OASIS ebXML RegRep Version
Part 2: Services and Protocols (ebRS)
OASIS Standard
25 January 2012
Specification URIs
This version:
http://docs.oasis-open.org/regrep/regrep-core/v4.0/os/regrep-core-rs-v4.0-os.odt (Authoritative)
Previous version:
http://docs.oasis-open.org/regrep/regrep-core/v4.0/csd01/regrep-core-rs-v4.0-csd01.odt (Authoritative)
Latest version:
http://docs.oasis-open.org/regrep/regrep-core/v4.0/regrep-core-rs-v4.0.odt (Authoritative)
Technical Committee:
Kathryn Breininger (Kathryn.r.Breininger@boeing.com), Boeing
Farrukh Najmi (farrukh@wellfleetsoftware.com), Wellfleet Software
Farrukh Najmi, (farrukh@wellfleetsoftware.com), Wellfleet Software
Nikola Stojanovic (nikola.stojanovic@acm.org), Individual
Additional artifacts:
This specification consists of the following documents, schemas, and ontologies:
Part 0: Overview Document - provides a global overview and description of the other parts
Part 1: Registry Information Model (ebRIM) - specifies the types of metadata and content that can be stored in an ebXML RegRep
Part 2: Services and Protocols (ebRS) (this document) - specifies the services and protocols for ebXML RegRep
Part 3: XML Schema - specifies the XML Schema for ebXML RegRep
Part 4: WSDL - specifies the WSDL interface descriptions for ebXML RegRep
Part 5: XML Definitions - specifies the canonical XML data for ebXML RegRep as well as example XML documents used in the specification
Related work:
This specification replaces or supersedes the OASIS ebXML RegRep 3.0 specifications.
Declared XML namespaces:
See Part 0: Overview Document.
This document defines the services and protocols for an ebXML RegRep.
A separate document, OASIS ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 Part 1: Registry Information Model (ebRIM), defines the types of metadata and content that can be stored in an ebXML RegRep.
This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS ebXML Registry TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the "Latest version" location noted above for possible later revisions of this document.
Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the Technical Committee's email list. Others should send comments to the Technical Committee by using the "Send A Comment" button on the Technical Committee's web page at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/regrep/.
For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/regrep/ipr.php).
Citation format:
When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:
OASIS ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 Part 2: Services and Protocols (ebRS). 25 January 2012. OASIS Standard. http://docs.oasis-open.org/regrep/regrep-core/v4.0/os/regrep-core-rs-v4.0-os.html.
Copyright © OASIS Open 2012. All Rights Reserved.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 13
1.1 Terminology 13
1.2 Abstract Protocol 13
1.2.1 RegistryRequestType 13 Syntax 13 Description 13
1.2.2 RegistryResponseType 13 Syntax 14 Description 14
1.2.3 RegistryExceptionType 14 Syntax 14 Description 15
1.3 Server Plugins 15
2.1 Parameterized Queries 16
2.1.1 Invoking Adhoc Queries 16
2.2 Query Protocol 16
2.2.1 QueryRequest 16 Syntax 17 Example 17 Description 17 Response 18 Exceptions 18
2.2.2 Element Query 18 Syntax 18 Description: 19
2.2.3 Element ResponseOption 19 Syntax 19 Description: 19
2.2.4 QueryResponse 20 Syntax 20 Example 20 Description: 20
2.2.5 Iterative Queries 21
2.3 Parameterized Query Definition 21
2.4 Canonical Query: AdhocQuery 21
2.4.1 Parameter Summary 21
2.4.2 Query Semantics 22
2.5 Canonical Query: BasicQuery 22
2.5.1 Parameter Summary 22
2.5.2 Query Semantics 23
2.6 Canonical Query: ClassificationSchemeSelector 23
2.6.1 Parameter Summary 23
2.6.2 Query Semantics 23
2.7 Canonical Query: FindAssociations 23
2.7.1 Parameter Summary 24
2.7.2 Query Semantics 24
2.8 Canonical Query: FindAssociatedObjects 24
2.8.1 Parameter Summary 25
2.8.2 Query Semantics 25
2.9 Canonical Query: GarbageCollector 26
2.9.1 Parameter Summary 26
2.9.2 Query Semantics 26
2.10 Canonical Query: GetAuditTrailById 26
2.10.1 Parameter Summary 26
2.10.2 Query Semantics 27
2.11 Canonical Query: GetAuditTrailByLid 27
2.11.1 Parameter Summary 27
2.11.2 Query Semantics 27
2.12 Canonical Query: GetAuditTrailByTimeInterval 27
2.12.1 Parameter Summary 28
2.12.2 Query Semantics 28
2.13 Canonical Query: GetChildrenByParentId 28
2.13.1 Parameter Summary 28
2.13.2 Query Semantics 29
2.14 Canonical Query: GetClassificationSchemesById 29
2.14.1 Parameter Summary 29
2.14.2 Query Semantics 30
2.15 Canonical Query: GetRegistryPackagesByMemberId 30
2.15.1 Parameter Summary 30
2.15.2 Query Semantics 30
2.16 Canonical Query: GetNotification 30
2.16.1 Parameter Summary 30
2.16.2 Query Semantics 31
2.17 Canonical Query: GetObjectById 31
2.17.1 Parameter Summary 31
2.17.2 Query Semantics 31
2.18 Canonical Query: GetObjectsByLid 31
2.18.1 Parameter Summary 31
2.18.2 Query Semantics 32
2.19 Canonical Query: GetReferencedObject 32
2.19.1 Parameter Summary 32
2.19.2 Query Semantics 32
2.20 Canonical Query: KeywordSearch 32
2.20.1 Canonical Indexes 32
2.20.2 Parameter Summary 33
2.20.3 Query Semantics 33
2.21 Canonical Query: RegistryPackageSelector 34
2.21.1 Parameter Summary 34
2.21.2 Query Semantics 35
2.22 Query Functions 35
2.22.1 Using Functions in Query Expressions 35
2.22.2 Using Functions in Query Parameters 36
2.22.3 Function Processing Model 36
2.22.4 Function Processor BNF 37
2.23 Common Patterns In Query Functions 38
2.23.1 Specifying a null Value for string Param or Return Value 38
2.24 Canonical Functions 38
2.24.1 Canonical Function: currentTime 39 Function Semantics 39
2.24.2 Canonical Function: currentUserId 39 Function Semantics 39
2.24.3 Canonical Function: relativeTime 39 Parameter Summary 39 Function Semantics 39
2.24.4 Canonical Function: getClassificationNodes 39 Parameter Summary 40 Function Semantics 40
2.25 Query Plugins 41
2.25.1 Query Plugin Interface 41
3 LifecycleManager Interface 42
3.1 SubmitObjects Protocol 42
3.1.1 SubmitObjectsRequest 42 Syntax 42 Description 43 id and lid Requirements 43 Returns 44 Exceptions 44
3.1.2 Audit Trail Requirements 44
3.1.3 Sample SubmitObjectsRequest 45
3.2 The Update Objects Protocol 45
3.2.1 UpdateObjectsRequest 45 Syntax 46 Description 46 Returns 47 Exceptions 47
3.2.2 UpdateAction 47 Syntax 47 Description 47
3.2.3 Audit Trail Requirements 48
3.2.4 Sample UpdateObjectsRequest 49
3.3 RemoveObjects Protocol 49
3.3.1 RemoveObjectsRequest 49 Syntax 50 Description 50 Returns: 51 Exceptions: 51
3.3.2 Audit Trail Requirements 51
3.3.3 Sample RemoveObjectsRequest 51
4 Version Control 52
4.1 Version Controlled Resources 52
4.2 Versioning and Id Attribute 53
4.3 Versioning and Lid Attribute 53
4.4 Version Identification for RegistryObjectType 53
4.5 Version Identification for RepositoryItem 53
4.5.1 Versioning of RegistryObjectType 53
4.5.2 Versioning of ExtrinsicObjectType 54
4.6 Versioning and References 54
4.7 Versioning of RegistryPackages 55
4.8 Versioning and RegistryPackage Membership 55
4.9 Inter-version Association 55
4.10 Version Removal 55
4.11 Locking and Concurrent Modifications 56
4.12 Version Creation 56
5 Validator Interface 57
5.1 ValidateObjects Protocol 57
5.1.1 ValidateObjectsRequest 57 Syntax 57 Example 58 Description 58 Response 58 Exceptions 58
5.1.2 ValidateObjectsResponse 58
5.2 Validator Plugins 58
5.2.1 Validator Plugin Interface 59
5.2.2 Canonical XML Validator Plugin 59
6 Cataloger Interface 60
6.1 CatalogObjects Protocol 60
6.1.1 CatalogObjectsRequest 60 Syntax 60 Example 61 Description 61 Response 61 Exceptions 61
6.1.2 CatalogObjectsResponse 61 Syntax 62 Example 62 Description 62
6.2 Cataloger Plugins 63
6.2.1 Cataloger Plugin Interface 63
6.2.2 Canonical XML Cataloger Plugin 63
7 Subscription and Notification 65
7.1 Server Events 65
7.1.1 Pruning of Events 65
7.2 Notifications 65
7.3 Creating a Subscription 65
7.3.1 Subscription Authorization 65
7.3.2 Subscription Quotas 65
7.3.3 Subscription Expiration 66
7.3.4 Event Selection 66
7.4 Event Delivery 67
7.4.1 Notification Option 67
7.4.2 Delivery to NotificationListener Web Service 67
7.4.3 Delivery to Email Address 67
7.4.4 Delivery to a NotificationListener Plugin 67 Processing Email Notification Via XSLT 67
7.5 NotificationListener Interface 67
7.6 Notification Protocol 68
7.6.1 Notification 68
7.7 Pulling Notification on Demand 68
7.8 Deleting a Subscription 68
8.1 Remote Objects Reference 69
8.2 Local Replication of Remote Objects 69
8.2.1 Creating Local Replica and Keeping it Synchronized 70
8.2.2 Removing a Local Replica 71
8.2.3 Removing Subscription With Remote Server 71
8.3 Registry Federations 71
8.3.1 Federation Configuration 72 Creating a Federation 72 Joining a Federation 72 Leaving a Federation 73 Dissolving a Federation 73
8.3.2 Local Vs. Federated Queries 73 Local Queries 73 Federated Queries 73
8.3.3 Local Replication of Federation Configuration 74
8.3.4 Time Synchronization Between Federation Members 74
9 Governance Features 75
9.1 Representing a Governance Collaboration 75
9.1.1 Content of Governance Collaboration BPMN Files 77
9.2 Scope of Governance Collaborations 77
9.2.1 Packaging Related Objects as a Governance Unit 77
9.3 Assigning a Governance Collaboration 78
9.4 Determining Applicable Governance Collaboration 78
9.5 Determining the Registry Process in a Governance Collaboration 78
9.6 Starting the Registry Process for a Governance Collaboration 79
9.6.1 Starting Registry Process By WorkflowAction 79
9.7 Incoming messageFlows to Registry Process 79
9.8 Outgoing messageFlows from Registry Process 79
9.9 Canonical Task Patterns 79
9.9.1 SendWorkflowAction Task Pattern 80 Server Processing of WorkflowAction 80
9.9.2 ReceiveWorkflowAction Task Pattern 81
9.9.3 SendNotification Task Pattern 81
9.9.4 ReceiveNotification Task Pattern 82
9.9.5 SetStatus Task 82
9.9.6 Validate Task 82
9.9.7 Catalog Task 82
9.10 XPATH Extension Functions 83
9.11 Default Governance Collaboration 83
10 Security Features 85
10.1 Message Integrity 85
10.1.1 Transport Layer Security 85
10.1.2 SOAP Message Security 85
10.2 Message Confidentiality 86
10.3 User Registration and Identity Management 86
10.4 Authentication 86
10.5 Authorization and Access Control 86
10.6 Audit Trail 86
11 Native Language Support (NLS) 87
11.1 Terminology 87
11.2 NLS and Registry Protocol Messages 87
11.3 NLS Support in RegistryObjects 87
11.3.1 Language of a LocalizedString 88
11.3.2 Character Set of RegistryObject 88
11.4 NLS and Repository Items 89
11.4.1 Character Set of Repository Items 89
11.4.2 Language of Repository Items 89
12 REST Binding 90
12.1 Canonical URL 90
12.1.1 Canonical URL for RegistryObjects 90
12.1.2 Canonical URL for Repository Items 90
12.2 Query Protocol REST Binding 91
12.2.1 Parameter queryId 91
12.2.2 Query Specific Parameters 91
12.2.3 Canonical Query Parameter: depth 91
12.2.4 Canonical Query Parameter: format 92
12.2.5 Canonical Query Parameter: federated 92
12.2.6 Canonical Query Parameter: federation 92
12.2.7 Canonical Query Parameter: matchOlderVersions 92
12.2.8 Canonical Query Parameter: startIndex 92
12.2.9 Canonical Query Parameter: lang 93
12.2.10 Canonical Query Parameter: maxResults 93
12.2.11 Use of Functions in Query Parameters 93
12.2.12 Query Response 93
13 SOAP Binding 94
13.1 WS-Addressing SOAP Headers 94
Appendix A. Protocol Exceptions 95
Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Query Protocol 16
Illustration 2: SubmitObjects Protocol 42
Illustration 3: UpdateObjects Protocol 45
Illustration 4: RemoveObjects Protocol 49
Illustration 5: A visual example of a version tree 52
Illustration 6: ValidateObjects Protocol 57
Illustration 7: CatalogObjects Protocol 60
Illustration 8: Notification Protocol 68
Illustration 9: Remote Object Reference 69
Illustration 10: Local Replication of Remote Objects 70
Illustration 11: Registry Federations 72
Illustration 12: Default Governance Collaboration 76
Index of Tables
Table 1: Canonical Functions Defined By This Profile 38
Table 2: Requirements for id and lid During SubmitObjects Protocol 44
All text is normative unless otherwise indicated.
This document specifies the ebXML RegRep service interfaces and the protocols they support. For a general overview of ebXML RegRep and other related parts of the specification please refer to Part 0 [regrep-overview-v4.0].
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in IETF [RFC 2119].
This section describes the types RegistryRequestType, RegistryResponseType and RegistryExceptionType defined within rs.xsd that are the abstract types used by most protocols defined by this specification in subsequent chapters. A typical registry protocol is initiated by a request message that extends RegistryRequestType. In response the registry server sends a response that extends RegistryResponseType. If an error is encountered by the server during the processing of a request, the server returns a fault message that extends the RegistryExceptionType.
The RegistryRequestType is the abstract base type for most requests sent by client to the server.
<complexType name="RegistryRequestType">
<extension base="rim:ExtensibleObjectType">
<attribute name="id" type="string" use="required"/>
<attribute name="comment" type="string" use="optional"/>
Attribute comment – The comment attribute if specified contains a String that describes the request. A server MAY save this comment within a CommentType instance and associate it with the AuditableEvent(s) for that request as described by [regrep-rim-v4.0].
Attribute id – The id attribute must be specified by the client to uniquely identify a request. Its value SHOULD be a UUID URN like “urn:uuid:a2345678-1234-1234-123456789012”.
The RegistryResponseType is the base type for most responses sent by the server to the client in response to a client request. A global RegistryResponse element is defined using this type which is used by several requests defined within this specification.
<complexType name="RegistryResponseType">
<extension base="rim:ExtensibleObjectType">
<element name="Exception" type="tns:RegistryExceptionType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element ref="rim:RegistryObjectList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element ref="rim:ObjectRefList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<attribute name="status" type="rim:objectReferenceType" use="required"/>
<attribute name="requestId" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
<element name="RegistryResponse" type="tns:RegistryResponseType"/>
Element ObjectRefList – Contains a sequence of zero or more RegistryObject elements. It is used by requests that return
Element RegistryObjectList – Contains a sequence of zero or more ObjectRef elements. It is used by requests that return a list of references to RegistryObject instances
Attribute requestId – This attribute contains the id of the request that returned this QueryResponse.
status – This attribute contains the status of the response. Its
value MUST be a reference to a ClassificationNode within the
canonical ResponseStatusType ClassificationScheme. A server MUST
support the status types as defined by the canonical
ResponseStatusType ClassificationScheme. The canonical
ResponseStatusType ClassificationScheme may be extended by adding
additional ClassificationNodes to it.
following canonical values are defined for the ResponseStatusType
Failure - This status specifies that the request encountered a failure. This value MUST never be returned since a server MUST indicate failure conditions by returning an appropriate fault message.
