Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Activity
On diagrams: Work order  DateTime 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DateOrEventSelect  DefinedMethodsSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationConsequenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ActivityActual  DirectedActivity 
Used by: ActivityAssignment.assignedActivity ActivityRelationship.relating ActivityRelationship.related 
OWL Definition:

An Activity is a  action or a set of actions that consume time and resources and whose performance is necessary to achieve, or contribute to, the realization of one or more outcomes.

The procedure executed during an Activity is identified by the ActivityMethod that is referred to by the chosenMethod attribute.

EXAMPLE 1:  Changing the design of a bicycle
EXAMPLE 2:  Designing a bicycle
EXAMPLE 3:  Training someone to ride a bicycle
NOTE 1:  The action or set of actions is something that has taken place, is taking place, or is expected to take place in the future.
NOTE 2:  The procedure executed during an Activity is identified by the ActivityMethod that is referred to by the chosenMethod attribute.
NOTE 3:  Status information identifying the level of completion of each activity may be provided within an instance of StateObserved.
NOTE 4:  The items that are affected by an Activity, for example as input or output, may be identified within an instance of ActivityAssignment.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSMISO/IEC 15288:2003, "Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes"

An Activity is the identification of the occurrence of an action that has taken place, is taking place, or is expected to take place in the future.

The procedure executed during an Activity is identified by the ActivityMethod that is referred to by the chosenMethod attribute.

EXAMPLE    Change, distilling, design, a process to drill a hole, and a task such as training someone, are examples of activities.
NOTE 1   Status information identifying the level of completion of each activity may be provided within an instance of StateObserved.
NOTE 2   The items that are affected by an Activity, for example as input or output, may be identified within an instance of ActivityAssignment.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Activity.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Activity.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
A reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Activity. This Activity is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
A reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
chosenMethod [0..1] : ActivityMethod
A reference to the ActivityMethod used for this Activity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityActual
On diagrams: Work order  Observation 
Supertypes: Activity  DefinedActivitiesSelect  EvidenceSelect  ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Activity 
Used by: ActivityHappening.related Observation.observedDuring 
OWL Definition:

An ActivityActual is a  activity that has started but not necessarily finished.

It is a record of the occurrence of an Activity. The ActivityActual is related through an ActivityHappening to the Activity of which it is an occurrence. The existence of an ActivityActual instance means that the ActivityActual has commenced.

EXAMPLE 1:  The replacement of the tyres of my bicycle, frame number ZH002342, on October 25, 2011.
NOTE 1:  A DateTimeAssignment classified as http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Date_actual_start should assign a date to the ActivityActual to record when the activity started.
NOTE 2:  A DateTimeAssignment classified as http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Date_actual_end should assign a date to the ActivityActual to record when the activity finished. In general, the absence of this assignment cannot be used to infer that the activity is continuing, only that the end of the activity has not yet been recorded.
NOTE 3:  A more detailed history of the progress of an activity may be recorded by applying states to the activity, but the meaning of these states must be defined through local business rules.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An ActivityActual is a specialization of Activity.

It is a record of the occurrence of an Activity. The ActivityActual is related through an ActivityHappening to the Activity of which it is an occurrence. The existence of an ActivityActual instance means that the ActivityActual has commenced.

NOTE 1   A DateTimeAssignment classified as "start date" should assign a date to the ActivityActual to record when the activity started.
NOTE 2   A date and time may be assigned to the activity with role "end date" to record when the activity finished. In general, the absence of this assignment cannot be used to infer that the activity is continuing, only that the end of the activity has not yet been recorded.
NOTE 3   A more detailed history of the progress of an activity may be recorded by applying states to the activity, but the meaning of these states must be defined through local business rules.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityAssignment
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
OWL Definition:

An ActivityAssignment is a  assignment of an activity to something.

NOTE 1:  The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ActivityAssignment.
NOTE 2:  This entity should not be used to represent the association of an activity with the organizations that are responsible for its execution or its management. That kind of information can be represented with instances of OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An ActivityAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of Activity instances to instances that are specializations of ActivityAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ActivityAssignment.
NOTE    This entity should not be used to represent the association of an activity with the organizations that are responsible for its execution or its management. That kind of information can be represented with instances of OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment
assignedActivity [1] : Activity
the Activity that is considered.
assignedTo [1] : ActivityAssignmentSelect
the set of ActivityAssignmentSelect that the Activity is assigned to.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityHappening
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: ActivityRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityRelationship  RelationshipObject 

An ActivityHappening is a specialization of ActivityRelationship.

It is a relationship between the definition of an activity (Predicted) and its actual occurrence (Actual).

NOTE 2   Many ActivityActuals may be realizations of a single Activity.
EXAMPLE 1   A single defined check (e.g. an oil-check) is actually performed on many occasions or vehicles.
NOTE 3   A single ActivityActual may realize several activities.
EXAMPLE 2   A single actual servicing activity includes several checks and repairs (e.g. an oil-check and a tyre-replacement).
related [1] : ActivityActual
the ActivityActual which is the record of the historical occurrence.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityMethod
On diagrams: Risk management  Work order  Task 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DefinedMethodsSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  ValidationSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: Scheme  SchemeEntry  SchemeVersion  TaskElement  TaskMethod  TaskMethodVersion 
Used by: Activity.chosenMethod ActivityMethodAssignment.assignedActivityMethod ActivityMethodRealization.activityMethod ActivityMethodRelationship.relating ActivityMethodRelationship.related RiskEvent.assignedActivityMethod 
OWL Definition:

An ActivityMethod is a  specific way to carry out an activity.

EXAMPLE 1:  instructions for changing a tyre.
NOTE 1:  A method typically follows a defined and regular plan.
NOTE 2:  There may be more than one method for producing a required result.
NOTE 3:  The method may be used to characterize a way to resolve a request for action. The concept of action request is represented by WorkRequest.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
An ActivityMethod is a way to carry out an Activity.
NOTE    There may be more than one method for producing a required result.
NOTE    This definition may be used to characterize a way to resolve a request for action. The concept of action request is represented by WorkRequest.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ActivityMethod
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ActivityMethod.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ActivityMethod. This ActivityMethod is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
consequence [0..*] : LocalizedString
the text that describes the results of application of this method.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityMethodAssignment
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An ActivityMethodAssignment is an association of an ActivityMethod with product or activity data.
assignedActivityMethod [1] : ActivityMethod
the ActivityMethod that is to be associated with product or activity data.
assignedTo [1] : ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the ActivityMethod is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityMethodRealization
On diagrams: Task 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
Used by: ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship.relating ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship.related 

An ActivityMethodRealization is a specialization of an AssociationObject.  It is a further specification of how an activity method is to be performed with the ActivityMethod.

NOTE 1   More than one specification can be associated with the same ActivityMethod.
EXAMPLE 1   For a given planned activity there may be a task specification, a statement of how task performance is to be logged and a schedule that all apply.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ActivityMethodRealization
activityMethod [1] : ActivityMethod
the ActivityMethod for which further specification is being provided.
realizedBy [1] : ActivityMethodRealizationSelect

the item that realizes the ActivityMethod.

EXAMPLE 2   A plan, schedule, or task description may realize the activity method.
NOTE 2   More than one such item can be associated with the activity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

An ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of ActivityMethodRealization.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship.
NOTE    An ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship may be used to specify sequencing and other constraints between different realizations for the same ActivityMethod.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship
relating [1] : ActivityMethodRealization
one instance of ActivityMethodRealization that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ActivityMethodRealization
the other instance of ActivityMethodRealization that is a part of the relationship. If one ActivityMethodRealization in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityMethodRelationship
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: SchemeEntryRelationship  SchemeRelationship  SchemeVersionRelationship  TaskElementRelationship  TaskMethodRelationship  TaskMethodVersionRelationship 

An ActivityMethodRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of ActivityMethod.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ActivityMethodRelationship.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ActivityMethodRelationship
relating [1] : ActivityMethod

the first instance of ActivityMethod that is part of the relationship.

NOTE 1   The relating usually identifies the activity the definition of the relatedMethod is based on, for example, derived from or dependent on.
NOTE 2   The meaning of this attribute is defined by the name attribute.
related [1] : ActivityMethod

the other instance of ActivityMethod that is part of the relationship.

NOTE 3   The related usually identifies the ActivityMethod, which is based on the definition of the relatingMethod.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ActivityRelationship
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: ActivityHappening 

An ActivityRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of Activity.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ActivityRelationship.
EXAMPLE    The activity required to complete a work order, may be decomposed into a series of activities. Their corresponding instances would be related using instances of the ActivityRelationship entity.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ActivityRelationship
relating [1] : Activity

the first of the instances of Activity that is part of the relationship.

NOTE 1   The relating usually identifies the activity the definition of the relatedActivity is based on, for example, derived from or dependent on.
NOTE 2   The meaning of this attribute is defined by the name attribute.
related [1] : Activity

the second instance of Activity that is part of the relationship.

NOTE 3   The related usually identifies the Activity, which is based on the definition of the relatingActivity.
NOTE 4   The meaning of this attribute is defined by the name attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Address
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
Used by: AddressAssignment.assignedAddress AddressBasedLocationRepresentation.postalAddress Position.address 
An Address is the information that locate persons or organizations. It provides location details for communication via postal mail, telephone, facsimile, telex or electronic mail.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Address
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Address. This Address is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
name [0..1] : String

the words by which the Address is known. It specifies the name of the location identified by the address. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE    "White House", "Buckingham Palace", and "North Pole" are examples of address name.
streetNumber [0..1] : String
the number of a location on a street. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
street [0..1] : String
the name of a street. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
postalBox [0..1] : String
the number of a postal box. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
town [0..1] : String
the name of a town. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
region [0..1] : String
the name of a region. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
postalCode [0..1] : String
the code that is used by the country's postal service. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
country [0..1] : String
the name of a country. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
internalLocation [0..1] : String
an organization-defined address for internal mail delivery. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
facsimileNumber [0..1] : String
the number to which facsimiles may be sent. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
telephoneNumber [0..1] : String
the number at which telephone calls may be received. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
electronicMailAddress [0..1] : String
the electronic address to which electronic mail may be sent. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
telexNumber [0..1] : String
the number where telex messages may be received. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
url [0..1] : String
the text that specifies the Uniform Resource Locator associated with the address. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AddressAssignment
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
OWL Definition:

An AddressAssignment is a  assignment of an address to something.

NOTE 1:  The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#AddressAssignment.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An AddressAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the association of an Organization or a PersonInOrganization with an Address.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#AddressAssignment.
assignedAddress [1] : Address
the Address that is provided.
assignedTo [1] : OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Address is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AddressBasedLocationRepresentation
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: LocationRepresentation 
All Supertype Blocks: LocationRepresentation 
An AddressBasedLocationRepresentation is a specialization of LocationRepresentation specified by its postal identification.
postalAddress [1] : Address
the location where mail can be received.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AdvisoryNote
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
An AdvisoryNote is the link between a task element with an advisory task step.
advisory [1] : AdvisoryTaskStep
the AdvisoryTaskStep used to provide the details of the note.
appliesTo [1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement within which the note applies.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AdvisoryTaskStep
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: TaskStep 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskStep  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
Used by: AdvisoryNote.advisory 
An AdvisoryTaskStep is a type of TaskStep. It conveys information.
NOTE    Some TaskMethods may not require any action to be undertaken.
EXAMPLE    "Beware of hot exhausts", "do not use tool X this way" and similar messages.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AlternatePartRelationship
On diagrams: Part 
Supertypes: AlternateProductRelationship  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AlternateProductRelationship  ProductRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An AlternatePartRelationship is a specialization of AlternateProductRelationship where the alternate and base products are parts.
relating [1] : Part
the Part for which an alternate is specified.
related [1] : Part
the Part that may replace in all its usages, the base part.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AlternateProductRelationship
On diagrams: Part  Product 
Supertypes: ProductRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AlternatePartRelationship 
An AlternateProductRelationship is an association between two instances of Product. It specifies that any version of the AlternateProduct, may be used in place of any version of the baseProduct.

The relationship established by the AlternateProductRelationship is not symmetric: if B is an alternate product for A, A is not implied to be an alternate product for B.

NOTE 1   If a product is an alternate for another product, it is understood that there is no interest to keep track of which product, the base or any alternates specified, is used as a particular instance of the base product within a product structure.
NOTE 2   An organization may track design changes for a base part, and establish effectivity conditions for the use of that base part in various assemblies to be manufactured. The use of an alternate product implies that an organization does not specify any particular version of the alternate product nor establish effectivities relating to it.
NOTE 3   An AlternateProductRelationship may relate products of any kind, provided both related instances of Product identify products of the same kind, for example part-part or document-document.
NOTE 4   An AlternateProductRelationship for which the baseProduct is an assembly involves that the entire product structure of the alternateProduct may be used in place of the baseProduct and its product structure.
EXAMPLE    Two bolts of the same size are products. One bolt has a square head and the other has a hexagonal head. The two bolts are considered equivalent with respect to form, fit, and function: they both have sufficiently close physical shape, they take up the same space when used, and they both serve to fasten two things together. Thus, one of these two bolts could be considered to be an alternate part for the other bolt.
criteria [0..*] : LocalizedString

a text description that specifies the rationale and criteria used to assess the capability of replacing the BaseProduct by the AlternateProduct.

EXAMPLE    The concept of alternate products usually refers to form, fit, function, and quality. Additional properties such as performance, noise, endurance, or reliability may also be considered as a prerequisite for the replacement.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
AlternateProductRelationship::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{relating, related})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Analysis
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: Product 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: AnalysisVersion.versionOf 

An Analysis is a specialization of Product. It is produced via a reproducible process.

NOTE    Analysis is the process of studying or examining something in an organized way to learn more about it, or a particular study or examination of something. The full range of the analysis process includes mathematical, physical testing, cognitive, chemical, etc.
versions [0..*] : AnalysisVersion
the versions of the Analysis.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisAssignment
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An AnalysisAssignment is a specialization of a AssignmentObject that relates a specific version of an analysis to the item being analyzed.
assignedAnalysis [1] : AnalysisVersion
the AnalysisVersion being assigned.
assignedTo [1] : AnalysisAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the AnalysisVersion is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisDisciplineDefinition
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: AnalysisVersion.viewDefinitions 

An AnalysisDisciplineDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition. It is a definition or view of an AnalysisVersion taken from the perspective of the analysing organization. The AnalysisDisciplineDefinition is controlled by the analysing organization. The entity may be used to capture the definition of a particular version of an analysis at any intermediate stage of its development where the definition is not formally released by an organization at the analysis version level. It may be used to capture the various stages in the definition cycle of a product.

If the analysis is explicitly represented by a model then the model is referenced from AnalysisDisciplineDefinition.definitionalRepresentations.

definitionalRepresentations [0..*] : AnalysisModelObject
the AnalysisModelObject that is the representation of the AnalysisDisciplineDefinition.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : AnalysisVersion
the AnalysisVersion of which the AnalysisDisciplineDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisModel
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: AnalysisModelObject  CollectionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AnalysisModelObject 
An AnalysisModel is used to support the description of analysis concepts.
items [1] : AnalysisModelItemsSelect
The data that makes up the analysis model.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisModelObject (Abstract)
On diagrams: Analysis 
Subtypes: AnalysisModel  ExternalAnalysisModel 
Used by: AnalysisDisciplineDefinition.definitionalRepresentations 
An AnalysisModelObject represents the results of an analysis.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the AnalysisModelObject
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the AnalysisModelObject.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this AnalysisModelObject. This AnalysisModelObject is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
contextOfItems [1] : AnalysisRepresentationContext
the AnalysisRepresentationContext in which the AnalysisModel is defined.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisRepresentationContext
On diagrams: Analysis 
Used by: AnalysisModelObject.contextOfItems 
An AnalysisRepresentationContext defines the context for the items (AnalysisModelItemsSelect) used in an AnalysisModel.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the AnalysisRepresentationContext.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Product This Product is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisVersion
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Analysis.versions AnalysisAssignment.assignedAnalysis AnalysisDisciplineDefinition.viewDefinitionOf AnalysisVersionRelationship.relating AnalysisVersionRelationship.related 

An AnalysisVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a particular version of an analysis.

viewDefinitions [0..*] : AnalysisDisciplineDefinition
the views of the AnalysisVersion.
versionOf [1] : Analysis
the Analysis that the AnalysisVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: ProductVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AnalysisVersionSequence 
A AnalysisVersionRelationship is a specialization of ProductVersionRelationship that is used to assert an association between two versions of an analysis.
relating [1] : AnalysisVersion
the first instance of AnalysisVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : AnalysisVersion

the second instance of AnalysisVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one AnalysisVersionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AnalysisVersionSequence
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: AnalysisVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: AnalysisVersionRelationship  ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A AnalysisVersionSequence is a specialization of AnalysisVersionRelationship that is used to assert that the one analysis version (the successor) replaces another (its predecessor).
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AndStateCauseEffectDefinition
Supertypes: StateCauseEffectDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: StateCauseEffectDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An AndStateCauseEffectDefinition is a specialization of StateCauseEffectDefinition. It relates one or more causing StateDefinition entities and one effect StateDefinition. All the causing StateDefinition entities must exist prior to the single effect.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ApplicationDomain
On diagrams: Product 
Used by: ViewDefinitionContext.applicationDomain 
OWL Definition:

An ApplicationDomain is a  application or discipline.

EXAMPLE 1:  Product support
EXAMPLE 2:  Digital mock-up
EXAMPLE 3:  Preliminary design
EXAMPLE 4:  Electrical design
NOTE 1:  The combination of an application domain and a life-cycle phase defines a view of a product.
NOTE 2:  The context is typically an application, process or discipline.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An ApplicationDomain defines the scope of applicability for a ViewDefinitionContext

Each ApplicationDomain optionally references a data item in either a ExternalOwlObject or a ExternalItem that may indicate what the domain is.

definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the ApplicationDomain.
sameAs [0..*] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which the ApplicationDomain is a proxy.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Approval
On diagrams: Approval  Decision 
Supertypes: AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ApprovalAssignment.assignedApproval ApprovalRelationship.relating ApprovalRelationship.related ApprovingPersonOrganization.authorizedApproval 
OWL Definition:

An Approval is a  formal record of the fact that the item to which the approval is assigned fulfills agreed criteria.

EXAMPLE 1:  A formal record that a type of maintenance procedure "XYZ" has been authorized.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
An Approval is a formal confirmation of the quality of some activity or product data.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Approval
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Approval.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Approval This Approval is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
plannedDate [0..1] : DateTimeString
the point in time when the Approval is or was supposed to be performed. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
actualDate [0..1] : DateTimeString
the point in time when the Approval actually became valid. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ApprovalAssignment
On diagrams: Approval  Decision 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An ApprovalAssignment is the assignment of an Approval to activity or product data.
assignedApproval [1] : Approval
the Approval that is assigned with activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : ApprovalAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Approval is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ApprovalRelationship
On diagrams: Approval  Decision 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An ApprovalRelationship is a typed association between two instances of Approval.
relating [1] : Approval
one of the instances of Approval that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Approval
the other instance of Approval that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent of the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ApprovingPersonOrganization
On diagrams: Approval  Decision 
Supertypes: CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PositionGroupAssignmentSelect  PositionAssignmentSelect  PositionTypeAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
An ApprovingPersonOrganization is an association between an Approval and the organization or person and organization that has granted this approval.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ApprovingPersonOrganization This ApprovingPersonOrganization is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
personOrganization [1] : OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect
the Organization or the PersonInOrganization that has granted the approval.
authorizedApproval [1] : Approval
the Approval that has been given by the considered person or the organization.
approvalDate [0..1] : DateTimeString
the point in time when the Approval has been given. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution
On diagrams: Assembly structure 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution is a relationship that indicates that an AssemblyViewRelationship may be substituted by another AssemblyViewRelationship.

Both assembly relationships shall refer to the same ProductViewDefinition of the same assembly.

NOTE 1   Consequently, an AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution actually specifies that the product version that plays the role of component in the substituteRelationship may be replaced by the product version that plays the role of component in the baseRelationship.
NOTE 2   The instance of the substitute constituent does not require the same spatial relationship or the same quantity. A substitute constituent does not require equivalent form, fit, and function of the constituent for which it is a substitute.
NOTE 3   As instances of AssemblyViewRelationship establish assembly relationships relevant in the definition contexts of the assembly, the substitution only apply in these contexts.
An AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution defines a one-way substitution: if A is specified as a substitute for B, B is not implied to be a substitute for A.
baseRelationship [1] : AssemblyViewRelationship
the AssemblyViewRelationship that may be substituted.
substituteRelationship [1] : AssemblyViewRelationship
the AssemblyViewRelationship that may be used in place of the baseRelationship
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{baseRelationship, substituteRelationship})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssemblyViewRelationship (Abstract)
On diagrams: Effectivity  Assembly structure 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ItemUsageRelationshipSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  ShapeableItemSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: ComponentUpperLevelIdentification  NextAssemblyViewUsage  PromissoryAssemblyViewUsage 
Used by: AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution.baseRelationship AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution.substituteRelationship ComponentUpperLevelIdentification.upperAssemblyRelationship 
An AssemblyViewRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship. It identifies a possibly quantified usage of a product version as a component of another product version.

The relationship is established between two ProductViewDefinitions

The inherited attribute relating identifies the ProductViewDefinition of the assembly.

The inherited attribute related identifies the ProductViewDefinition of the product version that plays the role of component.

The AssemblyViewRelationship specifies that, in the InitialContext of the ProductViewDefinition that is referred to as relating, it is considered that the product version that is indirectly identified with the related attribute, is a component of the product version that is indirectly identified with the relating attribute.

NOTE 1   In another context, the structure of the assembly may be described differently, adding, for example, an intermediate level between the products.
NOTE 2   This entity data type may be used to establish assembly relationships during design or to represent the composition of an assembly existing in the real world.
locationIndicator [0..*] : Identifier
the Identifier that identifies this usage of the component in the assembly in a diagram, list, chart, or on a physical piece of equipment. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the ValueWithUnit that defines the amount of this usage of the component in the assembly. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssignmentObject (Abstract)
On diagrams: Certification  DateTime  Document  Contract  Properties  Relations  Security 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethodAssignment  AddressAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  ApprovalAssignment  AssumptionAssignment  CertificationAssignment  CollectionAssignment  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  DocumentAssignment  EffectivityAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  InformationUsageRightAssignment  JustificationAssignment  JustificationSupportAssignment  LocationAssignment  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionTypeAssignment  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  QualificationAssignment  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequirementAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceItemAssignment  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  StateAssignment  StateDefinitionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TimeIntervalAssignment  TypeOfPersonAssignment  WorkOrderAssignment  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkRequestAssignment 
Used by: AssignmentObjectRelationship.relating AssignmentObjectRelationship.related 
OWL Definition:

An AssignmentObject is a  allocation of an object to a target object.

EXAMPLE 1:  Assignment of a start date to the target object - a project.
NOTE 1:  The object being allocated is normally, but not always, of a different type to the target of the allocation.
NOTE 2:  An assignment implies a direction from an object to a target object.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An AssignmentObject defines the allocation of one datatype to another.

Only non-abstract specializations of the AssignmentObject datatype can be instantiated.

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the AssignmentObject
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the AssignmentObject.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this AssignmentObject This AssignmentObject is a member of the referenced class.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssignmentObjectRelationship
On diagrams: Certification  DateTime  Properties  Relations 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

An AssignmentObjectRelationship is an association between two AssignmentObjects.

NOTE    An AssignmentObjectRelationship can be used to represent a historical sequence of assignments.
relating [1] : AssignmentObject
the first instance of AssignmentObject that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : AssignmentObject

the second instance of AssignmentObject that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one AssignmentObject in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssociationObject (Abstract)
On diagrams: Relations 
Subtypes: ActivityMethodRealization  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  CollectionMembership  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemDesignAssociation  ObservationConsequence  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductDesignViewToIndividual  ProductGroupMembership  ProductPlannedToRealized  ResourceItemRealization 
OWL Definition:

An AssociationObject is a  link between two objects.

EXAMPLE 1:  In zone is an association between a zone and something in the zone
NOTE 1:  An association implies no directionality or precedence between the objects
NOTE 2:  The objects being associated are normally, but not always, of different types or subtypes.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
An AssociationObject is an abstract generalization of instances that represent an association between two sets of product or activity data.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
A set of text based descriptions of the object.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this AssociationObject. This AssociationObject is a member of the referenced class.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Assumption
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: AssumptionAssignment.assignedAssumption AssumptionRelationship.relating AssumptionRelationship.related ItemAssumed.assumption 

An Assumption is the identification of something assumed to be true without proof.

The reason or justification for an assumption being made shall be represented by a JustificationAssignment being assigned to the Assumption.

EXAMPLE    An activity is planned based on the assumption that the resource required to perform the activity is available at a location.

The item that is assumed shall be related to the Assumption by an ItemAssumed

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Assumption
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Assumption.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Assumption This Assumption is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssumptionAssignment
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

An AssumptionAssignment is an association between an Assumption and the context in which the assumption is made.


The following set of assumptions are relevant to the project.

assignedAssumption [1] : Assumption
the Assumption that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : AssumptionAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Assumption is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AssumptionRelationship
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An AssumptionRelationship is an association between two Assumptions.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the AssumptionRelationship
relating [1] : Assumption
the first instance of AssumptionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Assumption

the second instance of AssumptionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one AssumptionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlot
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: Product  DateTimeAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: AttachmentSlotVersion.versionOf 
An AttachmentSlot is a specialization of Product that represents the position in which a part is or can be attached to a parent product.
EXAMPLE    A fast jet aircraft has two engines. These engines are removable and interchangeable between individual aircraft. An attachment slot represents each installation position for an engine so as to ensure that an accurate record is maintained of which engines fly in which pairing on which aircraft for how many hours.
versions [0..*] : AttachmentSlotVersion
the versions of the AttachmentSlot.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotAsPlanned
Supertypes: AttachmentSlotVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: AttachmentSlotVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned.planned AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized.planned 
An AttachmentSlotAsPlanned is a specialization of AttachmentSlotVersion that identifies an individual that is the subject of a plan to realize an AttachmentSlot.
EXAMPLE    FlyFasterWithUs Group will buy an aircraft with serial number 1234 next year. The company wishes to plan the schedule for removal of engines from the aircraft for maintenance purposes. Instances of the AttachmentSlotAsPlanned entity data type allow the company to associate individual engines with the aircraft at different times over the planned period.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotAsRealized
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: AttachmentSlotVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: AttachmentSlotVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized.realized AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized.realized 
An AttachmentSlotAsRealized is a specialization of AttachmentSlotVersion that identifies an individual that is a realized AttachmentSlot.
EXAMPLE    FlyFasterWithUs Group operates an aircraft with serial number 1234 next year. The company records which individual engines power the aircraft at different times during the lifetime of the aircraft.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotDefinition
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: AttachmentSlotOnProduct.attachmentSlot AttachmentSlotVersion.viewDefinitions ProductInAttachmentSlot.related 
An AttachmentSlotDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that identifies a view of an AttachmentSlot.
EXAMPLE    An airworthiness authority requires an airline company to report which individual engines power the aircraft at different times during the lifetime of the aircraft.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : AttachmentSlotVersion
the AttachmentSlotVersion of which the AttachmentSlotDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotDesign
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: AttachmentSlotVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: AttachmentSlotVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned.design AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized.design 
An AttachmentSlotDesign is a specialization of AttachmentSlotVersion that identifies the design version of an attachment slot.
EXAMPLE    WeMakeBigPlanes Limited creates design version 1.34 of the attachment slot for the starboard engine of an aircraft.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned is a relationship between a design version of an AttachmentSlot and a planned individual that conforms to the design.
EXAMPLE    WeMakeBigPlanes Limited plans production of aircraft serial number 1234 with a starboard engine attachment slot that is to conform to design version 1.34.
design [1] : AttachmentSlotDesign
the version of the attachment slot concept to which the planned individual will conform.
planned [1] : AttachmentSlotAsPlanned
the attachment slot that is to conform to the design version.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized is a relationship between a design version of an AttachmentSlot and a realized individual that conforms to the design.
EXAMPLE    WeMakeBigPlanes Limited builds aircraft serial number 1234 with a starboard engine attachment slot that conforms to design version 1.34.
design [1] : AttachmentSlotDesign
the version of the concept to which the realized individual conforms.
realized [1] : AttachmentSlotAsRealized
the individual that conforms to the design.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotOnProduct
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
An AttachmentSlotOnProduct is a relationship between a product and an AttachmentSlot that is a location on the product at which to install removable parts.
EXAMPLE    An aircraft has a pylon mounting on a wing as a location at which to install various equipment. An instance of the AttachmentSlotOnProduct entity data type identifies which attachment slot corresponds to the pylon.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the AttachmentSlotOnProduct
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the AttachmentSlotOnProduct.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this AttachmentSlotOnProduct This AttachmentSlotOnProduct is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
product [1] : ProductViewDefinition
the thing that associates the attachment slot location at which to attach parts to the product view definition.
attachmentSlot [1] : AttachmentSlotDefinition
a location on a product at which to attach parts via an aperture.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized is a relationship between a realized individual of an AttachmentSlot and a corresponding planned individual.
EXAMPLE    WeMakeBigPlanes Limited builds aircraft serial number 2468 with a starboard engine attachment slot that was previously planned.
planned [1] : AttachmentSlotAsPlanned
the attachment slot that relates to the realized individual.
realized [1] : AttachmentSlotAsRealized
the individual that relates to the planned individual.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AttachmentSlotVersion
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Subtypes: AttachmentSlotAsPlanned  AttachmentSlotAsRealized  AttachmentSlotDesign 
Used by: AttachmentSlot.versions AttachmentSlotDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
An AttachmentSlotVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of AttachmentSlot.
NOTE    This is a generic concept of version, in most situations it is possible and more specific to represent a version as AttachmentSlotDesign, AttachmentSlotAsPlanned or AttachmentSlotAsRealized.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : AttachmentSlotDefinition
the views of the AttachmentSlotVersion.
versionOf [1] : AttachmentSlot
the AttachmentSlot that the AttachmentSlotVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AxisPlacement
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
Subtypes: AxisPlacement2d  AxisPlacement3d 
Used by: AxisPlacementMapping.source AxisPlacementMapping.target ExternalGeometricModel.items GeometricPlacement.target GeometricPlacementOperation.source 
An AxisPlacement is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement that defines a right-handed, 2D or 3D, coordinate system.

If the AxisPlacement belongs to a 3D geometric space, the third direction of the coordinate system is defined by the vector product of x-axis and y-axis.

An AxisPlacement may be an AxisPlacement2d or an AxisPlacement3d.
origin [1] : CartesianPoint
the CartesianPoint that defines the position of the AxisPlacement in the geometric space.
xAxis [1] : Direction
the Direction that defines the first axis of the AxisPlacement.
yAxis [1] : Direction
the Direction that defines the second axis of the AxisPlacement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AxisPlacement2d
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: AxisPlacement 
All Supertype Blocks: AxisPlacement  DetailedGeometricModelElement 
An AxisPlacement2d is a specialization of AxisPlacement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AxisPlacement3d
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: AxisPlacement 
All Supertype Blocks: AxisPlacement  DetailedGeometricModelElement 
An AxisPlacement3d is a specialization of AxisPlacement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: AxisPlacementMapping
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation.transformation 
An AxisPlacementMapping is a geometric transformation defined by a source AxisPlacement and a target AxisPlacement that results from the transformation of the source one.

Both instances of AxisPlacement shall have the same dimensionality.

The transformation shall be computed as the isometric transformation that maps:

NOTE    By construction, the determinant of the transformation matrix equals one.
source [1] : AxisPlacement
the AxisPlacement that plays the role of source in the transformation.
target [1] : AxisPlacement
the AxisPlacement that plays the role of target in the transformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Breakdown
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Subtypes: FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Used by: BreakdownVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

Breakdown is a  set of breakdown elements chosen in order to partition a product in a desired way, together with the hierarchical relationships between these breakdown elements.

The hierarchical relationships, a parent-child view, is represented by BreakdownElementUsage instances relating the elements in the breakdown that are represented by BreakdownElement instances.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A Breakdown is a specialization of Product that identifies a partitioning of a product into a set of related elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views that comprise the product elements.

The parent-child view is represented by BreakdownElementUsage instances relating the elements in the breakdown that are represented by BreakdownElement instances.

versions [0..*] : BreakdownVersion
the versions of the Breakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownContext
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: FunctionalBreakdownContext  PhysicalBreakdownContext  SystemBreakdownContext  ZoneBreakdownContext 
A BreakdownContext is a membership relationship between a BreakdownElement and a Breakdown of which the element is a member.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the BreakdownContext.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this BreakdownContext This BreakdownContext is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
breakdown [1] : BreakdownVersion
the version of the Breakdown of which the BreakdownElement is a member.
breakdownElement [1] : BreakdownElementDefinition
the view of the version of the BreakdownElement that is a member of the Breakdown.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
BreakdownContext::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{breakdown, breakdownElement})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownElement
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Subtypes: FunctionalElement  PhysicalElement  SystemElement  ZoneElement 
Used by: BreakdownElementVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

BreakdownElement is a  partition representing a physical, functional, system, or zonal aspect of a product.

NOTE 1:  Breakdown elements are physical, functional, system, or zonal partitions of a breakdown.
NOTE 2:  A breakdown element is non-specific and allows for various types of breakdown.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

A BreakdownElement is a specialization of Product that identifies the elements in one or more Breakdown instances.


BreakdownElement is non-specific and allows for various types of product breakdown. The more specific breakdown elements are FunctionalElement, PhysicalElement, SystemElement, and ZoneElement.

versions [0..*] : BreakdownElementVersion
the versions of the BreakdownElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownElementDefinition
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  BreakdownSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Subtypes: FunctionalElementDefinition  PhysicalElementDefinition  SystemElementDefinition  ZoneElementDefinition 
Used by: BreakdownContext.breakdownElement BreakdownElementUsage.relating BreakdownElementUsage.related BreakdownElementVersion.viewDefinitions 

A BreakdownElementDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that identifies a view of a version ( BreakdownElementVersion) of a BreakdownElement.

NOTE    BreakdownElementDefinition is non-specific and allows for various types of product breakdowns. The more specific breakdown element definitions are FunctionalElementDefinition, PhysicalElementDefinition, SystemElementDefinition and ZoneElementDefinition.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : BreakdownElementVersion
the BreakdownElementVersion of which the BreakdownElementDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownElementRealization
On diagrams: Breakdown 
Supertypes: ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ItemUsageRelationshipSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A BreakdownElementRealization is a specialization of ProductDefinitionElementRelationship that identifies a relationship between a BreakdownElementDefinition or a BreakdownElementUsage and an item that realizes that element definition or usage.
EXAMPLE    A pump realizes the 'provide fuel to engine' element in a functional breakdown for a ship.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the BreakdownElementRealization
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownElementUsage
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionUsage  BreakdownSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: FunctionalElementUsage  PhysicalElementUsage  SystemElementUsage  ZoneElementUsage 
A BreakdownElementUsage is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that identifies a relationship between a parent and child BreakdownElement.
relating [1] : BreakdownElementDefinition
the first instance of BreakdownElementUsage that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : BreakdownElementDefinition

the second instance of BreakdownElementUsage that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one BreakdownElementUsage in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownElementVersion
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: ProductVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Subtypes: FunctionalElementVersion  PhysicalElementVersion  SystemElementVersion  ZoneElementVersion 
Used by: BreakdownElement.versions BreakdownElementDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
OWL Definition:

BreakdownElementVersion is a  version of a breakdown element.

NOTE 1:  Breakdown element version is non-specific and allows for various types of product breakdown.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

A BreakdownElementVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of a BreakdownElement.


