An IDEF0 model that describes an application in terms of its processes and information flows.
An ISO 10303 STEP Application Protocol (ISO10303-239) supporting the Product Life Cycle Support.
Common building blocks to create modular Application Protocols (AP) within ISO 10303.
See: (
Application Protocol - an implementable component of ISO 10303 STEP which specifies an information model to support a specific business domain.
The set of information, needed to develop and deliver support for a specific product-in-focus.
Assured Product and Support Information is subject to configuration management.
A Business Object is a description in business terms of a concept required for data exchange in a given business domain, coupled with a mapping to relevant PLCS entities. A Business Object is defined in the context of a DEX.
A Business RDL is a Reference Data Library that specializes the OASIS RDL further in order to achieve semantic precision in a specific business context. A Business RDL is a Reference Data Library that specializes the OASIS RDL further in order to achieve semantic precision in a specific Context.
A Business Template is a Template that represents a Business Object or part of a Business Object.
The configuration management activity that ensures that changes to product configuration information are properly identified, recorded, evaluated, approved, incorporated, and verified.
The configuration change management activity applies to:
Applicable configurations of a product
Supporting and interfacing products
Associated product and support configuration information
Abbreviation: CCM
The activity that establishes and maintains consistency of a product with its requirements and configuration information throughout its life cycle.
Configuration management consists of the five interrelated activities:
Configuration management and planning
Configuration identification
Configuration change management
Configuration status accounting
Configuration audit
Abbreviation: CM
A "context" is a domain in which a specialized vocabulary is employed. This may be an individual organization, a larger business community, or a particular project (or initiative). A number of DEXs and Templates are identified within a given Context and each DEX is defined using the specialized vocabulary and terminology.
Concurrent Versions System, a revision control system, popular for open source and commercial software development.
Data Exchange Specification - a subset of the ISO 10303-239 PLCS information model, designed to support data exchange for specific activities, providing guidance and rules for how to use and combine the selected entities and external Reference Data in that exchange. Each DEX includes a complete EXPRESS schema. This is a subset of the ISO 10303-239 schema with a derived XML Schema. Both can be used to define and validate a data exchange file. A DEX defined and managed by the OASIS PLCS TC may be referred to as a "PLCS DEX", as opposed to a "Business DEX".
The actual data (i.e. a package of data that is exchanged, or a data exchange file) that is exchanged in accordance with a DEX information model.
DEXlib is the XML environment created for the development of PLCS OASIS DEXs and components. It is also used for the development of Business DEXs and components. DEXlib has been deprecated and development is now based on
The STEP product data specification language. It consists of language elements that allow an unambiguous data definition and specification of constraints on the data defined. Defined in ISO 10303-11.
A graphical representation for a subset of the constructs in the EXPRESS language. Defined in Annex F of ISO 10303-11.
ISO 10303 is an ISO ( standard for the computer-interpretable representation
and exchange of industrial product data. Its official title is Industrial automation
systems and integration -
Product data representation and exchange, and it is also known as STEP or the Standard
for the Exchange of Product model data.
ISO 10303-239 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange Part 239: Application protocol: Product life cycle support,
See: ( and (
The ISO sub committee responsible for developing ISO 10303-239.
A description of how EXPRESS entities are used to represent a given concept (a specific "functionality" or "capability"). It provides guidance and rules on what Entities should be used to represent a given concept, how the entities should be related, and what Reference Data should be used. As well as general guidance, a set of Templates are documented within a Capability to provide precise specifications of which Entities should be instantiated to represent identified concepts.
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (
The technical committee within OASIS responsible for developing the PLCS DEXs (
The Reference Data Library standardized and managed by the OASIS PLCS TC (managed in PLCSlib). Sometimes referred to as "OASIS PLCS RDL".
Web Ontology Language - A W3C recommendation ( defining Ontologies (Class structures).
Reference Data is data that represents information about classes or individuals which are common to many users.
A Reference Data Class is Reference Data that represents a class. The class definition representing a Reference Data item (e.g. term, definition and rules), used to specialize entities of the information model, to make the use of them semantically more precise. It is sometimes called a "RDL class".
A Reference Data Library (RDL) is a managed collection of Classes and Individuals that are specified separate to and referenced from a data exchange file.
ISO 10303 - Product data representation and exchange (abbreviation stands for "STandard for the Exchange of Product model data"). A family of standards for product data exchange.
The OMG systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) is a general-purpose graphical modeling language for specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying complex systems that may include hardware, software, information, personnel, procedures, and facilities. In particular, the language provides graphical representations with a semantic foundation for modeling system requirements, behavior, structure, and parametrics, which is used to integrate with other engineering analysis models
A Template is a precise specification of which objects (and attributes) in the PLCS PSM should be instantiated, and which Reference Data should be used, to represent a concept providing documented functionality which matches a business object.
World Wide Web Consortium ( - The standards body for the web.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose markup language recommended
by W3C.
See (
A schema language developed by W3C, used with XML data files. See (