Class Case

Information about a court case.

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Diagram : Case

Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation alias (<directional aggregation>)

A name other than an official name used by a person or organization in this case.

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Relation caseAttorneyRole (<directional aggregation>)

The role played by an attorney in this case.

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Relation caseOrganizationRole (<directional aggregation>)

A description of the specific role played by one or more of the organization "other actor(s)" involved in this case.

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Relation caseOrigin (<directional aggregation>)

The prior court, police, or prosecutor case from which this case originates.

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Relation casePersonRole (<directional aggregation>)

A description of the specific role played by one or more of the person "other actor(s)" or "other party(s)" involved in this case.

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Attribute caseTrackingID

Court case number.

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Attribute caseTypeCode

The classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.

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Relation entity (<directional aggregation>)

A person who is a party whose role is neither initiating nor responding party. Examples: intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation initiatingParty (<directional aggregation>)

The person who filed a complaint or petition for a court order or judgment. In an appeal, the appellant party seeking to overturn the trial court decision in whole or in part in the appellate court.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation initiatingPartyAttorney (<directional aggregation>)

The person serving as attorney for the initiatingParty.

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Attribute languageCode

The language of the case (used, e.g., in Canada to determine in which language the case will be conducted.) Allowable values to be set forth in court policy.

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Relation organizationRelationship (<directional aggregation>)

The relationship between two organizations in this case.

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Relation otherActor (<directional aggregation>)

A miscellaneous person involved in a court case. Also, used to contain information about the parent(s) of a juvenile party in a juvenile case. Examples: caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, arresting officer, intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation otherParty (<directional aggregation>)

A miscellaneous person involved in a court case. Also, used to contain information about the parent(s) of a juvenile party in a juvenile case. Examples: caseworker, probation officer, bail bondsman, interested person, arresting officer, intervenor, guardian ad litem, heir, beneficiary (e.g., of a trust), friend of court, interested party, CASA (court appointed special advocate).

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation otherActorAttorney (<directional aggregation>)

Attorney representing an "other participant" in this case.

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Relation personOrganizationRelationship (<directional aggregation>)

The relationship of a person to an organization in this case.

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Relation personRelationship (<directional aggregation>)

The relationship of a person to another person in this case.

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Relation relatedCase (<directional aggregation>)

Case or cases sharing characteristics, such as common parties or events, with this case.

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Relation respondentParty (<directional aggregation>)

The person in a court case that is required to answer a complaint or petition for a court order or judgment or a writ requiring him/her to take some action, halt an activity or obey a court direction. In an appeal, the party who must respond to an appeal initiated by a party seeking to overturn the trial court decision in whole or in part (called appellant) in the appellate court. The accused in a domestic violence case or criminal action. The property in an in rem court case against which a claim is made.

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Stereotype: niem-profile:niem


Relation respondentPartyAttorney (<directional aggregation>)

The person serving as attorney for the respondingParty.

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Attribute shortCaseTitle

The abbreviated name of a case. Examples: Smith v. Jones, et al.; State v. Alexander.

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Attribute caseMetadata

Metadata about a case.

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Relation caseItemRole (<directional aggregation>)

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Attribute newCaseIndicator

Indicates that the case is new.

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