BreakdownElementVersion is non-specific and allows for various types of product breakdown. The more specific breakdown elements are FunctionalElementVersion, PhysicalElementVersion, SystemElementVersion and ZoneElementVersion.

viewDefinitions [0..*] : BreakdownElementDefinition
the views of the BreakdownElementVersion.
versionOf [1] : BreakdownElement
the BreakdownElement that the BreakdownElementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownOf
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: BreakdownVersion.breakdownOf 
A BreakdownOf is a relationship between a Breakdown and a Product of which the breakdown is a view.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the BreakdownOf.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this BreakdownOf This BreakdownOf is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
ofView [1] : BreakdownOfSelect
the ProductViewDefinition of which the breakdown is a view.
breakdown [1] : BreakdownVersion
the BreakdownVersion that is a view of the product.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: BreakdownVersion
On diagrams: Breakdown  FunctionalBreakdown  PhysicalBreakdown  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Subtypes: FunctionalBreakdownVersion  PhysicalBreakdownVersion  SystemBreakdownVersion  ZoneBreakdownVersion 
Used by: Breakdown.versions BreakdownContext.breakdown BreakdownOf.breakdown 
OWL Definition:

BreakdownVersion is a  version of a breakdown.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A BreakdownVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of a Breakdown
breakdownOf [0..*] : BreakdownOf
the Breakdown_version shall be a breakdown of one and only one product.
versionOf [1] : Breakdown
the Breakdown that the BreakdownVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CartesianPoint
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
Used by: AxisPlacement.origin CartesianTransformation2d.translation CartesianTransformation3d.translation 
A CartesianPoint is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement that defines a point by a list of up to 3 cartesian coordinates.
coordinates [1..3] : LengthMeasure
the list of up to 3 length measure values that define the cartesian coordinates of the point.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CartesianTransformation2d
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement  CartesianTransformationSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
A CartesianTransformation2d is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement. It is defined in a 2D geometric space by a 2*2 matrix and a cartesian point.

Let be:

The coordinates of Q shall be obtained by the formula: Q = M*P + A

multiplicationMatrix [1..2] : Direction
the array of two instances of Direction that defines the multiplication matrix of the transformation.
translation [1] : CartesianPoint
the CartesianPoint that defines the position of the result of the application of the transformation to the origin of the geometric space.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CartesianTransformation3d
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement  CartesianTransformationSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
A CartesianTransformation3d is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement that is a geometric transformation defined in a 3D geometric space by a 3*3 matrix and a cartesian point.

Let be:

The coordinates of Q shall be obtained by the formula: Q = M*P + A

multiplicationMatrix [1..3] : Direction
the array of three instances of Direction that defines the multiplication matrix of the transformation.
translation [1] : CartesianPoint
the CartesianPoint that defines the position of the result of the application of the transformation to the origin of the geometric space.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CausalConsequence
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A CausalConsequence is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that identifies secondary effects related to or resulting from a particular RiskConsequence.
NOTE    A RelatedView is considered as an aftereffect of an immediate RelatingView.
relating [1] : RiskConsequence
the first instance of CausalConsequence that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RiskConsequence

the second instance of CausalConsequence that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one CausalConsequence in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Certification
On diagrams: Certification 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
Used by: CertificationAssignment.assignedCertification 
OWL Definition:

Certification is a  record created as a result of a successful certification providing proof of complying to or passing certain criteria.

NOTE 1:  The certificate can be attached to any aspect of product or activity data.
NOTE 2:  The certificate should record who provided the certification and when.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A Certification is a certificate. It asserts satisfaction of particular quality criteria.
NOTE    Certification information can be attached to any aspect of product or activity data.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Certification
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Certification.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Certification This Certification is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CertificationAssignment
On diagrams: Certification 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A CertificationAssignment is an association of a Certification with activity or product data.
EXAMPLE 1   'certified supplier' is an example of certification that may be granted to an organization by its contractor.
assignedCertification [1] : Certification
the Certification that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : CertificationAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Certification is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ChainBasedGeometricItemSpecificUsage
Supertypes: GeometricItemSpecificUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricItemSpecificUsage 
A ChainBasedGeometricItemSpecificUsage is a specialization of GeometricItemSpecificUsage that represents a chain of GeometricModels in a graph of GeometricModels, where the undirected links in the graph can be GeometricCoordinateSpaces, GeometricModelRelationships, or GeometricPlacementOperations.
nodes [2..*] : GeometricModel
the list of GeometricModels in the chain.
undirectedLink [1..*] : ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect
the list of items that relate nodes in the chain.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Classification
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Activity.classifiedAs ActivityMethod.classifiedAs Address.classifiedAs AnalysisModelObject.classifiedAs AnalysisRepresentationContext.classifiedAs Approval.classifiedAs ApprovingPersonOrganization.classifiedAs AssignmentObject.classifiedAs AssociationObject.classifiedAs Assumption.classifiedAs AttachmentSlotOnProduct.classifiedAs BreakdownContext.classifiedAs BreakdownOf.classifiedAs Certification.classifiedAs ClassificationRelationship.relating ClassificationRelationship.related Condition.classifiedAs ConditionEvaluation.classifiedAs ConditionEvaluationParameter.classifiedAs ConditionParameter.classifiedAs Contract.classifiedAs DateTimeAssignment.classifiedAs Descriptor.classifiedAs DetailedGeometricModelElement.classifiedAs Effectivity.classifiedAs Envelope.classifiedAs Evidence.classifiedAs ExperienceGained.classifiedAs ExperienceInstance.classifiedAs ExternalPropertyDefinition.classifiedAs ExternalUnit.classifiedAs File.containedDataType File.classifiedAs Identifier.classifiedAs InformationRight.classifiedAs InformationUsageRight.classifiedAs InterfaceConnection.classifiedAs InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.classifiedAs InterfaceDefinitionConnection.classifiedAs ItemAssumed.classifiedAs ItemShapeObject.classifiedAs ItemUsageEffectivity.classifiedAs Justification.classifiedAs Location.classifiedAs LocationRepresentation.classifiedAs ManagedResource.classifiedAs Market.classifiedAs MeasureQualification.classifiedAs Message.classifiedAs NumericalContext.classifiedAs Observation.classifiedAs Organization.classifiedAs OrganizationalLocationIdentification.classifiedAs Person.classifiedAs PersonInOrganization.classifiedAs PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.classifiedAs Position.classifiedAs PositionGroup.classifiedAs ProbabilityNamedValue.classifiedAs Product.classifiedAs ProductConcept.classifiedAs ProductConfiguration.classifiedAs ProductGroup.classifiedAs ProductVersion.classifiedAs ProductViewDefinition.classifiedAs Project.classifiedAs PropertyValue.classifiedAs RegionalCoordinate.classifiedAs RelatedConditionParameter.classifiedAs RelationshipObject.classifiedAs RequiredResource.classifiedAs RequirementSatisfiedBy.classifiedAs RequirementSource.classifiedAs ResourceAsRealized.classifiedAs ResourceEvent.classifiedAs ResourceItem.classifiedAs SelectedItemAssignment.assignedSelectedItem State.classifiedAs StateAssertion.classifiedAs StateAssessment.classifiedAs StateDefinition.classifiedAs TaskObjective.classifiedAs TypeOfPersonDefinition.classifiedAs Validation.classifiedAs Verification.classifiedAs WorkOrder.classifiedAs WorkOutput.classifiedAs WorkRequest.classifiedAs 

A Classification is a relationship to the class that a subject is a member of.

NOTE    The subject is represented by a Block that has a "classifiedAs" as a property of type Classification.
class [1] : ClassSelect
the class that the subject is a member of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ClassificationRelationship
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A ClassificationRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of Classification.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#ClassificationRelationship.
relating [1] : Classification
one of the instances of Classification that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Classification
the other instance of Classification that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Collection
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: CollectionRelationship.relating CollectionRelationship.related CollectionVersion.versionOf 
An Collection is a specialization of Product that identifies a set of data.
versions [0..*] : CollectionVersion
the versions of the Collection.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionAssignment
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An CollectionAssignment is an association of an CollectionViewDefinition with the instance to which the collection has relevance.
assignedCollection [1] : CollectionViewDefinition
the CollectionViewDefinition that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : CollectionAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the CollectionViewDefinition is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionMembership
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An CollectionMembership is an association of an CollectionViewDefinition with an instance that represents a member of the collection.
member [1] : CollectionMemberSelect
an instance that represents a member of the collection.
ofCollection [1] : CollectionViewDefinition
the CollectionViewDefinition of which the instance is a member.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionRelationship
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: ProductRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An CollectionRelationship is a specialization of ProductRelationship that represents an association between two Collection instances.
relating [1] : Collection
the first instance of CollectionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Collection

the second instance of CollectionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one CollectionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionVersion
On diagrams: Analysis  Collection 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  AnalysisModelItemsSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Collection.versions CollectionVersionRelationship.relating CollectionVersionRelationship.related CollectionViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
An CollectionVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that represents a revision of an Collection.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : CollectionViewDefinition
the views of the CollectionVersion.
versionOf [1] : Collection
the Collection that the CollectionVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: ProductVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: CollectionVersionSequenceRelationship 
An CollectionVersionRelationship is a specialization of ProductVersionRelationship that represents an association between two CollectionVersion instances.
relating [1] : CollectionVersion
one of the instances of CollectionVersion that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : CollectionVersion
the other instance of CollectionVersion that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionVersionSequenceRelationship
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: CollectionVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: CollectionVersionRelationship  ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An CollectionVersionSequenceRelationship is a specialization of CollectionVersionRelationship that represents a sequential association between two CollectionVersion instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CollectionViewDefinition
On diagrams: Collection 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  ContractAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: CollectionAssignment.assignedCollection CollectionMembership.ofCollection CollectionVersion.viewDefinitions 
An CollectionViewDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that represents a characterization of an CollectionVersion relevant in one or more application domains and for one or more life cycle stages.
EXAMPLE    A set of data relevant to the design of the SS Titanic and a set of data relevant to the as-built description of the SS Titanic might be represented as two instances of CollectionViewDefinition.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : CollectionVersion
the CollectionVersion of which the CollectionViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ComponentUpperLevelIdentification
On diagrams: Assembly structure 
Supertypes: AssemblyViewRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: AssemblyViewRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ComponentUpperLevelIdentification is a specialization of AssemblyViewRelationship. It identifies a component of an assembly with respect to an upper level in the assembly structure.
NOTE    A ComponentUpperLevelIdentification does not add a component in an assembly, it provides a means to further characterize a component with respect to an upper level assembly.
EXAMPLE    A ComponentUpperLevelIdentification may be used to assign a property to a component that applies in the context of a particular upper level assembly.

The identified component is the version of product, indirectly referred to as the related of the subAssemblyRelationship.

The upper level assembly is the version of product, indirectly referred to as the relating of the upperAssemblyRelationship.

upperAssemblyRelationship [1] : AssemblyViewRelationship
the AssemblyViewRelationship that identifies indirectly the upper level assembly in the context of which the component is identified.
subAssemblyRelationship [1] : NextAssemblyViewUsage
the NextAssemblyViewUsage that identifies indirectly the component that is further characterized by the ComponentUpperLevelIdentification.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ComponentUpperLevelIdentification::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{upperAssemblyRelationship, subAssemblyRelationship})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CompositionOfState
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: StateRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A CompositionOfState is a specialization of state relationship and it relates the nature of states in relation to one another, where two or more State parts compose a whole State; and furthermore, whole states can become parts of yet another whole State.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: CompositionOfStateDefinition
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A CompositionOfStateDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It relates StateDefinition entities to one another, when two or more StateDefinition entities act as parts to compose a whole StateDefinition; and furthermore, whole StateDefinition entities can become parts of yet another whole StateDefinition.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConcurrentElements
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: StructuredTaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
Subtypes: SimultaneousElements 
A ConcurrentElements is a specialization of StructuredTaskElement that comprises a set of actions to be performed during the time required for the longest task. No specific order is required.
elements [2..*] : TaskElement
the TaskElements to be performed.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Condition
On diagrams: Effectivity  Condition  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ConditionalEffectivity.condition ConditionAssignment.assignedCondition ConditionEvaluation.condition ConditionParameter.condition ConditionRelationship.relating ConditionRelationship.related DecisionPoint.condition RepeatUntil.condition RepeatWhile.condition 
A Condition is a definition of the precedent that must be fulfilled before a statement or relationship becomes valid.
NOTE    The condition is defined as a text based expression that is represented by the description attribute.

The parameters against which the condition is to be evaluated are identified by ConditionParameter.

The target or consequence of a condition is represented by ConditionAssignment.

EXAMPLE    "If the engine has been running for 10000 hours then it requires a service" is an example of a conditional statement. The conditional part of the statement is "If the engine has been running for 10000 hours" which is stored in definition attribute on Condition. The parameter or subject of the condition is "the engine" which is represented by a ConditionParameter identifying the ProductAsRealized which represents the engine. The consequence of the condition is "then it requires a service". This is represented by ConditionAssignment identifying the task to perform the service, a TaskMethod.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Condition
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Condition.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Condition This Condition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
parameters [0..*] : ConditionParameter
the ConditionParameters that represent the parameters against which the condition is to be evaluated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionAssignment
On diagrams: Condition  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A ConditionAssignment is a relationship that identifies the statement or relationship to which a Condition applies.
EXAMPLE    Condition 29 applies to the relationship between a Saab 9.3 car and the activity of checking the oil level on that make of car.
assignedCondition [1] : Condition
the Condition that is being assigned.
assignedTo [1] : ConditionAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Condition is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionEvaluation
On diagrams: Condition 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ConditionEvaluationAssignment.assignedConditionEvaluation ConditionEvaluationParameter.conditionEvaluation 
A ConditionEvaluation is a record of the evaluation of a Condition and the subsequent result.
EXAMPLE    A Condition is "If the measured value of oil pressure from gauge 3 on a car is less than 2 bar then check the oil level" When the condition is evaluated it is recorded by an instance of ConditionEvaluation. The measured value of oil pressure from gauge 3 on car with VIN 12345678 is 1.9 bar. Therefore the result of the evaluated the condition is true.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ConditionEvaluation
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ConditionEvaluation.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ConditionEvaluation This ConditionEvaluation is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
result [1] : Logical
the indication whether the Condition evaluates to True, False or Unknown.
parameters [0..*] : ConditionEvaluationParameter
the ConditionEvaluationParameters that represent the parameters against which the condition has been evaluated.
condition [1] : Condition
the Condition that has been evaluated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionEvaluationAssignment
On diagrams: Condition 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A ConditionEvaluationAssignment is a relationship that identifies the statement or relationship to which the ConditionEvaluation applies.
EXAMPLE    The ConditionEvaluation (instance 87) is assigned to the activity of checking the oil level on car VIN 12345678.
assignedConditionEvaluation [1] : ConditionEvaluation
the ConditionEvaluation that is being assigned.
assignedTo [1] : ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the ConditionEvaluation is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionEvaluationParameter
On diagrams: Condition 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ConditionEvaluation.parameters RelatedConditionParameter.conditonEvaluationParameter 
A ConditionEvaluationParameter is an identification of the product or activity data used in the evaluation of the Condition identified by the ConditionEvaluation.
EXAMPLE    The measured value of oil pressure from gauge 3 on car with VIN 12345678 (value = 1.9 bar).
NOTE    The product or activity data is defined in ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ConditionEvaluationParameter.
a set of text based descriptions of the ConditionParameter.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ConditionEvaluationParameter This ConditionEvaluationParameter is a member of the referenced class.
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ConditionParameter This ConditionParameter is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
evaluationParameter [1] : ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect
the product or activity data which acted as a parameter to the ConditionEvaluation.
conditionEvaluation [1] : ConditionEvaluation
the ConditionEvaluation for which the parameter was an input.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionParameter
On diagrams: Effectivity  Condition  Task trigger 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Condition.parameters RelatedConditionParameter.conditionParameter 
A ConditionParameter is a representation of the product or activity data that is used to specify a Condition.
EXAMPLE    Oil pressure on gauge 3.
NOTE    The product or activity data is defined in ConditionParameterSelect.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ConditionParameter.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ConditionParameter This ConditionParameter is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
parameter [0..1] : ConditionParameterSelect
the product or activity data which acts as a parameter to the condition. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
condition [1] : Condition
the Condition for which the parameter is an input.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionRelationship
On diagrams: Effectivity  Condition 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ConditionRelationship is a relation between two conditions.
relating [1] : Condition
one of the instances of Condition that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Condition
the other instance of Condition that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ConditionalEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 

A ConditionalEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined by an explicit condition.

condition [1] : Condition
the Condition that defines the domain of applicability.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ContextualItemShape
Supertypes: ItemShapeObject 
All Supertype Blocks: ItemShapeObject 
Used by: ContextualShapeRepresentation.contextualShape ShapePlacementAssociation.representedCharacteristic 

A ContextualItemShape is a specialization of ItemShape that identifies the shape of a product version in the context of its use in another product version.

The product version whose contextual shape is identified, is the product version associated with the related of the ViewDefinitionUsage.

EXAMPLE    Flexible part may have several shapes, each associated with a particular occurrence of the part in assemblies.
describedElement [1] : ViewDefinitionRelationship
the ViewDefinitionRelationship that identifies the using product version and the used product version.
shapedProduct [1] : ProductViewDefinition
the ProductViewDefinition that identifies the definition of the product version whose shape is considered.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ContextualShapeRepresentation
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
A ContextualShapeRepresentation is a relationship that relates a ContextualItemShape and a GeometricModelRelationship.
contextualShape [1] : ContextualItemShape
specifies a role of the ContextualItemShape for the ContextualShapeRepresentation.
representingRelationship [1] : GeometricModelRelationship
specifies a role of the GeometricModelRelationship for the ContextualShapeRepresentation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Contract
On diagrams: Contract 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ContractAssignment.assignedContract ContractRelationship.relating ContractRelationship.related 
A Contract is a binding agreement.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Contract
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Contract.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Contract This Contract is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ContractAssignment
On diagrams: Contract 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A ContractAssignment is an association of a Contract with activity or product data.
assignedContract [1] : Contract
the Contract that is to be associated with activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : ContractAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Contract is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ContractRelationship
On diagrams: Contract 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ContractRelationship is a relationship between two Contract instances.
relating [1] : Contract
an instance of Contract that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Contract
the other instance of Contract that is a part of the relationship. If one Contract in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DateTimeAssignment
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A DateTimeAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of a date and time, DateTimeString with activity or product data.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#DateTimeAssignment.
classifiedAs [1..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this DateTimeAssignment This DateTimeAssignment is a member of the referenced class.
assignedTo [1] : DateTimeAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the date and time is assigned.
assignedDate [1] : DateTimeString
the date and time that is assigned to activity or product data.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DateTimeStringProxy
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateOrEventSelect 

ADateTimeStringProxy is an abstract generalization of instances that represents a date time string

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the DateTimeStringProxy can be instantiated.
value [1] : DateTimeString
the date time string.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DatedEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 
A DatedEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined as an interval of time bounded by dates or events. The interval may be open-ended.
EXAMPLE    Events may be used to bound a DatedEffectivity period, at planning phase.
Depending on which of the startBound and endBound attributes are specified, the actual domain of time defined by a DatedEffectivity is: If the EndBound is an event that actually identifies a point in time that comes before the StartBound, then the actual domain of effectivity is empty.
startBound [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the date or event that defines the lower bound of the interval of applicability. The value of the attribute need not be specified. If the value for this attribute is not specified, the interval of applicability has no lower limit.
endBound [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the date or event that defines the upper bound of the interval of applicability. The value of the attribute need not be specified. If the value for this attribute is not specified, the interval of applicability has no upper limit.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DecisionPoint
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: StructuredTaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A DecisionPoint is a type of StructuredTaskElement. It requires a decision that determines which further TaskElement is to be followed.
NOTE    The condition on which the decision is based optionally allows a further TaskElement to be invoked to provide the basis for the decision.
trueCaseElement [0..1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement to be performed if the test condition is satisfied. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
falseCaseElement [0..1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement to be performed if the test condition is not satisfied. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
unknownCaseElement [0..1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement to be performed if the test condition can not be evaluated or returns unknown. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
condition [1] : Condition
the criterion to be tested in order to make a decision.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DecreasingResourceEvent
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ResourceEvent 
All Supertype Blocks: ResourceEvent 

A DecreasingResourceEvent is a specialization of ResourceEvent that decreases the balance of a managed resource.

EXAMPLE    Filling a requisition reduces an inventory.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DefinedStateRelationship
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A DefinedStateRelationship is a relationship that links a StateAssertion to a StateAssessment.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the DefinedStateRelationship
definitiveState [1] : StateAssertion
the StateAssertion being related to the defined subject State from StateAssessment.
definedState [1] : StateAssessment
the StateAssessment being related to the definitive subject State from StateAssertion.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Descriptor
On diagrams: Description 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Activity.description ActivityMethod.description AnalysisModelObject.description AnalysisRepresentationContext.description Approval.description AssignmentObject.description AssociationObject.description Assumption.description AttachmentSlotOnProduct.description BreakdownContext.description BreakdownOf.description Certification.description Condition.description ConditionEvaluation.description ConditionEvaluationParameter.description ConditionParameter.description Contract.description DescriptorRelationship.relating DescriptorRelationship.related Effectivity.description Evidence.description ExperienceInstance.description ExperienceType.description ExternalClass.description ExternalItem.description File.description GeometricItemSpecificUsage.description InformationRight.description InformationUsageRight.description InterfaceConnection.description InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.description InterfaceDefinitionConnection.description ItemAssumed.description ItemShapeObject.description Justification.description Location.description LocationRepresentation.description ManagedResource.description Market.description MeasureQualification.description Message.description NumericalContext.description Observation.description Organization.description OrganizationalLocationIdentification.description OrganizationType.description Person.description PersonInOrganization.description PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.description Position.description PositionGroup.description PositionType.description ProbabilityNamedValue.description Product.description ProductConcept.description ProductConfiguration.description ProductGroup.description ProductVersion.description ProductViewDefinition.description Project.description QualificationType.description RelatedConditionParameter.description RelationshipObject.description RequiredResource.description RequirementSatisfiedBy.description RequirementSource.description ResourceAsRealized.description ResourceEvent.description ResourceItem.description SecurityClassification.description ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation.description ShapeDescriptionAssociation.description ShapeElement.description State.description StateAssertion.description StateAssessment.description StateDefinition.description TaskObjective.description TimeInterval.description TypeOfPerson.description TypeOfPersonDefinition.description UncertaintyQualifier.description Validation.description Verification.description ViewDefinitionContext.description WorkOrder.description WorkOutput.description WorkRequest.description 

A Descriptor is a set of words that describe something.

EXAMPLE    The same thing may have multiple descriptions associated with it. Relating both a short description and a long description to an operational activity or an organization, as required by the US DoD Architecture Framework, are examples of multiple descriptions applied to the same item.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Descriptor
text [1..*] : LocalizedString
the LocalizedString representing providing the textual content of the description.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Description This Description is a member of the referenced class.
descriptionContext [0..*] : IdentificationContextSelect
the context in which the Descriptor has been made.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DescriptorRelationship
On diagrams: Description 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A DescriptorRelationship is a relationship between a pair of Descriptors
relating [1] : Descriptor
one of the instances of Descriptor that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Descriptor
the other instance of Descriptor that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DetailedGeometricModelElement (Abstract)
On diagrams: CAD document 
Subtypes: AxisPlacement  CartesianPoint  CartesianTransformation2d  CartesianTransformation3d  Direction  GeometricPlacementOperation 
Used by: GeometricItemSpecificUsage.identifiedItem GeometricModel.items 
A DetailedGeometricModelElement identifies a geometric construct.

Only non abstract specializations of the DetailedGeometricModelElement entity data type can be instantiated.

classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this DetailedGeometricModelElement This DetailedGeometricModelElement is a member of the referenced class.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DigitalDocumentDefinition
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Supertypes: DocumentDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: DocumentDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
A DigitalDocumentDefinition is a specialization of DocumentDefinition. It identifies a collection of files that are archived on an optical computer disc, magnetic, electronic storage, or a combination thereof. A digital document definition may consist of one or many component digital files.
files [0..*] : DigitalFile
the set of instances of DigitalFile that provides the content of the digital document.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DigitalFile
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Supertypes: File  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: File 
Used by: DigitalDocumentDefinition.files ExternalAnalysisModel.externalFile ExternalGeometricModel.externalFile 
A DigitalFile is a specialization of File. A DigitalFile contains computer interpretable data and is stored on an electronic device.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DirectedActivity
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: Activity 
All Supertype Blocks: Activity 
A DirectedActivity is a specialization of Activity. It identifies an activity that is governed by a WorkOrder.
directive [1] : WorkOrder
the WorkOrder that governs the DirectedActivity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Direction
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
Used by: AxisPlacement.xAxis AxisPlacement.yAxis CartesianTransformation2d.multiplicationMatrix CartesianTransformation3d.multiplicationMatrix 
A Direction is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement that defines a 2 or 3 dimensional vector.
NOTE 1   A Direction is not located in a geometric space but is used in the definition of geometric entities like AxisPlacement.
coordinates [2..3] : LengthMeasure

the list of 2 or 3 length measure values that define the direction ratios of the Direction.

NOTE 2   The coordinates of a Direction may not be normalised and the actual magnitudes of the components have no effect upon the direction being defined; only the ratios x:y:z or x:y are significant.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DistributionByValue
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: ProbabilityDistribution 
All Supertype Blocks: ProbabilityDistribution  ProbabilityGenerator  PropertyValue 

A DistributionByValue is a specialization of ProbabilityDistribution that explicitly lists pairs of random variable values and function values.

NOTE 1  

DistributionByValue is used where there is no named distribution which can be used to identify the distribution, for example, when the distribution is derived from observation.

distributionFunction [1..*] : LocalizedString

the type of function which the (random variable, function value) pair list represents.

NOTE 3   Probabilities may be described by a number of different types of functions, such as the cumulative distribution function, the probability density function for continuous distributions or the probability generation function for discrete distributions. Each function is identified through reference-data.
definedFunction [1] : ValueFunction

a list of pairs consisting of a random variable value and the corresponding function value. This represents a numerical approximation to a probability distribution.

NOTE 2   the value of random variable increases strictly monotonically along the list.
EXAMPLE 1   The distribution is the probability generating function for an unfair dice ((1,0.1), (2,0.166),...,(6,0.23)). Here each pair represents the value on the face and the probability of it occurring. The probability of rolling a 1 or a 2 is therefore (0.1 + 0.166).
EXAMPLE 2   The distribution is a cumulative distribution function for the measured length of a component ((2.1, 0.0), (2.2, 0.1), (2.3, 0.6), (2.4, 1.0)) Here each pair represents a length and the probability that the component exceeds that length. The probability that the component is between 2.2m and 2.3m long is therefore 0.5 (0.6 - 0.1).
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Document
On diagrams: Classification  Document 
Supertypes: Product  AssignedDocumentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  ExternalSourceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: DocumentVersion.versionOf 
A Document is a specialization of Product used to identify documentation data that is under configuration change management.
versions [0..*] : DocumentVersion
the versions of the Document>.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DocumentAssignment
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
Subtypes: PartialDocumentAssignment 
A DocumentAssignment is a mechanism to associate a document with product data, where the assigned document provides information about the data with which it is associated.
assignedDocument [1] : AssignedDocumentSelect
the Document, DocumentVersion, DigitalDocumentDefinition or File that is used to provide information.
assignedTo [1] : DocumentAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Document is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DocumentDefinition
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  AssignedDocumentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Subtypes: DigitalDocumentDefinition  PhysicalDocumentDefinition 
Used by: DocumentDefinitionRelationship.relating DocumentDefinitionRelationship.related DocumentVersion.viewDefinitions 

A DocumentDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that is a DocumentVersion in a particular format.

NOTE 1   A DocumentVersion may have more than one representation.
EXAMPLE    A version of a logical document, which contains a shape model, may be represented in the native formats of different CAD systems.

Each DocumentDefinition is a DigitalDocumentDefinition or a PhysicalDocumentDefinition.

NOTE 2   Aspects of the representation may not be known at the time the identification is established.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : DocumentVersion
the DocumentVersion of which the DocumentDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DocumentDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A DocumentDefinitionRelationship is a relationship between two instances of DocumentDefinition.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the DocumentDefinitionRelationship
relating [1] : DocumentDefinition
one of the instances of DocumentDefinitionthat participate in the relationship.
related [1] : DocumentDefinition
the other instance of DocumentDefinition that participates in the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: DocumentVersion
On diagrams: Classification  Document  Analysis 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  AnalysisModelItemsSelect  AssignedDocumentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  ExternalSourceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Document.versions DocumentDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A DocumentVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion A DocumentVersion identifies a particular version of a document.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : DocumentDefinition
the views of the DocumentVersion.
versionOf [1] : Document
the Document that the DocumentVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Effectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity  Product configuration 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ConditionalEffectivity  DatedEffectivity  LotEffectivity  ProductAsIndividualEffectivity  SerialEffectivity  TimeIntervalEffectivity 
Used by: EffectivityAssignment.assignedEffectivity EffectivityRelationship.relating EffectivityRelationship.related ItemUsageEffectivity.effectivityDomain 

An Effectivity is the identification of a domain of applicability.

NOTE    Instances of Effectivity may be applied to any kind of product or activity data.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Effectivity
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Effectivity.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Effectivity This Effectivity is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EffectivityAssignment
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An EffectivityAssignment is the association of an Effectivity with product or activity data.
assignedEffectivity [1] : Effectivity
the instance of the Effectivity entity that is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : EffectivityAssignmentSelect
the set of EffectivityAssignmentSelect whose effectivity is characterized by this entity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EffectivityRelationship
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An EffectivityRelationship is an association between two instances of Effectivity. The meaning of the relationship is represented with the relationType attribute.
relating [1] : Effectivity
the first instance of EffectivityRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Effectivity

the second instance of EffectivityRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one EffectivityRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ElementConstraint
Supertypes: TaskElementRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElementRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An ElementConstraint is a specialization of TaskElementRelationship that signifies a constraint between TaskElements. The constraint may only apply within the context of a TaskMethod or TaskElement, specified as the context.
appliesIn [0..1] : ConstraintContextSelect

the TaskElement within which the constraint applies. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE    Within a specific method, use of test equipment must be preceded by calibration. Or a 30 minute wait is required between stages of a method.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EndTask
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
An EndTask is a type of TaskElement. It signifies a point at which to end the task.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Envelope
On diagrams: Message 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: EnvelopeRelationship.relating EnvelopeRelationship.related 
An Envelope is an historical record of the transmission of a Message. It is used to record the audit data for sending and acknowledging a Message. Because it is an historical record, each Envelope is only used once, and so is not versioned.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Envelope
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Envelope This Envelope is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
acknowledge [0..*] : LocalizedString

the request for and acknowledgement of receipt of the Envelope. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

On transmission of a Message this attribute shall take one of the values "" (blank), "ask message arrival" or "ask message read". A blank value expects no reply. A value of "ask message arrival" asks if the Message arrived at the recipients' mailbox, and requires the reply Envelope to have values "acknowledge arrival" if the Message arrives at the destination, or "delivery failure" if failure of the delivery is detected.

NOTE 2  

Envelope is used to provide an audit trail. There is no assumption that the transmission system has any knowledge of Envelope or its usage. However, if it reports some failure, this can then be recorded in the way described.

A value of "ask message read" asks if the recipient has actually opened the Message to read it, and expects the reply "acknowledge read" on success, or "contents corrupt" if it is not possible to for it to be read.

NOTE 3   For any single Envelope, there should be an acknowledgement per recipient. The acknowledgement will not contain a Message.
NOTE 4   The Envelope being acknowledged is referenced using an EnvelopeRelationship.
wrapping [0..1] : Message
the Message that the Envelope is wrapping. A Message should be present unless the Envelope is being used to carry an acknowledgement. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvelopeRelationship
On diagrams: Message 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

An EnvelopeRelationship is an association of one Envelope with another.

NOTE    The most obvious use of the association is to link an Envelope to its acknowledgements.
relating [1] : Envelope
one of the instances of Envelope participating in the relationship
related [1] : Envelope
the other instance of the Envelope participating in the relationship. If one Envelope participating in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvironmentAssignment
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A EnvironmentAssignment is an assignment of a product to the environment in which it operates or is supported.

assignedEnvironment [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionView
the EnvironmentDefinitionView in which the product is supported or operates.
assignedTo [1] : EnvironmentAssignmentSelect
the product that is or planned to be operating in the environment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvironmentDefinition
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: Product 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: EnvironmentDefinitionVersion.versionOf ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition.definedEnvironment 
An EnvironmentDefinition is a specialization of Product that is used to identify the definition of typical environment in which a product is to be, has been or is planned to be deployed in, operated in, or supported in.
versions [0..*] : EnvironmentDefinitionVersion
the versions of the EnvironmentDefinition.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvironmentDefinitionVersion
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ProductVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: EnvironmentDefinition.versions EnvironmentDefinitionView.viewDefinitionOf ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion.definedEnvironmentVersion 
A EnvironmentDefinitionVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a particular version of an EnvironmentDefinition.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : EnvironmentDefinitionView
the views of the EnvironmentDefinitionVersion.
versionOf [1] : EnvironmentDefinition
the EnvironmentDefinition that the EnvironmentDefinitionVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvironmentDefinitionView
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: EnvironmentAssignment.assignedEnvironment EnvironmentDefinitionVersion.viewDefinitions EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship.relating EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship.related ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView.observedEnvironmentView 

A EnvironmentDefinitionView is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that provides a view of a version of an environment definition relevant for one or more application domains. This view collects the characteristics that define an environment.

NOTE    The characteristics include the resources available, the locations in which the product is to operate as well as climatic conditions such temperature ranges.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionVersion
the EnvironmentDefinitionVersion of which the EnvironmentDefinitionView provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that represents an association between two EnvironmentDefinitionView instances.
relating [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionView
the first instance of EnvironmentDefinitionView that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionView

the second instance of EnvironmentDefinitionView that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one EnvironmentDefinitionView in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Evidence
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Validation.validatedBy Verification.verifiedBy 
An Evidence is a collector of items used together to provide a single piece of evidence within a validation or verification. For example a document and its approval by a customer may be used together to provide evidence of customer acceptance.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Evidence
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Evidence.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Evidence This Evidence is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
supports [1] : EvidenceSupportSelect
identifies the validation or verification for which this evidence has been related.
items [1..*] : EvidenceSelect
the component data items used to support this evidence.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExchangeContextClassLibrary
On diagrams: Classification  Message 
Supertypes: ContractAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Message.exchangeContextClassLibrary 

A ExchangeContextClassLibrary is a representation of a universal resource identifier for the OWL reference-data library that provides the context for an exchange of data.

NOTE    Each data exchange takes place in the context of a single OWL class library that references any other OWL libraries that are required.
libraryId [1] : Uri
the URI by which the ExchangeContextClassLibrary is referenced and identified.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExitLoop
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
An ExitLoop is a type of StructuredTaskElement. It signifies a point at which to exit from a loop.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExpandedUncertainty
Supertypes: StandardUncertainty 
All Supertype Blocks: StandardUncertainty  UncertaintyQualifier 
An ExpandedUncertainty is a specialization of StandardUncertainty that specifies the factor of an uncertainty.
coverageFactor [1] : Real
the multiplier of the uncertainty of the value.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExperienceGained
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
An ExperienceGained is a relationship between an ExperienceInstance and a person or organization.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ExperienceGained This ExperienceGained is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
experienceOf [1] : ExperienceInstance
the ExperienceInstance undergone by a person or organization.
gainedBy [1] : PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect
the person or organization that undergoes the ExperienceInstance.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExperienceInstance
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ExperienceGained.experienceOf 
An ExperienceInstance is a particular episode of contact with and/or observation of facts or events which contributes to the accumulation of knowledge or skill.
EXAMPLE 1   Changing the exhaust system on a car.
EXAMPLE 2   2 years work on same type of milling machine.
EXAMPLE 3   100 flying hours in a Tornado jet.
EXAMPLE 4   5 years as Workshop Manager.
The nature, duration and worth of the ExperienceInstance can be described using assigned properties or by referring to activities or tasks.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ExperienceInstance
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ExperienceInstance.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ExperienceInstance This ExperienceInstance is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
isDefinedBy [1] : ExperienceType
an experience instance contributes to the definition of the experience gained.
consistsOf [0..1] : DefinedActivitiesSelect
the Activity or ResourceAsRealized that provides the content of the ExperienceInstance. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExperienceType
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DefinedAttributesSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ExperienceInstance.isDefinedBy ExperienceTypeRelationship.compoundExperience ExperienceTypeRelationship.componentExperience 
An ExperienceType is a category or class of experience.
EXAMPLE 1   welding
EXAMPLE 2   mechanical design
EXAMPLE 3   flying
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ExperienceType
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ExperienceType.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
consistsOf [0..1] : DefinedMethodsSelect
the ActivityMethod or RequiredResource that provides the content of the ExperienceType. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExperienceTypeRelationship
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An ExperienceTypeRelationship is used to relate a compound experience to its component experiences.
EXAMPLE    Ten years programming experience made up of five years C++ programming experience and five years Java programming experience.
compoundExperience [1] : ExperienceType
the ExperienceType that the ExperienceTypeRelationship identifies as comprising other ExperienceType instances.
componentExperience [1] : ExperienceType
the ExperienceType that the ExperienceTypeRelationship identifies as a component of another ExperienceType.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalAnalysisModel
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: AnalysisModelObject  CollectionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AnalysisModelObject 
An ExternalAnalysisModel is a specialization of AnalysisModel whose content is provided in an external file.
externalFile [1] : DigitalFile

the DigitalFile that contains the analysis representation.