PartialSuccess - This status specifies that the request was partially successful. Certain requests such as federated queries allow this status to be returned.
Success - This status specifies that the request was successful.
Unavailable – This status specifies that the response is not yet available. This may be the case if this RegistryResponseType represents an immediate response to an asynchronous request where the actual response is not yet available.
The RegistryExceptionType is the abstract base type for all exception or fault messages sent by the server to the client in response to a client request. A list of all protocol exceptions is available in the Protocol Exceptions appendix.
<complexType name="RegistryExceptionType">
<documentation>Base for all registry exceptions. Based upon SOAPFault: http://www.w3schools.com/soap/soap_fault.asp</documentation>
<extension base="rim:ExtensibleObjectType">
<attribute name="code" type="string" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="detail" type="string" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="message" type="string"/>
<attribute name="severity" type="rim:objectReferenceType" default="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error"/>
In addition to the attributes and elements inherited from ExtensibleObjectType this type defines the following attributes and elements:
Attribute code – The code attribute value may be used by a server to provide an error code or identifier for an Exception.
Attribute detail – The detail attribute value may be used by a server to provide any detailed information such as a stack trace for an Exception.
Attribute message – The message attribute value MUST be used by a server to provide a brief message summarizing an Exception.
Attribute severity – The severity attribute value provides a severity level for the exception. Its value SHOULD reference a ClassificationNode within the canonical ErrorSeverityType ClassificationScheme.
Deployments of a server MAY extend the core functionality of the server by using function-specific software modules called plugins. A plugin extends the server by adding additional functionality to it. A plugin MUST conform to standard interfaces as defined by this specification. These standard interfaces are referred to as Service Provider Interfaces (SPI).
Subsequent chapters will specifies various Service Provider Interfaces (SPI) that defines the standard interface for various types of server plugins. These interfaces are described in form of [WSDL2, WSDL1] specification.
A server may implement these interfaces as external web services invoked by the server using [SOAP-MF, SOAP-ADJ] or as plugin modules that share the same process as the server and are invoked by local function calls.
Examples of types of server plugins include, but are not limited to query plugin, validator plugin and cataloger plugin.
This specification does not define how a plugin is implemented or how it is configured within a server. Nor does it define whether or how, plugin configuration functionality is made discoverable to clients.
The QueryManager interface allows a client to invoke queries on the server.
A server may support any number of pre-configured queries known as Parameterized Queries, that may be invoked by clients. Parameterized queries are similar in concept to stored procedures in SQL.
This specification defines a number of canonical queries that are standard queries that MUST be supported by a server. Profiles, implementations and deployments may define additional parameterized queries beyond the canonical queries defined by this specification.
A client invokes a parameterized query supported by the server by specifying its unique id as well as values for any parameters supported by the query.
A parameterized query MAY be stored in the server as a specialized RegistryObject called QueryDefinition object which is defined by [regrep-rim-v4.0]. The definition of a QueryDefinition may contain any number of Parameters supported by the query.
A client may invoke a client-specific ad hoc query using a special canonical parameterized query called the AdhocQuery query defined by this specification. Due to the risks associated with un-controlled ad hoc queries, a deployment MAY choose to restrict the invocation of the AdhocQuery query to specific roles. This specification does not define a standard query expression syntax for ad hoc queries. A server MAY support any number of query expression syntaxes for ad hoc queries.
A client invokes a parameterized query using the Query protocol defined by the executeQuery operation of the QueryManager interface.
A client initiates the Query protocol by sending a QueryRequest message to the QueryManager endpoint.
The QueryManager sends a QueryResponse back to the client as response. The QueryResponse contains a set of objects that match the query.
1: Query Protocol
The QueryRequest message is sent by the client to the QueryManager interface to invoke a query.
<element name="QueryRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<element name="ResponseOption" type="tns:ResponseOptionType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="Query" type="rim:QueryType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<attribute name="federated" type="boolean"
use="optional" default="false"/>
<attribute name="federation" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="format" type="string"
use="optional" default="application/ebrim+xml"/>
<attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="startIndex" type="integer" default="0"/>
<attribute name="maxResults" type="integer" default="-1"/>
<attribute name="depth" type="integer" default="0"/>
<attribute name="matchOlderVersions" type="boolean"
use="optional" default="false"/>
The following example shows a QueryRequest which gets an object by its id using the canonical GetObjectById query.
<query:QueryRequest maxResults="-1" startIndex="0" ...>
<rs:ResponseOption returnComposedObjects="true" returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
<query:Query queryDefinition="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:query:GetObjectById">
<rim:Slot name="id">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="StringValueType" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Element ResponseOption - This required element allows the client to control the content of the QueryResponse generated by the server in response to this request.
Element Query - This element identifies a parameterized query and supplies values for its parameters.
Attribute depth - This optional attribute specifies the pre-fetch depth of the response desired by the client. A depth of 0 (default) indicates that the server MUST return only those objects that match the query. A depth of N where N is greater that 0 indicates that the server MUST also return objects that are reachable by N levels of references via attributes that reference other objects. A depth of -1 indicates that the server MUST return all objects within the transitive closure of all references from objects that matches the query.
Attribute federated – This optional attribute specifies that the server must process this query as a federated query. By default its value is false. This value MUST be false when a server routes a federated query to another server. This is to avoid an infinite loop in federated query processing.
Attribute federation - This optional attribute specifies the id of the target Federation for a federated query in case the server is a member of multiple federations. In the absence of this attribute a server must route the federated query to all registries that are a member of all federations configured within the local server. This value MUST be unspecified when a server routes a federated query to another server. This is to avoid an infinite loop in federated query processing.
Attribute format - This optional attribute specifies the format of the response desired by the client. The default value is “application/x-ebrs+xml” which returns the response in ebRS QueryResponse format.
Attribute lang - This optional attribute specifies the natural language of the response desired by the client. The default value is to return the response with all available natural languages.
Attribute matchOlderVersions – This optional attribute specifies the behavior when multiple versions of the same object are matched by a query. When the value of this attribute is specified as false (the default) then a server MUST only return the latest matched version for any object and MUST not return older versions of such objects even though they may match the query. When the value of this attribute is specified as true then a server MUST return all matched versions of all objects.
Attribute maxResults - This optional attribute specifies a limit on the maximum number of results the client wishes the query to return. If unspecified, the server SHOULD return either all the results, or in case the result set size exceeds a server specific limit, the server SHOULD return a sub-set of results that are within the bounds of the server specific limit. This attribute is described further in the Iterative Queries section.
Attribute startIndex - This optional integer value is used to indicate which result must be returned as the first result when iterating over a large result set. The default value is 0, which returns the result set starting with index 0 (first result). This attribute is described further in the Iterative Queries section.
This request returns QueryResponse as response.
In addition to common exceptions, the following exceptions MAY be returned:
QueryException: signifies that the query syntax or semantics was invalid. Client must fix the query syntax or semantic error and re-submit the query
A client specifies a Query element within a QueryRequest to specify the parameterized query being invoked as well as the values for its parameters.
<complexType name="QueryType">
<extension base="tns:ExtensibleObjectType">
<attribute name="queryDefinition"
type="tns:objectReferenceType" use="required"/>
Element Slot - Each Slot element specifies a parameter value for a parameter supported by the query. The slot name MUST match a parameterName attribute within a rim:Parameter definition within the rim:QueryDefinition definition. The slot value provides a value for the parameter. Order of parameters is not significant.
Attribute query - The value of this attribute must be a reference to a parameterized query that is supported by the server.
A client specifies a ResponseOption structure within a QueryRequest to control the type and structure of results within the corresponding QueryResponse.
<complexType name="ResponseOptionType">
<attribute name="returnType" default="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem">
<restriction base="NCName">
<enumeration value="ObjectRef"/>
<enumeration value="RegistryObject"/>
<enumeration value="LeafClass"/>
<enumeration value="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
<attribute name="returnComposedObjects"
type="boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<element name="ResponseOption" type="tns:ResponseOptionType"/>
Attribute returnComposedObjects - This optional attribute specifies whether the RegistryObjects returned should include composed objects as defined by Figure 1 in [regrep-rim-v4.0]. The default is to return all composed objects.
Attribute returnType - This optional attribute specifies the type of RegistryObject to return within the response. Values for returnType are as follows:
ObjectRef - This option specifies that the QueryResponse MUST contain a <rim:ObjectRefList> element. The purpose of this option is to return references to objects rather than the actual objects.
RegistryObject - This option specifies that the QueryResponse MUST contain a <rim:RegistryObjectList> element containing <rim:RegistryObject> elements with xsi:type=“rim:RegistryObjectType”.
LeafClass - This option specifies that the QueryResponse MUST contain a collection of <rim:RegistryObjectList> element containing <rim:RegistryObject> elements that have an xsi:type attribute that corresponds to leaf classes as defined in [regrep-xsd-v4.0]. No RepositoryItems SHOULD be included for any rim:ExtrinsicObjectType instance in the <rim:RegistryObjectList> element.
LeafClassWithRepositoryItem - This option is the same as the LeafClass option with the additional requirement that the response include the RepositoryItems, if any, for every rim:ExtrinsicObjectType instance in the <rim:RegistryObjectList> element.
If “returnType” specified does not match a result returned by the query, then the server MUST use the closest matching semantically valid returnType that matches the result. For example, consider a case where a Query that matches rim:OrganizationType instances is asked to return LeafClassWithRepositoryItem. As this is not possible, QueryManager will assume the LeafClass option instead.
The QueryResponse message is sent by the QueryManager in response to a QueryRequest when the format requested by the client is the default ebrs format.
<element name="QueryResponse">
<extension base="rs:RegistryResponseType">
<attribute name="startIndex" type="integer" default="0"/>
<attribute name="totalResultCount" type="integer" use="optional"/>
The following shows a sample response for the example QueryRequest presented earlier.
<query:QueryResponse totalResultCount="1" startIndex="0" status="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success">
<RegistryObject xsi:type="PersonType"
lid="urn:acme:Person:Danyal" id="urn:acme:Person:Danyal">
<LocalizedString value="Danyal Najmi" xml:lang="en-US"/>
<VersionInfo versionName="1"/>
<PersonName lastName="Najmi" middleName="Idris" firstName="Danyal"/>
Element RegistryObjectList (inherited) - This is the element that contains the RegistryObject instances that matched the specified query. A server MUST provide this element in a QueryResponse even if it contains no RegistryObject instances.
Attribute startIndex - This optional integer value is used to indicate the index for the first result in the result set returned by the query, within the complete result set matching the query. By default, this value is 0. This attribute is described further in the Iterative Queries section.
Attribute totalResultCount - This optional parameter specifies the size of the complete result set matching the query within the server. When this value is unspecified, the client should assume it is the size of the result set contained within the result. When this value is -1, the client should assume that the number of total results is unknown. In this case the client should keep iterating through the remaining result set for the query until no more results are returned. This attribute is described further in the Iterative Queries section.
The QueryRequest and QueryResponse support the ability to iterate over a large result set matching a query by allowing multiple QueryRequest requests to be submitted in succession such that each query requests a different subset of results within the result set. This feature enables the server to handle queries that match a very large result set, in a scalable manner. The iterative query feature is accessed via the startIndex and maxResults parameters of the QueryRequest and the startIndex and totalResultCount parameters of the QueryResponse as described earlier.
A server MUST return a result set whose size is less than or equal to the maxResults parameter depending upon whether enough results are available starting at startIndex.
The iterative queries feature is not a true Cursor capability as found in databases. A server is not required to maintain transactional consistency or state between iterations of a query. Thus it is possible for new objects to be added or existing objects to be removed from the complete result set in between iterations. As a consequence it is possible to have a result set element be skipped or duplicated between iterations. However, a server MUST return the same result in a deterministic manner for the same QueryRequest if no changes have been made in between the request to the server (or servers in case of federated queries).
Note that while it is not required, a server MAY implement a transactionally consistent iterative query feature.
A parameterized query is defined by submitting a rim:QueryDefinitionType instance to the server using the submitObjects protocol. A detailed specification of the rim:QueryDefinitionType is defined in ebRIM. The definition of a parameterized query includes detailed specification of each supported parameter including its name, description, data type, cardinality and domain.
The canonical query AdhocQuery allows clients to invoke a client-specified ad hoc query in a client-specified query expression syntax that is supported by the server. This specification does not require a server to support any specific query expression syntax. It is likely that servers may support one or more common syntaxes such as SQL-92, XQuery, XPath, SPARQL, Search-WS, OGC Filter etc.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
queryExpression |
Value is a query expression string in the language specified by the queryLanguage parameter |
string |
1 |
queryLanguage |
Value is the id of a ClassificationNode within the canonical QueryLanguageScheme ClassificationScheme. |
taxonomyElement |
1 |
The queryExpression may specify any number of named parameters
The server MUST use rim:Slot child elements of the rim:Query as named parameters to the query queryExpression
The server MUST return a QueryException fault message if the queryLanguage used by the queryExpression is not supported by the server
The server SHOULD return an AuthorizationException fault message if the client is not authorized to invoke this query
The server MUST return the objects matching the query if the query is processed without any exceptions
The canonical query BasicQuery allows clients to query for RegistryObjects by their name, description, type, status and classifications.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
classifications |
Set whose elements are path attribute values to ClassificationNodes. Matches RegistryObjects that have a classification whose classificationNode attribute value matches the id of the ClassificationNode where rim:RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:ClassificationNodeType"]/@path matches specified value When multiple values are specified it implies a logical AND operation. |
string |
0..* |
description |
Matches rim:RegistryObject/rim:Description/rim:LocalizedString/@value |
string |
0..1 |
matchOnAnyParameter |
If true then use logical OR between predicates for each parameter |
boolean |
false |
0..1 |
name |
Matches rim:RegistryObject/rim:Name/rim:LocalizedString/@value |
string |
0..1 |
objectType |
Matches RegistryObjects whose objectType attribute matches the id of the ClassificationNode where rim:ClassificationNode/@path matches specified value |
0..1 |
owner |
Matches rim:RegistryObject/@owner. Note that a parameter value of “#@'@#rs:currentUserId()#@'@#” may be used to specify the id of the user associated with the current request |
string |
0..1 |
status |
Matches RegistryObjects whose status attribute matches the id of the ClassificationNode where rim:ClassificationNode/@path matches specified value |
taxonomyElement |
0..1 |
This query has several optional parameters
Each parameter implies a predicate within the underlying query
Predicates for each supplied parameter are combined using with an implicit LOGICAL AND if matchOnAnyParameter is unspecified or false. If it is specified as true then predicates for each supplied parameters are combined using a LOGICAL OR
If an optional parameter is not supplied then its corresponding predicate MUST NOT be included in the underlying query
The canonical query ClassificationSchemeSelector allows clients to create a Subscription to a remote server to replicate a remote ClassificationScheme. This query may be used as Selector query in the subscription as defined in the object replication feature.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
classificationSchemeId |
Matches rim:RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:ClassificationSchemeType"]/@id. Does not allow wildcards. |
string |
1 |
The server MUST return the specified ClassificationScheme and all ClassificationNodes that are descendants of that ClassificationScheme.
The ClassificationNodes MUST NOT be returned as nested elements inside their parent Taxonomy element. Instead they MUST be returned as sibling elements with the RegistryObjectList element of the QueryResponse.
