 File: data/contexts/OASIS/templates/Message/test_data/message.xml
    $Id: message.xml,v 1.10 2012/10/23 07:45:49 robbod Exp $
    Author: Rob Bodington, Eurostep Limited
    Owner:  Developed by Eurostep 
    Purpose: message test data
<cmn:Uos xsi:schemaLocation="http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/ns/plcslib/v1.0/data/plcs/plcs-psm/xml-schema/plcs-psm ../../../../../PLCS/psm_model/plcs_psm.xsd">
 header information present in every file 
Rob Bodington
Eurostep Limited
Hand created
A hand coded example showing how a Message is represented
<DataContainer xsi:type="psm:PlcsDataContainer">
    Main Body  
        every file should identify the ExchangeContextClassLibrary to indicate the 
        main OWL ontology that imports all the reference data used.

<!-- id-eccl: Referenced by: Message:id-msg, -->
 The IRI of the Ontology NOT the OWL file 
 Class of ConsumptionOfLifeDEX_v1_0 identifiers. 

<!-- cls-CoLDEX_v1_0: -->
 Class of CAGE identifiers. 
        Note the ExternalOwlClass for CAGE_code should only appear once 

<!-- cls-CAGE_code: -->
 Class of Message identifiers. 
        Note the ExternalOwlClass for Message_identification_code should only appear once 

<!-- cls-Message_identification_code: -->
 Class of WorkOrder number identifiers. 
        Note the ExternalOwlClass for Work_order_identification_code should only appear once 

<!-- cls-Work_order_identification_code: -->

<!-- id-msg: -->
<Message uid="id-msg">
 idContextRef is the Organization that owns the Message number 
 <Identifier id="msg-1" idContextRef="org6" idRoleRef="cls-Message_identification_code"/>
 <WorkOrder uidRef="id-wo"/>
 <Organization uidRef="org6"/>
   Organization that created  Message  
 Organization identified by its CAGE code:  OrganizationX 

<!-- org6: Referenced by: Message:id-msg, -->
 <Identifier id="msgOrganizationX1" idRoleRef="cls-CAGE_code"/>
    Content of message - a work order  

<!-- id-wo: Referenced by: Message:id-msg, -->
 idContextRef is the Organization that owns the Work Order number 
 <Identifier id="wo-1" idContextRef="org6" idRoleRef="cls-Work_order_identification_code"/>