EXAMPLE    The external file may be an analysis representation defined using AP209 in Physical File Format, or a tool specific format.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalClass
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: ClassSelect 

An ExternalClass defines a relationship between a datatype and an non-OWL reference-data class of which instances of the datatype are members.

description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ExternalClass.
id [1] : Identifier
the identification of the ExternalClass.
source [0..1] : ExternalSourceSelect
the document that provides the definition for the ExternalClass.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ExternalClass::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{id, source})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalGeometricModel
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: GeometricModel 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricModel 
An ExternalGeometricModel is a specialization of 3D GeometricModel whose content is provided in an external file.

The set of items of the ExternalGeometricModel contains only one element that shall be an AxisPlacement. This AxisPlacement specifies the reference location and orientation with respect to which placement of the ExternalGeometricModel in other GeometricModels shall be defined.

items [1] : AxisPlacement

the AxisPlacement that defines the reference position or orientation of the ExternalGeometricModel.

NOTE    Most of times, the position is the origin point of the coordinate space and the orientation matrix is the identity matrix.
externalFile [1] : DigitalFile
the DigitalFile that contains the external geometry information.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalItem
On diagrams: Classification  Document 
Supertypes: DocumentAssignmentSelect  ProxyItemSelect 
Used by: File.locations 

An ExternalItem is the representation of a reference to an object or item that is external to the data exchange file.

EXAMPLE    The location of a digital file in a file system.
EXAMPLE    A section in a document.
EXAMPLE    A definition.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ExternalItem.
id [1] : Identifier
the identification of the ExternalItem.
source [0..1] : ExternalSourceSelect
the document within which the ExternalItem is defined.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ExternalItem::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{id, source})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalOwlClass
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: ClassSelect 

An ExternalOwlClass defines a relationship between a datatype and an OWL reference-data class of which instances of the datatype are members. The OWL class is defined and managed in an ontology external to the data exchange file.

subsetMemberOf [0..*] : SubsetMember
the SubsetMember relationship that references this ExternalOwlClass as a subset.
class [1] : Uri
the Uniform Resource Identifier (normally an http:// URL) that specifies the OWL reference-data class of which referenced instances are members.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalOwlObject
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: ProxyItemSelect 

An ExternalOwlObject states that a block instance is the same as an OWL reference-data item.

NOTE    This capability is similar in nature to the ProxyObject built-in property in the World Wide Web Consortium Web Ontology Language, available from their Web site. ProxyObject indicates that two individuals or classes have the same 'identity'.
individual [1] : Uri
the Uniform Resource Identifier (normally an http:// URL) that provides the identification and location of the OWL file and the relevant reference-data item within it.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalPropertyDefinition
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PropertyDefinitionAssignment.assignedPropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionRelationship.relating PropertyDefinitionRelationship.related PropertyValue.definition 
OWL Definition:

An ExternalPropertyDefinition is a  identification of the definition of a property.

EXAMPLE 1:  The property definition Colour is a definition of red, green and blue values.
NOTE 1:  A property may reflect physics or arbitrary user defined measurements
NOTE 2:  An ExternalPropertyDefinition is a reference to a property definition that is defined externally to the exchange file.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

An ExternalPropertyDefinition is a reference to a property definition that is defined externally to the exchange file. A Property definition is the definition of a particular quality or feature of a product or activity data. A Property definition may reflect physics or arbitrary user defined measurements.

EXAMPLE    Colour is a property of product and is defined by a red, green and blue values.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ExternalPropertyDefinition. This ExternalPropertyDefinition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which the ExternalPropertyDefinition is a proxy.
definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the ExternalPropertyDefinition.
allowedUnits [0..*] : ExternalUnit
the set of units that are allowed to be used when specifying a value for the property.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalTypeQualifier
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: TypeQualifierSelect 

An ExternalTypeQualifier is a reference to the specification of the type of a datum that is defined externally to the exchange file.

sameAs [0..1] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which the ExternalTypeQualifier is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ExternalUnit
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ExternalPropertyDefinition.allowedUnits GeometricCoordinateSpace.units PropertyDefinitionAssignment.allowedUnits ValueWithUnit.unit 
OWL Definition:

An ExternalUnit is a  measurable quantity, dimension, or magnitude adopted as a basis or standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind and in terms of which their magnitude is calculated or expressed.

EXAMPLE 1:  Ohm is the unit of electrical resistance
NOTE 1:  An ExternalUnit is a reference to a unit that is defined externally to the exchange file.
    Oxford English Dictionary
An ExternalUnit is a unit quantity.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ExternalUnit This ExternalUnit is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the ExternalUnit.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: File (Abstract)
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  AssignedDocumentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: DigitalFile  Hardcopy 
Used by: FileRelationship.relating FileRelationship.related 
A File is a file stored on a computer system or in a stack of non-digital documents.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the File
versionIds [0..*] : Identifier
a set of version identifiers for the File.
containedDataType [0..1] : Classification

a string that provides information about the kind of data stored in the file. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

Where applicable, the following values shall be used:

classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this File This File is a member of the referenced class.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the File.
locations [0..*] : ExternalItem
the identification of the File in a an external file management system.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FileRelationship
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A FileRelationship is a relationship between two instances of File.
EXAMPLE 1   A service manual may contain graphics for explanatory reasons. In this case, the File instances that contain the graphics are referenced as related from the File instance that contains the body of the service manual with RelationType 'reference'.
relating [1] : File
one instance of Filethat participates in the relationship.
related [1] : File
the other instance of File that participates in the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionValuePair
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ValueFunction.functionElement 
A FunctionValuePair is a single random variable/value pair, thus defining a single point on the distribution curve of a numerically defined distribution.
EXAMPLE    The distribution function for the tossing of two coins uses the number of heads as the random variable and the probability as value of the function, and has the form of a list of three pairs ((0, 0.25), (1, 0.5), (2, 0.25)) - 0, 1 and 2 being the random variable values, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.25 being the probability values.
functionValue [1] : ProbabilityFunctionValue
the value of the probability function for the given random variable value.
variableValue [1] : RandomVariable
the value of the random variable.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalBreakdown
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: Breakdown 
All Supertype Blocks: Breakdown  Product 
Used by: FunctionalBreakdownVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

FunctionalBreakdown is a  breakdown comprising functional elements.

The composite - component view is represented by FunctionalElementUsage instances relating the functional elements in the breakdown which are represented by FunctionalElements.

EXAMPLE 1:  A functional breakdown provides a decomposition of an aircraft in terms of high-level processes such as "flight" and "taxiing" all the way down to low-level functions such as "detect onboard fuel level", "move tail rudder", and "provide standard tow attachment point".
NOTE 1:  The functional breakdown is a partitioning of a product into a set of related functional elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A FunctionalBreakdown is a specialization of Breakdown that identifies a partitioning of a product into a set of related functional elements so as to form explicit structural views that comprise the product elements.

The composite - component view is represented by FunctionalElementUsage instances relating the functional elements in the breakdown which are represented by FunctionalElements.

EXAMPLE    A functional breakdown provides a decomposition of an aircraft in terms of high-level functional processes such as flight, taxiing and at rest all the way down to low-level processes such as detect on-board fuel level, move tail rudder and provide standard tow attachment point.
versions [0..*] : FunctionalBreakdownVersion
the versions of the FunctionalBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalBreakdownContext
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownContext 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownContext 
A FunctionalBreakdownContext is a specialization of BreakdownContext that is an association of a FunctionalElement to a FunctionalBreakdown of which the functional element is a member.
EXAMPLE    A function 'provide load lifting capability' is member of the functional breakdown of a helicopter.
breakdown [1] : FunctionalBreakdownVersion
the version of the FunctionalBreakdown of which the FunctionalElement is a member.
breakdownElement [1] : FunctionalElementDefinition
the view of the version of the FunctionalElement that is a member of the FunctionalBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalBreakdownVersion
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: FunctionalBreakdown.versions FunctionalBreakdownContext.breakdown 
A FunctionalBreakdownVersion is a specialization of BreakdownVersion that identifies a version of a FunctionalBreakdown
versionOf [1] : FunctionalBreakdown
the FunctionalBreakdown that the FunctionalBreakdownVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalElement
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElement 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElement  Product 
Used by: FunctionalElementVersion.versionOf 
A FunctionalElement is a specialization of BreakdownElement that identifies the elements in one or more FunctionalBreakdown instances.
versions [0..*] : FunctionalElementVersion
the versions of the FunctionalElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalElementDefinition
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: FunctionalBreakdownContext.breakdownElement FunctionalElementUsage.relating FunctionalElementUsage.related FunctionalElementVersion.viewDefinitions 
A FunctionalElementDefinition is a specialization of BreakdownElementDefinition that identifies a view of a version ( FunctionalElementVersion ) of a FunctionalElement
viewDefinitionOf [1] : FunctionalElementVersion
the FunctionalElementVersion of which the FunctionalElementDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalElementUsage
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementUsage  ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A FunctionalElementUsage is a specialization of BreakdownElementUsage that is an association of a functional element to another functional element that is a constituent. FunctionalElement.
relating [1] : FunctionalElementDefinition
the first instance of FunctionalElement that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : FunctionalElementDefinition

the second instance of FunctionalElement that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one FunctionalElement in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: FunctionalElementVersion
On diagrams: FunctionalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: FunctionalElement.versions FunctionalElementDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A FunctionalElementVersion is a specialization of BreakdownElementVersion that identifies a version of a FunctionalElement
viewDefinitions [0..*] : FunctionalElementDefinition
the views of the FunctionalElementVersion.
versionOf [1] : FunctionalElement
the FunctionalElement that the FunctionalElementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricCompositionWithOperatorTransformation
Supertypes: GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation  GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation  GeometricModelRelationship 
A GeometricCompositionWithOperatorTransformation is a specialization of GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricCompositionWithPlacementTransformation
Supertypes: GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation  GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation  GeometricModelRelationship 
A GeometricCompositionWithPlacementTransformation is a specialization of GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricCoordinateSpace
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect 
Used by: GeometricModel.contextOfItems 
A GeometricCoordinateSpace is a type of ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect that defines a coordinate space where geometric elements can be defined. It is either two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

There shall be at least two units specified for the GeometricCoordinateSpace: one length unit and one plane angle unit.

The length unit applies to each coordinate direction.

EXAMPLE    The length unit millimetre and the angle unit radian are examples of units that may assigned to a GeometricCoordinateSpace.
NOTE    The origin for coordinate values is implicitly defined as being the cartesian point whose coordinates are all zero.
accuracies [0..*] : ValueWithUnit
the uncertainty measures that apply.
units [0..*] : ExternalUnit

the set of ExternalUnit.

NOTE    The units is only intended to provide a default unit. Its use is not intended to prevent GeometricCoordinateSpace being specified with the same or different units to the context.
dimensionCount [1] : Integer
the dimensionality of the geometric space.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricItemSpecificUsage
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ChainBasedGeometricItemSpecificUsage 

A GeometricItemSpecificUsage is an identification of a DetailedGeometricModelElement within a GeometricModel or an ExternalGeometricModel as being the element that describes a ShapeElement or ShapeElementRelationship of an ItemShape that is described by the GeometricModel or an ExternalGeometricModel.

EXAMPLE    In an application protocol, an instance of GeometricModel describes the ItemShape of a product. One element of the GeometricModel - a curve - represents the boundary of a hole that is a ShapeElement in the product. This entity data type may be used to state that the curve describes the hole, in the context of the entire GeometricModel describing the shape of the product.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the GeometricItemSpecificUsage.
identifiedItem [1] : DetailedGeometricModelElement
specifies the role of the DetailedGeometricModelElement for the GeometricItemSpecificUsage.
definition [1] : GeometricItemSpecificUsageSelect
specifies the role of the ShapeElement that is being represented by the IdentifiedItem for the GeometricItemSpecificUsage.
usedModel [1] : GeometricModel
specifies the role of the GeometricModel that includes the IdentifiedItem in it's set of items. The usedModel describes the ItemShape for the GeometricItemSpecificUsage.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricModel
On diagrams: CAD document 
Subtypes: ExternalGeometricModel  GeometricPlacementModel 
Used by: ChainBasedGeometricItemSpecificUsage.nodes GeometricItemSpecificUsage.usedModel GeometricModelRelationship.rep1 GeometricModelRelationship.rep2 GeometricPlacementOperation.templateDefinition ShapeDescriptionAssociation.representation 

A GeometricModel is a model comprising geometric constructs.

The GeometricModel is founded in a GeometricCoordinateSpace.

The items of a GeometricModel are instances of DetailedGeometricModelElement.

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the GeometricModel
versionIds [0..*] : Identifier
a set of version identifiers for the GeometricModel.
contextOfItems [1] : GeometricCoordinateSpace
the GeometricCoordinateSpace in which the GeometricModel is defined.
items [1..*] : DetailedGeometricModelElement
the instances of DetailedGeometricModelElement that are included in the GeometricModel.
modelExtent [0..1] : LengthMeasure

the LengthMeasure that specifies the radius of a sphere that encloses all elements of the geometric model. The centre of the sphere is located at the origin of the GeometricCoordinateSpace of the GeometricModel.

The value of this attribute need not be specified.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricModelRelationship
Supertypes: ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect 
Subtypes: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation 
Used by: ContextualShapeRepresentation.representingRelationship 
A GeometricModelRelationship is a type of ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect.
rep1 [1] : GeometricModel

one of the instances of GeometricModel that is a part of the relationship.

rep2 [1] : GeometricModel

the other instance of GeometricModel that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is the dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation (Abstract)
Supertypes: GeometricModelRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricModelRelationship 
Subtypes: GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation  GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation 
A GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation is a specialization of GeometricModelRelationship. A GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation may be a GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation or a GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricOperatorTransformation
Supertypes: GeometricPlacementOperation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricPlacementOperation  DetailedGeometricModelElement 
A GeometricOperatorTransformation is a specialization of GeometricPlacementOperation.
target [1] : CartesianTransformationSelect
the CartesianTransformationSelect that identifies the target of the transformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricPlacement
Supertypes: GeometricPlacementOperation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricPlacementOperation  DetailedGeometricModelElement 
A GeometricPlacement is a specialization of GeometricPlacementOperation.
target [1] : AxisPlacement
the AxisPlacement that identifies the target of the placement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricPlacementModel
Supertypes: GeometricModel 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricModel 
Used by: ShapePlacementAssociation.representation 
A GeometricPlacementModel is a specialization of GeometricModel.
items [1] : GeometricPlacementOperation
a set of GeometricPlacementOperation that the GeometricPlacementModel is a collection of. There shall exist exactly one GeometricPlacementOperation for the GeometricPlacementModel.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricPlacementOperation (Abstract)
Supertypes: DetailedGeometricModelElement  ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: DetailedGeometricModelElement 
Subtypes: GeometricOperatorTransformation  GeometricPlacement 
Used by: GeometricPlacementModel.items 
A GeometricPlacementOperation is a specialization of DetailedGeometricModelElement. A GeometricPlacementOperation may be a GeometricPlacement or a GeometricOperatorTransformation.
source [1] : AxisPlacement
the AxisPlacement that identifies the source of the operation.
templateDefinition [1] : GeometricModel
the value from GeometricModel.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation
Supertypes: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation  GeometricModelRelationship 
Subtypes: GeometricCompositionWithOperatorTransformation 
A GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation is a specialization of GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation.
transformation [1] : CartesianTransformationSelect
the CartesianTransformationSelect that identifies the transformation for the GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation
Supertypes: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation 
All Supertype Blocks: GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation  GeometricModelRelationship 
Subtypes: GeometricCompositionWithPlacementTransformation 
A GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation is a specialization of GeometricModelRelationshipWithTransformation.
transformation [1] : AxisPlacementMapping
the AxisPlacementMapping that identifies the transformation for the GeometricRelationshipWithPlacementTransformation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: GlobalLocationRepresentation
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: LocationRepresentation 
All Supertype Blocks: LocationRepresentation 
A GlobalLocationRepresentation is a type of LocationRepresentation specified using geographic means in the global system and values, which could be physical or political geographic values.
altitude [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
specifies the height above sea-level of the location. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
geographicalArea [0..*] : LocalizedString
specifies the geographical, physical or political region of the indicated location, such as Europe, North America, Berlin or Indian Ocean. The precise location can be further detailed within refinements. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
latitude [1] : ValueWithUnit
the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator.
longitude [1] : ValueWithUnit
the angular distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Hardcopy
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: File  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: File 
Used by: PhysicalDocumentDefinition.components 
A Hardcopy is a specialization of File that represents a non-digital document.
EXAMPLE    An actual stack of paper consisting of one or more sheets, on which some product data is written, printed or plotted.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: HierarchicalInterfaceConnection
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: InterfaceConnection 
All Supertype Blocks: InterfaceConnection 

A HierarchicalInterfaceConnection is a specialization of InterfaceConnection that provides an interconnection between components at different levels in an assembly. Each connection point in the assembly is represented by a InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.

EXAMPLE    An appliance such as a television has a power lead and attached plug. The plug and power lead could be represented as an assembly of parts such as the plug pins and wires. Each connection point of the pins and wires in the assembly is represented by a InterfaceConnectorOccurrence and an instance of the HierarchicalInterfaceConnection entity data type identifies the connection of the pins (the parts) to the plug (the assembly) in the assembly.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Identifier
On diagrams: Identification  Classification 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  IdentificationContextSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  ExternalSourceSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Activity.id ActivityMethod.id ActivityMethodRealization.id ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship.id ActivityMethodRelationship.id ActivityRelationship.id Address.id AnalysisModelObject.id Approval.id AssemblyViewRelationship.locationIndicator AssignmentObject.id Assumption.id AssumptionRelationship.id AttachmentSlotOnProduct.id BreakdownElementRealization.id Certification.id Condition.id ConditionEvaluation.id Contract.id DefinedStateRelationship.id Descriptor.id DocumentDefinitionRelationship.id Effectivity.id Envelope.id Evidence.id ExperienceInstance.id ExperienceType.id ExternalClass.id ExternalItem.id File.id File.versionIds GeometricModel.id GeometricModel.versionIds IdentifierRelationship.relating IdentifierRelationship.related InformationRight.id InformationUsageRight.id InterfaceConnection.id InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.id InterfaceDefinitionConnection.id ItemShapeObject.id Justification.id JustificationRelationship.id Location.id LocationRepresentation.id LotEffectivity.lotId ManagedResource.id Market.id Message.id Observation.id ObservationConsequence.id Organization.id OrganizationalLocationIdentification.id OrganizationType.id Person.id PersonInOrganization.id PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.id PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship.id Position.id PositionGroup.id PositionType.id ProbabilityDistribution.id Product.id ProductConcept.id ProductConfiguration.id ProductGroup.id ProductGroupMembership.id ProductGroupRelationship.id ProductRelationship.id ProductVersion.id ProductViewDefinition.id Project.id QualificationType.id RequiredResource.id RequiredResourceRelationship.id RequirementSatisfiedBy.id RequirementSource.id RequirementVersionRelationship.id ResourceAsRealized.id ResourceEvent.id ResourceItem.id ResourceItemRealization.id ResourceItemRelationship.id SecurityClassification.id SerialEffectivity.startId SerialEffectivity.endId ShapeElementRelationship.id State.id StateAssertion.id StateAssessment.id StateDefinition.id StateDefinitionRelationship.id StateRelationship.id TaskElementStateRelationship.id TaskMethodStateRelationship.id TaskObjective.id TaskObjectiveStateRelationship.id TimeInterval.id TypeOfPerson.id TypeOfPersonDefinition.id Validation.id Verification.id ViewDefinitionRelationship.id WorkOrder.id WorkOutput.id WorkRequest.id WorkRequest.versionId 

An Identifier provides the identifying name or code for the activity or product data.

classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Identifier This Identifier is a member of the referenced class.
role [1] : ClassSelect
the classification that defines the role of the identification. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#Identifier
identificationContext [0..1] : IdentificationContextSelect
the context within which the Identifier has been cerated and is unique.
idString [1] : IdentifierString
the alphanumeric string that represents an identifying name or code.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Identifier::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{idString, role, identificationContext})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: IdentifierRelationship
On diagrams: Identification 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A IdentifierRelationship is a relationship between a pair of Identifiers.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#IdentifierRelationship.
EXAMPLE    ISO is an acronym for "International Standard Organization". When ISO and "International Standard Organization" are used as identifiers for the ISO organization, they may be related to indicate that ISO is the acronym for "International Standard Organization".
relating [1] : Identifier
one of the instances of Identifier that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Identifier
the other instance of Identifier that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InZone
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An InZone is a relationship between a ZoneElement and an item that exists within the zone.
EXAMPLE    A pump is in the starboard engine room of a ship.
locatedItem [1] : InZoneSelect
the item that exists in the zone.
zone [1] : ZoneElementDefinition
the region in which the item exists.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: IncreasingResourceEvent
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ResourceEvent 
All Supertype Blocks: ResourceEvent 

A IncreasingResourceEvent is a type of ResourceEvent that increases the balance of a managed resource.

EXAMPLE    Purchasing new stock increases an inventory.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InformationRight
On diagrams: Information rights 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: InformationUsageRight.grantsRight 

An InformationRight is a definition of what may or may not be done with information in the sense of legal rights and obligations.

NOTE    This a general purpose definition of a right that may be applied to many things. The usage of the InformationRight is represented by InformationUsageRight. The application of that right to information is represented by InformationUsageRightAssignment.
EXAMPLE 1   Copyright is an InformationRight.
EXAMPLE 2   For the purposes of developing a new system, details of government furnished equipment may be made available to a particular project team. The team may copy and use the information internally, but may not pass it on, either to a third part, or to another team, and must destroy the information at the end of the contract.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the InformationRight
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the InformationRight.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this InformationRight This InformationRight is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
restriction [0..*] : LocalizedString

the text that describes any conditions and limitations that apply to the exercise of the right. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 3   The description of the right states that copying is permitted within the project team only, whereas the restriction notes the additional constraint that the information must be destroyed at the end of the project.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InformationUsageRight
On diagrams: Information rights 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: InformationUsageRightAssignment.assignedInformationUsageRight InformationUsageRightRelationship.relating InformationUsageRightRelationship.related 
An InformationUsageRight is an application an InformationRight to a particular usage context.
NOTE 1   One view of the distinction between an InformationRight and an InformationUsageRight is that the InformationRight represents a standard clause in a contract, whereas an InformationUsageRight represents the fact that the clause is used in a particular contract.
NOTE 2   The context for the usage can be defined through the contract which defines the right, the organization that grants the right, the person or organization which is granted the right, and any dates such as the starting or ending dates for the right. The meaning of each association is identified through the roles of the assignments, and these are defined through reference-data.
NOTE 3   The Approval of an InformationUsageRight carries the meaning that the right is granted to all information items in the relevant context, as opposed to the approval of an InformationUsageRightAssignment which is limited to particular items.
NOTE 4  

InformationUsageRight provides a mechanism for recording significant rights within a product database. The legal significance of the presence or absence of a right is outside the scope of this part of ISO 10303

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the InformationUsageRight
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the InformationUsageRight.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this InformationUsageRight This InformationUsageRight is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
comment [0..*] : LocalizedString
the additional information to be recorded about the InformationUsageRight. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
grantsRight [1..*] : InformationRight
the set of InformationRight granted under this usage.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InformationUsageRightAssignment
On diagrams: Information rights 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An InformationUsageRightAssignment is an application of a particular usage right to a set of items.
NOTE    If an approval is applied to this entity, it carries the meaning that the particular set of items is approved for the given usage. This approval generally indicates that the approval is exceptional, for example, where the information belongs to another project, and that project agrees to share some particular items of information. There is a further implication that the set of entities should not be changed once the approval is given.
assignedInformationUsageRight [1] : InformationUsageRight
the InformationUsageRight that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the InformationUsageRight is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InformationUsageRightRelationship
On diagrams: Information rights 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An InformationUsageRightRelationship is the relationship of one InformationUsageRight to another.
EXAMPLE    Where one InformationUsageRight supercedes another, then the original right is pointed to by the relating attribute, its replacement by the related attribute, and the relationType attribute takes the value "supercedes".
relating [1] : InformationUsageRight
one of the instances of InformationUsageRight that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : InformationUsageRight
the other instance of InformationUsageRight that is a part of the relationship. If one InformationUsageRight participating in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnection
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  InterfaceDefinitionForSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: HierarchicalInterfaceConnection 

A InterfaceConnection is an interconnection between a connected pair of InterfaceConnectorOccurrences. Each InterfaceConnectorOccurrence represents the place where a product used in an assembly can interact with other products in the assembly.

EXAMPLE    An appliance such as a television has a power lead and attached plug. The plug and power lead could be represented as an assembly of parts such as the plug pins and wires. Each connection point of the pins and wires in the assembly is represented by a InterfaceConnectorOccurrence and an instance of the InterfaceConnection entity data type identifies the connection of the pins to the wires in the assembly.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the InterfaceConnection
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the InterfaceConnection.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this InterfaceConnection This InterfaceConnection is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
connecting [1] : ConnectionSelect
one of the instances of the connected pair of InterfaceConnectorOccurrences.
connected [1] : ConnectionSelect
the other instance of the connected pair of InterfaceConnectorOccurrences. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnector
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: Product  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorVersion.versionOf 

An InterfaceConnector is a specialization of Product that identifies a part of a product with which one or more other products or the environment interacts.

NOTE    This is sometimes referred to as a "port".
EXAMPLE    A computer has a socket to which to connect a network cable. An instance of the InterfaceConnector entity data type identifies the role of the socket in the interface and is the subject of a specification that defines the necessary geometrical and electrical attributes to ensure a functioning interface between the computer and network hardware.
versions [0..*] : InterfaceConnectorVersion
the versions of the InterfaceConnector.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorAsPlanned
Supertypes: InterfaceConnectorVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: InterfaceConnectorVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned.planned InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized.planned 
An InterfaceConnectorAsPlanned is a specialization of InterfaceConnectorVersion that identifies an individual that is the subject of a plan to realize an InterfaceConnector.
EXAMPLE    Company Acme Limited is planning to produce an aircraft with serial number 1234 next month. This aircraft has connectors on each engine for fuel pipes. The company wishes to plan when each connector will be realized and then identify a date on which an inspector can test all the realized connectors.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorAsRealized
Supertypes: InterfaceConnectorVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: InterfaceConnectorVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized.realized InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized.realized 
An InterfaceConnectorAsRealized is a specialization of InterfaceConnectorVersion that identifies an individual that is a realized InterfaceConnector.
EXAMPLE    Company WeFlySafest Corporation owns and operates an aircraft with serial number 1234. When landing at Heathrow airport, the pilot reports a loss of fuel pressure on engine number 4 with serial number A9876 and recommends that an inspector tests the realized connector on the engine.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorDefinition
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.occurrenceOf InterfaceConnectorVersion.viewDefinitions 
An InterfaceConnectorDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that identifies a view of an InterfaceConnectorVersion.
EXAMPLE    A reliability engineer assesses the likely failure modes of design version 3.8 for the connector between a brake unit and the hydraulic control system. The engineer generates a set of data that is a specific view of the connector. An instance of the InterfaceConnectorDefinition entity data type collects these data together.
connectorOn [1] : ProductViewDefinition
the item for which the InterfaceConnectorDefinition provides an interface capability.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : InterfaceConnectorVersion
the InterfaceConnectorVersion of which the InterfaceConnectorDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorDesign
Supertypes: InterfaceConnectorVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: InterfaceConnectorVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned.design InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized.design 
An InterfaceConnectorDesign is a specialization of InterfaceConnectorVersion that identifies a design version of an InterfaceConnector.
EXAMPLE    BuildAWidget Incorporated creates design version 2.10 for an electrical supply connector.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned is a relationship between a design version of an InterfaceConnector and a planned individual that is to conform to the design.
EXAMPLE    BuildAWidget Incorporated plans production of pump serial number 30301 with an electrical supply connector that is to conform to design version 2.10.
design [1] : InterfaceConnectorDesign
the version to which the planned individual will conform.
planned [1] : InterfaceConnectorAsPlanned
the individual that is to conform to the design version.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized is a relationship between a design version of an InterfaceConnector and a realized individual that conforms to the design.
EXAMPLE    BuildAWidget Incorporated builds pump serial number 30301 with an electrical supply connector that conforms to design version 2.11.
design [1] : InterfaceConnectorDesign
the version to which the realized individual conforms.
realized [1] : InterfaceConnectorAsRealized
the individual that conforms to the design.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorOccurrence
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ConnectionSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  InterfaceDefinitionForSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect  ProductSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
A InterfaceConnectorOccurrence is an occurrence of a InterfaceConnectorDefinition. The InterfaceConnectorOccurrence represents the place where a product used in an assembly can interact with other products in the assembly. The interaction is represented by a InterfaceConnection.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the InterfaceConnectorOccurrence
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this InterfaceConnectorOccurrence This InterfaceConnectorOccurrence is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
occurrenceOf [1] : InterfaceConnectorDefinition
the InterfaceConnectorDefinition of which the InterfaceConnectorOccurrence is an occurrence of.
connectorOn [1] : ConnectorOnSelect
the item for which the InterfaceConnectorOccurrence provides an interface capability.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized is a relationship between a realized individual of an InterfaceConnector and a corresponding planned individual.
EXAMPLE    BuildAWidget Incorporated builds pump serial number 30302 with an electrical supply connector that was previously planned.
planned [1] : InterfaceConnectorAsPlanned
the individual that relates to the realized individual.
realized [1] : InterfaceConnectorAsRealized
the individual that relates to the planned individual.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceConnectorVersion
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Subtypes: InterfaceConnectorAsPlanned  InterfaceConnectorAsRealized  InterfaceConnectorDesign 
Used by: InterfaceConnector.versions InterfaceConnectorDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
An InterfaceConnectorVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of an InterfaceConnector.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : InterfaceConnectorDefinition
the views of the InterfaceConnectorVersion.
versionOf [1] : InterfaceConnector
the InterfaceConnector that the InterfaceConnectorVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceDefinitionConnection
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
A InterfaceDefinitionConnection is an interconnection between a connected pair of InterfaceConnectorDefinitions or, if the point of interconnection is not specified, the interconnection between a pair of views ( ProductViewDefinitions) on products
EXAMPLE    A socket in the wall provides access to the domestic electricity supply. An appliance such as a television has a power lead and plug that fits into the socket. An instance of the InterfaceDefinitionConnection entity data type identifies this fitting of the plug into the socket.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the InterfaceDefinitionConnection
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the InterfaceDefinitionConnection.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this InterfaceDefinitionConnection This InterfaceDefinitionConnection is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
connecting [1] : ProductViewDefinition
one of the instances of the connected pair of InterfaceConnectorDefinitions, or if the point of interconnection is not specified, the interconnection between a pair of ProductViewDefinitions.
connected [1] : ProductViewDefinition
the other instance of the connected pair of InterfaceConnectorDefinitions or ProductViewDefinitions. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceDefinitionFor
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An InterfaceDefinitionFor is a relationship between an InterfaceSpecification and an item that conforms to the specification.
EXAMPLE    The infrared transmitter in a television remote control conforms to the specification that has the identifier 2345/XYZ/001. An instance of the InterfaceDefinitionFor entity data type is necessary to identify this relationship.
interface [1] : InterfaceSpecificationDefinition
the specification that defines necessary attributes for the item that participates in the interface.
interfaceComponent [1] : InterfaceDefinitionForSelect
the item that conforms to the interface specification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceSpecification
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: Product  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: InterfaceSpecificationVersion.versionOf 
An InterfaceSpecification is a specialization of Product that provides a definition of necessary attributes for one or more items that participate in an interface.
EXAMPLE    BSI develops a standard for connecting domestic electrical equipment to the electricity supply.
versions [0..*] : InterfaceSpecificationVersion
the versions of the InterfaceSpecification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceSpecificationDefinition
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: InterfaceDefinitionFor.interface InterfaceSpecificationVersion.viewDefinitions 
An InterfaceSpecificationDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that provides a view of an InterfaceSpecification.
EXAMPLE    When developing a BSI standard for connecting domestic electrical equipment to the electricity supply, collected comments from experts form a new view on a version of the standard.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : InterfaceSpecificationVersion
the InterfaceSpecificationVersion of which the InterfaceSpecificationDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: InterfaceSpecificationVersion
On diagrams: Interface 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: InterfaceSpecification.versions InterfaceSpecificationDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
An InterfaceSpecificationVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of an InterfaceSpecification.
EXAMPLE    In 1999, BSI issues a new version of a standard for connecting domestic electrical equipment to the electricity supply.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : InterfaceSpecificationDefinition
the views of the InterfaceSpecificationVersion.
versionOf [1] : InterfaceSpecification
the InterfaceSpecification that the InterfaceSpecificationVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ItemAssumed
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 

An ItemAssumed is an association between an Assumption and the item that is being assumed.


A facility is assumed to exist at a given location.

The facility shall be represented by a ResourceItemAssignment, the location by a Location, and the existence of the facility at the location, by a LocationAssignment assigning a location to the resource.

description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ItemAssumed.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ItemAssumed This ItemAssumed is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
assumption [1] : Assumption
the Assumption.
item [1] : AssumedItemSelect
the item that is assumed to be true.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ItemDesignAssociation
On diagrams: Effectivity  Product configuration 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
Used by: ItemUsageEffectivity.resolvedConfiguration ProductConfiguration.correspondingDesign 
An ItemDesignAssociation is the association of a ProductConfiguration with a ProductViewDefinition or a ProductVersion. It specifies the design that corresponds to the ProductConfiguration.

If the design is a ProductViewDefinition, the ItemDesignAssociation represents the statement that, in the considered definition context, the product version, that is, the ProductViewDefinition is a valid way to implement the ProductConfiguration.

NOTE 1   This association might not be valid in all definition contexts of the product version.

If the design is a ProductVersion, the ItemDesignAssociation represents the statement that, in all definition contexts, the ProductVersion is a valid way to implement the ProductConfiguration.

NOTE 2   The association might not be valid for other versions of the product.
configuration [1] : ProductConfiguration
the ProductConfiguration for which a product solution is designated.
design [1] : VersionOrDefinitionSelect
the ProductVersion or the ProductViewDefinition that identifies a product which is a valid implementation for the ProductConfiguration.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ItemDesignAssociation::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{configuration, design})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ItemShape
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: ItemShapeObject 
All Supertype Blocks: ItemShapeObject 

AnItemShape is a specialization of an ItemShapeObject  that represents the shape of a ShapeableItemSelect.

describedElement [1] : ShapeableItemSelect
specifies the role of the ShapeableItemSelect whose shape is the ItemShape.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ItemShapeObject (Abstract)
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ShapeDependentSelect  ShapeSelect 
Subtypes: ContextualItemShape  ItemShape 
Used by: ShapeElement.containingShape 

AnItemShapeObject is an abstract generalization of instances that represents the shape of a ShapeableItemSelect.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the ItemShapeObject can be instantiated.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ItemShape
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ItemShape.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ItemShape This ItemShape is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ItemUsageEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity  Product configuration 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
An ItemUsageEffectivity is an effectivity domain that constrains the use of a product with or within another product, in the context of a ProductConfiguration.