The canonical query FindAssociations query allows clients to find Associations that match the specified criteria.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
associationType |
Matches Associations whose type attribute references a ClassificationNode where rim:ClassificationNode/@path matches specified value |
0..1 |
matchOnAnyParameter |
If true then use logical OR between predicates for each parameter |
boolean |
false |
0..1 |
sourceObjectId |
Matches rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"]/@sourceObject. Allows use of “%” wildcard character to match multiple characters. Allows use of “?” wildcard character to match a single character. |
string |
0..1 |
sourceObjectType |
Matches Associations whose sourceObject attribute references a RegistryObject whose objectType attribute matches the id of the ClassificationNode where rim:ClassificationNode/@path matches specified value |
taxonomyElement |
0..1 |
targetObjectId |
Matches rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"]/@targetObject. Allows use of “%” wildcard character to match multiple characters. Allows use of “?” wildcard character to match a single character. |
string |
0..1 |
targetObjectType |
Matches Associations whose targetObject attribute references a RegistryObject whose objectType attribute matches the id of the ClassificationNode where rim:ClassificationNode/@path matches specified value |
taxonomyElement |
0..1 |
All parameters are optional
The server MUST return the objects matching the query if the query is processed without any exceptions
Predicates for each supplied parameter are combined using an implicit LOGICAL AND if matchOnAnyParameter is unspecified or false. If it is specified as true then predicates for each supplied parameters are combined using a LOGICAL OR
The canonical query FindAssociatedObjects allows clients to find RegistryObjects that are associated with the specified RegistryObject and match the specified criteria.
All parameters are optional
The server MUST return the objects matching the query if the query is processed without any exceptions
Either sourceObjectId or targetObjectId MUST be specified. If neither are specified then QueryException fault MUST be returned
Both sourceObjectId and targetObjectId MUST NOT be specified. If both are specified then QueryException fault MUST be returned
Predicates for each supplied parameter are combined using an implicit LOGICAL AND if matchOnAnyParameter is unspecified or false. If it is specified as true then predicates for each supplied parameters are combined using a LOGICAL OR
The canonical query GarbageCollector allows clients to find RegistryObjects that are deemed as garbage by the server.
This query specifies no parameters.
The server MAY return any objects it considers as garbage or no longer relevant or needed
The definition of what objects are garbage may be implementation, profile or deployment specific
The server MUST return the following types of objects
Dangling Associations - AssociationType instances that have an unresolvable or null sourceObject or targetObject attribute
The canonical query GetAuditTrailById allows clients to get the change history or audit trail for a RegistryObject whose id attribute value is the same as the value of the id parameter.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
endTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
0..1 |
id |
Matches rim:/RegistryObject/@id.
string |
1 |
startTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
0..1 |
The server MUST return a set of AuditableEvents that affected the object with id matching the specified id parameter value. The set is sorted by the timestamp attribute value in descending order (latest first)
If startTime is specified the server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is >= startTime parameter value
If endTime is specified the server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is <= endTime parameter value
The canonical query GetAuditTrailByLid allows clients to get the change history or audit trail for all RegistryObjects whose lid attribute value is the same as the value of the lid parameter.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
endTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
0..1 |
lid |
Matches rim:/RegistryObject/@lid.
string |
1 |
startTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
0..1 |
The server MUST return a set of AuditableEvents that affected objects with lid matching the specified lid parameter value. The set is sorted by the timestamp attribute value in descending order (latest first)
If startTime is specified the server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is >= startTime parameter value
If endTime is specified the server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is <= endTime parameter value
The canonical query GetAuditTrailByTimeInterval allows clients to get all changes to all objects in the server within a specified time interval. This query may be used to keep a client periodically synchronized with changes in the server.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
endTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
5 minutes before current time |
0..1 |
startTime |
Specifies the end of the time interval (inclusive) for rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:AuditableEventType"]/@timestamp value |
dateTime |
Current time |
0..1 |
The server MUST return a set of AuditableEvents whose timestamp attribute is within the time interval specified by startTime and endTime parameters. The set is sorted by the timestamp attribute value in descending order (latest first)
The server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is >= startTime parameter value
The server MUST only include AuditableEvents whose timestamp is <= endTime parameter value
The canonical query GetChildrenByParentId allows clients to get the children of a RegistryObject whose Id attribute value is the same as the value specified for the parentId parameter. This query is used to query objects hierarchies with parent-child relationships such as the following:
ClassificationScheme – Child ClassificationNodes
Organization – Child Organizations
RegistryPackage – RegistryPackage Members
If objectType and parentId are both unspecified the server MUST return all RegistryObjects that are not members of a RegistryPackage (root level objects)
If parentId parameter is unspecified and objectType parameter is specified the server MUST return all root level objects for the object hierarchy identified by the objectType as follows:
If objectType parameter value contains the string “ClassificationScheme” the server MUST return all ClassificationSchemes
If objectType parameter value contains the string “Organization” the server MUST return all Organizations that are not a member of another Organization (root level Organizations)
If objectType parameter value contains the string “RegistryPackage” the server MUST return all RegistryPackages that are not a member of another RegistryPackage (root level RegistryPackages)
If parentId parameter is specified then the behavior is as follows:
If objectType parameter value is unspecified or if its value contains the string “RegistryPackage” the server MUST return all RegistryObjects that are member of a RegistryPackage whose id is the same as the value of the parentId attribute
If objectType parameter is specified and its value contains the string “ClassificationScheme” the server MUST return all ClassificationNodes that are children of a TaxonomyElementType instance whose id is the same as the value of the parentId attribute
If objectType parameter is specified and its value contains the string “Organization” the server MUST return all Organizations that are members of an Organization whose id is the same as the value of the parentId attribute
If depth parameter is specified then the server MUST also return all descendants upto the specified depth as described by the definition of the depth parameter above
If exclusiveChildrenOnly is specified with a true value then the server MUST not return any descendants that have multiple parents
The canonical query GetClassificationSchemesById allows clients to fetch specified ClassificationSchemes.
The server MUST return the objects matching the query if the query is processed without any exceptions
The depth parameter of the QueryRequest may be used to pre-fetch the ClassificationNodes of matches ClassificationSchemes
The canonical query GetRegistryPackagesByMemberId allows clients to get the RegistryPackages that a specified RegistryObject is a member of.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
memberId |
Matches RegistryPackages that have a RegistryObject as an immediate member where the RegistryObject's id rim:RegistryObject/@id matches the specified value. Allows use of “%” wildcard character to match multiple characters. Allows use of “?” wildcard character to match a single character. |
string |
0..1 |
The server MUST return the objects matching the query if the query is processed without any exceptions
The canonical query GetNotification allows clients to “pull” any pending Notification for a Subscription at a time of their choosing. This is defined in detail under section titled “Pulling Notification on Demand”.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
subscriptionId |
Matches rim:/RegistryObject[@xsi:type="rim:SubscriptionType"]/@id. Wildcards are not allowed. |
string |
1 |
startTime |
The time since which events should be included in the Notification |
xs:dateTime |
0..1 |
The server MUST return a Notification with events that affected objects matching the query selector query for the Subscription.
The server MUST return only those events that have a timestamp later than startTime.
The canonical query GetObjectById allows clients to find RegistryObjects based upon the value of their id attribute.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
id |
Matches rim:RegistryObject/@id. Allows use of “%” wildcard character to match multiple characters. Allows use of “?” wildcard character to match a single character. |
string |
1 |
The server MUST return the RegistryObjects whose id attribute value matches the specified value of the id parameter.
The canonical query GetObjectByLid allows clients to find RegistryObjects based upon the value of their lid attribute. It is used to fetch all versions of a logical object without any specific order or relationship among them.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
lid |
Matches rim:RegistryObject/@lid. Allows use of “%” wildcard character to match multiple characters. Allows use of “?” wildcard character to match a single character. |
string |
1 |
The server MUST return all RegistryObjects whose lid attribute value matches the specified value of the lid parameter.
The canonical query GetReferencedObject allows clients to get a RegistryObject that is the target of an rim:objectReferenceType attribute value.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
Contains the value for a rim:objectReferenceType attribute |
string |
0..1 |
The server MUST return the RegistryObjectType instance that is being referenced by the specified value for the objectReference parameter.
If the objectReference contains the id of a local object that is not a DynamicObjectRef instance then the server MUST return that object.
If the objectReference contains the id of a local DynamicObjectRef instance then the server MUST invoke the Query within the DynamicObjectRef instance and resolve the reference to the singleton result of the Query and return the matching object.
If the objectReference contains the canonical URL for a remote object then the server MUST invoke the GetReferencedObject query against the remote server using the id of the remote object as the value of the objectReference parameter and return the matching object. The id of the remote object is accessible from its canonical URL as the value of the id parameter within the URL.
The canonical query KeyWordSearch allows clients to find RegistryObjects and RepositoryItems that contain text that matches keywords identified by specified search patterns.
This query defines a set of canonical index names as defined by table below. Each index name is associated with a particular type of information that it indexes. A server MUST index all information that is defined by the canonical indexes below. A server MAY define additional indexes to index information not specified by this section.
Index Name |
Description |
name.localizedString.value |
Indexes the value of all localized string in all Name elements of all RegistryObjects |
description.localizedString.value |
Indexes the value of all localized string in all Description elements of all RegistryObjects |
Indexes the name of all slots on all RegistryObjects |
slot.value |
Indexes the value of all slots on all RegistryObjects |
repositoryItem |
Indexes the text of all text based repository items associated with ExtrinsicObjects |
personName.firstName |
Indexes the firstName attribute of PersonName elements in all Person objects |
personName.middleName |
Indexes the middleName attribute of PersonName elements in all Person objects |
personName.lastName |
Indexes the lastName attribute of PersonName elements in all Person objects |
emailAddress.address |
Indexes the address attribute of all EmailAddress objects |
postalAddress.city |
Indexes the city attribute of all PostalAddress elements contained within any RegistryObject |
postalAddress.country |
Indexes the country attribute of all PostalAddress elements contained within any RegistryObject |
postalAddress.postalCode |
Indexes the postalCode attribute of all PostalAddress elements contained within any RegistryObject |
postalAddress.stateOrProvince |
Indexes the stateOrProvince attribute of all PostalAddress elements contained within any RegistryObject |
postalAddress.street |
Indexes the street attribute of all PostalAddress elements contained within any RegistryObject |
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
keywords |
A space separated list of keywords to search for |
string |
1 |
The value of the keywords parameter may consist of multiple terms
where each term is separated by one or more spaces
ebxml regrep
Semantics: Matches objects containing either “ebxml”
or “regrep”
A term may be enclosed in double-quotes to include white space
characters as a literal value.
Example: “ebxml
Semantics: Matches objects containing “ebxml regrep”
Terms may be specified using
wildcard characters where '*' matches one or more characters and “?”
matches a single character.
eb?ml reg*
Terms may be combined using boolean operators “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”. Absence of a boolean operator between terms implies an implicit OR operator between them.
Example: ebxml AND regrep
Semantics: Matches objects
containing “ebxml” and “regrep”
Example: ebxml NOT
Semantics: Matches objects containing “ebxml” and not
containg “regrep”
Example: ebxml OR regrep
Matches objects containing “ebxml” or “regrep”
ebxml regrep
Semantics: Matches objects containing “ebxml” or
Terms may be grouped together using “(“ at the beginning and “)”
at the end of the group. Grouping allowing boolean operators to be
applied to a group of terms as a whole and enables more flexible
Example: ebxml AND (registry OR regrep)
Matches objects containing both “ebxml” and either “registry”
or “regrep”
The server MUST return all RegistryObjects that contain indexed data matching the semantics of the keywords parameter.
The server MUST return all ExtrinsicObjects that have a repository item that contains indexed data matching the semantics of the keywords parameter.
The canonical query RegistryPackageSelector allows clients to create a Subscription to a remote server to replicate a remote RegistryPackage as well as all its member objects and the AssociationType instances that relate the members of the RegistryPackage to it. This query MAY be used as Selector query within the Subscription for the replication as defined in the object replication feature.
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Default Value |
Cardinality |
registryPackageIds |
A set of IDs of rim:RegistryPackageType instances. Does not allow wildcards. |
string |
1..* |
The server MUST return the specified RegistryPackageType instance, all RegistryObjectType instances that are members of the specified RegistryPackage as well as all “HasMember” AssociationType instances between the RegistryPackageType instance and its members, that are descendants of that ClassificationScheme.
The member RegistryObjectType instances MUST NOT be returned as nested elements inside the RegistryPackage. Instead they MUST be returned as sibling elements with the RegistryPackage and Associations within the RegistryObjectList element of the QueryResponse.
A server MAY support any number of functions known as Query Functions, that may be used within a query expression or query parameter. Query functions are similar in concept to functions in SQL. Query functions may be used within the query expression of a parameterized query as well as within its invocation parameter values. Query functions enable parameterized queries to use specialized search algorithms to augment their capabilities.
This specification defines a number of canonical functions that are standard functions that MUST be supported by a server. Profiles, implementations and deployments may define additional query functions beyond the canonical functions defined by this specification.
A parameterized query stored as a rim:QueryDefinition instance MAY have a rim:QueryExpression which defines a query expression within its sub-nodes. A client MAY submit a rim:QueryDefinition such that its query expression may use any number of query functions supported by the server any where within the query expression where it is syntactically correct to use the value returned by the function.
If a query expression contains one or more function invocations then the query expression MUST delimit the parts of the query expression that are not a function invocation with the leading characters “#@” and trailing characters “@#”. This is similar in syntax to a Java multi-line comment syntax where a comment is delimited by leading characters “/*” and trailing characters “*/”. The delimiters serve the following purposes:
Allows a parser to recognize the non-function parts of the query expression that MUST be preserved as is
Allows implementations to be optimized to skip function parsing and evaluation if the special delimiter characters are not present in query expression
The following is an example of a SQL query expression which uses the getClassificationNodes function to match all RegistryObjects that are targets of Association with specified sourceObject and type that is a subnode of AffiliatedWith node upto a depth of 2 levels in the descendant hierarchy. The delimiter characters are in bold font while the function invocations is in bold and italic font below:
--example of a query expression with query functions
#@SELECT targetObject.* FROM
RegistryObjectType targetObject, AssociationType a WHERE
a.sourceObject = :sourceObject AND
a.type IN (@# getClassificationNodes("urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:AffiliatedWith", 0, 2, "false", ",", "${id}") #@) AND
targetObject.id = a.targetObject@#
A client MAY use query functions supported by a server within parameter values specified when invoking a parameterized query. A client MAY invoke a parameterized query using the Query protocol such that its query parameter values may use any number of query functions supported by the server any where within the query parameter where it is syntactically correct to use the value returned by the function.
If a query parameter value contains one or more function invocations then the query expression MUST delimit the parts of the query parameter that are not a function invocation with the leading characters “#@” and trailing characters “@#”. If a query parameter value only has function invocations and contains no non-function parts then it must include at least one leading or trailing “#@@#” delimiter token pair to allow optimized parsing and evaluation of query functions only when needed.
The following is an example of a query expression that has no query functions. Its two parameters are shown in bold font:
--Following is the query expression within the server
--This time it has no query functions as they are in the query parameters
SELECT targetObject.* FROM
RegistryObjectType targetObject, AssociationType a WHERE
a.sourceObject = :sourceObject AND
a.type IN ( :types ) AND
targetObject.id = a.targetObject
The following is an example of invocation of a parameterized query that uses the above query expression and uses the getClassificationNodes function from previous example within the value of the types parameter. Note the trailing “#@@#” delimiter tokens are present as required.
