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XML - Part28 ed2 Date: 2010/03/26 17:58:41
Revision: 1.18

This is a brief introduction to the ISO 10303-28ISO/TS 10303-28:2003, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 28: Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schemas and data. ISO 10303-28 specifies the use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to represent EXPRESS schema (ISO 10303-11) and the data that is governed by those EXPRESS schema. See: and standard and directions for its use in the context of PLCSProduct Life Cycle Support The project developing ISO 10303-239. The name of ISO 10303-239 (published by ISO in 2005). (Product Life Cycle Support).

Part 28 of the ISO 10303 standard (STEP) describes an XML based format for file exchange.

Whereas the first edition of ISO10303-28 specified the structure of XML exchange documents using Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Edition 2 of ISO10303-28 (as used in PLCS) specifies exchange structures using XML Schema, and specifies the mapping of the EXPRESS data model to an XML Schema data model. XML schemas are increasingly used to validate XML documents and are slowly taking over from the DTD approach in many areas of XML application.

Part 28 configuration options and PLCS

ISO 10303-28 allows for the use of a number of different options when constructing an XML schema from an EXPRESS schema. PLCS has adopted the default options (requiring an empty configuration file) as specified in Clause 4.1.2 of ISO 10303-28:2007(E):

An XML document shall conform as a uos document if it satisfies all of the following conditions:

NOTE    In a uos document, the uos element is the one that corresponds to the default mapping of the governing schema, that is, the one corresponding to an empty configuration file.