
Localization attributes is a parameter entity declaration in the topic DTD, which defines a set of common attributes available on most DITA elements.

The localization-atts entity includes:

Detailed information on localization with DITA, including several best practices on the use of these attributes, is available in the DITA Architectural Specification.


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
translate Indicates whether the content of the element should be translated or not. The DITA architectural specification contains a list of each OASIS DITA element and its common processing default for the translate value. yes | no | -dita-use-conref-target #IMPLIED No
xml:lang Specifies the language of the element content. When no xml:lang value is supplied, the default value of English is assumed. For example, if there is a note element with the attribute xml:lang set to the value "es," then the label on the note, which normally appears as "Note" will now appear in Spanish as "Nota." The allowed xml:lang values are based on RFC 4646 Tags for Identifying Languages (see W3C: Language tags in HTML and XML). NMTOKEN #IMPLIED No
dir Specifies the directionality of text: left-to-right (ltr, the processing default) or right-to-left (rtl). See the DITA Architectural Specification for best practices related to this attribute, and other aspects of DITA and translation. (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo | -dita-use-conref-target) #IMPLIED No
The translate, xml:lang, and dir attributes identify language-specific words or phrases for specific processing (or non-processing, in the case of translate="no").
<p>The cordial response to the question is 
<q translate="no" xml:lang="de-de" dir="ltr">nein.</q></p>

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OASIS DITA Version 1.1 Language Specification -- Committee Specification, 31 May 2007
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