Terms: r Terminology index
The terminology developed during the PLCS project has been included "as is".
A number of the terms are still in Draft

The terms defined in the terminology dictionary and in the Business DEXs.

Reference Data (RD)
  Definition: Reference Data is the collection of class definitions representing a concept used to specialize entities of the information model, to make the use of them semantically more precise. The classes are defined external to the information model and any data exchange file, and the term "External Reference Data" is therefore a synonym.  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
Reference Data Class
  Definition: The class definition representing a reference data concept (e.g. term, definition and rules), used to specialize entities of the information model, to make the use of them semantically more precise. It is sometimes called a "RDL class"  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
Reference Data Library (RDL)
  Definition: A Reference Data Library (RDL) is a managed collection of Reference Data ClassesThe class definition representing a reference data concept (e.g. term, definition and rules), used to specialize entities of the information model, to make the use of them semantically more precise. It is sometimes called a "RDL class" that is specified separately to any data exchange file.  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  

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