
The <bookmap> element is a map file used to organize DITA content into a traditional book format.

The <bookmap> element is used to define a map which describes the relationships among a set of DITA topics intended to be configured as a traditional book. Bookmaps consist of references to topics organized as book content. The topic references therefore are labeled according to the book components they point to, such as booktitle, frontmatter, chapter, appendix, etc.

The containing element for a bookmap is the <bookmap> element, which can take title, id, conref, and anchorref attributes. Within the bookmap, use the various book components and subcomponents to add and organize references to the topics comprising the book. You can use the bookmap element to set default attribute values for all topic references in the map.


Doctype Content model
bookmap ( ( ( title) or ( booktitle) ) (optional) then ( bookmeta) (optional) then ( frontmatter) (optional) then ( chapter) (any number) then ( part) (any number) then ( appendix) (any number) then ( backmatter) (optional) then ( reltable) (any number) )

Contained by

Doctype Parents


- map/map bookmap/bookmap


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
id An anchor point. This ID is the target for references by href and conref attributes, and for external applications that refer to DITA content. NMTOKEN #IMPLIED No
conref This attribute is used to reference an ID on a map that can be reused. See The conref attribute for examples and details about the syntax. CDATA #IMPLIED No
anchorref Identifies a location within another map file where this map will be anchored (added at runtime, using Eclipse navigation integration). For example, anchorref="map1.ditamap/a1" causes this map to be pulled into the location of the anchor point a1 in the other map1.ditamap. CDATA #IMPLIED No
xmlns:ditaarch Declares the default DITA namespace. CDATA #FIXED  
DITAArchVersion Designates the version of the architecture that is in use. CDATA "1.1" (version dependent; will increase) No
domains Indicates the specialized domains that are included in the DTD or Schema. CDATA (map mapgroup-d) (topic indexing-d) (topic xnal-d) No
%topicref-atts; (collection-type, type, scope, locktitle, format, linking, toc, print, search, chunk) A set of related attributes. See %topicref-atts; and %topicref-atts-no-toc;. parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%select-atts; (props, base, platform, product, audience, otherprops, importance, rev, status) A set of related attributes, described at %select-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%localization-atts; (translate, xml:lang, dir) A set of related attributes, described at %localization-atts;. parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes      

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OASIS DITA Version 1.1 Language Specification -- Committee Specification, 31 May 2007
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