Template:— assigning_calendar_date (asg_cdate) Date: 2009/04/06 15:56:38
Revision: 1.16

Issue raised against: assigning_calendar_date

GENERAL issues

Closed issue Issue: RBN-1 by Rob Bodington (07-01-02) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

The input parameters are defined as: year(Type='INTEGER') month(Type='INTEGER') day(Type='INTEGER') should be defined as: year(Type='year_number') month(Type='month_in_year_number') day(Type='day_in_month_number')
Comment: (Rob Bodington 07-01-02)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-47 by Sylvia Schwab on behalf of DNV (07-03-07) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

It is recommended to use assigning_time is used as a standard way of timestamping entities, when only calendar date is available time the time should be be populated with "0". What should happen with the template asg_cdate?
Comment: (Rob Bodington 07-08-08)
The use ot the assigning_calendar_date template should be deprecated with a note stating that assigning_time should be used instead.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Note added to this effect.

Closed issue Issue: RBN-2 by Rob Bodington (07-08-08) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

There is a spurious EXAMPLE in the description of the model_diagram_example/description XML element
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)

Closed issue Issue: DNV-1 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 6 Missing files in the dvlp directory
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Missing files added to dvlp directory.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-2 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 7 Missing files in the dvlp directory.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Missing files added to dvlp directory.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-3 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 8 Missing files in the dvlp directory.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Missing files added to dvlp directory.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-4 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 10 Cover page gives warnings in Firefox.Internet Explorer gives no errors but has bad performance.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Firefox has no xsl engine. Internet Explorer should be used for viewing xsl. Improving the performance of IE is beyond the scope of PLCS. The html version of Dexlib can be viewed using either Firefox or IE and produces much more rapid displays .

Closed issue Issue: DNV-5 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 11 Errors in:Dexlib.cssIssues.xmlContacts.xml
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
No errors found

Closed issue Issue: DNV-6 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 14 Links to reference data cause Firefox to hang completely. The links seem to go dead.The "Type" of the parameters could be hyperlinked.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Firefox has no xsl engine. Internet Explorer should be used for viewing xsl. The html version of Dexlib can be viewed using either Firefox or IE. Links to to reference data work in accordance with these contraints.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-7 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 16 There exists text that is not hyperlinked, but just mentions, "The EXPRESS-G figure below.."
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
No such text found.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-8 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 20 Current status is "in_model_review"
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Statue state updated to: "model_review_issues_addressed".

Closed issue Issue: DNV-9 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 29 All parameters are not explicitly shown in EXPRESS-G diagram, e.g. year, month, day and items. I would expect, as in assigning_reference_data, explicit mapping between attributes and input parameters, e.g. assigning_calendar_date.year under year_component.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Parameter names added to EXPRESS-G diagram.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-10 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 30 See eb-9
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Parameter names added to EXPRESS-G diagram.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-11 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 37 Should ecl_id be set to urn:plcs:rdl:std?
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
All URNs changed to "urn:plcs:rdl:std".

Closed issue Issue: DNV-12 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 39 Figure 2 is missing the reference from assigning_reference_data
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
There is no reference parameter corresponding to assigning_reference_data therefore the diagram is correct.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-13 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 42 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-14 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 43 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-15 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 44 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-16 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 45 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-17 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 47 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-18 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 48 Abbreviated is missing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Abbreviated diagram added.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-19 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 49 Only the parameters from the used template (i.e. assigning_reference_data) is shown. See eb-9 for more information.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Parameter names added to EXPRESS-G diagram.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-20 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 53 The listed classification refer to the PLCS EXPRESS entity definitions, which is a fixed class hierarchy. Should it refer to a class that is the superclass of the role classes?
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
The text is: "The following classes and their sub-classes can be used: classifications: "Date_or_date_time_assignment" (urn:plcs:rdl:std:Date_or_date_time_assignment)"; which is correct. The sub classes of the Date_or_date_time_assignment RDL class include classes such as: "Date_actual_start", "Date_actual_end" etc.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-21 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 64 Value used is 'http://www.plcs.org/rdl'
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
All URNs changed to "urn:plcs:rdl:std".

Closed issue Issue: DNV-22 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 65 The OWL reference data file contains almost nothing.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
The relevant reference data is currently held in the "proposed" OWL file. The checklist should be revised.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-23 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 70 Part_View_Definition should be marked as not being part of template.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Diagrams amended.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-24 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 73 Value used is 'http://www.plcs.org/rdl'
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
All URNs changed to "urn:plcs:rdl:std".

Closed issue Issue: DNV-25 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 77 The values are not consistent. The id of calendar_date and part_view_definition do not match the textual example.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Template example instance paths corrected.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-26 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 82 The values are not consistent. The ecl_id is not the same as the textual example.
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Template example instance paths corrected.

Closed issue Issue: DNV-27 by Erik Balaton, EPMT (2007-8-6) minor_technical issue
Resolution: Accept. Status: closed

Check list clause: 6 Missing files in the dvlp directory
Comment: (Mike Ward 2007-11-23)
Missing files added to dvlp directory.