Template:- OASIS:Part

The Part template describes how to represent a part. It covers the minimum requirements to represent a Part PartVersion and PartViewDefinition.

NOTE    In previous editions of PLCS DEXlib organization that do not version parts were recommended to set the identification of the PartVersion to "/NULL", i.e. the attribute identifier of entity Identification contains the string "/NULL" to indicate that no version information is relevant or intended. The current recommendation is to provide no versionId. This will result a single unidentified PartVersion being produced.

The SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 1 shows how a Part is represented in the PLCS PSM.

Template Properties

The following Part, Reference, and Value properties are defined for this template:

viewDefinitionContext [0..1] (Template: OASIS:ViewDefinitionContext)
configurationStatus [0..1] (Template: OASIS:StateAssertion)
The configuration status of the part.
ids [1..*] (Template: OASIS:Identification)
The collection of identifiers of the part. There shall be at least one identifier that is the part number. Hence there shall be at least one identifier classified to be a "Part_identification_code" or a sub-class of "Part_identification_code".
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Identification is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
There must be one identifier that is the part number.
The reference data for:
OASIS:Identification.role -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
versionId [0..1] (Template: OASIS:Identification)
The identifier of the part version.
NOTE    If no versionId is specified a unique, unidentified PartVersion is created.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Identification is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The identifier must be a version identifier.
The reference data for:
OASIS:Identification.role -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
classifications [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
The classification of the part.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Classifier is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The reference data for:
OASIS:Classifier.class -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to classes that are subclasses of the following class:
descriptions [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Descriptor)
The descriptions of the part.
viewClassifications [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
The classification of the PartViewDefinition.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Classifier is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
The reference data for:
OASIS:Classifier.class -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to classes that are subclasses of the following class:
versionDescriptions [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Descriptor)
The descriptions of the version of the part, PartVersion.
viewDescriptions [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Descriptor)
The descriptions of the view of part PartViewDefinition.
names [0..*] (Template: OASIS:Name)
The names of the part