The effectivityDomain attribute identifies a domain of effectivity.

The itemUsageRelationship attribute identifies a relationship which characterizes the use of the product with or within another product.

EXAMPLE    This relationship may be an assembly-component relationship or a make-from relationship.
The resolvedConfiguration attribute identifies an association between a ProductConfiguration and a product that implements it. This attribute establishes the context in which the itemUsageRelationship is considered and constrained.

When the effectivity domain is a range of serial numbers, the serial numbers considered are those of the ProductConfiguration.

When the effectivity domain is defined using a production lot number, the production lot considered is one of the ProductConfiguration.

When the effectivity domain is an interval of time, the interval of time considered is related to the production of the ProductConfiguration.

NOTE    When no effectivity constraint is applied to a ViewDefinitionUsage, the validity or applicability status of this ViewDefinitionUsage is unknown.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ItemUsageEffectivity This ItemUsageEffectivity is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
effectivityDomain [1] : Effectivity
the Effectivity that defines the domain of effectivity.
itemUsageRelationship [1] : ItemUsageRelationshipSelect
the ViewDefinitionUsage whose applicability is constrained.
resolvedConfiguration [1] : ItemDesignAssociation
the ItemDesignAssociation that identifies the context where the itemUsageRelationship is considered.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Justification
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
Used by: JustificationAssignment.assignedJustification JustificationRelationship.relating JustificationRelationship.related JustificationSupportAssignment.assignedTo 
A Justification is the identification and description of the reasons for something. Justification entities may be associated with the data to which they apply.
EXAMPLE    A justification may be provided for a product design. Similarly, a justification may be provided for why an activity is needed or was undertaken.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Justification
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Justification.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Justification This Justification is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
contextDescription [0..*] : LocalizedString
the text that provides information about the nature of the context in which the Justification applies. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: JustificationAssignment
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A JustificationAssignment is the association between a Justification and the item for which the Justification is provided.
EXAMPLE    The item can be an activity or a product design.
assignedJustification [1] : Justification
the Justification that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : JustificationAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Justification is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: JustificationRelationship
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A JustificationRelationship is an association between two Justifications.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the JustificationRelationship
relating [1] : Justification
one instance of Justification that is part of the relationship.
related [1] : Justification
the other instance of Justification that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other then this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: JustificationSupportAssignment
On diagrams: Decision 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A JustificationSupportAssignment is the association between a Justification and the item providing evidential support for the Justification
EXAMPLE    The support item can be the results from an analysis, a report, or professional judgment.
assignedTo [1] : Justification
the Justification to which the evidential support is associated.
assignedSupportItem [1] : JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect
the item which provides evidential support for a Justification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LifeCycleStage
On diagrams: Product 
Used by: ViewDefinitionContext.lifeCycleStage 
OWL Definition:

LifeCycleStage is a  period in a lifecycle.

EXAMPLE 1:  The design phase.
EXAMPLE 2:  The manufacturing phase.
EXAMPLE 3:  The support phase.
NOTE 1:  The combination of an application domain and a life-cycle stage defines a view of a product.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

A LifeCycleStage represents a point, period, or step in a lifecycle. It is referenced by ViewDefinitionContext.

definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the LifeCycleStage.
sameAs [0..*] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LocalizedString
On diagrams: Description  Multilingual 
Used by: ActivityMethod.consequence AlternateProductRelationship.criteria Descriptor.text DistributionByValue.distributionFunction Envelope.acknowledge GlobalLocationRepresentation.geographicalArea InformationRight.restriction InformationUsageRight.comment Justification.contextDescription Market.marketSegmentType ParameterizedDistribution.parameterizationName PartialDocumentAssignment.documentPortion ProbabilityDistribution.isContinuous ProductBasedLocationIdentification.locationIdentification ProductBasedLocationIdentification.locationName ProductGroup.membershipRule ProductGroup.productGroupContext QualitativeUncertainty.uncertaintyValue ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation.characteristicType ShapeElement.elementName StringValue.valueComponent TaskStep.stepText UncertaintyQualifier.measureName 
A LocalizedString is a text based string. The language in which the string is expressed is optionally identified.
language [0..1] : Proxy
the language in which the text is expressed.
text [1] : String
the set of characters of which the string is comprised.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Location
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: LocationAssignment.assignedLocation LocationRelationship.relating LocationRelationship.related 
A Location is a place or position where an activity or event can occur or a product or resource can exist.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Location
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Location.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Location This Location is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
alternativeLocationRepresentations [0..*] : LocationRepresentation
specifies zero or more means of representing a location.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LocationAssignment
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A LocationAssignment is a relationship between a product, event, or person and a location. There may be distinct assignment for each qualification. for example planned, scheduled or actual. Each assignment may have a start and end date or time. A location may have multiple assignments.
assignedLocation [1] : Location
the Location that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : LocationAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Location is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LocationRelationship
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A LocationRelationship is a relationship between two locations.
EXAMPLE    Location B, which is in reference to location A or Location B (UK), which is a refinement of Location A (Europe).
relating [1] : Location
one instance of Location that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Location
the other instance of Location that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other then this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LocationRepresentation (Abstract)
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: AddressBasedLocationRepresentation  GlobalLocationRepresentation  OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation  ProductBasedLocationIdentification  RegionalGridLocationRepresentation 
Used by: Location.alternativeLocationRepresentations 
A LocationRepresentation is a means of representing a location.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the LocationRepresentation
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the LocationRepresentation.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this LocationRepresentation This LocationRepresentation is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LoopingElement
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: StructuredTaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
Subtypes: RepeatCount  RepeatUntil  RepeatWhile 
A LoopingElement is a specialization of TaskElement. It invokes a specified number of repetitions of a further TaskElement.
repeatedElement [1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement to be repeated in the looping element.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: LotEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 
A LotEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined as a given batch of items.
lotId [1..*] : Identifier
the identification of the batch of items.
lotSize [1] : ValueWithUnit
the size of the batch of items.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: MakeFromRelationship
On diagrams: Part 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A MakeFromRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionUsage established between two instances of PartViewDefinition. It specifies that, in the context of the definition of the relating part version, the relating part version is considered as resulting from the manufacturing transformation of the related part version.
NOTE 1   The related part version may identify a raw material or a semi-finished part.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the ValueWithUnit that specifies the amount of the related part version that is used to produce the relating part version. The value of this attribute need not be specified. The quantity is specified when the related part version is a countable material. If the value is absent , it shall be considered that one occurrence of the related part version is used to produce the relating part version.
relating [1] : PartViewDefinition
the instance of PartViewDefinition that specifies a definition of the part version that results from the manufacturing transformation.
related [1] : PartViewDefinition
the instance of PartViewDefinition that specifies a definition of the part version that is the input of the manufacturing transformation.
priority [0..1] : Integer
an integer that ranks the preference for use of the related part version among all instances of MakeFromRelationship that have the same value for the inherited RelatingView attribute. This value is an integer that only has meaning when comparing it with corresponding values for MakeFromRelationship sharing the same RelatingView. It is a relative ranking value, not an absolute ranking. A lower value indicates a higher preference for the RelatedView, and a higher value indicates a lower preference. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ManagedResource
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ManagedResourceRelationship.relating ManagedResourceRelationship.related ResourceEvent.resource 

A ManagedResource is a representation of a resource that is provided with resource management capabilities. The role of a managed resource is determined by classification.

EXAMPLE    A managed resource can be classified as "Stock line".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ManagedResource
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ManagedResource.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ManagedResource This ManagedResource is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the measure of the amount of the resource that is available at a given location. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
item [1] : ResourceItemSelect

a reference to an identifiable ResourceItem (within the application context) that (when realized) will satisfy that requirement.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ManagedResourceRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A ManagedResourceRelationship is an association between two managed resources. The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification.

EXAMPLE    A managed resource relationship can be classified as "Alternative" or "Preferred".
relating [1] : ManagedResource
one of instances of ManagedResource that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ManagedResource
the other instance of ManagedResource that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Market
On diagrams: Product configuration 
Supertypes: CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ProductConcept.targetMarket 
A Market is the identification of a marketing segment for products.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Market
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Market.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Market This Market is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
marketSegmentType [0..*] : LocalizedString

the text that identifies a marketing category of products.

EXAMPLE    'Luxury automobiles', 'laptop personal computers', and 'budget personal stereos' are examples of market segment types.

The value of this attribute need not be specified.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: MeasureQualification
On diagrams: Properties  Qualifier 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PropertyValue.qualifications 
A MeasureQualification is a means to provide information about measurements in which there is an associated uncertainty. The uncertainty may be specified as precision, qualitative uncertainty, or expanded uncertainty, and the type of the related datum shall be included. The uncertainty is defined in clause 2 of "The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the MeasureQualification.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this MeasureQualification This MeasureQualification is a member of the referenced class.
qualifiers [1..*] : ValueQualifierSelect
specifies the ValueQualifierSelect for the MeasureQualification. There shall be one or more ValueQualifierSelect for each qualifiers.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Message
On diagrams: Message 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: Envelope.wrapping MessageRelationship.relating MessageRelationship.related 
A Message is a collection of information, brought together by an originator (the message definer) for some particular purpose, generally the fulfillment of a process. A Message is an historical record, intended to be sent using an Envelope and in consequence, is not versioned.
NOTE 1   The same Message can be sent several times using different Envelope. Once it has been sent once, it cannot be further changed. However it should not remain unsent, since that is to confuse its functions and therefore its meaning with other entities such as one of the types of document.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Message
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Message.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Message This Message is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
contains [0..*] : MessageContentSelect
the actual contents of the Message or a reference to the contents.
definedBy [0..*] : MessageDefinerSelect
the identification of who ( Organization or PersonInOrganization) or what defined the message, that is, identified its purpose and contents. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
exchangeContextClassLibrary [1] : ExchangeContextClassLibrary

the ExchangeContextClassLibrary that identifies the OWL class library used in the exchange. This OWL class library may reference any other OWL libraries that are required.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: MessageRelationship
On diagrams: Message 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A MessageRelationship is a link between two related messages. The meaning of the association depends on MessageRelationship.role.
EXAMPLE    If Id=2 replaces Id=1, then MessageRelationship.related points to Id=2 and MessageRelationship.relating points to Id=1 with MessageRelationship.role="replaces".
relating [1] : Message
one of the instances of Message participating in the relationship.
related [1] : Message
the other instance of Message participating in the relationship. If one Message participating in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: NextAssemblyViewUsage
On diagrams: Assembly structure 
Supertypes: AssemblyViewRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: AssemblyViewRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Used by: ComponentUpperLevelIdentification.subAssemblyRelationship 
A NextAssemblyViewUsage is a specialization of AssemblyViewRelationship. It establishes a relationship between a component and its immediate parent assembly in a product structure.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: NumericalContext
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect 
Used by: NumericalValue.valueContext 
A NumericalContext is a context in which a NumericalValue is recorded. The context may represent the organization, technique or system used to establish the NumericalValue.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this NumericalContext. This NumericalContext is a member of the referenced class.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the NumericalContext.
accuracy [1] : Real
the accuracy to which the NumericalValues in this context are measured.
significantDigits [0..1] : Integer
specifies the minimum number of decimal digits that ValueWithUnits in this NumericalContext are measured. If present, the numerical measure or range may be specified using more digits than the significant digits but shall not be specified using less digits. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: NumericalValue
On diagrams: Probability  Properties 
Supertypes: ValueWithUnit 
All Supertype Blocks: ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Subtypes: ProbabilityDerivationParameter  ProbabilityDistributionParameter  ProbabilityFunctionValue  ProbabilityNumericValue  RandomVariable  ValueLimit 
Used by: TimeIntervalWithBounds.durationFromPrimaryBound 
A NumericalValue is a specialization of a ValueWithUnit representing a quantity expressed with a numerical value and a unit.
valueContext [0..1] : NumericalContext
the context in which the NumericalValue is recorded.
valueComponent [1] : Real
the quantity of the NumericalValue.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Observation
On diagrams: Observation 
Supertypes: AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ObservationAssignment.assignedObservation ObservationConsequence.inferredFrom ObservationRelationship.relating ObservationRelationship.related 
An Observation is an historical record of something that has occurred during the life of a product or its support environment. Its use is restricted to observations not directly represented in the data model, and should not be used where some other reporting data structure is defined.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Observation
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Observation.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Observation This Observation is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
inContext [0..*] : ObservedContextSelect

the context in which the observation is made.

EXAMPLE 2   A problem is found during a maintenance operation. The set of contexts can include the equipment being maintained, the end product the equipment is fitted to, the activity being undertaken, the manual that describes the activity and the resources being used.
observedBy [0..*] : ProductAsRealized

the person or equipment that did the observing. By default this is a piece of physical equipment, represented by ProductAsRealized.

NOTE 2   One use of Observation is to provide a link between health monitoring equipment and the file it produces (recorded as a Document).
observedDuring [0..1] : ActivityActual

the ActivityActual that was being performed when the observation was made. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 3   An unexpected problem may be found during a maintenance activity, in which case the ActivityActual is the maintenance activity itself.
EXAMPLE 4   Aircraft health monitoring data is collected during a flight. The flight profile may be recorded using the ActivityActual.
NOTE 3   Some business rules may require that an observation is always made against an ActivityActual, while others may not require that the activity be recorded.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservationAssignment
On diagrams: Observation 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

An ObservationAssignment is an association of an Observation with any item that an observation can be made about, or any item that can be used as part of the observation.

assignedObservation [1] : Observation

the Observation that applies to or is relevant to the assigned item.

assignedTo [1] : ObservationAssignmentSelect

any item that an observation can be made about, or any item that can be used as part of the observation.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservationConsequence
On diagrams: Observation 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 

An ObservationConsequence is an association of an observation to the consequences that follow from it, where those consequences are in the form of a WorkRequest.

NOTE 1   One of the uses of ObservationConsequence is to close one of the feedback loops from the use of a product to requests for its enhancements.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ObservationConsequence
inferredFrom [1] : Observation
the Observation that leads to the consequence.
requests [1] : ObservationConsequenceSelect
the WorkRequest that the consequence entails.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservationRelationship
On diagrams: Observation 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

An ObservationRelationship is a relationship between two observations. The nature of this relationship is identified by the role. Where there is a structural relationship between Observation, the semantics of the structure are identified by the classification of the ObservationRelationship against reference-data.

EXAMPLE    The Observation of a persistent fault is composed of a series of Observation of occurrences of the same fault. That is, ObservationRelationship.related points to the composite Observation, while ObservationRelationship.relating points to one actual Observation of the occurrence. The ObservationRelationship.role of the relationship is "observed instance", while it is classified as "is composed of". In this example, the component Observation will apply to ProductAsRealized and the consequence will be to rectify the individual faults, while the composite Observation will apply to a ProductVersion and the consequence will be a design change.
relating [1] : Observation
one instance of Observation that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Observation
the other instance of Observation that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other then this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironment
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: Product 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition.observedEnvironment ObservedEnvironmentVersion.versionOf 
An ObservedEnvironment is a specialization of Product that represents a record of observations about the environment in which a product is or has been operating.
versions [0..*] : ObservedEnvironmentVersion
the versions of the ObservedEnvironment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentAssignment
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An ObservedEnvironmentAssignment is an assignment of a product to the environment in which is or has operated.
assignedEnvironment [1] : ObservedEnvironmentView
a record of the environment, ObservedEnvironmentView, in which the product is supported or operates.
assignedTo [1] : ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect
the product that is or was operating in the environment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition is a relationship between a record of a set of observations about an environment, represented by an ObservedEnvironment, and a typical environment, represented by an EnvironmentDefinition. The typical environment is the expected environment about which observations have been made.
definedEnvironment [1] : EnvironmentDefinition
the typical environment about which the recorded observations have been made.
observedEnvironment [1] : ObservedEnvironment
the record of observations about an environment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion is a relationship between a version of the record of a set of observations about an environment, represented by an ObservedEnvironmentVersion, and a version of the typical environment, represented by EnvironmentDefinitionVersion. The typical environment is the expected environment about which observations have been made.
definedEnvironmentVersion [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionVersion
the version of the typical environment about which the recorded observations have been made.
observedEnvironmentVersion [1] : ObservedEnvironmentVersion
the version of the record of observations about an environment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
An ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView is a relationship between a view of the record of a set of observations about an environment, represented by an ObservedEnvironmentView, and a view of the typical environment, represented by EnvironmentDefinitionView. The typical environment is the expected environment about which observations have been made.
definedEnvironmentView [1] : ObservedEnvironmentView
the view of the typical environment about which the recorded observations have been made.
observedEnvironmentView [1] : EnvironmentDefinitionView
the view of the record of observations about an environment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentVersion
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ProductVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: ObservedEnvironment.versions ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion.observedEnvironmentVersion ObservedEnvironmentView.viewDefinitionOf 
An ObservedEnvironmentVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a particular version of an ObservedEnvironment.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : ObservedEnvironmentView
the views of the ObservedEnvironmentVersion.
versionOf [1] : ObservedEnvironment
the ObservedEnvironment that the ObservedEnvironmentVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentView
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: ObservedEnvironmentAssignment.assignedEnvironment ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView.definedEnvironmentView ObservedEnvironmentVersion.viewDefinitions ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship.relating ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship.related 
An ObservedEnvironmentView is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that provides a view of a version of an observed environment relevant for one or more application domains. This view collects the characteristics of the observations on the environment.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : ObservedEnvironmentVersion
the ObservedEnvironmentVersion of which the ObservedEnvironmentView provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Environment 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that represents an association between two ObservedEnvironmentView instances.
relating [1] : ObservedEnvironmentView
the first instance of ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ObservedEnvironmentView

the second instance of ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrStateCauseEffectDefinition
Supertypes: StateCauseEffectDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: StateCauseEffectDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An OrStateCauseEffectDefinition is a specialization of StateCauseEffectDefinition. It relates one or more StateDefinition entities that are causes to a StateDefinition that is the effect. At least one cause must exist prior to the effect.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Organization
On diagrams: Identification  Person and Organization  Location 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  IdentificationContextSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  MessageDefinerSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PositionContextSelect  PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  QualificationAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation.organizationForLocation OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship.organization OrganizationRelationship.relating OrganizationRelationship.related PersonInOrganization.containingOrganization Project.responsibleOrganizations 
An Organization is an administrative structure in which persons are active.
id [1..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Organization
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Organization.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Organization This Organization is a member of the referenced class.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: LocationRepresentation 
All Supertype Blocks: LocationRepresentation 
An OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation is a specialization of LocationRepresentation that specifies a location in the context of an organization.
EXAMPLE    The location "Room 99" in "The Administration Building" of a particular university might be represented using one instance of OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation with two instances of OrganizationalLocationIdentification and one instance of Organization.
locationIdentifications [0..*] : OrganizationalLocationIdentification
the zero or more OrganizationalLocationIdentification instances that identify the location.
organizationForLocation [1] : Organization
the organization in which the location identifier is meaningful.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PositionGroupAssignmentSelect  PositionAssignmentSelect  PositionTypeAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  ValidationSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment is an association of an organization or a person in an organization with activity or product data.
assignedEntity [1] : OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect
the organization or person in organization that is to be associated with the activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Organization or PersonInOrganization is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship is a relationship between an Organization organization and an OrganizationType.
organization [1] : Organization
the administrative structure that has a Organization.
organizationType [1] : OrganizationType
the OrganizationType.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationRelationship
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
An OrganizationRelationship is a relationship between two instances of Organization.
EXAMPLE    A team belongs to a department which itself belongs to a company. Such an organizational structure can be described up using instances of OrganizationRelationship.
relating [1] : Organization
one of the instances of Organization that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Organization
the other instance of Organization that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationType
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship.organizationType 
An OrganizationType is a recognized kind of Organization.
EXAMPLE 1   legal entity
EXAMPLE 2   change control board
EXAMPLE 3   sales organization
EXAMPLE 4   manufacturing organization
EXAMPLE 5   department
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the OrganizationType
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the OrganizationType.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: OrganizationalLocationIdentification
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: OrganizationBasedLocationRepresentation.locationIdentifications 
An OrganizationalLocationIdentification is location that is defined by an identification which is specific in an organization context.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the OrganizationalLocationIdentification
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the OrganizationalLocationIdentification.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this OrganizationalLocationIdentification This OrganizationalLocationIdentification is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
identificationType [1] : String

the text that characterizes the identification location.

EXAMPLE    compartment or building.
locationValue [1] : String
the value of organization based location identification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ParameterizedDistribution
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: ProbabilityDistribution 
All Supertype Blocks: ProbabilityDistribution  ProbabilityGenerator  PropertyValue 

A ParameterizedDistribution is a specialization of ProbabilityDistribution that is used to link a named probability distribution to the parameters that define it.

NOTE 1   The ParameterizationName of this entity is used to discriminate between alternative parameterizations of the same distribution.
NOTE 2   To calculate a value using a ParameterizedDistribution it is necessary to know the general distribution function, the value of the distribution function parameters, and the specific random variable value for which the probability evaluation is required. The Probability Distribution module does not define the formula for the distribution function, and it is assumed that this is defined externally, either through reference information or via a "formula" module. This entity provides the distribution function parameters. The value of the random variable for which the probability is calculated is provided by the ProbabilityDerivationParameter.
hasParameters [1..*] : ProbabilityDistributionParameter

the list of parameters used in the parameterization.

NOTE 3   In many distributions there is a trivial relationship between the mean and variance for the distribution. In such a case it is not necessary to list the parameters.
parameterizationName [1..*] : LocalizedString
the name of the parameterization, distinguishing it from other parameterizations.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Part
On diagrams: Part 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: AlternatePartRelationship.relating AlternatePartRelationship.related PartVersion.versionOf 

A Part is a specialization of Product that collects the definitional information of the versions of either a part or of a non-countable material.

NOTE 1   A Part does not represent an actual physical object that is or was existing in the real world.
NOTE 2   A complex instance of the Part entity and of the Document entity may be created in order to represent a document that is a component of a manufactured product, for example a user manual of a car.
versions [0..*] : PartVersion
the versions of the Part.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PartVersion
On diagrams: Part 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Part.versions PartViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
OWL Definition:

PartVersion is a  version of a part specification.

NOTE 1:  A part specification version typically specifies a part that is functionally and physically interchangeable with the other versions of the same part specification.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A PartVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a version of a part. A PartVersion serves as the collector of the data characterizing a realizable object in various application contexts.
NOTE    A PartVersion is expected to be functionally and physically interchangeable with the other versions of the same Part.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : PartViewDefinition
the views of the PartVersion.
versionOf [1] : Part
the Part that the PartVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PartViewDefinition
On diagrams: CAD document  Part 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: MakeFromRelationship.relating MakeFromRelationship.related PartVersion.viewDefinitions 
A PartViewDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that defines a characterization view of a version of a Part.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : PartVersion
the PartVersion of which the PartViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PartialDocumentAssignment
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: DocumentAssignment 
All Supertype Blocks: DocumentAssignment  AssignmentObject 
A PartialDocumentAssignment is a specialization of DocumentAssignment. A PartialDocumentAssignment identifies a specific portion of the contents of a document. It assigns this portion to the product data for which it is relevant.
documentPortion [1..*] : LocalizedString
the word or group of the words that convey the subject or sub contents of the Document.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Person
On diagrams: Person and Organization  Skills 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  QualificationAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PersonInOrganization.concernedPerson 
A Person is an individual human being.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Person
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Person.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Person This Person is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
lastName [1] : String
the Person's name.
firstName [0..1] : String
the first element of the Person's list of forenames. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
middleNames [0..*] : String
the Person's other forenames. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
prefixTitles [0..*] : String

the text that specifies the Person's social or professional standing and appear before his or her names. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 1   "Mr.", "Ms", "Dr." and combinations are examples of prefixTitles.
suffixTitles [0..*] : String

the text that specifies the Person's social or professional standing and appear after his or her names. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 2   "Ph.D." and "Esquire" are examples of suffixTitles.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PersonInOrganization
On diagrams: Person and Organization  Message 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageDefinerSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  QualificationAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
A PersonInOrganization is the identification of a Person and of his role in an Organization
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the PersonInOrganization
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the PersonInOrganization.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this PersonInOrganization. This PersonInOrganization is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
concernedPerson [1] : Person
the Person who is related with an Organization.
containingOrganization [1] : Organization
the Organization to which a Person is related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship.relating PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship.related 
A PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition is a Person, Organization, or PersonInOrganization that holds a Position. A person may hold more than one position within an organization or organizations.
EXAMPLE 1   A person can hold two positions in an organization: Production Manager and Safety Officer.
A position in an organization can be held by more than one person or organization.
EXAMPLE 2   Two people can hold the same position in a job-share scheme.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition This PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
personOrOrganization [1] : PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect
the Person or Organization who holds the Position.
position [1] : Position
the Position that is held by the Person or Organization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between one Organization, Person, or PersonInOrganization and another.

Examples of the relationship are:

EXAMPLE 1   successor
EXAMPLE 2   job-share
NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship
relating [1] : PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition
one instance of Organization, Person, or PersonInOrganization that participates in the relationship.
related [1] : PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition
the other instance of Organization, Person, or PersonInOrganization that participates in the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalBreakdown
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: Breakdown 
All Supertype Blocks: Breakdown  Product 
Used by: PhysicalBreakdownVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

PhysicalBreakdown is a  breakdown comprising physical elements.

The parent-child view is represented by PhysicalElementUsage instances relating the physical elements in the breakdown which are represented by PhysicalElements.

EXAMPLE 1:  A physical breakdown of a motor car into body, roof, bonnet, bumpers etc.
NOTE 1:  The physical breakdown is a partitioning of a product into a set of related physical partitions so as to form explicit, parent-child views.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A PhysicalBreakdown is a specialization of Breakdown that identifies a partitioning of a product into a set of related physical elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views that comprise the product elements.

The parent-child view is represented by PhysicalElementUsage instances relating the physical elements in the breakdown which are represented by PhysicalElements.

EXAMPLE    A physical breakdown might provide a decomposition of an automobile in terms such as body, roof, bonnet, bumpers and this breakdown might be different from, and orthogonal to, a parts decomposition.
versions [0..*] : PhysicalBreakdownVersion
the versions of the PhysicalBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalBreakdownContext
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownContext 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownContext 
A PhysicalBreakdownContext is a specialization of BreakdownContext that is a membership relationship between a PhysicalElement and a PhysicalBreakdown of which the physical element is a member.
EXAMPLE    A wheel is a member of the physical breakdown of an automobile.
breakdown [1] : PhysicalBreakdownVersion
the version of the PhysicalBreakdown of which the PhysicalElement is a member.
breakdownElement [1] : PhysicalElementDefinition
the view of the version of the PhysicalElement that is a member of the PhysicalBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalBreakdownVersion
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: PhysicalBreakdown.versions PhysicalBreakdownContext.breakdown 
A PhysicalBreakdownVersion is a specialization of BreakdownVersion that identifies a version of a PhysicalBreakdown
EXAMPLE    An engineer modifies the current physical breakdown for an aircraft on the basis of a tail re-design.
versionOf [1] : PhysicalBreakdown
the PhysicalBreakdown that the PhysicalBreakdownVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalDocumentDefinition
On diagrams: Document 
Supertypes: DocumentDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: DocumentDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
A PhysicalDocumentDefinition is a specialization of DocumentDefinition. A physical document definition may consist of one or many component hardcopy files.
EXAMPLE    Paper plots of technical drawings, micro fiche, or paper documents such as calculations or test reports are examples of PhysicalDocumentDefinition.
components [0..*] : Hardcopy
the set of instances of Hardcopy that form the physical document.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalElement
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElement 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElement  Product 
Used by: PhysicalElementVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

PhysicalElement is a  breakdown element that represents something physical.

EXAMPLE 1:  Body, roof, bonnet, bumpers etc. are examples of physical elements of the physical breakdown of an motor car.
NOTE 1:  Physical elements are partitions of a physical breakdown
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A PhysicalElement is a specialization of BreakdownElement that identifies the elements in one or more PhysicalBreakdown instances.
versions [0..*] : PhysicalElementVersion
the versions of the PhysicalElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalElementDefinition
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: PhysicalBreakdownContext.breakdownElement PhysicalElementUsage.relating PhysicalElementUsage.related PhysicalElementVersion.viewDefinitions 
A PhysicalElementDefinition is a specialization of BreakdownElementDefinition that identifies a view of a version ( PhysicalElementVersion) of a PhysicalElement.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : PhysicalElementVersion
the PhysicalElementVersion of which the PhysicalElementDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalElementUsage
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementUsage  ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A PhysicalElementUsage is a specialization of BreakdownElementUsage that is a relationship between a parent and child PhysicalElement.
EXAMPLE    In a physical breakdown, the aircraft (parent) might include (as children) a fuselage, wings, tail and undercarriage.
relating [1] : PhysicalElementDefinition
the first instance of PhysicalElement that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : PhysicalElementDefinition

the second instance of PhysicalElement that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one PhysicalElement in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PhysicalElementVersion
On diagrams: PhysicalBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: PhysicalElement.versions PhysicalElementDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A PhysicalElementVersion is a specialization of BreakdownElementVersion that identifies a version of a PhysicalElement
EXAMPLE    An engineer changes the details describing the undercarriage that is an element in a physical breakdown of an aircraft.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : PhysicalElementDefinition
the views of the PhysicalElementVersion.
versionOf [1] : PhysicalElement
the PhysicalElement that the PhysicalElementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Position
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.position PositionAssignment.assignedPosition PositionGroupRelationship.position PositionPositionTypeAssignment.assignedTo PositionRelationship.relating PositionRelationship.related 
A Position is a function or job performed by a person. It defines responsibilities and activities. A position that is not fulfilled by a person is a vacancy.
EXAMPLE 1   Company Director
EXAMPLE 2   Service Engineer
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Position
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Position.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Position This Position is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
address [0..1] : Address
the Address of the position. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
positionContext [1] : PositionContextSelect
the position that is used by the organization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionAssignment
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A PositionAssignment is an association of a Position with activity or product data.
assignedPosition [1] : Position
the Position that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : PositionAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the Position is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionGroup
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PositionContextSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: PositionGroupAssignment.assignedPositionGroup PositionGroupRelationship.group 
A PositionGroup is a group for collecting people in their positions to cooperate in an assignment.
EXAMPLE    People representing utility companies who cooperate with each other to coordinate road works.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the PositionGroup
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the PositionGroup.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this PositionGroup This PositionGroup is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionGroupAssignment
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A PositionGroupAssignment is an association of a PositionGroup with activity or product data.
assignedPositionGroup [1] : PositionGroup
the PositionGroup that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : PositionGroupAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the PositionGroup is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionGroupRelationship
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A PositionGroupRelationship is a relationship that specifies the participation of a position in a group.
group [1] : PositionGroup
the collection of jobs or functions performed by people.
position [1] : Position
the job or function that belongs to the group.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionPositionTypeAssignment
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A PositionPositionTypeAssignment is an assignment of PositionType to a Position. It allows many positions to be described by many position types.
assignedPositionType [1] : PositionType
the PositionType which is assigned to a Position.
assignedTo [1] : Position
the Position to which the PositionType is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionRelationship
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A PositionRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of Position.

Examples of relationships between Positions are:

EXAMPLE 1   Superior / Subordinate
EXAMPLE 2   Superceded by
NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#PositionRelationship.
relating [1] : Position
one instance of Position that participates in the relationship.
related [1] : Position
the other instance of Position that participates in the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionType
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: PositionPositionTypeAssignment.assignedPositionType PositionTypeAssignment.assignedPositionType 
A PositionType is a recognized kind of position.
EXAMPLE 1   Chief Executive Officer
EXAMPLE 2   Manager
EXAMPLE 3   Service engineer
EXAMPLE 4   Programmer
EXAMPLE 5   Aircraft engineering technician propulsion
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the PositionType
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the PositionType.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
definedBy [1] : TypeOfPerson
the TypeOfPerson that serves as a defining example for the PositionType.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PositionTypeAssignment
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A PositionTypeAssignment is the association of a PositionType with activity or product data.
assignedPositionType [1] : PositionType
the PositionType that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : PositionTypeAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the PositionType is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PreDefinedTypeQualifier
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: TypeQualifierSelect 
A PreDefinedTypeQualifier is a type of TypeQualifierSelect whose name has predefined values:
name [1] : String
the words by which the PreDefinedTypeQualifier is known.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PrecisionQualifier
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ValueQualifierSelect 

A PrecisionQualifier is a specification of the number of significant digits in the representation of a value. PrecisionQualifier shall be interpreted in accordance with PrecisionQualifier in part 45 of this standard.

NOTE    The precision is defined in clause 2 of "The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".
sameAs [0..1] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
significantDigits [1] : Integer
specifies the number of significant digits of the value.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Probability (Abstract)
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
Subtypes: ProbabilityByName  ProbabilityNumeric 
Used by: RiskEvent.probabilityRepresentations 
A Probability is a specialization of PropertyValue that is a probability value (see definition 3.5.1 above).
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityByName
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: Probability 
All Supertype Blocks: Probability  PropertyValue 

A ProbabilityByName is a specialization of Probability whose value belongs to a one of a set of named classes, rather than by assigning a specific numerical value, which may not be available.

EXAMPLE    A safety assessment methodology classes the probability an accident as "very unlikely", "unlikely", "significantly likely" and "almost certain". Any process that has a "very likely" or "almost certain" chance of causing serious injury is shut down.
probabilityValue [1] : ProbabilityNamedValue
the named probability value
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityDerivationParameter
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Used by: ProbabilityDerived.hasParameter 

A ProbabilityDerivationParameter is a specialization of NumericalValue that is used by a ProbabilityDerived in a particular role in order to calculate the particular probability.

EXAMPLE    In a coin tossing trial, the probability calculated is that of getting more than 6 heads in ten tosses. The parameter with the role "minimum number of heads" will have the value "6"
NOTE 1   The value attribute, which holds the parameter value, is inherited from the parent generalization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityDerived
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: ProbabilityNumeric 
All Supertype Blocks: ProbabilityNumeric  Probability  PropertyValue 
A ProbabilityDerived is a specialization of ProbabilityNumeric that associates a particular value of ProbabilityNumeric with the source from which the value derived together with any parameters used to get the particular value.
NOTE 1   Where the probability derived from a probability distribution, the parameters of ProbabilityDerived are those needed to get a single value from the distribution, and not those which characterise the distribution. For example, in the case of coin tossing, the distribution is a Binomial distribution, with parameters of 'probability for a single toss', and 'number of tosses', whereas the parameter for the ProbabilityDerived will be the 'number of heads obtained'.
derivesFrom [1] : ProbabilityGenerator

the source from which the value derives.

NOTE 2   The possible sources for values include a probability distribution, a statistic or a reference document.
hasParameter [1..*] : ProbabilityDerivationParameter
the list of parameters which are applied to a ProbabilityDistribution to get the actual HasValue
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityDistribution (Abstract)
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: ProbabilityGenerator 
All Supertype Blocks: ProbabilityGenerator  PropertyValue 
Subtypes: DistributionByValue  ParameterizedDistribution 

A ProbabilityDistribution is a specialization of ProbabilityGenerator that is a probability distribution.

NOTE 1   For a full understanding of probability distribution and the terms used, a textbook on probability theory should be consulted.
NOTE 2   This entity describes a particular probability distribution, rather than the general type of distribution. For example, in coin tossing experiment, the number of heads that may occur is given by a binomial distribution - that is, a type of distribution, and outside the scope of this module.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProbabilityDistribution
isContinuous [1..*] : LocalizedString

the text that distinguishes whether the domain of the probability distribution is discrete or continuous.

EXAMPLE 1   The measurement of a person's height is a continuous distribution, since it can take any value between 0 and 3m.
EXAMPLE 2   Coin tossing gives rise to a discrete distribution, since the number of heads cannot be a fraction.
distributionName [0..1] : String

the name of the type of distribution. The value of the attribute need not be specified.

