
The <term> element identifies words that may have or require extended definitions or explanations. In future development of DITA, for example, terms might provide associative linking to matching glossary entries.


<p>The <term>reference implementation</term> of DITA represents the standard, 
<q>fallback</q> behaviors intended for DITA elements.</p>


Doctype Content model
ditabase, topic, task, reference, concept, glossary, map, bookmap ( text data or tm) (any number)

Contained by

Doctype Parents
bookmap data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, linktext, searchtitle, person, organization, summary, printlocation, bookpartno, booknumber, booklibrary, mainbooktitle, booktitlealt, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as, organizationname, otherinfo, addressdetails, locality, localityname, administrativearea, thoroughfare, emailaddress, url
map data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, linktext, searchtitle, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
ditabase data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, prereq, context, cmd, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, proptype, propvalue, propdesc, glossterm, glossdef, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
topic data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
task data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, prereq, context, cmd, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
concept data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
reference data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, proptype, propvalue, propdesc, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as
glossary data, title, shortdesc, desc, p, note, lq, q, sli, li, itemgroup, dthd, ddhd, dt, dd, pre, lines, ph, alt, stentry, draft-comment, fn, indexterm, index-base, cite, xref, entry, author, source, publisher, copyrholder, category, prodname, brand, series, platform, prognum, featnum, component, navtitle, searchtitle, abstract, section, example, linktext, linkinfo, glossterm, glossdef, uicontrol, screen, b, u, i, tt, sup, sub, codeph, codeblock, var, oper, delim, sep, pt, pd, fragref, synnote, repsep, msgph, msgblock, filepath, userinput, systemoutput, coords, index-see, index-see-also, index-sort-as


- topic/term


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
%univ-atts; (%select-atts;, %id-atts;, %localization-atts;) A set of related attributes, described at %univ-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
%global-atts; (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described at %global-atts; parameter entity PE not applicable Not applicable
class, outputclass, keyref Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes      

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OASIS DITA Version 1.1 Language Specification -- OASIS Standard, 1 August 2007
Copyright © OASIS Open 2005, 2007. All Rights Reserved.