Template:— independent_property_w_tolerances (indpt_prp_tol) Date: 2009/06/08 08:44:14
Revision: 1.14

Issue raised against: independent_property_w_tolerances

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: DNV-8 by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 4 Figure 1 overflows when printed
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)
Cannot replicate problem.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-9 by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 9 Effectivity used as an English word in the text
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)
Fixed by adding reference to EXPRESS entity Effectivity.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-10 by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 14 Some entities are missing hyperlinks, some hyperlinks are misspelled
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)
Already fixed.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-11 by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 66 Missing % in the third last sentence in the instantiation path
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-12 by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 80 Missing reference parameter
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV- by Jorgen Stang, DNV (2007-11-30) editorial issue
Resolution: Reject. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: independent_property_w_tolerances Check list clause: 88 Missing unique constraints
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)
Uniqueness constraint not applicable.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-1 by Leif Gyllstrom (08-01-24) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Declaration of input parameter value should be changed from:
< param_in name="value" type="SELECT" select_type="measure_value">
The value of the property.
The datatype must also be indicated in this parameter, e.g.
to something like:
<param_in name="value" type="TYPE" defined_type="any_number_value">
The value of the property. The datatype is always 'any_number_value'
and should not be registered together with the value, i.e. enter the
value as a number, without datatype.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: AMS-1 by Ann Meads (08-02-01) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The lower_limit input parameter should be negative to be consistent with product_property_w_tolerances. Add a comment such as: The lower tolerance limit of the property value. This value should always be negative as upper_limit and lower_limit represent offsets from value, specifying a range of values defined as [value+lower_limit, value+upper_limit]. Change the example instantiation to a negative number for lower_limit.
Comment: (Johan Nielsen 2008-02-25)
Fixed, changed lower_range to -25 and upper_limit to 25.

Closed issue Issue: PHX-1 by Patrick Houbaux (08-04-16) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

path referring to a reference parameter which is not declared (^representation)
Comment: (Peter Bergström 2008-12-09)

Closed issue Issue: PBM-1 by Peter Bergström (2009-03-23) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Parameter @unit is incorrectly described, it is not a class of a unit, it is a name of a unit. The description of parameter @unit_ecl_id needs also changing.
A default value for @context would also be good, suggest Numerical_representation_context.
Comment: (Peter Bergström 2009-03-23)
Fixed both issues.

Closed issue Issue: GYL-2 by Leif Gyllström (2009-04-27) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The input parameter @context shall be of class Representation_context and not Numerical_representation_context.
Comment: (Leif Gyllström 2009-04-27)