;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; OData Aggregation ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 16 December 2021 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Technical Committee: ; OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC ; https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/odata ; ; Chairs: ; - Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft ; ; Editors: ; - Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Hubert Heijkers (hubert.heijkers@nl.ibm.com), IBM ; - Gerald Krause (gerald.krause@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft ; - Martin Zurmuehl (martin.zurmuehl@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Heiko Theissen (heiko.theissen@sap.com), SAP SE ; ; Additional artifacts: ; This grammar is one component of a Work Product which consists of: ; - OData Extension for Data Aggregation Version 4.0 ; - OData Aggregation Vocabulary ; - OData Aggregation ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.0 (this document) ; - OData Aggregation ABNF Test Cases Version 4.0 ; ; Related work: ; This specification is related to: ; - OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol ; - OData Version 4.01 Part 2: URL Conventions ; - OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.01 ; - OData ABNF Test Cases Version 4.01 ; - OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation Version 4.01 ; - OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation Version 4.01 ; - OData JSON Format Version 4.01 ; This specification replaces or supersedes: ; - None ; ; Declared XML namespaces: ; - None ; ; Abstract: ; This specification adds basic grouping and aggregation functionality (such as ; sum, min, and max) to the Open Data Protocol (OData) without changing any ; of the base principles of OData. ; ; Overview: ; This grammar uses the ABNF defined in RFC5234 and RFC7405. ; ; It extends the OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.01 ; ; Contents: ; 1. New alternatives for OData ABNF Construction Rules ; 2. System Query Option $apply ; 3. Extensions to $filter ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1. New alternatives for OData ABNF Construction Rules ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ systemQueryOption =/ apply expandOption =/ apply boolMethodCallExpr =/ isdefinedExpr primitiveProperty =/ customAggregate firstMemberExpr =/ currCollectionExpr collectionPathExpr =/ %s"/aggregate" OPEN BWS aggregateFunctionExpr BWS CLOSE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2. System Query Option $apply ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ apply = ( "$apply" / "apply" ) EQ applyExpr applyExpr = applyTrafo *( "/" applyTrafo ) applyTrafo = aggregateTrafo / computeTrafo / concatTrafo / groupbyTrafo / joinTrafo / nestTrafo / outerjoinTrafo / preservingTrafo preservingTrafo = bottomcountTrafo / bottompercentTrafo / bottomsumTrafo / filterTrafo / identityTrafo / orderbyTrafo / searchTrafo / skipTrafo / topTrafo / topcountTrafo / toppercentTrafo / topsumTrafo / ancestorsTrafo / descendantsTrafo / traverseTrafo / customFunction ; custom functions could be preserving, hence are allowed in preservingTrafos preservingTrafos = preservingTrafo *( "/" preservingTrafo ) aggregateTrafo = %s"aggregate" OPEN BWS aggregateExpr *( BWS COMMA BWS aggregateExpr ) BWS CLOSE aggregateExpr = ( aggrPathPrefix / aggrCastPath ) nonprimAggWith [ aggregateFrom ] asAlias / aggregatableExpW [ aggregateFrom ] asAlias / aggregateCount [ aggregateFrom ] asAlias / aggregateCustom [ [ customFrom ] asAlias ] aggregatableExpr = commonExpr ; resulting in an aggregatable value aggregatableExpW = aggregatableExpr aggregateWith / [ aggrCastPath "/" ] aggrPrimPath aggregateWith aggrPathPrefix = [ aggrCastPath "/" ] aggrPropPath aggregateWith = RWS %s"with" RWS aggregateMethod nonprimAggWith = RWS %s"with" RWS nonprimAggMethod aggregateFrom = RWS %s"from" RWS groupingProperties aggregateWith [ aggregateFrom ] customFrom = RWS %s"from" RWS groupingProperties [ aggregateWith ] [ customFrom ] aggregateMethod = %s"sum" / %s"min" / %s"max" / %s"average" / nonprimAggMethod nonprimAggMethod = %s"countdistinct" / namespace "." odataIdentifier ; custom aggregation methods may work on non-primitive values aggregateCount = %s"$count" / [ aggrCastPath "/" ] aggrPrimPath count / ( aggrPathPrefix / aggrCastPath ) count aggregateCustom = [ ( aggrPathPrefix / aggrCastPath ) "/" ] customAggregate asAlias = RWS %s"as" RWS expressionAlias expressionAlias = odataIdentifier customAggregate = odataIdentifier ; Three flavors of data aggregation paths are defined now: ; - one for use in aggregate, whose segments can be single- or collection-valued (rules with prefix aggr) ; - one for use in groupby, whose segments must be single-valued (rules with prefix sngl) ; - one for use in addnested, without entity-valued segments (rule with prefix