex:headword "cat".

Example A.127. NVH

entry: cat
        enm_etymonUnit: catte
        ang_etymonUnit: catt
          translation: male cat
        ang_etymonUnit: catte
          translation: female cat
        gem-x-proto_etymonUnit: kattuz
          reconstructed: true

A.1.25 Modelling etymology types and language

Example A.128. Pseudocode

- lexicographicResource (langCode: en)
    - entry (headword: school)
        - etymology (description:  Middle Dutch scole ("multitude, 
			troop, crowd, school") from Proto-Germanic 
			*skulō; doublet of shoal)
            - etymon (type: derivation)
                - etymonUnit (langCode: dut, text: scole, 
			translation: multitude, troop, crowd, school)
            - etymon (type: derivation)
                - etymonUnit (langCode: gem-pro, text: skulō, 
			reconstructed: true)
            - etymon (type: doublet)
                - etymonUnit (langCode: en, text: shoal)
    - etymonLanguage (langCode: dum, displayName: Middle Dutch)
    - etymonLanguage (langCode: gem-pro, displayName: Proto-Germanic)
    - etymonType (name: derivation, 
	     description: A historical form of the word)
    - etymonType (name: doublet, 
	description: Two words derived from the same etymological root)

Example A.129. XML

<lexicographicResource langCode="en"
    <entry id="school-noun-2">
            <description>Middle Dutch scole ("multitude, troop, crowd, sch
ool") from Proto-Germanic *skulō; doublet of shoal</description>
            <etymon type="derivation">
                <etymonUnit langCode="dum">
                    <translation>multitude, troop, crowd, school</translat
            <etymon type="derivation">
                <etymonUnit langCode="gem-pro" reconstructed="true">
            <etymon type="doublet">
                <etymonUnit langCode="en">
    <etymonLanguage langCode="dum">
        <displayName>Middle Dutch</displayName>
    <etymonLanguage langCode="gem-pro">
    <etymonType type="derivation">
        <description>A historical form of the word</description>
    <etymonType type="doublet">
        <description>Two words derived from the same etymological root</de

Example A.130. JSON

  "langCode": "en",
  "entries": [ {
      "id": "school-noun-2",
      "headword": "school",
      "etymologies": [ {
          "description": "Middle Dutch scole (\"multitude, troop, crowd, s
chool\") from Proto-Germanic *skulō; doublet of shoal",
          "etymons": [ {
              "type": "derivation",
              "etymonUnits": [ {
                  "langCode": "dum",
                  "text": "scole",
                  "translation": "multitude, troop, crowd, school"
              "type": "derivation",
              "etymonUnits": [ {
                  "langCode": "gem-pro",
                  "text": "skulō",
                  "reconstructed": true
              "type": "doublet",
              "etymonUnits": [ {
                  "langCode": "en",
                  "text": "shoal"
  "etymonLanguages": [ {
      "langCode": "dum",
      "displayName": "Middle Dutch"
    }, {
      "langCode": "gem-pro",
      "displayName": "Proto-Germanic"
  "etymonTypes": [ {
      "type": "derivation",
      "description": "A historical form of the word"
    }, {
      "type": "doublet",
      "description": "Two words derived from the same etymological root"

Example A.131. RDF

ex:lexicon a dmlex:LexicographicResource;
  dmlex:etymonLanguage [ a dmlex:EtymonLanguage;
      dmlex:langCode "dum";
      dmlex:displayName "Middle Dutch" ],
    [ a dmlex:EtymonLanguage;
      dmlex:langCode "gem-pro";
      dmlex:displayName "Proto-Germanic" ];
  dmlex:langCode "en";
  dmlex:entry ex:school-noun-2;
  dmlex:etymonType [ a dmlex:EtymonType;
      dmlex:description "Two words derived from the same etymological root
      dmlex:type "doublet" ],
    [ a dmlex:EtymonType;
      dmlex:description "A historical form of the word";
      dmlex:type "derivation" ].
ex:school-noun-2 a dmlex:Entry;
  dmlex:headword "school";
  dmlex:etymology [ a dmlex:Etymology;
      dmlex:description "Middle Dutch scole (\"multitude, troop, crowd, sc
hool\") from Proto-Germanic *skulō; doublet of shoal";
      dmlex:etymon [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:type "derivation";
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:text "skulō";
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
              dmlex:reconstructed true;
              dmlex:langCode "gem-pro" ];
          dmlex:listingOrder "2"^^xsd:unsignedInt ],
        [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt;
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:langCode "dum";
              dmlex:text "scole";
              dmlex:translation "multitude, troop, crowd, school";
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
          dmlex:type "derivation" ],
        [ a dmlex:Etymon;
          dmlex:etymonUnit [ a dmlex:EtymonUnit;
              dmlex:langCode "en";
              dmlex:text "shoal";
              dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
          dmlex:type "doublet";
          dmlex:listingOrder "3"^^xsd:unsignedInt ];
      dmlex:listingOrder "1"^^xsd:unsignedInt ].

