Template:— assigning_document_reference (asg_doc_ref) Date: 2010/01/28 15:27:38
Revision: 1.12

Issue raised against: assigning_document_reference

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: DNV-1 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 6 >figure id="assigning-document_reference_inst_tmpl" has master with double underscore, i.e. the file does not exist in dvlp: dvlp/assigning_document_reference__inst_tmpl.giz
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 2008-01-22)
Corrected in template.xml

Closed issue Issue: DNV-2 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 9 In input parameters: doc_asg_class_name: deteremines is incorrectly spelled
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 2008-01-22)
Corrected in template.xml

Closed issue Issue: DNV-3 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 14 The RDL classes Document_identification_code and Document_name are not refered using >rdl_ref in the template.xml file.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Rejected. Review item adresses hyperlinks in descriptions. Issue is raised against template checklist

Closed issue Issue: DNV-4 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 16 Figure_ref not used in template.xml
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Rejected. No references are made within the text that needs to be hyperlinked.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-5 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 22 4 major technical issues are open against representing_documents
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-6 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 24 A purpose clause does not exist. It should be written.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Rejected. Purpose is part of the description section, and not a separate section. Issue against the template checklist.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-7 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 25 The template only allows reference to documents and not to document versions, neither does it allow references to document parts,sections, etc. This should be explained in a restriction clause or alternatively the template should be extended to handle that capability.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Template now allows for referencing Document versions. The ability to refere to document parts, sections etc requires a new template. The scope of this template is described in the description section. No additional references to other templates is required from within this template. This shall be done at the capability level.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-8 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 25 The template should be expanded to allow reference document versions and to document parts.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Template now allows for referencing Document versions. The ability to refere to document parts, sections etc requires a new template. Also see previous issue

Closed issue Issue: DNV-9 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 34 Additional characterizations should accompanied with a figure.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Rejected. There shall be no characterizations in the model diagram. Figure under characterization section is optional.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-10 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 51 Rewrite descriptions. Avoid unecessary multiple references to External_class, External_class_library, Organization should be used to describe the parameters. It should not be necessary to refer to the underlying realization of the assigning_document or asg_id templates. This makes it harder to understand the description.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Rejected. Current definitions are in line with other templates, however I'm sypatethic with the comment.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-11 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 90 Create diagrams to illustrate characterizations.
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Accepted Characterization diagrams is added even though its not mandated.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-12 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) editorial issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 29, 30 Assigning_document_reference.. is_assigned_to is not shown in diagram
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Accepted and added

Closed issue Issue: DNV-13 by David Skogan, DNV (2007-11-29) major_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Issue file: D:\users\rbn\projects\010937_DNV_dexlib\docs\review\checklists_12_07\all_template_issues.xls Template: assigning_document_reference Check list clause: 52b id_class_name should be optional and have default value "Document_identification_code". org_id_class_name should have default value "Organization_identification_code" and be optional. Further id_ecl_id and org_id_ecl_id should be optional and have default value set to "urn:pls:rdl:std".
Comment: (Leif Gyllstrom 08-01-22)
Default values has been added. However, disagree with optionality. If optionality is required then these comments are requirement for new templates. However if one mean that there should be a default value so one don't have to fill it on, that's anoter issue. Optionality and Default values are not the same thing !

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (08-03-10) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

the path doesn't set the of_product attribute of DOCUMENT_VERSION instance to DOCUMENT instance
Comment: (Rob Bodington 08-03-10)