NOTE 4   The name is taken from reference-data, which is based on the standard mathematical names for distributions, such as "Binomial", "Normal", "Gaussian". Empirically derived distributions will not normally be named.
mean [1] : Real
the expectation E(x), which is the "summation" of x.p(x) over all x, where x is the random variable, and p(x) is the probability of its occurrence. The term "summation" covers both literal summation in the case of a discrete distribution, and integration for a continuous distribution.
variance [1] : Real
the real number indicating the square of the standard deviation of the probability distribution.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityDistributionParameter
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Used by: ParameterizedDistribution.hasParameters 

A ProbabilityDistributionParameter is a specialization of NumericalValue that is one of the set of values that characterises a probability distribution.

EXAMPLE    The Normal (or Gaussian) distribution has, in the standard parameterisation, two parameters: the mean and the variance
NOTE 1   For many common distributions, the mean and the variance are sufficient to characterize a distribution, and the parameter list may be empty.
NOTE 2  

ProbabilityDistributionParameter inherits the 'name' attribute from its parent generalization, and this is used to identify the name of the parameter within the particular parameterization. The value attribute is also inherited.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityFunctionValue
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Used by: FunctionValuePair.functionValue 

A ProbabilityFunctionValue is a specialization of NumericalValue that is the value of the probability function at the given random variable value.

NOTE    The value is an inherited attribute. It is not in general a probability value. In some functions for continuous distributions, the probability that the random variable lies between two values is the integral of the function of that range.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityGenerator (Abstract)
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
Subtypes: ProbabilityDistribution 
Used by: ProbabilityDerived.derivesFrom 

A ProbabilityGenerator is a specialization of PropertyValue. It is a source from the ProbabilityDerived is derived. The ProbabilityDerivationParameters are applied to the ProbabilityGenerator to get the particular derived value.

NOTE    A ProbabilityGenerator will generally be either a ProbabilityDistribution or a function of some statistics.
EXAMPLE    A probability of "0.67" is derived from a Normal (or Gaussian) distribution using the parameter "plus or minus '1.0' standard deviations from the mean"
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityNamedValue
On diagrams: Probability 
Used by: ProbabilityByName.probabilityValue 

A ProbabilityNamedValue is used to hold the name of the probability value.

NOTE    The value attribute is the description inherited from the parent generalization. In general, this value will be one of an enumeration of possible values defined through reference-data.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a text based descriptions of the Product.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProbabilityNamedValue This ProbabilityNamedValue is a member of the referenced class.
namedValues [0..*] : Proxy
the name of the probability value.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityNumeric
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: Probability 
All Supertype Blocks: Probability  PropertyValue 
Subtypes: ProbabilityDerived 
A ProbabilityNumeric is a specialization of Probability that is expressed as a numeric value between 0 and 1.
probabilityValue [1] : ProbabilityNumericValue
the value of the probability
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProbabilityNumericValue
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Used by: ProbabilityNumeric.probabilityValue 

A ProbabilityNumericValue is a specialization of NumericalValue providing a numeric representation of a probability.

NOTE    The value attribute is inherited from the parent generalization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Product
On diagrams: Attachment slot  Risk management  Document  Analysis  Assembly structure  Breakdown  Collection  Part  Requirements  Product  Product as realized  System 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PositionGroupAssignmentSelect  PositionAssignmentSelect  PositionTypeAssignmentSelect  ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect  ProductGroupMembershipSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: Analysis  AttachmentSlot  Breakdown  BreakdownElement  Collection  Document  EnvironmentDefinition  InterfaceConnector  InterfaceSpecification  ObservedEnvironment  Part  ProductAsIndividual  Requirement  Risk  System 
Used by: ProductDesignToIndividual.productDesign ProductRelationship.relating ProductRelationship.related ProductVersion.versionOf 

A Product is the identification of a product or of a type of product. It is a collector of data common to all revisions of the Product.

NOTE 1  

Products that this entity data type can represent, include:

EXAMPLE 1   The SS Titanic is a product that could be represented by the entity data type Product.
EXAMPLE 2   Lifeboat is a class of products that could be represented by the entity data type Product. Each lifeboat on the SS Titanic is a member of this class.
NOTE 2   A product is identified by an organization or a person in an organization.
NOTE 3   A product may have zero or more versions. A version of a product is represented with an instance of the entity ProductVersion or of one of its specializations.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Product
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Product.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Product This Product is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
versions [0..*] : ProductVersion
the versions of the Product.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsIndividual
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: ProductAsIndividualEffectivity.items ProductAsIndividualVersion.versionOf ProductDesignToIndividual.individualProduct 

A ProductAsIndividual is a specialization of Product that identifies an individual artefact that has been made or is planned to be made. It is a collector of data common to all revisions of the ProductAsIndividual.

NOTE 1   Revisions ( ProductAsIndividualVersion) of ProductAsIndividual are used to represent whether an individual artefact has yet to be made or has been made. The ProductAsIndividualVersion specialization ProductAsPlanned is used to represent the revision of an individual artefact that has yet to be made and the specialization ProductAsRealized is used to represent the revision of an individual artefact that has been made.
NOTE 2   Where physical products are being represented, the ProductAsIndividual represents the physical or planned physical realization of a product.
NOTE 3   It is likely, but not essential, that the artefact, was or will be made from a product design. The product design will be represented by a Product which will be related to the ProductAsIndividual by ProductDesignToIndividual.
NOTE 4   Many physical products may be produced from a given design. A single Product may lead to many ProductAsIndividuals.

The design of a personal computer is represented by a Product.


The personal computer with a serial number on a persons desk is represented by a ProductAsIndividual and an associated revision represented by ProductAsRealized.


The personal computer that has been ordered, allocated a serial number for manufacturing planning, but not yet manufactured, is represented by a ProductAsIndividual and an associated revision represented by ProductAsPlanned.


HMS Daring is the first of a new class of ships known as Type 45 Destroyers. It is due to enter service in two years time.

versions [0..*] : ProductAsIndividualVersion
the versions of the ProductAsIndividual.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsIndividualEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 
A ProductAsIndividualEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined as a set of instances of ProductAsIndividual.
items [1..*] : ProductAsIndividual
the instances of ProductAsIndividual that are the domain of applicability.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsIndividualVersion (Abstract)
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  SelectedItemContextSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Subtypes: ProductAsPlanned  ProductAsRealized 
Used by: ProductAsIndividual.versions ProductAsIndividualView.viewDefinitionOf ProductDesignVersionToIndividual.individualProduct 

A ProductAsIndividualVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion. It is a revision of a ProductAsIndividual and acts as a collector of the definitions of this revision.


The car on my drive is represented by a ProductAsIndividual. The current configuration status of the car can be represented by a ProductAsRealized related to the ProductAsIndividual. If a safety modification is made to the car resulting in a new configuration status of the car, then this may be represented by a new ProductAsRealized.


HMS Daring is the first of a new class of ships known as Type 45 Destroyers. It is due to enter service in two years time.

viewDefinitions [0..*] : ProductAsIndividualView
the views of the ProductAsIndividualVersion.
versionOf [1] : ProductAsIndividual
the ProductAsIndividual that the ProductAsIndividualVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsIndividualView
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: ProductAsIndividualVersion.viewDefinitions ProductDesignViewToIndividual.productAsIndividualView 

A ProductAsIndividualView is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that defines a characterization view of a version of a ProductAsIndividual.

NOTE    The ProductAsIndividualView entity type supports the representation of different views of a ProductAsIndividual for different purposes. Multiple views of the same ProductAsIndividual are represented by different instances of ProductAsIndividualView for the same ProductAsIndividualVersion.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : ProductAsIndividualVersion
the ProductAsIndividual of which the ProductAsIndividualView provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsPlanned
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: ProductAsIndividualVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductAsIndividualVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: ProductPlannedToRealized.plannedProduct 
A ProductAsPlanned is a specialization of ProductAsIndividualVersion that identifies a revision of an individual artefact that has yet to be made.
NOTE 1   It may be planned to make the artefact from of a version of a product design ( ProductVersion). If this is the case, then the relationship between the artefact ( ProductAsPlanned) and the design ( ProductVersion) is represented by ProductDesignVersionToIndividual.
NOTE 2   If the planned artefact ( ProductAsPlanned) is subsequently made into an actual artefact ( ProductAsRealized) then they are related by the ProductPlannedToRealized relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductAsRealized
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: ProductAsIndividualVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductAsIndividualVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: Observation.observedBy ProductPlannedToRealized.realizedProduct 
A ProductAsRealized is a specialization of ProductAsIndividualVersion that identifies a revision of an individual artefact that has been made. A product whose properties can only be known by observation or by derivation from observations.
NOTE 1   Where physical products are being represented, the ProductAsRealized represents the physical product - something one can touch.
NOTE 2   The artefact may have been made from a version of a product design ( ProductVersion). If this is the case, then the relationship between the artefact ( ProductAsRealized) and the design ( ProductVersion) is represented by ProductDesignVersionToIndividual.
NOTE 3   The artefact may have been planned and represented by ProductAsPlanned. In which case, the actual artefact ( ProductAsRealized) is related to the planned artefact ( ProductAsPlanned) by the ProductPlannedToRealized relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductBasedLocationIdentification
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: LocationRepresentation  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: LocationRepresentation 
A ProductBasedLocationIdentification is a specialization of LocationRepresentation that specifies a location in the context of a product.
EXAMPLE 1   Seat number M in the Aircraft.
locationIdentification [1..*] : LocalizedString

the letters, numbers, or text, or combinations of letters, numbers, and text, that identify a location in the context of a product.

NOTE    Such identification can be expressed in functional or physical terms.
EXAMPLE 2   "1B" - where this is a seat number in an aircraft.
locationName [0..*] : LocalizedString

the text by which a location in the context of a product is known. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 3   "The co-pilot's seat."
referencedProduct [1] : ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect
the product that provides the context for the location specification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductConcept
On diagrams: Breakdown  Product configuration 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  BreakdownOfSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  ProductGroupMembershipSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ProductConfiguration.itemContext 
A ProductConcept is the identification of a set of similar products that were, are or will be proposed to customers.
NOTE 1   The definition of product concepts is driven by market and customer requirements and forecasting. A ProductConcept often corresponds to the highest level item(s) manufactured by an organization for customers.
EXAMPLE 1   In an organization which manufactures cars and engines for cars, the car models will be represented by instances of ProductConcept.
NOTE 2   The entity data type ProductConcept enables to represent customer-oriented identification of products that are to be delivered to customers, while the entity data type Product enables to identify and to track the history of items that are designed and manufactured, as a tangible solution, or component of the solution, for a product concept.
NOTE 3   A product concept may be characterized by a set of product features identified by the customers or derived from customers' needs.
NOTE 4   Depending on the kind of industry and products, a product concept might be offered to the customers in one or many different configurations.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductConcept
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ProductConcept.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProductConcept This ProductConcept is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
targetMarket [0..1] : Market

the Market for which the ProductConcept is intended. The value of the attribute need not be specified.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductConfiguration
On diagrams: Effectivity  Breakdown  Product configuration 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  BreakdownOfSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductDesignViewOrConfigurationSelect  ProductVersionOrConfigurationSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ItemDesignAssociation.configuration ProductConfigurationRelationship.relating ProductConfigurationRelationship.related 
A ProductConfiguration is the identification of a ProductConcept as a configuration.
NOTE 1   The entity ProductConfiguration corresponds to the concept of configuration item defined, in some configuration management standards, as an item subject to configuration management.
EXAMPLE    A ProductConfiguration may represent a component of a contracted product, onto which severe safety rules apply and for which configuration management is therefore rigorously applied.
NOTE 2   A ProductConfiguration may identify a variation of a ProductConcept, an entire ProductConcept, or some portion thereof.
NOTE 3   A ProductConfiguration can be established prior to the existence of a corresponding product.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductConfiguration
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ProductConfiguration.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProductConfiguration This ProductConfiguration is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
itemContext [1] : ProductConcept
the ProductConcept that defines the context in which the configuration item has been defined.
correspondingDesign [0..1] : ItemDesignAssociation
the set of instances of the entity data type ItemDesignAssociation that identify products which provide a solution for the configuration item.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductConfigurationHierarchicalRelationship
On diagrams: Product configuration 
Supertypes: ProductConfigurationRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductConfigurationRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ProductConfigurationHierarchicalRelationship is a specialization of ProductConfigurationRelationship that is used to represent a hierarchical relationship between a parent ProductConfiguration and a child ProductConfiguration.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductConfigurationRelationship
On diagrams: Product configuration 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: ProductConfigurationHierarchicalRelationship  ProductConfigurationRevisionSequence 
A ProductConfigurationRelationship is a relationship between a pair of ProductConfigurations.
relating [1] : ProductConfiguration
one of the instances of ProductConfiguration that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ProductConfiguration
the other instance of ProductConfiguration that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductConfigurationRevisionSequence
On diagrams: Product configuration 
Supertypes: ProductConfigurationRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductConfigurationRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ProductConfigurationRevisionSequence is a specialization of ProductConfigurationRelationship that is used to relate a previous version (predecessor) of a ProductConfiguration to the version that replaces it (successor).
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductDefinitionElementRelationship
On diagrams: Breakdown 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: BreakdownElementRealization 
A ProductDefinitionElementRelationship is a relationship between a BreakdownElementDefinition or a BreakdownElementUsage and a ViewDefinitionRelationship or a ProductViewDefinition
breakdown [1] : BreakdownSelect
the BreakdownElementDefinition or a BreakdownElementUsage that is related to the ViewDefinitionRelationship or ProductViewDefinition.
product [1] : ProductSelect
the ViewDefinitionRelationship or ProductViewDefinition that is related to the BreakdownElementDefinition or a BreakdownElementUsage.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductDesignToIndividual
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
A ProductDesignToIndividual is a relationship between a product design, represented by Product, and the product that is planned to be made or has been made from the design, represented by ProductAsIndividual.
productDesign [1] : Product
the design of the product that is being made.
individualProduct [1] : ProductAsIndividual
the product that has been or is planned to be made from this design.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductDesignVersionToIndividual
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
A ProductDesignVersionToIndividual is a relationship between a version of a product design, represented by ProductVersion or ProductConfiguration, and the product that is planned to be made ( ProductAsPlanned) or has been made ( ProductAsRealized) from the design.
productDesignVersion [1] : ProductVersionOrConfigurationSelect
the version of the product design that is being made.
individualProduct [1] : ProductAsIndividualVersion
the product that has been or is planned to be made from this version of the design.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductDesignViewToIndividual
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
A ProductDesignViewToIndividual is a relationship between a product design, represented by ProductViewDefinition. or ProductConfiguration, and a view of the product that is planned to be made or has been made ( ProductAsIndividualView) from the design.
productAsIndividualView [1] : ProductAsIndividualView
the product as individual view represented by a ProductAsIndividualView entity.
productViewDefinition [1] : ProductDesignViewOrConfigurationSelect
the product design, that is a generalization of a ProductViewDefinition or a ProductConfiguration.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductGroup
On diagrams: Product group 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductSelect  ProductGroupMembershipSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ProductGroupMembership.ofGroup ProductGroupRelationship.relating ProductGroupRelationship.related 
A ProductGroup is an identification of a set of ProductConcepts, Products, ProductGroups, ProductVersions or ProductAsIndividuals that have been grouped together.
EXAMPLE    All the aircraft sold to BigPlanes airways.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductGroup
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ProductGroup.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProductGroup This ProductGroup is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
membershipRule [0..*] : LocalizedString
the characteristics that are common to all members of this group. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
productGroupContext [0..*] : LocalizedString

the context in which the product group has meaning. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 2   The project or equipment end item to which the group belongs.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductGroupMembership
On diagrams: Product group 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
A ProductGroupMembership is an identification of an instance of an entity defined in the type ProductGroupMembershipSelect that belongs to a ProductGroup.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductGroupMembership
member [1] : ProductGroupMembershipSelect
the instance that is a member of the ProductGroup.
ofGroup [1] : ProductGroup
the ProductGroup to which the instance identified by Member belongs.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductGroupRelationship
On diagrams: Product group 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ProductGroupRelationship is a relationship between two ProductGroups. ExternalOwlClass is used to specify the meaning or type of the relationship.
NOTE    A subset is a common type of relationship. It indicates that one ProductGroup is a subset of another.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductGroupRelationship
relating [1] : ProductGroup
one of the instances of ProductGroup that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ProductGroup
the other instance of ProductGroup that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductInAttachmentSlot
On diagrams: Attachment slot 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionUsage  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ProductInAttachmentSlot is a specialization of ViewDefinitionUsage that is a relationship between an AttachmentSlot and a ProductViewDefinition of a Product that is designed to be attached to the attachment slot.
EXAMPLE    A long-range fuel tank is designed to be attached to an aircraft in an attachment slot that corresponds to a pylon mounting on a wing.
related [1] : AttachmentSlotDefinition

the second instance of ProductInAttachmentSlot that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one ProductInAttachmentSlot in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductPlannedToRealized
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 
A ProductPlannedToRealized is a relationship that establishes that a revision of a planned artefact represented by ProductAsPlanned has been realized as a revision of an actual artefact ProductAsRealized.
plannedProduct [1] : ProductAsPlanned
the planned product represented by a ProductAsPlanned entity.
realizedProduct [1] : ProductAsRealized
the realized product represented by a ProductAsRealized entity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductRelationship
On diagrams: Part  Product 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AlternateProductRelationship  CollectionRelationship  RiskRelationship 
A ProductRelationship is an association between two Products.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductRelationship
relating [1] : Product
one of the instances of Product that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Product
the other instance of Product that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent on the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductVersion
On diagrams: Attachment slot  Risk management  Document  Analysis  Assembly structure  Breakdown  Collection  Part  Requirements  Product  Product as realized  Product configuration  System 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EnvironmentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PositionGroupAssignmentSelect  PositionAssignmentSelect  PositionTypeAssignmentSelect  ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect  ProductGroupMembershipSelect  ProductVersionOrConfigurationSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  ValidationSelect  VersionOrDefinitionSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: AnalysisVersion  AttachmentSlotVersion  BreakdownElementVersion  BreakdownVersion  CollectionVersion  DocumentVersion  EnvironmentDefinitionVersion  InterfaceConnectorVersion  InterfaceSpecificationVersion  ObservedEnvironmentVersion  PartVersion  ProductAsIndividualVersion  RequirementVersion  RiskVersion  SystemVersion 
Used by: Product.versions ProductVersionRelationship.relating ProductVersionRelationship.related ProductViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A ProductVersion is a revision of a Product. It is a collector of the definitions of this revision of the Product.
NOTE    The set of all instances of ProductVersion of the same Product represents the history of the product.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductVersion
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ProductVersion.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProductVersion This ProductVersion is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : ProductViewDefinition
the views of the ProductVersion.
versionOf [1] : Product
the Product, the ProductVersion identifies a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Part  Product  System 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AnalysisVersionRelationship  CollectionVersionRelationship  RequirementVersionRelationship  SuppliedPartRelationship  SystemVersionRelationship 
A ProductVersionRelationship is an association between two versions of Product.
NOTE    A relationship may exist between ProductVersion of different Product or between different versions of the same Product.
relating [1] : ProductVersion
the first instance of ProductVersion that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ProductVersion
the other instance of ProductVersion that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent up on the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProductViewDefinition
On diagrams: Attachment slot  Risk management  Effectivity  Document  Analysis  Assembly structure  Breakdown  CAD document  Collection  FunctionalBreakdown  Interface  Part  Requirements  PhysicalBreakdown  Product  Product as realized  Product configuration  System  SystemBreakdown  ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  BreakdownOfSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ConnectionSelect  ConnectorOnSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InterfaceDefinitionForSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PositionGroupAssignmentSelect  PositionAssignmentSelect  PositionTypeAssignmentSelect  ProductDesignViewOrConfigurationSelect  ProductSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  ShapeableItemSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  VersionOrDefinitionSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: AnalysisDisciplineDefinition  AttachmentSlotDefinition  BreakdownElementDefinition  CollectionViewDefinition  DocumentDefinition  EnvironmentDefinitionView  InterfaceConnectorDefinition  InterfaceSpecificationDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentView  PartViewDefinition  ProductAsIndividualView  RequirementViewDefinition  RiskViewDefinition  SystemViewDefinition 
Used by: AttachmentSlotOnProduct.product ContextualItemShape.shapedProduct InterfaceConnectorDefinition.connectorOn InterfaceDefinitionConnection.connecting InterfaceDefinitionConnection.connected ProductVersion.viewDefinitions ViewDefinitionRelationship.relating ViewDefinitionRelationship.related 
OWL Definition:

ProductViewDefinition is a  collector of information for a product version relevant from the perspective of a particular point of view defined by an application domain and a life-cycle phase.

EXAMPLE 1:  The electrical product view and mechanical product view provide the electrical and mechanical aspects of a product specification.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A ProductViewDefinition is a characterization of a ProductVersion, relevant in one or more application domains and for one or more life cycle stages.

A ProductViewDefinition is a collector of the properties that characterize the ProductVersion in the initialContext and additionalContexts.

EXAMPLE 1   The design of the SS Titanic and the as-built description of the SS Titanic can be represented as two instances of ProductViewDefinition.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ProductViewDefinition
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ProductViewDefinition.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ProductViewDefinition This ProductViewDefinition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
initialContext [1] : ViewDefinitionContext
the initial ViewDefinitionContext in which the definedVersion has been characterized by the ProductViewDefinition.
additionalContexts [0..*] : ViewDefinitionContext
the additional set of ViewDefinitionContext in which the definedVersion is relevant. The additionalContexts shall not contain the ViewDefinitionContext that is referenced as the initialContext.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : ProductVersion
the ProductVersion of which the ProductViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ProductViewDefinition::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{viewDefinitionOf, initialContext})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Project
On diagrams: Project 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PositionContextSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  ResourceItemAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SelectedItemContextSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ProjectAssignment.assignedProject ProjectRelationship.relating ProjectRelationship.related 
A Project is an identified program of work.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Project
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Project.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Project This Project is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
responsibleOrganizations [0..*] : Organization
the set of instances of Organization that specify the organizations that are responsible for the project.
plannedStartDate [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the date and time or the Activity when execution of the Project is expected to start. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
plannedEndDate [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the date and time or the Activity when the Project is or was expected to be finished. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
actualStartDate [0..1] : DateTimeString
the date and time when the Project was actually started. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
actualEndDate [0..1] : DateTimeString
the date and time when the Project was actually finished. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProjectAssignment
On diagrams: Project 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A ProjectAssignment is a mechanism to associate a Project with activity or product data.
assignedProject [1] : Project
the Project that is associated.
assignedTo [1] : ProjectAssignmentSelect
the set of instances of entity types listed in ProjectAssignmentSelect, that are associated with the Project. There shall exist at least one entity type listed in ProjectAssignmentSelect for the ProjectAssignment.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProjectRelationship
On diagrams: Project 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ProjectRelationship is an association between two instances of Project with an identification and a description of their relationship.
relating [1] : Project
one instance of Project that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Project
the other instance of Project that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PromissoryAssemblyViewUsage
On diagrams: Assembly structure 
Supertypes: AssemblyViewRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: AssemblyViewRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A PromissoryAssemblyViewUsage is a specialization of AssemblyViewRelationship. It establishes a relationship between an assembly and a component, regardless of the number of intermediate levels between them, which may be established with instances of NextAssemblyViewUsage.
NOTE    A PromissoryAssemblyViewUsage may be used when the product structure is not completely defined, to capture the intent that the constituent will be used in that assembly.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PropertyDefinitionAssignment
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
Used by: PropertyValueAssignment.valueAssignmentContext 

A PropertyDefinitionAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of a ExternalPropertyDefinition to product or activity data.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#PropertyDefinitionAssignment.
assignedTo [1] : PropertyAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the ExternalPropertyDefinition is assigned.
assignedPropertyDefinition [1] : ExternalPropertyDefinition
the ExternalPropertyDefinition that is assigned.
allowedUnits [0..*] : ExternalUnit
the set of units that are allowed to be used when specifying a value for the property.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
PropertyDefinitionAssignment::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{assignedTo, assignedPropertyDefinition})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PropertyDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
To be defined
relating [1] : ExternalPropertyDefinition
To be defined
related [1] : ExternalPropertyDefinition
To be defined
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PropertyValue (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements  Probability  Properties  Qualifier  Task trigger 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: Probability  ProbabilityGenerator  StringValue  ValueList  ValueSet  ValueWithUnit 
Used by: PropertyValueAssignment.assignedPropertyValues PropertyValueRelationship.relating PropertyValueRelationship.related RequirementViewDefinition.definitionalRepresentations RiskPerception.riskLevelRepresentations ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation.propertyRepresentation ValueList.values ValueSet.values 

A PropertyValue acts as a proxy for a notional property value which may have several representations.

NOTE    The actual magnitude and descriptions of a PropertyValue (e.g. 1 kilogramme or 2.2 pounds) are only provided as part of one or more representations of a PropertyValue. The PropertyValue itself cannot have a magnitude, or even a name, that is independent of the type of representation chosen for the value in question.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this PropertyValue This PropertyValue is a member of the referenced class.
qualifications [0..*] : MeasureQualification
the MeasureQualification that is that provides information about the uncertainty associated with the measured PropertyValue.
definition [1] : ExternalPropertyDefinition
the ExternalPropertyDefinition that defines the property for which the PropertyValue is a value.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PropertyValueAssignment
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A PropertyValueAssignment assigns a PropertyValue (or collection of equivalent PropertyValues) to activity or product data.

assignedPropertyValues [1..*] : PropertyValue
the PropertyValue, or collection of equivalent PropertyValues, assigned to activity or product data.
NOTE    This allows multiple representations of the same conceptual property value to be assigned, each property value should have the same property definition.
EXAMPLE    A collection of mass properties such as "1Kg" and "2.2lb" could be assigned representing the same conceptual mass in different units.
assignedTo [1] : PropertyAssignmentSelect
the set of activity or product data to which the PropertyValue is assigned.
valueAssignmentContext [0..1] : PropertyDefinitionAssignment
the PropertyDefinitionAssignment that provides the context in which the PropertyValue has been assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: PropertyValueRelationship
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
OWL Definition:

PropertyValueRelationship is a  relationship between two property values.

EXAMPLE 1:  An association between a value for a length property expressed in metres and an equivalent value for the same property expressed in yards.
EXAMPLE 2:  10 metres is equivalent to 10.936133 yards
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

A PropertyValueRelationship is a specialization of RelationshipObject.

It represents an association between two PropertyValues.

EXAMPLE    An association between a value for a property expressed in a given unit and an equivalent value for the same property in a different unit. The PropertyValueRelationship is classified as a http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Assignment_object_derivation_relationship.
relating [1] : PropertyValue
the primary PropertyValue in a property value relationship.
related [1] : PropertyValue
the secondary PropertyValue in a property value relationship. PropertyValue
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Proxy
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Activity.sameAs ActivityMethod.sameAs Address.sameAs AnalysisModelObject.sameAs AnalysisRepresentationContext.sameAs Approval.sameAs ApprovingPersonOrganization.sameAs Assumption.sameAs AttachmentSlotOnProduct.sameAs BreakdownContext.sameAs BreakdownOf.sameAs Certification.sameAs Condition.sameAs ConditionEvaluation.sameAs ConditionEvaluationParameter.sameAs ConditionParameter.sameAs Contract.sameAs Effectivity.sameAs Envelope.sameAs Evidence.sameAs ExperienceGained.sameAs ExperienceInstance.sameAs ExperienceType.sameAs ExternalPropertyDefinition.sameAs ExternalTypeQualifier.sameAs ExternalUnit.sameAs InformationRight.sameAs InformationUsageRight.sameAs InterfaceConnection.sameAs InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.sameAs InterfaceDefinitionConnection.sameAs ItemAssumed.sameAs ItemShapeObject.sameAs ItemUsageEffectivity.sameAs Justification.sameAs LocalizedString.language Location.sameAs LocationRepresentation.sameAs ManagedResource.sameAs Market.sameAs Message.sameAs Observation.sameAs OrganizationalLocationIdentification.sameAs OrganizationType.sameAs Person.sameAs PersonInOrganization.sameAs PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.sameAs Position.sameAs PositionGroup.sameAs PositionType.sameAs PrecisionQualifier.sameAs ProbabilityNamedValue.namedValues Product.sameAs ProductConcept.sameAs ProductConfiguration.sameAs ProductGroup.sameAs ProductVersion.sameAs ProductViewDefinition.sameAs Project.sameAs ProxyRelationship.relating ProxyRelationship.related QualificationType.sameAs RegionalCoordinate.sameAs RelatedConditionParameter.sameAs RequiredResource.sameAs RequirementSource.sameAs ResourceAsRealized.sameAs ResourceEvent.sameAs ResourceItem.sameAs SecurityClassification.sameAs State.sameAs StateAssertion.sameAs StateAssessment.sameAs StateDefinition.sameAs TaskObjective.sameAs TimeInterval.sameAs TypeOfPerson.sameAs TypeOfPersonDefinition.sameAs UncertaintyQualifier.sameAs Validation.sameAs Verification.sameAs WorkOrder.sameAs WorkOutput.sameAs WorkRequest.sameAs 

A Proxy is a relationship between a subject and something for which the subject is a proxy.

individual [1] : ProxyItemSelect
the reference to the proxy
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ProxyRelationship
On diagrams: Classification 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A ProxyRelationship is a relationship between a pair of Proxys.

NOTE    This relationship may be classified to provide more specific meanings.
relating [1] : Proxy
one of the instances of Proxy that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Proxy
the other instance of Proxy that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: QualificationAssignment
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A QualificationAssignment is the assignment of a qualification to a person or organization.
assignedQualificationType [1] : QualificationType
the type of qualification that has been gained by the person or organization.
assignedTo [1] : QualificationAssignmentSelect
the person, organization or person in organization who has the qualification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: QualificationType
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DefinedAttributesSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: QualificationAssignment.assignedQualificationType QualificationTypeRelationship.relating QualificationTypeRelationship.related 
A QualificationType is the identification of a definitive recognition as a practitioner.
EXAMPLE 1   A driving licence.
EXAMPLE 2   A qualification for executing the Ground Running task for RB211 engines.
EXAMPLE 3   A Military rank such as Colonel, or Captain
EXAMPLE 4   Educational qualification such as GCSE, A level, Degree, Ordinary National Certificate, Higher National Certificate, City and Guilds, or GNVQ.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the QualificationType
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the QualificationType.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: QualificationTypeRelationship
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A QualificationTypeRelationship is an association between two QualificationTypes.
EXAMPLE 1   Qualification X is a prerequisite for qualification Y.
EXAMPLE 2   Qualification X is equivalent to qualification Y.
relating [1] : QualificationType
one of the instances of QualificationTypes that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : QualificationType
the other instance QualificationTypes participating in the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: QualitativeUncertainty
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: UncertaintyQualifier 
All Supertype Blocks: UncertaintyQualifier 
A QualitativeUncertainty is a specialization of UncertaintyQualifier. The uncertainty is defined in clause 2 of "The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".
uncertaintyValue [1..*] : LocalizedString

specifies a STRING for the QualitativeUncertainty.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RandomVariable
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
Used by: FunctionValuePair.variableValue 

A RandomVariable is a specialization of NumericalValue that is the value of a random variable.

NOTE    The value attribute is inherited from the parent generalization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RegionalCoordinate
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
A RegionalCoordinate is a location that is specified relative to a Regional location system.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RegionalCoordinate This RegionalCoordinate is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
coordinateValue [1] : ValueWithUnit
the value and unit for the coordinate within the regional location system used.
gridSystem [1] : RegionalGridLocationRepresentation
the RegionalGridLocationRepresentation in which the regional coordinate is used.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RegionalGridLocationRepresentation
On diagrams: Location 
Supertypes: LocationRepresentation 
All Supertype Blocks: LocationRepresentation 
Used by: RegionalCoordinate.gridSystem 
A RegionalGridLocationRepresentation is a specialization of LocationRepresentation that specifies a reference grid system.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RelatedConditionParameter
On diagrams: Condition 
Supertypes: CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
A RelatedConditionParameter is a relationship between a ConditionParameter and a ConditionEvaluationParameter.

This relationship is used to record the relationship between the parameters used to define a condition and the parameters used to evaluate it.

EXAMPLE    The value of oil pressure (1.9 bar) used in ConditionEvaluation (instance 87) was a measured value of the parameter used to define condition 29 (oil pressure on gauge 3).
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the RelatedConditionParameter.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RelatedConditionParameter This RelatedConditionParameter is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
conditonEvaluationParameter [1] : ConditionEvaluationParameter
the ConditionEvaluationParameter being related.
conditionParameter [1] : ConditionParameter
the ConditionParameter being related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RelatedConsequence
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A RelatedConsequence is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship describing the expected consequences of a specific perception of a risk.
relating [1] : RiskPerception
represents the expected consequences if the risk occurs
related [1] : RiskConsequence
represents the perception of the risk that can lead to the specified consequences.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RelationshipObject (Abstract)
On diagrams: Identification  Certification  DateTime  Assembly structure  Description  Relations 
Supertypes: EffectivityAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  ApprovalRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  AssumptionRelationship  ClassificationRelationship  ConditionRelationship  ContractRelationship  DefinedStateRelationship  DescriptorRelationship  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  EffectivityRelationship  EnvelopeRelationship  ExperienceTypeRelationship  FileRelationship  IdentifierRelationship  InformationUsageRightRelationship  JustificationRelationship  LocationRelationship  ManagedResourceRelationship  MessageRelationship  ObservationRelationship  OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship  OrganizationRelationship  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  PositionGroupRelationship  PositionRelationship  ProductConfigurationRelationship  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductRelationship  ProductVersionRelationship  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValueRelationship  ProxyRelationship  QualificationTypeRelationship  RequiredResourceRelationship  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItemRelationship  ShapeElementRelationship  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TimeIntervalRelationship  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOutputRelationship  WorkRequestRelationship 
OWL Definition:

RelationshipObject is a  dependency between two objects.

NOTE 1:  The objects being related are normally, but not always, of the same type or subtype.

A RelationshipObject represents a dependency between sets of product or activity data.

description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the RelationshipObject.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RelationshipObject This RelationshipObject is a member of the referenced class.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RepeatCount
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: LoopingElement 
All Supertype Blocks: LoopingElement  StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A RepeatCount is a type of LoopingElement. It invokes a specified number of repetitions of the RepeatedElement TaskElement inherited from the LoopingElement parent generalization.
count [1] : Integer

the number of times the RepeatedElement is to be executed.

NOTE    If the RepeatCount entity is combined with the other subtypes of LoopingElement, this becomes the maximum number of repetitions.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RepeatUntil
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: LoopingElement 
All Supertype Blocks: LoopingElement  StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A RepeatUntil is a type of LoopingElement. It invokes repetitions of a further TaskElement and is repeated until the specified condition is satisfied. The element being repeated shall be executed at least once and the condition tested after the first execution.
condition [1] : Condition
the criterion to be tested in order to determine that the looping method shall be exited.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RepeatWhile
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: LoopingElement 
All Supertype Blocks: LoopingElement  StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A RepeatWhile is a type of LoopingElement. It invokes repetitions of a further TaskElement and is repeated while the specified condition is satisfied. The test condition shall be evaluated prior to invoking the method and may result in the LoopingElement not being executed at all.
condition [1] : Condition
the criterion to be tested in order to determine that the LoopingElement shall be continued.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequiredResource
On diagrams: Resources  Task 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DefinedMethodsSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  ResourceAsRealizedRelationshipSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
Used by: RequiredResourceAssignment.assignedResource RequiredResourceRelationship.relating RequiredResourceRelationship.related ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship.related 

A RequiredResource is an identified need for resource. The role of a required resource is determined by classification.

EXAMPLE 1   "facility", "test equipment", "supervisor" are examples of classifications of a required resource.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the RequiredResource
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the RequiredResource.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RequiredResource This RequiredResource is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
requiredQuantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit

the required quantity of the required resource. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 2   Quantity can be specified using amount or duration.
item [1] : ResourceItemSelect

a reference to an identifiable item (within the application context) that will satisfy that requirement for a resource.