Example A.132. NVH

  langCode: en
  entry: school
    etymology:  Middle Dutch scole ("multitude, troop, crowd, school") fro
m Proto-Germanic *skulō; doublet of shoal
      etymon: derivation
        dut_etymonUnit: scole
          translation: multitude, troop, crowd, school
      etymon: derivation
        gem-pro_etymonUnit: skulō
          reconstructed: true
      etymon: doublet
        en_etymonUnit: shoal
  etymonLanguage: dum
    displayName: Middle Dutch
  etymonLanguage: gem-pro
    displayName: Proto-Germanic
  etymonType: derivation
    description: A historical form of the word
  etymonType: doublet
    description: Two words derived from the same etymological root

A.2 DMLex NVH serialization (Informative)

This section specifies a serialization of the DMLex data model in NVH (Name-Value Hierarchy) [NVH].

For data exchange purposes, a valid DMLex NVH file is one where either a lexicographicResource or an entry is the top-level node or the file contains a concatenation of one (and only one) of these two nodes separated by a system-specific newline delimiter.

A.2.1 Design Principles (Informative)

The NVH serialization of DMLex shown in this document follows these principles:

  • The listingOrder property is always implicit from ordering of lines in the NVH file and never serialized explicitly. Object types having only a literal property and listingOrder are considered as if they only had the literal property.

  • The value of the node is the text property of the object, if defined, otherwise it is one of the (typically required) object properties of maximum arity 1.

  • All other object properties are implemented as NVH nodes. If the property contains a literal value, it is serialized as a node named as the property with the value being the literal value of the property.

  • Unless specified otherwise, property names refer to properties of the DMLex object that is being described.

  • Fragment identification strings MAY omit sequences of trailing "~0" and "0~0" strings in unique identifiers as well as the forward slash trailing the whole fragment identification string.

  • Fragment identification strings MAY start with a forward slash character as a shorthand for "[lexicograhpicResource.URI]/entry/" string.

See for details about the NVH file format and processing libraries.

A.2.2 DMLex NVH serialization nodes (Informative)

A.2.2.1 NVH node: lexicographicResource

Implements the lexicographicResource object type.


  • OPTIONAL, implements the uri property.

Child nodes

  • entry OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • title OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • langCode REQUIRED (exactly one)

Child nodes if implementing the Crosslingual Module

Child nodes if implementing the Controlled Values Module

Child nodes if implementing the Linking Module

Child nodes if implementing the Etymology Module

A.2.2.2 NVH node: entry

Implements the entry object type.


  • REQUIRED, implements the headword property.

Child nodes

Child nodes if implementing the Linking Module

Child nodes if implementing the Annotation Module

Child nodes if implementing the Etymology Module

A.2.2.3 NVH node: pos

Implements the partOfSpeech object type.


  • REQUIRED, implements the tag property.

A.2.2.4 NVH node: form

Implements the inflectedForm object type.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

Child nodes

  • tag OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • pronunciation OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.5 NVH node: sense

Implements the sense object type.


  • OPTIONAL, implements the indicator property

Child nodes

Child nodes if implementing the Linking Module

Child nodes if implementing the Crosslingual Module

The string [PREFIX] in the node name MAY be an empty string if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, otherwise it is replaced by the langCode property of the headwordExplanation or headwordTranslation object type, respectively, followed by the underscore character.

