
Used by
Element entity
<comment>the element entity is a generic inline element to identify a text fragment introducing or referring to a concept in the ontology</comment>
Type extension of inlinereqreq
Type hierarchy
content: complex
mixed: true
Used by
Element Group ANsemanticInline
Model ref | mref | rref | mod | mmod | rmod | remark | recordedTime | vote | outcome | ins | del | omissis | embeddedText | embeddedStructure | placeholder | fillIn | decoration | b | i | a | u | sub | sup | abbr | span | docType | docTitle | docNumber | docProponent | docDate | legislature | session | shortTitle | docAuthority | docPurpose | docCommittee | docIntroducer | docStage | docStatus | docJurisdiction | docketNumber | date | time | person | organization | concept | object | event | location | process | role | term | quantity | def | entity | courtType | neutralCitation | party | judge | lawyer | signature | opinion | argument | affectedDocument | relatedDocument | change | inline | noteRef | eol | eop | img | br | marker | (authorialNote) | subFlow
Children a, abbr, affectedDocument, argument, authorialNote, b, br, change, concept, courtType, date, decoration, def, del, docAuthority, docCommittee, docDate, docIntroducer, docJurisdiction, docNumber, docProponent, docPurpose, docStage, docStatus, docTitle, docType, docketNumber, embeddedStructure, embeddedText, entity, eol, eop, event, fillIn, i, img, inline, ins, judge, lawyer, legislature, location, marker, mmod, mod, mref, neutralCitation, noteRef, object, omissis, opinion, organization, outcome, party, person, placeholder, process, quantity, recordedTime, ref, relatedDocument, remark, rmod, role, rref, session, shortTitle, signature, span, sub, subFlow, sup, term, time, u, vote
<entity alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="" xmlns="">
  <ref alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</ref>
  <mref alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</mref>
  <rref alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" from="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" upTo="" wId="">{1,1}</rref>
  <mod alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" for="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</mod>
  <mmod alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" for="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</mmod>
  <rmod alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" for="" from="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" upTo="" wId="">{1,1}</rmod>
  <remark alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" type="" wId="">{1,1}</remark>
  <recordedTime alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" time="" title="" type="" wId="">{1,1}</recordedTime>
  <vote alternativeTo="" as="" by="" choice="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</vote>
  <outcome alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</outcome>
  <ins alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</ins>
  <del alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</del>
  <omissis alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</omissis>
  <embeddedText alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" endQuote="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" startQuote="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</embeddedText>
  <embeddedStructure alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" endQuote="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" startQuote="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</embeddedStructure>
  <placeholder alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" originalText="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</placeholder>
  <fillIn alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="" width="">{1,1}</fillIn>
  <decoration alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</decoration>
  <b alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</b>
  <i alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</i>
  <a alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" target="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</a>
  <u alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</u>
  <sub alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</sub>
  <sup alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</sup>
  <abbr alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</abbr>
  <span alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</span>
  <docType alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docType>
  <docTitle alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docTitle>
  <docNumber alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docNumber>
  <docProponent alternativeTo="" as="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docProponent>
  <docDate alternativeTo="" class="" date="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docDate>
  <legislature alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" value="" wId="">{1,1}</legislature>
  <session alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" value="" wId="">{1,1}</session>
  <shortTitle alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</shortTitle>
  <docAuthority alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docAuthority>
  <docPurpose alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docPurpose>
  <docCommittee alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" value="" wId="">{1,1}</docCommittee>
  <docIntroducer alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docIntroducer>
  <docStage alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docStage>
  <docStatus alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docStatus>
  <docJurisdiction alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docJurisdiction>
  <docketNumber alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</docketNumber>
  <date alternativeTo="" class="" date="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</date>
  <time alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" time="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</time>
  <person alternativeTo="" as="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</person>
  <organization alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</organization>
  <concept alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</concept>
  <object alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</object>
  <event alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</event>
  <location alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</location>
  <process alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</process>
  <role alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</role>
  <term alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</term>
  <quantity alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" normalized="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</quantity>
  <def alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</def>
  <entity alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</entity>
  <courtType alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</courtType>
  <neutralCitation alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</neutralCitation>
  <party alternativeTo="" as="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</party>
  <judge alternativeTo="" as="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</judge>
  <lawyer alternativeTo="" as="" class="" eId="" empoweredBy="" for="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</lawyer>
  <signature alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</signature>
  <opinion alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" type="" wId="">{1,1}</opinion>
  <argument alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</argument>
  <affectedDocument alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</affectedDocument>
  <relatedDocument alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" href="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</relatedDocument>
  <change alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</change>
  <inline alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</inline>
  <noteRef alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" href="" lang="" marker="" period="" placement="" placementBase="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</noteRef>
  <eol alternativeTo="" breakat="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" number="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</eol>
  <eop alternativeTo="" breakat="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" number="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</eop>
  <img alt="" alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" height="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" src="" status="" style="" title="" wId="" width="">{1,1}</img>
  <br alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</br>
  <marker alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" name="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</marker>
  <authorialNote alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" marker="" period="" placement="" placementBase="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</authorialNote>
  <subFlow alternativeTo="" class="" eId="" GUID="" lang="" period="" refersTo="" space="" status="" style="" title="" wId="">{1,1}</subFlow>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
GUID noWhiteSpace optional
alternativeTo xsd:anyURI optional
class xsd:string optional
eId noWhiteSpace optional
lang optional
name xsd:string required
period xsd:anyURI optional
refersTo list of xsd:anyURI required
space optional
status statusType optional
style xsd:string optional
title xsd:string optional
wId noWhiteSpace optional
<xsd:element name="entity">
      <comment>the element entity is a generic inline element to identify a text fragment introducing or referring to a concept in the ontology</comment>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
      <xsd:extension base="inlinereqreq">
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="name"/>