<query:QueryRequest maxResults="-1" startIndex="0" ...>
<rs:ResponseOption returnComposedObjects="true" returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
<query:Query queryDefinition="urn:acme:ExampleQuery">
<rim:Slot name="sourceObject">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="StringValueType" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="StringValueType" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<rim:Value>getClassificationNodes("urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:AffiliatedWith", 0, 2, "false", ",", "${id}")#@@#</rim:Value>
A server MUST meet the following function processing requirements during the processing of a QueryRequest:
When processing a query expression elements (rim:QueryDefinition/rim:QueryExpression) the server SHOULD NOT perform function processing if the special delimiter sequences of “#@” and “@#” are not found in the query expression
When processing query invocation parameter elements (query:QueryRequest/query:Query/rim:Slot/rim:SlotValue) the server SHOULD NOT perform function processing if the special delimiter sequences of “#@” and “@#” are not found in the query expression
When processing a query expression element if the special delimiter sequences of “#@” and “@#” are found then the server MUST process query expression elements to replace all function invocations with the value returned when the function is invoked with specified parameters
When processing query invocation parameter elements if the special delimiter sequences of “#@” and “@#” are found then the server MUST process each query parameter element to replace all function invocations with the value returned when the function is invoked with specified parameters
When invoking a function that has another function invocation as its parameter the inner most functions MUST be invoked first so that the outer function can be invoked with the value returned by the inner function invocation
When processing a query expression or query parameter the special delimiter characters “#@” and “@#” MUST be removed and the value contained within them MUST be preserved without any change
The following BNF grammar normatively describes the grammar for query expressions and query invocation parameters with embedded function invocations. The start production describes the grammar for query expressions and query invocation parameters with embedded function invocations.
" "
| "\t"
| "\r"
| "\n"
| <DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
| <BOOLEAN: "true" | "false">
| <#LETTER: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"]>
| <S_CHAR_LITERAL: "\'" (~["\'"])* "\'" ("\'" (~["\'"])* "\'")*>
| <S_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER: "\"" (~["\n","\r","\""])* "\"">
| <OPENPAREN: "(">
| <COMMA: ",">
| <COLON: ":">
| <DELIMITED_TEXT: "#@" (~["@"])* "@#">
start ::= ( textOrFunctionCall )+ <EOF>
text ::= ( ( <DELIMITED_TEXT> ) )
textOrFunctionCall ::= ( text | FunctionCall )
FunctionCall ::= FunctionReference <OPENPAREN> ( FunctionArgumentList )* <CLOSEPAREN>
FunctionReference ::= <S_IDENTIFIER> <COLON> <S_IDENTIFIER>
FunctionArgumentList ::= FunctionArgument ( <COMMA> FunctionArgument )*
FunctionArgument ::= ( FunctionCall | <S_CHAR_LITERAL> | <S_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER> | <FLOAT> | <INTEGER> | <BOOLEAN> )
This section defines some commonly occurring patterns in query functions and defines some common solutions to addressing these patterns. Profiles SHOULD conform to the solutions defined in this section whenever possible.
A function that accepts a string parameter SHOULD treat a value of “rs:null” as a null string. A null string is a string whose value is unspecified.
When a function returns a “string” type it SHOULD return a null value string as the canonical value “rs:null”.
This section defines a set of standard canonical functions that MUST be supported by all servers. A client MAY use these functions within a query expression or within the value of a parameter to a parameterized query. A server MUST process the functions according to their behavior as specified in this section. The function processing model is specified in Function Processing Model.
A client MUST use the “rs:” namespace prefix when using a canonical function defined by this profile. Profiles of this specification MAY define their own canonical functions as well as a standard namespace prefix to be used with these functions.
A client MUST specify the parameters of a function in the same order as specified in the table for the function specification.
Table 1 summarizes the canonical functions defined by this specification.
Table 1: Canonical Functions Defined By This Profile
This canonical function takes no parameters and returns the current time associated with the server.
The server MUST return a string if the query is processed without any exceptions
The value of the string MUST be current time in ISO 8601 format using the UTC time zone. An example of value returned is “2010-02-25T15:22:14.534Z”.
This canonical function takes no parameters and returns a string whose value is the id of the user associated with the current RegistryRequest. This specification does not define how user's are managed within the server nor does it define how an id is assigned to a user.
The server MUST return a string if the query is processed without any exceptions
The value of the string MUST be “rs:null” if no current user is associated with the RegistryRequest
This canonical function takes a string parameter in the format specified by xs:duration that specify a time offset period and returns a time in the future or past relative to the current time by the specified period.
The server MUST return a string if the query is processed without any exceptions
The format of the duration parameter MUST conform to the format as specified by the duration type defined by XML Schema duration type otherwise the server MUST return InvalidRequestException
The value of the string MUST be a time in ISO 8601 format that is offset by the specified period in the future relative to the current time. An example of value returned is “2010-02-25T15:22:14.534Z”
This canonical function takes a reference ClassificationNode's id as parameter and returns all ClassificationNode's that are descendants and/or ancestors of the specified reference ClassificationNode and within the specified number of levels as indicated by the ancestorLevels and descendantLevels parameters.
The server MUST return a string if the query is processed without any exceptions
The string MUST be “rs:null” if no ClassificationNode is found that matches the function parameters
The string MUST consist of a set of substrings separated by the appropriate delimiter character when any ClassificationNode's are found that match the function parameters:
The id of the reference ClassificationNode MUST be included if and only if the includeSelf parameter value is true
A ancestorLevels value of N where N > 0 matches all ClassificationNodes upto the Nth level ancestors of the reference ClassificationNode. A value of 1 matches the immediate parents of the reference ClassificationNode while a value of 2 matches the parents and grandparents of the reference ClassificationNode. A value of -1 matches all ancestors of the reference ClassificationNode
A descendantsLevels value of N where N > 0 matches all ClassificationNodes upto the Nth level descendants of the reference ClassificationNode. A value of 1 matches the immediate children of the reference ClassificationNode while a value of 2 matches the children and grandchildren of the reference ClassificationNode. A value of -1 matches all descendants of the reference ClassificationNode
A template value of “rs:null” is implicitly equivalent to a template value of “${id}”
Query plugins allow a server to use specialized extension modules to implement support for a parameterized query. Since query plugins are software modules, they are able to handle highly specialized query semantics that may not be expressed in most query languages. A specific instance of a query plugin is designed and configured to handle a specific parameterized query.
A Query plugin implements the QueryManager interface. A QueryManager endpoint MUST delegate an executeQuery operation to a Query plugin if a Query plugin has been configured for the requested parameterized query. A Query plugin MUST process the query and return a QueryResponse or fault message to the QueryManager. The QueryManager MUST then deliver that response to the client.
The LifecycleManager interface allows a client to perform various lifecycle management operations on RegistryObjects. These operations include submitting RegistryObjects to the server, updating RegistryObjects in the server, creating new versions of RegistryObjects in the server and removing RegistryObjects from the server.
A server MUST implement the LifecycleManager interface as an endpoint.
The SubmitObjects protocol allows a client to submit RegistryObjects to the server. It also allows a client to completely replace existing RegistryObjects in the server.
A client initiates the SubmitObjects protocol by sending a SubmitObjectsRequest message to the LifecycleManager endpoint.
The LifecycleManager sends a RegistryResponse back to the client as response.
2: SubmitObjects Protocol
The SubmitObjectsRequest message is sent by a client to submit RegistryObjects to the server.
<simpleType name="mode">
<restriction base="NCName">
<enumeration value="CreateOrReplace"/>
<enumeration value="CreateOrVersion"/>
<enumeration value="CreateOnly"/>
<element name="SubmitObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<element ref="rim:RegistryObjectList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<attribute name="checkReferences" type="boolean" use="optional"
<attribute name="mode" type="tns:mode" use="optional"
Element RegistryObjectList - Specifies a set of RegistryObject instances that are being submitted to the server. The RegistryObjects in the list may be new objects being submitted to the server or they may be current objects already existing in the server.
Attribute checkReferences – Specifies the reference checking behavior expected of the server
true - Specifies that a server MUST check submitted objects and make sure that all references via reference attributes and slots to other RegistryObjects are resolvable. If a reference does not resolve then the server MUST return UnresolvedReferenceException
false (default) – Specifies that a server MUST NOT check submitted objects to make sure that all references via reference attributes and slots to other RegistryObjects are resolvable. If a reference does not resolve then the server MUST NOT return UnresolvedReferenceException
Attribute mode – Specifies the semantics for how the server should handle RegistryObjects being submitted when they already exist in the server:
CreateOrReplace (default) - If an object does not exist, server MUST create it as a new object. If an object already exists, server MUST replace the existing object with the submitted object
CreateOrVersion - If an object does not exist, server MUST create it as a new object. If an object already exists, server MUST not alter the existing object and instead it MUST create a new version of the existing object using the state of the submitted object
CreateOnly - If an object does not exist, server MUST create it as a new object. If an object already exists, the server MUST return an ObjectExistsException fault message
Table 2 defines the requirements for id and lid attribute values for RegistryObjectType instances that are submitted via the SubmitObjects protocol.
Table 2: Requirements for id and lid During SubmitObjects Protocol
This request returns a RegistryResponse.
A server MUST return an UnsupportedCapabilityException fault message if the request contains a type that is an extension of types defined by ebRIM and if the server cannot support such extension.
The server MUST create a single AuditableEvent object as follows:
If RegistryObjects were created by the request, it contain a single Action sub-element with eventType Created for all the RegistryObjects created during processing of the request
If RegistryObjects were updated by the request, it contain a single Action sub-element with eventType Updated for all the RegistryObjects updated during processing of the request
The server SHOULD create AuditableEvents after successfully processing the request in a separate transaction from the request
The following simplified example shows a SubmitObjectsRequest that submits a single Organization object to the server.
<rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:OrganizationType" lid="${LOGICAL_ID}"
id="${ID}" ...>
The UpdateObjectsRequest protocol allows a client to make partial updates to one or more RegistryObjects that already exist in the server. This protocol enables partial update of RegistryObjects rather than a complete replacement. A client SHOULD use the SubmitObjects protocol for complete replacement of RegistryObjects.
A server MUST return InvalidRequestException fault message if the client attempts to update the id, lid or objectType attribute of a RegistryObject.
3: UpdateObjects Protocol
The UpdateObjectsRequest message is sent by a client to partially update existing RegistryObjects in the server. An UpdateObjectsRequest identifies a set of RegistryObjects as target objects to be updated by the request. It also specifies the update action that modifies each target object. Update actions may insert a node within a target object, delete an existing node from a target object or update an existing node within the target object. A node in the context of the UpdateObjects protocol is defined to be an XML DOM node (typically an element or an attribute).
<element name="UpdateObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<!-- Query and ObjectRefList select objects to update -->
<element name="Query" type="rim:QueryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element ref="rim:ObjectRefList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<!-- Specifies how to update selected objects -->
<element name="UpdateAction" type="tns:UpdateActionType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="checkReferences" type="boolean" use="optional"
<attribute name="mode" type="tns:mode" use="optional"
Element Query - Specifies a query to be invoked. A server MUST use all objects that match the specified query in addition to any other objects identified by the ObjectRefList element as targets of the update action.
Element ObjectRefList - Specifies a collection of references to existing RegistryObject instances in the server. A server MUST use all objects that are referenced by this element in addition to any other objects identified by the Query element as targets of the update action.
Element UpdateAction – Specifies the details of how to update the target objects
Attribute checkReferences – Specifies the reference checking behavior expected of the server
true - Specifies that a server MUST check updated objects and make sure that all references via reference attributes and slots to other RegistryObjects are resolvable. If a reference does not resolve then the server MUST return UnresolvedReferenceException
false (default) – Specifies that a server MUST NOT check updated objects to make sure that all references via reference attributes and slots to other RegistryObjects are resolvable. If a reference does not resolve then the server MUST NOT return UnresolvedReferenceException
Attribute mode – Specifies the semantics for how the server should handle RegistryObjects being updated in the server:
CreateOrReplace (default) - If an object does not exist, server MUST return ObjectNotFoundException. If an object already exists, server MUST update the existing object without creating a new version
CreateOrVersion - If an object does not exist, server MUST return ObjectNotFoundException. If an object already exists, server MUST create a new version of the existing object before applying the requested update action
CreateOnly – This mode does not apply to UpdateObjectsRequest. If specified, server MUST return an InvalidRequestException
This request returns a RegistryResponse.
A server MUST return an UnsupportedCapabilityException fault message if the request contains a type that is an extension of types defined by ebRIM and if the server cannot support such extension.
An UpdateRequest contains one or more UpdateActions. Each UpdateObjectsRequest defines a specific update action to be performed on each target object.
<complexType name="UpdateActionType">
<documentation xml:lang="en">
<!-- Value for attribute or element -->
<element name="ValueHolder" type="rim:ValueType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Value of selector is an XPATH expression that uniquely identifies
an attribute or an element within target documents.
<element name="Selector" type="rim:QueryExpressionType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Specifies whether to insert, update or delete a node from
target document.
<attribute name="mode" use="required">
<restriction base="NCName">
<enumeration value="Insert"/>
<enumeration value="Update"/>
<enumeration value="Delete"/>
Element Selector – Is a QueryExpressionType that contains the
expression that identifies a node
of the resource representation to be updated.
The value of
this element MUST conform to the queryLanguage specified in the
queryLanguage attribute of the Selector. A resource MUST generate an
QueryException fault if the expression is invalid. If the expression
syntax is not valid with respect to the queryLanguage then a
resource SHOULD specify a fault detail of
"InvalidExpressionSyntaxException". If the expression
value is not valid for the resource type then the resource SHOULD
specify a fault detail of "InvalidExpressionValueException".
server MUST minimally support XPATH 1.0 as the queryLanguage for
Selector element. The scope of the XML document that is processed by
the XPATH expression is the RegistryObjectType instance. A server
MUST implicitly support the standard namespace prefixes used by
RegRep schemas (rim:, query:, rs:, lcm:, spi:) as a notational
convenience. These standard namespace prefixes should map to the
latest version of the specification supported by the server.
XPATH selector expression MUST be specified using the RegistryObject
being updated as the context node.
An XPATH selector
expression may select an attribute or an element relative to the
RegistryObject context node. If it selects an attribute then the
ValueHolder element should use a ValueType subtype for a primitive
type (instead of AnyValueType) that corresponds to the primitive
type for the attribute (e.g. StringValueType). The ValueHolder/Value
element's content shall contain the attribute value.
Element ValueHolder - This element contains the value to be written to the target object. If the mode attribute is "Insert" or "Update" then this element MUST be present. If the mode is "Delete" then this element MUST NOT be present.
Attribute mode – This attribute specifies the semantics for how the server should update target objects:
Insert - Indicates that the value provided by ValueHolder MUST be added to the target object. If the selector targets a repeated element (maxOccurs > 1), the node MUST be added at the end. If the selector targets a non-repeated element (maxOccurrs = 1) that already exists, the resource MUST generate an InvalidRequestException with a fault detail of NodeAlreadyExistsException. If the selector targets an existing item of a repeated element, the value provided by ValueHolder MUST be added before the existing item.
Update – Indicates that the node identified by selector MUST be replaced by value by the ValueHolder in its place. If the selector resolves to nothing then there should be no change to the target object.
Delete - indicates that the node identified by selector MUST be deleted from the target object if it is present.
The server MUST create a single AuditableEvent object as follows:
If RegistryObjects were updated by the request, it contain a single Action sub-element with eventType Updated for all the RegistryObjects updated during processing of the request
The server SHOULD create AuditableEvents after successfully processing the request in a separate transaction from the request
The following example shows an UpdateObjectsRequest which updates the Name element within a PersonType instance with the Name element specified by the Value element within UpdateAction. The Selector element uses an XPATH expression to select the Name element node within the Person objects identified as target of update in the ObjectRefList. The context node of the XPATH expression is the RegistryObject element for the PersonType instance. The target objects could also have been chosen by a Query element.
<rim:ObjectRef id="urn:acme:person:Danyal"/>
<UpdateAction mode="Update">
<Value xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="en-US" value="Danny"/>
<Selector xsi:type="rim:StringQueryExpressionType"
The Remove Objects protocol allows a client to remove or delete one or more RegistryObject instances from the server.
A client initiates the RemoveObjects protocol by sending a RemoveObjectsRequest message to the LifecycleManager endpoint.
The LifecycleManager sends a RegistryResponse back to the client as response.