EXAMPLE    Tool kit, facility, and product category are examples of resource items.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequiredResourceAssignment
On diagrams: Resources  Task 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A RequiredResourceAssignment is an association of a resource requirement statement with one or more entities that requires the resource.
EXAMPLE 1   task, task step, activity, activity method, organization are examples of entities to which the resource requirement statement could be related.
The role of the assignment is determined by classification.
EXAMPLE 2   The assignment can be classified as "required by".
NOTE    An association between a required resource and actions that are needed prior to its usage.
EXAMPLE 3   A resource required by the activity "12" needs to be calibrated prior to usage. The calibration activity "21" is associated with the same required resource
EXAMPLE 4   A resource required by the task "123" needs to be disposed after its usage. This disposal task "456" is associated with the same required resource.
assignedResource [1] : RequiredResource
the required resource that is to be associated with the requiring entity.
assignedTo [1] : RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect
the entity to which the required resource statement is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequiredResourceRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A RequiredResourceRelationship is a relationship between two required resource statements. The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification.
EXAMPLE 1   "alternative" and "realized by" are examples of required resource relationship.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the RequiredResourceRelationship
relating [1] : RequiredResource
one of the instances of RequiredResource that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RequiredResource
the other instance of RequiredResource that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Requirement
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: Product  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: RequirementVersion.versionOf 
A Requirement is a specialization of Product that is used to uniquely identify a requirement.
NOTE 1   The term "requirement" is used here in the sense that term is used in systems engineering and similar industrial domains.
NOTE 2   There may be many versions of a requirement RequirementVersion ). There may also be more than one domain-specific view of a given RequirementVersion (using the RequirementViewDefinition entity). The requirement entity is simply a placeholder for holding a unique requirement. Most associations and properties are defined at the RequirementViewDefinition level - that is in the context of a domain.
EXAMPLE    A requirement may be identified as "NOx emissions requirement", and uniquely identified as "Req2".
NOTE 3   Systems engineering tools and organizations may use differing identification mechanisms. Multiple identifiers may be assigned to a requirement using the Identifier entity.
versions [0..*] : RequirementVersion
the versions of the Requirement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementAssignment
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
Used by: RequirementSatisfiedBy.relatedAssignment 
A RequirementAssignment is used to relate a requirement (via the RequirementViewDefinition entity) to data types representing the items which are affected by the requirement.
EXAMPLE    A requirement "the vehicle shall have a maximum power output of at least 150BHP" could be assigned to the data types which are used to represent the vehicle's engine.
assignedRequirement [1] : RequirementViewDefinition
the RequirementViewDefinition which is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : RequirementAssignmentSelect
the item which has the requirement assigned to it.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementCollectionRelationship
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A RequirementCollectionRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that is used to relate a parent (collection) requirement to its member requirements. This provides a method for collecting together a set of requirements and treating them as a single requirement, whilst still being able to refer to individual requirements.

NOTE    The inherited " RelatingView" and " RelatedView" attributes have been renamed for purposes of clarity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementSatisfiedBy
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: Verification.verifies 
A RequirementSatisfiedBy is a relationship between an item (specified in RequirementAssignmentSelect) and a requirement, asserting that the item satisfies the identified requirement.
EXAMPLE    A data type used to represent a vehicle's engine with a power output of 160BHP could be asserted to satisfy a requirement "the vehicle shall have a maximum power output of at least 150BHP".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the RequirementSatisfiedBy
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the RequirementSatisfiedBy.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RequirementSatisfiedBy. This RequirementSatisfiedBy is a member of the referenced class.
satisfiedBy [1] : RequirementAssignmentSelect
the item that satisfies the requirement.
satisfiedRequirement [1] : RequirementViewDefinition
the requirement that is satisfied.
relatedAssignment [0..1] : RequirementAssignment
the RequirementAssignment that is satisfied by the RequirementSatisfiedBy. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementSource
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
A RequirementSource is a relationship between a requirement (via the RequirementViewDefinition entity) and the data types representing the source of the requirement
EXAMPLE    The source of the requirement "the vehicle shall have a maximum power output of at least 150BHP" could be a document representing the findings of a market survey of sports car buyers.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the RequirementSource
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the RequirementSource.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this RequirementSource This RequirementSource is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
source [1] : RequirementSourceSelect
the item which is the source of the requirement.
sourcedRequirement [1] : RequirementViewDefinition
the requirement which is to be related to its source.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementVersion
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ProductVersion  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Requirement.versions RequirementVersionRelationship.relating RequirementVersionRelationship.related RequirementViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A RequirementVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that identifies a particular version of a requirement.
NOTE    This entity is used to record different versions of a requirement. In this case, the word "version" implies "revision" - that is a particular release of a requirement.
EXAMPLE    A given requirement might have versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : RequirementViewDefinition
the views of the RequirementVersion.
versionOf [1] : Requirement
the Requirement that the RequirementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ProductVersionRelationship  ContractAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A RequirementVersionRelationship is a specialization of ProductVersionRelationship that is used to relate a previous version (predecessor) of a requirement to the version that replaces it (successor).
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the RequirementVersionRelationship
relating [1] : RequirementVersion
the first instance of RequirementVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RequirementVersion

the second instance of RequirementVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one RequirementVersionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementViewDefinition
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition  ContractAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: RequirementAssignment.assignedRequirement RequirementSatisfiedBy.satisfiedRequirement RequirementSource.sourcedRequirement RequirementVersion.viewDefinitions RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship.relating RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship.related 

A RequirementViewDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that provides a view of a requirement version relevant for one or more application domains. This view collects requirement data for specific engineering purposes.

EXAMPLE 1   An engineer may have responsibility for collecting all requirements associated with the cooling of an engine - covering engine block, tubing, water pump, electric fan.

Some requirements in a RequirementViewDefinition might impact on different disciplines. Multiple RequirementViewDefinition instances may be used to present different views of a given requirement for each discipline.

The definition of the requirement is represented by a set of definitional properties referenced from RequirementViewDefinition.definitionalRepresentations. If more than one definitional property is provided each property shall be equivalent. Any other property that is associated with the RequirementViewDefinition is assumed to be a non-defining property, such as an annotation etc.

EXAMPLE 2   The requirement that the weight should be less than 4 Kgs can be represented by by a string representation "weight must be 4Kg" and a numeric representation "4Kg" specified as a value with units.
NOTE    The definition attribute of each of the definitionalRepresentations shall refer to a definition for RequirementDefinition.
EXAMPLE 3   The definition attribute of the definitionalRepresentations could refer to an ExternalPropertyDefinition that uses an ExternalOwlObject with individual set to "http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Requirement_definition".
definitionalRepresentations [0..*] : PropertyValue
the properties that define the requirement
viewDefinitionOf [1] : RequirementVersion
the RequirementVersion of which the RequirementViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: RequirementCollectionRelationship  TracingRelationship 
A RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship. A RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship is the association between one RequirementViewDefinition and another.
relating [1] : RequirementViewDefinition
the first instance of RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RequirementViewDefinition

the second instance of RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceAsRealized
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DefinedActivitiesSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: ResourceAsRealizedAssignment.assignedResource ResourceAsRealizedRelationship.relating 
A ResourceAsRealized is a record of a resource that has been used or consumed.
EXAMPLE    A resource as realized can be classified as "Used" or "Consumed".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ResourceAsRealized
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ResourceAsRealized.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ResourceAsRealized This ResourceAsRealized is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit

the amount of the ResourceAsRealized that has been used or consumed. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE    The quantity can be recorded as amount or duration.
item [1] : ResourceItemSelect

a reference to an item that is provided with resource management capabilities.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceAsRealizedAssignment
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A ResourceAsRealizedAssignment is an association of a resource record statement with the entity that used or consumed the resource. The role of the assignment is determined by classification.
assignedResource [1] : ResourceAsRealized
the resource record that is to be associated with one or more activities or tasks that used or consumed the resource.
assignedTo [1] : ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect
the entity that used or consumed the resource.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceAsRealizedRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A ResourceAsRealizedRelationship is a relationship between the record of used or consumed resources and the corresponding statement of RequiredResource.

EXAMPLE    "Alternative" and "Corresponding" are examples of classifications of resource as realized relationship.
NOTE    A resource used or consumed can be recorded without having a corresponding resource requirement statement.
relating [1] : ResourceAsRealized
the instance of ResourceAsRealized that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ResourceAsRealizedRelationshipSelect
the other instance of that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceEvent (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  ResourceAsRealizedRelationshipSelect  SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: DecreasingResourceEvent  IncreasingResourceEvent 
Used by: ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship.relating ResourceEventRelationship.relating ResourceEventRelationship.related 

A ResourceEvent is an abstract generalization of instances that represents an event or action that affects the balance or availability of a managed resource.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the ResourceEvent can be instantiated.

A ResourceEvent is The role of a resource event is determined by which is defined by the classifiedAs property.

EXAMPLE    A resource event can be classified as "Planned" or "Actual".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ResourceEvent
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ResourceEvent.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ResourceEvent This ResourceEvent is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the measure of the amount of resource affected by the change. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
resource [1] : ManagedResource
the managed resource that is affected by the resource event.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship is an association of a resource event and a corresponding statement of RequiredResource. The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification.
NOTE    A resource event can be planned or recorded without having a corresponding resource requirement statement.
EXAMPLE    A resource event correspondence relationship can be classified as "Designated for".
relating [1] : ResourceEvent
the instance of ResourceEvent that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RequiredResource
the instance of RequiredResource being related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceEventRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ResourceEventRelationship is a specification of how an ResourceEvent may be associated with another ResourceEvent. The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification.
EXAMPLE    A managed resource relationship can be classified as "realized by" or "replaces".
relating [1] : ResourceEvent
one of the instances of ResourceEvent that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ResourceEvent
the other instance of ResourceEvent that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other then this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceGroupRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ResourceItemRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ResourceItemRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ResourceGroupRelationship is a specialization of ResourceItemRelationship that specifies the means to associate two resource items that are part of a resource group. The meaning of the entity is determined by classification.
EXAMPLE 1   The relationship between a tool set and a mallet could be classified as "Contains".
EXAMPLE 2   The relationship between a facility and compressed air could be classified as "Provides".
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the measure of the amount of related ResourceItem. The value of the attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceItem
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProductSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  ResourceItemSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ResourceItemAssignment.assignedResource ResourceItemRealization.resourceItem ResourceItemRelationship.relating ResourceItemRelationship.related 
A ResourceItem is an item that can occur in the role of a resource within the application context.
EXAMPLE    A ResourceItem may be classified as "Facility", "Replaceable unit", or "Package".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ResourceItem
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ResourceItem.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this ResourceItem This ResourceItem is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceItemAssignment
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A ResourceItemAssignment is an association of a resource item with some product information. The role of the assignment is determined by classification.

EXAMPLE    The assignment can be classified as "applicable to" or "acquired for".
assignedResource [1] : ResourceItem
the resource item that is to be associated with an item.
assignedTo [1] : ResourceItemAssignmentSelect
the resource assignment item to which the resource item is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceItemRealization
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: AssociationObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssociationObject 

A ResourceItemRealization is a specification of how a resource item may be associated with an item that serves as the resource.

EXAMPLE    A product may serve as a resource.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ResourceItemRealization
item [1] : ResourceRealizationSelect
the item that is to be associated with the resource that it serves as.
resourceItem [1] : ResourceItem
the resource that is to be associated with an item that serves as that resource.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ResourceItemRelationship
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: ResourceGroupRelationship 

A ResourceItemRelationship is a specification of how a resource item may be associated with another resource item. The role of the relationship is determined by classification.

EXAMPLE    The relationship between a product and a package can be classified as "Preferred".
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ResourceItemRelationship
relating [1] : ResourceItem
one of the instances of ResourceItem that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ResourceItem
the other instance of ResourceItem that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Risk
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: Product  DateTimeAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: RiskRelationship.relating RiskRelationship.related RiskVersion.versionOf 
A Risk is a specialization of Product that is the potential for realization of unwanted negative consequences of an event.
NOTE 1   ISO GUIDE 73 defines "risk" as the combination of the probability of an event and its consequence. In some situations, risk is a deviation from the expected.
NOTE 2   A risk can also have a possible positive outcome. In such cases it is often referred to as an opportunity or reward.
NOTE 3   ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 defines risk as the combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.
NOTE 4   In the safety field, risk management is focused on prevention and mitigation of harm. ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 should be used for safety aspects.
EXAMPLE 1   'Line shutdown' is an example of Risk in the context of a manufacturing system's reliability.
EXAMPLE 2   'Transportation jam-up', 'customer anger', 'collateral damage', and 'greater susceptibility to interruption of supply during crises' are all examples of Risk.
EXAMPLE 3   'Privacy' and 'security' are examples of Risk for the telecommunications industry.
EXAMPLE 4   'Fly-by-wire', the form-fit-function replacement of mechanical devices with a combination of electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic units.
EXAMPLE 5   Timing such as 'premature rejection' and 'premature commitment' are other examples of Risk.
versions [0..*] : RiskVersion
the versions of the Risk.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskConsequence
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: RiskViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: RiskViewDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: CausalConsequence.relating CausalConsequence.related RelatedConsequence.related RiskImpactAssignment.assignedRiskConsequence 
A RiskConsequence is a specialization of RiskViewDefinition and specifies the outcome of an event.
NOTE 1   There may be one or more consequences of an event.
NOTE 2   Consequences can range from positive to negative. However, consequences are always negative for safety aspects.
NOTE 3   Consequences can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskEvent
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A RiskEvent is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the unwanted (or wanted) event resulting in the RiskPerception.

The probability of the event occurring is represented by a set of probabilities referenced from RiskEvent.probabilityRepresentations. If more than one probability is provided each probability shall be equivalent.

NOTE    The definition attribute of the probabilityRepresentations shall refer to a definition for perceivedProbability.
EXAMPLE    The definition attribute of the probabilityRepresentations could refer to an ExternalPropertyDefinition that uses an ExternalOwlObject with individual set to "http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Perceived_Probability".
probabilityRepresentations [0..*] : Probability
the probability representations of the risk event occurring.
assignedActivityMethod [1] : ActivityMethod
the ActivityMethod that defines the event.
assignedTo [1] : RiskPerception
a set of items that contains the various perceptions of the risk that this event will trigger.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskImpactAssignment
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A RiskImpactAssignment is a specialization of AssignmentObject and a type of PropertyAssignmentSelect.

It assigns a RiskConsequence to a set of items that might be impacted by the risk.

assignedRiskConsequence [1] : RiskConsequence
the RiskConsequence that is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : RiskImpactAssignmentSelect
the items impacted by the RiskConsequence.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskPerception
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: RiskViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: RiskViewDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: RelatedConsequence.relating RiskEvent.assignedTo RiskPerceptionRelationship.relating RiskPerceptionRelationship.related RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment.assignedRisk 

A RiskPerception is a specialization of RiskViewDefinition that defines values or concerns (a risk level) with which a stakeholder views a particular Risk.

The risk level is represented by a set of property values referenced from RiskPerception.riskLevelRepresentations. If more than one property value is provided each property value shall be equivalent.

EXAMPLE 1   One riskLevelRepresentation could be 4 (from a maximum of 5) and a second could be "high".
NOTE 1   The definition attribute of each of the riskLevelRepresentations shall refer to a definition for RiskLevel.
EXAMPLE 2   The definition attribute of the riskLevelRepresentations could refer to an ExternalPropertyDefinition that uses an ExternalOwlObject with individual set to "http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/contexts/OASIS/refdata/plcs-rdl#Risk_Level".
NOTE 2   RiskPerception depends on the stake holder's expressed needs, issues, and knowledge.
NOTE 3   RiskPerception can differ from objective data.
NOTE 4   RiskPerception may be used qualitatively or quantitatively to form a risk matrix.
NOTE 5   Risk will be perceived differently in different contexts, such as in the context of human safety, mission success, project time schedule, performance or economy.
riskLevelRepresentations [0..*] : PropertyValue
optionally defines a collection of representations for an identifiable goal or objective for the RiskPerception.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskPerceptionRelationship
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship  DateTimeAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A RiskPerceptionRelationship defines an association between two instances of RiskPerception.
relating [1] : RiskPerception
the primary RiskPerception that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : RiskPerception
the secondary RiskPerception that is a part of the relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment is a specialization of AssignmentObject.

It assigns a RiskPerception to a set of one or many items that are the source for the RiskPerception.

assignedRisk [1] : RiskPerception
the RiskPerception that is assigned to the set of one or many items that are its source.
assignedTo [1] : RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect
the items to which the RiskPerception is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskRelationship
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ProductRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A RiskRelationship is a specialization of ProductRelationship.

It is an association between two an association between two instances of Risk.

relating [1] : Risk
the first instance of Risk that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Risk

the second instance of Risk that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one Risk in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskVersion
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ProductVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: Risk.versions RiskViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 

A RiskVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion.

It defines a form of a risk that differ in certain respects from an earlier form of that risk or from other forms of that risk.

NOTE 1   Use of RiskVersion allows several RiskPerception instances to be assigned to a specific Risk.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : RiskViewDefinition
the set of zero or many RiskConsequence or RiskPerception instances that define the RiskVersion.
versionOf [1] : Risk
the Risk that the RiskVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: RiskViewDefinition (Abstract)
On diagrams: Risk management 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Subtypes: RiskConsequence  RiskPerception 
Used by: RiskVersion.viewDefinitions 

ARiskViewDefinition is a specialization of a ProductViewDefinition  and is an abstract generalization of instances that represents …

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the RiskViewDefinition can be instantiated.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : RiskVersion
the RiskVersion of which the RiskViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Scheme
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Used by: SchemeRelationship.relating SchemeRelationship.related SchemeSubjectAssignment.assignedScheme SchemeVersion.versionOf 
A Scheme is a specialization of ActivityMethod. It provides the identification and description of an intended course of action to accomplish an objective. A Scheme enables the ordering of entries. Dates and times may be specified for entries and time intervals between entries.
NOTE    A Scheme may be classified as a Plan or Schedule, and it may be further classified into specific types of Plans or Schedules.
EXAMPLE    Acquisition plan, Maintenance plan, Resource schedule are examples of schemes.
versions [0..*] : SchemeVersion
the versions of the Scheme
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeEntry
On diagrams: Analysis  Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  AnalysisModelItemsSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Used by: SchemeEntryAssignment.assignedEntry SchemeEntryRelationship.relating SchemeEntryRelationship.related SchemeVersion.entries 
A SchemeEntry is a specialization of ActivityMethod that provides the identification and description of a single entry in a specific Scheme.
NOTE 1   A SchemeEntry may be associated with time constraints.
NOTE 2   A SchemeEntry only exists within the scope of a specific Scheme.
entryOf [1] : SchemeVersion
the SchemeVersion into which the SchemeEntry is included.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeEntryAssignment
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A SchemeEntryAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of SchemeEntry instances to instances that are specializations of SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#SchemeEntryAssignment.
NOTE    The SchemeEntryAssignment links the single items included in Plans and Schedules with their associated SchemeEntry. These items may be actions, events, or tasks depending on the nature of the Plan or Schedule.
assignedEntry [1] : SchemeEntry
the SchemeEntry that is assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect
the set of items which are associated with a SchemeEntry.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeEntryRelationship
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: SequencingRelationship 
A SchemeEntryRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship. It relates two SchemeEntry entities. An association may exists between SchemeEntry entities that relate to different Scheme or between different SchemeEntry entity instances for the same Scheme.
NOTE    The SchemeEntryRelationship provides the ability to relate entries included in Plans or Schedules in different ways. By applying classifications on the SchemeEntryRelationship it can be used for different purposes.
EXAMPLE    Decomposition, Dependency, and sequencing are examples of kinds of relationships possible between schema entries.
relating [1] : SchemeEntry
the first instance of SchemeEntry that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : SchemeEntry

the second instance of SchemeEntry that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one SchemeEntry in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeRelationship
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A SchemeRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship relating two Schemes.

NOTE    The SchemeRelationship provides the ability to relate Plans or Schedules represented by the Scheme entity in different ways. If classifications are available to the schema using this on, by applying classifications on the SchemeRelationship it can be used for different purposes.
EXAMPLE    Decomposition, based-on, alternative, version are kinds of relationships between Schemes.
relating [1] : Scheme
the first instance of Scheme that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : Scheme

the second instance of Scheme that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one Scheme in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeSubjectAssignment
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A SchemeSubjectAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of Scheme with a specific subject.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#SchemeSubjectAssignment.
NOTE    The SchemeSubjectAssignment links the Plans and Schedules with their associated subjects or targets. This may indicate the intent of the scheme.
EXAMPLE    The maintenance plan for an individual vehicle, where the subject attribute points to an entity instance representing the individual vehicle.
assignedScheme [1] : Scheme
the Scheme that is assigned to a specific subject.
assignedTo [1] : SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect
the set of items to which a Scheme is associated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeVersion
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Used by: Scheme.versions SchemeEntry.entryOf SchemeVersionAssignment.assignedSchemeVersion SchemeVersionRelationship.relating SchemeVersionRelationship.related 
A SchemeVersion is a specialization of ActivityMethod. It enables version control of Scheme.
entries [0..*] : SchemeEntry
the SchemeEntrys that are within a SchemeVersion.
versionOf [1] : Scheme
the Scheme that the SchemeVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeVersionAssignment
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A SchemeVersionAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of a SchemeVersion instances to instances that are specializations of SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#SchemeVersionAssignment.
assignedSchemeVersion [1] : SchemeVersion
the SchemeVersion assigned to a set of items
assignedTo [1] : SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect
the set of items to which a SchemeVersion is associated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SchemeVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A SchemeVersionRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship relating two SchemeVersions.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#SchemeVersionRelationship.
relating [1] : SchemeVersion
the first instance of SchemeVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : SchemeVersion

the second instance of SchemeVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one SchemeVersionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SecurityClassification
On diagrams: Security 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: SecurityClassificationAssignment.assignedSecurityClassification 
A SecurityClassification is a level of confidentiality that can be applied to protect activity or product data against unauthorized usage.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the SecurityClassification
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the SecurityClassification.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the SecurityClassification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SecurityClassificationAssignment
On diagrams: Security 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A SecurityClassificationAssignment is an association of a SecurityClassification with activity or product data.
assignedSecurityClassification [1] : SecurityClassification
the SecurityClassification assigned to activity or product data.
assignedTo [1] : SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect
the activity or product data to which the SecurityClassification is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SelectedItemAssignment
On diagrams: Configuration 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A SelectedItemAssignment is the identification of the product or activity data referenced by Item as being a member of a class identified by ClassSelect.
assignedSelectedItem [1] : Classification
the class to which the product or activity data referenced by Item belongs.
assignedTo [1] : SelectedItemAssignmentSelect
the product or activity data that is being designated as a ClassSelect.
itemContext [1..*] : SelectedItemContextSelect

the context in which the product or activity data is being identified as being a ClassSelect.

EXAMPLE    The engine is a identified as a selected item on the car.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SequenceOfState
Supertypes: StateRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A SequenceOfState is a specialization of StateRelationship in which one set of State precedes another set of State.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SequenceOfStateDefinition
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A SequenceOfStateDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It defines a sequence of two or more state definitions.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SequencingRelationship
On diagrams: Scheme 
Supertypes: SchemeEntryRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: SchemeEntryRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A SequencingRelationship is a specialization of SchemeEntryRelationship. It defines a specific type of sequencing and relative timing for two SchemeEntry.

NOTE 1   Specific types of sequencing could include start-start, finish-start.
timeLag [0..1] : TimeInterval

the amount of time, either positive or negative, before the sequencing applies between the RelatingEntry and the RelatedEntry. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

NOTE 2   For a positive timeLag, the RelatingEntry is the later entry in time.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SerialEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 
A SerialEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined as a possibly open-ended interval of serial numbers.
startId [1..*] : Identifier
the first valid serial number.
endId [0..*] : Identifier
the last valid serial number. The value of the attribute need not be specified. If the value for this attribute is not specified, the interval of applicability has no upper bound.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SetMembership
On diagrams: Classification 

ASetMembership is a relationship that is between a set and a thing that indicates the thing is a member of the set.

NOTE    the term 'class' and 'set' are synonyms.
member [1] : ProxyItemSelect
the member of the set
ofSet [1] : ClassSelect
the set that has the thing as a member
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
A ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation is the representation of a characteristic derived from or imposed to an ItemShape or a ShapeElement.
EXAMPLE 1   The centre of mass is an example of shape dependent property, of a shape, that can be represented by a cartesian point.
EXAMPLE 2   The area and the volumes are examples of characteristic that can be represented by a measure value with unit.
NOTE 1   A ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation is independent of the representations of the shape.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation.
characteristicType [1..*] : LocalizedString

the string that specifies the type of the characteristic that is represented.

Where applicable, the following values shall be used:

propertyRepresentation [1] : PropertyValue

the PropertyValue that contains the items that express the characteristic.

NOTE    Depending on the characteristicType, the describedElement may need to be a GeometricModel.
describedElement [1] : ShapeDependentSelect
the ItemShape or the ShapeElement from which the characteristic has been derived or imposed.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ShapeDescriptionAssociation
On diagrams: CAD document 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: ShapePlacementAssociation 
A ShapeDescriptionAssociation is an association of a geometric representation with a shape characteristic.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ShapeDescriptionAssociation.
representedCharacteristic [1] : ShapeSelect

the instance of an element of ShapeSelect that is represented.

In case the representedCharacteristic is a ShapeElementRelationship, the represented characteristic is the related ShapeElement in the context of its relating ShapeElement.

representation [1] : GeometricModel
the GeometricModel that provides the representation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ShapeElement
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  GeometricItemSpecificUsageSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ShapeDependentSelect  ShapeSelect 
Used by: ShapeElementRelationship.relating ShapeElementRelationship.related 
A ShapeElement is a portion of a shape.
EXAMPLE    The threaded portion of the shape of a bolt may be represented as a ShapeElement, so that other properties, such as surface finish, may be associated with it.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ShapeElement.
elementName [0..*] : LocalizedString
the name of the ShapeElement. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
containingShape [1] : ItemShapeObject
the ItemShape that the ShapeElement is a part of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ShapeElementRelationship
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  GeometricItemSpecificUsageSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ShapeSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A ShapeElementRelationship is a relationship between two instances of ShapeElement.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ShapeElementRelationship
relating [1] : ShapeElement
one of the instances of ShapeElement that takes part in the relationship.
related [1] : ShapeElement
the other instance of ShapeElement that takes part in the relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ShapePlacementAssociation
Supertypes: ShapeDescriptionAssociation 
All Supertype Blocks: ShapeDescriptionAssociation 
A ShapePlacementAssociation is a specialization of ShapeDescriptionAssociation.
representation [1] : GeometricPlacementModel
specifies the GeometricPlacementModel for the ShapePlacementAssociation.
representedCharacteristic [1] : ContextualItemShape
specifies the ContextualItemShape for the ShapePlacementAssociation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SimultaneousElements
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: ConcurrentElements 
All Supertype Blocks: ConcurrentElements  StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A SimultaneousElements is a specialization of ConcurrentElements that represents two or more actions to be performed together.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StandardUncertainty
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: UncertaintyQualifier 
All Supertype Blocks: UncertaintyQualifier 
Subtypes: ExpandedUncertainty 
A StandardUncertainty is a specialization of UncertaintyQualifier. A StandardUncertainty may be an ExpandedUncertainty. The uncertainty is defined in clause 2 of "The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".
uncertaintyValue [1] : Real
specifies a REAL value of the uncertainty.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StartTask
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A StartTask is a type of TaskElement. It signifies the start point of the task.
NOTE    Not all formal task description require start and end elements, their inclusion is in a sequence is optional.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: State
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateOrStateDefinitionSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: StateObserved  StatePredicted 
Used by: StateAssertion.assertedState StateAssessment.assessedState StateAssignment.assignedState StateRelationship.relating StateRelationship.related 
OWL Definition:

State is a  mode of being in which something does, could, or did exist for a period of time.

EXAMPLE 1:  Main Engine No. 1 is in the state "operation".
EXAMPLE 2:  The portable computer's power supply was attached after it displayed a warning of a "low-battery" state.
EXAMPLE 3:  When Generator No. 2 exceeds 5,000 service hours, it will enter "maintenance" state.
NOTE 1:  The period of existence may be an instant or longer.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A State is the mode of being in which something does or could exist or existed for a period of time.
NOTE 1   A state's existence can be just a state that an instance is currently in, a predicted state that an instance will eventually be in, or an observed state that an instance has been in.
NOTE 2   The period of existence may be an instant or longer.
EXAMPLE 1   Main Engine No. 1 is in "operation".
EXAMPLE 2   When Generator No. 2 surpasses 5,000 service hours, it will enter "maintenance" mode.
EXAMPLE 3   The portable computer's power supply was attached after it displayed a "low-battery" warning.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the State
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the State.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this State This State is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateAssertion
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
Used by: DefinedStateRelationship.definitiveState 
OWL Definition:

StateAssertion is a  statement confirmed by evidence such as a measurement assertion that a state is in conformance with a particular state definition.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A StateAssertion is used to assert that the subject State is in conformance with a particular StateDefinition.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the StateAssertion
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the StateAssertion.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this StateAssertion This StateAssertion is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
assertedState [1] : State
the subject State being asserted.
conformanceState [1] : StateDefinition
a particular StateDefinition the subject State is being asserted against.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateAssessment
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
Used by: DefinedStateRelationship.definedState 
OWL Definition:

StateAssessment is a  subjective statement without supporting evidence that a state is in conformance comparable with a particular state definition.

NOTE 1:  A state assessment is made without objective evidence, e.g. a measurement.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A StateAssessment is used to determine whether the subject State is comparable with a particular StateDefinition.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the StateAssessment
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the StateAssessment.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this StateAssessment This StateAssessment is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
assessedState [1] : State
a subject State that will be assessed against a particular StateDefinition.
comparableState [1] : StateDefinition
a particular StateDefinition the subject State is assessed against.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateAssignment
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateOrStateDefinitionSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An StateAssignment is a relationship that allows a subject to have State or to be in a State.
assignedState [1] : State
a State the subject has or is in.
assignedTo [1] : StateAssignmentSelect
the subject which has or is in a State.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateCauseEffect
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: StateRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateCauseEffect is a specialization of state relationship and it relates two or more states as one state causing particular resulting effect state(s). In turn, an effect state can become a new causing state yielding in yet more effect states.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateCauseEffectDefinition
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AndStateCauseEffectDefinition  OrStateCauseEffectDefinition  XorStateCauseEffectDefinition 
A StateCauseEffectDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship that is used to define a causal relationship between two sets of StateDefinition entities. At least one StateDefinition acts as a cause and at least one StateDefinition acts as a effect.
NOTE    Additional causal relationships between states can be expressed using the following subtypes: AndStateCauseEffectDefinition, OrStateCauseEffectDefinition, and XorStateCauseEffectDefinition.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateComplementDefinition
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateComplementDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It is a relationship among three sets of StateDefinition entities. It defines the complement of a set of StateDefinition entities relative to a set of StateDefinition entities that are the universe.
NOTE 1   The semantics are the same as in elementary set theory.
NOTE 2   The relationship between a StateDefinition and its complement is symmetrical.
set2 [1..*] : StateDefinition
the complement of set1 within universe.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateDefinition
On diagrams: Analysis  State representation  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AnalysisAssignmentSelect  AnalysisModelItemsSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateOrStateDefinitionSelect  ValidationSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
Used by: StateAssertion.conformanceState StateAssessment.comparableState StateComplementDefinition.set2 StateDefinitionAssignment.assignedStateDefinition StateDefinitionRelationship.relating StateDefinitionRelationship.related 
OWL Definition:

StateDefinition is a  definition of a possible or typical state.

EXAMPLE 1:  The definition of the state, ”flying” is that the aircraft is off the ground.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A StateDefinition is a mode of being. In formal systems, a StateDefinition is the definition of a situation during which some (usually implicit) invariant condition holds.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the StateDefinition
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the StateDefinition.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this StateDefinition This StateDefinition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
definition [1] : ProxyItemSelect
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file that provides the definition of the StateDefinition.
Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateDefinitionAssignment
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  StateOrStateDefinitionSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An StateDefinitionAssignment is a mechanism that enables an instance to have or to be in a StateDefinition.
assignedStateDefinition [1] : StateDefinition
the StateDefinition that is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect
the instance whose StateDefinition is given by the describedStateDefinition.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: CompositionOfStateDefinition  SequenceOfStateDefinition  StateCauseEffectDefinition  StateComplementDefinition  StateProperSubsetDefinition  StateSubsetDefinition  StateSymptomDefinition  StateTransitionDefinition 
A StateDefinitionRelationship is an association between two or more instances of StateDefinition.
NOTE    Relationships between StateDefinition entities may be used to support fault diagnosis.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the StateDefinitionRelationship
relating [1..*] : StateDefinition
one of the instances of StateDefinition that is a part of the relationship.
related [1..*] : StateDefinition
the other of the instances of StateDefinition that is a part of the relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateObserved
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: State 
All Supertype Blocks: State 
Used by: StatePredictedToObserved.relating 
OWL Definition:

StateObserved is a  state that something has been observed to be in.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A StateObserved is a specialization of State. It is an individual or realized State that is observed.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StatePredicted
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: State 
All Supertype Blocks: State 
Used by: StatePredictedToObserved.related 
OWL Definition:

StatePredicted is a  state that something has been predicted to be in.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A StatePredicted is a specialization of State It is a predicted actual State. Where a predicted state needs to be related to an observed state, the StatePredictedToObserved entity shall be used.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StatePredictedToObserved
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: StateRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StatePredictedToObserved is a specialization of state relationship. It specifies the relationship between two individual states, one of which is a StatePredicted to a second state which is a StateObserved.
relating [1..*] : StateObserved
the observed state, StateObserved
related [1..*] : StatePredicted
the predicted state, StatePredicted
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateProperSubsetDefinition
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateProperSubsetDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It is a relationship between two sets of StateDefinition entities.
NOTE    The relationship between a state and its environment can be described as a StateProperSubsetDefinition. The identification of an intrinsic state is the properSubset. The identification of an extrinsic state is the properSuperset.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateRelationship
On diagrams: State representation 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: CompositionOfState  SequenceOfState  StateCauseEffect  StatePredictedToObserved  StateTransition 
A StateRelationship is a relationship between two or more State.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the StateRelationship
relating [1..*] : State
one of the set of instances of State that is a part of the relationship.
related [1..*] : State
the other of the set of instances of State that is a part of the relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateSubsetDefinition
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateSubsetDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It is a relationship between two sets of StateDefinition entities.
NOTE    The first set may be equal to the second set.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateSymptomDefinition
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateSymptomDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It relates two or more StateDefinition entities in regards to symptom, where a symptom is something that indicates the existence of something else. At least one StateDefinition acts as a symptomCause and at least one StateDefinition acts as a symptomEffect.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateTransition
Supertypes: StateRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: StateRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateTransition is a specialization of state relationship and it relates two or more states before and after a transition in State, where at least one State is a start state and at least one State is an end state.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StateTransitionDefinition
On diagrams: Analysis 
Supertypes: StateDefinitionRelationship  AnalysisModelItemsSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A StateTransitionDefinition is a specialization of StateDefinitionRelationship. It relates two or more StateDefinition entities before and after a transition in state, where at least one StateDefinition is a startState and at least one StateDefinition is an endState.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StringValue
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
A StringValue is a specialization of PropertyValue that represents a sequence of one or more alphanumeric characters.
valueComponent [1] : LocalizedString
specifies the string represented by the StringValue.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: StructuredTaskElement (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task element  Task 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
Subtypes: ConcurrentElements  DecisionPoint  LoopingElement  TaskElementSequence 
A StructuredTaskElement is a type of TaskElement. It is made up of other TaskElements
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SubsetMember
On diagrams: Classification 
Used by: ExternalOwlClass.subsetMemberOf 

ASubsetMember is a relationship that is between:

that indicates:

NOTE    Set A may be equal to set B.
subset [1] : ClassSelect
the set that contains all members of subset.
superset [1] : ClassSelect
the set that contains only members of superset.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SuppliedPartRelationship
On diagrams: Part  Product 
Supertypes: ProductVersionRelationship  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A SuppliedPartRelationship is a specialization of ProductVersionRelationship that relates two instances of ProductVersion that represent the same instance in different organizational contexts.

