Template:— product_property_numeric (prod_prp_num) Date: 2009/03/24 12:40:21
Revision: 1.24

This section specifies the template product_property_numeric.

NOTE  An explanation of a template and the associated instantiation path is provided in the Template overview section.


This template describes how to represent a numerical value with unit for a product property.

EXAMPLE    The number of engine starts on an aircraft engine.

Model diagrams
The EXPRESS-G diagram in Figure 1 shows the templates and EXPRESS entities that are required to represent the template "product_property_numeric". The text highlighted in blue shows the template parameters.

Figure 1 —  An EXPRESS-G representation of the Information model for product_property_numeric

Figure 1 —  An EXPRESS-G representation of the Information model for product_property_numeric

The graphic for the template to be used in other EXPRESS-G diagrams is shown in Figure  2 below.

Figure 2 —  
                    The graphical representation of product_property_numeric template

Figure 2 —   The graphical representation of product_property_numeric template

The graphic for the template to be used in other EXPRESS-G diagrams is shown in Figure  3 below.

Figure 3 —  
                    The graphical representation of product_property_numeric template, 
                    being assigned to template assigning_product_property

Figure 3 —   The graphical representation of product_property_numeric template, being assigned to template assigning_product_property

Input parameters
The following input parameters are defined for this template:
value (Type= 'TYPE (any_number_value)' )
The value of the property. The datatype is always 'any_number_value' and should not be registered together with the value, i.e. enter the value as a number, without datatype.
unit (Type='CLASS')
The name of the unit in which the value is expressed, referenced through an External_class.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Unit" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Unit)
unit_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the unit name referenced by the parameter @unit.
si_unit (Type='BOOLEAN')
Value should be set to true if the unit is a SI base unit defined by ISO, i.e. kilogram (kg) for Mass, second (s) for Time, metre (m) for Displacement, ampere (A) for Electrical current, kelvin (K) for Temperature, mole (mol) for Amount of substance, and candela (cd) for Luminous intensity. If this is not the case it should be set to false.
Note that the representation of true and false depends on exchange format. In Part 11 (a STEP file) true is represented by the string ".T.", and false by ".F.", while in Part 28 (XML) they are represented by text strings "true" and "false".
context (Default=Numerical_representation_context,Type='CLASS')
The name of the class being used to classify the Representation_context of the property.
The following classes and their sub-classes can be used:
classifications: "Representation_context" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Representation_context)
context_ecl_id (Default=urn:plcs:rdl:std,Type='URN')
The identifier of the External_class_library storing the definition of the class referenced by the parameter @context.
property (Type= 'ENTITY (Assigned_property)' )
The target of the template, i.e. the Assigned_property (or template assigning_product_property) to which the Property_representation is related.
Reference parameters
The following reference parameters are defined for this template:
prop_repr(Type='ENTITY (Property_representation)')
Allow the Property_representation entity instantiated in this path to be referenced when this template is used.
Note: The Property_representation entity can be referenced in a template path by:
%^target = $product_property_numeric.prop_repr%
where target is the parameter to which the Property_representation is bound.
representation(Type='ENTITY (Property_value_representation)')
Allow the Property_value_representation entity instantiated in this path to be referenced when this template is used.
Note: The Property_value_representation entity can be referenced in a template path by:
%^target = $product_property_numeric.representation%
where target is the parameter to which the Property_value_representation is bound.
Instantiation path
The instantiation path shown below specifies the entities that are to be instantiated by the template.
A description of templates and the syntax for the instantiation path is provided in the Templates Help/Information section.
-- Instantiate Property_representation entity

-- Bind the Property_representation entity to reference parameter ^prop_repr
%^prop_repr = Property_representation%

-- Set the Property_representation attributes role and description to be ignored
^prop_repr.role = '/IGNORE'
^prop_repr.description = '/IGNORE'