4: RemoveObjects Protocol
The RemoveObjectsRequest message is sent by a client to remove one or more existing RegistryObjects from the server.
<element name="RemoveObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<element name="Query" type="rim:QueryType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element ref="rim:ObjectRefList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<attribute name="checkReferences" type="boolean" use="optional"
<attribute name="deleteChildren" type="boolean" use="optional"
<attribute name="deletionScope" type="rim:objectReferenceType"
use="optional" default="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:DeletionScopeType:DeleteAll"/>
Attribute checkReferences – Specifies the reference checking behavior expected of the server
true - Specifies that a server MUST check objects being removed and make sure that there are no references to them from other objects via reference attributes and slots. If a reference exists then the server MUST return ReferencesExistsException
false (default) – Specifies that a server MUST NOT check objects being removed to make sure that there are no references to them from other objects via reference attributes and slots. If a reference exists then the server MUST NOT return ReferencesExistsException
Attribute deleteChildren – This attribute specifies whether or not to delete children of the objects being deleted according to the following behavior:
false – Specifies the server MUST NOT delete the children of objects that are specified to be deleted
true – Specifies the server MUST delete children of objects being deleted if and only if those children are not children of any other parent objects
deletionScope -
This attribute specifies the scope of impact of the
RemoveObjectsRequest. The value of the deletionScope attribute MUST
be a reference to a ClassificationNode within the canonical
DeletionScopeType ClassificationScheme as described in ebRIM. A
server MUST support the deletionScope types as defined by the
canonical DeletionScopeType ClassificationScheme. The canonical
DeletionScopeType ClassificationScheme may
be extended by adding additional
ClassificationNodes to it.
The following canonical
ClassificationNodes are defined for the DeletionScopeType
DeleteRepositoryItemOnly - Specifies that the server MUST delete the RepositoryItem for the specified ExtrinsicObjects but MUST NOT delete the specified ExtrinsicObjects
DeleteAll (default) - Specifies that the request MUST delete both the RegistryObject and the RepositoryItem (if any) for the specified objects
Element Query - Specifies a query to be invoked. A server MUST remove all objects that match the specified query in addition to any other objects identified by the ObjectRefList element.
Element ObjectRefList - Specifies a collection of references to existing RegistryObject instances in the server. A server MUST remove all objects that are referenced by this element in addition to any other objects identified by the Query element.
This request returns a RegistryResponse.
In addition to the exceptions common to all requests, the following exceptions MAY be returned:
UnresolvedReferenceException - Indicates that the requestor referenced an object within the request that was not resolved during the processing of the request.
ReferencesExistException - Indicates that the requestor attempted to remove a RegistryObject while references to it still exist. Note that it is valid to remove a RegistryObject and all RegistryObjects that refer to it within the same request. In such cases the ReferencesExistException MUST not be thrown.
The server MUST create a single AuditableEvent object as follows:
If RegistryObjects were removed by the request, it contain a single Action sub-element with eventType Deleted for all the RegistryObjects removed during processing of the request
The server SHOULD create AuditableEvents after successfully processing the request in a separate transaction from the request
The following is a sample RemoveObjectsRequest to remove an Object by its id.
<lcm:RemoveObjectsRequest ...>
<rim:ObjectRef id="urn:acme:Person:Danyal"/>
This section describes the version control features of the ebXML RegRep.
Versioning of a RegistryObjectType instance is the process of updating the object in such a way that the original instance remains unchanged while a new instance is created as a new version of the original instance. Any specific version of an object may itself be versioned. Thus in general the versions of an object form a tree structure referred to as the Version Tree for that object.
A Version Tree for an object is defined to be a tree structure where:
There is a single root node for the tree
The root is the original version
Each non-root node in the tree is a version of the object
Each version is created from a parent version and is represented in the version tree as a child node of the node representing the parent version node for that version
5: A visual example of a version tree
Illustration 5 visualizes the version tree concept. In this non-normative example the object TestRegister has 8 versions. Each node's version is identified by the parenthesized string suffix like “(1.2.2)”. Version 1 is the original version. Version 1 was versioned twice to create versions 1.1 and 1.2. Version 1.1 was versioned twice to create versions 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. Version 1.2 was versioned twice to create versions 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. Version 1.2.1 was versioned once to create version Note that this example uses a version naming convention for ease of understanding only. This specification does not prescribe a specific version naming convention for server to use when assigning version names.
The terms “logical object” or “logical RegistryObject” are used to refer to all version of a RegistryObject in a version independent manner. The terms “object version” or “RegistryObject version” are used to refer to a specific version of the logical object. The terms “RegistryObject instance” and “RegistryObjectType instance” imply a specific object version.
Illustration 5 visualizes a single logical object TestRegister with 8 object versions.
Version controlled resources are resources that support versioning capability.
All repository items in an ebXML RegRep are implicitly version-controlled resources as defined by section 2.2.1 of [DeltaV]. No explicit action is required to make them a version-controlled resource.
Instances of RegistryObjectType types are also implicitly version-controlled resources. The only exceptions are those sub-types of RegistryObjectType that are composed1 types and their instances do not have independent lifecycles that are separate from the lifecycle of their parent objects. Some example of such composed types are:
A server MAY further limit specific non-composed types from being version-controlled resources based upon server specific policies.
Each object version of a logical RegistryObject is a unique object and as such has its own unique value for its id attribute as defined by [regrep-rim-v4.0].
A RegistryObject instance MUST have a Logical ID (LID) defined by its “lid” attribute to identify the logical RegistryObject of which it is a version. All versions of a logical RegistryObject have the same “lid” attribute value. Note that this is in contrast with the “id” attribute that MUST be unique for each version of the same logical RegistryObject. A client may refer to the logical RegistryObject in a version independent manner using its LID.
A RegistryObjectType instance MUST have a VersionInfo element whose type is the VersionInfoType type defined by ebRIM. The VersionInfo element identifies the version information for that RegistryObjectType instance. The versionName attribute of the VersionInfo element identifies the version name for a specific version of a logical object. A server MUST not allow two versions of the same logical object to have the same versionName attribute value within its VersionInfo element.
When a RegistryObject is an ExtrinsicObject with an associated repository item, the version identification for the repository item is distinct from the version identification for the ExtrinsicObject.
An ExtrinsicObject that has an associated repository item MUST have a contentVersionInfo element whose type is VersionInfoType defined by ebRIM. The contentVersionInfo attributes identifies the version information for that repository item instance.
This section describes the versioning of all RegistryObjectType types with the exception of ExtrinsicObjectType which is defined in a separate section.
The following rules apply to versioning of all RegistryObjectType instances that are not instances of ExtrinsicObjectType type. It assumes that versioning is enabled for such RegistryObjectType types:
A server MUST create a new version of a version-controlled, non-composed RegistryObjectType instance in the following cases:
An existing object is replaced using the submitObjects protocol with mode of CreateOrVersion
An existing object is updated using the updateObjects protocol with mode of CreateOrVersion
A server MUST NOT create a new version of a composed RegistryObjectType instance when it is updated.
When creating a new version for a non-composed RegistryObjectType instance, a server MUST create new logical objects for any composed logical objects within the new version of the composed object. Any such new logical object for composed objects MUST have a new server generated universally unique id and lid attribute.
The ExtrinsicObjectType type requires special consideration for versioning because it may have an associated RepositoryItem which is versioned independently from the ExtrinsicObjectType instance.
The following rules apply to versioning of ExtrinsicObjectType instances assuming that a server has versioning enabled for the ExtrinsicObjectType type:
A server MUST create a new version of an existing ExtrinsicObjectType instance and assign it a new unique versionName within its VersionInfo element when either the ExtrinsicObjectType instance or its RepositoryItem are updated using the submitObjects or updateObjects protocol and the mode is CreateOrVersion
A server MUST create a new version of an ExtrinsicObjectType instance and assign it a new unique versionName within its VersionInfo element when the previous version had a RepositoryItem and the new version does not have one (RepositoryItem was deleted).
A server MUST create a new version of an ExtrinsicObjectType instance and assign it a new unique versionName within its VersionInfo element when the previous version did not have RepositoryItem and the new version has one (RepositoryItem was added). In such cases the server MUST also create a new version of the RepositoryItem and assign it a new unique versionName within the ContentVersionInfo element.
A server MUST create a new version of the RepositoryItem for an existing ExtrinsicObjectType instance and assign it a new unique versionName within the ContentVersionInfo element when the RepositoryItem is updated using the submitObjects or updateObjects protocol and the mode is CreateOrVersion
An object reference from a RegistryObjectType instance references a specific version of the referenced RegistryObjectType instance. When a server creates a new version of a referenced RegistryObjectType instance it MUST NOT move references from other objects from the previous version to the new version of the referenced object. Clients that wish to always reference the latest versions of an object MAY use the “dynamic reference” defined in ebRIM feature to always reference the latest version.
A special case is when a SubmitObjectsRequest contains an object that is being versioned by the server and the request contains other objects that reference the object being versioned. In such case, the server MUST update all references within the submitted objects to the object being versioned such that those objects now reference the new version of the object being created by the request.
When a server creates a new version of a RegistryPackageType instance, it MUST implicitly make all members of the old version also be members of the new version. This requires that the server MUST make a copy of all HasMember Associations in which the old version of the RegistryPackage is the sourceObject as follows:
The copied Associations MUST be new versions of their original Association (MUST have the same lid)
The sourceObject of the copied Associations MUST reference the new version of the RegistryPackage rather than the older version
A RegistryPackage MUST NOT contain more than version of the same logical object as its member.
A server MUST return an InvalidRequestException fault message if a client attempts to publish more than one version of the same logical object as member of the same RegistryPackage instance
Each RegistryObject node in the version tree of a logical object except for the root version MUST be linked to the RegistryObject node in the version tree that was its immediate predecessor (previous version).
A server MUST automatically link each new version in the version tree for a RegistryObject to its predecessor using an Association between the two versions
The type attribute value of the Association MUST reference the canonical AssociationType “Supersedes”
The sourceObject attribute value of the Association MUST reference the new version
The targetObject attribute value of the Association MUST reference the old version
Note that this section is functionally equivalent to the predecessor-set successor-set elements of the Version Properties as defined by [DeltaV].
Specific versions of a logical object MAY be deleted using the RemoveObjects protocol by specifying the version by its unique id.
A server MAY allow authorized clients to remove specified versions of a RegistryObject
A server MAY prune older versions of RegistryObjects based upon server specific administrative policies in order to manage storage resources
When a non-leaf version within a version tree is deleted, a server MUST implicitly delete the entire version sub-tree under that non-leaf version such that no versions created directly or indirectly from the specified remain in the registry
This specification does not define explicit checkin and checkout capabilities as defined by [DeltaV]. A server MAY support such features in an implementation specific manner.
This specification does not prescribe a locking model. An implementation may choose to support a locking model in an implementation specific manner. A future specification may address these capabilities.
The server manages creation of new version of a version-controlled resource automatically. A server that supports versioning MUST implicitly create a new version for the resource if an existing version of the resource is updated via a SubmitObjectsRequest or UpdateObjectsRequest when the mode attribute value is CreateOrVersion. A server MUST update the existing version of a resource without creating a new version when the mode attribute is set to CreateOrReplace.
The Validator interface allows the validation of objects published to the server. The interface may be used by clients to validate objects already published to the server or may be used by the server to validate objects during the processing of the submitObjects or updateObjects protocol
A server MUST implement the Validator interface as an endpoint. The Validator interface validates objects using Validator Plugins specific to the type of object being validated.
The ValidateObjects protocol is initiated by sending an ValidateObjectsRequest message to the Validator endpoint.
Illustration 6: ValidateObjects Protocol
The ValidateObjectsRequest message initiates the validateObjects protocol and specifies the objects that need to be validated.
<element name="ValidateObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<element name="Query" type="rim:QueryType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element ref="rim:ObjectRefList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element name="OriginalObjects" type="rim:RegistryObjectListType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="InvocationControlFile"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
The following example shows a client request to validate a specified WSDL file. It assumes that the server will be configured with a Validator plugin for WSDL files. It also assumes that the server will specify OriginalObjects and InvocationControlFile elements when it relays the request to the appropriate Validator plugin.
<spi:ValidateObjectsRequest ...>
<rim:ObjectRef id="urn:acme:wsdl:purchaseOrder.wsdl"/>
Element InvocationControlFile – Specifies an ExtrinsicObject that is used to control the validation process in a type specific manner. See Canonical XML Validator plugin for an example. This element MAY be specified by server when sending the request to the Validator plugin if the Validator plugin requires an invocation control file. It SHOULD NOT be specified by the client.
Element ObjectRefList - Specifies a collection of references to existing RegistryObject instances in the server. A server MUST validate all objects that are referenced by this element. This element is typically used when a client initiates the validateObjects protocol.
Element OriginalObjects - Specifies a collection of RegistryObject instances. A server MUST validate all objects that are contained in this element. This element is typically used when a server initiates the validateObjects protocol during the processing of a submitObjects or updateObjects protocol request or when it is delegating a client initiated validateObjects protocol request to a Validator plugin.
Element Query - Specifies a query to be invoked. A server MUST validate all objects that match the specified query. This element is typically used when a client initiates the validateObjects protocol.
This request returns ValidateObjectsResponse as response.
In addition to the common exceptions, the following exceptions MAY be returned:
ValidationException: signifies that an exception was encountered during the validateObjects operation
Currently ValidateObjectsResponse is a simple extension to RegistryResponseType and does not define additional attributes or elements.
Validator plugins allow a server to use specialized extension modules to validate specific types of objects during the processing of a SubmitObjectsRequest, UpdateObjectsRequest or a ValidateObjectsRequest.
A specific instance of a Validator plugin is designed and configured to validate a specific type of object. For example, the canonical XML Validator plugin is designed and configured to validate XML Objects using Schematron documents as InvocationControlFile.
A Validator plugin implements the Validator interface. The server's Validator endpoint SHOULD delegate a validateObjects operation to any number of Validator plugins using the following algorithm:
The server selects the RegistryObjects that are the target of the validateObjects operations using the <spi:Query> and <rim:ObjectRefList> elements. Any objects specified by the OriginalObjects element MUST be ignored by the server.
The server partitions the set of target objects into multiple sets based upon the objectType attribute value for the target objects
The server determines whether there is a Validator plugin configured for each objectType for which there is a set of target objects
For each set of target objects that share a common objectType and for which there is a configured Validator plugin, the server MUST invoke the Validator plugin. The Validator plugin invocation MUST specify the target objects for that set using the OriginalObjects element. The server MUST NOT specify <spi:Query> and <rim:ObjectRefList> elements when invoking validateObjects operation on a Validator plugin
Each Validator plugin MUST process the ValidateObjectsRquest and return a ValidateObjectsResponse or fault message to the server's Validator endpoint.
The server's Validator endpoint MUST then combine the results of the individual ValidateObjectsRequest to Validator plugins into a single unified ValidateObjectsResponse and return it to the client.
The canonical XML Validator plugin is a validator plugin that validates XML content using a Schematron file as InvocationControlFile. The Schematron file specifies validation rules using [Schematron] language to validate XML content. The server may configure the canonical XML Validator plugin such that it is invoked with an appropriate schematron file as InvocationControlFile based upon the objectType of the object being validated.
The Cataloger interface allows a client to catalog or index objects already in the server. The interface may be used by clients to catalog objects already published to the server or may be used by the server to catalog objects during the processing of the submitObjects or updateObjects protocol .
A server MUST implement the Cataloger interface as an endpoint. The Cataloger interface catalogs objects using Cataloger Plugins specific to the type of object being cataloged.
A client catalogs RegistryObjects residing in the server using the CatalogObjects protocol supported by the catalogObjects operation of the Cataloger interface.
The CatalogObjects protocol is initiated by sending an CatalogObjectsRequest message to the Cataloger endpoint.
7: CatalogObjects Protocol
The Cataloger endpoint sends a CatalogObjectsResponse back to the client as response.
