Class AppellateCaseInformation

Additional information specific to appellate cases.

Diagram : AppelateCase

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation criminalAppellateCaseInformation (<directional aggregation>)

Additional information specific to criminal appellate cases.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation addedParty (<directional aggregation>)

Party added to the appeal that was not a party in the original case. For instance, the attorney in the original case may appeal sanctions against the attorney by the court.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute appellantInCustodyIndicator

Indicator that the appellant is currently in custody.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute caseAppealIssueText

The issue(s) on which the case in the lower court is being appealled.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute caseDispositionDate

If the case has been terminated in the lower court, the date on which the case was disposed or dismissed. In a criminal decision, this is the date of Judgment and Sentence. In a civil decision, this is typically the date of the final Judgment determining all issues as to all parties.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute caseMannerOfDisposition

If the charge has been disposed in lower court, the manner in which the charge was disposed. e.g. dismissed by the court, dismissed by the state, withdrawn, decided, transferred, guilty plea, guilty verdict, acquittal, finding of violation of probation, etc. The court will define the available values in Court Policy.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute caseSettlementRequestText

A request for diversion to a settlement program in the appellate court.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute caseTrialType

The type of trial in the lower court (e.g. bench, jury).

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute casejurisdictionBasisText

The basis for the jurisdiction of the appellate court in the case.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation civilAppellateCaseInformation (<directional aggregation>)

Additional information specific to civil appellate cases.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation courtRuleAppellateCaseInformation (<directional aggregation>)

Additional information specific to court rule appellate cases.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute noticeOfAppealDate

The date on which the Notice of Appeal was filed. This filing usually, but not always, happens in the lower court. This date is sometimes used to calculate the date that the case records and transcripts are due to the appellate court.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation removeParty (<directional aggregation>)

Party to the original case that is not party to the appeal.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute originalCase

The originating case being appealed, usually a trial court case.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Attribute case

An appellate case.

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Attribute caseDispositionDecision

A disposition decision of a case

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Attribute caseDispositoin

The disposition of a case

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem
