WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite & Implementation Matrix
15 August 2006

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This document describes the results of WebCGM 2.0 implementations tested against new tests of the WebCGM 2.0 Test Suite (TS). The 2.0 TS adds new tests to the 254 tests of the WebCGM 1.0 Test Suite (whose ZIP file is now directly downloadble.)

The goal, at this stage of WebCGM 2.0 development (finishing Last Call review in W3C), is to demonstrate that the functionality of the WebCGM 2.0 specification can be and has been implemented. For this, each 2.0 test in this matrix must be passed by at least two implementations.

This matrix does not cover all WebCGM 2.0 features. It only covers the new DOM-related and XCF features, and the new static and "intelligence" features -- the 2.0 additions to WebCGM 1.0.

Each of the DOM/XCF tests consists of a number of sub-tests -- typically about 5 sub-tests per listed test (one HTML/script file). The sub-tests (about 100 currently) are not individually reported in this matrix.

Implementations Tested

The following table lists the implementations that are covered by the test results.

Company Name** Product Version Platform
Itedo Software IsoView IsoView 6.0 Windows XP
Larson Software Technology VizEx VizEx [tbd] [tbd]
System Development Inc SDI Reader SDI Reader [tbd] [tbd]
Ematek GmbH MetaWeb MetaWeb 3.0 Windows XP
Auto-trol Technology
(viewer portion for static gfx)
TI Tech Illustrator [tbd] Windows XP

** Nickname used for the viewer in the below tables (to distinguish multiple viewers from a Company).


Type Description
Ok Implementation passes test
Fail(date) Implementation does not pass test. (Committed pass date)***
Partial(date) Implementation passes part of the test, but not enough to give a full pass.
(Committed pass date.)***
Unknown The implementation behavior is unknown or indeterminate for the test.
Inactive An implementation is planned, but not yet advanced enough for testing.

*** 'indef' means that vendor cannot estimate or commit, when it will pass.

WebCGM 2.0 DOM/XCF Test Results

Test Name IsoView VizEx SDI Reader MetaWeb TI Comments
WebCGM 2.0 DOM & XCF tests
AppAttContent Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) BB1
AppStructure-interactivity Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) LH2
AppStructure-layerdesc Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-layername Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-linkuri Partial(indef) Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-name Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-region Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-screentip Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-visibility Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
AppStructure-viewcontext Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only) --
CGM_Metafile Ok Ok Partial(indef)
Ok (static only) BB2
gr-interactivity Ok Ok Ok Ok (static only)
Node-aps Ok Unknown Ok Partial(indef) (static only) --
Node-attr Ok Unknown Ok Partial(indef) (static only) --
NodeList Ok Unknown Ok Ok (static only) --
Node-metadata Ok Unknown Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
Node-ns Ok Unknown Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
Node-pict Ok Unknown Ok Partial(indef)l (static only) --
Node-text Ok Unknown Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
object_behaviors Ok Ok Fail(indef) Ok (static only) --
Picture-highlight Ok Unknown Fail(indef) Unknown Unknown --
StyleProperties-picture Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
StyleProperties-APS Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
StyleProperties-inherit Ok Ok Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
xcf-styles Ok Unknown Ok Fail(indef) (static only) --
WebCGM_Event Ok Ok Fail(indef) Ok (static only) --
WebCGM 2.0 — new Dynamic (IG) tests
AppStructure-visibility2 Ok Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) --
Static tests — new 2.0 features
region_clip Ok Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) --
transp01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
NUBS01 Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok --
NUBS02 Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok --
NURBS01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) fail(indef) LH1
NURBS02 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Ok --
utf16-japanese-v10 Ok Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) --
utf16-chinese-v10 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf16-chinese-v20 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf8-chinese-v10 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
utf8-chinese-v20 Ok Ok Ok fail(06-07-15) fail(indef) --
interpolated-interior-01 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
interpolated-interior-02 Ok Ok Ok fail(indef) Unknown --
utf16-sf-apsid-01 Ok Ok Fail(indef) fail(indef) Unknown --
utf16-sf-name-01 Ok Ok Fail(indef) Fail(indef) Unknown --
Text-On-Path-cases Unknown Partial Unknown Unknown Unknown

Comments (from above table)

Authors: CGM Open WebCGM TC
Comments to: WebCGM TC home page
Last Updated: $Date: Tuesday 15 August 2006 - 10:21:33$