The CatalogObjectsRequest message initiates the catalogObjects protocol and specifies the objects that need to be cataloged.
<element name="CatalogObjectsRequest">
<extension base="rs:RegistryRequestType">
<element name="Query" type="rim:QueryType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element ref="rim:ObjectRefList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element name="OriginalObjects" type="rim:RegistryObjectListType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="InvocationControlFile"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
The following example shows a client request to catalog a specified WSDL file. It assumes that the server will be configured with a Cataloger plugin for WSDL files. It also assumes that the server will specify OriginalObjects and InvocationControlFile elements when it relays the request to the appropriate Cataloger plugin.
<spi:CatalogObjectsRequest ...>
<rim:ObjectRef id="urn:acme:wsdl:purchaseOrder.wsdl"/>
Element InvocationControlFile – Specifies an ExtrinsicObject that is used to control the cataloging process in a type specific manner. See Canonical XML Catalogor plugin for an example. This element MAY be specified by server when sending the request to the Cataloger plugin if the Cataloger plugin requires an an invocation control file. It SHOULD NOT be specified by the client.
Element ObjectRefList - Specifies a collection of references to existing RegistryObject instances in the server. A server MUST catalog all objects that are referenced by this element. This element is typically used when a client initiates the catalogObjects protocol.
Element OriginalObjects - Specifies a collection of RegistryObject instances. A server MUST catalog all objects that are contained in this element. This element is typically used when a server initiates the catalogObjects protocol during the processing of a submitObjects or updateObjects protocol request or when it is delegating a client initiated catalogObjects protocol request to a Cataloger plugin.
Element Query - Specifies a query to be invoked. A server MUST catalog all objects that match the specified query. This element is typically used when a client initiates the catalogObjects protocol.
This request returns CatalogObjectsResponse as response.
In addition to common exceptions, the following exceptions MAY be returned:
CatalogingException: signifies that an exception was encountered during the catalogObjects operation
The CatalogObjectsResponse message is sent by the Cataloger endpoint in response to an CatalogObjectsRequest.
<element name="CatalogObjectsResponse">
<extension base="rs:RegistryResponseType">
The following example shows a CatalogObjectsResponse sent by a server to the client in response to a CatalogedObjectRequest. It shows that the Cataloger augmented the Original object with a new Slot that catalogs the target namespace used by the WSDL file.
<CatalogObjectsResponse status="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success">
<rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType"
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:RepositoryItem>...binary encoded content...</rim:RepositoryItem>
In addition to elements and attributes defined by RegistryResponseType the following are defined:
Element RegistryObjectList (Inherited) – Contains the RegistryObjects that are produced as output of the catalogObjects operation. Typically this list contains the objects that were input to the catalogObjects operation, as well as new objects that were the output of the catalogObjects operation. The input objects MAY be modified by the cataloger as a result of the catalogObjects operation.
A cataloger MUST create AssociationType instance between the source object for the catalogObjects operation (specified by OriginalObjects element in CatalogRequest) and each of the cataloged RegistryObjectType instances generated by the cataloger. Each such AssociationType instance
MUST have its type attribute reference the canonical AssociationType “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:HasCatalogedMetadata”
MUST have its sourceObject attribute reference the source object for the catalogObjects operation
MUST have its targetObject attribute reference a cataloged RegistryObjectType instance generated by the cataloger
A cataloger SHOULD assign the same accessControlPolicy to cataloged objects as their source object. A cataloger MAY use a different strategy for assigning access control policy to cataloged objects.
A server MUST delete all cataloged metadata generated by a cataloger when the source object is deleted.
A server MUST update all cataloged metadata generated by a cataloger when the source object is updated without creating a new version.
Cataloger plugins allow a server to use specialized extension modules to catalog specific types of objects during the processing of a SubmitObjectsRequest, UpdateObjectsRequest or a CatalogObjectsRequest.
A specific instance of a Cataloger plugin is designed and configured to catalog a specific type of object. For example, the canonical XML Cataloger plugin is designed and configured to catalog XML Objects using XSLT documents as InvocationControlFile.
A Cataloger plugin implements the Cataloger interface. The server's Cataloger endpoint SHOULD delegate a catalogObjects operation to any number of Cataloger plugins using the following algorithm:
The server selects the RegistryObjects that are the target of the catalogObjects operations using the <spi:Query> and <rim:ObjectRefList> elements. Any objects specified by the OriginalObjects element MUST be ignored by the server.
The server partitions the set of target objects into multiple sets based upon the objectType attribute value for the target objects
The server determines whether there is a Cataloger plugin configured for each objectType for which there is a set of target objects
For each set of target objects that share a common objectType and for which there is a configured Cataloger plugin, the server MUST invoke the Cataloger plugin. The Cataloger plugin invocation MUST specify the target objects for that set using the OriginalObjects element. The server MUST NOT specify <spi:Query> and <rim:ObjectRefList> elements when invoking catalogObjects operation on a Cataloger plugin
Each Cataloger plugin MUST process the CatalogObjectsRquest and return a CatalogObjectsResponse or fault message to the server's Cataloger endpoint.
The server's Cataloger endpoint MUST then combine the results of the individual CatalogObjectsRequest to Cataloger plugins and commit these objects as part of the transaction associated with the request. It MUST then combine the individual CatalogObjectsResponse messages into a single unified CatalogObjectsResponse and return it to the client.
The canonical XML Cataloger plugin is a Cataloger plugin that catalogs XML content using an XSLT file as InvocationControlFile. The XSLT file specifies transformations rules using [XSLT] language to catalog XML content. The server may configure the canonical XML Cataloger plugin such that it is invoked with an appropriate XSLT file as InvocationControlFile based upon the objectType of the object being cataloged.
An XSLT file used as InvocationControlFile with the Canonical XML Cataloger MUST meet the following constraints:
Support an ExtrinsicObject as primary input
Support an XML RepositoryItem for the ExtrinsicObject object as a secondary input
The secondary input is specified using an <xsl:param> with name “repositoryItem” and with value that is the id of the ExtrinsicObject for which it is a RepositoryItem
A server MUST implement the Canonical XML Cataloger with the following constraints:
Uses an XSLT processor with the XSLT file specified as InvocationControlFile
Specifies the ExtrinsicObject being cataloged as the primary input to the XSLT processor
Specifies the RepositoryItem for the ExtrinsicObject object being cataloged by setting the parameter named “repositoryItem” with a value that is the id of the ExtrinsicObject for which it is a RepositoryItem
Resolves references to the RepositoryItem via the $repositoryItem parameter value within the XSLT file specified as InvocationControlFile
A client MAY subscribe to events that transpire in the server by creating a Subscription. A server supporting Subscription and Notification feature MUST deliver a Notification to the subscriber when an event transpires that matches the event selection criteria specified by the client.
Activities within the server result in events. [regrep-rim-v4.0] defines the AuditableEvent element, instances of which represent server events. A server creates AuditableEvent instances during the processing of client requests.
A server MAY periodically prune AuditableEvents in order to manage its resources. It is up to the server when such pruning occurs. A server SHOULD perform such pruning by removing the older AuditableEvents first.
A Notification message is used by the server to notify clients of events they have subscribed to. A Notification contains the RegistryObjects, or references to the RegistryObjects, that are affected by the event for which the Notification is being sent, based upon the notificationOption within the DeliveryInfo for the subscription.
Details for the Notification element are defined in [regrep-rim-v4.0].
A client MAY create a subscription within a server if it wishes the server to send it a Notification when a specific type of event transpires. A client creates a subscription by submitting a rim:SubscriptionType instance to the server using the standard SubmitObjects protocol.
Details for the rim:SubscriptionType are defined in [regrep-rim-v4.0].
A deployment MAY use custom Access Control Policies to decide which users are authorized to create a subscription and to what events. A server MUST return an AuthorizationException in the event that an unauthorized user submits a Subscription to a server.
A server MAY use server specific policies to decide an upper limit on the number of Subscriptions a user is allowed to create. A server SHOULD return a QuotaExceededException in the event that an authorized user submits more Subscriptions than allowed by their server-specific quota.
Each subscription MAY define a startTime and endTime attribute which determines the period within which a Subscription is valid. If startTime is unspecified then a server MUST set it to the time of submission of the subscription. If endTime is unspecified then the server MUST choose a default value based on its policies.
Outside the bounds of the valid period, a Subscription MAY exist in an expired state within the server. A server MAY remove an expired Subscription at any time.
A server MUST NOT deliver notifications for an event to an expired Subscriptions. An expired Subscription MAY be renewed by updating the startTime and / or endTime for the Subscription using the UpdateObjects protocol.
A client MUST specify a Selector element within the Subscription to specify its criteria for selecting events of interest. The Selector element is of type rim:QueryType and specifies an parameterized query to be invoked with specified query parameters.
A server MUST process AuditableEvents and determine which Subscriptions match the event using the algorithm illustrated by the following pseudo-code fragment:
//Get objects that match selector query
List<RegistryObjectType> objectsOfInterest =
(objectsOfInterest.size() > 0) {
get AuditableEvents that affected objectsOfInterest
//MUST not include AuditableEvents that have already been delivered
this subscriber
eventsOfInterest =
if (eventsOfInterest.size() > 0) {
//Now create
Notification on objectsOfInterest.
will include eventsOfInterest that only include objects
are affected by the event and are also in objectsOfInterest
NotificationType notification = createNotification(
//Now send
notification using info in DeliveryInfo
Objects of interest MUST be those objects that match the selector query for the subscription
Events of interest MUST have affected at least one object of interest
Events of interest MUST contain all objects of interest (or references to them) that were affected by the event
Events of interest MUST NOT contain an object or reference to an object that is not an object of interest
A client MAY specify zero or more DeliveryInfo elements within the Subscription to specify how the server should deliver events matching the subscription to the client. The DeliveryInfo element MUST include a NotifyTo element which specifies an EndPoint Reference (EPR) as defined by [WSA-CORE]. The NotifyTo element contains a <wsa:Address> element which contains a URI to the endpoint.
Details for the DeliveryInfo element are defined in [regrep-rim-v4.0].
A client MAY specify a notificationOption attribute in DeliveryInfo element of a Subscription. The notificationOption attribute specifies how the client wishes to be notified of events. This attribute controls whether the Event within a Notification contains complete RegistryObjectType instances or only ObjectRefType instances. It is defined in detail in ebRIM.
If the <wsa:Address> element has a rim:endpointType attribute value of “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:endPointType:soap”, then the server MUST use the specified address as the web service endpoint URL to deliver the Notification to. The target web service in this case MUST implement the NotificationListener interface.
If the <wsa:Address> element has a rim:endpointType attribute value of “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:endPointType:rest”, then the server MUST use the specified address as the email address to deliver the Notification via email. This specification does not define how a server is configured to send Notifications via email.
If the <wsa:Address> element has a rim:endpointType attribute value of “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:endPointType:plugin”, then the server MUST use the specified address as a Notification plugin identifier and deliver the Notification via local call to the plugin. This specification does not define how a server is configured for Notification plugins.
A client MAY specify an XSLT style sheet within a DeliveryInfo element to process a Notification prior to it being delivered to an email address. The XSLT style sheet MAY be specified using a Slot in DeliveryInfo element where the Slot's name is “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:DeliveryInfo:emailNotificationFormatter” and the Slots value is the id of an ExtrinsicObject whose repository item is the XSLT. The ExtrinsicObject and repository item MUST be submitted prior to or at the same time as the Subscription.
The NotificationListener interface allows a client to receive Notifications from the server for their Subscriptions. A client MUST implement the NotificationListener interface as an endpoint if they wish to receive Notifications via SOAP or REST. A server MUST implement a NotificationListener interface as an endpoint if it supports the object replication feature as this endpoint will be used by remote servers to deliver Notification of changes to replicated objects.
A server sends a Notification to an endpoint using the Notification protocol supported by the onNotification operation of the NotificationListener interface.
A server initiates the Notification protocol by sending a Notification message to the NotificationListener endpoint registered within the Subscription for which the Notification is being delivered.
8: Notification Protocol
The Notification message is sent by the server to a NotificationListener interface implemented by the client and delivers an event notification for a subscription. It is a one-way request pattern and produces no response. The syntax and semantics of the Notification message is described in detail in ebRIM.
A client MAY “pull” Notifications for a Subscription by invoking the GetNotification canonical query. A client MAY specify a startTime since which it wishes to include events within the pulled Notification. If client does not specify a startTime then all events since the last “push” delivery to that client's NotifyTo endpoint MUST be included in the Notification. If Subscription does not define any “push” delivery for that client's NotifyTo endpoint then a client MUST use startTime parameter to avoid getting the same events within the Notification returned by the GetNotification query.
Pulling a Notification leaves the Notification intact on the server for any potential pushing of the Notification to endpoints defined in DeliveryInfo elements of the Subscription.
A client MAY terminate a Subscription with a server if it no longer wishes to be notified of events related to that Subscription. A client terminates a Subscription by deleting the corresponding Subscription object using the standard RemoveObjects protocol.
This chapter describes features of ebXML RegRep that involve more than one ebXML RegRep server instances. These features include:
Remote Object Reference – Allows references between objects residing in different servers
Object Replication – Allows replication of objects residing in a remote server to a local server
Federated Queries – Allows queries that execute against, and return results from multiple servers
A RegistryObject in one ebXML RegRep server MAY contain a reference to a RegistryObject in any other ebXML RegRep server that is compatible with ebXML RegRep specifications of a compatible version number as source server. Remote object reference feature does not require the local and remote servers to be part of the same federation. Remote object references are described in detail in [regrep-rim-v4.0].
Illustration 9: Remote Object Reference
RegistryObjects within a server MAY be replicated in another server. A replicated copy of a remote object is referred to as its replica. The remote object MAY be an original object or it MAY be a replica. A replica from an original is referred to as a first-generation replica. A replica of a replica is referred to as a second-generation replica (and so on).
A server that replicates a remote object locally is referred to as the local server for the replication. The server that contains the remote object being replicated is referred to as the remote server for the replication.
Illustration 10: Local Replication of Remote Objects
The following rules govern replication of remote objects:
A server MUST match local replicas of remote objects in the same manner as local objects within the Query protocol.
A client MUST NOT perform update operations via SubmitObjects and UpdateObjects operations on a local replica of a remote object.
A server MUST return an InvalidRequestException fault message if a client attempts to update a replica via SubmitObjects and UpdateObjects operations.
A server MUST delete a replica if a client uses RemoveObjects operation to remove the replica.
Objects MAY be replicated from any server to any other server without any requirement that the registries belong to the same federation.
Replication feature relies upon the Subscription and Notification feature to keep replicas synchronized with changes to the remote object. A local replica of a remote objects is created as follows:
A client submits a Subscription to the remote server on behalf of the local server.
The subscription is published like any other RegistryObjectType instance using the Submit Objects protocol with the LifecycleManager endpoint of the remote server.
This typically requires that the client is registered with the remote server and can authenticate with it.
The Subscription defines a Selector query that matches one or more objects that need to be replicated from remote server to local server.
Selector query may match any number of objects using any selection criteria supported by the query.
The Subscription specifies the address of a NotificationListener endpoint implemented by the local server where the remote server may send Notifications regarding the objects that need to be replicated.
The local server uses the selector query for the subscription to PULL the initial copy of the remote object(s)
A server MUST NOT create a local replica for an object if a local object exists with the same id. In such case the server MUST return an ObjectExistsException fault message.
Whenever the remote server send Notifications to the local server for the same Subscription, the local server synchronizes the local replica with the remote object.
A server MUST delete a local replica when its source object is deleted at the remote server.
A server MUST NOT delete a local object that is not a replica of a remote object if a notification arrives regarding the deletion of a remote object with the same id as the local object. In such case the server MUST return an InvalidRequestException fault message.
A server MUST use standard QueryManager interface to read the state of a remote object. No prior registration or contract is needed for a server to read the state of a remote object if that object is readable by anyone, as is the case with the default access control policy.
Once the state of the remote object has been read, a server MAY use server specific means to create a local replica of the remote object.
