Universal Business Process 1.0 - Part 2: ebCPPA

Universal Business Language 1.0 ebBP 2.0 Business Process Definitions 1.0 ebCPPA 2.0. Building Blocks 1.0

Publication Date

January 2006



Document identifier



Sacha Schlegel sschlegel@cyclonecommerce.com

Stephen Green stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk


This package provides ebXML CPP and ebXML CPA building blocks required for creating ebXML CPP's and ebXML CPA's for ebXML systems that implement the Universal Business Process for the Procurement context with the Universal Business Language (UBL 1.0).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreements

3. Relationship between ebXML Business Process (ebBP) and ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement (ebCPPA)

4. ebCPPA building blocks

4.1. Building block 1: ebCPPA CollaborationRole element

4.2. Building block 2 and 3: ebCPPA SimplePart and ebCPPA Packaging elements

5. Used CPA template to produce a sample CPA for each Universal Business Process

6. Results (ebCPPA building blocks and sample CPA's)

7. Open Issues

8. References

9. Notices

1. Introduction

This package includes the ebCPPA building blocks for procurement Universal Business Processes. This package introduces the ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement and the relationship between ebXML Business Processes and ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profiles and Agreements. The ebCPPA building blocks, namely ebXML CPPA CollaborationRole, ebXML CPPA SimplePart, and ebXML CPPA Packaging elements are building blocks that are provided by this package. This package provides a sample CPA for each Universal Business Process. The CPA template, and certificates which was used is provided. Finally all produced files are presented. The document closes with open issues, references and notices.

2. ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreements

This package uses the ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement Specification version 2.0.

An ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) is an agreement between two trading partners of how to technically implement a collaborative business process.

A typical ebXML CPA document includes the following information:

This document includes the required ebXML CPPA building blocks based on the Universal Business Process version 1.0. This includes the CollaborationRole elements for each role participating in the Business Collaboration and, further, this includes the Packaging information.

3. Relationship between ebXML Business Process (ebBP) and ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement (ebCPPA)

The ebXML Business Process Specification provides the means to specify collaborative business processes between two or more parties. An ebBP definition does not list parties but lists "roles" that take action in the collaboration. Collaborative business processes are a choreography of individual business transactions. ebBP provides a standardized set of common business transaction patterns (Commercial Transaction, Notification, Request-Response to name just a few). Each business transaction lists the business documents (for example by referencing a UBL invoice) that are exchanged during its execution but also the business signals which are exchanged during its execution. Business signals are used to align the collaborative state between the trading partners. The ebBP further provides the means to set business related quality of service attributes, such as request for confidentiality, request for non repudiation, request for guaranteed delivery and more.

An ebXML CPA binds two trading partners to the roles participating in a collaborative business process. It further provides all the required technical information of how to execute the collaborative business process, targeting messaging. The CPA lists all business documents as well as all business signals that can be exchanged. The CPA further lists the Packaging of these business documents and business signals.

Information given in an ebBP definition is found again in the ebXML CPA.

This package provides all the ebXML CPP or CPA building blocks of the Universal Business Processes that are required to create an ebXML CPA for two trading partners.

4. ebCPPA building blocks

The building blocks are the ebXML CPPA CollaborationRole, SimplePart, and Packaging elements.

4.1. Building block 1: ebCPPA CollaborationRole element

The ebXML CPPA CollaborationRole element references the ebBP definition and derives the "Service" name and type which are used for ebXML Messaging. Further, the ebXML CPPA CollaborationRole lists all business document and business signal exchange for a given Role in the ebBP definition. Each business document and business signal will receive a derived "Action" name.

4.2. Building block 2 and 3: ebCPPA SimplePart and ebCPPA Packaging elements

The ebXML CPPA SimplePart and Packaging elements provide packaging information for each business document and business signal. This information can be used by a messaging system to package the ebXML Messages based on ebXML Messaging Service Specification version 2.0.

5. CPA template for sample CPA of each Universal Business Process production

For the production of valid sample CPA for each Universal Business Process an ebXML CPA template was used. The ebXML CPA template misses CollborationRole's, SimplePart's and Packaging elements. The CPA template lists as the first party Coronation and as the second party Gnaraloo (named after two places in Western Australia). The CPA template is

CPA template

XML digital signature and SSL authentication is used in the CPA. The CPA template already includes the public certificates. The CPA template lists a public certificate for signing and as SSL server certificate but in fact the same certificate is used for both tasks. In this example, self signed certificates must be trusted. In order to test the sample CPA's the private certificates are also provided here.

Private x509 certificate for Coronation..
Private x509 certificate for Gnaraloo.

The password for each certificate is "cyclone" without quotes.

6. Results (ebCPPA building blocks and sample CPA's)

For each Universal Business Process a ebCPPA building blocks file, a sample ebXML CPA, and the ebXML CPA's HTML view was produced.

UBL 1.0 Despatch Advice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-despatch-advice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-despatch-advice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-despatch-advice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-despatch-advice-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Invoice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-invoice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-invoice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-invoice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-invoice-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Cancellation Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-cancellation-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Cancellation With Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-cancellation-with-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-with-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-with-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-cancellation-with-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Change Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-change-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Change With Complex Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-change-with-complex-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-complex-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-complex-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-complex-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Change With Simple Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-change-with-simple-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-simple-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-simple-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-change-with-simple-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Response Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-response-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order Response Simple Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-order-response-simple-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-simple-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-simple-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-response-simple-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order With Complex Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss-ubl-1-order-with-complex-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-complex-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Order With Simple Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss-ubl-1-order-with-simple-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-simple-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Receipt Advice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-receipt-advice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-receipt-advice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-receipt-advice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-receipt-advice-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Despatch Advice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-despatch-advice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-despatch-advice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-despatch-advice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-despatch-advice-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Invoice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-invoice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-invoice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-invoice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-invoice-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Cancellation Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Cancellation With Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-with-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-with-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-with-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-cancellation-with-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Change Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-change-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Change With Complex Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-complex-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-complex-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-complex-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-complex-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Change With Simple Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-simple-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-simple-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-simple-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-change-with-simple-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Response Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-response-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order Response Simple Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-order-response-simple-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-simple-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-simple-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-response-simple-notification-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order With Complex Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss-ubl-1-sbs-order-with-complex-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-complex-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Order With Simple Response with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss-ubl-1-sbs-order-with-simple-response
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-simple-response-1.html
UBL 1.0 Small Business Subset Receipt Advice Notification with uuid bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-1-sbs-receipt-advice-notification
CPPA building blocks file cppa_building_blocks_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-receipt-advice-notification-1.xml
sample ebXML CPA (XML) cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-receipt-advice-notification-1.xml
same sample ebXML CPA (HTML) html_cpa_sample_ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-receipt-advice-notification-1.html

7. Open Issues

Some issues need future resolution.

8. References

[ebBP] ebXML Business Process OASIS Technical Committee
[ebCPPA] ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement OASIS Techncial Committee
[ebXML] electronic business XML
[UBL] Universal Business Language 1.0
[W3C XML Digital Signature]W3C XML Digital Signature website.

9. Notices

OASIS takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on OASIS's procedures with respect to rights in OASIS specifications can be found at the OASIS website. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification, can be obtained from the OASIS Executive Director.

OASIS invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights which may cover technology that may be required to implement this specification. Please address the information to the OASIS Executive Director.

Copyright © OASIS Open 2006. All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing OASIS specifications, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights document must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an “AS IS” basis and OASIS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.