nest) ; Term casts are not allowed in data aggregation paths. aggrPropStep = ( complexProperty / complexColProperty / entityNavigationProperty / entityColNavigationProperty ) [ "/" aggrCastPath ] aggrPropPath = aggrPropStep [ "/" aggrPropPath ] aggrPrimPath = aggrPropStep "/" aggrPrimPath / primitiveProperty / primitiveColProperty / streamProperty aggrCastPath = optionallyQualifiedComplexTypeName / optionallyQualifiedEntityTypeName nestPropPath = ( complexProperty / complexColProperty ) [ [ "/" optionallyQualifiedComplexTypeName ] "/" nestPropPath ] snglPropPath = ( complexProperty / entityNavigationProperty ) [ [ "/" aggrCastPath ] "/" snglPropPath ] snglPrimPath = ( complexProperty / entityNavigationProperty ) [ "/" aggrCastPath ] "/" snglPrimPath / primitiveProperty / streamProperty groupingProperty = [ aggrCastPath "/" ] ( snglPrimPath / snglPropPath ) groupingProperties = groupingProperty *( BWS COMMA BWS groupingProperty ) ; Expressions evaluable on a collection collectionExpr = commonExpr ; but where every firstMemberExpr must be a currCollectionExpr currCollectionExpr = %s"$these" collectionPathExpr computeTrafo = %s"compute" OPEN BWS computeExpr *( BWS COMMA BWS computeExpr ) BWS CLOSE computeExpr = commonExpr asAlias bottomcountTrafo = %s"bottomcount" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE bottompercentTrafo = %s"bottompercent" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE bottomsumTrafo = %s"bottomsum" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE concatTrafo = %s"concat" OPEN BWS applyExpr 1*( BWS COMMA BWS applyExpr ) BWS CLOSE nestTrafo = %s"nest" OPEN BWS nestApplyExpr BWS CLOSE / %s"addnested" OPEN BWS nestPath BWS COMMA BWS nestApplyExpr BWS CLOSE nestPath = [ aggrCastPath "/" ] ( [ nestPropPath "/" ] navigationProperty [ "/" optionallyQualifiedEntityTypeName ] / nestPropPath ) nestApplyExpr = applyExpr asAlias *( BWS COMMA BWS applyExpr asAlias ) joinTrafo = %s"join" OPEN BWS joinProperty asAlias [ BWS COMMA BWS applyExpr ] BWS CLOSE outerjoinTrafo = %s"outerjoin" OPEN BWS joinProperty asAlias [ BWS COMMA BWS applyExpr ] BWS CLOSE joinProperty = ( complexColProperty / complexAnnotationInQuery ; must be collection-valued / entityColNavigationProperty [ "/" optionallyQualifiedEntityTypeName ] / entityAnnotationInQuery ; must be collection-valued ) ancestorsTrafo = %s"ancestors" OPEN BWS recHierReference BWS COMMA BWS preservingTrafos BWS [ COMMA BWS 1*DIGIT BWS ] [ COMMA BWS %s"keep start" BWS ] CLOSE descendantsTrafo = %s"descendants" OPEN BWS recHierReference BWS COMMA BWS preservingTrafos BWS [ COMMA BWS 1*DIGIT BWS ] [ COMMA BWS %s"keep start" BWS ] CLOSE traverseTrafo = %s"traverse" OPEN BWS recHierReference BWS COMMA BWS ( %s"preorder" / %s"postorder" ) BWS [ COMMA BWS preservingTrafos BWS ] [ COMMA BWS orderbyItem *( BWS COMMA BWS orderbyItem ) BWS ] CLOSE recHierReference = rootExpr ; must have type Collection(Edm.EntityType) BWS COMMA BWS recHierQualifier BWS COMMA BWS recHierPropertyPath recHierQualifier = odataIdentifier recHierPropertyPath = [ aggrCastPath "/" ] aggrPrimPath filterTrafo = %s"filter" OPEN BWS boolCommonExpr BWS CLOSE searchTrafo = %s"search" OPEN BWS ( searchExpr / searchExpr-incomplete ) BWS CLOSE groupbyTrafo = %s"groupby" OPEN BWS groupbyList [ BWS COMMA BWS applyExpr ] BWS CLOSE groupbyList = OPEN BWS groupbyElement *( BWS COMMA BWS groupbyElement ) BWS CLOSE groupbyElement = groupingProperty / rollupLevels / rollupRecursive rollupLevels = %s"rollup" OPEN BWS ( rollupUnnamedHier / rollupNamedHier ) BWS CLOSE rollupRecursive = %s"rolluprecursive" OPEN BWS recHierReference BWS [ COMMA BWS preservingTrafos BWS ] CLOSE rollupUnnamedHier = groupingProperty 1*( BWS COMMA BWS groupingProperty ) rollupNamedHier = odataIdentifier ; qualifier of Aggregation.LeveledHierarchy annotation identityTrafo = %s"identity" topcountTrafo = %s"topcount" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE toppercentTrafo = %s"toppercent" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE topsumTrafo = %s"topsum" OPEN BWS collectionExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE topTrafo = %s"top" OPEN BWS 1*DIGIT BWS CLOSE skipTrafo = %s"skip" OPEN BWS 1*DIGIT BWS CLOSE orderbyTrafo = %s"orderby" OPEN orderbyItem *( BWS COMMA BWS orderbyItem ) CLOSE customFunction = namespace "." ( entityColFunction / complexColFunction / primitiveColFunction ) functionExprParameters ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3. New functions ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ isdefinedExpr = %s"isdefined" OPEN BWS ( firstMemberExpr ) BWS CLOSE aggregateFunctionExpr = aggregatableExpW [ aggregateFrom ] / aggrPathPrefix nonprimAggWith [ aggregateFrom ] / aggregateCount [ aggregateFrom ] / aggregateCustom [ customFrom ] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; End of odata-aggregation-abnf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------