-- Instantiate template representing_numeric_property

-- Bind the Representation entity instantiated in the template representing_numeric_property
-- (bound to the reference parameter representation in representing_numeric_property)
-- to ^representation in this template and assign Property_representation.rep to it
%^representation = $representing_numeric_property.representation%
^prop_repr.rep -> ^representation

-- Assign text value to property
^prop_repr.property -> @property
The following entities are instantiated with attributes as specified:
Entity in path Value Inherited from
Property_representation.role '/IGNORE'
Property_representation.description '/IGNORE'
Instance diagrams
The instance diagram in Figure  4 shows an example of the EXPRESS entities and templates that are instantiated by the template:
/product_property_numeric(value='any_number_value(14)', unit='inch', unit_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', si_unit='false', context='size', context_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', property='@7')/
(an illustration of the consolidated product_property_numeric template is shown in Figure 5 below.)
Note that the template assigning_reference_data is used to classify the role of the representation in the diagram:
@22 /assigning_reference_data(class_name='Assigned_bike_size', ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:sample', items='#7')/
and the value of the property that is assigned:
@3 /assigning_reference_data(class_name='Wheel_diameter', ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:sample', items='#2')/

Figure 4 —  Entities instantiated by product_property_numeric template

Figure 4 —  Entities instantiated by product_property_numeric template

The instance diagram in Figure 5 shows the graphic symbol for the template that is to be used in other instance diagrams. The example template is:
/product_property_numeric(value='any_number_value(14)', unit='inch', unit_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', si_unit='false', context='size', context_ecl_id='urn:plcs:rdl:std', property='@7')/
Note that Figure 4 shows the template characterized by role, while it is uncharacterized here.

Figure 5 —  Instantiation of template

Figure 5 —  Instantiation of template

The following section details how the product_property_numeric template can be optionally characterized by assigning other constructs to it. These are characterizations commonly applied to the template. The ISO 10303-239 EXPRESS model may enable other assignments to the entities instantiated by the template.
The EXPRESS-G diagram in Figure 6 shows the possible characterizations of the template "product_property_numeric".

Figure 6 —  Characterizations for product property numeric template

Figure 6 —  Characterizations for product property numeric template

The following characterizations may apply:
Characterization Assigning representation role

NOTE   this characterization is optional.

A role or definition method can be associated with the property representation by using the template assigning_reference_data assigned to Property_representation (reference parameter ^prop_repr). The Express-G representation is shown in Figure 7. An instantiated example is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 7 —  Characterization by role of product_property_numeric template

Figure 7 —  Characterization by role of product_property_numeric template

Characterization Assigning date and time

NOTE   this characterization is optional.

Dates can be associated with the assignment of property value representation by using the templates assigning_time.

Figure 8 —  Characterization by date of product_property_numeric template

Figure 8 —  Characterization by date of product_property_numeric template

A creation date is commonly assigned to the template product_property_numeric.

The date of creation of the property value representation is represented by using the template assigning_time to assign a date and time to Property_value_representation (reference parameter ^representation in template representing_numeric_property). The date and time assignment is classified as: "Date actual creation" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Date actual creation) to indicate that it is the date (and time) when the property value representation was actually created. This is illustrated in Figure 8.

Other dates may be assigned instead.

Characterization Assigning organization or person

NOTE   this characterization is optional.

An organization or a person within an organization can be associated with the property value representation by using the templates assigning_organization, or assigning_person_in_organization.

Figure 9 —  Characterization by organization of product_property_numeric template

Figure 9 —  Characterization by organization of product_property_numeric template

A common role in which an organization is assigned to a property value representation is as a "Creator of" the representation. The creating organization is represented by using the template assigning_organization or assigning_person_in_organization assigned to Property_value_representation (reference parameter ^representation in template representing_numeric_property). The assignment of the organization (Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment) is classified as: "Creator of" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Creator of) to indicate that this organization created the property value representation. This is illustrated in Figure 9.

Other roles of an organization with regard to a property value representation may be assigned instead.

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