UBL 2.4 os - UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4


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Legends: Summary Legend: Name (Model line Object) TYPE Description
Table Legend: ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name)
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination)
Line number links: alternate between summary view and table view


Name Card. Rep. Term Dictionary Entry Name Ver. Comp.
Class Prop. Term
Prop. Term
Poss. Noun
Prop. Term
Prim. Noun
Prop. Term Data Type Assoc.
2 TransportProgressStatusRequest
A document sent from a transport service provider to a transportation network manager requesting a Transport Progress Status.
Transport Progress Status Request. Details 2.1 ABIE Transport Progress Status Request
UBLVersionID Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.
0..1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. UBL Version Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request UBL Version Identifier UBL Version Identifier Identifier. Type
CustomizationID Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
0..1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. Customization Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Customization Identifier Customization Identifier Identifier. Type
ProfileID Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
0..1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. Profile Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Profile Identifier Profile Identifier Identifier. Type
ProfileExecutionID Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
0..1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. Profile Execution Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Profile Execution Identifier Profile Execution Identifier Identifier. Type
ID An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.
1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CopyIndicator Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Transport Progress Status Request. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
UUID A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.
0..1 Identifier Transport Progress Status Request. UUID. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request UUID UUID Identifier. Type
IssueDate The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.
1 Date Transport Progress Status Request. Issue Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Issue Date Issue Date Date. Type
IssueTime The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.
1 Time Transport Progress Status Request. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Issue Time Issue Time Time. Type
Note Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
0..n Text Transport Progress Status Request. Note. Text 2.1 BBIE Transport Progress Status Request Note Note Text. Type
Signature A signature applied to this document.
0..n Signature Transport Progress Status Request. Signature 2.1 ASBIE Transport Progress Status Request Signature Signature
SenderParty The party sending the Transport Progress Status Request.
0..1 Party Transport Progress Status Request. Sender_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Transport Progress Status Request Sender Party Party
ReceiverParty The party receiving the Transport Progress Status Request.
0..1 Party Transport Progress Status Request. Receiver_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Transport Progress Status Request Receiver Party Party
TransportMeans The transport means by which the current transport service is effectuated and for which status is requested.
1 Transport Means Transport Progress Status Request. Transport Means 2.1 ASBIE Transport Progress Status Request Transport Means Transport Means
StatusLocation A location for which status is requested.
0..n Location Transport Progress Status Request. Status_ Location. Location 2.1 ASBIE Transport Progress Status Request Status Location Location


