Template:— assigning_identification_with_no_organization (asg_noorg_id) Date: 2008/02/27 02:53:54
Revision: 1.18

Issue raised against: assigning_identification_with_no_organization

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (07-04-23) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

There should be a unique rule ensuring that the identification is unique.
Comment: (Rob Bodington 07-04-23)
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-01-22)
Reopened this comment - the uniqueness constraint is over restrictive. the uniqueness should be applied in the template that uses the assigning_identification_with_no_organization
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-02-12)
The constraint should include the "items" parameter as well to ensure that any identifier can only be assigned to an item once.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
The constraint has been fixed

Closed issue Issue: LOGSA-RI-1 by , LOGSA (2007-10-25) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\LOGSA Template Reviews\template_issues.xls Template: assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: Missing "inst.png" and "inst_tmpl.png".
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: LOGSA-RI-2 by , LOGSA (2007-10-25) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\LOGSA Template Reviews\template_issues.xls Template: assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: No editable files.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: LOGSA-Ri-3 by , LOGSA (2007-10-25) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\LOGSA Template Reviews\template_issues.xls Template: assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: Parentheses are used, not brackets.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
This is a boiler-plate issue with Dexlib, not the template as such.

Closed issue Issue: LOGSA-RI-4 by , LOGSA (2007-10-25) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\LOGSA Template Reviews\template_issues.xls Template: assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: Not in plcs_registered.owl
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
The reference data is now organized differently than before (e.g. plcs-registered). The checklist question should ask if it is present in any of the developer-draft, public-review-draft, committe-draft or committee-specification owl files.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-97 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 5 Missing inst.png and inst_tmpl.png, also naming convention is not followed.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-98 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 6 No master attribute is found within the figure tag
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-99 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 8 There are no editable files for the figure images.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-100 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 16 Not all mentions of figure are hyperlinked. Also the template.xml file is missing figure_ref.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-101 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 22 1 major technical issue open against capability
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
Capability is not being edited - out of scope.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-102 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 47 Name of assignment arrow is organization, should be items
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-103 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 48 Reference parameter for external_class is added, it is part of template assigning_reference_data.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
This is a statement, not an issue. The ext_class ref parameter from assigning ref data is passed through the new template correctly.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-104 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 57 External_class should not be a reference parameter, does not have a defined entity in this template.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)
Checklist 57 has been modified to read All reference parameters shall have a defined entity in a template. The ext_class ref parameter is defined within assigning ref data and is passed through the new template correctly.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-105 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 70 Entity to which the template is assigned is not marked with grey.
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-106 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 74 Black border line is used instead of blue
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-107 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 79 Black arrow used for template
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-108 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 83 Black border line is used instead of blue
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-109 by Fredrik Lied Larsen, DNV (2007-11-15) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\template_issues_Frell_temp.xls Template: Assigning_identification_with_no_organization Check list clause: 85 Black arrow used for template
Comment: (Tim Turner 08-02-25)