<type>Attlist</type><name>quote</name><comment>The attributes startQuote and endQuote are used in quotedText, quotedStructure, embeddedText and embeddedStructure to specify the start and quote character delimiting the quoted or embedded part. If the characters are the same, one can use only startQuote.</comment>
<xsd:attributeGroup name="quote"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation><type>Attlist</type><name>quote</name><comment>The attributes startQuote and endQuote are used in quotedText, quotedStructure, embeddedText and embeddedStructure to specify the start and quote character delimiting the quoted or embedded part. If the characters are the same, one can use only startQuote.</comment></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:attribute name="startQuote" type="xsd:string"/><xsd:attribute name="endQuote" type="xsd:string"/></xsd:attributeGroup>