This summary of elements only includes those members of the common library that are referenced directly or indirectly by UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4.
Name Card. Rep. Term Alt. Business
Examples Dictionary Entry Name UNTDED
Ver. Comp.
Class Prop. Term
Prop. Term
Poss. Noun
Prop. Term
Prim. Noun
Prop. Term Data Type
Data Type Assoc.
14 Address
< < < < < < < < <
A class to define common information related to an address.
Address. Details 2.0 ABIE Address
ID An identifier for this address within an agreed scheme of address identifiers.
0..1 Identifier DetailsKey Address. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Address Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
AddressTypeCode A mutually agreed code signifying the type of this address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Address Address Type Code Address Type Code Code. Type
AddressFormatCode A mutually agreed code signifying the format of this address.
0..1 Code Address. Address Format Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Address Address Format Code Address Format Code Code. Type
Postbox A post office box number registered for postal delivery by a postal service provider.
0..1 Text PostBox, PO Box 123 Address. Postbox. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Postbox Postbox Text. Type
Floor An identifiable floor of a building.
0..1 Text SubPremiseNumber 30 Address. Floor. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Floor Floor Text. Type
Room An identifiable room, suite, or apartment of a building.
0..1 Text SubPremiseNumber Reception Address. Room. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Room Room Text. Type
StreetName The name of the street, road, avenue, way, etc. to which the number of the building is attached.
0..1 Name Thoroughfare Kwun Tong Road Address. Street Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address Street Name Street Name Name. Type
AdditionalStreetName An additional street name used to further clarify the address.
0..1 Name Thoroughfare Cnr Aberdeen Road Address. Additional_ Street Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address Additional Street Name Street Name Name. Type
BlockName The name of the block (an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings) in which this address is located.
0..1 Name Seabird Address. Block Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address Block Name Block Name Name. Type
BuildingName The name of a building.
0..1 Name BuildingName Plot 421 Address. Building Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address Building Name Building Name Name. Type
BuildingNumber The number of a building within the street.
0..1 Text PremiseNumber 388 Address. Building Number. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Building Number Building Number Text. Type
Description Text describing this address for clarification or specificity
0..n Text Address. Description. Text 2.3 BBIE Address Description Description Text. Type
InhouseMail The specific identifable location within a building where mail is delivered.
0..1 Text MailStop Address. Inhouse_ Mail. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Inhouse Mail Mail Text. Type
Department The department of the addressee.
0..1 Text Department Accounts Payable Address. Department. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Department Department Text. Type
MarkAttention The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in an organization to whose attention incoming mail is directed; corresponds to the printed forms "for the attention of", "FAO", and ATTN:".
0..1 Text Address. Mark Attention. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Mark Attention Mark Attention Text. Type
MarkCare The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address into whose care incoming mail is entrusted; corresponds to the printed forms "care of" and "c/o".
0..1 Text Address. Mark Care. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Mark Care Mark Care Text. Type
PlotIdentification An identifier (e.g., a parcel number) for the piece of land associated with this address.
0..1 Text Address. Plot Identification. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Plot Identification Plot Identification Text. Type
CitySubdivisionName The name of the subdivision of a city, town, or village in which this address is located, such as the name of its district or borough.
0..1 Name Address. City Subdivision Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address City Subdivision Name City Subdivision Name Name. Type
CityName The name of a city, town, or village.
0..1 Name LocalityName Hong Kong Address. City Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Address City Name City Name Name. Type
PostalZone The postal identifier for this address according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
0..1 Text PostalCodeNumber SW11 4EW 2500 GG Address. Postal_ Zone. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Postal Zone Zone Text. Type
CountrySubentity The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as the name of its county, province, or state, expressed as text.
0..1 Text AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton Florida , Tamilnadu Address. Country Subentity. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Country Subentity Country Subentity Text. Type
CountrySubentityCode The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as a county, province, or state, expressed as a code (typically nationally agreed).
0..1 Code AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code Address. Country Subentity Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Address Country Subentity Code Country Subentity Code Code. Type
Region The recognized geographic or economic region or group of countries in which this address is located.
0..1 Text LocalityName, Economic Zone European Union Address. Region. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Region Region Text. Type
District The district or geographical division of a country or region in which this address is located.
0..1 Text LocalityName, Area East Coast Address. District. Text 2.0 BBIE Address District District Text. Type
TimezoneOffset The time zone in which this address is located (as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)) at the time of exchange.
0..1 Text +8:00 -3:00 Address. Timezone Offset. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Timezone Offset Timezone Offset Text. Type
AddressLine An unstructured address line.
0..n Address Line Address. Address Line 2.0 ASBIE Address Address Line Address Line
Country The country in which this address is situated.
0..1 Country Address. Country 2.0 ASBIE Address Country Country
LocationCoordinate The geographical coordinates of this address.
0..n Location Coordinate Address. Location Coordinate 2.0 ASBIE Address Location Coordinate Location Coordinate
43 AddressLine
A class to define an unstructured address line.
Address Line. Details 2.0 ABIE Address Line
Line An address line expressed as unstructured text.
1 Text 123 Standard Chartered Tower Address Line. Line. Text 2.0 BBIE Address Line Line Line Text. Type
45 AirTransport
A class to identify a specific aircraft used for transportation.
Air Transport. Details 2.0 ABIE Air Transport
AircraftID An identifer for a specific aircraft.
1 Identifier Air Transport. Aircraft Identifier. Identifier 8213 2.0 BBIE Air Transport Aircraft Identifier Aircraft Identifier Identifier. Type
70 Attachment
< <
A class to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.
Attachment. Details 2.0 ABIE Attachment
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject A binary large object containing an attached document.
0..1 Binary Object Attachment. Embedded_ Document. Binary Object 2.0 BBIE Attachment Embedded Document Document Binary Object. Type
EmbeddedDocument A clear text object containing an attached document.
0..1 Text Attachment. Embedded_ Document. Text 2.2 BBIE Attachment Embedded Document Document Text. Type
ExternalReference A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.
0..1 External Reference Attachment. External Reference 2.0 ASBIE Attachment External Reference External Reference
97 Authorization
A class to define an authorization that as been issued
Authorization. Details 2.3 ABIE Authorization
PurposeCode A code defining the business purpose or scope of this authorization
0..1 Code Authorization. Purpose_ Code. Code 2.3 BBIE Authorization Purpose Code Code Code. Type
Purpose The purpose or scope of this authorization expressed as a text
0..n Text Authorization. Purpose. Text 2.3 BBIE Authorization Purpose Purpose Text. Type
ValidityPeriod The period during which this authorization is valid
0..1 Period Authorization. Validity_ Period. Period 2.3 ASBIE Authorization Validity Period Period
Certificate One or more certificates related to this authorization
0..n Certificate Authorization. Certificate 2.3 ASBIE Authorization Certificate Certificate
180 Branch
A class to describe a branch or a division of an organization.
Branch. Details 2.0 ABIE Branch
ID An identifier for this branch or division of an organization.
0..1 Identifier Branch. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Branch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this branch or division of an organization.
0..1 Name Branch. Name 2.0 BBIE Branch Name Name Name. Type
FinancialInstitution The financial institution that this branch belongs to (if applicable).
0..1 Financial Institution Branch. Financial Institution 2.0 ASBIE Branch Financial Institution Financial Institution
Address The address of this branch or division.
0..1 Address Branch. Address 2.0 ASBIE Branch Address Address
277 Certificate
< <
A class to define a certificate applied to the item. Certificated can be a requirement to sell goods or services in a jurisdiction.
Certificate. Details 2.1 ABIE Certificate
ID An identifier for this certificate.
1 Identifier Certificate. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Certificate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CertificateTypeCode The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc.
0..1 Code Certificate. Certificate Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Certificate Certificate Type Code Certificate Type Code Code. Type
CertificateType The type of this certificate, expressed as a text.
0..n Text Certificate. Certificate Type. Text 2.1 BBIE Certificate Certificate Type Certificate Type Text. Type
Remarks Remarks by the applicant for this certificate.
0..n Text Certificate. Remarks. Text 2.1 BBIE Certificate Remarks Remarks Text. Type
IssuerParty The authorized organization that issued this certificate, the provider of the certificate.
0..1 Party Certificate. Issuer_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Certificate Issuer Party Party
DocumentReference A reference to a document relevant to this certificate or an application for this certificate.
0..n Document Reference Certificate. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Certificate Document Reference Document Reference
Signature A signature applied to this certificate.
0..n Signature Certificate. Signature 2.1 ASBIE Certificate Signature Signature
330 Communication
A class to describe a means of communication.
Communication. Details 2.0 ABIE Communication
ChannelCode The method of communication, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Phone Fax Email Communication. Channel Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Communication Channel Code Channel Code Channel Channel_ Code. Type
Channel The method of communication, expressed as text.
0..1 Text Skype Communication. Channel. Text 2.0 BBIE Communication Channel Channel Text. Type
Value An identifying value (phone number, email address, etc.) for this channel of communication
0..1 Text +44 1 2345 6789 president@whitehouse.com Communication. Value. Text 2.0 BBIE Communication Value Value Text. Type
540 Contact
< < <
A class to describe a contactable person or department in an organization.
Contact. Details 2.0 ABIE Contact
ID An identifier for this contact.
0..1 Identifier Receivals Clerk Contact. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Contact Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this contact. It is recommended that this be used for a functional name and not a personal name.
0..1 Name Delivery Dock Contact. Name 2.0 BBIE Contact Name Name Name. Type
JobTitle The job title or function of this contact
0..1 Text Contact. Job_ Title. Text 2.3 BBIE Contact Job Title Title Text. Type
Department The department where this contact works
0..1 Text Contact. Department. Text 2.3 BBIE Contact Department Department Text. Type
Telephone The primary telephone number of this contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Telephone. Text 2.0 BBIE Contact Telephone Telephone Text. Type
Telefax The primary fax number of this contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Telefax. Text 2.0 BBIE Contact Telefax Telefax Text. Type
ElectronicMail The primary email address of this contact.
0..1 Text Contact. Electronic_ Mail. Text 2.0 BBIE Contact Electronic Mail Mail Text. Type
Note Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, a textual description of the circumstances under which this contact can be used (e.g., "emergency" or "after hours").
0..n Text Contact. Note. Text 2.0 BBIE Contact Note Note Text. Type
OtherCommunication Another means of communication with this contact.
0..n Communication Contact. Other_ Communication. Communication 2.0 ASBIE Contact Other Communication Communication
597 CorporateRegistrationScheme
A class to describe a scheme for corporate registration.
Corporate Registration Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Corporate Registration Scheme
ID An identifier for this registration scheme.
0..1 Identifier ASIC in Australia Corporate Registration Scheme. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this registration scheme.
0..1 Name Australian Securities and Investment Commission in Australia Corporate Registration Scheme. Name 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Name Name Name. Type
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode A code signifying the type of this registration scheme.
0..1 Code ACN Corporate Registration Scheme. Corporate Registration Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Type Code Corporate Registration Type Code Code. Type
JurisdictionRegionAddress A geographic area in which this registration scheme applies.
0..n Address England , Wales Corporate Registration Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Corporate Registration Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address
602 Country
< < <
A class to describe a country.
Country. Details 2.0 ABIE Country
IdentificationCode A code signifying this country.
0..1 Code Country. Identification Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Country Identification Code Identification Code Country Identification Country Identification_ Code. Type
Name The name of this country.
0..1 Name SOUTH AFRICA Country. Name 2.0 BBIE Country Name Name Name. Type
805 Dimension
< <
A class to define a measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, volume, or area) of an item.
Dimension. Details 2.0 ABIE Dimension
AttributeID An identifier for the attribute to which the measure applies.
1 Identifier Dimension. Attribute Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Dimension Attribute Identifier Attribute Identifier Identifier. Type
Measure The measurement value.
0..1 Measure Dimension. Measure 2.0 BBIE Dimension Measure Measure Measure. Type
Description Text describing the measurement attribute.
0..n Text Dimension. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Dimension Description Description Text. Type
MinimumMeasure The minimum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.
0..1 Measure Dimension. Minimum_ Measure. Measure 2.0 BBIE Dimension Minimum Measure Measure Measure. Type
MaximumMeasure The maximum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.
0..1 Measure Dimension. Maximum_ Measure. Measure 2.0 BBIE Dimension Maximum Measure Measure Measure. Type
828 DocumentReference
< < < < <
A class to define a reference to a document.
Document Reference. Details 2.0 ABIE Document Reference
ID An identifier for the referenced document.
1 Identifier PO-001 3333-44-123 Document Reference. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
CopyIndicator An indicator that the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
0..1 Indicator Document Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
UUID A universally unique identifier for this document reference.
0..1 Identifier Document Reference. UUID. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Document Reference UUID UUID Identifier. Type
IssueDate The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the document was issued.
0..1 Date Document Reference. Issue Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Issue Date Issue Date Date. Type
IssueTime The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, at which the document was issued.
0..1 Time Document Reference. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Issue Time Issue Time Time. Type
DocumentTypeCode The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Document Reference. Document Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Document Type Code Document Type Code Code. Type
DocumentType The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.
0..n Text Document Reference. Document Type. Text 2.0 BBIE Document Reference Document Type Document Type Text. Type
XPath An unambiguous location within the bounding document or the document referenced by the parent DocumentReference, expressed as an XPath
0..n Text Document Reference. XPath. Text 2.0 BBIE Document Reference XPath XPath Text. Type
ReferencedDocumentInternalAddress A pointer to a location within the document being referenced
0..1 Text Document Reference. Referenced_ Document Internal Address. Text 2.3 BBIE Document Reference Referenced Document Internal Address Document Internal Address Text. Type
LanguageID An identifier for the language used in the referenced document.
0..1 Identifier Document Reference. Language. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Language Language Identifier. Type
LocaleCode A code signifying the locale in which the language in the referenced document is used.
0..1 Code Document Reference. Locale Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Locale Code Locale Code Language Language_ Code. Type
VersionID An identifier for the current version of the referenced document.
0..1 Identifier 1.1 Document Reference. Version. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Version Version Identifier. Type
DocumentStatusCode A code signifying the status of the reference document with respect to its original state.
0..1 Code Document Reference. Document Status Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Document Status Code Document Status Code Document Status Document Status_ Code. Type
DocumentDescription Text describing the referenced document.
0..n Text stock no longer provided Document Reference. Document_ Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Document Reference Document Description Description Text. Type
Attachment The referenced document as an attachment to the document from which it is referenced.
0..1 Attachment Document Reference. Attachment 2.0 ASBIE Document Reference Attachment Attachment
ValidityPeriod The period for which this document reference is valid.
0..1 Period Document Reference. Validity_ Period. Period 2.1 ASBIE Document Reference Validity Period Period
IssuerParty The party who issued the referenced document.
0..1 Party Document Reference. Issuer_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Document Reference Issuer Party Party
ResultOfVerification The result of an attempt to verify a signature associated with the referenced document.
0..1 Result Of Verification Document Reference. Result Of Verification 2.0 ASBIE Document Reference Result Of Verification Result Of Verification
1002 ExternalReference
A class to describe an external object, such as a document stored at a remote location.
External Reference. Details 2.0 ABIE External Reference
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.
0..1 Identifier External Reference. URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE External Reference URI URI Identifier. Type
DocumentHash A hash value for the externally stored object.
0..1 Text External Reference. Document Hash. Text 2.0 BBIE External Reference Document Hash Document Hash Text. Type
HashAlgorithmMethod A hash algorithm used to calculate the hash value of the externally stored object.
0..1 Text External Reference. Hash Algorithm Method. Text 2.0 BBIE External Reference Hash Algorithm Method Hash Algorithm Method Text. Type
ExpiryDate The date on which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.
0..1 Date External Reference. Expiry Date. Date 2.0 BBIE External Reference Expiry Date Expiry Date Date. Type
ExpiryTime The time after which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.
0..1 Time External Reference. Expiry Time. Time 2.0 BBIE External Reference Expiry Time Expiry Time Time. Type
MimeCode A code signifying the mime type of the external object.
0..1 Code External Reference. Mime Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Mime Code Mime Code Code. Type
FormatCode A code signifying the format of the external object.
0..1 Code External Reference. Format Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Format Code Format Code Code. Type
EncodingCode A code signifying the encoding/decoding algorithm used with the external object.
0..1 Code External Reference. Encoding Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Encoding Code Encoding Code Code. Type
CharacterSetCode A code signifying the character set of an external document.
0..1 Code External Reference. Character Set Code. Code 2.1 BBIE External Reference Character Set Code Character Set Code Code. Type
FileName The file name of the external object.
0..1 Name External Reference. File Name. Name 2.1 BBIE External Reference File Name File Name Name. Type
Description Text describing the external object.
0..n Text computer accessories for laptops External Reference. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE External Reference Description Description Text. Type
1018 FinancialAccount
< <
A class to describe a financial account.
Financial Account. Details 2.0 ABIE Financial Account
ID The identifier for this financial account; the bank account number.
0..1 Identifier SWIFT(BIC) and IBAN are defined in ISO 9362 and ISO 13616. Financial Account. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this financial account.
0..1 Name Financial Account. Name 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Name Name Name. Type
