WebCGM 2.0 DOM/XCF Implementation Matrix
05 October 2006

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This document describes the results of WebCGM 2.0 implementations tested against the new DOM/XCF tests of the WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite.

Information about the implementations and a legend explaining the table are found after the table. Separate matrices exist for the dynamic10 tests and the static10 tests.

WebCGM 2.0 DOM/XCF Test Results

Test Name IsoView VizEx SDI Reader MetaWeb Comments
AppAttContent Ok Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-interactivity Ok Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-layerdesc Ok Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-layername Ok Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-linkuri Partial(indef) Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-name Ok Ok Ok Ok
AppStructure-region Ok Ok Ok Ok --
AppStructure-screentip Ok Ok Ok Ok --
AppStructure-visibility Ok Ok Ok Ok --
AppStructure-viewcontext Ok Ok Ok Ok --
CGM_Metafile Ok Ok Partial(indef)
gr-interactivity Ok Ok Ok Ok
Node-aps Ok Ok Ok Partial(indef) --
Node-attr Ok Ok Ok Partial(indef) --
NodeList Ok Ok Ok Ok --
Node-metadata Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
Node-ns Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
Node-pict Ok Ok Ok Partial(indef)l --
Node-text Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
object_behaviors Ok Ok Fail(indef) Ok --
Picture-highlight Ok Ok Fail(indef) Unknown --
StyleProperties-picture Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
StyleProperties-APS Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
StyleProperties-inherit Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
xcf-styles Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) --
WebCGM_Event Ok Ok Fail(indef) Ok --
WebCGM 2.0 — new Dynamic (IG) tests
AppStructure-visibility2 Ok Ok Ok Ok --

Static tests — new 2.0 features

Test Name IsoView/
VizEx SDI Reader MetaWeb TI Comments
region_clip Ok Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) --
transp01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
NUBS01 Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok --
NUBS02 Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok --
NURBS01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) fail(indef) --
NURBS02 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Ok --
utf16-japanese-v10 Ok Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) --
utf16-chinese-v10 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf16-chinese-v20 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf8-chinese-v10 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf8-chinese-v20 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
interpolated-interior-01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
interpolated-interior-02 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
utf16-sf-apsid-01 Ok Ok Fail(06-9-20) fail(indef) Unknown --
utf16-sf-name-01 Ok Ok Fail06-9-20) Fail(indef) Unknown --
Text-On-Path-cases Unknown Ok Ok Unknown Unknown

Comments (from above table)


Implementations Tested

The following table lists the Viewer implementations that are covered by the test results.

Company Name** Product Version Platform
Itedo Software IsoView/IsoDraw IsoView 6.0 Windows XP
Itedo Software Isoview/IsoDraw IsoDraw 7.0 Windows XP
Larson Software Technology VizEx VizEx 1 or 2 Windows XP
System Development Inc SDI Reader SDI Reader 1.04.05 Windows XP
Ematek GmbH MetaWeb MetaWeb 3.0 Windows XP
Auto-trol Technology
(viewer portion for static gfx)
TI Tech Illustrator 12.5.3 Windows XP

** Nickname used for the viewer in the below tables (to distinguish multiple viewers from a Company).


Type Description
Ok Implementation passes test
Fail(date) Implementation does not pass test. (Committed pass date)***
Qualified(date) Implementation passes part of the test, but not enough to give a full pass.
(Committed pass date.)***
Unknown The implementation behavior is unknown or indeterminate for the test.
Inactive An implementation is planned, but not yet advanced enough for testing.

*** 'indef' means that vendor cannot estimate or commit, when it will pass.