File: data/contexts/OASIS/templates/StockItem/test_data/stock_item.xml-->
$Id: stock_item.xml,v 1.8 2012/09/13 10:02:17 robbod Exp $ Author: Rob Bodington, Eurostep Limited Owner: Developed by Eurostep Purpose: state item test data-->
header information present in every file-->
every file should identify the ExchangeContextClassLibrary to indicate the main OWL ontology that imports all the reference data used.-->
The IRI of the Ontology NOT the OWL file-->
Class of CAGE identifiers. Note the ExternalOwlClass for CAGE_code should only appear once-->
Class of Part number identifiers. Note the ExternalOwlClass for Part_identification_code should only appear once-->
Class of NSN identifiers. Note the ExternalOwlClass for NSN_code should only appear once-->
Individual: Product_life_cycle_support Note the ExternalOwlObject for Product_life_cycle_support should only appear once-->
Individual: Utilization_stage Note the ExternalOwlObject for Utilization_stage should only appear once-->
Organization identified by its CAGE code: OrganizationX-->
Part identified by its Part number: p2-->