Template:- OASIS:WorkDone

The WorkDone template describes how to represent a record of the work done to an item in response to a DirectedActivity. The DirectedActivity may be specified as part of a planned and authorized activity in the form of a WorkOrder.

It represents an activity that has at least started and may have finished - an actual activity.


This template, WorkDone is used for tracking authorized activities that have been undertaken.

It should only be used for activities that are neither performed by a product, or activities, such as configuration change activities, that have been undertaken in response to an activity (a DirectedActivity) that has been authorized by a WorkOrder.

The WorkDone is one of a set of templates used to represent work and activities. These are summarized in Figure 1 which shows that the model contains templates for:

The actual templates are:

See the Figure 2 from the PLCS PSM model for an overview.

Template Properties

The following Part, Reference, and Value properties are defined for this template:

directedActivity [1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DirectedActivity)
The DirectedActivity for which this ActivityActual is an occurrence.
methodUsed [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ActivityMethod)
The method which this ActivityActual is an occurrence of.
activityInputs [1..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ActivityAssignmentSelect)
The item(s) that are used in the activity.
activityOutputs [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ActivityAssignmentSelect)
The item(s) that are produced by the activity.
location [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:Location)
The location where the activity was performed.
contract [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Contract)
The contract under which the activity was performed.
project [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Project)
The project under which the activity was performed.
resourcesUsed [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ResourceAsRealized)
the resources that were used to perform the activity
performedBy [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:OrganizationOrPersonInOrganizationSelect)
the person or organization that performed the activity
ids [1..*] (Template: OASIS:Identification)
The identifiers assigned to the actual_activity.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Identification is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The ids must be classified as an Activity_identification_code or a subclass thereof.
The reference data for:
OASIS:Identification.role -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
descriptions [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Descriptor)
Descriptions and notes associated with the work done.
classifications [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
The optional classifications of the work done.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Classifier is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The reference data for:
OASIS:Classifier.class -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
status [0..1] (Template: OASIS:StateAssertion)
the status of the activity
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:StateAssertion is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The status is represented subclasses of State_of_activity.
The reference data for:
OASIS:StateAssertion.sameAs -> ExternalOwlObject.individual
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
name [0..1] (Template: OASIS:Name)
The name assigned to the actual_activity.
dateStarted [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DateTimeString)
The date and time when the activity commenced.
dateCompleted [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DateTimeString)
The date and time when the activity completed.