Template:— assigning_location (asg_locn) Date: 2010/03/22 15:24:26
Revision: 1.23

Issue raised against: assigning_location

OTHER issues

Closed issue Issue: TJT-01 by Tim Turner (08-09-22) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The input parameter for alternative location representation states "The alternative entities to which the location may be assigned". This is incorrect. These are meant to be alternative *representations* of the SAME location as defined within the Location entity.
Comment: (Ann Meads 2010-03-22)

Closed issue Issue: TJT-02 by Tim Turner (08-09-22) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The use of alternative location representations is not provided by the template or as a form of characterization (for optionals), but it is included in Fig 1, has an input parameter and is part of the path.
Comment: (Ann Meads 2010-03-22)
See fix for TJT-03 below, Alt_locn_rep is provided by template as an input parameter.

Closed issue Issue: TJT-03 by Tim Turner (08-09-22) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The alternative location representation relationship is not shown in Fig2 whereas entity for location is - while both have input parameters and are both assigned in the path.
Comment: (Ann Meads 2010-03-22)
Added alt_loc_rep to template diagram.

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (06-06-26) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Figure 5.1 Configuration for Assigning Location shows the parameter "la_id_class_name", it should be "la_class_name"
Comment: (Rob Bodington 06-11-11)

Closed issue Issue: RBN-2 by Rob Bodington (06-12-11) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The figures should be sequentially numbered - not 5.1 5.2 etc
Comment: (Rob Bodington 06-11-11)

Closed issue Issue: RBN-3 by Rob Bodington (07-01-20) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The type of location is provided by an optional assigning_reference_data. As this is optional, the parameters loc_type lt_ecl_id are not required, and the instantiation path should not instantiate the optional assigning_reference_data
Comment: (Rob Bodington 07-01-31)
Removed these from the path and parameters

Closed issue Issue: RBN-4 by Rob Bodington (07-01-30) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The template uses assigning_identification_with_no_organization to identify the location. Given that the same location can be identified in different ways by different organizations, I think that the identification should be in the context of the organization. I.e. use assigning_identification not assigning_identification_with_no_organization. For example, the military may identify an airbase by a code, a manufacturer may call it something else. Hence the location will have 2 identifiers, one given by the military, and one by the manufacturer. They can only be distinguished if there organization that owns the identifier is provided.
Comment: (Trisha Rollo 07-05-15)
amended to use assigning_identification

Closed issue Issue: RBN-5 by Rob Bodington (07-01-31) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The model diagram in Figure 1, - does not show the parameter entity_for_location - shows assigning_identification_with_no_organization instead of assigning_identification, does not show the parameters loc_org_id loc_org_id_class_name loc_org_id_ecl_id
Comment: (Trisha Rollo 07-05-15)
amended to use assigning_identification

Closed issue Issue: TR-1 by Trisha Rollo (07-02-20) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Some of the Figures (at least 4,5 and 7) have the name and id values the wrong way around, e.g. name stating urn:plcs:rdl:std and id stating "location_identificaiton_code".
Comment: (Trisha Rollo 07-05-18)
amended figures

Closed issue Issue: DNV-29 by Sylvia Schwab on behalf of DNV (07-03-07) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Parameters loc_org_id, loc_org_id_class_name are listed as input parameter but they are not in the graphic.

Proposal: Review parameter list to correspond with the graphics and review the template to correspond with the PLCS_attribute_usage.xls spreadsheet (if still in use?).

Comment: (Trisha Rollo 07-05-15)
amended to use assigning_identification

Closed issue Issue: DNV-30 by Sylvia Schwab on behalf of DNV (07-03-07) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

For some location types it may be necessary to identify who has assigned the location identifier.

Proposal: One identifier on Location, either with or without organization (optional which one to be used).

Comment: (Trisha Rollo 07-05-15)
amended to use assigning_identification

Closed issue Issue: DNV-45 by Tore Hartvigsen, DNV (2007-8-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: TORHAR_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_location Check list clause: 20 "in model review"
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-01-16)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-46 by Tore Hartvigsen, DNV (2007-8-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: TORHAR_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_location Check list clause: 19 'Organization' name not name of 'person'.
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-01-16)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-47 by Tore Hartvigsen, DNV (2007-8-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: TORHAR_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_location Check list clause: 45 'Asg_locn' (uppercase A) in diagram
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-01-16)