A.2.2.6 NVH node: definition

Implements the definition object type.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

Child nodes

  • definitionType OPTIONAL (zero or one)

Child nodes if implementing the Annotation Module

A.2.2.7 NVH node: label

Implements the label object type.


  • tag REQUIRED

A.2.2.8 NVH node: pronunciation

Implements the pronunciation object type under the entry node.


  • soundFile OPTIONAL

Child nodes

A.2.2.9 NVH node: transcription

Implements the transcription object type.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

Child nodes

  • scheme OPTIONAL (zero or one)

A.2.2.10 NVH node: example

Implements the example object type.


  • text REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • sourceIdentity OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sourceElaboration OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • soundFile OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more)

Child nodes if implementing the Annotation Module

Child nodes if implementing the Crosslingual Module

The string [PREFIX] in the node name MAY be an empty string if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, otherwise it is replaced by the langCode property of the exampleTranslation followed by the underscore character.

A.2.2.11 NVH node: translationLanguage

Implements the translationLanguage object type from the Crosslingual Module.


  • langCode REQUIRED

A.2.2.12 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]translation

Implements the headwordTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module. The string [PREFIX] in the node name MAY be an empty string if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, otherwise it is replaced by the langCode property of the headwordTranslation followed by the underscore character.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

Child nodes

Child nodes if implementing the Annotation Module

A.2.2.13 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]explanation

Implements the headwordExplanation object type from the Crosslingual Module. The string [PREFIX] in the node name MAY be an empty string if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, otherwise it is replaced by the langCode property of the headwordExplanation followed by the underscore character.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

A.2.2.14 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]exampleTranslation

Implements the exampleTranslation object type from the Crosslingual Module. The string [PREFIX] in the node name MAY be an empty string if only one translation language exists in the lexicographic resource, otherwise it is replaced by the langCode property of the exampleTranslation followed by the underscore character.


  • text REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • soundFile OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more)

Child nodes if implementing the Annotation Module

A.2.2.15 NVH node: definitionTypeTag

Implements the definitionTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.16 NVH node: formTag

Implements the inflectedFormTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.17 NVH node: labelTag

Implements the labelTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • typeTag OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.18 NVH node: labelTypeTag

Implements the labelTypeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.19 NVH node: posTag

Implements the partOfSpeechTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.20 NVH node: sourceIdentityTag

Implements the sourceIdentityTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.21 NVH node: transcriptionSchemeTag

Implements the transcriptionSchemeTag object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • tag REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • for OPTIONAL (zero or one)

A.2.2.22 NVH node: sameAs

Implements the sameAs object type from the Controlled Values Module.


  • uri REQUIRED

A.2.2.23 NVH node: relation

Implements the relation object type from the Linking Module.


  • type REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • [PREFIX]member REQUIRED (two or more). The string [PREFIX] in the node name is an empty string if the role property of this member is not specified, otherwise it is replaced by that role property followed by the underscore character. All IRI-unsafe characters (outside the iunreserved class according to [RFC 3987]) in the role name are percent-encoded according to [RFC 3986].

A.2.2.24 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]member

Implements the member object type from the Linking Module. The string [PREFIX] in the node name is an empty string if the role property of this member is not specified, otherwise it is replaced by that role property followed by the underscore character. All IRI-unsafe characters (outside the iunreserved class according to [RFC 3987]) in the role name are percent-encoded according to [RFC 3986].


  • ref REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • obverseListingOrder OPTIONAL (exactly one)

A.2.2.25 NVH node: relationType

Implements the relationType object type from the Linking Module.


  • type REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • scopeRestriction REQUIRED (exactly one)

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • memberType OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.26 NVH node: memberType

Implements the memberType object type from the Linking Module.


  • type REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • role OPTIONAL (exactly one)

  • min OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • max OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • hint OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.27 NVH node: placeholder

Implements the placeholderMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

A.2.2.28 NVH node: headword

Implements the headwordMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

A.2.2.29 NVH node: collocate

Implements the collocateMarker object type from the Annotation module. Contains the text which it marks up and optional child nodes.


  • REQUIRED, implements the text property.