AliasName An alias for the name of this financial account, to be used in place of the actual account name for security reasons.
0..1 Name Financial Account. Alias_ Name. Name 2.1 BBIE Financial Account Alias Name Name Name. Type
AccountTypeCode A code signifying the type of this financial account.
0..1 Code Financial Account. Account Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Account Type Code Account Type Code Code. Type
AccountFormatCode A code signifying the format of this financial account.
0..1 Code ISO20022 Clearing System Identification Code Financial Account. Account Format Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Financial Account Account Format Code Account Format Code Code. Type
CurrencyCode A code signifying the currency in which this financial account is held.
0..1 Code Financial Account. Currency Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Currency Code Currency Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type
PaymentNote Free-form text applying to the Payment for the owner of this account.
0..n Text Financial Account. Payment_ Note. Text 2.0 BBIE Financial Account Payment Note Note Text. Type
FinancialInstitutionBranch The branch of the financial institution associated with this financial account.
0..1 Branch Financial Account. Financial Institution_ Branch. Branch 2.0 ASBIE Financial Account Financial Institution Branch Branch
Country The country in which the holder of the financial account is domiciled.
0..1 Country Financial Account. Country 2.0 ASBIE Financial Account Country Country
1034 FinancialInstitution
A class to describe a financial institution.
Financial Institution. Details 2.0 ABIE Financial Institution
ID An identifier for this financial institution. It is recommended that the ISO 9362 Bank Identification Code (BIC) be used as the ID.
0..1 Identifier Financial Institution. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Financial Institution Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this financial institution.
0..1 Name Financial Institution. Name 2.0 BBIE Financial Institution Name Name Name. Type
Address The address of this financial institution.
0..1 Address Financial Institution. Address 2.0 ASBIE Financial Institution Address Address
1381 Language
A class to describe a language.
Language. Details 2.0 ABIE Language
ID An identifier for this language.
0..1 Identifier Language. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Language Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this language.
0..1 Name Language. Name 2.0 BBIE Language Name Name Name. Type
LocaleCode A code signifying the locale in which this language is used.
0..1 Code Language. Locale Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Language Locale Code Locale Code Language Language_ Code. Type
1436 Location
< < < < <
A class to describe a location.
Location. Details 2.0 ABIE Location
ID An identifier for this location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.
0..1 Identifier 5790002221134 Location. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Description Text describing this location.
0..n Text Location. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Description Description Text. Type
Conditions Free-form text describing the physical conditions of the location.
0..n Text Location. Conditions. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Conditions Conditions Text. Type
CountrySubentity A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as text.
0..1 Text AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton Florida , Tamilnadu Location. Country Subentity. Text 2.0 BBIE Location Country Subentity Country Subentity Text. Type
CountrySubentityCode A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code Location. Country Subentity Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Location Country Subentity Code Country Subentity Code Code. Type
LocationTypeCode A code signifying the type of location.
0..1 Code Location. Location Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Location Location Type Code Location Type Code Code. Type
InformationURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a document providing information about this location.
0..1 Identifier Location. Information_ URI. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Location Information URI URI Identifier. Type
Name The name of this location.
0..1 Name winter 2005 collection Location. Name 2.1 BBIE Location Name Name Name. Type
ValidityPeriod A period during which this location can be used (e.g., for delivery).
0..n Period Location. Validity_ Period. Period 2.0 ASBIE Location Validity Period Period
Address The address of this location.
0..1 Address Location. Address 2.0 ASBIE Location Address Address
Storage The description and requirements of the storage at this location.
0..1 Storage Location. Storage 2.3 ASBIE Location Storage Storage
SubsidiaryLocation A location subsidiary to this location.
0..n Location Location. Subsidiary_ Location. Location 2.1 ASBIE Location Subsidiary Location Location
LocationCoordinate The geographical coordinates of this location.
0..n Location Coordinate Location. Location Coordinate 2.1 ASBIE Location Location Coordinate Location Coordinate
1450 LocationCoordinate
< <
A class for defining a set of geographical coordinates (apparently misnamed).
Location Coordinate. Details 2.0 ABIE Location Coordinate
CoordinateSystemCode A code signifying the location system used.
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Coordinate System Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Coordinate System Code Coordinate System Code Code. Type
LatitudeDegreesMeasure The degree component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Degrees. Measure 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Degrees Degrees Measure. Type
LatitudeMinutesMeasure The minutes component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Minutes. Measure 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Minutes Minutes Measure. Type
LatitudeDirectionCode A code signifying the direction of latitude measurement from the equator (north or south).
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Latitude Direction Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Latitude Direction Code Latitude Direction Code Latitude Direction Latitude Direction_ Code. Type
LongitudeDegreesMeasure The degree component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Degrees. Measure 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Degrees Degrees Measure. Type
LongitudeMinutesMeasure The minutes component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Minutes. Measure 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Minutes Minutes Measure. Type
LongitudeDirectionCode A code signifying the direction of longitude measurement from the prime meridian (east or west).
0..1 Code Location Coordinate. Longitude Direction Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Location Coordinate Longitude Direction Code Longitude Direction Code Longitude Direction Longitude Direction_ Code. Type
AltitudeMeasure The altitude of the location.
0..1 Measure Location Coordinate. Altitude. Measure 2.1 BBIE Location Coordinate Altitude Altitude Measure. Type
1494 MaritimeTransport
A class to describe a vessel used for transport by water (including sea, river, and canal).
Maritime Transport. Details 2.0 ABIE Maritime Transport
VesselID An identifier for a specific vessel.
0..1 Identifier Lloyds Number, Registration Number (WCO ID 167) International Maritime Organisation number of a vessel Maritime Transport. Vessel Identifier. Identifier 8213 2.0 BBIE Maritime Transport Vessel Identifier Vessel Identifier Identifier. Type
VesselName The name of the vessel.
0..1 Name Ships Name Maritime Transport. Vessel Name. Name 8212 2.0 BBIE Maritime Transport Vessel Name Vessel Name Name. Type
RadioCallSignID The radio call sign of the vessel.
0..1 Identifier NES Maritime Transport. Radio Call Sign Identifier. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Maritime Transport Radio Call Sign Identifier Radio Call Sign Identifier Identifier. Type
MMSIRegistrationID A Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) required for this vessel.
0..1 Identifier MMSI number Maritime Transport. MMSI Registration Identifier. Identifier 2.3 BBIE Maritime Transport MMSI Registration Identifier MMSI Registration Identifier Identifier. Type
ShipsRequirements Information about what services a vessel will require when it arrives at a port, such as refueling, maintenance, waste disposal etc.
0..n Text Maritime Transport. Ships Requirements. Text 2.1 BBIE Maritime Transport Ships Requirements Ships Requirements Text. Type
GrossTonnageMeasure Gross tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's volume (from keel to funnel, to the outside of the hull framing) and applying a mathematical formula and is used to determine things such as a ship's manning regulations, safety rules, registration fees and port dues.
0..1 Measure Maritime Transport. Gross Tonnage. Measure 2.1 BBIE Maritime Transport Gross Tonnage Gross Tonnage Measure. Type
NetTonnageMeasure Net tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's internal volume and applying a mathematical formula and is used to calculate the port duties.
0..1 Measure Maritime Transport. Net Tonnage. Measure 2.1 BBIE Maritime Transport Net Tonnage Net Tonnage Measure. Type
SegregatedBallastMeasure The measure of the segregated ballast of the vessel.
0..1 Measure Maritime Transport. Segregated Ballast. Measure 2.3 BBIE Maritime Transport Segregated Ballast Segregated Ballast Measure. Type
ShipConfigurationCode A code specifying the ship configuration.
0..1 Code Maritime Transport. Ship_ Configuration Code. Code 2.3 BBIE Maritime Transport Ship Configuration Code Configuration Code Code. Type
INFShipClassCode A code specifying the irradiated nuclear fuel (INF) ship class.
0..1 Code Maritime Transport. INF Ship_ Class Code. Code 2.3 BBIE Maritime Transport INF Ship Class Code Class Code Code. Type
AntennaLocus The locus or exact location of the antenna on the vessel
0..1 Text Maritime Transport. Antenna Locus. Text 2.3 BBIE Maritime Transport Antenna Locus Antenna Locus Text. Type
RegistryCertificateDocumentReference The certificate issued to the ship by the ships registry in a given flag state.
0..1 Document Reference Maritime Transport. Registry Certificate_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Maritime Transport Registry Certificate Document Reference Document Reference
RegistryPortLocation The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
0..1 Location Maritime Transport. Registry Port_ Location. Location 2.1 ASBIE Maritime Transport Registry Port Location Location
VesselDynamics The vessel dynamics for this maritime transport.
0..1 Vessel Dynamics Maritime Transport. Vessel Dynamics 2.3 ASBIE Maritime Transport Vessel Dynamics Vessel Dynamics
1641 Party
< < < < < < < < < < < < < <
A class to describe an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.
Party. Details 2.0 ABIE Party
MarkCareIndicator An indicator that this party is "care of" (c/o) (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Party. Mark Care_ Indicator. Indicator 2.0 BBIE Party Mark Care Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
MarkAttentionIndicator An indicator that this party is "for the attention of" (FAO) (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Party. Mark Attention_ Indicator. Indicator 2.0 BBIE Party Mark Attention Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
WebsiteURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies this party's web site; i.e., the web site's Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
0..1 Identifier Party. Website_ URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Website URI URI Identifier. Type
LogoReferenceID An identifier for this party's logo.
0..1 Identifier http://www2.coca-cola.com/images/logo.gif Party. Logo Reference. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Logo Reference Logo Reference Identifier. Type
EndpointID An identifier for the end point of the routing service (e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN).
0..1 Identifier 5790002221134 Party. Endpoint Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Endpoint Identifier Endpoint Identifier Identifier. Type
IndustryClassificationCode This party's Industry Classification Code.
0..1 Code Public authority , NAIC codes Party. Industry Classification Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Industry Classification Code Industry Classification Code Code. Type
PartyIdentification An identifier for this party.
0..n Party Identification Party. Party Identification 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Identification Party Identification
PartyName A name for this party.
0..n Party Name Party. Party Name 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Name Party Name
Language The language associated with this party.
0..1 Language Party. Language 2.0 ASBIE Party Language Language
PostalAddress The party's postal address.
0..1 Address Party. Postal_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Party Postal Address Address
PhysicalLocation The physical location of this party.
0..1 Location Party. Physical_ Location. Location 2.0 ASBIE Party Physical Location Location
PartyTaxScheme A tax scheme applying to this party.
0..n Party Tax Scheme Party. Party Tax Scheme 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme
PartyLegalEntity A description of this party as a legal entity.
0..n Party Legal Entity Party. Party Legal Entity 2.0 ASBIE Party Party Legal Entity Party Legal Entity
Contact The primary contact for this party.
0..1 Contact Party. Contact 2.0 ASBIE Party Contact Contact
Person A person associated with this party.
0..n Person Party. Person 2.0 ASBIE Party Person Person
AgentParty A party who acts as an agent for this party.
0..1 Party Customs Broker Party. Agent_ Party. Party 2.0 ASBIE Party Agent Party Party
ServiceProviderParty A party providing a service to this party.
0..n Service Provider Party Party. Service Provider Party 2.1 ASBIE Party Service Provider Party Service Provider Party
PowerOfAttorney A power of attorney associated with this party.
0..n Power Of Attorney Party. Power Of Attorney 2.1 ASBIE Party Power Of Attorney Power Of Attorney
PartyAuthorization An authorization issued to this party
0..n Authorization Party. Party_ Authorization. Authorization 2.3 ASBIE Party Party Authorization Authorization
FinancialAccount The financial account associated with this party.
0..1 Financial Account Party. Financial Account 2.1 ASBIE Party Financial Account Financial Account
AdditionalWebSite An additional web site associated with this party (e.g. a satellite web site).
0..n Web Site Party. Additional_ Web Site. Web Site 2.2 ASBIE Party Additional Web Site Web Site
SocialMediaProfile A social media profile associated with this party.
0..n Social Media Profile Party. Social Media Profile 2.2 ASBIE Party Social Media Profile Social Media Profile
1668 PartyIdentification
A class to define an identifier for a party.
Party Identification. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Identification
ID An identifier for the party.
1 Identifier Party Identification. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
1670 PartyLegalEntity
A class to describe a party as a legal entity.
Party Legal Entity. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Legal Entity
RegistrationName The name of the party as registered with the relevant legal authority.
0..1 Name Microsoft Corporation Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Name Name Name. Type
CompanyID An identifier for the party as registered within a company registration scheme.
0..1 Identifier Business Registration Number, Company Number 3556625 Party Legal Entity. Company Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Identifier Company Identifier Identifier. Type
RegistrationDate The registration date of the CompanyID.
0..1 Date Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Date Date Date. Type
RegistrationExpirationDate The date upon which a registration expires (e.g., registration for an import/export license).
0..1 Date Party Legal Entity. Registration Expiration_ Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Expiration Date Date Date. Type
CompanyLegalFormCode A code signifying the party's legal status.
0..1 Code Legal Status Party Legal Entity. Company Legal Form Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Legal Form Code Company Legal Form Code Code. Type
CompanyLegalForm The company legal status, expressed as a text.
0..n Text Party Legal Entity. Company Legal Form. Text 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Legal Form Company Legal Form Text. Type
SoleProprietorshipIndicator An indicator that the company is owned and controlled by one person (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Party Legal Entity. Sole Proprietorship Indicator. Indicator 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship Indicator Sole Proprietorship Indicator Indicator. Type
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode A code signifying the party's liquidation status.
0..1 Code Party Legal Entity. Company Liquidation Status Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Company Liquidation Status Code Company Liquidation Status Code Code. Type
CorporateStockAmount The number of shares in the capital stock of a corporation.
0..1 Amount Party Legal Entity. Corporate Stock_ Amount. Amount 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Corporate Stock Amount Amount Amount. Type
FullyPaidSharesIndicator An indicator that all shares of corporate stock have been paid by shareholders (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Party Legal Entity. Fully Paid Shares Indicator. Indicator 2.1 BBIE Party Legal Entity Fully Paid Shares Indicator Fully Paid Shares Indicator Indicator. Type
RegistrationAddress The registered address of the party within a corporate registration scheme.
0..1 Address Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Registration Address Address
CorporateRegistrationScheme The corporate registration scheme used to register the party.
0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Party Legal Entity. Corporate Registration Scheme 2.0 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Scheme
HeadOfficeParty The head office of the legal entity
0..1 Party Party Legal Entity. Head Office_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Head Office Party Party
ShareholderParty A party owning shares in this legal entity.
0..n Shareholder Party Party Legal Entity. Shareholder Party 2.1 ASBIE Party Legal Entity Shareholder Party Shareholder Party
1685 PartyName
A class for defining the name of a party.
Party Name. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Name
Name The name of the party.
1 Name Microsoft Party Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Party Name Name Name Name. Type
1687 PartyTaxScheme
A class to describe a taxation scheme applying to a party.
Party Tax Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Party Tax Scheme
RegistrationName The name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.
0..1 Name Microsoft Corporation Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Registration Name Name Name. Type
CompanyID An identifier for the party assigned for tax purposes by the taxation authority.
0..1 Identifier VAT Number 3556625 Party Tax Scheme. Company Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Company Identifier Company Identifier Identifier. Type
TaxLevelCode A code signifying the tax level applicable to the party within this taxation scheme.
0..1 Code Party Tax Scheme. Tax Level Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Tax Level Code Tax Level Code Code. Type
ExemptionReasonCode A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Party Tax Scheme. Exemption Reason Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Code Exemption Reason Code Code. Type
ExemptionReason A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as text.
0..n Text Party Tax Scheme. Exemption_ Reason. Text 2.0 BBIE Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Reason Text. Type
RegistrationAddress The address of the party as registered for tax purposes.
0..1 Address Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Party Tax Scheme Registration Address Address
TaxScheme The taxation scheme applicable to the party.
1 Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme. Tax Scheme 2.0 ASBIE Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Tax Scheme
1765 Period
< < <
A class to describe a period of time.
Period. Details 2.0 ABIE Period
StartDate The date on which this period begins.
0..1 Date Period. Start Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Period Start Date Start Date Date. Type
StartTime The time at which this period begins.
0..1 Time Period. Start Time. Time 2.0 BBIE Period Start Time Start Time Time. Type
EndDate The date on which this period ends.
0..1 Date Period. End Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Period End Date End Date Date. Type
EndTime The time at which this period ends.
0..1 Time Period. End Time. Time 2.0 BBIE Period End Time End Time Time. Type
DurationMeasure The duration of this period, expressed as an ISO 8601 code.
0..1 Measure Period. Duration. Measure 2.0 BBIE Period Duration Duration Measure. Type
DescriptionCode A description of this period, expressed as a code.
0..n Code Period. Description Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Period Description Code Description Code Code. Type
Description A description of this period, expressed as text.
0..n Text Period. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Period Description Description Text. Type
1773 Person
A class to describe a person.
Person. Details 2.0 ABIE Person
ID An identifier for this person.
0..1 Identifier Person. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Person Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
FirstName This person's given name.
0..1 Name Person. First_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person First Name Name Name. Type
FamilyName This person's family name.
0..1 Name Person. Family_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person Family Name Name Name. Type
Title This person's title of address (e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir).
0..1 Text Person. Title. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Title Title Text. Type
MiddleName This person's middle name(s) or initials.
0..1 Name Person. Middle_ Name. Name 2.0 BBIE Person Middle Name Name Name. Type
OtherName This person's second family name.
0..1 Name Delivery Dock Person. Other_ Name. Name 2.1 BBIE Person Other Name Name Name. Type
NameSuffix A suffix to this person's name (e.g., PhD, OBE, Jr).
0..1 Text Person. Name Suffix. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Name Suffix Name Suffix Text. Type
JobTitle This person's job title (for a particular role) within an organization.
