<type>Attlist</type><name>src</name><comment>These attributes are used in manifestation-level references to specify external manifestation-level resources to be loaded in place. The src attribute holds the manifestation-level IRI of the resource, whule the alt attribute holds the text to be displayed in case the loading of the external resource is not possible for any reason.</comment>
<xsd:attributeGroup name="src"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation><type>Attlist</type><name>src</name><comment>These attributes are used in manifestation-level references to specify external manifestation-level resources to be loaded in place. The src attribute holds the manifestation-level IRI of the resource, whule the alt attribute holds the text to be displayed in case the loading of the external resource is not possible for any reason.</comment></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:attribute name="src" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/><xsd:attribute name="alt" type="xsd:string"/></xsd:attributeGroup>