Work Product Manifest File This manifest file is an administrative metadata document produced by OASIS Staff as part of the approved Work Product publication process. It provides detailed information about the artifacts which constitute the Work Product in any published release, viz., for each specific level of approval (csd01, csd02, cs01, cos, etc). Users may find the manifest file useful in the following situations, or similar situations, to help answer basic questions: 1) "Can I examine the extent/content/structure of the published Work Product without having to download the distribution package from the OASIS Library and then UNzip the entire canonical release package from the ZIP format?" Yes: scan the manifest file published in any release directory (e.g. in /csd01/, /csprd02/) and inspect the section "ZIP archive contents" 2) "Someone sent me an XML schema file for the level CS01 instance of an OASIS specification: how can I determine whether this schema file is identical to the one published by OASIS?" Compute the MD5 or SHA-1 digest for the file you have, and compare it to the value(s) presented in the manifest file. =============================== Contents of this manifest file =============================== - Essential bibliographic information - ZIP archive listing for contents and storage hierarchy - Digest/hash values (MD5, SHA-1) for files in the release directory * Note that the digest/hash values are not intended to support security per se: they are provided simply for casual checking of a local file's hash value against the published file to detect disk corruption or other non-malicious alteration. * Note that the MD5/SHA-1 digest/hash values for primary ".html" format files in the OASIS Library release directory, as displayed below, are computed for OASIS server function, whereas the same ".html" files included in the ZIP package file, as prepared for local use, vary by a few bytes. The ZIP archive contents listing includes the digest/hash (CRC-32) and byte count for these ".html" files in the ZIP package. ====================================== Essential bibliographic information ====================================== Digital Signature Service Metadata Version 1.0 Committee Specification 02 11 December 2019 Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2019. All Rights Reserved. Produced by: OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC Release URI: Manifest URI: =========================== ZIP archive contents =========================== Archive: Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- 797798 Defl:N 487733 39% 12-11-2019 17:00 d6bbdaaf dss-md-v1.0-cs02-DIFF.pdf 111718 Defl:N 104533 6% 12-11-2019 17:00 ee684d94 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.docx 0 Stored 0 0% 12-11-2019 17:00 00000000 dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/ 4046 Defl:N 3999 1% 12-11-2019 17:00 5fa672cc dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image001.jpg 12398 Defl:N 11349 9% 12-11-2019 17:00 c065e9e7 dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image002.png 345153 Defl:N 31288 91% 12-11-2019 17:00 791baebb dss-md-v1.0-cs02.html 802058 Defl:N 492104 39% 12-11-2019 17:00 a90837a6 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.pdf 6927 Defl:N 1967 72% 12-11-2019 17:00 2fd48519 dss-md-v1.0-namespace.html 0 Stored 0 0% 12-11-2019 17:00 00000000 schema/ 8453 Defl:N 801 91% 12-11-2019 17:00 116b703a schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.json 11223 Defl:N 1244 89% 12-11-2019 17:00 f1807c10 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-openapi.json 10806 Defl:N 1846 83% 12-11-2019 17:00 ce5db57e schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.xsd 9492 Defl:N 1099 88% 12-11-2019 17:00 28c79cca schema/oasis-dss-metadata-swagger2.json -------- ------- --- ------- 2120072 1137963 46% 13 files ======================================================================== MD5 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ======================================================================== fc537a1a219f463ae310316c319473dc dss-md-v1.0-cs02-DIFF.pdf 814a30097107006f2042bcd6420729d2 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.docx fcad627b0381c84189f9547fcdedd0d1 dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image001.jpg 7eda329146db5cd584ade60cfe534c89 dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image002.png 83ff5f24587467e6fb6017b093327c59 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.html a46079ef9a9dad9786c6bc4f37213eed dss-md-v1.0-cs02.pdf 7be14509d6cc7103f371c2763225d2a8 3828f51102452c8208f686dc46c0939b dss-md-v1.0-namespace.html 0a5d9e56b33805a0341f58155c82ed47 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-openapi.json 32a95c1a934833bb26c5a622076d77a4 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.json ec4e029bd3ef720209f7db8babbadc7f schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.xsd 20f25fce1078a4f481732c8cf98622de schema/oasis-dss-metadata-swagger2.json ========================================================================== SHA-1 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ========================================================================== 27d0473ecb9a02dcbbbe41e740fcc477e2e697ac dss-md-v1.0-cs02-DIFF.pdf 8acab1c3225cc5400a33f3f5eea2fc1011e92159 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.docx 32a0a1f3d735626eb528617f0f5d191bbfed26ae dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image001.jpg 6a2554420007b77a9356e50b54f3401a0e2be53d dss-md-v1.0-cs02_files/image002.png d6413e5c0d77efec5a09e6ec98ba61c84e420a17 dss-md-v1.0-cs02.html 92d8c38f49b98f0a0346d01ca9a82db29823691f dss-md-v1.0-cs02.pdf 67af7a7ab3d6d56b483702edc17d37dee23fff97 ff747f3d9185f387efee9e1490e74276f64c39f1 dss-md-v1.0-namespace.html 0679221311271e3f3a967bc791556bd9d80a2362 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-openapi.json da4dac2f0e73e22b3fbc0c93a830547f0e0dfda8 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.json 24b49889198fb4e2ec10eb168455fa155484ec7f schema/oasis-dss-metadata-schema.xsd e82864385832d271462c729226d404dc08cbc783 schema/oasis-dss-metadata-swagger2.json