0..1 Text Person. Job Title. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Job Title Job Title Text. Type
NationalityID An identifier for this person's nationality.
0..1 Identifier Person. Nationality. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Person Nationality Nationality Identifier. Type
GenderCode A code (e.g., ISO 5218) signifying the gender of this person.
0..1 Code Person. Gender Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Person Gender Code Gender Code Code. Type
BirthDate This person's date of birth.
0..1 Date Person. Birth Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Person Birth Date Birth Date Date. Type
BirthplaceName The name of the place where this person was born, expressed as text.
0..1 Name Person. Birthplace Name. Name 2.1 BBIE Person Birthplace Name Birthplace Name Name. Type
OrganizationDepartment The department or subdivision of an organization that this person belongs to (in a particular role).
0..1 Text Person. Organization_ Department. Text 2.0 BBIE Person Organization Department Department Text. Type
RoleCode A code stating the person's role
0..1 Code Person. Role Code. Code 2.2 BBIE Person Role Code Role Code Code. Type
BirthplaceLocation The location where this person was born.
0..1 Location Person. Birthplace_ Location. Location 2.3 ASBIE Person Birthplace Location Location
CitizenshipCountry The country of the person's citizenship.
0..1 Country Person. Citizenship_ Country. Country 2.2 ASBIE Person Citizenship Country Country
Contact Contact information for this person.
0..1 Contact Person. Contact 2.1 ASBIE Person Contact Contact
FinancialAccount The financial account associated with this person.
0..1 Financial Account Person. Financial Account 2.1 ASBIE Person Financial Account Financial Account
IdentityDocumentReference A reference to a document that can precisely identify this person (e.g., a driver's license).
0..n Document Reference Person. Identity_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Person Identity Document Reference Document Reference
ResidenceAddress This person's address of residence.
0..1 Address Person. Residence_ Address. Address 2.1 ASBIE Person Residence Address Address
1850 PowerOfAttorney
A class to describe a power of attorney.
Power Of Attorney. Details 2.1 ABIE Power Of Attorney
ID An identifier for this power of attorney.
0..1 Identifier Power Of Attorney. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
IssueDate The date on which this power of attorney was issued.
0..1 Date Power Of Attorney. Issue Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Issue Date Issue Date Date. Type
IssueTime The time at which this power of attorney was issued.
0..1 Time Power Of Attorney. Issue Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Issue Time Issue Time Time. Type
Description Text describing this power of attorney.
0..n Text Power Of Attorney. Description. Text 2.1 BBIE Power Of Attorney Description Description Text. Type
NotaryParty The party notarizing this power of attorney.
0..1 Party Power Of Attorney. Notary_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Notary Party Party
AgentParty The party who acts as an agent or fiduciary for the principal and who holds this power of attorney on behalf of the principal.
1 Party Power Of Attorney. Agent_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Agent Party Party
WitnessParty An association to a WitnessParty.
0..n Party Power Of Attorney. Witness_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Witness Party Party
MandateDocumentReference A reference to a mandate associated with this power of attorney.
0..n Document Reference Power Of Attorney. Mandate_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.1 ASBIE Power Of Attorney Mandate Document Reference Document Reference
2002 RailTransport
A class defining details about a train wagon used as a means of transport.
Rail Transport. Details 2.0 ABIE Rail Transport
TrainID An identifier for the train used as the means of transport.
1 Identifier Train Number (WCO ID 167) Rail Transport. Train Identifier. Identifier 8213 2.0 BBIE Rail Transport Train Identifier Train Identifier Identifier. Type
RailCarID An identifier for the rail car on the train used as the means of transport.
0..1 Identifier Rail Transport. Rail Car Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Rail Transport Rail Car Identifier Rail Car Identifier Identifier. Type
2130 ResultOfVerification
A class to describe the result of an attempt to verify a signature.
Result Of Verification. Details 2.1 ABIE Result Of Verification
ValidatorID An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified the signature.
0..1 Identifier Result Of Verification. Validator. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validator Validator Identifier. Type
ValidationResultCode A code signifying the result of the verification.
0..1 Code Result Of Verification. Validation_ Result Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validation Result Code Result Code Code. Type
ValidationDate The date upon which verification took place.
0..1 Date Result Of Verification. Validation Date. Date 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validation Date Validation Date Date. Type
ValidationTime The time at which verification took place.
0..1 Time Result Of Verification. Validation Time. Time 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validation Time Validation Time Time. Type
ValidateProcess The verification process.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Process. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Process Process Text. Type
ValidateTool The tool used to verify the signature.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Tool Tool Text. Type
ValidateToolVersion The version of the tool used to verify the signature.
0..1 Text Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool Version. Text 2.1 BBIE Result Of Verification Validate Tool Version Tool Version Text. Type
SignatoryParty The signing party.
0..1 Party Result Of Verification. Signatory_ Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Result Of Verification Signatory Party Party
2144 RoadTransport
A class for identifying a vehicle used for road transport.
Road Transport. Details 2.0 ABIE Road Transport
LicensePlateID The license plate identifier of this vehicle.
1 Identifier Vehicle registration number (WCO ID 167) Road Transport. License Plate Identifier. Identifier 8213 2.0 BBIE Road Transport License Plate Identifier License Plate Identifier Identifier. Type
2188 ServiceProviderParty
A class to describe a party contracting to provide services, such as transportation, finance, etc.
Service Provider Party. Details 2.1 ABIE Service Provider Party
ID An identifier for this service provider.
0..1 Identifier Service Provider Party. Identifier 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ServiceTypeCode The type of service provided, expressed as a code.
0..1 Code Service Provider Party. Service Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Service Type Code Service Type Code Code. Type
ServiceType The type of service provided, expressed as text.
0..n Text Service Provider Party. Service Type. Text 2.1 BBIE Service Provider Party Service Type Service Type Text. Type
Party The party providing the service.
1 Party Service Provider Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Service Provider Party Party Party
SellerContact The contact for the service provider.
0..1 Contact Service Provider Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact 2.1 ASBIE Service Provider Party Seller Contact Contact
2194 ShareholderParty
A class to describe a shareholder party.
Shareholder Party. Details 2.1 ABIE Shareholder Party
PartecipationPercent The shareholder participation, expressed as a percentage.
0..1 Percent Shareholder Party. Partecipation. Percent 2.1 BBIE Shareholder Party Partecipation Partecipation Percent. Type
Party The shareholder party.
0..1 Party Shareholder Party. Party 2.1 ASBIE Shareholder Party Party Party
2319 Signature
< <
A class to define a signature.
Signature. Details 2.0 ABIE Signature
ID An identifier for this signature.
1 Identifier Signature. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
ReasonCode A code defining the reason or purpose of this signature
0..1 Code Signature. Reason. Code 2.3 BBIE Signature Reason Reason Code. Type
Note Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, information regarding the circumstances in which the signature is being used.
0..n Text Signature. Note. Text 2.0 BBIE Signature Note Note Text. Type
ValidationDate The date upon which this signature was verified.
0..1 Date Signature. Validation Date. Date 2.0 BBIE Signature Validation Date Validation Date Date. Type
ValidationTime The time at which this signature was verified.
0..1 Time Signature. Validation Time. Time 2.0 BBIE Signature Validation Time Validation Time Time. Type
ValidatorID An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified this signature.
0..1 Identifier Signature. Validator. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Signature Validator Validator Identifier. Type
CanonicalizationMethod The method used to perform XML canonicalization of this signature.
0..1 Text Signature. Canonicalization Method. Text 2.0 BBIE Signature Canonicalization Method Canonicalization Method Text. Type
SignatureMethod Text describing the method of signature.
0..1 Text Signature. Signature Method. Text 2.0 BBIE Signature Signature Method Signature Method Text. Type
SignatoryParty The signing party.
0..1 Party Signature. Signatory_ Party. Party 2.0 ASBIE Signature Signatory Party Party
DigitalSignatureAttachment The actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDsig format).
0..1 Attachment Signature. Digital Signature_ Attachment. Attachment 2.0 ASBIE Signature Digital Signature Attachment Attachment
OriginalDocumentReference A reference to the document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature.
0..1 Document Reference Signature. Original_ Document Reference. Document Reference 2.0 ASBIE Signature Original Document Reference Document Reference
2331 SocialMediaProfile
A class to describe a social media profile.
Social Media Profile. Details 2.2 ABIE Social Media Profile
ID An identifier for a specific social media.
0..1 Identifier FB Social Media Profile. Identifier 2.2 BBIE Social Media Profile Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The common name of the social media.
0..1 Name Facebook Social Media Profile. Name 2.2 BBIE Social Media Profile Name Name Name. Type
SocialMediaTypeCode A code that specifies the type of social media.
0..1 Code BusinessNetwork, SocialNetwork, ... Social Media Profile. Social Media Type Code. Code 2.2 BBIE Social Media Profile Social Media Type Code Social Media Type Code Code. Type
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a party profile in the social media; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
1 Identifier https://www.facebook.com/oasis.open/ Social Media Profile. URI. Identifier 2.2 BBIE Social Media Profile URI URI Identifier. Type
2381 Storage
A class to describe a storage and storage requirements
Storage. Details 2.3 ABIE Storage
ID An identifier for this storage.
1 Identifier Storage. Identifier 2.3 BBIE Storage Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The common name this storage
0..1 Name Storage. Name 2.3 BBIE Storage Name Name Name. Type
GateID An identifier for the agreed gate to enter, deliver or pick up at this storage
0..1 Identifier Storage. Gate Identifier. Identifier 2.3 BBIE Storage Gate Identifier Gate Identifier Identifier. Type
AirFlowPercent The percent of the airflow within this storage.
0..1 Percent Storage. Air Flow Percent. Percent 2.3 BBIE Storage Air Flow Percent Air Flow Percent Percent. Type
HumidityPercent The percent humidity within this storage.
0..1 Percent Storage. Humidity Percent. Percent 2.3 BBIE Storage Humidity Percent Humidity Percent Percent. Type
AnimalFoodApprovedIndicator An indicator that this storage is approved for animal food (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Storage. Animal Food_ Approved Indicator. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Storage Animal Food Approved Indicator Approved Indicator Indicator. Type
HumanFoodApprovedIndicator An indicator that this storage is approved for human food (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Storage. Human Food_ Approved Indicator. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Storage Human Food Approved Indicator Approved Indicator Indicator. Type
DangerousGoodsApprovedIndicator An indicator that this stroage is approved for dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Storage. Dangerous Goods_ Approved Indicator. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Storage Dangerous Goods Approved Indicator Approved Indicator Indicator. Type
RefrigeratedIndicator An indicator that storage is refrigerated (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Storage. Refrigerated_ Indicator. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Storage Refrigerated Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
PowerIndicator An indicator that this storage can supply power (true) or not (false).
0..1 Indicator Storage. Power. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Storage Power Power Indicator. Type
MinimumTemperature The minimum allowable operating temperature for this refriguated storage.
0..1 Temperature Storage. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature 2.3 ASBIE Storage Minimum Temperature Temperature
MaximumTemperature The maximum allowable operating temperature for this refriguated storage.
0..1 Temperature Storage. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature 2.3 ASBIE Storage Maximum Temperature Temperature
Certificate A certificate associated with this storage
0..n Certificate Storage. Certificate 2.3 ASBIE Storage Certificate Certificate
2395 Stowage
A class to describe a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been stowed or are to be stowed.
Stowage. Details 2.0 ABIE Stowage
LocationID An identifier for the location.
0..1 Identifier Cell Location, coded Stowage. Location Identifier. Identifier 8043 2.0 BBIE Stowage Location Identifier Location Identifier Identifier. Type
Location Text describing the location.
0..n Text Cell Location Stowage. Location. Text 8042 2.0 BBIE Stowage Location Location Text. Type
MeasurementDimension A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this stowage.
0..n Dimension Stowage. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension 2.0 ASBIE Stowage Measurement Dimension Dimension
2443 TaxScheme
A class to describe a taxation scheme (e.g., VAT, State tax, County tax).
Tax Scheme. Details 2.0 ABIE Tax Scheme
ID An identifier for this taxation scheme.
0..1 Identifier http://www.unece.org/uncefact/codelist/standard/EDIFICASEU_TaxExemptionReason_D09B.xsd Tax Scheme. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The name of this taxation scheme.
0..1 Name Value Added Tax , Wholesale Tax , Sales Tax , State Tax Tax Scheme. Name 2.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Name Name Name. Type
TaxTypeCode A code signifying the type of tax.
0..1 Code Consumption , Sales Tax Scheme. Tax Type Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Tax Type Code Tax Type Code Code. Type
CurrencyCode A code signifying the currency in which the tax is collected and reported.
0..1 Code Tax Scheme. Currency Code. Code 2.0 BBIE Tax Scheme Currency Code Currency Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type
JurisdictionRegionAddress A geographic area in which this taxation scheme applies.
0..n Address Tax Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address 2.0 ASBIE Tax Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address
2508 Temperature
< <
A class to describe a measurement of temperature.
Temperature. Details 2.0 ABIE Temperature
AttributeID An identifier for this temperature measurement.
0..1 Identifier Temperature. Attribute Identifier. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Temperature Attribute Identifier Attribute Identifier Identifier. Type
Measure The value of this temperature measurement.
0..1 Measure Temperature. Measure 2.0 BBIE Temperature Measure Measure Measure. Type
MeasureCode A code describing the temperature, when not expressed as a measure.
0..1 Code Temperature. Measure Code. Code 2.3 BBIE Temperature Measure Code Measure Code Code. Type
Description Text describing this temperature measurement.
0..n Text at sea level Temperature. Description. Text 2.0 BBIE Temperature Description Description Text. Type
2887 TransportMeans
A class to describe a particular vehicle or vessel used for the conveyance of goods or persons.
Conveyance Transport Means. Details 2.0 ABIE Transport Means
JourneyID An identifier for the regular service schedule of this means of transport.
0..1 Identifier Voyage Number, Scheduled Conveyance Identifier (WCO ID 205), Flight Number Transport Means. Journey Identifier. Identifier 8028 2.0 BBIE Transport Means Journey Identifier Journey Identifier Identifier. Type
RegistrationNationalityID An identifier for the country in which this means of transport is registered.
0..1 Identifier Nationality of Means of Transport (WCO 175, 178 and 179) LIB Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality Identifier. Identifier 8453 2.0 BBIE Transport Means Registration Nationality Identifier Nationality Identifier Identifier. Type
RegistrationNationality Text describing the country in which this means of transport is registered.
0..n Text Flag of Vessel, Nationality of Ship Liberia Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality. Text 8452 2.0 BBIE Transport Means Registration Nationality Nationality Text. Type
DirectionCode A code signifying the direction of this means of transport.
0..1 Code Transit Direction North , East Transport Means. Direction Code. Code 8452 2.0 BBIE Transport Means Direction Code Direction Code Code. Type
TransportMeansTypeCode A code signifying the type of this means of transport (truck, vessel, etc.).
0..1 Code Transport Means. Transport Means Type Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Transport Means Transport Means Type Code Transport Means Type Code Code. Type
TradeServiceCode A code signifying the service regularly provided by the carrier operating this means of transport.
0..1 Code Transport Means. Trade Service Code. Code 2.1 BBIE Transport Means Trade Service Code Trade Service Code Code. Type
Stowage The location within the means of transport where goods are to be or have been stowed.
0..1 Stowage Transport Means. Stowage 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Stowage Stowage
AirTransport An aircraft used for transport.
0..1 Air Transport Transport Means. Air Transport 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Air Transport Air Transport
RoadTransport A vehicle used for road transport.
0..1 Road Transport Transport Means. Road Transport 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Road Transport Road Transport
RailTransport Equipment used for rail transport.
0..1 Rail Transport Transport Means. Rail Transport 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Rail Transport Rail Transport
MaritimeTransport A vessel used for transport by water (not only by sea).
0..1 Maritime Transport Transport Means. Maritime Transport 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Maritime Transport Maritime Transport
OwnerParty The party that owns this means of transport.
0..1 Party Transport Means. Owner_ Party. Party 2.0 ASBIE Transport Means Owner Party Party
MeasurementDimension A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this means of transport.
0..n Dimension Transport Means. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension 2.1 ASBIE Transport Means Measurement Dimension Dimension
2977 VesselDynamics
A class to describe the dynamics of a vesssel.
Vessel Dynamics. Details 2.3 ABIE Vessel Dynamics
NavigationStatusCode A code specifying the navigation status for the vessel.
0..1 Code Vessel Dynamics. Navigation_ Status Code. Code 2.3 BBIE Vessel Dynamics Navigation Status Code Status Code Code. Type
AtAnchorageIndicator Indicates whether the vessel is at anchor.
0..1 Indicator Vessel Dynamics. At Anchorage_ Indicator. Indicator 2.3 BBIE Vessel Dynamics At Anchorage Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type
CourseOverGroundDirection Text describing the actual direction of progress of a vessel, between two points, in relation to the surface of the earth.
0..1 Text Vessel Dynamics. Course Over Ground Direction. Text 2.3 BBIE Vessel Dynamics Course Over Ground Direction Course Over Ground Direction Text. Type
SpeedOverGroundMeasure Text describing the speed of the vessel relative to the surface of the earth.
0..1 Measure Vessel Dynamics. Speed Over Ground Measure. Measure 2.3 BBIE Vessel Dynamics Speed Over Ground Measure Speed Over Ground Measure Measure. Type
RateOfTurnMeasure Text describing the rate at which the vessel is turning.
0..1 Measure ROTI Vessel Dynamics. Rate Of Turn Measure. Measure 2.3 BBIE Vessel Dynamics Rate Of Turn Measure Rate Of Turn Measure Measure. Type
2986 WebSite
A class to describe a web site.
Web Site. Details 2.2 ABIE Web Site
ID An identifier for a specific web site.
0..1 Identifier UBL Web Site. Identifier 2.2 BBIE Web Site Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type
Name The common name of the web site.
0..1 Name UBL Online Community Web Site. Name 2.2 BBIE Web Site Name Name Name. Type
Description Text describing the web site.
0..n Text Online community for the Universal Business Language (UBL) OASIS Standard Web Site. Description. Text 2.2 BBIE Web Site Description Description Text. Type
WebSiteTypeCode A code that specifies the type web site.
0..1 Code Satellite, Portal, Operative, Industry, ... Web Site. Web Site Type Code. Code 2.2 BBIE Web Site Web Site Type Code Web Site Type Code Code. Type
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the web site; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
1 Identifier http://ubl.xml.org/ Web Site. URI. Identifier 2.2 BBIE Web Site URI URI Identifier. Type
WebSiteAccess Access information for the website (e.g. guest credentials).
0..n Web Site Access Web Site. Web Site Access 2.2 ASBIE Web Site Web Site Access Web Site Access
2993 WebSiteAccess
A class to describe access to a web site.
Web Site Access. Details 2.1 ABIE Web Site Access
URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this web site; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
0..1 Identifier Web Site Access. URI. Identifier 2.0 BBIE Web Site Access URI URI Identifier. Type
Password A password to the web site.
1 Text confidence Web Site Access. Password. Text 2.1 BBIE Web Site Access Password Password Text. Type
Login Text describing login details.
1 Text Utsuser Web Site Access. Login. Text 2.1 BBIE Web Site Access Login Login Text. Type