Child nodes

  • lemma OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • label OPTIONAL (zero or more)

Child nodes if implementing the Linking Module

A.2.2.30 NVH node: etymology

Implements the etymology object type from the Etymology Module.


  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

Child nodes

  • etymon OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.31 NVH node: etymon

Implements the etymon object type from the Etymology Module.


  • type OPTIONAL (zero or one)

Child nodes

  • when OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • note OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • [PREFIX]etymonUnit REQUIRED (one or more). The string [PREFIX] in the node name is replaced by the langCode property of this etymonUnit followed by the underscore character.

A.2.2.32 NVH nodes: [PREFIX]etymonUnit

Implements the etymonUnit object type from the Etymology Module. The string [PREFIX] in the node name is replaced by the langCode property of this etymonUnit followed by the underscore character.


  • text REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • reconstructed OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • pos OPTIONAL (zero or more)

  • translation OPTIONAL (zero or one)

A.2.2.33 NVH node: etymonType

Implements the etymonType object type from the Etymology Module.


  • type REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • description OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

A.2.2.34 NVH node: etymonLanguage

Implements the etymonLanguage object type from the Etymology Module.


  • langCode REQUIRED

Child nodes

  • displayName OPTIONAL (zero or one)

  • sameAs OPTIONAL (zero or more)

Appendix B References (Normative)

This appendix contains the normative and informative references that are used in this document. Normative references are specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or Version number) and Informative references are either specific or non-specific.

While any hyperlinks included in this appendix were valid at the time of publication, OASIS cannot guarantee their long-term validity.

B.1 Normative references (Normative)

[BCP 14] is a concatenation of [RFC 2119] and [RFC 8174]

[RFC 3986] Tim Berners-Lee, Roy T. Fielding, Larry M Masinter Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 3986, January 2005.

[RFC 3987] Martin J. Dürst, Michel Suignard, Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 3987, January 2005.

[RFC 2119] S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC 8174] B. Leiba, Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 8174, May 2017.

[BCP 47] M. Davis, Tags for Identifying Languages, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).

[ITS] David Filip, Shaun McCance, Dave Lewis, Christian Lieske, Arle Lommel, Jirka Kosek, Felix Sasaki, Yves Savourel Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0, W3C Recommendation 29 October 2013.

[JSON] The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF RFC 8259 December 2017.

[RFC 3987] M. Duerst and M. Suignard, Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 3987, January 2005.

[RFC 7303] H. Thompson and C. Lilley, XML Media Types, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 7303, July 2014.

[Schematron] International Standards Organization, ISO/IEC 19757-3, Information Technology - Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) - Part 3: Rule-Based Validation — Schematron (Second Edition), ISO, January 15, 2016.

[SQL] International Standards Organization, ISO/IEC 9075, Information technology – Database languages – SQL, ISO, 2023.

[UAX #9] M. Davis, A. Lanin, A. Glass, UNICODE BIDIRECTIONAL ALGORITHM, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, May 18, 2016.

[UAX #15] M. Davis, K. Whistler, UNICODE NORMALIZATION FORMS, Unicode Normalization Forms, February 24, 2016.

[Unicode] The Unicode Consortium, The Unicode Standard, Mountain View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, June 21, 2016.

[XLIFF 2.1] David Filip, Tom Comerford, Soroush Saadatfar, Felix Sasaki, and Yves Savourel, eds. XLIFF Version 2.0, OASIS Standard 13 February 2018

[XML] W3C, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, (Fifth Edition) W3C Recommendation 26 November 2008.

[XML namespace] W3C, Schema document for namespace [].

[XML Catalogs] Norman Walsh, XML Catalogs, OASIS Standard V1.1, 07 October 2005.

[XML Schema] W3C, XML Schema, refers to the two part standard comprising [XML Schema Structures] and [XML Schema Datatypes] (Second Editions) W3C Recommendations 28 October 2004.

[XML Schema Datatypes] W3C, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004.

[XML Schema Structures] W3C, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004.

[DCMI Metadata Terms] DCMI Usage Board, DCMI Metadata Terms, Date issued: 2020-01-20.

B.2 Informative references (Informative)

[NVH] Name-Value Hierarchy, .

[LDML] Unicode Locale Data Markup Language

[UAX #29] M. Davis, UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION, Unicode text Segmentation.