A server MUST set a Slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryObject:home” on a local replica. The value of the Slot MUST be a StringValueType that specifies the base URL of the home server for the remote object that is the source of the local replica. A server MUST NOT set a Slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryObject:home” on a local object within its home server. The presence of this slot distinguished a local replica of a remote object from a local object.
An authorized client can remove a local replica in the same manner as removal of local objects using the standard RemoveObjects protocol.
An authorized client can remove the Subscription at the remote server that was created on behalf of the local server using the standard RemoveObjects protocol with the remote server.
A server federation is a set of ebXML RegRep servers that have voluntarily agreed to form a loosely coupled union. Such a federation may be based on common business interests or membership in a community-of-interest. Registry federations enabled clients to query the content of their member servers using federated queries as if they are a single logical server.
Illustration 11: Registry Federations
A deployment MAY configure a set of related ebXML RegRep servers as a Federation using the Registry and Federation classes defined in detail by [regrep-rim-v4.0]. Instances of these classes and the associations between these instances describe a federation and its members.
The Federation information model is described in [regrep-rim-v4.0].
The following rules govern how a federation is created:
A Federation is created by submitting a Federation instance to a server using the SubmitObjects protocol
The server where the Federation is created is referred to as the federation home
A federation home MAY contain multiple Federation instances
The following rules govern how a server joins a federation:
Each server SHOULD have exactly one local RegistryType instance. Each server MAY have multiple remote RegistryType instances
A server MAY join an existing federation by submitting an instance of an Association that associates the Federation instance as sourceObject, to the Registry instance representing the server as targetObject, using a type of HasFederationMember. The home server for the Association and the Federation objects MUST be the same
A Federation (child federation) MAY join an existing federation (parent federation) by submitting an instance of an Association that associates the Federation instance representing the parent federation as sourceObject, to the Federation instance representing the child federation as targetObject, using a type of HasFederationMember. The home server for the Association and the parent Federation objects MUST be the same
The following rules govern how a server leaves a federation:
A server or a federation MAY leave a federation at any time by removing the HasFederationMember Association instance for its RegistryType or FederationType instance that links it with the parent FederationType instance. This is done using the standard RemoveObjects protocol.
The following rules govern how a federation is dissolved:
A federation is dissolved using the standard RemoveObjects protocol against the Federation's home server and removing its FederationType instance
The removal of a FederationType instance is governed by Access Control Policies like any other RegistryObject
A client MAY query a federation as a single unified logical server. A QueryRequest sent by a client to a federation member MAY be local or federated depending upon the value of the federated attribute of the QueryRequest.
When the federated attribute of QueryRequest has the value of false (default) then the query is a local query.
A local QueryRequest is only processed by the server that receives the request.
When the federated attribute of QueryRequest has the value of true then the query is a federated query.
A server MUST route a federated query received by it to all servers that are represented by RegistryType instances in the membership tree of the federation(s) that is the target of the federated query on a best attempt basis.
If an exception is encountered while dispatching a query to a federation member the server MUST return a QueryResponse as follows:
The status of the QueryResponse MUST reference the canonical “PartialSuccess” ClassificationNode within the canonical ResponseStatusType ClassificationScheme
The QueryResponse MUST have a set of Exception sub-elements of type rs:RegistryExceptionType, one for each exception encountered while dispatching a query to a remote server
When a server routes a federated query to a federation member server then it MUST set the federated attribute value of the QueryRequest to false and the federation attribute value to null to avoid infinite loops.
A federated query operates on data that is distributed across all the members of the target federation.
When a client submits a federated query to a server and no federations exist in the server, then the server MUST treat it as a local query.
The following rules apply to the treatment of iterative queries when the query is federated:
A server MUST return a result set whose size is less than or equal to the maxResults parameter depending upon whether enough results are available within the scope of servers in the federation, starting at startIndex.
A server MUST return the same result in a deterministic manner for the same federated QueryRequest if no changes have been made in between the request to the federation member servers and their collective state.
A server MAY choose any implementation specific algorithm to select results from its federation members for each iteration of an iterative query as long as the algorithm is deterministic and repeatably produces the same results for the same set of federation members and their collective state. For example a server MAY use a sequential algorithm that gets as many results from each of its server sequentially until it satisfies the maxResults parameter or until there are no more results. Alternatively, a server MAY use a parallel algorithm that balances the amount of data retrieved from each of its federation members.
A federation member is required to locally cache the federation configuration metadata in the Federation home server for each federation that it is a member of. A server SHOULD use the replication feature for locally caching the Federation configuration.
The federation member MUST keep the cached federation configuration synchronized with the original object in the Federation home.
Federation members are not required to synchronize their system clocks with each other. However, each Federation member SHOULD keep its clock synchronized with an atomic clock server within the latency described by the replicationSyncLatency attribute of the Federation.
This chapter specifies how a server supports governance of RegistryObjects.
Governance is defined as the enforcement of business processes and policies defined by a Community of Practice, that guide, direct, and control how its members collaborate to achieve its business goals.
Within this specification, governance is defined as the enforcement of collaborative business processes and policies defined by a Community of Practice to manage the end-to-end life cycle of RegistryObjects within the server. Such collaborative business processes will be referred to as “governance collaborations”.
The remainder of this chapter specifies:
Scope of governance collaborations
How governance collaborations are represented,
How representations of governance collaborations are assigned to RegistryObjects, and
How a server uses the representation of governance collaborations assigned to a RegistryObjects to govern them
This specification makes use of BPMN 2.02 [BPMN2] to represent business collaborations that govern RegistryObjects as follows:
Uses BPMN 2.0 diagram notation to pictorially represent business collaborations
Uses BPMN 2.0 XML format to declaratively represent business collaborations in a machine processable syntax
A governance collaboration consists of one or more participants where each participant's activities within the collaboration is described by a separate BPMN process and the interaction between the participants' processes is described by a single BPMN collaboration.
Detailed specification of how to describe governance collaborations in BPMN 2.0 XML format and how a server executes them in a BPMN process engine are provided later in this chapter.
Illustration 12: Default Governance Collaboration
The collective content of the Governance Collaboration BPMN files, whether organized as a set of related modular files or a single monolithic file, MUST meet the following requirements:
There MUST be exactly one collaboration element
The collaboration element MUST have at least one participant element
At least once participant element MUST have id value of “registryPartcipant” and represents the RegRep server as a participant within the governance collaboration
There MUST be a processRef element for the “registryPartcipant”
There MUST be a process element for each processRef attribute in each participant element
The process element for other participants than the “registryPartcipant” participant MAY conform to “Descriptive Conformance Sub-Class ”3 or “Analytic Conformance Sub-Class ”4 in [BPMN2] and need not be executed within a BPMN process engine
The process element for the “registryPartcipant” participant's process MUST conform to “Common Executable Conformance Sub-Class”5 in [BPMN2] and MUST be executed by the server in a BPMN process engine
The process elements SHOULD use tasks that conform to canonical task patterns defined later in this specification whenever possible
A governance collaboration may govern a single RegistryObject or it may govern a set of related RegistryObjects packaged together within a RegistryPackage as a single unit of governance. In either case, the target object of the governance collaboration is referred to as the governed object.
A client MUST publish a set of related RegistryObjects that are to be governed by the server as a single unit as follows:
The objects MUST be immediate members of the same RegistryPackage
The RegistryPackage MUST have a canonical slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryPackage:packageType”
The value of the packageType slot MUST be a unique identifier for the type of package of which the group of related objects are an instance
A server MUST treat RegistryPackages with a canonical slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryPackage:packageType” as the governed object.
A governance collaboration as represented by a BPMN2 XML file is not directly assigned to a RegistryObject. Instead it is assigned to a RegistryPackage and is implicitly applicable to RegistryObjects that are members of the RegistryPackage.
Governance collaboration MAY be assigned to a specific RegistryPackage using a “GovernedBy” Association as follows:
The type attribute value of Association MUST reference the canonical “GovernedBy” ClassificationNode within the canonical AssociationType ClassificationScheme whose id is “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:GovernedBy”
The targetObject attribute value of Association MUST reference an ExtrinsicObject with objectType “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ObjectType:RegistryObject:ExtrinsicObject:XML:BPMN2”
The repository item for the ExtrinsicObject MUST be an XML document conforming to the BPMN2 model XML Schema. If the modular approach to BPMN description is used then this file MUST be the collaboration BPMN file. The file MUST import or contain the BPMN process for the “Registry” participant
The sourceObject attribute value of Association MUST reference the RegistryPackage instance to which the governance collaboration is being assigned
The RegistryPackage MUST NOT have a canonical slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryPackage:packageType”
For any given RegistryObject, a server MUST use the following algorithm to determine the applicable governance collaboration (if any):
Check if objects is an immediate member of a RegistryPackage that has a canonical slot with name “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:RegistryPackage:packageType”.
If it is so, then the object is not governed directly and instead its parent RegistryObjects is the governed object
Otherwise, proceed to next step
Check if there is a governance collaboration assigned to a RegistryPackage ancestor using the canonical “HasGovernance” Association as follows:
Do a breadth-first traversal of the tree consisting of all RegistryPackage ancestors of the object and for each RegistryPackage see if it has a governance collaboration assigned to it
Stop when you find the first such governance collaboration
If a governance collaboration is found then use it as applicable governance collaboration
If no RegistryPackage-specific governance collaboration is found then the object is not governed by any governance collaboration
For any given governance collaboration, a server MUST use the following algorithm to determine the special Registry process:
Find the participant element within the collaboration whose id is the canonical “registryParticipant”
Find the processRef attribute of the “registryParticipant” and use the referenced process as the Registry process
The BPMN process for the “registryParticipant” within a governance collaboration is the only process in the collaboration that is required to be executed by the server within a BPMN process engine. This section specifies when and how a server starts this process.
A server MAY start the Registry process for a governance collaboration in response to the publishing of a WorkflowAction object. This is specified in detail in Server Processing of WorkflowAction.
Within a governance collaboration, a server MUST support incoming messageFlows to the Registry process from other processes in the collaboration that meet the following requirements:
The sourceRef attribute of the messageFlow references a task that conforms to the SendWorkflowAction task template described later in this chapter
The targetRef attribute of the messageFlow references a task that conforms to the ReceiveWorkflowAction task template described later in this chapter
The messageRef attribute of the messageFlow is defined and references a message whose itemDefinition has attribute structureRef="rim:WorkflowActionType"
A server MAY support other types of incoming messages.
A Registry process communicates with non-Registry processes by sending them notification messages. These messages may be an email message to an email endpoint for a person or a rim:NotificationType message to a service endpoint. Details are provided in the specification for the SendNotification task pattern.
A server MAY support other types of outgoing messages.
This section specifies a set of canonical task patterns that may be used within participant processes in a governance collaboration. Some of these task patterns can only be used within the Registry process while some may only be used in the non-Registry processes of a governance collaboration.
The following table provides a brief summary each of the canonical tasks defined by this specification. Subsequent sections specify these tasks in more detail.
Task Pattern |
Task Type |
Used |
Description |
SendWorkflow |
sendTask |
Non-Registry Process |
Sends a WorkflowAction message to the Registry process |
ReceiveWorkflow |
receiveTask |
Registry Process |
Waits until a WorkflowAction message is received from a non-Registry process |
SendNotification |
scriptTask |
Registry Process |
Sends a Notification message to a non-Registry process |
ReceiveNotification |
receiveTask |
Non-Registry Process |
Receives a Notification message from the Registry process |
SetStatus |
scriptTask |
Registry Process |
Sets the status of the specified RegistryObject |
Validate |
serviceTask |
Any Process |
Validates a RegistryObject |
Catalog |
serviceTask |
Any Process |
Catalogs a RegistryObject |
This canonical task pattern is used by a sendTask to represent the performing of a process-specific action upon the governed object. This task pattern is the primary means for a non-Registry process to send a message to the Registry process to trigger the Registry process forward.
Task Inputs: The task has the following inputs as defined by dataInput elements in its ioSpecification:
A dataInput that has an itemSubjectRef attribute that references an itemDefinition element whose structureRef attribute value is “rim:WorkflowActionType”
Task Outputs:The task has no outputs.
Task Actors: This task SHOULD be performed by a role other than Registry role to indicate that some external action (e.g. “approval”) has been performed on the targetObject specified by the WorkflowAction.
Description: To perform this task the actor submits a WorkflowAction to the server using the standard SubmitObjects protocol. The name of the task SHOULD reflect the action being performed by the task (e.g. name='SendWorkflowAction(RequestForReview)'. The WorkflowAction MUST specify:
An action attribute identifying the action performed
A targetObject attribute identifying the object that is the target of the action. Typically, this is the governed object
Upon publishing of a WorkflowAction a server MUST process it as shown in the following pseudo-code and explained further below:
WorkflowActionType workflowAction = ...;
Collaboration collaboration =
if (collaboration != null) {
Process registryProcess = collaboration.getRegistryProcess();
if (registryProcess != null) {
if (!registryProcess.isActive()) {
Determine and get the applicable Governance Collaboration (as defined in 10.3 Determining Applicable Governance Collaboration)
Determine and get the applicable Registry process for the collaboration (as defined in 10.4 Determining the Registry Process in a Governance Collaboration)
If the Registry process has not yet been started then start it within the BPMN process engine
Deliver the WorkflowAction message to the Registry process where presumably a receiveTask based on the ReceiveWorkflowAction task pattern is waiting for it
This canonical task pattern is used by a receiveTask that waits for a process-specific action to be performed upon the governed object. This task pattern is the primary means for the Registry process to receive a message from a non-Registry process to trigger the Registry process forward.
Task Inputs: The task has the following inputs as defined by dataInput elements in its ioSpecification:
A dataInput that has an itemSubjectRef attribute that references an itemDefinition element whose structureRef attribute value is “rim:WorkflowActionType”
Task Outputs:The task has no outputs.
Task Actors: This task MUST be performed by the Registry role to wait until some external action (e.g. “approval”) has been performed on the targetObject specified by the WorkflowAction.
Description: This task waits until the server delivers a WorkflowAction message to the Registry process. The name of the task SHOULD reflect the action being performed (e.g. name='ReceiveWorkflowAction(RequestForReview)'. The task is typically followed by sequenceFlow elements that have a conditionExpression that predicate on the value of the action attribute of the WorkflowAction.
This canonical task pattern is used by a scriptTask to send a Notification message regarding the governed object to the roles and email addresses specified for the task. This task pattern is the primary means for the Registry process to send a message to a non-Registry process to trigger the non-Registry process forward.
Task Inputs: None
Task Outputs: None
Task Actors: This task MUST be performed by the Registry role to keep governance roles for the governed object informed of important changes (e.g. status attribute changes) during the course of the life cycle of the governed object.
Description: To perform this task the actor uses the sendNotification canonical XPATH extension function defined later in this chapter. The name of the task SHOULD reflect the nature of the notification being sent by the task (e.g. name='SendNotification(Accept)'.
This canonical task pattern is used by a receiveTask that waits for a Notification message to be delivered. This task pattern is the primary means for a non-Registry process to receive a message from the Registry process to trigger the non-Registry process forward.
Task Inputs: The task has the following inputs as defined by dataInput elements in its ioSpecification:
A dataInput that has an itemSubjectRef attribute that references an itemDefinition element whose structureRef attribute value is “rim:NotificationType”
Task Outputs:The task has no outputs.
Task Actors: This task MUST be performed by a non-Registry role
Description: This task waits until the server delivers a Notification message. The name of the task SHOULD reflect the nature of the notification being received by the task (e.g. name='ReceiveNotification(Accept)'.
This canonical task pattern is used by a scripTask that updates the status of the specified object to a specified status value.
Task Inputs: None
Task Outputs: None
Task Actors: This task MUST be performed by the Registry role to reflect changes in life cycle status during the course of the life cycle of the governed object.