Unqualified data types

Dict. Entry Name
(Base type XSD)
Content and supplementary components Cardi-
(property) (attribute)
Amount. Type

AmountContent A number of monetary units specified using a given unit of currency.
AmountCurrencyIdentifier currencyID required xsd:normalizedString The currency of the amount.
AmountCurrencyCodeListVersionIdentifier currencyCodeListVersionID optional xsd:normalizedString The VersionID of the UN/ECE Rec9 code list.
Binary Object. Type

BinaryObjectContent A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.
BinaryObjectMimeCode mimeCode required xsd:normalizedString The mime type of the binary object.
BinaryObjectCharacterSetCode characterSetCode optional xsd:normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
BinaryObjectEncodingCode encodingCode optional xsd:normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFilenameText filename optional xsd:string The filename of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFormatText format optional xsd:string The format of the binary content.
BinaryObjectUniformResourceIdentifier uri optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
Graphic. Type

BinaryObjectContent A diagram, graph, mathematical curve, or similar representation.
BinaryObjectMimeCode mimeCode required xsd:normalizedString The mime type of the graphic object.
BinaryObjectCharacterSetCode characterSetCode optional xsd:normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
BinaryObjectEncodingCode encodingCode optional xsd:normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFilenameText filename optional xsd:string The filename of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFormatText format optional xsd:string The format of the binary content.
BinaryObjectUniformResourceIdentifier uri optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
Picture. Type

BinaryObjectContent A diagram, graph, mathematical curve, or similar representation.
BinaryObjectMimeCode mimeCode required xsd:normalizedString The mime type of the picture object.
BinaryObjectCharacterSetCode characterSetCode optional xsd:normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
BinaryObjectEncodingCode encodingCode optional xsd:normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFilenameText filename optional xsd:string The filename of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFormatText format optional xsd:string The format of the binary content.
BinaryObjectUniformResourceIdentifier uri optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
Sound. Type