Appendix C Machine Readable Validation Artifacts (Normative)

Appendix D DMLex UML diagram (Normative)

Appendix E DMLex plain text description (Informative)

This description uses the NVH schema notation style and the convention that all object types and their properties are prefixed by either core@ or MODULENAME@ strings. Their arity is denoted by a * (zero or more), + (one or more), ? (zero or one) or N+ (N or more). If no arity is given, it indicates the arity of 1, i.e. being required and occurring exactly once.

    core@title: ?
    core@uri: ?
    core@entry: *
    xlingual@translationLanguage: +
    values@definitionTypeTag: *
    values@inflectedFormTag: *
    values@labelTag: *
    values@labelTypeTag: *
    values@partOfSpeechTag: *
    values@sourceIdentityTag: *
    values@transcriptionSchemeTag: *
    linking@relation: *
    linking@relationType: *
    etymology@etymonLanguage: *
    etymology@etymonType: *
    core@homographNumber: ?
    core@partOfSpeech: *
    core@label: *
    core@pronunciation: *
    core@inflectedForm: *
    core@sense: *
    annotation@placeholderMarker: *
    etymology@etymology: *
    core@tag: ?
    core@label: *
    core@pronunciation: *
    core@indicator: ?
    core@label: *
    core@definition: *
    core@example: *
    xlingual@headwordExplanation: *
    xlingual@headwordTranslation: *
    core@definitionType: ?
    annotation@headwordMarker: *
    annotation@collocateMarker: *
    core@soundFile: ?
    core@transcription: *
    core@label: *
    core@scheme: ?
    core@sourceIdentity: ?
    core@sourceElaboration: ?
    core@label: *
    core@soundFile: ?
    xlingual@exampleTranslation: *
    annotation@headwordMarker: *
    annotation@collocateMarker: *
    xlingual@langCode: ?
    xlingual@langCode: ?
    xlingual@partOfSpeech: *
    xlingual@label: *
    xlingual@pronunciation: *
    xlingual@inflectedForm: *
    annotation@placeholderMarker: *
    xlingual@langCode: ?
    xlingual@label: *
    xlingual@soundFile: ?
    annotation@headwordMarker: *
    annotation@collocateMarker: *
    values@description: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@for: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@typeTag: ?
    values@for: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@for: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@sameAs: *
    values@description: ?
    values@for: ?
    linking@description: ?
    linking@member: 2+
    linking@role: ?
    linking@obverseListingOrder: ?
    linking@description: ?
    linking@scopeRestriction: ?(any,sameEntry,sameResource)
    linking@memberType: *
    linking@sameAs: *
    linking@role: ?
    linking@description: ?
    linking@type: (sense,entry,collocate)
    linking@min: ?
    linking@max: ?
    linking@hint: ?(embed,navigate,none)
    linking@sameAs: *
    annotation@lemma: ?
    annotation@label: *
    etymology@description: ?
    etymology@etymon: *
    etymology@when: ?
    etymology@type: ?
    etymology@note: ?
    etymology@etymonUnit: +
    etymology@reconstructed: ?
    etymology@partOfSpeech: *
    etymology@translation: ?
    etymology@displayName: ?
    etymology@sameAs: *
    etymology@description: ?
    etymology@sameAs: *

Appendix F Specification Change Tracking (Informative)

F.1 Tracking of changes made in response to Public Reviews

This is to facilitate human tracking of changes in the specification made since the first Public Review publication on 8th September 2023.

F.1.1 csd04.xmlTracking of changes in response to the 4th Public Review

This section tracks major changes made to this specification compared to the Committee Specification Draft 04 The fourth Public Review took place from 10 September 2024 until 11 October 2024.

  1. No changes were made except administratively progressiong the draft to Committee Specification.

F.1.2 csd03.xmlTracking of changes in response to the 3rd Public Review

This section tracks major changes made to this specification compared to the Committee Specification Draft 03 The third Public Review took place from 28 June 2024 until 27 July 2024.

  1. The sameAs object has been added as property of etymonLanguage and etymonType (GitHub issue 140).

  2. The translation property of etymon has been removed (GitHub issue 139).

  3. The XSD schema has been updated to accept entries, senses and collocate markers without an id attribute. (GitHub issue 135).

