Terms: a Terminology index
The terminology developed during the PLCS project has been included "as is".
A number of the terms are still in Draft

The terms defined in the terminology dictionary and in the Business DEXs.

Activity Model (AAM)
  Definition: An IDEF0 model that describes an application in terms of its processes and information flows.  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
  Definition: An ISO 10303 STEP Application Protocol (ISO10303-239) supporting the Product Life Cycle Support.  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
Application Module (AP)
  Definition: Common building blocks to create modular Application Protocols (AP) within ISO 10303.

See: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10303_Application_Modules)


[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
Application Protocol (AP)
  Definition: Application Protocol - an implementable component of ISO 10303 STEP which specifies an information model to support a specific business domain.  

[1] DEXlib definitions, .

  Version: 1.0  
  Status: in_business_review  
Assured Product and Support Information (APSI)
  Definition: The set of information, needed to develop and deliver support for a specific product-in-focus.

NOTE    Assured Product and Support Information is subject to configuration management.

  Synonyms: CCM, APSI  

[1] PLCS Activity Model, 2000.

  Version: 4.1  
  Status: complete  

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