BinaryObjectContent An audio representation.
BinaryObjectMimeCode mimeCode required xsd:normalizedString The mime type of the sound object.
BinaryObjectCharacterSetCode characterSetCode optional xsd:normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
BinaryObjectEncodingCode encodingCode optional xsd:normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFilenameText filename optional xsd:string The filename of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFormatText format optional xsd:string The format of the binary content.
BinaryObjectUniformResourceIdentifier uri optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
Video. Type

BinaryObjectContent A video representation.
BinaryObjectMimeCode mimeCode required xsd:normalizedString The mime type of the video object.
BinaryObjectCharacterSetCode characterSetCode optional xsd:normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
BinaryObjectEncodingCode encodingCode optional xsd:normalizedString Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFilenameText filename optional xsd:string The filename of the binary object.
BinaryObjectFormatText format optional xsd:string The format of the binary content.
BinaryObjectUniformResourceIdentifier uri optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
Code. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
CodeContent A character string (letters, figures, or symbols) that for brevity and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute, together with relevant supplementary information.
LanguageIdentifier languageID optional xsd:language The identifier of the language used in the code name.
CodeListAgencyIdentifier listAgencyID optional xsd:normalizedString An agency that maintains one or more lists of codes.
CodeListAgencyNameText listAgencyName optional xsd:string The name of the agency that maintains the list of codes.
CodeListIdentifier listID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of a list of codes.
CodeListNameText listName optional xsd:string The name of a list of codes.
CodeListSchemeUniformResourceIdentifier listSchemeURI optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located.
CodeListUniformResourceIdentifier listURI optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.
CodeListVersionIdentifier listVersionID optional xsd:normalizedString The version of the list of codes.
CodeNameText name optional xsd:string The textual equivalent of the code content component.
Date Time. Type

DateTimeContent A particular point in the progression of time, together with relevant supplementary information.
Date. Type

< < < < < < < < < < <
DateContent One calendar day according the Gregorian calendar.
Time. Type

< < < < < < < <
TimeContent An instance of time that occurs every day.
Identifier. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
IdentifierContent A character string to identify and uniquely distinguish one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme, together with relevant supplementary information.
IdentificationSchemeAgencyIdentifier schemeAgencyID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of the agency that maintains the identification scheme.
IdentificationSchemeAgencyNameText schemeAgencyName optional xsd:string The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme.
IdentificationSchemeDataUniformResourceIdentifier schemeDataURI optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme data is located.
IdentificationSchemeIdentifier schemeID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of the identification scheme.
IdentificationSchemeNameText schemeName optional xsd:string The name of the identification scheme.
IdentificationSchemeUniformResourceIdentifier schemeURI optional xsd:anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme is located.
IdentificationSchemeVersionIdentifier schemeVersionID optional xsd:normalizedString The version of the identification scheme.
Indicator. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < <
IndicatorContent A list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a property.
Measure. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
MeasureContent A numeric value determined by measuring an object using a specified unit of measure.
MeasureUnitCode unitCode required xsd:normalizedString The type of unit of measure.
MeasureUnitCodeListVersionIdentifier unitCodeListVersionID optional xsd:normalizedString The version of the measure unit code list.
Numeric. Type

NumericContent Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
NumericFormatText format optional xsd:string Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage.
Value. Type

NumericContent Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
NumericFormatText format optional xsd:string Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage.
Percent. Type

< < <
NumericContent Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing and is expressed as a percentage. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
NumericFormatText format optional xsd:string Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage.
Rate. Type

NumericContent A numeric expression of a rate that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
NumericFormatText format optional xsd:string Whether the number is an integer, decimal, real number or percentage.
Quantity. Type

QuantityContent A counted number of non-monetary units, possibly including a fractional part.
QuantityUnitCode unitCode optional xsd:normalizedString The unit of the quantity
QuantityUnitCodeListAgencyIdentifier unitCodeListAgencyID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of the agency that maintains the quantity unit code list
QuantityUnitCodeListAgencyNameText unitCodeListAgencyName optional xsd:string The name of the agency which maintains the quantity unit code list.
QuantityUnitCodeListIdentifier unitCodeListID optional xsd:normalizedString The quantity unit code list.
Text. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
TextContent A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters), generally in the form of words of a language.
LanguageIdentifier languageID optional xsd:language The identifier of the language used in the content component.
LanguageLocaleIdentifier languageLocaleID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of the locale of the language.
Name. Type

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
TextContent A character string that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept.
LanguageIdentifier languageID optional xsd:language The identifier of the language used in the content component.
LanguageLocaleIdentifier languageLocaleID optional xsd:normalizedString The identification of the locale of the language.


Copyright © OASIS Open

Rendering: 20240625-1548z

Legends: Summary Legend: Name (Model line Object) TYPE Description
Table Legend: ^ = up-link to the containing ABIE of the BBIE or the ASBIE (hover to see ABIE name)
< = back-link to the ASBIE using the ABIE, or to the BBIE using the data type (hover to see destination)
Line number links: alternate between summary view and table view


AccountFormatCode (1023 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the format of this financial account.
AccountTypeCode (1022 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the type of this financial account.


AdditionalStreetName (22 Address) BBIE An additional street name used to further clarify the address.
AdditionalWebSite (1662 Party) ASBIE (WebSite) An additional web site associated with this party (e.g. a satellite web site).




(14) ABIE A class to define common information related to an address.
JurisdictionRegionAddress (601 CorporateRegistrationScheme) JurisdictionRegionAddress (2448 TaxScheme) PostalAddress (1651 Party) RegistrationAddress (1681 PartyLegalEntity) RegistrationAddress (1693 PartyTaxScheme) ResidenceAddress (1793 Person)
(184 Branch) ASBIE The address of this branch or division.
(1037 FinancialInstitution) ASBIE The address of this financial institution.
(1446 Location) ASBIE The address of this location.
AddressFormatCode (17 Address) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the format of this address.




(43) ABIE A class to define an unstructured address line.
(40 Address) ASBIE An unstructured address line.
AddressTypeCode (16 Address) BBIE A mutually agreed code signifying the type of this address.






(1657 Party) ASBIE (Party) A party who acts as an agent for this party.
(1856 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) The party who acts as an agent or fiduciary for the principal and who holds this power of attorney on behalf of the principal.


AircraftID (46 AirTransport) BBIE An identifer for a specific aircraft.
AirFlowPercent (2385 Storage) BBIE The percent of the airflow within this storage.




(45) ABIE A class to identify a specific aircraft used for transportation.
(2895 TransportMeans) ASBIE An aircraft used for transport.


AliasName (1021 FinancialAccount) BBIE An alias for the name of this financial account, to be used in place of the actual account name for security reasons.


AltitudeMeasure (1458 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The altitude of the location.


AnimalFoodApprovedIndicator (2387 Storage) BBIE An indicator that this storage is approved for animal food (true) or not (false).


AntennaLocus (1505 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The locus or exact location of the antenna on the vessel


AtAnchorageIndicator (2979 VesselDynamics) BBIE Indicates whether the vessel is at anchor.






(70) ABIE A class to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.
DigitalSignatureAttachment (2329 Signature)
(843 DocumentReference) ASBIE The referenced document as an attachment to the document from which it is referenced.




(806 Dimension) BBIE An identifier for the attribute to which the measure applies.
(2509 Temperature) BBIE An identifier for this temperature measurement.


Authorization (97) ABIE A class to define an authorization that as been issued
PartyAuthorization (1660 Party)


BirthDate (1784 Person) BBIE This person's date of birth.
BirthplaceLocation (1788 Person) ASBIE (Location) The location where this person was born.
BirthplaceName (1785 Person) BBIE The name of the place where this person was born, expressed as text.


BlockName (23 Address) BBIE The name of the block (an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings) in which this address is located.


Branch (180) ABIE A class to describe a branch or a division of an organization.
FinancialInstitutionBranch (1026 FinancialAccount)


BuildingName (24 Address) BBIE The name of a building.
BuildingNumber (25 Address) BBIE The number of a building within the street.


CanonicalizationMethod (2326 Signature) BBIE The method used to perform XML canonicalization of this signature.






(277) ABIE A class to define a certificate applied to the item. Certificated can be a requirement to sell goods or services in a jurisdiction.
(101 Authorization) ASBIE One or more certificates related to this authorization
(2394 Storage) ASBIE A certificate associated with this storage
CertificateType (280 Certificate) BBIE The type of this certificate, expressed as a text.
CertificateTypeCode (279 Certificate) BBIE The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc.


Channel (332 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as text.
ChannelCode (331 Communication) BBIE The method of communication, expressed as a code.
CharacterSetCode (1011 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the character set of an external document.


CitizenshipCountry (1789 Person) ASBIE (Country) The country of the person's citizenship.
CityName (33 Address) BBIE The name of a city, town, or village.
CitySubdivisionName (32 Address) BBIE The name of the subdivision of a city, town, or village in which this address is located, such as the name of its district or borough.


Communication (330) ABIE A class to describe a means of communication.
OtherCommunication (549 Contact)




(1672 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An identifier for the party as registered within a company registration scheme.
(1689 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE An identifier for the party assigned for tax purposes by the taxation authority.
CompanyLegalForm (1676 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The company legal status, expressed as a text.
CompanyLegalFormCode (1675 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE A code signifying the party's legal status.
CompanyLiquidationStatusCode (1678 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE A code signifying the party's liquidation status.


Conditions (1439 Location) BBIE Free-form text describing the physical conditions of the location.




(540) ABIE A class to describe a contactable person or department in an organization.
SellerContact (2193 ServiceProviderParty)
(1655 Party) ASBIE The primary contact for this party.
(1790 Person) ASBIE Contact information for this person.


CoordinateSystemCode (1451 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the location system used.




UBL-CommonLibrary-2.4 (830 DocumentReference) BBIE An indicator that the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (8 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).






(597) ABIE A class to describe a scheme for corporate registration.
(1682 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE The corporate registration scheme used to register the party.
CorporateRegistrationTypeCode (600 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE A code signifying the type of this registration scheme.
CorporateStockAmount (1679 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The number of shares in the capital stock of a corporation.






(602) ABIE A class to describe a country.
CitizenshipCountry (1789 Person)
(41 Address) ASBIE The country in which this address is situated.
(1027 FinancialAccount) ASBIE The country in which the holder of the financial account is domiciled.




(35 Address) BBIE The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as the name of its county, province, or state, expressed as text.
(1440 Location) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as text.




(36 Address) BBIE The political or administrative division of a country in which this address is located, such as a county, province, or state, expressed as a code (typically nationally agreed).
(1441 Location) BBIE A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code.
CourseOverGroundDirection (2980 VesselDynamics) BBIE Text describing the actual direction of progress of a vessel, between two points, in relation to the surface of the earth.






(1024 FinancialAccount) BBIE A code signifying the currency in which this financial account is held.
(2447 TaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the currency in which the tax is collected and reported.


CustomizationID (4 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.


DangerousGoodsApprovedIndicator (2389 Storage) BBIE An indicator that this stroage is approved for dangerous goods (true) or not (false).






(28 Address) BBIE The department of the addressee.
(544 Contact) BBIE The department where this contact works






(26 Address) BBIE Text describing this address for clarification or specificity
(808 Dimension) BBIE Text describing the measurement attribute.
(1013 ExternalReference) BBIE Text describing the external object.
(1438 Location) BBIE Text describing this location.
(1772 Period) BBIE A description of this period, expressed as text.
(1854 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE Text describing this power of attorney.
(2512 Temperature) BBIE Text describing this temperature measurement.
(2989 WebSite) BBIE Text describing the web site.
DescriptionCode (1771 Period) BBIE A description of this period, expressed as a code.