F.1.3 Tracking of changes in response to the 2nd Public Review

This section tracks major changes made to this specification compared to the Committee Specification Draft 02 The second Public Review took place from 31st January 2024 until 29th February 2024.

  1. A method for constructing fragment identification strings has been added to the specification (GitHub issue 97).

  2. Consistency has been introduced to the use of <text> child elements in the XML serialisation. (GitHub issue 72).

  3. Clarifications have been added on how whitespace should be handled, both at the level of the data model and in the XML serialisation (GitHub issue 84).

  4. Several validation artifacts have been added to the specification, including an XML schema and a JSON schema (GitHub issue 93).

  5. A clarification has been added on element ordering in the XML serialisation (GitHub issue 117).

  6. A clarification has been added to the XML serialisation on which elements can be the top-level elements in a DMLex-comformant XML document (GitHub issue 118).

F.1.4 Tracking of changes in response to the 1st Public Review

This section tracks major changes made to this specification compared to the Committee Specification Draft 01 The initial Public Review took place from 22nd September 2023 until 17th November 2023.

  1. Clarifications have been added to explain why DMLex allows lexicographic resources with zero entries and entries with zero senses, in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 52).

  2. The data type of pronunciation.soundFile has been changed to Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 54).

  3. In the Controlled Values Module, the properties of various object types such as forHeadwords, forPartOfSpeech and so on, which had originally been intended to model various constraints on the use of tags, have been radically simplified into a single property called for – in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 55).

  4. In the Linking Module, uniqueness constraints on relation have been removed in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 56).

  5. The Etymology Module has been updated to disallow the existence of empty etymologies, in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 59).

  6. In the XML and JSON serializations (which are normative) and in the NVH serialization (which is informative), items which have id properties (those are: entries, senses, collocate markers) have been changed so that the id property is relevant only if implementing the Linking Module – in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 65).

  7. In the Linking Module, the member_id property of member has been changed to ref to avoid a potential misunderstanding about the purpose of this property, in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 66).

  8. In the Linking Module, the obverseListingOrder property of member has been made optional in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 67).

  9. In the Linking Module, the role property of memberType has been made optional in response to a review comment (GitHub issue 68).

  10. In the XML serialization, whitespace handling rules have been added, both at the default level for all elements, and specifically for elements which are allowed to contain inline markup, in reponse to a review comment (GitHub issue 69).

  11. Multiple changes have made to the Examples section to correct inconsistencies between the examples and the rest of the specificiation, in response to various review comments (including GitHub issue 62).

Appendix G Acknowledgements (Informative)

The following individuals have participated in the creation of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged:

  • Erjavec, Tomaž - Jožef Stefan Institute

  • Filip, David - Masaryk University (previously TCD, ADAPT Centre)

  • Jakubíček, Miloš - Lexical Computing, Masaryk University

  • Kallas, Jelena - Institute of the Estonian Language

  • Kernerman, Ilan - K Dictionaries

  • Kokol, Marko - Jožef Stefan Institute

  • Kosem, Iztok - Jožef Stefan Institute

  • Krek, Simon - Jožef Stefan Institute

  • Kovář, Vojtěch - Lexical Computing, Masaryk University

  • McCrae, John - University of Galway

  • Měchura, Michal - Masaryk University

  • Tiberius, Carole - Dutch Language Institute

Appendix H Notices (Informative)

Copyright © OASIS Open 2024. All Rights Reserved.

All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.

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As stated in the OASIS IPR Policy, the following three paragraphs in brackets apply to OASIS Standards Final Deliverable documents (Committee Specification, OASIS Standard, or Approved Errata).

[OASIS requests that any OASIS Party or any other party that believes it has patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable, to notify OASIS TC Administrator and provide an indication of its willingness to grant patent licenses to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this deliverable.]

[OASIS invites any party to contact the OASIS TC Administrator if it is aware of a claim of ownership of any patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable by a patent holder that is not willing to provide a license to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable. OASIS may include such claims on its website, but disclaims any obligation to do so.]

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Copyright © OASIS Open 2024. All rights reserved.
8 November 2024