Element Group inlineElements
Namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/legaldocml/ns/akn/3.0/WD17
<comment>The group inlineElements lists all the elements that are inline</comment>
Used by
Element Group inlineCM
Model ref | mref | rref | mod | mmod | rmod | remark | recordedTime | vote | outcome | ins | del | omissis | embeddedText | embeddedStructure | placeholder | fillIn | decoration | b | i | a | u | sub | sup | abbr | span | docType | docTitle | docNumber | docProponent | docDate | legislature | session | shortTitle | docAuthority | docPurpose | docCommittee | docIntroducer | docStage | docStatus | docJurisdiction | docketNumber | date | time | person | organization | concept | object | event | location | process | role | term | quantity | def | entity | courtType | neutralCitation | party | judge | lawyer | signature | opinion | argument | affectedDocument | relatedDocument | change | inline
Children a, abbr, affectedDocument, argument, b, change, concept, courtType, date, decoration, def, del, docAuthority, docCommittee, docDate, docIntroducer, docJurisdiction, docNumber, docProponent, docPurpose, docStage, docStatus, docTitle, docType, docketNumber, embeddedStructure, embeddedText, entity, event, fillIn, i, inline, ins, judge, lawyer, legislature, location, mmod, mod, mref, neutralCitation, object, omissis, opinion, organization, outcome, party, person, placeholder, process, quantity, recordedTime, ref, relatedDocument, remark, rmod, role, rref, session, shortTitle, signature, span, sub, sup, term, time, u, vote
<xsd:group name="inlineElements">
      <comment>The group inlineElements lists all the elements that are inline</comment>
    <xsd:group ref="ANinline"/>
    <xsd:group ref="HTMLinline"/>
    <xsd:group ref="ANtitleInline"/>
    <xsd:group ref="ANsemanticInline"/>
    <xsd:group ref="ANheaderInline"/>
    <xsd:group ref="amendmentInline"/>
    <xsd:element ref="inline"/>