DigitalSignatureAttachment (2329 Signature) ASBIE (Attachment) The actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDsig format).


Dimension (805) ABIE A class to define a measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, volume, or area) of an item.
MeasurementDimension (2398 Stowage) MeasurementDimension (2900 TransportMeans)


DirectionCode (2891 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the direction of this means of transport.


District (38 Address) BBIE The district or geographical division of a country or region in which this address is located.


DocumentDescription (842 DocumentReference) BBIE Text describing the referenced document.
DocumentHash (1004 ExternalReference) BBIE A hash value for the externally stored object.




(828) ABIE A class to define a reference to a document.
IdentityDocumentReference (1792 Person) MandateDocumentReference (1858 PowerOfAttorney) OriginalDocumentReference (2330 Signature) RegistryCertificateDocumentReference (1506 MaritimeTransport)
(283 Certificate) ASBIE A reference to a document relevant to this certificate or an application for this certificate.
DocumentStatusCode (841 DocumentReference) BBIE A code signifying the status of the reference document with respect to its original state.
DocumentType (835 DocumentReference) BBIE The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.
DocumentTypeCode (834 DocumentReference) BBIE The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.


DurationMeasure (1770 Period) BBIE The duration of this period, expressed as an ISO 8601 code.


ElectronicMail (547 Contact) BBIE The primary email address of this contact.


EmbeddedDocument (72 Attachment) BBIE A clear text object containing an attached document.
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject (71 Attachment) BBIE A binary large object containing an attached document.


EncodingCode (1010 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the encoding/decoding algorithm used with the external object.


EndDate (1768 Period) BBIE The date on which this period ends.
EndpointID (1646 Party) BBIE An identifier for the end point of the routing service (e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN).
EndTime (1769 Period) BBIE The time at which this period ends.


ExemptionReason (1692 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as text.
ExemptionReasonCode (1691 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A reason for the party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code.


ExpiryDate (1006 ExternalReference) BBIE The date on which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.
ExpiryTime (1007 ExternalReference) BBIE The time after which availability of the resource can no longer be relied upon.






(1002) ABIE A class to describe an external object, such as a document stored at a remote location.
(73 Attachment) ASBIE A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.


FamilyName (1776 Person) BBIE This person's family name.


FileName (1012 ExternalReference) BBIE The file name of the external object.






(1018) ABIE A class to describe a financial account.
(1661 Party) ASBIE The financial account associated with this party.
(1791 Person) ASBIE The financial account associated with this person.




(1034) ABIE A class to describe a financial institution.
(183 Branch) ASBIE The financial institution that this branch belongs to (if applicable).
FinancialInstitutionBranch (1026 FinancialAccount) ASBIE (Branch) The branch of the financial institution associated with this financial account.


FirstName (1775 Person) BBIE This person's given name.


Floor (19 Address) BBIE An identifiable floor of a building.


FormatCode (1009 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the format of the external object.


FullyPaidSharesIndicator (1680 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An indicator that all shares of corporate stock have been paid by shareholders (true) or not (false).


GateID (2384 Storage) BBIE An identifier for the agreed gate to enter, deliver or pick up at this storage


GenderCode (1783 Person) BBIE A code (e.g., ISO 5218) signifying the gender of this person.


GrossTonnageMeasure (1500 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Gross tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's volume (from keel to funnel, to the outside of the hull framing) and applying a mathematical formula and is used to determine things such as a ship's manning regulations, safety rules, registration fees and port dues.


HashAlgorithmMethod (1005 ExternalReference) BBIE A hash algorithm used to calculate the hash value of the externally stored object.


HeadOfficeParty (1683 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Party) The head office of the legal entity


HumanFoodApprovedIndicator (2388 Storage) BBIE An indicator that this storage is approved for human food (true) or not (false).
HumidityPercent (2386 Storage) BBIE The percent humidity within this storage.






(15 Address) BBIE An identifier for this address within an agreed scheme of address identifiers.
(181 Branch) BBIE An identifier for this branch or division of an organization.
(278 Certificate) BBIE An identifier for this certificate.
(541 Contact) BBIE An identifier for this contact.
(598 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE An identifier for this registration scheme.
(829 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the referenced document.
(1019 FinancialAccount) BBIE The identifier for this financial account; the bank account number.
(1035 FinancialInstitution) BBIE An identifier for this financial institution. It is recommended that the ISO 9362 Bank Identification Code (BIC) be used as the ID.
(1382 Language) BBIE An identifier for this language.
(1437 Location) BBIE An identifier for this location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.
(1669 PartyIdentification) BBIE An identifier for the party.
(1774 Person) BBIE An identifier for this person.
(1851 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE An identifier for this power of attorney.
(2189 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE An identifier for this service provider.
(2320 Signature) BBIE An identifier for this signature.
(2332 SocialMediaProfile) BBIE An identifier for a specific social media.
(2382 Storage) BBIE An identifier for this storage.
(2444 TaxScheme) BBIE An identifier for this taxation scheme.
(2987 WebSite) BBIE An identifier for a specific web site.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (7 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.


IdentificationCode (603 Country) BBIE A code signifying this country.
IdentityDocumentReference (1792 Person) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a document that can precisely identify this person (e.g., a driver's license).


IndustryClassificationCode (1647 Party) BBIE This party's Industry Classification Code.


InformationURI (1443 Location) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a document providing information about this location.
INFShipClassCode (1504 MaritimeTransport) BBIE A code specifying the irradiated nuclear fuel (INF) ship class.


InhouseMail (27 Address) BBIE The specific identifable location within a building where mail is delivered.






(832 DocumentReference) BBIE The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the document was issued.
(1852 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE The date on which this power of attorney was issued.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (10 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.




(282 Certificate) ASBIE (Party) The authorized organization that issued this certificate, the provider of the certificate.
(845 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Party) The party who issued the referenced document.




(833 DocumentReference) BBIE The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, at which the document was issued.
(1853 PowerOfAttorney) BBIE The time at which this power of attorney was issued.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (11 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.






(543 Contact) BBIE The job title or function of this contact
(1781 Person) BBIE This person's job title (for a particular role) within an organization.


JourneyID (2888 TransportMeans) BBIE An identifier for the regular service schedule of this means of transport.






(601 CorporateRegistrationScheme) ASBIE (Address) A geographic area in which this registration scheme applies.
(2448 TaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) A geographic area in which this taxation scheme applies.






(1381) ABIE A class to describe a language.
(1650 Party) ASBIE The language associated with this party.
LanguageID (838 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the language used in the referenced document.


LatitudeDegreesMeasure (1452 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The degree component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes.
LatitudeDirectionCode (1454 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the direction of latitude measurement from the equator (north or south).
LatitudeMinutesMeasure (1453 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The minutes component of a latitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).


LicensePlateID (2145 RoadTransport) BBIE The license plate identifier of this vehicle.


Line (44 AddressLine) BBIE An address line expressed as unstructured text.






(839 DocumentReference) BBIE A code signifying the locale in which the language in the referenced document is used.
(1384 Language) BBIE A code signifying the locale in which this language is used.




(2397 Stowage) BBIE Text describing the location.
(1436) ABIE A class to describe a location.
BirthplaceLocation (1788 Person) PhysicalLocation (1652 Party) RegistryPortLocation (1507 MaritimeTransport) StatusLocation (17 TransportProgressStatusRequest) SubsidiaryLocation (1448 Location)




(1450) ABIE A class for defining a set of geographical coordinates (apparently misnamed).
(42 Address) ASBIE The geographical coordinates of this address.
(1449 Location) ASBIE The geographical coordinates of this location.
LocationID (2396 Stowage) BBIE An identifier for the location.
LocationTypeCode (1442 Location) BBIE A code signifying the type of location.


Login (2996 WebSiteAccess) BBIE Text describing login details.
LogoReferenceID (1645 Party) BBIE An identifier for this party's logo.


LongitudeDegreesMeasure (1455 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The degree component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes.
LongitudeDirectionCode (1457 LocationCoordinate) BBIE A code signifying the direction of longitude measurement from the prime meridian (east or west).
LongitudeMinutesMeasure (1456 LocationCoordinate) BBIE The minutes component of a longitude measured in degrees and minutes (modulo 60).


MandateDocumentReference (1858 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to a mandate associated with this power of attorney.






(1494) ABIE A class to describe a vessel used for transport by water (including sea, river, and canal).
(2898 TransportMeans) ASBIE A vessel used for transport by water (not only by sea).
MarkAttention (29 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in an organization to whose attention incoming mail is directed; corresponds to the printed forms "for the attention of", "FAO", and ATTN:".
MarkAttentionIndicator (1643 Party) BBIE An indicator that this party is "for the attention of" (FAO) (true) or not (false).
MarkCare (30 Address) BBIE The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address into whose care incoming mail is entrusted; corresponds to the printed forms "care of" and "c/o".
MarkCareIndicator (1642 Party) BBIE An indicator that this party is "care of" (c/o) (true) or not (false).


MaximumMeasure (810 Dimension) BBIE The maximum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.
MaximumTemperature (2393 Storage) ASBIE (Temperature) The maximum allowable operating temperature for this refriguated storage.






(807 Dimension) BBIE The measurement value.
(2510 Temperature) BBIE The value of this temperature measurement.
MeasureCode (2511 Temperature) BBIE A code describing the temperature, when not expressed as a measure.




(2398 Stowage) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this stowage.
(2900 TransportMeans) ASBIE (Dimension) A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this means of transport.


MiddleName (1778 Person) BBIE This person's middle name(s) or initials.


MimeCode (1008 ExternalReference) BBIE A code signifying the mime type of the external object.


MinimumMeasure (809 Dimension) BBIE The minimum value in a range of measurement of this dimension.
MinimumTemperature (2392 Storage) ASBIE (Temperature) The minimum allowable operating temperature for this refriguated storage.


MMSIRegistrationID (1498 MaritimeTransport) BBIE A Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) required for this vessel.






(182 Branch) BBIE The name of this branch or division of an organization.
(542 Contact) BBIE The name of this contact. It is recommended that this be used for a functional name and not a personal name.
(599 CorporateRegistrationScheme) BBIE The name of this registration scheme.
(604 Country) BBIE The name of this country.
(1020 FinancialAccount) BBIE The name of this financial account.
(1036 FinancialInstitution) BBIE The name of this financial institution.
(1383 Language) BBIE The name of this language.
(1444 Location) BBIE The name of this location.
(1686 PartyName) BBIE The name of the party.
(2333 SocialMediaProfile) BBIE The common name of the social media.
(2383 Storage) BBIE The common name this storage
(2445 TaxScheme) BBIE The name of this taxation scheme.
(2988 WebSite) BBIE The common name of the web site.
NameSuffix (1780 Person) BBIE A suffix to this person's name (e.g., PhD, OBE, Jr).


NationalityID (1782 Person) BBIE An identifier for this person's nationality.


NavigationStatusCode (2978 VesselDynamics) BBIE A code specifying the navigation status for the vessel.


NetTonnageMeasure (1501 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Net tonnage is calculated by measuring a ship's internal volume and applying a mathematical formula and is used to calculate the port duties.


NotaryParty (1855 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) The party notarizing this power of attorney.




(548 Contact) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, a textual description of the circumstances under which this contact can be used (e.g., "emergency" or "after hours").
(2322 Signature) BBIE Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures; in particular, information regarding the circumstances in which the signature is being used.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (12 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.


OrganizationDepartment (1786 Person) BBIE The department or subdivision of an organization that this person belongs to (in a particular role).


OriginalDocumentReference (2330 Signature) ASBIE (DocumentReference) A reference to the document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature.