Description: To perform this task the actor uses the setStatus canonical XPATH extension function defined later in this chapter. The name of the task SHOULD reflect the status being set by the task (e.g. name='SendStatus(Approved)'.
This canonical task represents the validation of the governed object.
Task Inputs: The task has no explicit inputs.
Task Outputs:The task has no outputs.
Task Actors: This task SHOULD be performed by the Registry role in response to the creation or updating of the governed object.
Description: To perform this task the actor validates the governed object using the standard ValidateObjects protocol. The name of the task SHOULD be 'Validate' or an equivalent native language translation.
This canonical task represents the cataloging of the governed object.
Task Inputs: The task has no explicit inputs.
Task Outputs: The task has no outputs.
Task Actors: This task SHOULD be performed by the Registry role in response to the creation or updating of the governed object.
Description: To perform this task the actor catalogs the governed object using the standard CatalogObjects protocol. The name of the task SHOULD be 'Catalog' or an equivalent native language translation.
The following table specifies XPATH extension functions that MUST be supported by the BPMN process engine used by the server. The function signatures are described using the same conventions as used in section 1.4 of [XPATHFUNC].
These functions MAY be used within XPATH expressions in a BPMN file wherever a tExpression type is supported by the BPMN schema.
The namespace URI for these functions MUST be "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:4.0"
The namespace prefix SHOULD be “rs”
XPATH Extension Function |
Description |
rs:generateId() as xs:string |
Returns a newly generated unique id for a RegistryObject. This SHOULD be a URN in the urn:uuid namespace |
rs:getRegistryObject(id as xs:string) as element() |
Returns the RegistryObject element for the RegistryObject that matches the specified id after retrieving it from the server. This is typically used to get the governed object. |
rs:setStatus(targetObject as xs:string, status as xs:string) as none |
Sets the status of the object matching targetObject with the specified status. Used by the SetStatus task pattern. This function returns no value. |
rs:sendNotification(toRoles as xs:string*, toEmails as xs:string*, subject as xs:string?, message as xs:string) as none |
Send a notification message using an optional subject to specified roles and email addresses. If toRoles is specified then the server MUST be able to resolve each role to a target person or service instances and determine a delivery endpoint for the target. The message SHOULD be specified as a CDATA if it contains any special characters used by XML. This function returns no value. Used by the SendNotification task pattern. |
In addition to the functions described in table above, all canonical query functions supported by the server MUST also be supported by the server as XPATH functions.
This section defines a canonical governance collaboration called the “Default Governance Collaboration”. The Default Governance Collaboration is defined by this specification to provide a standard governance process that can be supported by all implementations and may be assigned to specific RegistryPackages.
The Default Governance Collaboration is represented by a canonical ExtrinsicObjectType instance with id “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:collaboration:DefaultGovernanceCollaboration”.
A BPMN diagram for the Default Governance Collaboration has been provided in Illustration 12 earlier.
The Default Governance Collaboration is summarized as follows:
The submitter requests review and approval of the governed object using SendWorkflowAction canonical task pattern with action “RequestForReview”
The server receives the “RequestForReview” WorkflowAction and notifies the reviewer roles of the request for review using Notify canonical task pattern
A reviewer accepts the request for review using SendWorkflowAction canonical task with WorkflowAction “Accept”
The server notifies submitter roles that the governed object is under review using the using Notify canonical task
The reviewer approves or rejects the governed objects using SendWorkflowAction canonical task and actions “Approve” or “Reject”
The server notifies the submitter of the outcome of the review using the using Notify canonical task
This chapter describes the security features of ebXML RegRep. A glossary of security terms can be referenced from [RFC 2828]. This specification incorporates by reference the following specifications:
[WSS-CORE] WS-Security
Core Specification 1.1, February 2006.
[WSS-UNT] WS-Security
Username Token Profile 1.1, February 2006.
[WSS-X509] WS-Security
X.509 Token Profile 1.1, February 2006.
[WSS-SAML] WS-Security
SAML Token profile 1.1, February 2006.
[WSS-KRB] WS-Security
Kerberos Token Profile 1.1, February
A server MUST provide for message integrity to ensure that client requests and server responses are not tampered with during transmission (man-in-the-middle attack).
A server SHOULD support HTTP/S protocol for all ebXML RegRep protocols defined by this specification. HTTP/S protocol support SHOULD allow for both SSL and TLS as transport protocols.
A server MUST support soap message security for all ebXML RegRep protocols defined by this specification when those protocols are bound to SOAP.
SOAP message security MUST conform to [WSS-CORE].
The [WSS-CORE] has several profiles for supporting various types of security tokens in a standard manner. A server MUST support at least one of the following types of security token:
Username tokens as specified by [WSS-UNT]
X509 Certificate tokens as specified by [WSS-X509T]
SAML tokens as defined by [WSS-SAMLT]
Kerberos tokens as specified by [WSS-KRBT]
A server SHOULD support encryption of protocol messages as defined by section 9 of [WSS-CORE] as a mechanism to support confidentiality of all ebXML RegRep protocols defined by this specification when those protocols are bound to SOAP.
A server MUST provide a user registration mechanism to register and manage authorized users of the server. A server MUST also provide an identity management mechanism to register and manage the security tokens associated with registered users. This specification does not define how a server provides user registration and identity management mechanisms.
A server MUST support authentication of the client requests based on the security tokens provided by the client and supported by the server. This specification does not specify the mechanism used by a server to authenticate client requests. Server implementations MAY use any means to provide authentication capability.
A server MUST control access by client to resources it manages based upon:
The access control policy associated with each resource.
The action the client is performing
The identity associated with the client as well as any roles assigned to that identity
A server MUST provide an access control and authorization mechanism based upon chapter titled “Access Control Information Model” in [regrep-rim-v4.0]. This model defines a default access control policy that MUST be supported by the server. In addition it also defines a binding to [XACML] that allows fine-grained access control policies to be defined.
A server MUST keep a journal or audit trail of all operations that result in changing the state of its resources. This provides a basic form of non-repudiation where a client cannot repudiate that it performed actions that are logged in the Audit Trail.
A server MUST create an audit trail for each request that affected the state of server resources. A server MUST create this audit trail using AuditableEventType instances as define by the chapter title “Event Information Model” of [regrep-rim-v4.0].
Details of how a server maintains an Audit Trail of client requests is described in the chapter title “Event Information Model” of [regrep-rim-v4.0].
This chapter describes the Native Languages Support (NLS) features of ebXML RegRep.
The following terms are used in NLS.
NLS Term |
Description |
Coded Character Set (CCS) |
CCS is a mapping from a set of abstract characters to a set of integers. [RFC 2130]. Examples of CCS are ISO-10646, US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, and so on. |
Character Encoding Scheme (CES) |
CES is a mapping from a CCS (or several) to a set of octets. [RFC 2130]. Examples of CES are ISO-2022, UTF-8. |
Character Set (charset) |
For the accurate processing of data in both client and server, it is essential for the recipient of a protocol message to know the character set being used by it.
A client SHOULD specify charset parameter in MIME header when they specify text/xml as Content-Type.
The following is an example of specifying the character set in the MIME header.
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-2022-JP
If a server receives a protocol message with the charset parameter omitted then it MUST use the default charset value of "us-ascii" as defined in [RFC 3023].
Also, when an application/xml entity is used, the charset parameter is optional, and client and server MUST follow the requirements in Section 4.3.3 of [REC-XML] which directly address this contingency.
If another Content-Type is used, then usage of charset MUST follow [RFC 3023].
The information model XML Schema [regrep-xsd-v4.0] defines the rim:InternationalStringType for defining elements that contains a locale sensitive string value.
<complexType name="InternationalStringType">
<element name="LocalizedString" type="tns:LocalizedStringType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
An InternationalStringType may contain zero or more rim:LocalizedString elements within it where each LocalizedString contain a string value is a specified local language.
<complexType name="LocalizedStringType">
<attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional" default="en-US"/>
<attribute name="value" type="tns:FreeFormText" use="required"/>
Examples of such elements are the “Name” and “Description” elements of the RegistryObject class defined by [regrep-rim-v4.0].
An element InternationalString is capable of supporting multiple locales within its collection of LocalizedStrings.
The schema allows a single RegistryObject instance to include values for any NLS sensitive element in multiple locales.
The following example illustrates how a single RegistryObject can contain NLS sensitive <rim:Name> and “<rim:Description> elements with their value specified in multiple locales. Note that the <rim:Name> and <rim:Description> use the rim:InternationalStringType as their type.
<rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType"...>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="en-US" value="customACP1.xml"/>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="fi-FI" value="customACP1.xml"/>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="pt-BR" value="customACP1.xml"/>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="en-US" value="A sample custom ACP"/>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="fi-FI" value="Esimerkki custom ACP"/>
<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="pt-BR" value="Exemplo de ACP customizado"/>
Since locale information is specified at the sub-element level there is no language associated with a specific RegistryObject instance.
The language MAY be specified in xml:lang attribute (Section 2.12 [REC-XML]).
The character set used by a RegistryObjects is defined by the charset attribute within the Content-Type mime header for the XML document containing the RegistryObject as shown below:
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
Clients SHOULD specify UTF-8 or UTF-16 as the value of the charset attribute of LocalizedStrings for maximum interoperability. A server MUST preserve the charset of a repository item as it is originally specified when it is submitted to the server.
While a single instance of an ExtrinsicObject is capable of supporting multiple locales, it is always associated with a single repository item. The repository item MAY be in a single locale or MAY be in multiple locales. This specification does not specify any NLS requirements for repository items.
When a submitter submits a repository item, they MAY specify the character set used by the repository item using the MIME Content-Type mime header for the mime multipart containing the repository item as shown below:
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
A server MUST preserve the charset of a repository item as it is originally specified when it is submitted to the server.
This specification currently does not provide for a mechanism to specify the language of a RepositoryItem.
This document currently specifies only the method of sending the information of character set and language, and how it is stored in a server. However, the language information MAY be used as one of the query criteria, such as retrieving only DTD written in French. Furthermore, a language negotiation procedure, like client asking a preferred language for messages from server, could be functionality for a future revision of this document.
This chapter specifies a minimal REST binding for the QueryManager interface. This binding will be referred to as Core REST binding. Additional, more detailed REST bindings such as binding for ATOM, ATOM Pub, Open Search etc. will be defined by separate specifications. These additional specification will also provide a RESTFul interface to the LifecycleManager interface.
The canonical URL is an HTTP GET URL that MAY be used to reference or access RegistryObjectType instance in a RESTful manner. The canonical URL provides a simple universally supported means to access the object via HTTP GET. A server MUST provide access to its RegistryObjectType instances and repository items via canonical URLs as defined in sections below. Access to such resources MUST be controlled by the applicable access control policies associated with these resources as defined by ebRIM under the chapter titled Access Control Information Model.
The canonical URL for RegistryObjectType has the following pattern:
//The {id} parameter specifies the id of a RegistryObject
GET /rest/registryObjects/{id}
The following are examples of valid canonical URLs for RegistryObjectType instances. Note that for readability we do not encode special characters in the id attribute value.
RegistryObject with id: urn:acme:pictures:danyal.jpg
//Get RegistryObject id:
The canonical URL for repository items has the following pattern:
//The {id} parameter specifies the id of a RegistryObject for repository item
GET /rest/repositoryItems/{id}
The following are examples of valid canonical URLs for RegistryObjectType instances. Note that for readability we do not encode special characters in the id attribute value.
//Get repository item associated with
with id: urn:acme:pictures:danyal.jpg
//Get repository item associated with
with id: http://www.acme.com/pictures/danyal.jpg
A server MUST implement a REST Binding for the Query Protocol of the Query Manager interface as specified in this section. This binding allows a client to invoke any parameterized query supported by the server in a RESTful manner.
The URL pattern or template for the parameterized query invocation is as follows:
#Template URL for parameterized query invocation
<server base url>/rest/search?queryId={the query id}(&{<param-name>=<param-value>})*
The following example shows the use of the FindObjectsByIdAndType canonical query using the REST binding.
RegistryObject with id: urn:acme:pictures:danyal.jpg
The queryId parameter MUST specify the id of a parameterized stored query while zero or more additional parameters MAY provide parameter name and value pairs for parameters supported by the query. If the queryId is unspecified then it implicitly specifies the value “urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:query:FindObjectById” as the default queryId.
A parameterized query MAY define any number of query-specific parameters. A client MAY specify values for these parameters MAY as additional options to the URL. For example, the id=urn:acme:pictures:danyal.jpg part in example URL above supplies a value for the id query-specific parameter defined by the FindObjectsByIdAndType query.
In addition to query-specific parameters, every query invocation URL MUST also support one or more canonical query parameters. These are described in subsequent sections.
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find objects matching specifies keywords and also return
#related objects reachable by up to 10 levels of references
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find 10 resources by keywords using en-us language and ebRS format
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Perform a federated query across members of all configured federations
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Perform a federated query across members of specified federation
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find objects matching specified name and include older versions of matched objects if they match
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find 10 resources by keywords starting at index 30
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find resources by keywords using en-us language
This canonical query parameter represents the same named attribute and associated semantics as defined for Query Request.
#Example: Find 10 resources by keywords
Query functions may be used in query parameters as defined in Query Function. The only caveat is that the special characters such as the special sequences “#@” and “@#”, special characters “(“, “)” etc. MUST be specified in their URL encoded representation as defined by RFC 3986 and RFC 3629.
For example a query parameter “#@'@#rs:currentTime#@'@#” would evaluate to the current time as a quoted timestamp string in ISO 8601 format such as “#@'@#2010-08-05T17:14:18.866#@'@#”. Such a query parameter in REST interface would have to be URL encoded to be as shown in the following example:
The response document returned by the Query Protocol REST binding MUST be a QueryResponse document. If the format parameter value is unspecified or if it is specified as “application/x-ebrs+xml” then the response document must have query:QueryResponse element as its root element.
This chapter specifies the requirements for SOAP Binding that a regrep server or client must adhere to. The normative definition of service endpoint, protocols and their SOAP binding is contained within the WSDL 1.1 definitions defined by [regrep-wsdl-v4.0]. A WSDL 2.0 definition is also available in [regrep-wsdl-v4.0].
The following additional requirements are defined by this specification for the SOAP binding:
A server MUST use WS-Addressing SOAP Headers when sending a Notification message to a SOAP endpoint as defined here.
The following rules apply to a server when sending a Notification message to a SOAP endpoint for the NotificationListener.
Use of WS-Addressing SOAP headers MUST conform to [WSA-SOAP].
A server MUST set the content of the wsa:MessageID element to a unique id. A server SHOULD generate a universally unique id value that conform to the format of a URN that specifies a DCE 128 bit UUID as specified in [UUID] (e.g. urn:uuid:a2345678-1234-1234-123456789012).
A server MUST set the wsa:ReplyTo SOAP header element
The wsa:Address elements content MUST be set to the base URL for the server.
A server MUST set the content of the wsa:To element to the SOAP endpoint URL where the message is being sent to.
A server MUST set the content of the wsa:Action element to the value of the soapAction attribute of the soap:operation element for the operation defined for the SOAP binding for the interface's WSDL.
The following example shows a SOAP message containing a Notification intended for a NotificationListener SOAP endpoint.
<rim:Notification .../>
This appendix defines the standard exception that may be returned by various protocols defined in this specification. These exceptions MUST be returned as SOAP fault messages in the SOAP binding for the protocols. Implementations SHOULD provide relevant details regarding the exception within the Detail element of the fault.
1 Composed object types are identified in class diagrams in [regrep-rim-v4.0] as classes with composition or “solid diamond” relationship with a RegistryObject type.
2At the time of this writing BPMN 2.0 is not final yet. This specification uses the BPMN 2.0 Beta 2 specification as a reference at this time since BPMN 2.0 is not final yet.
3This is also referred to as a “Layer 1”, representation layer or presentation layer
4This is also referred to as a “Layer 2” or analytical layer
5This is also referred to as a “Layer 3” or executable layer
regrep-core-rs-v4.0-os 25 January 2012
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