One of the organizations is the supplier of the instance to the other organization.

This entity is applicable for part versions and document versions.

NOTE 1   This entity enables to represent the fact that two organizations may use distinct identifiers to identify their Product and their versions.
NOTE 2   This mechanism can only be used in an information system or in exchange files where the content of the id attribute of instances of Product is not constrained by a particular identification scheme.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: System
On diagrams: System 
Supertypes: Product 
All Supertype Blocks: Product 
Used by: SystemVersion.versionOf 
A System is a specialization of Product used to identify a conceptual solution to a collection of requirements.
NOTE 1   The concept system is any thing - matter, energy, organisation or information or a combination of these - for which reproducible measurements exist. The concept system excludes any asserted thing based on personal experience for which no reproducible measurements exist.
NOTE 2   SEDRES Definition: "An assembly of interacting, active components or elements forming a whole".
NOTE 3   Another definition would be "That which is discernible by reproducible measurement of its characteristics, and has a defined boundary (statically and dynamically) with respect to the universe".
versions [0..*] : SystemVersion
the versions of the System.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemBreakdown
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: Breakdown 
All Supertype Blocks: Breakdown  Product 
Used by: SystemBreakdownVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

SystemBreakdown is a  breakdown comprising system elements.

The parent-child view is represented by SystemElementUsage instances relating the system elements in the breakdown which are represented by SystemElements.

EXAMPLE 1:  A system breakdown provides a decomposition of an aircraft in terms of high-level Systems such as "fuel system" or "flight control system" - which might, in the second example, further decompose into low-level systems such as "autopilot system" and "instrument landing system".
NOTE 1:  The system breakdown is a partitioning of a product into a set of related system elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A SystemBreakdown is a specialization of Breakdown that identifies a partitioning of a system into a set of related elements so as to form explicit, assembly - component views that comprise the system elements.

The assembly-component view is represented by SystemElementUsage instances relating the system elements in the breakdown which are represented by SystemElements.

EXAMPLE    A system breakdown provides a decomposition of an aircraft in terms of high-level mechanisms such as fuel system or flight control system - which might, in the second example, further decompose into low-level systems such as autopilot system and instrument landing system.
versions [0..*] : SystemBreakdownVersion
the versions of the SystemBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemBreakdownContext
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownContext 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownContext 
A SystemBreakdownContext is a specialization of BreakdownContext that is a membership relationship between a SystemElement and a SystemBreakdown of which the system element is a member.
EXAMPLE    A heating system is a member of the breakdown of a climate control system.
breakdown [1] : SystemBreakdownVersion
the version of the SystemBreakdown of which the SystemElement is a member.
breakdownElement [1] : SystemElementDefinition
the view of the version of the SystemElement that is a member of the SystemBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemBreakdownVersion
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: SystemBreakdown.versions SystemBreakdownContext.breakdown 

A SystemBreakdownVersion is a specialization of BreakdownVersion that identifies a version of a SystemBreakdown

EXAMPLE    A logistics engineer modifies the current systems breakdown for an aircraft and associated support equipment on the basis of results from a level of repair analysis.
versionOf [1] : SystemBreakdown
the SystemBreakdown that the SystemBreakdownVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemElement
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElement 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElement  Product 
Used by: SystemElementVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

SystemElement is a  breakdown element that represents a System.

NOTE 1:  System elements are partitions of a system breakdown.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A SystemElement is a specialization of BreakdownElement that identifies the elements in one or more SystemBreakdown instances.
versions [0..*] : SystemElementVersion
the versions of the SystemElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemElementDefinition
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: SystemBreakdownContext.breakdownElement SystemElementUsage.relating SystemElementUsage.related SystemElementVersion.viewDefinitions 
A SystemElementDefinition is a specialization of BreakdownElementDefinition that identifies a view of a version ( SystemElementVersion) of a SystemElement.
EXAMPLE    The collision avoidance system element of a system breakdown is subject to a level of repair analysis to support implementation of optimized maintenance for an aircraft.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : SystemElementVersion
the SystemElementVersion of which the SystemElementDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemElementUsage
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementUsage  ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A SystemElementUsage is a specialization of BreakdownElementUsage that is a relationship between a SystemElementDefinition and another SystemElementDefinition that is a constituent.
EXAMPLE    In a system breakdown, the fuel system might include a fuel storage system and a fuel injection system as components.
relating [1] : SystemElementDefinition
the first instance of SystemElementDefinition that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : SystemElementDefinition

the second instance of SystemElementDefinition that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one SystemElementDefinition in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemElementVersion
On diagrams: SystemBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: SystemElement.versions SystemElementDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A SystemElementVersion is a specialization of BreakdownElementVersion that identifies a version of a SystemElement
EXAMPLE    A sound engineer changes the details describing the public address system that is an element in a system breakdown of an aircraft.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : SystemElementDefinition
the views of the SystemElementVersion.
versionOf [1] : SystemElement
the SystemElementVersion that the SystemElementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemVersion
On diagrams: System 
Supertypes: ProductVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersion 
Used by: System.versions SystemVersionRelationship.relating SystemVersionRelationship.related SystemViewDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A SystemVersion is a specialization of ProductVersion that represents a particular version of a system.
NOTE    In this case, this means "revision". So for a given system (e.g. a fuel injection system) we may have several versions of the system design (e.g. v1, v1.1 etc.)
viewDefinitions [0..*] : SystemViewDefinition
the views of the SystemVersion.
versionOf [1] : System
the System that the SystemVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemVersionRelationship
On diagrams: System 
Supertypes: ProductVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: SystemVersionSequence 
A SystemVersionRelationship is a specialization of ProductVersionRelationship used to relate versions of a system.
relating [1] : SystemVersion
the first instance of SystemVersion that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : SystemVersion

the second instance of SystemVersion that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one SystemVersion in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemVersionSequence
On diagrams: System 
Supertypes: SystemVersionRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: SystemVersionRelationship  ProductVersionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A SystemVersionSequence is a specialization of SystemVersionRelationship used to relate a previous version of a system to the version that replaces it.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: SystemViewDefinition
On diagrams: System 
Supertypes: ProductViewDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: SystemVersion.viewDefinitions 
A SystemViewDefinition is a specialization of ProductViewDefinition that provides a view of a system version relevant for one or more application domains.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : SystemVersion
the SystemVersion of which the SystemViewDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElement (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task element  Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationSelect  ConstraintContextSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Subtypes: EndTask  ExitLoop  StartTask  StructuredTaskElement  TaskElementLevels  TaskInvocation  TaskStep 
Used by: AdvisoryNote.appliesTo ConcurrentElements.elements DecisionPoint.trueCaseElement DecisionPoint.falseCaseElement DecisionPoint.unknownCaseElement LoopingElement.repeatedElement TaskElementAssignment.assignedTaskElement TaskElementLevels.alternatives TaskElementRelationship.relating TaskElementRelationship.related TaskElementSequence.elements TaskElementStateRelationship.taskElement TaskMethodVersion.content 
A TaskElement is a specialization of ActivityMethod. It is a representation of all or part of how to undertake a task.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElementAssignment
On diagrams: Task element  Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A TaskElementAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of TaskElement instances to instances that are specializations of TaskAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#TaskElementAssignment.
assignedTaskElement [1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement that is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : TaskAssignmentSelect
the set of things associated to the TaskElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElementLevels
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A TaskElementLevels is a type of TaskElement that provides two or more different descriptions in place of a single method. The actual work will be the same whichever alternative TaskElement is followed.
NOTE    This can be used to provide different levels of description of a task for people with varying levels of experience or expertise.
alternatives [2..*] : TaskElement
the TaskElements describing two or more ways in which the same work may be undertaken.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElementRelationship
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: ElementConstraint 
A TaskElementRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship. It relates two instances of TaskElement.
EXAMPLE    Can be used to capture a time dependency that cuts across the structure of the method.
relating [1] : TaskElement
one instance of TaskElement that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : TaskElement
the other instance of TaskElement that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElementSequence
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: StructuredTaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: StructuredTaskElement  TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A TaskElementSequence is a specialization of TaskElement that comprises a sequence of steps to be followed in a specified order.
elements [2..*] : TaskElement
the TaskElements to be followed in the order specified in the list.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskElementStateRelationship
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A TaskElementStateRelationship is an type of ActivityMethodRelationship. It is an association between a State or a StateDefinition and a TaskElement. The meaning of the entity is determined by classification. Candidate meanings include:
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TaskElementStateRelationship
state [1] : StateOrStateDefinitionSelect
the State or StateDefinition being related.
taskElement [1] : TaskElement
the TaskElement being related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskInvocation
On diagrams: Task element  Task 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
A TaskInvocation is a type of TaskElement. It is an instruction to perform another task.
EXAMPLE    A TaskElement calls a predefined task to perform an instrument calibration.
taskMethod [1] : MethodOrMethodVersionSelect
the TaskMethod to be invoked.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethod
On diagrams: Task element  Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MethodOrMethodVersionSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Used by: TaskMethodAssignment.assignedTaskMethod TaskMethodRelationship.relating TaskMethodRelationship.related TaskMethodVersion.versionOf 
A TaskMethod is a specialization of ActivityMethod. It is a specification of work.
NOTE    The task method may be implemented using people, machines or a combination.
versions [0..*] : TaskMethodVersion
the versions of the TaskMethod.
objective [0..*] : TaskObjective
the intended result or results of the task.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodAssignment
On diagrams: Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A TaskMethodAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of TaskMethod instances to instances that are specializations of TaskAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#TaskMethodAssignment.
assignedTaskMethod [1] : TaskMethod
the TaskMethod being assigned.
assignedTo [1] : TaskAssignmentSelect
the set of things that are associated to the TaskMethod.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodRelationship
On diagrams: Task 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A TaskMethodRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship. It relates two task methods.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#TaskMethodRelationship.
relating [1] : TaskMethod
one of the instances of TaskMethod that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : TaskMethod
the other instance of TaskMethod that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodStateRelationship
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A TaskMethodStateRelationship is a relationship between a state and a TaskMethod.


The meaning of the entity is determined by classification. Candidate meanings include:

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TaskMethodStateRelationship
state [1] : StateOrStateDefinitionSelect
the mode of being that is related.
taskMethod [1] : TaskMethodVersion
the TaskMethod being related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodVersion
On diagrams: Task element  Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationSelect  ConstraintContextSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  MethodOrMethodVersionSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethod 
Used by: TaskMethod.versions TaskMethodStateRelationship.taskMethod TaskMethodVersionAssignment.assignedTaskMethod TaskMethodVersionRelationship.relating TaskMethodVersionRelationship.related 
A TaskMethodVersion is a specialization of ActivityMethod which allows the explicit reference to versions of a TaskMethodand to track changes against a TaskMethod.
content [0..1] : TaskElement
the way in which the task is to be carried out. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
versionOf [1] : TaskMethod
the TaskMethod which this is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodVersionAssignment
On diagrams: Task  Task trigger 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  InZoneSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 

A TaskMethodVersionAssignment is a specialization of an AssignmentObject that represents the assignment of TaskMethodVersion instances to instances that are specializations of TaskAssignmentSelect.

NOTE    The meaning of the assignment is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#TaskMethodVersionAssignment.
assignedTaskMethod [1] : TaskMethodVersion
the TaskMethodVersion that is assigned.
assignedTo [1] : TaskAssignmentSelect
the set of things that the TaskMethodVersion is assigned to.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskMethodVersionRelationship
On diagrams: Task 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodRelationship 
All Supertype Blocks: ActivityMethodRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A TaskMethodVersionRelationship is a specialization of ActivityMethodRelationship. It relates two instances of TaskMethodVersion.
relating [1] : TaskMethodVersion
the first instance of TaskMethodVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : TaskMethodVersion

the second instance of TaskMethodVersionRelationship that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one TaskMethodVersionRelationship in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskObjective
On diagrams: Task element  Task 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  ProjectAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: TaskMethod.objective TaskObjectiveStateRelationship.taskObjective 
A TaskObjective is a result or objective that is reached by undertaking a TaskMethod.
NOTE    More than one TaskMethod may be defined for a given objective, if there can be several ways to accomplish the objective.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TaskObjective
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the TaskObjective.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this TaskObjective This TaskObjective is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskObjectiveStateRelationship
On diagrams: Task element 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A TaskObjectiveStateRelationship is a relationship between a state and a TaskObjective.

The meaning of the entity is determined by classification. Candidate meanings include:

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TaskObjectiveStateRelationship
state [1] : StateOrStateDefinitionSelect
the mode of being that is related.
taskObjective [1] : TaskObjective
the TaskObjective being related.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TaskStep
On diagrams: Task element  Task 
Supertypes: TaskElement 
All Supertype Blocks: TaskElement  ActivityMethod 
Subtypes: AdvisoryTaskStep 
A TaskStep is a specialization of TaskElement that is not further sub-divided.
stepText [1..*] : LocalizedString
the text describing what is to be done to accomplish the TaskStep
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TimeInterval
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Subtypes: TimeIntervalWithBounds 
Used by: SequencingRelationship.timeLag TimeIntervalAssignment.assignedTimeInterval TimeIntervalEffectivity.effectivityPeriod TimeIntervalRelationship.relating TimeIntervalRelationship.related 
A TimeInterval is the identification of an intervening time.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TimeInterval.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the TimeInterval.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TimeIntervalAssignment
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A TimeIntervalAssignment is an association of a TimeInterval with product data.
assignedTimeInterval [1] : TimeInterval
the instance of the TimeInterval entity data type that is associated with product data.
assignedTo [1] : TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect
the product data to which the TimeInterval is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TimeIntervalEffectivity
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Supertypes: Effectivity 
All Supertype Blocks: Effectivity 
A TimeIntervalEffectivity is a specialization of Effectivity for which the domain of applicability is defined as a TimeInterval.
effectivityPeriod [1] : TimeInterval
the TimeInterval that defines the domain of validity.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TimeIntervalRelationship
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A TimeIntervalRelationship is the association of two instances of TimeInterval. The meaning of this association is specified in the RelationType attribute.
relating [1] : TimeInterval
the first instance of TimeInterval that is part of the relationship.
related [1] : TimeInterval
the other instance of TimeInterval. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TimeIntervalWithBounds
On diagrams: DateTime 
Supertypes: TimeInterval 
All Supertype Blocks: TimeInterval 

A TimeIntervalWithBounds is a specialization of TimeInterval. A TimeIntervalWithBounds is bounded either on one side or both sides.

If neither secondaryBound nor NumericalValue by the durationFromPrimaryBound are specified, the time interval begins at the point in time identified by primaryBound and has no specified end point.

durationFromPrimaryBound [0..1] : NumericalValue

the duration that specifies the length of the time interval from the primary bound.

If positive, the TimeIntervalWithBounds defines a lower bounded time interval, else an upper bounded time interval.

The value of this attribute need not be specified.

primaryBound [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the bound of the TimeIntervalWithBounds from which the length of the time interval is measured. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
secondaryBound [0..1] : DateOrEventSelect
the other bound of the TimeIntervalWithBounds. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TracingRelationship
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 

A TracingRelationship is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that shows tracing from ( TracesFrom) one requirement to another ( TracesTo).

EXAMPLE    A requirement on the performance of a catalytic converter in a car may be traced from a more general emissions requirement.

A requirement may trace to many other requirements and vice versa - this is achieved by creating multiple instances of the tracing relationship entity.

NOTE 1   The inherited " RelatingView" and " RelatedView" attributes have been renamed for purposes of clarity.
NOTE 2   Properties may be attached to tracing relationships. This is intended to deal with "user defined" attributes which are common on tracing relationships in requirements tools.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TypeOfPerson
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition  Skills 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect  RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect  ResourceRealizationSelect  SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect  SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkOutputSelect 
Used by: PositionType.definedBy TypeOfPersonAssignment.assignedTypeOfPerson 
A TypeOfPerson is a type of person.
EXAMPLE 1   Class 3 welder
EXAMPLE 2   Truck driver
EXAMPLE 3   Electronics engineer
EXAMPLE 4   Mechanical technician
EXAMPLE 5   Helicopter pilot
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TypeOfPerson
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the TypeOfPerson.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
has [0..*] : TypeOfPersonDefinition

the same TypeOfPerson can be described by many different definitions.

EXAMPLE    has a degree or has 3 years experience
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TypeOfPersonAssignment
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A TypeOfPersonAssignment is the association of a TypeOfPerson in a role with an activity or product data.
assignedTypeOfPerson [1] : TypeOfPerson
the TypeOfPerson that is to be assigned.
assignedTo [1] : TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect
the set of things to which the TypeOfPerson is assigned.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TypeOfPersonDefinition
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
Used by: TypeOfPerson.has TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship.relating TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship.related TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship.assignedRequiredAttributes 
A TypeOfPersonDefinition is the definition of a TypeOfPerson in terms of required properties or attributes.

A junior mechanical design engineer could be specified to be either someone who has

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the TypeOfPersonDefinition
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the TypeOfPersonDefinition.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this TypeOfPersonDefinition This TypeOfPersonDefinition is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship is a relationship between two definitions of a type of person (TypeOfPersonDefinition).

A TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship is a specialization of a RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of a type of person (TypeOfPersonDefinition).

EXAMPLE    "alternate" and "superceded by" are examples of TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationships.
NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship.
relating [1] : TypeOfPersonDefinition
one instance of TypeOfPersonDefinition that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : TypeOfPersonDefinition
the other instance of TypeOfPersonDefinition that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship
On diagrams: Skills 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship is a relationship between a TypeOfPersonDefinition and the attributes required to define that type of person.
EXAMPLE    The type of person "van driver" is required to possess the qualification named "commercial driving license" or the experience level "3 years of driving more than 10,000 miles per year".
assignedRequiredAttributes [1] : TypeOfPersonDefinition
the TypeOfPersonDefinition to which the required attributes apply.
requiredAttributes [0..*] : DefinedAttributesSelect

the required attributes of a person.

EXAMPLE 1   Must have a degree
EXAMPLE 2   Must have 10 years experience
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: UncertaintyQualifier
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ValueQualifierSelect 
Subtypes: QualitativeUncertainty  StandardUncertainty 
An UncertaintyQualifier is a generalization of a StandardUncertainty or a QualitativeUncertainty. The uncertainty is defined in clause 2 of "The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement".
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the UncertaintyQualifier.
sameAs [0..1] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
measureName [1..*] : LocalizedString
specifies the STRING that serves to identify the UncertaintyQualifier.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Validation
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  EvidenceSupportSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
A Validation is a subjective assertion that an item is "fit for purpose". Evidence used in this validation is identified by the inverse attribute validatedBy. Validation is commonly understood to mean "Have we built the right system?". Validation is concerned with ensuring that the system will meet the customer’s objectives and expectations. Validation usually includes testing under normal usage conditions.
NOTE    An item may pass validation even though some requirements fail verification.
NOTE    It is assumed that meta data supporting the validation will be applied using assignment entities, such as identification assignment, person and organization assignment etc..
EXAMPLE    Every flight of every Space Shuttle has been a "Validation" flight to test the new design under actual conditions. No two shuttles have flown in the same configuration and many systems cannot be validated except under actual conditions.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Validation
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Validation.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Validation This Validation is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
validates [1] : ValidationSelect
identifies the item which is been validated by this entity.
validatedBy [0..*] : Evidence
the collection of evidence used in this validation.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueFunction
On diagrams: Probability 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: DistributionByValue.definedFunction 
A ValueFunction is a numerically defined function that describes the distribution function.
functionElement [1..*] : FunctionValuePair
a single random variable/function value point on the function.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueLimit
On diagrams: Properties  Qualifier 
Supertypes: NumericalValue 
All Supertype Blocks: NumericalValue  ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
A ValueLimit is a specialization of NumericalValue that specifies a qualified numerical value representing either the lower limit or the upper limit of a particular quantifiable characteristic.
qualifier [1] : TypeQualifierSelect
There shall exist exactly one PreDefinedTypeQualifier for the ValueLimit. It shall be classified as 'minimum' or 'maximum'.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueList
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
A ValueList is a specialization of PropertyValue that is an ordered collection of PropertyValues.
EXAMPLE    A PropertyValue may be composed of different values such as 'mass', 'speed', and 'age' which are all necessary in a given context. The ValueList collects all of them in a given order, such that each is identifiable by its index in the list.
values [1..*] : PropertyValue
the values.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueRange
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: ValueWithUnit 
All Supertype Blocks: ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
A ValueRange is a specialization of ValueWithUnit that is a pair of numbers representing the range in which the value shall lie.
lowerLimit [1] : Real
the lower limit.
upperLimit [1] : Real
the upper limit.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueSet
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
A ValueSet is a specialization of PropertyValue that is an unordered collection of PropertyValues.
EXAMPLE    A PropertyValue may be composed of different values such as 'mass', 'speed', and 'age' which are all necessary in a given context. The ValueSet collects all of them in a given order, such that each is identifiable by its index in the list.
values [1..*] : PropertyValue
the values.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueWithTolerances
On diagrams: Properties 
Supertypes: ValueWithUnit 
All Supertype Blocks: ValueWithUnit  PropertyValue 
A ValueWithTolerances is a specialization of ValueWithUnit that specifies a range of values by specifying a single nominal value and two tolerances that are offsets from the single value. The range is defined to be the closed interval [item value + lower limit, item value + upper limit].
tolerancedValue [1] : Real
specifies the single value that is the base value for specifying the range.
lowerLimit [1] : Real
the lower limit of the range.
upperLimit [1] : Real
the upper limit of the range.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ValueWithUnit (Abstract)
On diagrams: Assembly structure  Properties 
Supertypes: PropertyValue 
All Supertype Blocks: PropertyValue 
Subtypes: NumericalValue  ValueRange  ValueWithTolerances 
Used by: AssemblyViewRelationship.quantity GeometricCoordinateSpace.accuracies GlobalLocationRepresentation.altitude GlobalLocationRepresentation.latitude GlobalLocationRepresentation.longitude LotEffectivity.lotSize MakeFromRelationship.quantity ManagedResource.quantity RegionalCoordinate.coordinateValue RequiredResource.requiredQuantity ResourceAsRealized.quantity ResourceEvent.quantity ResourceGroupRelationship.quantity WorkOutput.quantity 
OWL Definition:

ValueWithUnit is a  property value specified as a value and unit.

    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM

A ValueWithUnit is a specialization of a PropertyValue and is an abstract generalization of instances that represents the specification of a physical quantity by its value and its unit.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the ValueWithUnit can be instantiated.
unit [1] : ExternalUnit
the ExternalUnit with which the physical quantity is expressed.
significantDigits [0..1] : Integer
specifies the number of decimal digits that are relevant for the ValueWithUnit. If present, the numerical measure or range may be specified using more digits than the significant digits but shall not be specified using less digits. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: Verification
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  EvidenceSupportSelect  InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  RequirementSourceSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
Used by: VerificationRelationship.relating VerificationRelationship.related 
A Verification is an objective assertion of a claim that requirement is satisfied by a particular item represented in a RequirementSatisfiedBy has been verified. The evidence used in this verification is identified by the inverse attribute verifiedBy. Verification is commonly understood to mean "Have we built the system right?". Verification ensures that the specified requirements have been met. Verification uses the methods of Test, Analysis, Inspection, Demonstration, Similarity.
NOTE    Just because an item is verified does not ensure that it meets all stakeholder needs or expectations, many of these are never specified are of an un-testable nature e.g. "the car should look sporty".
NOTE    It is assumed that meta data supporting the verification will be applied using assignment entities, such as identification assignment, person and organization assignment etc..
EXAMPLE    A data type used to represent a vehicle's engine with a power output of 160BHP could be asserted to satisfy a requirement "the vehicle shall have a maximum power output of at least 150BHP". This assertion may be verified by analysis results on simulations of the engine. In this case the analysis results would be identified in the items collection of an evidence instance, possibly including the approval of the analysis. The evidence instance would identify that it is used to support the required verification.
id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the Verification
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the Verification.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this Verification This Verification is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
verifies [1] : RequirementSatisfiedBy
the claimed requirement satisfaction by a particular item which is been verified by this entity.
verifiedBy [0..*] : Evidence
the collection of evidence used in this verification.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: VerificationRelationship
On diagrams: Requirements 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

A VerificationRelationship is an association between two verifications.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#VerificationRelationship.
relating [1] : Verification
the first verification in this relationship.
related [1] : Verification
the other verification in this relationship.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ViewDefinitionContext
On diagrams: Product 
Supertypes: AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect 
Used by: ProductViewDefinition.initialContext ProductViewDefinition.additionalContexts 

An ViewDefinitionContext is the grouping of an application domain and a life cycle stage. It identifies a universe of discourse suitable for the description of products.

NOTE    Requirements and vocabularies vary among the industrial activity fields. This entity intends to identify such a domain.
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the ViewDefinitionContext.
applicationDomain [1] : ApplicationDomain

the text that identifies the application context that bounds the universe of discourse.

EXAMPLE 1   'assembly study', 'digital mock-up', 'electrical design', 'mechanical design', 'preliminary design', 'process planning' are examples of application domains

If applicationDomain is an empty string, the ViewDefinitionContext shall be considered as not specific of any application domain.

lifeCycleStage [1] : LifeCycleStage

the text that identifies a stage in the life cycle of a product.

EXAMPLE 2   'design phase', 'production', 'recycling phase' are examples of life cycle stages.

If lifeCycleStage is an empty string, the ViewDefinitionContext shall be considered as not specific of any life cycle stage.

Constraint: UR1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
ViewDefinitionContext::allInstances()->isUnique(Sequence{applicationDomain, lifeCycleStage})
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ViewDefinitionRelationship
On diagrams: Attachment slot  Effectivity  Assembly structure  Product 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  ActivityAssignmentSelect  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionAssignmentSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ConnectionSelect  ConnectorOnSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EvidenceSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  LocationAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RiskImpactAssignmentSelect  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect  WorkRequestAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: AssemblyViewRelationship  CausalConsequence  EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  RelatedConsequence  RequirementViewDefinitionRelationship  RiskPerceptionRelationship  ViewDefinitionUsage 
Used by: ContextualItemShape.describedElement 
A ViewDefinitionRelationship is an association between two instances of ProductViewDefinition.

This association represents a relationship between the product versions, indirectly identified by the instances of ProductViewDefinition, relevant in the definition contexts of the related instances of ProductViewDefinition.

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the ViewDefinitionRelationship
relating [1] : ProductViewDefinition
one of the instances of ProductViewDefinition that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ProductViewDefinition
the other instance of ProductViewDefinition that is part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ViewDefinitionUsage
On diagrams: Attachment slot  Part  Product 
Supertypes: ViewDefinitionRelationship  ItemUsageRelationshipSelect  ProductSelect  ShapeableItemSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
Subtypes: BreakdownElementUsage  MakeFromRelationship  ProductInAttachmentSlot 
A ViewDefinitionUsage is a specialization of ViewDefinitionRelationship that specifies a directed association between two instances of ProductViewDefinition.

This association represents a relationship stating that, in the definition contexts of the related instances of ProductViewDefinition, it is considered that the related product is used in the context of the relating product.

Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkOrder
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationConsequenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
Used by: DirectedActivity.directive WorkOrderAssignment.assignedWorkOrder 

A WorkOrder is an authoritative instrument which provides directions to achieve the specified results.

A WorkOrder is the authorization for one or more Activity instances to be performed.

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the WorkOrder
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the WorkOrder.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this WorkOrder This WorkOrder is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
inResponseTo [0..*] : WorkRequest
the set of zero, one or more instances of WorkRequest that defines the expected results.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkOrderAssignment
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An WorkOrderAssignment is an association of a WorkOrder with the product or activity data that are subjects of this WorkOrder.
EXAMPLE    In case a tyre on a car is flat, a WorkOrder may be created and associated with the instances that represent the tyre that is flat, the car and the spare wheel.
assignedWorkOrder [1] : WorkOrder
the WorkOrder for which a set of items is being identified.
assignedTo [1] : ActivityAssignmentSelect
the set of things that are affected by the WorkOrder.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkOutput
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CertificationAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
Used by: WorkOutputAssignment.assignedOutput WorkOutputRelationship.relating WorkOutputRelationship.related 
A WorkOutput is a statement of output resulting from an activity or a task. The role of the work output is determined by classification.

When applicable a work output may be classified as

id [0..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the WorkOutput
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the WorkOutput.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this WorkOutput This WorkOutput is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
quantity [0..1] : ValueWithUnit
the amount of output resulting from the associated activity or task. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
outputItem [0..1] : WorkOutputSelect

a reference to a detailed representation of the item that is defined as the work output. It can refer to an actual as well as to a type of item. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

EXAMPLE 2   A work output can be a product or a certificate.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkOutputAssignment
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  EffectivityAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  TaskAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
A WorkOutputAssignment is an association of a work output statement with the source that produces or delivers the output. The work output can be planned as well as actual. The role of the assignment is determined by classification.
assignedOutput [1] : WorkOutput
the work output that is to be associated with one or more activities or tasks that produce or deliver the output.
assignedTo [1] : WorkOutputAssignmentSelect
the source that produces or delivers the work output.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkOutputRelationship
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  AnalysisAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 
A WorkOutputRelationship is a relationship between two work output statements. The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification.
EXAMPLE    A WorkOutputRelationship is classified as "realized by"
relating [1] : WorkOutput
one of the instances of WorkOutput that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : WorkOutput
the other instance of WorkOutput that is a part of the relationship. If one element of the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkRequest
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  AssumedItemSelect  AssumptionAssignmentSelect  CollectionAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect  ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect  ConditionParameterSelect  ContractAssignmentSelect  DateTimeAssignmentSelect  DocumentAssignmentSelect  JustificationAssignmentSelect  JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect  MessageContentSelect  ObservationConsequenceSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ObservedContextSelect  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect  PropertyAssignmentSelect  RequirementAssignmentSelect  StateAssignmentSelect  StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect 
Used by: WorkOrder.inResponseTo WorkRequestAssignment.assignedWorkRequest WorkRequestRelationship.relating WorkRequestRelationship.related 
A WorkRequest is the solicitation for some work to be done.
NOTE    These requests may not be acted upon depending on the authorization granted to the request or its associated WorkOrder.
id [1..*] : Identifier
a set of Identifiers for the WorkRequest
description [0..*] : Descriptor
a set of text based descriptions of the WorkRequest.
classifiedAs [0..*] : Classification
a reference to a class held externally to the exchange file that classifies this WorkRequest This WorkRequest is a member of the referenced class.
sameAs [0..*] : Proxy
a reference to an ExternalOwlClass or an ExternalItem held externally to the exchange file for which this is a proxy.
versionId [0..*] : Identifier
the identification of the version of the WorkRequest.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkRequestAssignment
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: AssignmentObject  ApprovalAssignmentSelect  CollectionMemberSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: AssignmentObject 
An WorkRequestAssignment is an association of a WorkRequest with the product or activity data that are subjects of this WorkRequest.
EXAMPLE    In case a tyre on a car is flat, a WorkRequest may be created and associated with the instances that represent the tyre that is flat, the car and the spare wheel.
assignedWorkRequest [1] : WorkRequest
the WorkRequest for which a set of items is being identified.
assignedTo [1] : WorkRequestAssignmentSelect
the set of things that are affected by the WorkRequest.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: WorkRequestRelationship
On diagrams: Work order 
Supertypes: RelationshipObject  PropertyAssignmentSelect 
All Supertype Blocks: RelationshipObject 

AWorkRequestRelationship is a specialization of an RelationshipObject that is a relationship between two instances of WorkRequest.

NOTE    The meaning of the relationship is determined by classification which is identified by the classifiedAs property. The possible classifications are subclasses of http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/refdata/plcs-psm#WorkRequestRelationship.
relating [1] : WorkRequest

the first of the instances of WorkRequest that is part of the relationship.

related [1] : WorkRequest

the second instance of WorkRequest that is part of the relationship

NOTE    If one WorkRequest in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: XorStateCauseEffectDefinition
Supertypes: StateCauseEffectDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: StateCauseEffectDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
An XorStateCauseEffectDefinition is a specialization of StateCauseEffectDefinition. It relates one of the single or many causing state definition(s) and one effect StateDefinition, whereby any and only one of the causing state definitions exists prior to the single effect to take place.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneBreakdown
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: Breakdown 
All Supertype Blocks: Breakdown  Product 
Used by: ZoneBreakdownVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

ZoneBreakdown is a  breakdown comprising zone elements.

The parent-child view is represented by ZoneElementUsage instances relating the zonal elements in the breakdown which are represented by ZoneElements.

EXAMPLE 1:  A zonal breakdown provides a decomposition of an aircraft in terms of spaces or high-level conceptual parts such as 'wing' - which might further decompose into lower-level zones such as 'inner-wing', and 'outer wing'.
NOTE 1:  The zonal breakdown is a partitioning of a product into a set of related zone elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views.
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A ZoneBreakdown is a specialization of Breakdown that identifies a partitioning of a product into a set of related zonal elements so as to form explicit, parent-child views that comprise the product elements.

The parent-child view is represented by ZoneElementUsage instances relating the zonal elements in the breakdown which are represented by ZoneElements.

EXAMPLE    A zonal breakdown provides a means of identifying the decomposition of an aircraft in terms of spaces or high-level conceptual parts such as 'wing' - which might further decompose into lower-level zones such as 'inner-wing', and 'outer wing'.
versions [0..*] : ZoneBreakdownVersion
the versions of the ZoneBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneBreakdownContext
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownContext 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownContext 
A ZoneBreakdownContext is a specialization of BreakdownContext that is a membership relationship between a ZoneElement and a ZoneBreakdown of which the zonal element is a member.
EXAMPLE    A 'fire-check zone' might be a member of the zonal breakdown of a building.
breakdown [1] : ZoneBreakdownVersion
the version of the ZoneBreakdown of which the ZoneElement is a member.
breakdownElement [1] : ZoneElementDefinition
the view of the version of the ZoneElement that is a member of the ZoneBreakdown.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneBreakdownVersion
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: ZoneBreakdown.versions ZoneBreakdownContext.breakdown 
A ZoneBreakdownVersion is a specialization of BreakdownVersion that identifies a version of a ZoneBreakdown
EXAMPLE    An architect modifies the current fire-check zone breakdown for an building on the basis of reports from a buildings inspector.
versionOf [1] : ZoneBreakdown
the ZoneBreakdown that the ZoneBreakdownVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneElement
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElement 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElement  Product 
Used by: ZoneElementVersion.versionOf 
OWL Definition:

ZoneElement is a  breakdown element that represents a 3 dimensional space.

EXAMPLE 1:  'Empennage', 'Right vertical stabilizer and rudder' and 'Lower rudder' are all elements in a zonal breakdown of an aircraft.
NOTE 1:  Zone elements are partitions of a zonal breakdown
    ISO 10303-239ed2 transformed to AP239AP233 PSM
A ZoneElement is a specialization of BreakdownElement that identifies the elements in one or more ZoneBreakdown instances.
EXAMPLE    'Empennage', 'Right vertical stabilizer and rudder' and 'Lower rudder' are all elements in a zonal breakdown of an aircraft.
versions [0..*] : ZoneElementVersion
the versions of the ZoneElement.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneElementDefinition
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementDefinition 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementDefinition  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: InZone.zone ZoneBreakdownContext.breakdownElement ZoneElementUsage.relating ZoneElementUsage.related ZoneElementVersion.viewDefinitions 
A ZoneElementDefinition is a specialization of BreakdownElementDefinition that identifies a view of a version ( ZoneElementVersion) of a ZoneElement.
EXAMPLE    For an aircraft, an element 'Right vertical stabilizer tip' is in a zonal breakdown that an engineer uses for reliability-centred maintenance analysis.
viewDefinitionOf [1] : ZoneElementVersion
the ZoneElementVersion of which the ZoneElementDefinition provides a characterization.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneElementUsage
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementUsage 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementUsage  ViewDefinitionUsage  ViewDefinitionRelationship  RelationshipObject 
A ZoneElementUsage is a specialization of BreakdownElementUsage that is a relationship between a parent and child ZoneElement.
EXAMPLE    In a zonal breakdown, the 'wing' (parent) might include (as children) an 'inner wing' and an 'outer wing'.
relating [1] : ZoneElementDefinition
the first instance of ZoneElement that is a part of the relationship.
related [1] : ZoneElementDefinition

the second instance of ZoneElement that is a part of the relationship.