OtherCommunication (549 Contact) ASBIE (Communication) Another means of communication with this contact.
OtherName (1779 Person) BBIE This person's second family name.


OwnerParty (2899 TransportMeans) ASBIE (Party) The party that owns this means of transport.


PartecipationPercent (2195 ShareholderParty) BBIE The shareholder participation, expressed as a percentage.




(1641) ABIE A class to describe an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.
AgentParty (1657 Party) AgentParty (1856 PowerOfAttorney) HeadOfficeParty (1683 PartyLegalEntity) IssuerParty (282 Certificate) IssuerParty (845 DocumentReference) NotaryParty (1855 PowerOfAttorney) OwnerParty (2899 TransportMeans) ReceiverParty (15 TransportProgressStatusRequest) SenderParty (14 TransportProgressStatusRequest) SignatoryParty (2138 ResultOfVerification) SignatoryParty (2328 Signature) WitnessParty (1857 PowerOfAttorney)
(2192 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE The party providing the service.
(2196 ShareholderParty) ASBIE The shareholder party.
PartyAuthorization (1660 Party) ASBIE (Authorization) An authorization issued to this party




(1668) ABIE A class to define an identifier for a party.
(1648 Party) ASBIE An identifier for this party.




(1670) ABIE A class to describe a party as a legal entity.
(1654 Party) ASBIE A description of this party as a legal entity.




(1685) ABIE A class for defining the name of a party.
(1649 Party) ASBIE A name for this party.




(1687) ABIE A class to describe a taxation scheme applying to a party.
(1653 Party) ASBIE A tax scheme applying to this party.


Password (2995 WebSiteAccess) BBIE A password to the web site.


PaymentNote (1025 FinancialAccount) BBIE Free-form text applying to the Payment for the owner of this account.


Period (1765) ABIE A class to describe a period of time.
ValidityPeriod (100 Authorization) ValidityPeriod (844 DocumentReference) ValidityPeriod (1445 Location)




(1773) ABIE A class to describe a person.
(1656 Party) ASBIE A person associated with this party.


PhysicalLocation (1652 Party) ASBIE (Location) The physical location of this party.


PlotIdentification (31 Address) BBIE An identifier (e.g., a parcel number) for the piece of land associated with this address.


PostalAddress (1651 Party) ASBIE (Address) The party's postal address.
PostalZone (34 Address) BBIE The postal identifier for this address according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
Postbox (18 Address) BBIE A post office box number registered for postal delivery by a postal service provider.


PowerIndicator (2391 Storage) BBIE An indicator that this storage can supply power (true) or not (false).




(1850) ABIE A class to describe a power of attorney.
(1659 Party) ASBIE A power of attorney associated with this party.


ProfileExecutionID (6 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
ProfileID (5 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.


Purpose (99 Authorization) BBIE The purpose or scope of this authorization expressed as a text
PurposeCode (98 Authorization) BBIE A code defining the business purpose or scope of this authorization


RadioCallSignID (1497 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The radio call sign of the vessel.


RailCarID (2004 RailTransport) BBIE An identifier for the rail car on the train used as the means of transport.




(2002) ABIE A class defining details about a train wagon used as a means of transport.
(2897 TransportMeans) ASBIE Equipment used for rail transport.


RateOfTurnMeasure (2982 VesselDynamics) BBIE Text describing the rate at which the vessel is turning.


ReasonCode (2321 Signature) BBIE A code defining the reason or purpose of this signature


ReceiverParty (15 TransportProgressStatusRequest) ASBIE (Party) The party receiving the Transport Progress Status Request.


ReferencedDocumentInternalAddress (837 DocumentReference) BBIE A pointer to a location within the document being referenced
RefrigeratedIndicator (2390 Storage) BBIE An indicator that storage is refrigerated (true) or not (false).


Region (37 Address) BBIE The recognized geographic or economic region or group of countries in which this address is located.




(1681 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE (Address) The registered address of the party within a corporate registration scheme.
(1693 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE (Address) The address of the party as registered for tax purposes.
RegistrationDate (1673 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The registration date of the CompanyID.
RegistrationExpirationDate (1674 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The date upon which a registration expires (e.g., registration for an import/export license).




(1671 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE The name of the party as registered with the relevant legal authority.
(1688 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE The name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.
RegistrationNationality (2890 TransportMeans) BBIE Text describing the country in which this means of transport is registered.
RegistrationNationalityID (2889 TransportMeans) BBIE An identifier for the country in which this means of transport is registered.
RegistryCertificateDocumentReference (1506 MaritimeTransport) ASBIE (DocumentReference) The certificate issued to the ship by the ships registry in a given flag state.
RegistryPortLocation (1507 MaritimeTransport) ASBIE (Location) The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.


Remarks (281 Certificate) BBIE Remarks by the applicant for this certificate.


ResidenceAddress (1793 Person) ASBIE (Address) This person's address of residence.




(2130) ABIE A class to describe the result of an attempt to verify a signature.
(846 DocumentReference) ASBIE The result of an attempt to verify a signature associated with the referenced document.






(2144) ABIE A class for identifying a vehicle used for road transport.
(2896 TransportMeans) ASBIE A vehicle used for road transport.


RoleCode (1787 Person) BBIE A code stating the person's role


Room (20 Address) BBIE An identifiable room, suite, or apartment of a building.


SegregatedBallastMeasure (1502 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The measure of the segregated ballast of the vessel.


SellerContact (2193 ServiceProviderParty) ASBIE (Contact) The contact for the service provider.


SenderParty (14 TransportProgressStatusRequest) ASBIE (Party) The party sending the Transport Progress Status Request.






(2188) ABIE A class to describe a party contracting to provide services, such as transportation, finance, etc.
(1658 Party) ASBIE A party providing a service to this party.
ServiceType (2191 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE The type of service provided, expressed as text.
ServiceTypeCode (2190 ServiceProviderParty) BBIE The type of service provided, expressed as a code.






(2194) ABIE A class to describe a shareholder party.
(1684 PartyLegalEntity) ASBIE A party owning shares in this legal entity.


ShipConfigurationCode (1503 MaritimeTransport) BBIE A code specifying the ship configuration.
ShipsRequirements (1499 MaritimeTransport) BBIE Information about what services a vessel will require when it arrives at a port, such as refueling, maintenance, waste disposal etc.






(2138 ResultOfVerification) ASBIE (Party) The signing party.
(2328 Signature) ASBIE (Party) The signing party.




(2319) ABIE A class to define a signature.
(284 Certificate) ASBIE A signature applied to this certificate.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (13 TransportProgressStatusRequest) ASBIE A signature applied to this document.
SignatureMethod (2327 Signature) BBIE Text describing the method of signature.






(2331) ABIE A class to describe a social media profile.
(1663 Party) ASBIE A social media profile associated with this party.
SocialMediaTypeCode (2334 SocialMediaProfile) BBIE A code that specifies the type of social media.


SoleProprietorshipIndicator (1677 PartyLegalEntity) BBIE An indicator that the company is owned and controlled by one person (true) or not (false).


SpeedOverGroundMeasure (2981 VesselDynamics) BBIE Text describing the speed of the vessel relative to the surface of the earth.


StartDate (1766 Period) BBIE The date on which this period begins.
StartTime (1767 Period) BBIE The time at which this period begins.
StatusLocation (17 TransportProgressStatusRequest) ASBIE (Location) A location for which status is requested.






(2381) ABIE A class to describe a storage and storage requirements
(1447 Location) ASBIE The description and requirements of the storage at this location.




(2395) ABIE A class to describe a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been stowed or are to be stowed.
(2894 TransportMeans) ASBIE The location within the means of transport where goods are to be or have been stowed.


StreetName (21 Address) BBIE The name of the street, road, avenue, way, etc. to which the number of the building is attached.


SubsidiaryLocation (1448 Location) ASBIE (Location) A location subsidiary to this location.


TaxLevelCode (1690 PartyTaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the tax level applicable to the party within this taxation scheme.




(2443) ABIE A class to describe a taxation scheme (e.g., VAT, State tax, County tax).
(1694 PartyTaxScheme) ASBIE The taxation scheme applicable to the party.
TaxTypeCode (2446 TaxScheme) BBIE A code signifying the type of tax.


Telefax (546 Contact) BBIE The primary fax number of this contact.
Telephone (545 Contact) BBIE The primary telephone number of this contact.


Temperature (2508) ABIE A class to describe a measurement of temperature.
MaximumTemperature (2393 Storage) MinimumTemperature (2392 Storage)


TimezoneOffset (39 Address) BBIE The time zone in which this address is located (as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)) at the time of exchange.


Title (1777 Person) BBIE This person's title of address (e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir).


TradeServiceCode (2893 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the service regularly provided by the carrier operating this means of transport.
TrainID (2003 RailTransport) BBIE An identifier for the train used as the means of transport.


UBL-CommonLibrary-2.4 (2887) ABIE A class to describe a particular vehicle or vessel used for the conveyance of goods or persons.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (16 TransportProgressStatusRequest) ASBIE The transport means by which the current transport service is effectuated and for which status is requested.
TransportMeansTypeCode (2892 TransportMeans) BBIE A code signifying the type of this means of transport (truck, vessel, etc.).
TransportProgressStatusRequest (2) ABIE A document sent from a transport service provider to a transportation network manager requesting a Transport Progress Status.


UBLVersionID (3 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.






(1003 ExternalReference) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.
(2335 SocialMediaProfile) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a party profile in the social media; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
(2991 WebSite) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the web site; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
(2994 WebSiteAccess) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this web site; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).




UBL-CommonLibrary-2.4 (831 DocumentReference) BBIE A universally unique identifier for this document reference.
UBL-TransportProgressStatusRequest-2.4 (9 TransportProgressStatusRequest) BBIE A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.


ValidateProcess (2135 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The verification process.
ValidateTool (2136 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The tool used to verify the signature.
ValidateToolVersion (2137 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The version of the tool used to verify the signature.




(2133 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The date upon which verification took place.
(2323 Signature) BBIE The date upon which this signature was verified.
ValidationResultCode (2132 ResultOfVerification) BBIE A code signifying the result of the verification.




(2134 ResultOfVerification) BBIE The time at which verification took place.
(2324 Signature) BBIE The time at which this signature was verified.




(2131 ResultOfVerification) BBIE An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified the signature.
(2325 Signature) BBIE An identifier for the organization, person, service, or server that verified this signature.




(100 Authorization) ASBIE (Period) The period during which this authorization is valid
(844 DocumentReference) ASBIE (Period) The period for which this document reference is valid.
(1445 Location) ASBIE (Period) A period during which this location can be used (e.g., for delivery).
Value (333 Communication) BBIE An identifying value (phone number, email address, etc.) for this channel of communication


VersionID (840 DocumentReference) BBIE An identifier for the current version of the referenced document.






(2977) ABIE A class to describe the dynamics of a vesssel.
(1508 MaritimeTransport) ASBIE The vessel dynamics for this maritime transport.
VesselID (1495 MaritimeTransport) BBIE An identifier for a specific vessel.
VesselName (1496 MaritimeTransport) BBIE The name of the vessel.


WebSite (2986) ABIE A class to describe a web site.
AdditionalWebSite (1662 Party)




(2993) ABIE A class to describe access to a web site.
(2992 WebSite) ASBIE Access information for the website (e.g. guest credentials).
WebSiteTypeCode (2990 WebSite) BBIE A code that specifies the type web site.
WebsiteURI (1644 Party) BBIE The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies this party's web site; i.e., the web site's Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


WitnessParty (1857 PowerOfAttorney) ASBIE (Party) An association to a WitnessParty.


XPath (836 DocumentReference) BBIE An unambiguous location within the bounding document or the document referenced by the parent DocumentReference, expressed as an XPath