NOTE    If one ZoneElement in the relationship is dependent upon the other, this attribute shall be the dependent one.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Block: ZoneElementVersion
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Supertypes: BreakdownElementVersion 
All Supertype Blocks: BreakdownElementVersion  ProductVersion 
Used by: ZoneElement.versions ZoneElementDefinition.viewDefinitionOf 
A ZoneElementVersion is a specialization of BreakdownElementVersion that identifies a version of a ZoneElement.
EXAMPLE    An engineer defines an inspection task on a breakdown element 'Upper rudder' that is part of a zonal breakdown of an aircraft. The engineer identifies the corresponding view of the breakdown element.
viewDefinitions [0..*] : ZoneElementDefinition
the views of the ZoneElementVersion.
versionOf [1] : ZoneElement
the ZoneElement that the ZoneElementVersion is a version of.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ActivityAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Work order 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  AssignmentObject  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Contract  Effectivity  Envelope  Evidence  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Justification  Location  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  Message  ObservationConsequence  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionGroup  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueRelationship  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemRealization  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateRelationship  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: ActivityAssignment.assignedTo WorkOrderAssignment.assignedTo 
An ActivityAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of Activity and WorkOrder can be assigned by the ActivityAssignment.assignedTo and WorkOrderAssignment.assignedTo attributes respectively.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ActivityMethodRealizationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task 
Subtypes: Scheme  SchemeVersion  TaskElement  TaskMethod  TaskMethodVersion 
Used by: ActivityMethodRealization.realizedBy 
An ActivityMethodRealizationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: AnalysisAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Analysis 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  Condition  ConditionRelationship  Evidence  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  ManagedResourceRelationship  Observation  ObservationConsequence  ObservationRelationship  Organization  OrganizationRelationship  Product  ProductConcept  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  RequirementAssignment  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItemRelationship  State  StateAssessment  StateDefinition  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkOutputRelationship 
Used by: AnalysisAssignment.assignedTo 
An AnalysisAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of AnalysisAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the AnalysisAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: AnalysisModelItemsSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Analysis 
Subtypes: CollectionVersion  DocumentVersion  SchemeEntry  StateDefinition  StateTransitionDefinition 
Used by: AnalysisModel.items 
An AnalysisModelItemsSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Work order 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  AnalysisAssignment  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Contract  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Justification  Location  ManagedResource  Message  ObservationAssignment  ObservationConsequence  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionGroup  PositionType  Product  ProductBasedLocationIdentification  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemRealization  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  StateRelationship  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonDefinition  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOutput  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkRequest 
Used by: ActivityMethodAssignment.assignedTo 
An ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ActivityMethodAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ActivityMethodAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ApprovalAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Approval  Decision 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  AddressAssignment  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  Contract  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExperienceGained  ExperienceType  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationUsageRight  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemAssumed  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  LocationAssignment  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Message  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  Position  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionType  PositionTypeAssignment  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  QualificationType  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonAssignment  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkRequest  WorkRequestAssignment 
Used by: ApprovalAssignment.assignedTo 
An ApprovalAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ApprovalAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ApprovalAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: AssignedDocumentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Subtypes: Document  DocumentDefinition  DocumentVersion  File 
Used by: DocumentAssignment.assignedDocument 
An AssignedDocumentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: AssumedItemSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Decision 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethodAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  Classification  Contract  ContractAssignment  Descriptor  Location  LocationAssignment  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductVersion  Project  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  Proxy  RequirementAssignment  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  StateAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: ItemAssumed.item 
An AssumedItemSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: AssumptionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Decision 
Subtypes: Activity  Approval  Contract  Location  Product  ProductConcept  ProductVersion  Project  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: AssumptionAssignment.assignedTo 
An AssumptionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of AssumptionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the AssumptionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: BreakdownOfSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Breakdown 
Subtypes: ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: BreakdownOf.ofView 
BreakdownOfSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: BreakdownSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Breakdown 
Subtypes: BreakdownElementDefinition  BreakdownElementUsage 
Used by: ProductDefinitionElementRelationship.breakdown 
BreakdownSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: CartesianTransformationSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: CartesianTransformation2d  CartesianTransformation3d 
Used by: GeometricOperatorTransformation.target GeometricRelationshipWithOperatorTransformation.transformation 
CartesianTransformationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: CertificationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Certification 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  Evidence  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  Project  QualificationAssignment  ResourceItem  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOutput 
Used by: CertificationAssignment.assignedTo 
CertificationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of CertificationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the CertificationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: GeometricCoordinateSpace  GeometricModelRelationship  GeometricPlacementOperation 
Used by: ChainBasedGeometricItemSpecificUsage.undirectedLink 
ChainedGeometricModelLinkSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ClassSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Classification  Configuration 
Subtypes: ExternalClass  ExternalOwlClass 
Used by: Classification.class Identifier.role SetMembership.ofSet SubsetMember.subset SubsetMember.superset 
ClassSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: CollectionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Collection 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  AnalysisModel  Approval  ApprovingPersonOrganization  Assumption  Certification  Contract  Evidence  ExperienceGained  ExperienceInstance  ExperienceType  ExternalAnalysisModel  Location  ManagedResource  Market  Observation  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  Position  PositionGroup  PositionType  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  QualificationType  RelatedConditionParameter  RequiredResource  RequirementSource  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  State  StateDefinition  TaskObjective  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonDefinition  Validation  Verification  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkRequest 
Used by: CollectionAssignment.assignedTo 
CollectionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of CollectionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the CollectionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: CollectionMemberSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Collection 
Subtypes: TypeQualifierSelect  Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  Address  AddressAssignment  AdvisoryNote  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  ApprovalRelationship  ApprovingPersonOrganization  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  AxisPlacementMapping  BreakdownContext  BreakdownOf  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  CollectionAssignment  CollectionMembership  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  ConditionEvaluationParameter  ConditionParameter  ConditionRelationship  ContextualShapeRepresentation  Contract  ContractAssignment  ContractRelationship  DateTimeAssignment  DefinedStateRelationship  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  EffectivityRelationship  Envelope  EnvelopeRelationship  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExperienceGained  ExperienceInstance  ExperienceType  ExperienceTypeRelationship  ExternalPropertyDefinition  ExternalUnit  File  FileRelationship  FunctionValuePair  GeometricItemSpecificUsage  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationRight  InformationUsageRight  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InformationUsageRightRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemAssumed  ItemDesignAssociation  ItemShapeObject  ItemUsageEffectivity  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  Location  LocationAssignment  LocationRelationship  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Market  MeasureQualification  Message  MessageRelationship  NumericalContext  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservationConsequence  ObservationRelationship  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationalLocationIdentification  OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  Position  PositionAssignment  PositionGroup  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionGroupRelationship  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionRelationship  PositionType  PositionTypeAssignment  PrecisionQualifier  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductConfigurationRelationship  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductDesignViewToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  QualificationType  QualificationTypeRelationship  RegionalCoordinate  RelatedConditionParameter  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSatisfiedBy  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation  ShapeDescriptionAssociation  ShapeElement  ShapeElementRelationship  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TimeInterval  TimeIntervalAssignment  TimeIntervalRelationship  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonAssignment  TypeOfPersonDefinition  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship  UncertaintyQualifier  Validation  ValueFunction  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkOutputRelationship  WorkRequest  WorkRequestAssignment 
Used by: CollectionMembership.member 
CollectionMemberSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Condition 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  DocumentAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  ManagedResource  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: ConditionEvaluationAssignment.assignedTo 
ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ConditionEvaluationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ConditionEvaluationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Condition 
Subtypes: DateTimeStringProxy  Activity  ActivityMethod  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  AssignmentObjectRelationship  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionRelationship  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DocumentAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  Identifier  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  ManagedResource  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationType  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  State  StateDefinition  StateTransitionDefinition  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkRequest 
Used by: ConditionEvaluationParameter.evaluationParameter 

A ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect is an abstract generalization of instances that represents parameters used by a ConditionEvaluation.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the ConditionEvaluationParameterSelect can be instantiated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConditionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Condition  Task trigger 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  DocumentAssignment  Effectivity  EnvironmentAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  JustificationAssignment  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: ConditionAssignment.assignedTo 
ConditionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ConditionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ConditionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConditionParameterSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Effectivity  Condition  Task trigger 
Subtypes: DateTimeStringProxy  Activity  ActivityMethod  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  AssignmentObjectRelationship  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionRelationship  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DocumentAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  Identifier  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  ManagedResource  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationType  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  State  StateDefinition  StateTransitionDefinition  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkRequest 
Used by: ConditionParameter.parameter 

A ConditionParameterSelect is an abstract generalization of instances that represents parameters used by a Condition.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the ConditionParameterSelect can be instantiated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConnectionSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Interface 
Subtypes: InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  ProductViewDefinition  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: InterfaceConnection.connecting InterfaceConnection.connected 
ConnectionSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConnectorOnSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Interface 
Subtypes: ProductViewDefinition  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: InterfaceConnectorOccurrence.connectorOn 
ConnectorOnSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ConstraintContextSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: TaskElement  TaskMethodVersion 
Used by: ElementConstraint.appliesIn 
ConstraintContextSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ContractAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Contract 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  AnalysisVersion  Breakdown  BreakdownElement  BreakdownVersion  Classification  Collection  CollectionVersion  CollectionViewDefinition  Descriptor  Document  DocumentVersion  ExchangeContextClassLibrary  Identifier  InformationUsageRight  InterfaceConnectorVersion  InterfaceSpecificationVersion  ManagedResource  Message  Part  PartVersion  ProductAsIndividual  ProductAsPlanned  ProductAsRealized  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupRelationship  Project  Proxy  Requirement  RequirementAssignment  RequirementCollectionRelationship  RequirementSource  RequirementVersion  RequirementVersionRelationship  RequirementViewDefinition  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TracingRelationship  Validation  Verification  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: ContractAssignment.assignedTo 
ContractAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ContractAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ContractAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DateTimeAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: DateTime 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  AddressAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovingPersonOrganization  AssemblyViewRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  AttachmentSlot  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  Breakdown  BreakdownElement  BreakdownElementRealization  BreakdownElementUsage  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  Contract  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DigitalFile  Document  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Evidence  ExperienceInstance  ExternalPropertyDefinition  Hardcopy  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationUsageRight  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  ItemAssumed  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  LocationAssignment  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Message  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  Part  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionTypeAssignment  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductInAttachmentSlot  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  Requirement  RequirementAssignment  RequirementCollectionRelationship  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  Risk  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionRelationship  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TracingRelationship  TypeOfPersonAssignment  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkRequest 
Used by: DateTimeAssignment.assignedTo 
DateTimeAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of DateTimeAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the DateTimeAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DateOrEventSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: DateTime  Project 
Subtypes: DateTimeStringProxy  Activity 
Used by: DatedEffectivity.startBound DatedEffectivity.endBound Project.plannedStartDate Project.plannedEndDate TimeIntervalWithBounds.primaryBound TimeIntervalWithBounds.secondaryBound 

A DateOrEventSelect is an abstract generalization of instances that represents a date or event.

NOTE    Only non-abstract specializations of the DateOrEventSelect can be instantiated.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DefinedActivitiesSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: ActivityActual  ResourceAsRealized 
Used by: ExperienceInstance.consistsOf 
DefinedActivitiesSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DefinedAttributesSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: ExperienceType  QualificationType 
Used by: TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship.requiredAttributes 
DefinedAttributesSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DefinedMethodsSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  RequiredResource 
Used by: ExperienceType.consistsOf 
DefinedMethodsSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: DocumentAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Document  CAD document 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  ApprovalRelationship  ApprovingPersonOrganization  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  BreakdownContext  BreakdownOf  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationParameter  ConditionParameter  ConditionRelationship  Contract  ContractAssignment  ContractRelationship  DefinedStateRelationship  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  EffectivityRelationship  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExperienceInstance  ExperienceType  ExternalItem  ExternalPropertyDefinition  FileRelationship  GeometricItemSpecificUsage  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationRight  InformationUsageRight  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemAssumed  ItemShapeObject  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  Location  LocationAssignment  LocationRelationship  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Market  MeasureQualification  Message  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservationConsequence  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationalLocationIdentification  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  Position  PositionGroup  PositionRelationship  PositionType  PositionTypeAssignment  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationType  QualificationTypeRelationship  RelatedConditionParameter  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation  ShapeDescriptionAssociation  ShapeElement  ShapeElementRelationship  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TimeInterval  TimeIntervalRelationship  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonDefinition  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship  UncertaintyQualifier  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkOutputRelationship  WorkRequest 
Used by: DocumentAssignment.assignedTo 
DocumentAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of DocumentAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the DocumentAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: EffectivityAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Effectivity 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AddressAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  ApprovalAssignment  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  BreakdownOf  CertificationAssignment  Classification  CollectionAssignment  CollectionMembership  ConditionAssignment  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DocumentAssignment  EffectivityAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  File  Identifier  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemAssumed  ItemDesignAssociation  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationSupportAssignment  LocationAssignment  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  PersonInOrganization  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionTypeAssignment  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  RelationshipObject  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSource  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  StateDefinitionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TypeOfPersonAssignment  Validation  Verification  WorkOrder  WorkOutputAssignment 
Used by: EffectivityAssignment.assignedTo 
An EffectivityAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of EffectivityAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the EffectivityAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: EnvironmentAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Environment 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  EnvironmentDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationType  Product  ProductConcept  ProductGroup  ProductVersion 
Used by: EnvironmentAssignment.assignedTo 
An EnvironmentAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of EnvironmentAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the EnvironmentAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: EvidenceSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements 
Subtypes: ActivityActual  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityRelationship  AnalysisAssignment  ApprovalAssignment  CertificationAssignment  Classification  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  EffectivityAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  InformationUsageRightAssignment  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  Proxy  RiskImpactAssignment  SecurityClassificationAssignment  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: Evidence.items 
An EvidenceSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: EvidenceSupportSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements 
Subtypes: Validation  Verification 
Used by: Evidence.supports 
An EvidenceSupportSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ExternalSourceSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Classification 
Subtypes: Document  DocumentVersion  Identifier 
Used by: ExternalClass.source ExternalItem.source 
An ExternalSourceSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: GeometricItemSpecificUsageSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: ShapeElement  ShapeElementRelationship 
Used by: GeometricItemSpecificUsage.definition 
GeometricItemSpecificUsageSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: IdentificationContextSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Identification  Description 
Subtypes: Identifier  Organization 
Used by: Descriptor.descriptionContext Identifier.identificationContext 
An IdentificationContextSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Information rights 
Subtypes: AlternatePartRelationship  AnalysisAssignment  AssemblyViewRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AttachmentSlotDefinition  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotVersion  Breakdown  BreakdownElement  BreakdownElementRealization  BreakdownElementUsage  BreakdownVersion  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DigitalFile  Document  DocumentDefinition  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  DocumentVersion  Evidence  FileRelationship  Hardcopy  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnector  InterfaceConnectorDefinition  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorVersion  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InterfaceSpecification  InterfaceSpecificationDefinition  InterfaceSpecificationVersion  Message  Part  PartVersion  PartViewDefinition  ProductAsIndividual  ProductAsIndividualView  ProductAsPlanned  ProductAsRealized  ProductConfiguration  Proxy  Requirement  RequirementAssignment  RequirementVersion  RequirementViewDefinition  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SuppliedPartRelationship  TaskElement  TaskMethod  TaskMethodVersion  TaskObjective  Validation  Verification 
Used by: InformationUsageRightAssignment.assignedTo 
An InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of InformationUsageRightAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the InformationUsageRightAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: InterfaceDefinitionForSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Interface 
Subtypes: InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: InterfaceDefinitionFor.interfaceComponent 
An InterfaceDefinitionForSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: InZoneSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: ZoneBreakdown 
Subtypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  ProductViewDefinition  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment 
Used by: InZone.locatedItem 
An InZoneSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ItemUsageRelationshipSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Effectivity  Product configuration 
Subtypes: AssemblyViewRelationship  BreakdownElementRealization  ViewDefinitionUsage 
Used by: ItemUsageEffectivity.itemUsageRelationship 
An ItemUsageRelationshipSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: JustificationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Decision 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  ApprovingPersonOrganization  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  Classification  ConditionAssignment  Descriptor  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  FileRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  LocationAssignment  ManagedResourceRelationship  Message  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Product  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinitionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: JustificationAssignment.assignedTo 
JustificationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of JustificationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the JustificationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Decision 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  Certification  Contract  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  FileRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Location  LocationAssignment  Message  Observation  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Product  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  State  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: JustificationSupportAssignment.assignedSupportItem 
JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of JustificationSupportAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the JustificationSupportAssignment.assignedSupportItem attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: LocationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Location 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethodAssignment  Certification  CertificationAssignment  CollectionAssignment  Contract  ContractAssignment  ContractRelationship  File  InformationUsageRight  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  ManagedResource  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionType  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElement  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethod  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersion  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TypeOfPerson  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: LocationAssignment.assignedTo 
LocationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of LocationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the LocationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: MessageContentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Message 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  Approval  Certification  Contract  DigitalFile  Location  ManagedResource  Observation  Organization  Person  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceEvent  SecurityClassification  State  StateDefinition  Validation  Verification  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: Message.contains 
MessageContentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: MessageDefinerSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Message 
Subtypes: Organization  PersonInOrganization 
Used by: Message.definedBy 
MessageDefinerSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: MethodOrMethodVersionSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task element  Task 
Subtypes: TaskMethod  TaskMethodVersion 
Used by: TaskInvocation.taskMethod 
MethodOrMethodVersionSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ObservationConsequenceSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Observation 
Subtypes: Activity  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: ObservationConsequence.requests 
An ObservationConsequenceSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ObservationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Observation 
Subtypes: TypeQualifierSelect  Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  Address  AddressAssignment  AdvisoryNote  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovalAssignment  ApprovalRelationship  ApprovingPersonOrganization  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  AxisPlacementMapping  BreakdownContext  BreakdownOf  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  CollectionAssignment  CollectionMembership  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  ConditionEvaluationParameter  ConditionParameter  ConditionRelationship  ContextualShapeRepresentation  Contract  ContractAssignment  ContractRelationship  DateTimeAssignment  DefinedStateRelationship  Descriptor  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  EffectivityRelationship  Envelope  EnvelopeRelationship  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExperienceGained  ExperienceInstance  ExperienceType  ExperienceTypeRelationship  ExternalPropertyDefinition  ExternalUnit  File  FileRelationship  FunctionValuePair  GeometricItemSpecificUsage  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationRight  InformationUsageRight  InformationUsageRightAssignment  InformationUsageRightRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDesignToPlanned  InterfaceConnectorDesignToRealized  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceConnectorPlannedToRealized  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  InZone  ItemAssumed  ItemDesignAssociation  ItemShapeObject  ItemUsageEffectivity  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  Location  LocationAssignment  LocationRelationship  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Market  MeasureQualification  Message  MessageRelationship  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservationConsequence  ObservationRelationship  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationalLocationIdentification  OrganizationOrganizationTypeRelationship  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  Position  PositionAssignment  PositionGroup  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionGroupRelationship  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionRelationship  PositionType  PositionTypeAssignment  PrecisionQualifier  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductConfigurationRelationship  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductDesignViewToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductPlannedToRealized  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  QualificationType  QualificationTypeRelationship  RegionalCoordinate  RelatedConditionParameter  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSatisfiedBy  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation  ShapeDescriptionAssociation  ShapeElement  ShapeElementRelationship  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TimeInterval  TimeIntervalAssignment  TimeIntervalRelationship  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonAssignment  TypeOfPersonDefinition  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship  UncertaintyQualifier  Validation  ValueFunction  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionContext  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkOutputRelationship  WorkRequest 
Used by: ObservationAssignment.assignedTo 
An ObservationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ObservationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ObservationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ObservedContextSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Observation 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  AnalysisAssignment  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceItem  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkRequest 
Used by: Observation.inContext 
An ObservedContextSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Environment 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  EnvironmentDefinitionView  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductConcept  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: ObservedEnvironmentAssignment.assignedTo 
An ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ObservedEnvironmentAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ObservedEnvironmentAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Person and Organization 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  AddressAssignment  Approval  AssemblyViewRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AssignmentObjectRelationship  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  BreakdownElementRealization  BreakdownElementUsage  Certification  CertificationAssignment  Classification  Condition  ConditionAssignment  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionEvaluationAssignment  Contract  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DigitalFile  DocumentAssignment  Effectivity  EffectivityAssignment  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Evidence  ExternalPropertyDefinition  Hardcopy  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InformationUsageRight  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  ItemAssumed  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  LocationAssignment  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Message  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Organization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  PersonInOrganization  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionType  PositionTypeAssignment  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  Proxy  QualificationAssignment  QualificationType  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequirementAssignment  RequirementCollectionRelationship  RequirementSource  RequirementVersionRelationship  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  SecurityClassificationAssignment  SelectedItemAssignment  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TracingRelationship  TypeOfPersonAssignment  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionContext  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkRequest 
Used by: OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment.assignedTo 
An OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Approval  Person and Organization 
Subtypes: Organization  PersonInOrganization 
Used by: AddressAssignment.assignedTo ApprovingPersonOrganization.personOrganization OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment.assignedEntity 
An OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: Organization  Person  PersonInOrganization 
Used by: ExperienceGained.gainedBy 
PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PositionContextSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Subtypes: Organization  PositionGroup  Project 
Used by: Position.positionContext 
PositionContextSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PositionGroupAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Subtypes: ApprovingPersonOrganization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Product  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: PositionGroupAssignment.assignedTo 
PositionGroupAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of PositionGroupAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the PositionGroupAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PositionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Subtypes: ApprovingPersonOrganization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Product  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: PositionAssignment.assignedTo 
PositionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of PositionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the PositionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Subtypes: Organization  Person  PersonInOrganization 
Used by: PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPosition.personOrOrganization 
PositionPersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PositionTypeAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: OrganizationPosition 
Subtypes: ApprovingPersonOrganization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Product  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: PositionTypeAssignment.assignedTo 
PositionTypeAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of PositionTypeAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the PositionTypeAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Location 
Subtypes: InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Product  ProductVersion 
Used by: ProductBasedLocationIdentification.referencedProduct 
ProductBasedLocationRepresentationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProductDesignViewOrConfigurationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Subtypes: ProductConfiguration  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: ProductDesignViewToIndividual.productViewDefinition 
ProductDesignViewOrConfigurationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProductSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Breakdown 
Subtypes: AssemblyViewRelationship  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  ProductGroup  ProductViewDefinition  ResourceItem  ViewDefinitionUsage 
Used by: ProductDefinitionElementRelationship.product 
ProductSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProductGroupMembershipSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Product group 
Subtypes: Product  ProductConcept  ProductGroup  ProductVersion 
Used by: ProductGroupMembership.member 
ProductGroupMembershipSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProductVersionOrConfigurationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Product as realized 
Subtypes: ProductConfiguration  ProductVersion 
Used by: ProductDesignVersionToIndividual.productDesignVersion 
ProductVersionOrConfigurationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProjectAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Project 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductVersion  PropertyValue  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective 
Used by: ProjectAssignment.assignedTo 
ProjectAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ProjectAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ProjectAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: PropertyAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Part  Product  Properties 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  ActivityRelationship  Address  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  AssignmentObjectRelationship  CertificationAssignment  CollectionAssignment  Condition  ConditionEvaluation  ConditionRelationship  Contract  ContractRelationship  DocumentAssignment  DocumentDefinitionRelationship  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  Evidence  ExperienceInstance  File  FileRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InZone  LocationAssignment  ManagedResource  ManagedResourceRelationship  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservationConsequence  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  OrganizationRelationship  Person  PersonInOrganization  PersonOrOrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationInPositionRelationship  PositionAssignment  PositionGroupAssignment  PositionPositionTypeAssignment  PositionTypeAssignment  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductConfigurationRelationship  ProductDefinitionElementRelationship  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductRelationship  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ProjectAssignment  ProjectRelationship  PropertyDefinitionRelationship  PropertyValueRelationship  QualificationAssignment  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  RequiredResourceRelationship  RequirementAssignment  RequirementSource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  RiskImpactAssignment  RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodStateRelationship  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TypeOfPersonAssignment  TypeOfPersonDefinition  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRelationship  TypeOfPersonDefinitionRequiredAttributesRelationship  Verification  VerificationRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkOutput  WorkOutputAssignment  WorkOutputRelationship  WorkRequest  WorkRequestRelationship 
Used by: PropertyDefinitionAssignment.assignedTo PropertyValueAssignment.assignedTo 
PropertyAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ExternalPropertyDefinition and PropertyValue can be assigned by the PropertyDefinitionAssignment.assignedTo and PropertyValueAssignment.assignedTo attributes respectively.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ProxyItemSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Classification 
Subtypes: ExternalItem  ExternalOwlObject 
Used by: ApplicationDomain.definition ApplicationDomain.sameAs ExternalPropertyDefinition.definition ExternalUnit.definition LifeCycleStage.definition LifeCycleStage.sameAs Proxy.individual SecurityClassification.definition SetMembership.member StateDefinition.definition 
ProxyItemSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: QualificationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: Organization  Person  PersonInOrganization 
Used by: QualificationAssignment.assignedTo 
QualificationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of QualificationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the QualificationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources  Task 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  AnalysisAssignment  Position  PositionType  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: RequiredResourceAssignment.assignedTo 
RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of RequiredResourceAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the RequiredResourceAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: RequirementAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements 
Subtypes: ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AlternatePartRelationship  AssemblyViewRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  BreakdownElementRealization  BreakdownElementUsage  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductInAttachmentSlot  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  RequiredResource  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  State  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  Validation  Verification  WorkRequest 
Used by: RequirementAssignment.assignedTo RequirementSatisfiedBy.satisfiedBy 
RequirementAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of RequirementAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the RequirementAssignment.assignedTo and RequirementSatisfiedBy.satisfiedBy attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: RequirementSourceSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  Contract  EnvironmentAssignment  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  Organization  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  State  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  Validation  Verification 
Used by: RequirementSource.source 
RequirementSourceSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Subtypes: ActivityActual  ActivityAssignment 
Used by: ResourceAsRealizedAssignment.assignedTo 
ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ResourceAsRealizedAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ResourceAsRealizedAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ResourceAsRealizedRelationshipSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Subtypes: RequiredResource  ResourceEvent 
Used by: ResourceAsRealizedRelationship.related 
ResourceAsRealizedRelationshipSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ResourceItemAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Subtypes: AnalysisAssignment  Contract  Location  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project 
Used by: ResourceItemAssignment.assignedTo 
ResourceItemAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of ResourceItemAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the ResourceItemAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ResourceItemSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Subtypes: ResourceRealizationSelect  ResourceItem 
Used by: ManagedResource.item RequiredResource.item ResourceAsRealized.item 
ResourceItemSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ResourceRealizationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Resources 
Supertypes: ResourceItemSelect 
Subtypes: File  Location  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionType  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: ResourceItemRealization.item 
ResourceRealizationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: RiskImpactAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Risk management 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityRelationship  Approval  Condition  DefinedStateRelationship  Organization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Person  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyValue  PropertyValueRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRelationship  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: RiskImpactAssignment.assignedTo 
RiskImpactAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of RiskImpactAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the RiskImpactAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Risk management 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  ActivityRelationship  Approval  ApprovingPersonOrganization  Condition  DefinedStateRelationship  DocumentAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  File  Justification  JustificationAssignment  JustificationRelationship  JustificationSupportAssignment  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  Organization  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  Person  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValue  PropertyValueAssignment  PropertyValueRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  State  StateAssertion  StateAssessment  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionRelationship  StateRelationship  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment.assignedTo 
RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of RiskPerceptionSourceAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the RiskPerceptionSourceAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Scheme 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  ResourceEvent 
Used by: SchemeEntryAssignment.assignedTo 
SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of SchemeEntryAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the SchemeEntryAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Scheme 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  Contract  Location  ManagedResource  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceItem  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: SchemeSubjectAssignment.assignedTo 
SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of SchemeSubjectAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the SchemeSubjectAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Scheme 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  Contract  Location  ManagedResource  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  RequiredResource  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceItem  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: SchemeVersionAssignment.assignedTo 
SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of SchemeVersionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the SchemeVersionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Security 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  ActivityMethodRealization  ActivityMethodRealizationRelationship  ActivityMethodRelationship  AssemblyViewRelationship  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  BreakdownElementRealization  BreakdownElementUsage  Classification  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DigitalFile  DocumentAssignment  Envelope  EnvironmentAssignment  EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Evidence  Hardcopy  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  InterfaceDefinitionFor  Message  Observation  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductDesignToIndividual  ProductDesignVersionToIndividual  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductGroupRelationship  ProductRelationship  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Proxy  RequirementAssignment  RequirementCollectionRelationship  RequirementSource  RequirementVersionRelationship  ResourceItem  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskElementStateRelationship  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  TaskObjective  TaskObjectiveStateRelationship  TracingRelationship  Validation  Verification  WorkOutput 
Used by: SecurityClassificationAssignment.assignedTo 
SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of SecurityClassificationAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the SecurityClassificationAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SelectedItemContextSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Configuration 
Subtypes: Breakdown  Contract  Part  PartVersion  ProductAsIndividual  ProductAsIndividualVersion  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  Project 
Used by: SelectedItemAssignment.itemContext 
SelectedItemContextSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: SelectedItemAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Configuration 
Subtypes: InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorDefinition  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Product  ProductVersion 
Used by: SelectedItemAssignment.assignedTo 
SelectedItemAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of SelectedItemAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the SelectedItemAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ShapeableItemSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: CAD document 
Subtypes: AssemblyViewRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  ViewDefinitionUsage 
Used by: ItemShape.describedElement 
ShapeableItemSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ShapeDependentSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: ItemShapeObject  ShapeElement 
Used by: ShapeDependentPropertyRepresentation.describedElement 
ShapeDependentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ShapeSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: CAD document 
Subtypes: ItemShapeObject  ShapeElement  ShapeElementRelationship 
Used by: ShapeDescriptionAssociation.representedCharacteristic 
ShapeSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: StateAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: State representation 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AlternatePartRelationship  Approval  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  Assumption  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  BreakdownElementRealization  Certification  Contract  Evidence  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Location  ManagedResource  Message  Organization  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: StateAssignment.assignedTo 
StateAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of StateAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the StateAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: State representation 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  AlternatePartRelationship  Approval  AssemblyRelationshipSubstitution  Assumption  AttachmentSlotDesignToPlanned  AttachmentSlotDesignToRealized  AttachmentSlotOnProduct  AttachmentSlotPlannedToRealized  BreakdownElementRealization  Certification  Contract  Evidence  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Location  ManagedResource  Message  Organization  PersonInOrganization  Product  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceAsRealizedAssignment  ResourceAsRealizedRelationship  ResourceEvent  ResourceEventCorrespondenceRelationship  ResourceEventRelationship  ResourceItem  ResourceItemAssignment  ResourceItemRealization  ResourceItemRelationship  RiskEvent  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  SecurityClassification  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment  Validation  Verification  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOrder  WorkRequest 
Used by: StateDefinitionAssignment.assignedTo 
StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of StateDefinitionAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the StateDefinitionAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: StateOrStateDefinitionSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task element 
Subtypes: State  StateAssignment  StateDefinition  StateDefinitionAssignment 
Used by: TaskElementStateRelationship.state TaskMethodStateRelationship.state TaskObjectiveStateRelationship.state 
StateOrStateDefinitionSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: TaskAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Task  Task trigger 
Subtypes: Envelope  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Location  Message  ObservationConsequence  Organization  OrganizationType  Position  PositionGroup  PositionType  Product  ProductBasedLocationIdentification  ProductConcept  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductVersionRelationship  ProductViewDefinition  PropertyDefinitionAssignment  PropertyValueAssignment  RequiredResource  RequiredResourceAssignment  ResourceItem  StateRelationship  TaskMethod  TaskMethodVersion  TypeOfPerson  TypeOfPersonDefinition  ViewDefinitionRelationship  WorkOutput  WorkOutputAssignment 
Used by: TaskElementAssignment.assignedTo TaskMethodAssignment.assignedTo TaskMethodVersionAssignment.assignedTo 
TaskAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of TaskElement, TaskMethod and TaskMethodVersion can be assigned by the TaskElementAssignment.assignedTo, TaskMethodAssignment.assignedTo and TaskMethodVersionAssignment.assignedTo attributes respectively.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: DateTime 
Subtypes: AddressAssignment  AnalysisAssignment  Approval  ApprovingPersonOrganization  Assumption  AssumptionAssignment  AssumptionRelationship  CertificationAssignment  Classification  ContractAssignment  DateTimeAssignment  Descriptor  DescriptorRelationship  DocumentAssignment  EnvironmentAssignment  EnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  Evidence  Identifier  IdentifierRelationship  ItemAssumed  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  ObservedEnvironmentViewDefinitionRelationship  OrganizationRelationship  Person  PersonInOrganization  Proxy  SecurityClassification  Validation  Verification  VerificationRelationship 
Used by: TimeIntervalAssignment.assignedTo 
TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of TimeIntervalAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the TimeIntervalAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Skills 
Subtypes: AnalysisAssignment  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionGroup  PositionType 
Used by: TypeOfPersonAssignment.assignedTo 
TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of TypeOfPersonAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the TypeOfPersonAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: TypeQualifierSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Properties  Qualifier 
Supertypes: CollectionMemberSelect  ObservationAssignmentSelect  ValueQualifierSelect 
Subtypes: ExternalTypeQualifier  PreDefinedTypeQualifier 
Used by: ValueLimit.qualifier 
TypeQualifierSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ValidationSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Requirements 
Subtypes: ActivityMethod  OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationAssignment  ProductVersion  StateDefinition 
Used by: Validation.validates 
ValidationSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: ValueQualifierSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Qualifier 
Subtypes: TypeQualifierSelect  PrecisionQualifier  UncertaintyQualifier 
Used by: MeasureQualification.qualifiers 
ValueQualifierSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: VersionOrDefinitionSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Effectivity  Product configuration 
Subtypes: ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition 
Used by: ItemDesignAssociation.design 
VersionOrDefinitionSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: WorkOutputAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityAssignment  ActivityMethod  ActivityMethodAssignment  SchemeEntryAssignment  SchemeSubjectAssignment  SchemeVersionAssignment  TaskElementAssignment  TaskMethodAssignment  TaskMethodVersionAssignment 
Used by: WorkOutputAssignment.assignedTo 
WorkOutputAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of WorkOutputAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the WorkOutputAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: WorkOutputSelect (Abstract)
Subtypes: Contract  Envelope  File  Location  ManagedResource  Message  Organization  OrganizationType  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionType  Product  ProductGroup  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  ResourceAsRealized  ResourceItem  TypeOfPerson 
Used by: WorkOutput.outputItem 
WorkOutputSelect is an abstract generalization of instances.
Ap239Ap233Psm: Select Block: WorkRequestAssignmentSelect (Abstract)
On diagrams: Work order 
Subtypes: Activity  ActivityMethod  AnalysisAssignment  Contract  EnvironmentAssignment  File  InterfaceConnection  InterfaceConnectorOccurrence  InterfaceDefinitionConnection  Location  LocationRepresentation  ManagedResource  ObservationAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentAssignment  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinition  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionVersion  ObservedEnvironmentToDefinitionView  Organization  Person  PersonInOrganization  Position  PositionGroup  Product  ProductConfiguration  ProductGroup  ProductGroupMembership  ProductVersion  ProductViewDefinition  Project  ResourceEvent  ResourceItem  State  StateDefinition  ViewDefinitionRelationship 
Used by: WorkRequestAssignment.assignedTo 
WorkRequestAssignmentSelect is an abstract generalization of instances to which instances of WorkRequestAssignmentSelect can be assigned by the WorkRequestAssignment.assignedTo attribute.
SysMLfromEXPRESS: Enumeration: Boolean
SysMLfromEXPRESS: Enumeration: Logical
Definitions only
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